Late Night Secrets

Story by KaelCoon on SoFurry

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A collaboration with a friend about a couple of would be cowboys looking for adventure. A few secrets are revealed that night...

Jed and Wesley made their way silently over the dry cracked ground to the barn where Ms. Dalloway kept her horses for the night. For their upcoming adventure, the two young men needed horses. They only had one option without money, and that was what had led them to Dalloway Ranch on this particular night.

"You really think this is a good idea?" Wesley whispered, fear evident in his voice. "What if Ms. Dalloway catches us? You've heard the stories about what she can do..."

"Aaah, you worry too much. She won't catch us." Jed replied. "And anyways, those are just stories. She ain't no witch." Jed spit on the ground. At twenty-one, he was the older of the pair by about two years, and the one who had come up with this little plan. The two were close friends. Wesley had a crush on his friend, but he knew better than to say it out loud. Besides, he was sure Jed wouldn't return his feelings.

Eventually, the two figures made it to the barn. They occasionally had to stop and hide to make sure they weren't seen. The ease with which Jed and Wesley had thus far only bolstered their courage.

"See? What I tell you? This'll be the easiest anyone's gotten a horse." Jed grinned at Wesley.

"Alright, you told me so. Now, let's grab the tack and pick out our horses so we can get out o' this place." Wesley grinned back and headed deeper into the barn to gather the necessary equipment, Jed grabbing some brand new saddles while Wes picked out the tack. In just a few moments, they had the equipment they needed in a pile by the door. The two young men looked at each other grinning, leaving to find the stables where the horses were kept. Focused solely on their task on the wrong side of the law, they both failed to notice the shadowy figure that had appeared silently behind them in the open barn door.

They made their way between the stalls, looking at each horse as they tried to find the strongest horses there. What horses were awakened by the two men were unusually calm, almost as if they knew something the two humans didn't. The quiet and stillness was starting to get to Westley, but he didn't want to say anything that would give Jed a reason to laugh. This whole trip could be a chance for the two of them to become something more than friends, and Westley didn't want to ruin it. Besides, it was probably just his mind making him jump at shadows.

Before the two of them could go any further, the would-be horse thieves found it impossible to move. They both strained their muscles against the invisible force holding them, but it was useless. Jed and Westley were held fast. A bright light filled the barn, causing the two young men to blink as their eyes tried to adjust.

"Well, what have I got here?" A woman asked playfully, causing a chill to go down the two mens backs. The hard packed earth that made the floor of the barn was all that let them know that the woman was approaching them. "Judging from the equipment, a couple of horse thieves. I guess I'll just have to teach them a lesson."

Westley looked over at Jed in fear as Ms. Dalloway placed a hand on his shoulder. They had been caught in the middle of the theft.

"" Jed asked, doing his best to hide his fear.

"Those stories about me bein' magic ain't made up, boy. I knew the second you stepped on my property and why. Now, let's get those clothes off so I can have some fun." The way Ms. Dalloway had said 'Fun' caused Jed and Westly to shiver slightly, almost not noticing how their clothes just disappeared, leaving them both completely naked. Jed tried to cover himself, but he was completely stuck fast.

"You can't do this to us!" The panic was clear in Jed's voice.

"I can, because you were under my power ever since you snuck onto my property with ill intent." Ms. Dalloway calmly replied. Westly didn't say anything, trying to glance over at Jed's naked form. Westly could only see his friend struggling from the corner of his eye. Westly was frustrated, since this was his one chance to see Jed nude, to see what his friend carried between his legs, and he still couldn't get so much as a glance, couldn't run his hands over the corded muscles under the smooth tanned skin lightly haired....

Without warning, Westley felt a stirring in his groin. Without looking, he knew his cock was getting aroused, and fast from the feeling. The young cowboy began to turn red as his penis rose steadily. His captor Ms. Dalloway was quick to point out his arousal.

"Looks like we've got a stallion rearing to go! Perhaps I'll start with this strapping young man." Smiling, the witch sent a wave of magic over Westley. The man gasped as his body tingled, waves of warmth flowing over him. As it passed, he found himself able to move on his own again. Westley wasted no time in slowly circling his friend. He'd waited so long to see this, fantasized about it at night, as he masturbated himself, and now it was finally his chance to see Jed nude. Westley felt his cock bob slightly, a drop of pre dripping at the thought.

Jed, still unable to move, saw his friend leave his sight. Once Westley began to caress his unmoving body, he nearly jumped. Westley's hands moved up Jed's back to his shoulders, then down his sides where they rubbed and squeezed his ass. Still with a hand on Jed, Westley moved around in front of Jed.

"Been wanting this for a while, haven't you stallion?" Ms Dalloway teased. She walked up behind him and gently cupped his swelling testicles in one hand. She was using her magic to cause his groin to change first, turning him on.

"Westley, what...what are you doing?" Anger and shock mingled with the fear in Jed's voice. "Fight whatever's come over you...."

"Yes." Westley replied, moving his hand from Jed's hip to his groin. "You see Jed, I love you. I have for a while." Westley chuckled at Jed's shocked face, leaning in to kiss him while his hand ministered to the cock it had found. Jed couldn't do anything as his friend pushed his tongue into his mouth, feeling his cock rise to it's full seven and a half inches. Westley's other hand gently stroked down Jed's back, groping and squeezing the twin globes of flesh that made up Jed's ass. Ms. Dalloway simply watched amused.

Neither of the young men noticed the slow changes that had began to move across their bodies. Westley's toes had began to meld together into one and darken as they solidified. His light body hair had also started to thicken and spread, his chest slightly covered in deep, dark brown hair. As his feet melded he started to stand more and more on his toes. His cock all the while steadily growing. His foreskin had grown back and if he wasn't so busy enjoying the feel of Jed's member in his hand he would have noticed his cock starting to turn black in spots.

Jed, however, was starting to be covered in a more sandy colored hair, while his ears became pointed and moved up the sides of his head. His finger and toenails were darker and sharper as well. He looked down to see his feet start to grow hair where he normally shaved. if he had looked at the soles he would have seen dark pads growing.

Pulling away from the kiss, Westley rubbed Jed's chest and stomach, teasing the nipples. Jed opened his mouth to say something, only to have his friend put his finger on Jed's mouth to keep him quiet.

"Don't say anything, please." Westley moved back behind Jed, the sounds of his footsteps getting heavier as each foot hardened and morphed into hooves. White fur covered his new ankles as they began to raise up. Westley didn't notice that, placing his darker hands on Jed's round cheeks, massaging his ass and amazed at how round it was before positioning his changing penis and pushing it inside his friend.

Jed gasped in pain as Westley pushed into his virgin hole. He still couldn't understand what had come over his friend. All he knew was that something was very wrong. Every time he tried to speak, Westley would push further in, forcing Jed to cry out in pain and whimper. Eventually, his cries turned into moans of pleasure. Jed found himself enjoying it, but he wasn't gay....was he?

Lost as they were in their pleasure, neither young man noticed their changes had begun to speed up.

Westley's feet had completely formed into hooves, his legs bulking and shifting for his new form. His arms started to bulk up, chest swelling with fat and muscles as the dark brown fur spread over his body. Jed was completely covered in the rough tan hair, which was more like fur. Toes and hands curled as his palms and soles darkened and puffed up creating pads on the stretched extremities. A small nub had grown just above his stretched ass.

Westley squeezed his numbing hands as they formed his forehooves, forcing a slight whinny as he lost the ability to gently caress his new lover. Both Westley and Jed found themselves shifting forward, not caring why. Jed began to whine in pain as his body began to shrink under Westley's growing form, the cock connecting them lengthening and thickening to equine proportions inside the poor smaller canine. Westley's face stretched out, causing his eyes to move to the sides of his face. A black mane and tail forced their ways out of his body while below him, his canine lover slid off of the large equine cock, whining over how stretched he now was. Jed simply rolled over and began licking his horse friend off with his canine tongue. Neghing out, Westley braced himself and sprayed thick ropes of his new horse cum all over the floor and his canine friend. Soon after Jed, his canine cock still hard and aching, started humping Westleys back leg. The two young men were now animals, an impressive stallion and a larger coyote.

"Well, that was quite the show you boys put on for me." Ms. Dalloway chuckled. Westley snorted and trotted over to her, his thick cock flopping about. Jed lapped up the cum, keeping an eye on the only human around. "I hope you like your new forms boys. You're going to stay like this for awhile. If Westley here behaves and does chores around the farm, I'll turn him back. But you Jed, you have to bring me food from the woods. It'll take more to turn you back. I may not in fact. But Westley, once you're human again, I'll make you a deal. You can have Jed as a coyote or human. But we'll talk more about that later for now," and she pulled out a rein and slipped it over Westley's neck. Then she quickly clicked a GPS collar to Jed.

"I'm putting you inside the stable for the night and you," She said pointing at the cum soaked coyote, "go to the woods, 10 min north is a stream. Bath yourself, and hunt me a rabbit. Don't come back until you have one. Oh and Jed, if you fuck a bitch, remember your cock now has a knot and you'll be stuck in her for awhile after. Have fun." And she walked off, leading Westley to a stable.

Ms. Dalloway opened the stable door, leading Westley inside. "In you go, boy. And I'll find you a nice mare. That 'yote won't be the only one gettin' you off, and I'll likely get a few good colts out of it, judging from the size o' those oranges down there." If Westley could still blush, he would have. He still had feelings for Jed, and would prefer to have the coyote getting him off. However, he might just be willing to give Ms. Dalloway those colts she wanted. She was giving him a place to stay, and a steady job, after all.....