Aboard The Praxeum - Preview

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while. You know in Wall-E where humanity has evolved to have small bones and big fat because of their lifestyle and eating habit and everything? I had this idea that this ship flees their home world for whatever reason and in an effort to maintain harmony, starts putting hormones in the food supply to dull down aggressive tendencies and mellow everyone out. They put estrogen in male food and testosterone in female foodstuffs to make men more docile and women more "aggressive" in that they'll be able to pick up the slack left by feminized men. After generations and generations of that, some pretty interesting changes happen not only in their biology but in society as a whole.

This is just a brief glimpse into this world and I may go back and write more in there, depending upon your feedback!

To see the full story, head over to www.patreon.com/DragonValor and pledge as little as a dollar per story, that's four dollars per month, to get access to this and other stories a week early!

"10-15, Deck thirty-six, section twelve. Female suspect seen forcing male victim into living quarters."

That was the end of lunch, then. Vixy's eyes lifted to her partner sitting across from her. The cheetah's golden eyes echoed her own thoughts perfectly. But we just got our food!

Vixy grumbled and stood up. She brushed the front of her uniform free of any crumbs and lifted her Chatter to her vulpine muzzle. "10-4, Sierra-64 and Sierra-65 en route. 10-77 five minutes."

She turned and bolted toward the nearest turbolift. Her partner was right behind her. She didn't need to look to know that. Aria could beat her to the lift if she wanted. Still, the fox and the cheetah had been working together since fresh out of high school. They'd joined the academy together the day after graduation. By now, each knew what the other was going to do before they did.

As they stepped into the cylindrical lift and the doors hissed, Aria growled and shook her head. "What do you suppose 'forcing male victim into living quarters' means? A couple arguing and the wife doesn't want to argue in public, but the husband wants to just let it out?"

"Probably," Vixy agreed and looked down synthileather uniform stretched over her body and down to her calves. She knew the uniform itself was usually enough to settle these kinds of disputes, but every once in a while, the electrobaton hanging at her hip had to be used. Her eyes fell on her shining badge and her glowing nametag settled atop the swell of her breast and prayed to whatever would listen, be it deity or algorithm, that the badge would disarm the situation.

Her belly growled loudly and Aria snickered. "My sentiments exactly."

The turbolift door slid open and the pair of them bolted down the corridor as fast as their paws would take them. Of course, Aria was already rounding the corner of section twelve before Vixy ever got to it. By the time she came around as well, Aria was already pounding her fist against the duranium door.

"Security, open up!"

As she approached, Vixy's pointed ears perked. Barely audible through the door, she could hear someone crying. The male, probably. A moment later, a deep groan from the woman. A plea for her to stop. A demand he shut up followed by a sharp whimper.

Vixy tapped on the door panel, bringing up the security override. She tapped in her officer clearance code and the door hissed open abruptly.

Together, the officers rushed into the living quarters there. Together ther skidded to a halt as they saw exactly what sort of force had been described.

A chocolate stallion, probably just out of high school, was on his back in the center of the floor. He was as naked as the day he was born, his wrists held tightly to either side of his head. His legs were spread wide and between them, a rather endowed mare was thrusting wildly into his pussy.

The cream colored mare gave Vixy pause. She was rather musclebound, clearly fit and healthy. Beneath her thrusting hips hung a sizable scrotum that slapped lewdly against the poor stallion's rump every time that cock of her disappeared into his sloppy lips. Most peculiar of all, above the swinging scrotum was only a puckered tailhole beneath the flagged tail. No vagina. Maybe not most peculiar these days. More and more women were being born with penises only.

Vixy shook sense back into herself and lurched forward. "HEY! Security Officers! Get the hell off of him!" She grabbed the mare's shoulder, but the large woman whipped her arm around and shoved her aside like last week's news screen.

As she landed on her rump, a growl rumbled deep in her chest. Aria was still there, tugging away at the mare, too fast to be simply shoved aside. No, no. Enough of that! Vixy leapt to her feet and drew the electrobaton from her belt. As it slipped free of its latch, the end snapped to life. Little bolts of electricity arced over the end and snapped menacingly.

She darted forward and swung the baton over her head to slam down square in the middle of the mare's back. She yelped and collapsed onto the stallion beneath her. She raised the baton to strike again, but Aria held out a hand.

"She's down!"

Vixy paused and stared. The mare didn't move. Slowly, she latched the baton at her hip and it deactivated. Together, the two security officers pulled the mare off of the crying stallion and rolled her onto her back. Her cock sprang upward, as eager to go as ever regardless of her owner's unconsciousness.

Vixy stared at it for several moments. It was huge! Where had the stallion put it all!? She turned to look at the weeping young man. His pussy gaped, slowly regaining its shape, but it was too late. The mare had clearly cum in him, and generously too. How long had they been at it before-... it couldn't have been more than five minutes if it was reported right away!

"It's alright," Aria said, kneeling down beside the stallion. She tugged a blanket from the sofa nearby and covered the stallion's nakedness with it. "She's out, we'll take her to a holding cell where she can't hurt you."

Vixy nodded and looked back to the mare. She licked her lips as lust seeped into her brain. She wouldn't mind slipping her leggings off and plunging that cock deep into her own pussy. No! Work first. Then she'd let Aria fuck her silly after shift.

She rolled the mare onto her belly and fastened flex-cuffs onto her wrists. She got them nice and tight so the mare wouldn't get loose then looked back to the stallion, who Aria was trying to convince to see medical.

"Look, I can't make you go," the cheetah was saying, "but she came in you pretty good. You've got a river flowing down there. You can get a morning after hypo and-..."

"No!" the stallion said, clutching his knees against his chest. "That's what started the argument. I told her I wanted to start thinking about having a foal and she said no. I told her I've got a good paying job, plenty of home time, but she kept saying no. I kept trying to convince her and... I don't know..." He sniffed. "She snapped. She started yelling and pushed me into the living quarters. She locked the door and started undressing. Said if I wanted a baby so bad, she'd give it to me sooner rather than later and-..."

Aria shushed him and hugged the stallion's head to her modest breast. "It's alright, it's okay. We're going to take her away now, but you should really consider seeing medical."

The stallion paused then nodded his head slowly. Aria smiled and stood up. She came to Vixy's side and flashed a look she'd seen before. It was helpless bewilderment. Together they hefted the mare's naked body and dragged her toward the door.

They spent the trip back to the security station in silence, both of them contemplating what had just happened. After they'd dumped the unconscious mare in a cell and filled out their reports, they started slowly walking through the corridor back toward the food court.

"What the hell was that?" Aria asked, finally breaking the silence. "I know it happens from time to time, but I never thought we'd see it!"

Beauty and the Beast - Tale As Old As Time - Preview

This was not something he had done for nearly a decade! He sat hunched over in the small basin of bubbling water and scowled. A deep rumbling in his chest growled upward through his throat and he blinked, staring at the pedestal across the room. The...

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Pack Pride

The snow howled, cutting at his vision and whipping his fur about. The wind bit at his flesh usually protected by a thick layer of fur. Now, it passed right through his coat and pierced into his very core. He grit his sharp teeth and dug his claws into...

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Pack Pride - Preview

The snow howled, cutting at his vision and whipping his fur about. The wind bit at his flesh usually protected by a thick layer of fur. Now, it passed right through his coat and pierced into his very core. He grit his sharp teeth and dug his claws into...

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