Experimental Procedures

Story by Skyline2368 on SoFurry

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#1 of Ben and Leo

A procedure to help transgendered people and furs offers a second chance at life for cancer-ridden Ben Thicke, but what exactly does this highly experimental procedure do?

"Are you sure about this, love?"

I look over at my lover, Leo Logans, as he sits in the comfy armchair, agitatedly holding his silver-furred tail between his paws. The snow leopard has been like this ever since he found out that I had prostate cancer, almost exactly three months ago today. He'd spent countless nights up late, trying to find the best treatment for me. I was both thankful and worried that he was going to run himself into the ground. Eventually he found this place - and the doctors were more than happy to accept my case. They'd been working on some new thing for transgendered people, and I guess seeing if it worked to get rid of cancer was a good opportunity for them. Now here we are, sitting in the waiting room of the place. I kinda expected this place to look more like the stereotypical laboratory, instead of a dentists or doctors clinic. There's a receptionist sitting behind a massive desk made of concrete, a couple of potted plants, armchairs, and even a couple of magazines to read.

"It'll be alright, love." I say, reaching over the armrests and wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"I know, Red." He says, using his nickname for me. "I'm just worried that it won't work some way or another."

A moment later, a male skunk in a white labcoat appears. "Ben Thicke?" he calls my name. I get up, and he smiles as we approach. "Follow me, please."

We follow him into a bare concrete corridor, the dim lighting mounted at the edges of the walls, ceiling and floor giving the space a very 'evil lair' kind of vibe. Trailing slightly behind, I listen to the conversation in front of me.

"So, you must be Leo? Leo Logans?" the doctor says.

The feline nods and replies "Yeah, that's me."

"Ah, its good to meet you. Our calls gave me the impression that you truly love Ben."

Leo looks over his shoulder at me, his eyes filled with expression. "I do. I would do anything for him." He says, as much to me as the doctor.

Finally, we reach the door at the end of the corridor, and the doctor opens it for us. Inside the room looks like a control room, with a wide panel of buttons, dials and switches in front of a window looking into a room containing a large, glass fronted tube with hundreds, if not thousands, of pipes and wires coming from it. A few lab techs are working diligently in both spaces. A sudden wave of butterflies rolls into my stomach, and nervousness fills me. The doctor seems confident as he instructs Leo to wait, and leads me into a side room.

"Now, the main room is considered a clean room, so you will need to strip and pass through a decontamination unit." he says, before showing me what to do.

He goes through the decontamination process as I take off my clothes, exposing my orange and black fur. I wouldn't consider myself a nudist, but I always enjoy wearing only bare fur. It's so much more comfortable than clothing. Even then, it feels weird to not have the promise ring that Leo gave me on. Even at home, I always wore it. Nervously rubbing my hands together, I follow the doctor into the main room. The floor is lower, so I have to look up to see Leo watching from the control room. He's nervously holding his tail again, watching me closely. The doctor and the techs get me to stand in the tube-thing, the front having opened like a door, and they start strapping things to my arms. I hear a heartbeat monitor start up somewhere nearby at one is attached.

"Okay. Here." The doctor hands me a mask that resembles one you'd use when diving, and helps adjust it over my muzzle. "Ready?" he asks, breaking character long enough to let a hint of his own nervousness out in his voice.

Silenced by the mask, all I can do is nod. The doctor nods once, then steps back and signals to the controllers. The room is cleared as the door closes, sealing me in. For the briefest of moments, all I can hear is the click-and-whirr noise of the breathing apparatus in front of me, and the sound of my blood pounding through my ears, before a strange, yellow liquid starts filling the space. It's a strange feeling, the thickness of the liquid combined with its temperature - barely lukewarm. As it reaches my waist, I sneak one last glance out. Everyone is watching. As the strange liquid rises from my chest to my neck, I instinctively close my eyes, and, moments later, I'm completely submerged. To my surprise, my paws suddenly lifted off the bottom of the tank, and I find myself floating there. Or, at least it feels like I'm floating. A strange scent starts coming through the mask, and I lose consciousness.

Leo's POV

I'm nearly tearing my hair out, looking at the clock every few seconds, then back to the large tube in the next room. My boyfriend had been in there for nearly an hour now, and, as much as I hated to admit it, I'm worried. Despite the doctors attempts to quell my fears, images of everything that could go wrong keep on filling my head. Ben coming out of that thing having drowned in whatever liquid that is; the whole thing going horribly wrong and leaving him disfigured...

I jump out of my fur when a small buzzer goes off. "What was that?" I ask, instantly panicked.

"Not to worry, that's just the signal that the process is complete." The doctor says, as the techs begin typing and flicking switches across the control panel. It takes all my self-control not to break in there and tear Ben out of that thing. The doctor and a few technicians go into the main room and wait as the tube drains. They bring Ben out unconscious, and take him into a side room. Before I can start asking questions, the doctor reappears and leads me back out into the corridor. "We'll bring Ben through for a standard examination. Please wait here." He says, guiding me into a room that strongly represents a doctors room, with the usual kind of adjustable patient chair in the middle, with counters and cabinets along one wall, and a few spare office chairs. I grab a seat and sit down, tapping my paw impatiently on the floor.

Soon, Ben is brought in. He leans heavily on the doctor, seemingly groggy from the anaesthesia. I help get him sitting down on the examination chair, and then sit myself.

"Are you okay?" I ask Ben, taking hold of his hand.

He rolls his head over and smiles at me. "Hey." He says.

"Hey, to you too." I reply, smiling.

"Okay." The doctor says, putting on some latex gloves and grabbing some tools from a drawer, "I'm going to perform an examination on Mr Thicke, so as to ascertain how successful the transformation has been." He speaks into a small recorder, which he then puts in the top pocket of his labcoat. He moves between Ben's legs, and reaches towards his crotch with one of his tools. "I am using the speculum to dilate the patients vaginal opening for inspection."

As much as I know he's only doing it for the recording, it does feel like it's partly for me, as well. He inserts the metal tool, and Ben stiffens. "It's cold." He moans, still under the influence. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Patient has developed a hymen, although it appears to be completely blocking the vaginal canal, so I will begin by removing it by scalpel." He grabs one of the small tools, and Ben jumps again. "Owie."

I watch as the doctor uses a swab, revealing blood. "Is that normal?" I ask. The doctor nods and replies "Yes, it is. IF you've ever 'popped a girls cherry', you'd get the same thing."

He swabs away a bit more blood, then continues.

"Subject appears to have a fully developed uterus, although an ultrasound will reveal the presense of any ovarian tissues."

He removes the 'speculum', and grabs another tool - this one representing a small tablet computer and a wand of some sort. He guides Ben's legs back down onto the chair, and tugs the towel down slightly. I wait patiently as he guides the wand across Ben's abdomen, and eventually the doctor states "Ultrasound indicates the presence of a pair of ovaries. However, it can be assumed that, like previous patients, they are non-functional."

He packs up his gear, stating "Patient Ben Thicke has seen a complete and successful transition, and only future tests can prove whether or not his new ovaries are functional. That concludes this examination. Patient will be released into the care of his partner." He switches off the recorder, and places it on the desk.

By now, Ben seems to be coming around. "What.. happened?" he asks, his hand finally squeezing mine.

"You're all better, babe." I say to him, kissing him on the cheek.

He smiles, just as the doctor is handed something at the door.

The doctor turns to us and hands us a bundle of fabric. "Here is Ben's clothing. You can get changed, and then you are free to go. Please note, you can get a coupon from the receptionist for a major clothing store for 50 per cent off; and please check in with us on any progress or developments. It's been an honour."

I thank the doctor, and help Ben into his clothes, but he almost immediately complains. "My jeans don't... ergh... fit any more, and my underwear is rubbing me the wrong way." He says, struggling.

I sigh, and tell him "We can get that voucher, then go shopping. And we both know how you love to shop." I finish with a chuckle as the red panda blushes. He's gay, and certainly fills the stereo type by loving to go clothes shopping. He even has a few items of female clothing at home, and occasionally cross-dresses when we're both home alone.

"That sounds like a good idea." He says, finally pulling his jeans up with a grunt. He had a some-what feminine figure before, but the process must've made a few extra changes.

We go to the front desk, and Ben talks to the receptionist, while I take a step back. Oh, yeah, that ass is absolutely gropeable. I step up directly behind Ben and put a hand on each thigh. He jumps, then relaxes into me. The receptionist, a tabby cat, smiles. "Aw, you make such a cute couple!" she comments, handing Ben the coupon. He blushes, says goodbye, then steers us to the door. "Come on. There'll be time for that, later." He says, with a naughty smile. I grin right back and reply "I'll hold you to that."

Authors space ---

Hey guys, I just thought that, what with my lack of uploading and all, that I'd try and make something for you! And here it is, introducing two more characters that I hope you guys will enjoy reading about.

If you like what I've created, and want to read more, you can check out my profile, or leave a comment if you like this work or these characters. Constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated, and I hope you enjoy my work!

The First Time

It was a particularly cold day out, and I would've much rather stay in bed all day, surfing the web and playing video games in the warmth, but I guess it wasn't to be. Instead, I'm stuck trudging through the snow, trying to get to the depot on time....

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The Truck Stop

A light sprinkling of white snow crunches underpaw as I approach the truck stop, my breath forming clouds in front of my muzzle. It was mid-winter, but you couldn't tell, as snow constantly falls here, keeping everything covered in a white blanket, and...

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A Little Mistake - 03

The next morning when I wake up, I find Sonya still asleep, and still buried up to the hilt in my cunt. I slowly pull myself off, and reach down to remove the ice-pop, thankful she'd picked one where the ice is completely encased in plastic, otherwise...

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