Mako and Vega - 03

Story by Skyline2368 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Chronicles of Seacrest City

Mako and Vega go out to buy a few things for the apartment, before returning home for a warm night together...

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The weather is cold, like it's going to rain or snow soon, when Vega and I arrive at the shopping centre in Cayman Park.

"You know there's a perfectly good shopping centre in the Central City, right?" Vega says as we get out of the car.

A gust of cold wind blows across the parking lot, and I shiver as I lock the car. "I know this place better." I tell her, and we start walking towards the entrance.

Even with a thick coat of fur to protect me from the cold, it is still nice to enter the climate controlled interior of the shopping centre. We wander along the faux marble tiles until we reach the furniture store, at which point we turn and go inside. We spend a few minutes looking over different designs of beds and bed sets, until I decide on a nice, simple one. Lightly stained oak wood, and no stupid, curly designs. With the saved money, I get the entire bed set, and a matching desk and desk chair.

"I just realised that I need a desk too." Vega points out, and buys a desk as well.

As we're going to pay for it all, the sales assistant says "Oh, and we won't be able to deliver until tomorrow."

"Wait, what?" I'm shocked, and look to Vega.

She shrugs and says "You can have my bed again tonight, but there will be a price."

"Uh oh." The salesman says, chuckling as the mouse types on his computer.

I roll my eyes, and pay for the furniture. Vega does the same, and we head for the grocery store.

"How are these?" Vega asks.

"Hmm?" I respond, looking up from my phone.

"These things. Do you want them?" Vega reiterates, holding up a packet of bamboo treats.

I find it cool how there are foods so specific to my species. "Yeah. I like the green ones."

Two boxes are tossed into the shopping cart, and I keep pushing it. We'd loaded it up with a whole heap of foods, mainly for me, but a few things for her. We go through a few more aisles, grabbing more stuff, before going through the checkout.

"Ugh. My poor bank account." I joke as we pack the groceries, looking at the receipt.

"Heh. You try getting a good steak. Now that is expensive." Vega replies with a laugh.

We finish packing everything, and lug it out to the car. We load up the car, and have to put some things on the backseat, as we got so much it fills the little coupe's trunk.

"Alright. Home we go." I say, getting in the driver's seat.

"Okay, but we are going to go to that Central City shopping centre later, okay?" Vega insists.

Sighing, I reply "Okay, sure." And roll my eyes...

After stopping home to drop off the groceries, Vega drags me back out, and to the shopping centre.

"Vega, I thought you said it was close." I mention, as we descend the stairs to the Metro Station.

"This is the right place." She assures, and leads me into the station. I'm about to reach for my wallet and Metro card, when we suddenly make a right hand turn into a corridor. I see a couple of other people and furs along the corridor, some of them carrying boutique shopping bags. I keep silent the whole time, until we pass through a set of frosted glass doors.

"Whoa." I gasp. The shopping centre stretches out in front of me, with an upper level overlooking the lower, and the ceiling is-

"Are those cars?" I wonder aloud.

Vega grins and says "Yep. The roof of this place is under a street. They have cameras set up so it's like there's no ceiling."

"That's cool."

"Yeah. Now, let's find you some cool clothes." Vega says, and grabs my wrist, starting to drag me along.

My protests mean nothing as she drags me into a clothing store and plants me in front of a massive selection of girls' underwear.

"Wh-what is this?" I ask, despite having a good idea what she intended.

She turns to me, already brandishing a pair of pink panties, and explains "You would look so much cuter in some of these, instead of those silly boxers."

"Wh-what?" I stutter.

She thrusts a few pairs into my hands, then drags me over to the changing rooms, and shuts us into one of the surprisingly-big stalls.

"Try them on." She says, and I immediately feel my face heat up.

"I-I shouldn't." I stammer, and she sighs.

"You so should."

I whine, as I kind of want to...

"Fine." I say, and start undoing my belt. I take off my jeans and boxers, and slowly pull on the black panties.

I nearly gasp at the feeling, instead of a rough seam brushing against my slit, instead it's just silky smooth, and when I look in the mirror, I have to admit that I do look really good.

"Okay. Next pair." Vega says.

I end up buying every single pair that Vega picked, all different sizes and colours, although I did turn down the ridiculous stringy-bikini ones. She also picked me some new jeans and a few new crop-tops. After buying everything, she leads me to the bathrooms and practically forces me to change into some of the new clothes.

"Vega..." I whine, not wanting to go wandering around in public like this.

"Suck it up, Mako. You look awesome."

I step out of the short corridor into the bathrooms. I'm wearing the black panties, a simple, black crop top, my hoodie from before, and my grey jeans.

"Wow. You look so cute." She says, looking me over.

I do have to admit that I liked it when I looked in the mirror back there, so I can't argue.

"Let's just move on." I say. My stomach suddenly grumbles, reminding me that we have not had lunch.

Vega just laughs, and we start walking towards the food court. At first, I feel kind of self-conscious, walking around with the black fur of my stomach exposed, but the feeling soon goes away.

Once at the food court, we split for a second, as I get some sushi and Vega gets a big, meaty burger, before sitting down to eat.

"How you feeling, cutie?" Vega asks, a bit of grease dripping from her chin.

I gesture for her to wipe her muzzle, and then reply "Actually, pretty alright. I don't feel self-conscious about this anymore." I point to my exposed stomach, and then eat some more sushi. Yum, teriyaki chicken, one of the better things left behind by the Old World.

"So, you'd be okay wearing this sort of thing more often?" Vega asks.

I shrug a little. "Maybe. I could definitely wear this kind of underwear. They're so much more comfortable than my other pairs."

Vega laughs through her burger, then says "See? I did you a favour."

"Maybe." I reply, shoving more sushi in my mouth.

She chuckles. "I bet I'm going to see you wearing those clothes a lot. I'm sure of it."

I don't want to admit it, but I probably will wear them at some point. "Probably."

We finish our food in silence, then return to the clothes shopping...

I end up buying some more tops, jeans, another big jersey, and another sarong, of all things. "Vega, why did you make me buy all this?" I ask as I put the bags on the floor in my room.

"Because I can make you wear it, and you'll look adorable!" She says.

She's quite pushy, almost... dominant...

I shake the strange thought from my head, and go back to looking through the clothes. A set of matching striped socks, gloves, and panties? I sigh, and put the items back in the bag. As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm kind of excited by this. I'd never really had a chance to try wearing girls - or girly - clothes before, and I always had thoughts about it.

Sighing, I look up, and see the darkened skies out through the skylight.

"Hey, Panda! Come get it!" Vega calls from the kitchen.

I get up and head out there, and find her serving up a fairly simple meal - omelettes. I sit and wait for mine, and she soon places a plate in front of me.

"Thanks." I say, and dig in. I find that it's really good, and quickly finish my plate.

"Wow, you eat like a trooper!" Vega jokes, still having a quarter of hers on her plate.

I just shrug and put the empty plate in the dishwasher.

"You ready for bed?" Vega asks, and I respond with a yawn.

"Sounds like it. Well, I'll just finish this..." she says, then scoffs the remainder of her omelette, before continuing. "... and then I'll join you."

I wait as she puts away her dishes, and then follow her to the bedroom. We both get changed, but, as I'm about to put my bed-shirt on, Vega stops me.

"No, no. No shirt." She says.

"But-"I start, but she silences me with a hand clamping down around my muzzle.

"I told you there was a price for sleeping in my bed. And it is that you will be my fluffy panda bear for cuddling, so no clothes!" she explains, and lets go of my muzzle.

"What has clothing got to do with it?" I ask.

She smiles and replies "It's gets in the way. Your fur is so soft..." she finishes by stroking my back. I churr at the nice feeling it gives me, and I relent.

"Okay, fine." I take off my pants, and after a firm glare from Vega, my underwear too.

"Good." She says, and then pulls me into the bed.

We get comfortable just like the other night, but then she stops and says "I liked it better when you were facing me. I could rub your back and you purred like a cat." I immediately start blushing, and try to hide my face in the pillow.

"Vega..." I mumble into the pillow.

"Please, Mako? I never get to sleep with anyone, and I'd really like this..." she pleads.

Somehow, I can't bring myself to say no, so I do as she asks, and roll over, but I really start to feel self-conscious as our bodies press together, fur-on-fur. Reaching over behind herself, Vega turns the lamp off, and then cuddles me like how we woke up.

"Don't feel weird for it, Mako. You're really cute." Vega suddenly says, her voice piercing against the silence of night.

I nod as much as I can; my head wedged between Vega's chin and breasts, and respond "I know. It's just really weird to be sleeping with someone like this, especially naked."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I've got no sexual interest in this. I just wanted you naked because you're so fluffy!" She laughs, and starts tickling my sides, and I jerk in surprise before joining in the laughter.

"No! Ahahaha! Vega!" I laugh, trying and failing to push her hands away.

After a few more seconds, she stops, and we both stop laughing to catch our breath.

"It's not that bad, is it?" Vega asks, smiling.

"No, not really. It's actually kind of nice." I admit, blushing.

"There we go!" She giggles, pulling me into another cuddle.

I smile, and cuddle back.

"Mm. MY fluffy panda bear..." she mumbles into my headfur.

I fall asleep with a smile...

Mako and Vega - 02

I don't know what to say to her, so I just end up standing there, staring at Vega like an idiot while she continues to hold the black, bullet-shaped vibrator in her hand. She sighs, and puts it back in the box, then grabs the other things that fell out...

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Getting Comfortable

Leo keeps stealing glances at me the whole drive to the mall, and I swear I can see the perverted little gears turning in his head. "What are you thinking?" I ask him, staring at him. He chuckles and says "I was just wondering what you'd look like,...

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Experimental Procedures

"Are you sure about this, love?" I look over at my lover, Leo Logans, as he sits in the comfy armchair, agitatedly holding his silver-furred tail between his paws. The snow leopard has been like this ever since he found out that I had prostate cancer,...

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