
Story by Reikhan Tealdoby on SoFurry

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I do admit, this could have been better but whatever. I do this for fun.


Home for the Holidays

Late fall leaves fall from the naked trees in the wooded areas of Torasil. Frigid Winds blew their way across the air, signaling the approach of winter. The park trail way leading to its fountain was full with activity or furs and humans alike. They all seem to make way as a large dobiewulf walks his way down the path. The sunlight shines down on Rao, his eyes squinting.

"Heh heh eh...guess I'm always some nice eye candy...hellooooo...." His eyes stray over the bod of a white leopard who had things going for her. He lets out a low growl, catching her attention and she returned it with a smile. Rao's delight soon turned to disgust as she walked on towards a lion that had a smug attitude spotting Rao looking the leopard over. Rao merely blew some air from his snout.

"I could take em'" he thought. He thought. The Park path soon turned into a city sidewalk. The atmosphere turned from quiet and serene to loud and busy. Cars zoom down the streets quickly. As soon as there's a pause, Rao jogs across the crosswalk. He looks up at the various shops; each had their own flashy colors and lettering. His tail flicks some as he walks into a costume store. Upon entry, one can't help but notice the various outfits of knights, cartoon superheroes, there were even fursuits. There were two vixens, on blue and the other purple furred. In appearance, they were twins.

"Hallo Sir!" the blue one calls out. Rao's ears rise upon hearing her, yet the purple fox was already practically in his face.

"What can we get for you sir?" The purple fox says hurriedly, rocking back and forth on her hind paws.

"Ooh, aren't you the spunky one," Rao grins giving the vixen a slight scritch under her chin. "Funny you should ask. I need a Santa Suit...."

"Say no more!" The blue fox who was now grabbing Rao's arm, pulling him towards the back storage area, being assisted by her purple counter-part. "I'm SURE we have one in your size...." Her voice trails shoving her paw down Rao's pants, grabbing at his sheath. The purple fox's paw soon joins the blue one, bother their paws giving the dobiewulf's hidden sheath a squeeze on each side, making the large dog yip slightly.

"Apprehensive lil foxes aren't ya?" Rao says, reaching down gripping both the vixen's asses, making them both moan slightly. He scoops under their tails and lifts up in the palms of his paws.

"Alright then lil foxies," The dobiewulf says with slick eyes, giving them both a little toss up in the air. "How bout givin me the store discount?" He steps over the front clerk's desk with the foxes he walks back into the back room with two giggling vulpine. About five minutes later, the blue fox, now topless, sets up a sign on the doors saying "Will be back in (1) hour"

At Shugo's house, loud barking could be heard within the walls of the two story house. A struggling Shugo was setting up a fir tree. The source of the barking was Reikhan in his non anthro form barking at the tree. Shugo finally gets the tree in its stand, huffing and puffing, his face red from fatigue and irritation.

"Reikhan PLEASE!" the human yells at the dobiewulf who immediately stopped barking. His ears flatten and he whimpers, backing away. "Have you never seen a Christmas tree before???" The dog whimpers shrinking to his puppy form.

"Well it's been a WHILE okay???" the dog barks. "Last time I saw a Christmas tree was when" He whimpers as he stops talking. Shugo walks over to him, picking him up. He held the puppy close.

"I'm sorry Rei....." the human says giving the dog a kiss on the head. "I keep bringing it up..."

The puppy replies with a lick to the human's cheek.

"It's alright Shugo. I shouldn't be living in the past.... As long as I have you and Rao...."

"Come to think of it, where IS Rao anyway?" Shugo asks. He shifts to holding Reikhan in one arm while peeking outside through folding blinds on the nearest window. "He knows we're going to visit my parents tonight for dinner....oh there he is....with Kat and Ana?" Reikhan's ears raise hearing this. His little legs kick around and Shugo lets him down. He runs out the little doggy-door, out to the larger dobiewulf, barking.

"Rao!!! Rao!!!!" his tiny yelps couldn't be heard over the three furs chatting.

"That was great Rao..." the purple fox coos, huggling around his right arm. His paws were full of bags.

"Yeah Big Guy," The blue on said. We should all get together and do this again...oh!" She bends down picking up the small puppy. "Awwwwww Raaao!" She starts to nuzzle Reikhan, making him blush uncontrollably. Rao takes a close look at the dog blowing his hot breath through his snout.

"Awww Rao." the purple fox says, scratching a trembling Reikhan's head. "We didn't know you had a little boy!"

"He ain't my son." Rao said taking the pup from them. "This is my little brother." His large fingers scratch the pup's ears. The two foxes the all close to Reikhan's face.

"Reikhan????" both vulpines as in unison. Their breath blow over his nose. There was the faint smell of Rao's maleness on their breath.

"Hi Kat.....hi Ana..." the small dog whimpered softly. Both foxes go "Eeeeeeeeee!"

"That's sooooo CUTE!!!" Kat and Ana both yell at once. The give Reikhan a kiss on each cheek, making the dog whine.

"Heh....Alright ladies." Rao says, gripping his multiple bags. "I'm going to dinner. I'll catch you two later okay?" He says this with a suave charm in his voice, giving the vixens a wink.

"Okay Rao!" Kat says.

"We only live down the street!" Ana shouts, gripping Kat's paw pulling her off. As they leave, Rao sets Reikhan down into one of his shopping bag. He pushes the door open with a shoulder, stepping in coming face to face with an angry Shugo.

"Where the HELL were you?!" the human snapped at Rao. The large dog drops his bags down at the door.

"I went down to town and did some shopping...." Rao says quietly.

"What was with you with Kat and Ana then???" Shugo asks rather loudly. "We're supposed to be having dinner with my parents tonight!!!!"

"Alright fine then!!!" The large dog snaps back, baring his teeth on the verge of growling. Reikhan watched from the random shopping bag, quivering. "I fucking swear you sound like a whiny little bitch! MAN UP!" Rao pads his way heavily down the hall. "Let me fucking shower and I'll be ready to go alright ya little shit?! " He pads up the stairs grumbling and muttering unintelligible slurs. Shugo clasps his head dropping to his knees.

"M-man up....I-I...." Shugo stammers to himself, leaning back against the wall. He let out a deep sigh as Reikhan jumps out of the bag he was in.


The human looks down at the dog, and give him a pet on the head.

"Don't worry about me Rei...." Shugo said. "Just get ready..." The small dog nodded. His body glows a low light as he grows into his anthro form. He stretches his arms over his head as he watches Shugo pad slowly into the living room, where he resumed sitting. Reikhan peeked around the corner seeing his human in this state.

"Man....." the dog said to himself. I have to stop this between them...." He jogs upstairs towards the bedroom that he and Shugo shared. Upon entry, he pads into the walk-in closet which was filled with Shugo's clothing.

"Gots to look good! Gonna meet Mom and Pop tonight." Reikhan said with a slight grin. He took down a teal button-up collared shirt, slipping it on. He then opens up his drawer, pulling out a dark blue pair of jeans, pulling them up. Looking at himself in the mirror while scritching his own chin, murring a little.

"Okay, this seems to be good....oh!" His paw picks up a small vial of Shugo's cologne, splashing some on. He fluffs his shirt collar a bit, while adjusting his dog collar. The he looks at himself in the mirror. "Heh...I look good."

"Yes you do."

Reikhan yipped slightly looking towards the doorway seeing Shugo leaning against the frame.

"Hehe... you like?" the dog asks. The human nods in agreement, walking up to the dog hugging him gently.

"Yeah boy. You look great. Don't stress so much when meeting my parents okay? They're not drill sergeants. Just be yourself boy."

"Heh, kinda hypocritical of you to be telling me that huh human?" the dog said with a little chuckle. Shugo's eyes open wide.

"Wh-what do you....?"

"Don't let what my brother said get you down..."

Rao steps out of the bathroom in his boxers scrubbing his ears dry. He walks down the hall towards Reikhan and Shugo's room.

"Ahhhh...that felt great... now I need some...huh?" Rao's right ear raises to the door, hearing the two chat.

"He's just hot-headed and is used to being the main fur in charge..." Reikhan's voice said.

"Yeah well...I just can't stand his big-shot attitude. He always goes off and comes in when he feels like. I know he's your brother but....I don't know..." a tired Shugo claims.

"Just give him a shot Shugo. He can be really fun and he's protective of those who he has affection for."

"Okay fine....I'll try to deal with his methods..."

Rao's ears droop a little as he walks away from the door. Psh...That human is too soft... Rao thought. He padded to the guest room which he was staying in and went through his clothing for something decent. He found a pressed pair of slacks and a white dress shirt which he proceeded to put on. Well, if it makes Reikhan happy, then I'll do it... for the pup, Rao concluded as he buttoned up his shirt. Looking at himself in the mirror, he roughs up his fur some with his paws. He then stepped out of his room; he lets in a deep breath.

"Alright you two! I'm ready to go!" Rao calls out. Reikhan and Shugo emerge from their room. They both stop to look at Rao.

"Wow Rao!" Reikhan piped up. "You look handsome!" He immediately was walking around Rao looking him over. Shugo folded his arms with a slight grin. He was wearing virtually the same thing Reikhan was wearing only his shirt was a deep maroon.

"Alright dogs let's go!" Shugo grabbed his car keys and was already out the door. Rao walks with Reikhan clinging to his arm.

"Isn't it sort of nerve-racking to be meeting his parents Rao?" the pup asks as they both walk outside.

"Nothing really gets me too riled up anymore pup," Rao replies. "Meeting his parents will be just another confrontation. It really isn't a big deal and you shouldn't worry about it. Got that?" Shugo started up the Acura Legend, revving the engine slightly as he does so. Rao opens the back door for the young dobiewulf and Reikhan looks back up at him with a smile.

"Yes sir!" the pup said jokingly as he steps into the car. Rao gives his butt a little smack making the pup yip. The pup quickly sat down on the tan leather seats, shifting to the left giving the larger dog room as he sat down into car. With everyone seated and seatbelts buckled, the small car zooms off down the streets.

About thirty-five minutes later, the car arrives at an even bigger building. As the dogs vacate the car, Shugo adjusts his hair, not trying to make eye contact with the canines too much. Reikhan and Rao's eyes were locked on what virtually looked like a mansion. The yard alone was a deep green. Automated sprinkler systems start to water the lawn as the lawn lights all brighten and illuminate in a sequence. Soon the lights illuminate the front yard fills as what appeared to be spotlights cut on at the base of a marble-plated walk way. All this happened within a few minutes of the trio's arrival. Both dog stare in awe as they turn to face the human who was looking at himself in the car mirror, adding a quick streak of white dye to his black hair.

"Your folks are fucking loaded aren't they?!" Rao said suddenly. Reikhan looked around Rao's shoulder.

"Is this true Shugo? You're really rich?" the pup asked padding up to him slowly resting a paw on his shoulder gently. "If so, I don't think any differently of you boy..." Shugo's head rises. He smiles slowly.

"Heh...I call YOU boy...boy..." He gives Reikhan a ruffle on the head. "Come on you guys."

The trio all walk the marbled path down to the mansion. Reikhan and Rao stayed silent as Shugo Rang the door bell, which sounded in the form of multiple chimes throughout the large building. Shugo's foot taps a little. He twists around facing the dogs

"H-How do I look???" he asked spastically. "I'm okay right? Good to go????"

Reikhan's head tilts.

"You look fine...Right Rao?" Rao responds with a simple nod. The front doors open slowly as the three stand there. Their attention is directed immediately to their welcome. There stood only a single fur standing with a tuxedo on. His stature was the same as Reikhan's. He was exactly the same height as Reikhan, as well as the same facial structure. His fur was all black but around the bottom parts of his muzzle, the fur was teal. His forehead had two dotted teal marks, symbolizing where eyebrows would be. His paws which stayed by his sides were teal as well, along with his hind paws to match. Looking at this guy would make one think that Reikhan was looking in a mirror. The only difference was that this dog had a small pair of glasses across his snout.

"Welcome to the Shitizen house," He starts to speak but his voice trails "How may...I..." The three dogs all stare at each other. Shugo is in his own state of shock as he watches the three stare each other down.

"Uh....guys?" Shugo soon starts. The dogs Reikhan and Ichtoro specifically were looking each other up and down. Rao had this grin slowly crawling across his muzzle. Reikhan and the suited fur both raise a paw up to the air. One mimicked the other's movements perfectly. Soon their paws touch. The contact made both of them smile.

"ICHTORO!!!!!!" Reikhan cried out giving the suited for a hard hug. The dog pats Reikhan's back with tears welling in his eyes.

"'s so great to see you.....ah......" His eyes go up eying the larger dobiewulf. " Rao..."

"Yeah boy....." Rao's large arms wrap around the smaller dogs, they all gripping each other in a group hug. Shugo stood back and watched as they shared a long embrace.

"So...I guess the gang's all here huh?" He starts slowly. Seeing them all together started this warm feeling in his stomach.

"Ah a time this..." Ichtoro soon said breaking the hugging. Reikhan's tail was wagging really fast. Even Rao's tail waved around. "Young Master Shugo! I am sorry for the delay. Your parents await..." Ichtoro soon extended a paw leading directing them down a long winding hallway. "Shall I proceed to..."

"Oh! ease Ichtoro..." Shugo said with a grin. "I know how to reach my parents. You really should catch up with Reikhan...."

"I agree sir," the suited dog said with a bow. "I'll allow you to it then." Shugo nodded then turns to Reikhan and Rao.

"Don't go too wild okay boys?" he says. Rao snorts slightly while Reikhan nods really quickly. With this, the human jogs off down the hall, his footsteps soon die out, leaving the dogs at the front entrance.

"It does my being good to have finally be reunited with you two." Ichtoro said giving Reikhan yet another hug. " I must admit, you two had me quite worried."

"Worry? About me?!" Rao replies. He grunts flexing his left arm through his shirt. "You ain't gotta worry about me." He gives his arm a pat. "I'm RAO remember?" Ichtoro adjusts his glasses some before lifting a finger.

"Take things slow Reikhan," Ichtoro warns. " Remember that strength alone won't win every battle."

" It's won all of MINE!" Rao shouts. Ichtoro brings a finger up to his muzzle.

"So when do we meet mom and dad???" Reikhan said impatiently. Rao sets his paw on the pup's shoulder gently.

"Don't be so quick to call em' mama..." he said with a slight grin. " You dunno how these humans will act towards us."

"You don't have to be so rash Rao!" Ichtoro scolds getting close to Rao's own face, looking up at the large dog while he was stared down. Reikhan watched as the two kept steady eye contact. They stare at each other for about three minutes, one not letting up. The suddenly, Ichtoro grabs Rao's face, pulling him into a a deep kiss. Rao is caught off guard, but his eyes close receiving this token of affections. Reikhan yips softly making the two break it up.

"Hey hey!!!" he whined. " What about me??? I'm here too!" The other dog s stop and surround the young pup in hugs and kisses.

" We haven't forgotten you pup. But we need to make way to the Master and his wife," Ichtoro said. "Follow me gentlemen."

Ichtoro Rao and Reikhan through a very decorated and furnished hallway. Rao's eyes move around the house, noticing multiple bedrooms and small bust-sized statues of a man and a woman. There were multiple statues but they were all of the same two people.

"Here we are Reikhan, Rao. " Ichtoro said. The path lead to what appeared to be a living room. The floor stretched out for what seemed like a mile. There were three full-sized couches and two other love seats,accompanied by recliners on the left and right. There was a large glass table in the middle, which had the names "Echii and Serra" etched into the center. The surface had a shine like that of a diamond band, as well as a clean sheen. One could not help but notice the huge reflection flashing on the glass which was projected by a fifty-two inch television which was thin enough that one could roll it up and store it away. Around the corner was the kitchen with an open wall bar-style set up with stools and the counter for guests to relax and have a drink.

"Whooo boy Ich..." Rao said padding over to one of the recliners,sitting down. "You're set for life huh?" Ichtoro buffed his suit some shaking his head.

"The family so graciously welcomed me into their home until I could find my way. I repay them by working for them." Ichtoro looks around some before scratching his head some. " They must still be with their son at the moment. Let me go check. Reikhan you stay here okay?" He looks back at the pup who nods quickly. Ichtoro walks off as Reikhan hops into one of the love seats, sitting in it like a non anthro.

" think Ichtoro will come back with us when we leave to go home?" Reikhan asked Rao hopefully. His tail thumped against the chair as he asked. Rao stretched a little before he stood up.

"Probably. Only questions is will those humans let him go." Rao replied. "Shit I gotta piss... stay here alright? I'm going to find a bathroom..." before Reikhan could answer, the large dog was gone. The pup sits back in the chair whimpering a little.

" Sit Reikhan. Stay Reikhan....sheesh. I'm not that crazy am I?" the pup whined. He leans back waiting for Rao to return. A short time passed and Reikhan was padding around on all fours sniffing around. Soon light footsteps accompanied by the clack of high-heeled shoes approach to dog. He looks up at two figures. One Reikhan could instantly tell was Shugo but the other one was of a heavyset woman. She wasn't too much taller than Shugo, even though she wore the high heels. Her skin was a dark shade of brown, the same as Shugo's, and she had a sweet smile on her face.

"Oh Shiki....,"she said as he walked up to the crouching dog, literally lifting him up off the floor. "This is your boyfriend right?" Her hands smoothed all over the pup's face, rubbing it and she pinched his cheeks slightly, making him whimper some. " Oh he's cute! Just like my little Shiki." Shugo blushed a deep red.

"Mom! Shiki's a GIRL'S name!" Shugo insisted. " And yeah that's Reikhan."

"Hewwo mwam!" Reikhan sputtered. Shugo's mom was stretching around his muzzle as she appeared to be giving him an inspection. She soon let him go.

"Well son I approve." She said folding her arms. Shugo's face lit up.

"You mean....?!" Shugo started and she nodded warmly. "YES! This is great Rei!" Reikhan's head tilts from confusion as he rises to his feet, brushing off some dust.

"Say what now?"

" Oh, don't worry about it!" Shugo's mom said , giving both boys a hug. " Now who's hungry?" Reikhan's paw raised real quick. " Okay honey! Let's put some meat on them bones!" She walked off humming a small tune.

"Hehe..." the dog said wrapping a paw around Shugo's waist pulling him close. " I like your mom."

" Hey, hey now," Shugo replied. "She's your mom too...." He turns around looking curiously.

"Where's Rao?"

"You know, he said he had to go to the bathroom...." the dog replied as he starts padding after Shugo's mom.

" Probably lost..."

~ Meanwhile in a private washroom~

"Oh Rao!!!" Ichtoro's cries could be heard, as the larger dog had him lifted up against the wall. Ichtoro huggled his arms and legs around him as his tailhole was getting rammed by Rao's fully grown cock. Rao held him close, nuzzling his chest and licking his upper stomach. The dog murs loudly as he humped the smaller dog harder.

"Grrrrrrrr....lovin it aren't ya? Betcha you haven't had this in a good little while..." Rao growls softly. He lied Ichtoro's body on the ground on his side and had his leg up in the air, fucking him. Ichtoro howled out as his own member started to leak out his seed. Rao's knot was fat and full of spunk. He grunted, nearly reaching his climax, he Ichtoro leaned up stopping him.

"N-no Rao..." Ichtoro said flustered. "Y-you can't do that here...Master Shitizen wouldn't approve..." Rao's eyes, which were wide with arousal thinned out as he heard this. His cock throbbed, begging for release but he started to pull out of the smaller dog.

"What are you saying??? That human's dad's gonna bitch about you getting laid?" He grunts some as his cock popped out of Ichtoro's hole, making the small dobiewulf shudder.

"He has this..authority issue...oh geez I shouldn't have let you subdue me" He said. He got up, walking awkwardly as he adjusted his glasses. He searched around putting his clothing back on. " He somehow was able to smell me when I pawed off one night...It really startled me." In no time at all, Ichtoro was already dressed in his suit from before. Rao was still nude, panting heavily as he was sitting on the floor. His cock was still hard and it wasn't going down. " Okay, I'll help you out this once but you absolutely need to find something to hide the smell of your maleness okay? " He go on his knees and began to paw the large dog off, making Rao groan out loud.

"Ahh fuck.... your paws are always so great....." He slurred as his toung hung from his muzzle.

Ichtoro's paws went from Rao's menacing shaft to his large ball sac, messaging his orbs softly in each paw, before reaching back up to jerk his shaft more.

"Ah shit I'm losin it!!!" Rao shouted as his shaft flexed once, shooting a hot glob of dobiewulf seed into the air. It soon came down, landing on his sheath and pubic area, soaking his fur.

"Now you've just made a mess Rao," Ichtoro said in a stern tone. " You're gonna have to clean that up." He glances at a clock that's hanging on the wall and gasps. " Shoot! Sorry Rao you're on your own. I was supposed to be at dinner thirty minutes ago!" He hurries out the room, nearly tripping as he does so, leaving Rao in a cum filled mess.

"Well...back to the old days....," Rao sighed. He shrunk down to his non anthroform and started licking at hi crotch and sheath. To his own surprise, he was able to clean himself off in a few minutes. Then he grew back to his anthroform, recovered his clothes and began dressing again.

" Meh...He's gonna get it later," Rao said, fixing the collar on his shirt and zipping his pants up. He peeks out the door slowly, after seeing the hall clear, he steps out slowly.

"Rao!" said a young, quirky voice. Upon looking, it was Reikhan and Shugo, accompanied by Ichtoro . "Time for dinner! We're having grilled tuna steaks! I LOVE TUNA!" Rao just grinned walking with the group slowly.

"You okay Rao?" Shugo asked. " Sure were in the bathroom a while. Ichtoro stayed silent, not looking in the human's general direction. Rao nodded his head.

"Yeah ....I'm fine," he said gruffly. "Must've been something I ate this morning."

Dinner was in the form of three courses; appetizers, main course, then desert. The dining table wasn't the most formal one, according to Shugo's mom, it was the family table. Reikhan sat with Shugo on the left side, while Rao sat on the opposite side with Ichtoro next to him. At the head of the table, there are two chairs which are bigger and more luxurious than the rest. On the left sat Shugo's mom. On the right there was a human male tall in size. His eyes were narrow and his demeanor was strict. Over his right eye, there was an old scar.

"Shugo..." father started. "You really allowed yourself to get mixed in with these...canines..."

Rao's ears flicked slightly in between his chewing listening to him. Shugo's head seemed to sag down a bit.

"W-well....I guess so...," he replied meekly. " Reikhan is r-really fun..." He could feel his face growing hot as his father seemed to just stare him down. The dogs could sense the tension from the young human.

" Oh that's wonderful dear!"mom said suddenly,breaking the silence. "I'm happy to see my little Shiki is happy!" Shugo cringed hearing his mom. Rao let out a low chuckle.

"Shiki??? But that's a girl's name. What, did you want a girl or somthin?" Rao asked.

"Well I say it's cute," Reikhan said pulling Shugo's seat close to his giving him a lick. "Don't you think do Ich?" Reikhan's twin yipped slightly nearly dropping his fork. His eyesight glanced at father, who gave a slight nod.

"It's a fitting name...I suppose for certain situations.." he said finally. Rao's brow raises seeing the slight hesitation the dog just displayed. His gaze soon turned to Shugo's father, who met him in a glare. Rao growled softly under his breath, but he stopped as Ichtoro's paw grabbed his under the table.

"Rao... no teeth!" the dog whispered silently. " Don't bare your teeth..."

"I say is fits him quite well," father said. " One should identify himself as a female for having men around him all the time."

"D-dad, I...I," Shugo stammered. Reikhan's happy face soon turned to a frown.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. " Shugo is manly in his own way. Not all men are tough you know!"

"Hey hey now everyone, calm down!" Shugo's mom said. "It's Christmas! We're all here to enjoy each other's company."

"I agree with the madam..." Ichtoro states.

"Oh cut the crap already!" Rao snaps at Ichtoro. " What's your deal?! You're never this

submissive to ANYONE. Not even me!"

Soon all eyes were on Ichtoro. He slumped down in his chair, not really saying much now. Rao glared at Shugo's father.

" You did something to him didn't ya you fucking bitch?!" he shouted. Father rose to his feet. His face was stiff with a deep frown. Rao's own features soon matched his.

" This dinner is over with. You dogs are no longer welcome here...." he said. Father started walk away, yet Rao was walking after him real quick.

"Oh come on! You tell your kid to man up and you're walkin' away from me?!" he barked at father. The human stopped and turned back at Rao.

"LEAVE! NOW!!!" father's eyes were wide open. His eyes had a deep red hue which shimmered slightly. Shugo turned away from the sight, yet Reikhan and Ichtoro were shocked at what they saw. Even Rao stopped in his tracks. Father's pupils were slits for a split second, but after blinking his eyes went back to a brown shade.

" Rao....let's go...."

"Yeah..." Shugo sighed. " I'm sorry mom...." he bowed to his mother before dragging his feet leaving the dining area.

"Oh dear...." mother said. " This doesn't bode well. Reiky?" Reikhan padded towards his 'new mother' real quick and she grabbed him in a crushing hug. " Ichtoro, and you too big guy." He mentioned a finger and Rao slowly walked over to her. " Despite what my husband says, you are welcome here whenever feel like. Okay boys?


" Yeah...."

"Yes ma'am...."

"Also, Reikhan" she gets stern. " Tell him that his father does love him. Regardless." Reikhan nodded in compliance. " Also Ichtoro, since this is the holiday, I feel that it is better for you to go with your family...."

"Ah! But...milady," Ichtoro starts but he is silenced by her.

" Your services are greatly appreciated. You need some time away though. I say you take a vacation effective immediately."

Ichtoro nodded bowing to her slightly, but he comes short by getting a hug from Reikhan. It was a moment of happiness for the pup, to be reunited with both his remaining family. After a farewell from mother, Rao and Reikhan walk Ichtoro to his room, where they assist him packing his things. Rao went into his wardrobe and pulled out some clothes.

" Get out of that tux pup. Wear some normal clothes!" he said tossing a t-shirt at the pup. Reikhan picked up Ich's suitcase, carrying it to the front door. There he saw Shugo, his hair was in a mess as he clenched his head. The pup dropped the suitcase running to the human.

"Shi....I mean Shugo! What's wrong?" He asked. Shugo looked up at him with tear soaked red eyes, sniffling and stifling another burst of tears. The dog catches him in a hug as the distraught human leaned against him, letting out another pour of tears. Reikhan stood there supporting the human.

"It will be alright Shugo...." he said patting the human on the back. " Your father loves you, regardless..."

"Fuck my father...," Shugo replied in a hateful tone as he sniffed a little. " His fucking attitude ruined all relationships I had in the past, just because he doesn't approve of me being gay...and now, not even during the holidays, he doesn't let up...." With this Shugo buries his head in reikhan's shoulder, sobbing softly. Rao and Ichtoro, who was wearing a t-shirt and gray sweatpants now, walk upto the couple.

"Rao, can't you drive?" the pup asked. " He can't concentrate like this." After Rao nods he sets the human up going in his pockets for keys and tosses them to his older brother. Her wraps the human's arm around his shoulder walking with him to his car.

"Young Master Shugo, I apologise for the behavior of..." Ichtoro started to say but Shugo held up a hand to stop him.

" Don't need to apologise; and don't call me 'Young Master.' Just Shugo is fine now. You'll be living with us, not working for me."

The three dogs and the human load up in the car and begin the ride back to Shugo's house.

Ichtoro and Reikhan sat with the human in the middle in the back seat. The weather outside took a turn for the worst as a howling wind soon blew in a small flurry of snow. Rao swerved slightly as he drove but he regained control.

" Alright." Rao said. "Spill it. What's with your old man human?" Shugo shuddered as he gave his answer.

" He's a homo-hating bastard....."

" No...well yeah," Reikhan piped up. " He ment with his eyes. No human should have blood red eyes like those...also when he blinked, they went back to normal..." Shugo shuttered a little in his seat.

"His eyes were always bad...ever-since he was young." the human said. " He had this major surgery that allowed him recover his eye-sight before totally losing it. Since it was a delicate procedure, somethings couldn't be secured. Bloodvessels in his eyes would burst upon great stress. But in a bit the blood would recede." Rao was listening to this and the instant the human mentioned bad eyesight, he immediatley thought "Bull-Shit."

"We're here." He said pulling up into the driveway. " Is the human alright now?"

"Yes he's doing better." Ichtoro replied. " I suggest we get in quickly. This snow won't be slowing up."

The four make it inside the house. Shugo seemed to be back to his usual self upon entering his living room. He then turned to Ichtoro with a smile.

" Well Ichtoro, my home is your home. You can eat what you want, wear what you want; pretty much do whatever you want. Also, I don't need you to need like you're obligated to serve me in anyway such as my parents had you doing. I'm doing this out of my own heart, not because I feel that you owe me and vice-versa."

"You mean I can stay?" the dog asked. " Just like that???" The human nodded.

"You and Rao put a spark back in Rei's step. He's been a bit lonely despite my company and he would get really depressed whenever anything reminded him of you guys or his mother. I figure I should do annything I can. I don't like it when my dog is sad." Shugo is met by a hug from the dobiewulf, which caught him off guard.

"Many thanks Shugo!" he said giving the human a lick on the cheek. " I had little thought that both Rao and Reikhan would end up coming back to me!" Shugo hugs him back.

"It's the least I can do. Besides, I had no idea you were with my parents the whole time."

"Excuse me..." Rao's deep voice suddenly cut through their discussion. " I think a happy time like this would call for a time for us to sleep by the fire tonight."

"YAY! That would be great! Can't we Shugo??? Pleaaase????" Reikhan whimpered. He already had thrown his shirt off, and was now shirtless.

"That would be a wonderful thing for us to share." Ichtoro said in full agreement.

"Well then... let me just change.. and I'll be back alright?" Shugo said. The dogs all nod, and the human walks upstairs reath quickly.

"My house is full of dogs...." he said to himself as he entered his room. He hurridly pulled his pants off and unbuttoned his shirt. After replacing his button up shirt with a regular t-shirt, he walked back downstairs in his boxers back to the living room. Looking around the corner, his jaw drops to see a pile of clothes on the sofa. Glancing at the firplace he saw Rao in nothing but his fur stretching his body out on his back witrh his legs spread, enabling the human to see all his junk. He stayed behind the wall seeing Reikhan and Ichtoro cuddling up to the larger dog. Shugo couldn't help but notice that without any clothes on, Ichtoro looked exactly like Reikhan aside from the collar Reikhan always wore. He gulps holding himself as he slowly walked in.

" I'm back...." he said sheepishly. The three dogs all sit up. Reikhan and Ichtoro were immediatley all around the human.

"Shugoo!" Reikhan yelled. " Why you wearin clothes for???" He gripped the humans shirt while Ichtoro's paws were on the brim of his boxers.

" Oh no no, this will nerver do!" Ichtoro said with a slick smile on his face. The two dogs wrestled Shugo to the ground, who was laughing as he was being molested by them,

" Haha, easy guys! It's alright I don't need aaaaah!" he sputtered trying to keeps his boxers up. He yelps as Rao's large paw gripped his leg, pulling him like he was a rag doll. " Ah fuck!" Shugo was stripped and soon was lying against Rao's tummy while Reikhan and Ichtoro were cuddled up to bith sides of him.

"Heh...I would have never expected that sort of thing from you Ichtoro." Shugo said. Ichtoro just shruged.

" As submissive as I may be, I get quite frisky." Shugo nodded as he relaxed against the warm fur of the three dogs around him.

"This is great..." he said finally. " Nude in front of the fireplace..."

"Surronded by those who care about you..." Ichtoro added.

"We're all one big sappy family.." Rao said, making the others laugh.

"Yep yep!" Reikhan said cuddling close to Shugo. " Three brothers and the adopted human.

All four snickered to thi remark as sleep soon cause up with all of them. The warmth of the fire danced upon all four of them as they drifted off into dreamland, not knowing what would bring about with the newest edition to the "family."