She's Such A Tease - The Pet Pt. 4

Story by RainTigress on SoFurry

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#4 of She's Such A Tease

Skyler stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. It was obvious that he and Ryan had effectively wasted most of the evening and it was already approaching 10:30. As Ryan walked into the bathroom while he started back into the living room, he glanced towards his backpack lying in the corner, untouched. 'Oh God...' Skyler thought, 'My homework.' He still had those questions to do for Fynx's class tomorrow, and he couldn't finish his homework at lunch as he usually did, as he would be serving time for his little trip to the washroom earlier. He grabbed his books and sat down on the couch, still wearing nothing but a towel and opened his text. He worked fast, already knowing most of the answers. History was an easy subject... dry, but easy.


Ryan stepped out of the shower and into the living room to see Skyler frantically scribbling down answers. "You're doing homework... at home? This is different."

"Have to. Serving a lunch hour detention with Fynx tomorrow, remember? I have to get these done now so I can hand them into her in fifth."

Ryan crinkled his face into a devious grin. "You don't have to do fuck all for Fynx. Your life as another pathetic student is over, bro."

"Really?" Asked Skyler in a skeptical tone. "And exactly why is that?"

Ryan flopped down on the couch beside Skyler, stark naked. They'd already done the nasty, there was really no use putting on pants out of modesty. "Because you've got dirt on her! Drop a hint that you know her dirty little secret... and that you don't think that the Dean would approve of such a person teaching at his university... and if any of the parents got hold of it, they wouldn't be too pleased either. She'd be your puppet!"

Skyler hesitated a moment, the thought almost tempted him... but no. "I'm not that mean... I wouldn't blackmail Miss Fynx. That's her business." He said quietly, taken aback at how Ryan could think of doing something that underhanded.

"Whatever, dude. Your downfall." Ryan replied, and he walked out of the room.


(The Next Day)

Skyler looked at the clock in a daze... twenty minutes until lunch. He looked back at the petri dish sitting in front of him and continued scribbling observations down onto the sheet in front of him.

"This is about as much fun as watching mould grow." Quipped Ryan from across the table.

"You never show up for class, why'd you show up today if this is so boring?" Asked Skyler, raising his eyebrow at his friend.

"I had something going down this morning I couldn't bear to miss." He replied with a grin.

"Oh yeah? What kind of something?" Skyler said into his microscope.

"I would tell you..." Ryan said in mock seriousness, "But then I'd have to kill you."

"Fine, fine. It's on the DL. Now quit fucking around and tell me what those mitochondria are supposed to look like." They focused only on their work for the rest of the period. Skyler tossed his books into his bag the bell let forth it's chime. "I gotta peace. Lunch with Fynx." He said, tossing his knapsack over his shoulder. Ryan made a whipping noise and cracked an imaginary bull whip in the air as a response and Skyler walked out the door, towards the library.


Arabelle Fynx walked into the near empty library. There were maybe ten or twelve other furs milling around. She shifted her eyes from side to side, scanning each face. She had been jumpy all morning due to her dream... but she never expected what happened when she'd stepped into her office before classes started. She shuddered, taking her mind off of this morning's events as little as she could. She spied a couple of cozy armchairs on either side of a big wooden coffee table in a fairly quiet and secluded corner. This was a punishment, but that didn't mean she or Skyler had to spend the hour in discomfort. She sat down in one of the armchairs and spread her papers across the table in front of her, fighting the urge to constantly check behind her. "You're silly, Arabelle." She thought. "It can't be that bad for that long..."

She was pulled from her own thoughts by Skyler walking towards her. She hoped he wouldn't comment on her ridiculous getup. "Hi, Professor." He said, trying not to make eye contact. She was wearing a sheer white spandex skirt, her blouse was red, tight and thin as well. She wasn't wearing a bra. She was wearing those same stiletto heels she wore so often.

"Hello, Skyler." She responded. "Have a seat, I want to get this done just as fast as you do." She gave him a weary smile and handed him a marking guide. "This is my marking criteria. Just go through these essays and follow those standards and you'll be just fine." She leafed through her stack of papers and drew out Skyler's essay, purposely placing it in her own pile... but she also dug out another.

Skyler didn't get to see whose it was, but he assumed she was digging out Ryan's essay so that there was no conflict of interests. He took his stack from her and clicked out the lead of his pencil. They worked in silence for a few minutes, until Skyler could be silent no longer. "Um, Professor?" He asked shyly.

"Yes, Skyler?" She said, looking up from behind her glasses. "You have a question?"

"Um, yeah... but it's not really about the essays." He said, wondering how deep he was going to get himself in this time. "If you don't mind me asking, is it uncommon for a vixen to have two different coloured eyes?" He asked, hoping to keep his questions general, but hoping at the same time to confirm that Miss Fynx really was the girl from the video.

Arabelle laughed. She didn't quite know where the question was coming from, but in a way she was glad for a conversation topic that didn't involve work. "It's called heterochromia... and yes, it's fairly rare in most species.... And no, I don't mind your asking." She went back to grading the paper that was in front of her.

Arabelle's soft laugh and warm smile emboldened Skyler. Without realizing it, his lips had spoken before his brain had time to filter his words. "I think it's pretty." He said, then quickly looked down at the table. He never noticed that the essay she was currently marking was Ryan's. Without even turning a page she'd given him an A+ and flipped to the next paper to grade.

"Flattery isn't going to get you a better grade, Fitzpatrick." She said jokingly. She noticed his face turning beet red under his dark bangs. He was sexy when he was flustered. She felt a dampness between her legs. It was a warmth that rose up and up inside her, filling her with lust for every nanosecond she drank in Skyler's image. She remembered how he took her in her dream the previous night. She felt the juices leaking from her slit, dampening her thighs uncomfortably, due to her lack of panties. She shifted her weight, trying to get any sort of pressure on her throbbing clitoris.

Skyler immediately noticed the strong wave of pheromones Professor Fynx was starting to emit. He slowly looked up. She was trying to be discrete but her face had flushed and she was almost panting. He scolded himself for wanting his Professor, a considerably older woman, this badly. He tried his best to be polite in this situation... the musk she was giving off was giving him an erection he wouldn't be able to control for much longer. "Um... you look hot. Do you need, like, some air or... something?" He stammered. 'Jesus, that was fucking lame!' He thought. He was frozen, watching her in heat. He was panting almost to the point of salivation.

Arabelle was looking at Skyler in a similar fashion. She was watching his erection grow. Her breasts were aching to be touched, nipples rock hard and obvious through her thin blouse. Then, her last shred of logical thought crossed into consciousness. She was reminded of this morning......


(8:45am That Morning))

Arabelle hadn't remembered exactly how she made it into work. Her mind had been consumed the entire time with the dream she'd had. She had the hots for a student. This could be a disaster. She walked into her office, closed the door and had just turned on the light, when she noticed... She was not alone. She turned to see Ryan sitting on her desk, holding a brand new skateboard.

"Damnit, Schmidt! You scared the hell out of me!" She yelled. Calming herself down with a couple of deep breaths, she looked at him sternly. "Your meeting with me was LAST Thursday, Mister Schmidt. This is an odd time to show up." She admonished.

"I'm not here for our 'meeting'... Sabrina." He smirked.

Arabelle was shocked at hearing that name. She hadn't gone by her middle name since her days in college. "It's Professor Fynx to you. I think you're itching for an appointment with the Dean." She retorted angrily.

"I don't think you'd want to arrange that. I might let the Dean in on a private screening of your movie."

Arabelle quieted slightly. She didn't know how, but she realized that he knew about her years in porn. This was definitely not the type of disaster she'd been expecting. "You're going to blackmail me now, right? What the hell do you want?"

"For starts... an A on that mid-term essay would be nice." He grinned.

'That's it?' She thought. 'All he wants is a damn grade?' "Yeah fine." She agreed.

"Oh, and one more thing." He mocked, hopping over the desk and walking towards her. He dug a small jeweler's box out of his pocket and opened it for her. Inside was a fairly thick silver chain with a tag on it. On one side the tag was engraved with her name, the other side was engraved with 'FOXXX'. "You're my little pet now." He said. "A collar would have been too gawdy. People would notice."

"This is bullshit, Ryan." She shot him daggers with her eyes. "You want a pass on the whole damn course? Fine. But this doesn't fly with me."

Without notice, he hooked his skateboard around her knees and pulled her legs out from under her. Once she was on the ground, he used his bandanna to gag her and he pulled her upright so that she was leaning forwards across her low desk. He pressed his weight on top of her. "It's going to fly with you." He ordered her. "I know you're a horny little slut on the inside. You've kept it bottled up for too long." He placed his paw under her skirt and started groping her through her panties. She got wet very quickly and he stroked her with unnecessary force. "You're going to be my little fuckpuppet for the next little while." He unzipped his fly and slid on a condom. He moved her panties aside and forced his fully hard cock into her in one swift thrust. She let out a muffled moan. "If you're good and you please me..." He paused for effect while he gave her another violent thrust. "I won't tell anyone a damn thing about Sabrina Foxxie." He slammed his cock into her again. He could feel her vaginal muscles spasming with pleasure and dripping sweet juices around his cock and down his balls. She shook her head in protest, but her body said otherwise. "But, if you're bad... *thrust* and I get bored with you, *thrust* not only will I spread the news of your film *thrust* career *thrust*, but I will humiliate you in ways that will haunt you for life." While he was still inside her, he draped the necklace around her and clasped it. "Now take it, pet." He hammered her. By the time he was almost cumming, she was a limp ragdoll, rendered docile by his pounding. He came with a loud grunt, spewing his seed into the condom, but remaining inside her as his knot enlarged. His knot was huge. It stretched her tender pussy to an uncomfortable point, and then.... he brutally yanked himself out with a POP.

She let out a muffled scream of pain and slumped down into a sitting position on the floor, giving him the dirtiest eyes she could muster, but she knew she was trapped. She pulled the gag out of her mouth. "Fine."

"Whenever I need you, I'll call you. You're going to be my fucktoy morning, noon, and night." He dropped the condom into the wastebin and zipped up. "Oh, and we're going to have a little fun with my friend, too." She looked up at him frantically. "He has the hots for you something fierce... I think we oughta be just a little cruel, don't you?" She looked at him with a blank, but terrified stare. "You're going to tease the hell out of him. You're going to make him want you worse than a fat kid wants cake. But he can't touch you... and you can't touch him. You're going to keep him in limbo until I say so." He leered at her. "Are we going to be a good girl?"

Arabelle didn't know why Ryan wanted her to mess with Skyler... and she had no idea why he was blackmailing her so cruelly... but she had to play along. Everything was at stake here. She nodded.

He drew some clothes out of his knapsack. "I think you'd rather be wearing this today, pet." he threw the clothes at her. He stared as she stripped and changed into the clothing he'd tossed to her. The skirt was thin and short, the blouse was thin. Her panties were ruined and she hadn't worn a bra today in the first place. She was going to look like a cheap whore. She dressed quickly and straightened herself out as best she could. The bell rang... He gave her a slap on the ass and told her to get to class before he walked out of the office.


(The Present)

Arabelle saw the opportunity, and resented herself for what she was about to do. She uncrossed her legs and spread them so that Skyler could see her dripping wet slit and she moved her hand across and up her thigh. She began touching herself. She felt jolts of pleasure as she fingered her clit. She locked into Skyler's gaze and slid two fingers inside herself.

Skyler froze. This couldn't be happening. He was rock hard and oozing waves of pre that were sticking to his boxers. The most he could do was utter a barely audible "mmph." as he watched his Professor pawing off in front of him. All it took was hearing the sigh of pleasure she released to make him cum in his jeans with a half-groan, half-whimper. She drew her fingers from herself and re-crossed her legs. She straightened her skirt and went back to marking the essays. She shot him a glance that suggested he should do the same. "This is unbelievable." Skyler thought hazily. "What the fuck is going on?"

The rest of the time passed as if every minute were an hour in itself. Skyler had great difficulty keeping his mind on verb conjugation and sentence fragments. Every few minutes Skyler would look up to see if Fynx was looking at him. Sometimes she was, and sometimes she wasn't. Every so often she would overtly uncross and cross her legs, treating him to a game of peek-a-boo. Finally, as he'd just finished the last essay, the bell rang.

"I'll give you an extra five minute grace period to get cleaned up before class, but any later than that and it will be another detention." She gathered her papers, smiled at him and walked from the library, leaving Skyler befuddled, sticky and horny.