The First Book of Queens

Story by JakeNeromac on SoFurry

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(Warning: This chapter is significantly longer than the first one. You've been warned.)

Here's part 2 of the trilogy. It's probably my favorite of the three. I was always intrigued by how the bible could talk about such crazy and bombastic stuff all while keeping a straight face and expecting you to take it completely seriously, which is what I've tried hard to capture in this series.

The final part will take a lot longer to post than this one did, perhaps a few weeks. Thankfully I think I'm getting the hang of formatting on this site now. I think.


The First Book of Queens

I - The Desire of The Thorned God

The Dragon Queen Eden had left the company of the Great Fathers, and hatched her eggs in the green field, caring dutifully for them. Meanwhile, the lust of the Great Fathers soon returned in full, for Eden had awoken their Sacred Lifegiversfrom the deep slumber of patience and abstinence.

The Great Fatherslay together in their den and conversed. Alshaurdraped his wing over the body of Coviel, saying, "Now that thou hast completed the domination of thy firstborn daughter, the one who had caught thine eyes and fell victim to thy obsession, what now is thy will?" And Coviel lifted high his head, saying, "Now that I have tasted the submission of a female dragon, my need has returned in full; my Sacred Lifegiver is now ravenous in hunger and heated full with my most holy seed, as though the breeding of Eden had not ever occurred. I deeply desire another of our daughters as a sacrifice to my Sacred Lifegiver. Tell me, which daughter of ours is next to gain fertility? For I wish to fix my sight upon her, and lust after her."

The dragon god Alshaurlaughed with amusement, touching his head against that of Coviel, saying, "What marvelous hunger you have, my dear Coviel, to disregard the sacrifice made by our firstborn daughter Eden so soon, only to lust for another. Thou art as vicious as a swarm of locusts, devouring the fruit of the harvest and laying waste to the fertile fields before moving swiftly to the next. I shall have my scribes write legends of your single-minded conquests, surely. I know of another who is very near to fertility; she is among my Favorites, she studies for mastery of the fire aspect. Perhaps you shall admire her and find her desirable."

It pleased Covielto hear, and he desired to lay his eyes upon the dragoness of fire. However, the god Alshaur purred, saying, "I shall show her to you, upon one condition." And Covielsmiled and said, "Ask anything of me, for I love you, and I will grant you whatever you should desire."

The thorned god Alshaurpurred louder still and smiled with gladness, touching gently to the one he loved most. He said to his mate, "You tell your prey that our lust comes before all else in this world, but I too harbor needs beyond mating with our daughters. Are my needs not equal in importance to yours?" And his words awakened the fascination of Coviel, who smiled with smugness, saying, "I know that you desire my own body above all else, and I have given it to you, as I have promised to share each of our fifty daughters with you. What further need have you?" to which Alshaur replied, "Promise me this, great bladed one: after we have crowned the second queen, and named her, I declare, together we shall lay with a male."

The dragon god Covielmoved his tail and grinned, for he was amused by this request. He said, "But I have given my commandment to each of our sons, that they must remain perfectly abstinent, or they shall be punished for their sin." And Alshaur replied, "Then perhaps we shall choose our most handsome son, and force him into sin. Would this not please you, great and arrogant hunter, one who is so aroused to abuse your children with your cruelty? Let us force him to lay with us, then punish him for his sin, for we are blameless and none must speak against us. For I say to you that I hold within my Heart of All Heartsa divine desire to take a male's innocence, one which matches your own desire to breed your daughters. Wilt thou make this promise to me, O mighty one, and give attention to mine own needs, besides yours?"

And the dragon Coviel was pleased and amused by the words of his mate, and could find no fault with them. He said, "So be it, good Alshaur, thy will be done. I promise you upon this day, soon after we crown the queen of the second clan, you shall lay with our most handsome male son, and force your Sacred Lifegiver upon him, and I shall join you." And the thorned god crooned with delight, embracing his mate, for he was very happy.

* * *

II - The Hypocrisy of the Thorned God

Alshaur guided his mate to his training ground where Coviel would lay eyes upon his daughter, the dragoness of fire. Upon seeing her from afar, he needed her. Each of her scales shimmered as bright flame behind glass, her muscles dense and full of power, her talons wicked. She was spirited and prideful, not shy and fragile as Eden had been. Covielwatched as she pranced playfully, and he saw how she held herself in high esteem, knowing that she considered herself superior among her fellow brothers and sisters. Deep lust was roused within the dragon god, a fiery need befitting of the dragoness he gazed upon, and he yearned to love and hold her, to claim every scale upon her flank for himself.

Alshaur asked, "I have taught her many strains of fire magic. Does she please you?" and Coviel said in return, "Once again, thou hast kept hidden from me among thy Favorites a stunning figure! She is more beautiful than even our Eden; her motions are skilled and deliberate, her scales radiant. She is a strong female. I dearly wish to partake of her, to break through her innocence and make her my own." And Alshaur smiled, for the arrogance of Coviel amused him, and brought him arousal. Alshaur told him, "You shall have her soon, for she shall become fertile on the night of the full moon."

The bladed god then approached the young dragoness, saying, "O fiery daughter, with scales the color of spilled blood beneath the evening sun, you bring honor and pride to the Great Fathers. I command of you, on the eve of the full moon, you shall fly to the river bend, and join us within the marble shrine of the cave. There, we shall bathe you and shower you in favor and affection." She heard his words and was filled with glee, for she had lived in eager anticipation of this very day, to be recognized by the mighty dragon gods who had made the universe and birthed her, and to be worshipped by them. Covielyearned to reach for her and to stroke her glowing scales, but he feared his Sacred Lifegiver would be made visible to her, and he instead sent her away.

Once she had gone, Covielturned to Alshaur and said, "Let us not be gentle with her as we were with Eden! I wish to express to her my most ruthless love. Let us break her spirit on the very first day; let us make her cry until her voice is gone; let us make her struggle until her stamina is no more. Then let us knot her quickly, and give her a large clutch of eggs. For she is proud and strong, and it will please me to take away her dignity." And Alshaur nodded, saying, "Very well, O bladed hunter, it shall be as you say. Such arousal you bring to me when you are arrogant and cruel; as you prey upon your daughters and play the role of the dominant god, desire burns hot within my chest, and my heart flutters. Therefore, do whatever you wish to your virgin daughters, no matter how cruel; for all of them came forth from your female womb and they are your property. Toy with them however it may please you; you have my unwavering approval, my love."

But Covielsnorted loudly at his words, and said, "You patronize me, O thorned one. For in my Mind of All Minds, I know thy innermost secret. Thy desires rival mine, only for our sons, not our daughters. How can you call my desires cruel, when in the dreams of thy slumber you commit all the same cruelties, breaking the innocence of our handsome sons and making them submit to your Sacred Lifegiver, spilling your most holy seed into them? This I know, for you have confessed to me your lust for them already, when you made me promise to let you lay with a male once our second queen is crowned. Now I watch how you gaze upon your sons as we fly together and also as we mingle with them; you are appraising them, judging which is more handsome than the rest, and in your mind you are already forcing yourself onto them as a feral dragon, your Sacred Lifegiver pulsing with great need. Therefore I say to you, do whatever you wish to your virgin sons, no matter how cruel; for all of them came forth from the most holy seed of your Sacred Lifegiver, and they are your property. Toy with them however it may please you; you have my unwavering approval, my love."

The thorned god immediately felt bashful, bowing his head and saying, "Once again, I can hide nothing from your Mind of All Minds, O great one. You see into me too well. My desire much mirrors yours, and I only grow tired with your conquest of our female daughters. For I cannot have you without having also a female, and I cannot have one of our sons, so what might I have? My indignation grows, as my need remains unfulfilled. There is an arrogant hunter within me also, but it is stifled by your edicts and laws, and you outshine it."

Coviel understood his mate's dilemma, and smiled warmly, saying, "Rejoice, my patient mate. You shall indeed choose the most handsome and capable of our sons, and it shall be a great celebration as we introduce him to our lust. The prideful hunter within you shall be set free at last." And they embraced, nuzzling one another, and Alshaurplaced the kiss of a dragon upon the forehead of Coviel.

* * *

III - A Humble Prayer Unto Coviel

Sixteen days before the night of the full moon, the immaculate dragon queen Eden called upon the den of the Great Fathers, gracing their lair with her presence. Coviel was delighted to see her, and greeted her warmly, saying, "How good to see you on this very eve, thou who art gentler than the spring breeze, with scales shining as brightly as the stars of the night. Enter into our den at your pleasure, and speak with us whenever you wish, for though you are now a dragon queen and mother of forty-one hatchlings, you remain now and forever a favorite of Alshaur, and your privilege will never be revoked." And she bowed and said, "Yes, O bladed one. Though I remain still unworthy to speak your names, the honor remains my own to approach thee, for I love thee dearly and often miss thy company." And she entered into the hallowed halls to speak with him in private, for Alshaur had flown away.

She said to him, "One of my sisters, the fire-breather adorned with crimson scales, has told me of your invitation. She boasts loudly to every dragon, saying that you have offered to bathe her within the shrine near the river bend. She does not yet know that you intend to rape her, and that her days of innocence draw quickly to a close. It is because I have anticipated your will, bladed one, and I have kept hidden from all dragonkind the commandment you have spoken, stating that you shall deflower every living daughter among the firstborn and breed them. For I remember how you enjoyed the way I struggled beneath you, twelve times resisting against your might as you moved within me; if she, or any of the other females are warned of their fates, they may deprive you of this gesture of worship. The truth shall become self-evident naturally as you hunt for those who have attained fertility. Instead, I have merely told them that every living dragon, male and female, would sin if they seek carnal pleasure with another, and that my eggs came to me by an immaculate conception, perhaps created from arcane magic."

Coviel told her, "Very good, dear sweet Eden, it pleases me to hear your words! Your anticipation of my holy will is wise, and you continue to find my favor." And he kissed her and gave her gestures of his care, and she purred adorably to him, loving him with all of her heart.

Queen Eden sat at his side, enjoying his warmth and company, but her heart was troubled. She said meekly, "I come this evening, for I submit to you a prayer, a most humble request from your firstborn daughter." And Coviel calmed her, tracing his tongue across her forehead, saying "Be not ashamed, and speak your prayer. I promise, in my Mind of All Minds I shall give it due consideration."

And Queen Eden began her lamentations. She said to her god, "The red-scaled one speaks words which burn hotter than the fire she summons, stinging painfully. Oh, how I despise her! She speaks lowly of all your daughters, considering herself the greatest of the females, when her abilities are far too inadequate to justify her immense pride. Many times, she has betrayed and offended me, stealing my prey, taking credit for my accomplishments before the eyes of the thorned one, and speaking ill of my children. I am meek in nature, like a caring mother, and she takes advantage of me, tormenting me with her savage threats and insults! I beg of thee, my fatherly bladed god, thou who hast moved within me and given me thy most holy seed, that her carnal union with you shall not be pleasant, but a punishment for her offenses. May thou humiliate her! May thou fill her with eggs which hatch into wingless vermin! May thou speak not of her beauty, but say to her that she is disgraceful and weak! May thou give to her a laughable and undignified name! And finally, I beg of thee, my strong and dominant father, when you deflower her, and her body spasms when your Sacred Lifegiver breaks her innocence, may I hide in secret, watching from a dark corner of the room, to see her suffering with mine own eyes. Please hear me, thou who art storm among storms, hunter among hunters; she has cut me deeply, and I yearn for her reckoning. Please remember my pain, when you force thyself upon her."

When her prayer was through, the bladed god hummed, shifting his tail and contemplating deep within his Mind of All Minds. He felt inside of his heart deep sympathy for her, for he loved her dearly and believed her words. But he said to her, "My young daughter, glorious and immaculate queen, I deny this prayer of yours, that you would hide in the shadows and glimpse at the deflowering of the red-scaled one. For Alshaur is to cast a deep and powerful magic upon the shrine, one which prevents entrance and escape, and you would be barred from leaving. If we breed her for a year, as we have bred you, who shall look after your children? If you would abandon them for a year, most would not survive, and the rest would be deprived of your nurturing, and they will become just as the Neglected."

The immaculate Queen Eden held her head low, for she was deeply saddened. She said in a low moan, "I understand that you should deny me entrance into the shrine, for I love my children and I cannot disregard them for a full year. Even now they are sleeping, locked within my den beneath the prairie, and I worry for them. I accept your denial, for I am still your perfect sacrifice, and it fills me with gladness that thy will shall be done in all things."

After her praises, she added quietly, "But might you still humiliate her, and make her into a small, humbled thing, as a mouse or an ant beneath a dragon's claw? Would thou in thy infinite wisdom consider my prayer?"

Coviel sighed deeply and said, "O daughter, this prayer too I shall deny to you, and you offend me with your presumption to command the way I should breed another female, to instruct me in the ways I should act in the heat of passion. She is very young; let her be rude and callous toward you, as all hatchlings will be, for she is only filled with jealousy. Her fiery spirit will make her a strong dragon, a great hunter and dominating queen, and I will look upon her and be pleased. If I should humiliate her, and make her as an ant or a mouse beneath the claw of a dragon, it shall be carried out only for my own amusement and the appeasement of my lust, and not in the name of your own wrath. For it is the appeasement of my lust which comes before all other things in this world, even your matters of personal enmity."

Then Eden realized her sin and burst into tears, forcing her head upon the floor and saying, "O father, my father! I did not intend to bring forth your offense. I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart and soul; see how I am still only a naïve hatchling who speaks inconsiderately. I meant only to bring still more satisfaction to you, to glorify you as the hunter among hunters and say things which would please you. I remain as your perfect sacrifice, and I belong to you completely; take then my blood and my meat for your sustenance, and give my children to a capable mother, for I am no longer immaculate and I have sinned against you." And she cried profusely, her tears pouring upon the floor.

But Covieldraped his wing over her and caressed gingerly the soft scales upon her neck, bringing her comfort. He then said to her, "Be quiet, and be still, O white-scaled daughter. Have I not said to thee, 'speak your prayer and be not ashamed'? Therefore, speak not of despair, and not of sin. I shall purge it from my memory and strike it from the history of the world, and you shall remain sinless in my eyes. But perhaps let me hold you close, and speak about the secrets I keep which no other dragon shall ever know but Alshaur.

There are many who would call me a ruthless hunter, a proud and arrogant god. And they are true words! But also, I am infinite in kindness and love, my generousness rivaling that of Alshaur's Heart of All Hearts. For you see, my arrogance is an expression of my love, my ruthlessness is a generous gift from my heart, for it brings me the deepest of all arousal. I force myself only upon those I love, and it is the greatest of all honors to fall under my obsession and to be forced roughly by my Sacred Lifegiver. For the greater a male's arousal, the more seed he gives, and the more effectively he breeds. Of the forty-one eggs you received from our sweet union, I perhaps fathered twenty of them. Had I been gentle and kind, seducing you sweetly and patiently awaiting your consent to my actions, I might have given to you only perhaps four. But because I watched you struggle and cry out in humiliation, my Sacred Lifegiver grew in size and in firmness, and I filled you with a handsome clutch."

Eden sighed, saying, "Thank you for breeding me to the fullest extent, O father, I would have wanted nothing less. The hatchlings are all so beautiful, and many are wise beyond their years, for they have received strong shards of your godhood! They work as a team, and some speak to me with telepathy, and others conjure magic of the wind and water. Each one is worthy of thee, my bladed father, and they will only grow to be more magnificent, I cannot bear to imagine that one of them would not have been conceived, if it had not been for my submission to your overwhelming lust! I understand now that everything you have done for me was out of love and generosity, and you have made me truly happy, O father of the hunt. Your lust truly is the greatest matter in the world, the holy force by which all good things come to be."

The kind god Covielbrushed away her tears with his claw, and her sobbing was calmed. He then revealed to her, "I say unto thee, it has already been decreed by Alshaur and I, even before your prayer, that we shall be far more ferocious in the breeding of the red-scaled one than even I was to you. When I first laid eyes upon her, I saw her to be strong and spirited, and I determined that she deserves to have her pride destroyed, to her dignity taken away by me. Understand, however, that I bring her great honor to destroy her innocence and give her the girth of my Sacred Lifegiver, and I do so not as retribution for her transgressions against you. Know that the punishments I design for those who sin against me are terrible and unspeakable, and are truly curses; my punishments have no place in the holy breeding of my beautiful daughters, for my Sacred Lifegiver brings only blessings to them, and not curses. Will you understand this, my daughter?" And he also said, "Though you are not worthy to gaze once more upon our Sacred Lifegivers as we would dominate a female in the ritual of breeding, you might fly to the riverbank and perch upon the nearby cliff, and you would hear her lamentations of pain ring clear and pure through the sky, for we shall make her cry out very loudly. You may listen to her sweet songs of humility as you would desire, if it would bring peace to your heart."

The gladness of the dragon queen returned to her in full, and she sighed, leaning against her loving father. She gave him praise, and said, "How wise you are in all things, how perfect your designs, how gracious your generosity and your love. I am certain your breeding of the red-scaled one will be breathtaking, surpassing even mine in splendor. With honor and delight shall I stand at the river bend and listen to your conquest of my sister, and it will bring me satisfaction and glee to hear you express your love to her, of which I have long waited. For it is with love, and not hatred, that you build your kingdom! Perhaps too will the red-scaled one deeply please you with her perfect sacrifice and earn your favor just as I have. Perhaps I shall one day come to respect her and find friendship with her, and it brings me shame to know that I wished ill upon her."

Coviel smiled and replied, "Yes, indeed, my keen Eden. You have seen how I treat you with love and tenderness, now that you have pledged yourself completely to me without reserve. I wish also that the red-scaled one would deeply please me, and cause me such great arousal that she brings from within me generous and overwhelming volumes of my most holy seed, so that her perfect submission might quench my lust. Perhaps one day she shall even sit here with me, just as you are now, as we gossip about another. Therefore, stay your wrath, and let no other dragon break your heart, even the red-scaled one. For remember that your destiny outshines all of dragonkind. None would hope to share in the mating ritual of the gods, to share in the bodies and minds of the Great Fathers as you shall when the time comes, if only you will remain chaste."

Queen Eden would never forget the promise of her father, knowing that she might one day stand beside him as his equal, and wallow in the nuptial cocoon with he and Alshaur. The desire spurred her in all things and was the reason she lived, and she renewed her strength and decided that no dragon should break her spirit any longer.

Though her prayers were denied, the immaculate queen was satisfied, and her heart was at peace. She left his company to care for her children, and Coviel sent with her a large bear-wolf he had slain in the mountains that day, a tribute for her to share among her growing family.

* * *

IV - Alshaur the Trickster

As the bladed god spoke with his first queen, the thorned dragon drifted on wide and majestic wings into the faraway skies. He set himself upon the darkness of the night and remained hidden, watching the land below him and the dragons which prowled it. He glanced upon many of the Neglected, those who had become hunters of the night and stalked the wolves and vermin of the forest to feed. Among them, the males were sturdy and beastly, displaying impressive endurance to the dragon god, and they roused his interest. However, none captured his heart in full.

He came upon a stronghold, a place where some Neglected dwelled together. He glanced inside and saw three dragons sleeping soundly, but they were all his daughters. Upon leaving, he saw by the light of the crescent moon two dragons lounging upon a rock and watching the stars, showing one another platonic gestures of affection and conversing pleasantly. He approached close, finding one son and one daughter, who became stunned and frightened at his presence.

He called to his children, "Still your hearts! For I am not the thorned Beast of Heart; I am Uriel, the Neglected, scavenger and wanderer of the skies. I was granted at birth a shard which bestowed to me the dragon god's majesty, but not his power. I have come only to inquire about the hospitality of your stronghold, for I might dwell here for the season." Instantly, the children were relieved of their fear.

The son spoke, saying, "Well met, wanderer of the skies. We hold no ill will toward you, and will be glad to discuss arrangements so that you might join our small clan for the summer months. However, perhaps we might wait for the morning; for I am not agreeable tonight, and fear that I would sour our partnership with my bitter words. Please leave us to our privacy, and dwell not in the stronghold this very night, and when the sun rises we shall speak on terms more pleasant."

Alshaur bowed to him politely, taking note of his hardy and handsome form. His scales were the color of blackness deep, just as those upon Coviel's own body, with streaks and specks of warm greens. It fascinated Alshaurhow his son's form somewhat resembled that of the bladed god in the shape of the face and structure of the wings. He saw how this son had been honed by the wild into a guardian of stunning forte and splendor, a figure which demanded respect and submission even upon the first glance, as confidence blazed brightly in his eyes. He knew at once that this was the alpha male of the stronghold's clan, and that his four sisters dwelled beneath his protection.

The thorned god said to him, "I apologize, O caretaker of the stronghold, for I was stunned by your figure. Your dignity has impressed me, and the colors of your scales delight me, for they suit you well. You are a strong and majestic dragon, and your sisters are very fortunate to have found favor with you. May I know your name, if you have taken one?"

The dark dragon snorted bitterly, saying, "Surely you mock me, he who is a mirror reflection of the Beast of Heart, the first among all dragons in strength and majesty. Spare me your patronizing! I am Belial, and this is my closest sister, who is yet to take a name, for the Great Fathershave not yet given her one." And Alshaur immediately turned his attention upon his daughter, who was covered in scales like cream and ivory. Her tanned color was disrupted by many patches of black, which traced along the skeleton of her wings and covered her feet, as though she had stepped in puddles of mud which would never wash away. A large patch of darkness surrounded one of her eyes. Alshaur was amused, for her creamy scales almost matched the color of his most holy seed.

Falling under his gaze, she spoke to him in a serene voice, saying, "We feared deeply you were the Beast of Heart, for we have heard of an edict from the Beast of Cunning, a commandment that no dragon of the firstborn shall fall prey to lust. However, we are lovers, and he has pledged himself to me, and I to him!" and she wove her neck around the dark dragon, sighing happily.

The thorned god Alshaurtold them, "But this does not displease the Great Fathers, does it? They look kindly upon your affection for one another, and your love makes him pleased, as long as you commit no sin." And the cream-colored dragoness replied, "We have not yet sinned against the Great Fathers, but someday we may! For I begin to feel lust in my heart, and in his deepest dreams Belial has felt it as well, and soon we will be driven mad by temptation. In truth, you interrupted us as we discussed the prospect of escaping from them, and beginning our own clan in a far-away land away from the awareness of the Great Fathers, so that we will not taste the wrath of the Beast of Cunning once we unite in body and create our children."

This deeply shocked the thorned god, who shouted, "Surely, you jest! You truly seek to defy the ruling of the Beast of Cunning? By what madness?" and Belial replied, "We hope to remain celibate until the founding of the Kingdom of the Fifty Clans, but it stands as an eternity between us and the fullness of our love. It is too long for us to wait, and should we succumb to lust, I would do anything for her, even to give my life, for I love her." And he affectionately nuzzled his cream-colored sister in return.

Alshaur was filled with indignation, and shouted, "You would give your life for her? What is she to you? Her scales are stained oddly and she is not as attractive as other females I have seen. Are you so foolish as to regard her highly, to risk damnation over her?" and Belial snarled at him, snapping his toothy jaw near his throat, saying, "So I see, you are one of those who judges a dragon's value from their appearance! Truly, you are not the Beast of Heart! She bears power in her mind; she was the architect of the stronghold structure, and she rations the crops and predicts the weather, and all other things which require scientific knowledge. From the egg she was gifted to plan and design things, and needed not be taught. And you insult her, for I say that her body is as lovely as her mind! I warned you, wanderer of the skies, to leave me alone until morning, lest you be stung by the poison barbs of my bitterness, and you failed to heed me. Now be gone, I wish not to see you around my land."

Alshaur opened his wings, displaying his majesty above them, and said, "So be it, young Belial. I would not throw my lot in with you, he who wishes to cross the will of the Great Fathers. Do not expect me to linger in your company. No, instead I shall fly far away from you and your lover, for fear that bladed wings will strike you and draw your blood, which will spill upon me and stain my perfect image." And he took wing, and left them swiftly.

In his mind, Alshaurwas satisfied with the success of his charade, and determined that he had found the very male with which he would lay. He began to weave a devious plan, one which would bring him satisfaction and amusement, fooling even his mate Coviel.

* * *

V - The Baptism of the Scarlet Virgin

On the eve of the full moon, the red-scaled daughter obeyed the command of the Great Fathersand flew swiftly to the river bend, where they awaited her within the shrine. Alshaur had long since returned from his flight to the far lands. Upon her entry into the cave, Alshaur released the deep magic upon the shrine, the Spell of the Cradle, which provided sustenance for many months and barred the entrance so that none might disturb their holy rituals.

She approached her creators proudly, holding her head nobly. She became very beautiful in the firelight, her scales glowing as tiny candles within glass orbs. Covielsaw her and was filled with eagerness, and he yearned to touch her and take her for himself, but he remained patient, for she had yet to be bathed in the flowing waters of the spring. Instead, she approached her teacher Alshaur and embraced him, and the thorned god said, "Welcome, my bright little flame. It is good to see you on this eve of the full moon. Come into our company, for we shall give our attention exclusively to you, and shower you with our affection." And she was filled with delight, humming sweetly as the thorned one stroked her head and nuzzled her.

Now there was a spring flowing through the cave, one which fed into the outer river. Its waters were warm and inviting, and its quiet current pleasing to the touch. The Great Fathers guided the virgin, instructing her to enter and lay softly for them within its waters, and she did so without protest. They began to worship her with their tongues, tracing them deep into the grooves between each and every scale, and the impurities were washed away in the river. This became a ritual to the Great Fathers, to bathe each daughter in preparation of her sacrifice, and it was known as the Baptism of the Holy Tongues. Its purpose was to bring forth the heights of their divine arousal, to cause their Sacred Lifegivers to grow great in size and firmness, so that they might breed her powerfully when it came time. Already, The Sacred Lifegiver of Covielwas very large and pulsed with great need, but he kept it hidden beneath his body so that his daughter would not yet see.

The dragon gods continued to cherish her with tongues, caressing her body for a long time. The red dragoness winced at their ministrations, saying, "Oh! Fathers, you are very thorough." and Alshaur said, "Yes, because we love you deeply," and he unfolded her wing to cleanse its creases. Meanwhile, Coviel's tongue neared her haunch, of which he gave great attention, for it was firm and displayed to him her strength. However, he neared his attention to the entrance to her womb, and the young daughter shivered with bashfulness, moving her tail to hide it from him and saying, "Father, do not guide your tongue there! It is my feminine place."

Coviel laughed softly, finding her protest endearing. He said to her, "We must bathe all of you, even the places you would keep hidden; our love for you is full and complete, and so shall be our thoroughness." And he moved her tail, his tongue descending upon her womb's entry. She gave no further protest, but she shuddered with discomfort as he cleaned her. Alshaur chuckled also and said, "You shall understand when you have children of your own, for you too shall bathe them, and they will feel no shame at your tenderness."

The red daughter became indignant, and proclaimed, "I will never lay eggs or have children. Why should I? I wish to fly wherever I will, burdened by no responsibility. There is no joy in motherhood, and I will have nothing of it. Besides, males are revolting creatures; they only enjoy killing things and making noise, and I want nothing to do with them. Certainly I would not allow one to touch me with his claws and place an egg in me. The very thought disgusts me."

Coviel was very amused. He replied, "You say this, O daughter, even as you lay prone before two dominant males?" And the daughter said, "But you are gods, perfect in all ways. It is only your sons who are the vermin of the earth. They have not received honorable shards from you, and are only wrathful brutes who know nothing." Alshaur affectionately stroked her wingtip, saying, "Yes, my dear daughter, I attest that our sons are quite rambunctious at times. Perhaps we shall find a way to reprimand them for their inconsideration, and discipline them sternly." The daughter heard this, and she cocked her head and smiled with evil glee as visions of their punishments ran through her mind.

For many hours, the Great Fathers caressed and cherished the red-scaled dragoness as she lay within the running stream and purred contently. Her form was deeply pleasing toCoviel, who had touched her in every place and felt her warm, glassy scales with his claws. He became overwhelmed with arousal and purred in excitement as he anticipated the pleasures he would soon feel to break her innocence and move within her. Alshaur too felt aroused, knowing he would join the bladed god in giving his most holy seed to her. However his focus was broken, for his mind was elsewhere, and he already imagined that he stood upon a prone Belial, ready to take his innocence.

At last, her baptism had concluded and she was very clean, and the eager Coviel stepped into the shallow stream and stood above her, revealing his Sacred Lifegiver to her in its full majesty. So aroused was he, that his Sacred Lifegiverproduced tears of his most holy seed from the tip, and throbbed with passion as it hung above her belly. He glared lustfully down at his virgin daughter, who lay upon her back within the stream, and he watched her become afraid. She cried out to him, "Father, your Sacred Lifegiver is very large! Why do you draw it upon me?" And the bladed god said, "It is thy beauty and endearing which has given it great size, and it is with this Sacred Lifegiver that I will destroy thy innocence, and take thy dignity from thee." And at once the red-scaled dragoness was filled with terror, shifting away from him. But the great god Coviel moved in the water and overtook her, pinning down each of her limbs with his own, grasping them in his claws so she could not leave him.

She twisted and splashed the water, crying louder still, "I am your daughter; you should not place your Sacred Lifegiver in me! It is scandalous and unnatural!" to which Coviel replied, "I am your god; do you truly presume to tell me what I should not do?" while his tongue swept across her shoulders and chest, his heart eager to make her into his prey.

So desperately she trembled, her breaths becoming laborious gasps of panic. She prayed to him, pleading, "O father! Please do not give eggs to me, for I do not want them, and I understand not how to care for them! Spare me from thy Sacred Lifegiver and thy most holy seed!" but it only stirred him further and coaxed his ego, and he replied just as he did to the virgin Eden, "O daughter of the burning flames, you have no choice in the matter. If you do not desire my eggs, it only means you will be forced into the role of a mother, and you shall be a novice, learning awkwardly from trial and experience. See that it was written in the stars since I first lay eyes upon you, that your womb would become a haven for my Sacred Lifegiver, and you would bear my eggs as a precious young mother. Your will matters not, for your strength and beauty have roused my lust so deeply, and my lust must be satisfied at the expense of all other things." And he growled hungrily for her.

Now Alshaurwatched as the bladed god prepared to deflower his daughter, and his heart pounded with arousal at seeing his arrogance and ferocity, seeing his Sacred Lifegiver so swollen and ready. Alshaur's own Sacred Lifegiver grew thick and lengthy from merely watching this dominion of the red-scaled one, listening to Coviel's primal growls and edicts to her. But in his passion he was tainted with hesitation, for the bladed dragon seemed to dominate his daughter alone, leaving no room for assistance. He marveled at the bladed dragon's forceful arousal, which far surpassed even that which he displayed on the night of Eden's deflowering, but felt apprehension at drawing near and his methods and disturbing his passion. His Heart of All Hearts was conflicted with uncertainty, and he stood still, bearing witness to the mating ritual as a watcher with his own neediness neglected, for in the heat of the moment he valued his mate's happiness above his own, letting him have his way with her.

One last time she prayed to the bladed god, saying, "If you are to give me eggs, then you must teach me to raise them, and to remain at my side to father them with me, to share in the burden you have brought! This is what is just." But her father snapped his jaws and admonished her, and he replied, "Do not presume to tell me what I must do, my young daughter. I shall not remain to father your eggs with you; after I have used thy sweet adolescent body for my pleasure, I shall cast thee aside and neglect thee, and thy eggs and children shall be thy burden to bear alone! Instead, I shall only gloat over them, for they shall serve as a reminder of how thoroughly I have humiliated thee on this day, the day of your breeding."

The bladed god continued to goad his prone virgin daughter, saying, "Thy reluctance is so amusing and beautiful to me; and I shall fill thee with so many unwanted eggs, even more than I gave to Eden! I bid to thee, please cast off my weight and escape, if you can. For thy struggles are as gestures of worship to me, and the sounds from thy lungs precious music that fills me with excitement." And she cried in astonishment, "You fathered her eggs, and took her innocence! This I did not suspect, for she said to me that her eggs were immaculately conceived! What an atrocity that you would prey upon your daughters!" and he replied, "Indeed, it was an immaculate conception, for her eggs came directly from a god, just as yours will also."

The dragoness was already overwhelmed with his fervor, her tears trickling between the scarlet scales upon her face. He lowered his haunches toward her and touched the entrance to her womb with the bursting tip of his Sacred Lifegiver, and she writhed in hopeless anticipation, causing many waves throughout the water.

Finally, when the great bladed dragon was done toying with her and savoring all her protests, he said, "It is time. I shall now take the pleasure thy body will provide," and he pounced upon her with a loud snarl, disregarding her virginity with one swift motion and making his Sacred Lifegiver fully disappear inside of her.

* * *

VI - The Magnificent Rape of the Fire Queen

The broken dragoness produced a loud wailing sound, her body lashing and shaking from the forceful intrusion. Water sprayed in droves from her movements. The lustful dragon god moaned, pausing to relish the exquisite pleasure she brought upon his Sacred Lifegiver. He found that the flavor of her womb felt different than that of Eden, and found that she was very warm inside, bringing him lengthy a shiver of delight. The pitch of her moans was also a different melody than those from the throat of Eden, and her body thrashed with different kinds of movements. He knew that each of his daughters was special and unique, and that he would savor each of the individual ways they would become victims of his male need.

As he had resolved, the great Coviel was not gentle with this daughter. He erupted into a wild frenzy, shaking her through the water as he moved his Sacred Lifegiver swiftly within her, lifting her by the womb with deft motions of his haunches. It pleased him greatly to listen to her loud wailings, for he knew that the immaculate Queen Eden would be listening upon a nearby cliff, and he intended to deliver upon his promises to her. The red-scaled one's cries were very broken, however, not pure and songlike as Eden's, for the vigorous movements of Coviel's body often took away her breath, and other times caused her throat to vibrate, distorting the sounds she made.

It deeply pleased Covielto dominate his daughter so thoroughly, withholding none of his love. He encouraged her, saying, "Oh, yes! Please, continue to struggle against me so! Thy hopeless efforts are so adorable, and the motions of thy body bring to me such pleasing stimulation! It matters not, for no dragon shall save thee from my Sacred Lifegiver_._"

So completely lost in her was the bladed god's mind that after only fourteen hours, he relinquished his rationality and became the feral hunter, driven only by the sharp sensations playing upon his Sacred Lifegiver and yearning for complete domination of his prey. He lowered his head very near to hers and snarled at her, asserting his superiority. However, the frantic dragoness thought to raise her head and bite forcefully upon his neck, clamping his scales tightly within her jaws. He allowed this of her, for her fangs were juvenile and blunt, and could not pierce him. But when he grew tired of her muffled moans and wished to hear her voice again, he lowered his head and bit down upon her shoulder, sinking his teeth so deeply between her scales as to draw blood. She yowled as a banshee, releasing her jaw from him, and he kept his jaws held firmly in place, tasting the drops of blood she gave to him.

After only seventeen hours of his vigorous love, the newly-deflowered dragoness depleted her voice. Her cries of distress became only whispers, though her jaw remained open to produce them endlessly, and her head remained tilted away from Coviel, resting upon the marble shore of the steam. So proud was the great dragon Coviel at seeing her broken so, that he felt within him an intense surge of power, and knotted her hard. His impassioned growls thundered through the shrine as he passed his most holy seed to her, and it filled her womb in generous quantities, searing hot from his great lust. However, so great was the knot of Coviel's Sacred Lifegiver that the red-scaled one could not bear the widening of her womb, and her consciousness left her at once, causing her to drop limply beneath the stature of her father.

Now the great bladed one Covieldid not realize at first that his daughter slept, for he relished the throes of his release with his eyes shut tightly. Once he felt his Sacred Lifegiver glow with satiation, he opened his eyes to find her motionless, the comforting water of the stream gently flowing around her body, and her head resting soundly upon the marble floor of the shrine with her jaw still opened wide. He grew bitterly disappointed at the sight.

The thorned god Alshaursat idly by, and said plainly, "Perhaps you were too hard on this one." But Coviel snorted and replied, "No; she is only very weak. Our dear Eden was correct in saying that her pride is not befitting of her strengths, for she is feeble in mind and in body. Our sweet Eden would have taken my force gracefully, and would not have slept through my knot. I am saddened by this; though she suffered so long and beautifully, and her womb offered pleasures sublime, in the end she disappointed me just as I might have crowned her queen, giving my eggs to her."

But Alshaurlistened not to his complaints, for he was bitter and resentful, his jealousy stirring deep within his Heart of All Hearts. He spoke to his mate with a cutting tone, and said to him, "Why hast thou neglected me so? I am hurt by this neglect, for we had a pact, that we would share each and every daughter together. Here you stood before me, granting to my daughter a most spirited and breathtaking trial by fire, like none I could have imagined! How handsome thou art, how alive with holy lust, more ravenous than ever I had seen! How stunning were thy motions, thy tail shifting upon the floor, thy feral haunches thrusting, thy muscles rippling in power and need. Yet, here I sit for many hours, deprived of thy touch and thy attention, as you stole her for thyself. How I yearned to join thee, to feel thy force upon my lusting body just as you forced her. Instead, you have committed adultery and left me only to watch, forgetting of my Sacred Lifegiver and leaving it unfulfilled. Why dost thou not force thyself upon me with the same forceful vigor? Why dost thou not give your great needs to me, the one who knows best how to satisfy thee? Dost thou love the red-scaled one more than I? Surely I would have held the endurance to match thee, and to remain awake even through thy mighty knot."

And the bladed god Covielwas immediately stricken with shame, for he felt the harsh sting of Alshaur's jealously. He said, "I awaited thy company and thy assistance, my thorned love, and I would have welcomed it, but you never came to my aid." Alshaurreplied bitterly, saying "I could not approach thee, for you were possessive and protective of her, thy body moving with such violent lust, thy wings spread wide as shields. You alone took her completely and left nothing for me, expending both her virginity and her consciousness. It pained me to watch thy majestic lust from afar, when it is something I should never lay eyes upon, something I should only feel directly as your scales press against mine own!"

Coviel was soon deeply ashamed, and hanging his head low he replied, "What you say is true; I was lost utterly in her, and I drowned in lust with no recourse. For my breeding of her was rapturous and wonderful in all ways, and I wished only to take it for myself. I am deeply sorry, my thorned one. Forgive me for this adultery and I shall make it up to thee, for we have only just begun this breeding ritual, and it will not be over quickly. You may share her just as we shared our sweet Queen Eden, and you might come to understand how exquisite she is." And Alshaursnapped his jaws, saying, "I have seen very clearly how exquisite she is, you only deprived me of the same! Besides, your offers mean nothing until she awakens from her slumber." And the dominant hunter Coviel hung his head in humiliation, for what the thorned one said was true. He intended to lay at the side of the great thorned dragon to offer his warmth and coax him with affections, but his knot remained too large to withdraw from his sleeping daughter, and he remained joined to her at the womb and could not give him company.

When the knot of his Sacred Lifegiver was gone, he withdrew from his slumbering daughter, and his most holy seed washed away in the water. Reverently he moved the dragoness out from the water and close to Alshaur, where the dragon gods curled around her, joining her in momentary respite. In his Heart of All Hearts, Alshaur found he could not hold a grudge against his handsome mate, and had already forgiven him, even though his Sacred Lifegiverwas frustrated, for it had not been pleased. However, he knew that the bladed god's act of debauchery would not be without consequences; the thorned god figured a fitting plan to soon take from Coviel a satisfactory form of recompense, a repayment for his heart's pain.

* * *

VII - The First Teaching unto Leona

The Predator Coviel slept long and deeply, for his Sacred Lifegiver was spent, and the warmth of satiation spread throughout his body. In his slumber, his most holy seed would become replenished, and his energy would later return to breed his daughter many times more.

But as the bladed god slept quietly, the young dragoness woke from her slumber, and found herself held in the loving embrace of her teacher Alshaur. She moaned and pressed herself against his chest, saying, "Father, I feel sore and confused; a terrible nightmare occurred to me in my sleep, and I dreamed that the bladed one forced himself upon me in an unholy union of incest." Her teacher held her close to his heart and touched her softly, saying, "My daughter, it was no dream, for the Beast of Cunningtruly took your innocence, and likely placed eggs inside of your womb. But it was not unholy a union, for it was spurred by his love for you."

The young dragoness made herself snug and safe beneath his wing, and hissed at the bladed god, saying, "Oh, how wretched, how vile is the Beast of Cunning, to treat me as though I am nothing! How can you say he loves me after this atrocious act? Oh, how undignified that I now carry my father's children inside of me." Alshaur replied in a soothing voice, "Do not speak such things in his presence, my daughter. He truly loves you, and demonstrates it through his eager need. And though his lust is fearsome, it is his lust and mine own which spark the creation of all good things within this world. For the world belongs to him in full, as do each of his daughters, and his Sacred Lifegiver bestows upon them great blessings. Think not of your own needs, young daughter, but rejoice that it has brought him such pleasure to sire your eggs, that he now sleeps deeply, his body flooded with the warmth of satiation which came from you."

But his daughter was not satisfied at his words. She growled deeply once more, and said, "What good things has my father's Sacred Lifegiver brought upon me? Only distress and agony, and the burden of shame as my hopes of a pleasant and carefree future are forever gone. Tell me, then, what are the beauties of his great lust, and what great creations has he spurred by taking my innocence and my dignity, O thorned father? How can the bladed one be something more than a demon god, defiling the beauty and innocence of his daughters, and knowing not what love is? For I feel only broken and ashamed, filled with hatred, and my body is sore."

Now the thorned dragon cuddled her, bringing her comfort as she lamented. He said unto her, "You wish to know what beauty was conceived, as he used your fertility and placed eggs within you? Listen to me, young daughter: see, now that your innocence is gone, I bestow upon you a name. From this moment, you are Leona, Great Dragon Queen of the Second Clan." This brought pause to her, and she soon replied, "I am now a queen? How can this be? Will I rule a great kingdom?" And the thorned god smiled onto her, and said as he caressed her wings, "You will rule one fiftieth of a kingdom, and your clan shall be comprised of your father's children who are now incubated inside of you, and as well their many descendants." At hearing this, she reverently touched her belly and shifted her weight, her eyes filled with wonder and awe.

He spoke further, and said, "I shall hold you close, and tell you the great secrets of the Beast of Cunning, so that you might understand the inner workings of his heart, and your bitterness shall fade. As I will say unto thee, hold me a pact that thou shalt not speak these things to any other dragon, for such things would deeply hurt the bladed god Coviel, and he would become bitter. Instead, show love to him, just as he showers thee with his own love.

The bladed one, your holy father, is no demon. Hate him not, for he keeps a secret from every dragon: his tenderness is as intense as his lust, and he would give his whole heart to every dragon which he loves, granting unto them endless bounties, rewards, and blessings. The bladed one shall bestow upon his children powers beyond comprehension, entire worlds to command and play within, and even shares of his own godhood! He merely plays roughly with his own children, for he knows deep within his heart that any pain he causes, he might repay hundred-fold! Whatever he takes from you, he shall repay with limitless joy and power, until your tears are forgotten, stricken from the past and drowned in divine glory. This is his great joy, and the design by which he rules over this world, to one day astound all of dragonkind with his great generosity, to make the world into an eternal paradise, and look upon the happiness of all dragons with pleasure and pride.

Hate him not, then; he merely enjoys the thrill of the hunt, the way in which the heart pounds as prey would run from a predator. The world is his playground, and mating brings him great enjoyment; such glee it brings him to offend other dragons, to demonstrate his authority and superiority to them, and even to dominate them and to force his Sacred Lifegiver upon his unwilling prey. But in bringing suffering to thee, it is merely priming for untold happiness, and one day he shall give unto you all good things, but they are good things capable only by his holy design, his Mind of All Minds, and you cannot presume to fathom them. This is his secret; speak it to no one, lest you deprive him of the thrill he enjoys so much in offending other dragons, for he is soft and tender deep inside. Tell no one this."

The young queen Leona spoke like a humble child, saying, "So this is why he said to me all of those hurtful things, and made me scream as he moved within my womb. Now I understand; he wishes to hone me so that I might take great gifts from him. Ah, but have I pleased him? For he said that my struggles were gestures of worship, and my cries filled him with excitement." And the loving Alshaur caressed her softly and said to her, "You pleased him very deeply in all ways, my precious daughter; you spurred him to great vigor, and his most holy seed flowed hot and bountiful into you. However, it displeased him that you fainted just as his breeding was complete, and he spoke disdainfully of you as you slept. Had you remained awake, he would have crowned you queen and named you, and then he would have given you a long and pleasant rest."

The fire queen Leona sighed nervously, saying, "Ah, I could not remain awake, for there came a sharp pain within my womb, and I felt as though my body would become broken into two pieces. It was unbearable, and my body numbed me so I would not feel the pain, and I lost consciousness." Alshaur replied, "Yes, it was his male knot which you felt. The base of his Sacred Lifegiver swells as it relinquishes his most holy seed, so that it will not leak from you, and thus you will conceive more eggs. You could not survive it, only because you had spent so much strength in your howling and struggling; had you submitted gracefully to his motions, you would have kept your strength, and pleased him." And thus Leona began to understand her mistakes.

* * *

VIII - The Second Teaching unto Leona

After some time had passed, The thorned dragon gently pet his daughter and licked her, admiring her naiveté. With a smooth and caring voice, he said, "O daughter, beautiful Queen Leona, I have something to ask of you. As the bladed dragon sleeps, shall I breed thee? For my Sacred Lifegiver has not yet been satisfied, and my most holy seed yearns for release. I can wait no longer." Upon hearing this she gazed into his eyes, speaking hesitantly, "You, too, would prey upon me as the bladed one has? Am I truly so desirable to be worthy of your eggs, too?"

Alshaur held her tightly, comforting her. He spoke in such caring words, "Oh, Leona! The bladed one and I had planned to breed you together, forcing both of our bodies upon you in tandem. But he became lost in you and he kept me away, taking you for himself, and I grew jealous. My Sacred Lifegiver is hungry and ready, and wishes to breed you, adding many more little dragons to your clan. Yes, you are desirable and you are worthy, red-scaled Leona, and your youthful ways are adorable to me."

Queen Leona moved beneath his wing, and inquired of him, "If you are to breed me, then, shall we leave this place soon after, and return with me to the training ground?" The gentle Alshaurtold her, "No, my strong daughter; we have only just begun to keep you here, and we both shall spill our most holy seed into you many more times, as the seasons pass away outside. For we love you so dearly, and will give you so many young children to love in turn."

The thorned god, warm in his love and affection, did not wait for her consent. For images of the bladed dragon's motions persisted in his mind and kept him aroused, as did fantasies of his son, the dark dragon Belial. Keeping her in his warm embrace, he moved with his hind legs and haunches, and the tip of his Sacred Lifegivertouched upon the entrance to her womb. He spoke to her, saying, "Here, I will be your teacher, just as I have always been your teacher. Let me instruct you about the ways to please a male, and in knowing these things you might find solace within this shrine, until we are done with you." Then he pressed his body softly upon her, pulling upon her haunches with his hind claws, so that his Sacred Lifegiver would slide into her.

This time, the noble Leona did not protest, and she did not struggle, for the Beast of Heart was kind and tender. She cooed to him, a pleasant squeal of surprise escaping from her throat, and trusted her teacher. Alshaur shivered in amazement, saying, "Oh, my daughter. Your fertile depths are warm and pleasing, just as the bladed god has said. It is no wonder he relinquished control so quickly, for you are sublime, the pleasure which your womb provides matches with the glamorous beauty of your form. Oh, daughter, my fiery daughter. You feel very good." And the thorned god shut his eyes tightly in a long grimace, overcome by the pleasant sensations she provided.

The noble dragon queen writhed comfortably beside her father, her body melting against his, her claws clinging to him. She praised him, saying, "Ah, your Sacred Lifegiver is peaceful, and does not bring the pain which the bladed one gave to me. Tell me, how shall I please you? What shall I do?" and he replied, "See, the male shall move with his haunch, entering deeply into you and withdrawing from you in stable rhythm. This brings joy and stimulation to a male, and is demanded by his lust. Join me in rhythm, my daughter. Feel how I shall force you forward, and when my Sacred Lifegiver enters into you deeply and does not press further, then you shall push back upon me, contracting your womb. Dance with me like this, and you shall bring satisfaction to me."

The red-scaled daughter clung to him tighter still, burying her head into his warm chest and listening to the beat of his heart. She moved with her young body and joined the thorned one in his primal dance, sending ripples of motion through her muscles as was instructed. Though he lay with a female, the thorned dragon god grew in arousal; for he loved her dearly, and she felt very good against his body, her smooth scales pleasing to the touch and her womb filled with erotic warmth. They moved together for hours, the thorned god mating her with gentle love, the young queen sighing contently. Soon, the noble Leona spoke to him in a sharp gasp, and said, "O father, thou art very gentle, and bring no pain to me. I would mate thee for days and feel no strain. The pain has gone away, and now I feel different; thy embrace is secure, the motions of thy Sacred Lifegiver within me feel natural and right, and I want not for thee to withdraw from me."

The dragon god said knowingly, "Ah yes, it is your feminine lust which has awoken in your heart. Soon, you will feel great passion, the same passion your Great Fathers carry unto you." She replied, "So this is the legendary force of which you speak, called lust. It is just like the conjuring of strong fire magic, and burns hot within my chest and my womb. Though I am held in your arms, it makes me feel free, as though I soar swiftly upon the open skies. It captures my mind, and makes me wish to breed. It makes me wish for your eggs. Ah, father! Where was this lust of mine, when the bladed one mated me? Why did I instead feel only his force, not sharing in his pleasure as I share now in yours?"

The tender Alshaur traced his claws upon the back of her neck and breathed deeply onto her, saying, "The lust of a virgin dragoness must first be awakened, and only once you have reached the age of fertility. It is awakened by giving or receiving tenderness with another dragon, and placing your childlike trust in them. Only when your heart learns to desire the intimacy of another dragon's heart, will you desire the intimacy of their body as well. Covieltoo desired to awaken lust within you, but by different means: he would take away everything from you until nothing else would remain in your life but him, and then you would submit to him, for you would have nothing else left. That way, he would find the most arousal when you are broken. But the bladed one has fallen asleep, and in his place I teach to you the beautiful way which devoted lovers share their needs: soft and gently, and with trust."

The young queen Leona moved against her loving father, her breaths becoming long and sweet moans. She pressed her head upon his neck and nuzzled him beneath the chin, saying, "Oh, father. What a marvelous thing is a male's lifegiver. Truly my womb was made to accommodate one, for what serenity it brings to me as you move within me. O father, hold me more tightly still." and he smiled upon her happiness, meeting her gaze with his own. He met her at the mouth and joined her there, a long and sweet kiss, his long tongue wrapping with hers. The gesture surprised her deeply, but she allowed it without complaint.

Withdrawing from his tender kiss, the aroused Alshaur said unto her, "There is another way still which you might please a male. Listen closely, for you might learn to seduce even the bladed one, for it is something to which he and I are both vulnerable: as we move within you, speak words which praise and glorify us, just as the prayers you learned in early childhood. Tell us of our greatness, our power and our majesty. Tell us we are strong and undefeatable, and that we are perfect in all ways. In doing this, you shall reduce us to tiny hatchlings with no endurance, and our Sacred Lifegivers shall burst within you, giving unto you many eggs." The noble queen Leona heeded her father's words, but she could not praise him, for the pleasure she felt had broken her focus, and she thought of nothing else.

Many more hours passed as the holy Beast of Heart shared his love with his daughter, moving slowly within her. When he heard her gentle gasps against him, he thought nothing of his preference for intimacy with males, for he was happy only to bring her comfort and to heal her wounds. After an extension of silence, Leona said to him, "Father, you move forcefully now, and my heart beats faster." He replied, "Indeed, the closer I come to knotting you, the faster I shall move. It is something primal and written in the heart of every dragon that lust should reduce our rationality and make us act as animals, unable to control our actions. It is something which cannot be helped. However, I shall remain tender, and you need not fear me."

But the young dragon queen could not hear him, for she was overtaken with mounting rapture. She tried to praise him, to coax his ego as she was told by him; however, she could only say, "Father, you are beautiful, and I feel whole." Then she released into her womb, and moved with gentile serpentine motions as spasms overcame her body. The thorned dragon god was brought to tears seeing her filled with such happiness, and he grasped the base of her tail which was sensitive to the touch, and helped to prolong her gentle and gracious release. Meanwhile, he moved within her using long and powerful strokes, forcing his Sacred Lifegiverfully into her in time with her soft cries. He would soon knot her, cherishing her delicately as he gave generous volumes of his most holy seed to her, conceiving many eggs inside of her. Their numbers surpassed those which the bladed god had given to her.

Alshaur was soothed and relaxed, his Sacred Lifegiver free at last of the great need. Leona yowled in contentment, savoring the warmth of his body. Holding her very close and protecting her, he told her that he loved her. The dragoness grew very calm and docile, and her eyes fluttered as though she would soon sleep. Alshaur watched her with the caring love of a father, and they rested together.

At last, the great Beast of Cunning was roused from his slumber, although his Sacred Lifegiver remained sore from his forceful conquest of his daughter. He noticed immediately that his daughter slept with his mate, still joined at the womb by a vast and swollen knot, and he said to them, "What debauchery is this?" and Alshaurreplied with great smugness, "Ah, so thou hast finally risen from thy slumber, O cunning one. See how I have taken thy daughter and ruined her for thee! She now has a name of mine own choosing, for she is now Leona, queen of the second clan. No longer will you torment her, for she has tasted lust, and her suffering shall become pleasure. Furthermore, she knows of thy deepest secret, that thou hast planned endless love and heavenly gifts for the prey of thy lustful obsession, and she no longer fears thy vigorous love, for she knows you shall rebuild her into something greater, should you break her to pieces. Ah, how I would have shared this blissful and holy knot with thee, except that thy heart fell weak and frail, and thou hast slept soundly through our holy ritual of breeding. Such a shame, that you could not attend." And he grinned devilishly at his drowsy mate, curling around his daughter protectively as his knot remained solid and strong.

Coviel, the great Beast of Cunning, was immediately disheartened, hanging his head and saying, "Ah, truly, thou hast taken all of her joys from me, as revenge for my adultery. Well played, my handsome thorned one. Thou hast outsmarted me, and taken a most fitting recompense for my thoughtless lust." And the thorned one said to him, "It is a delicious irony, see, that her sacrifice might have been perfect, and deeply pleasing to thee, if only she had survived thy brutal knot. But she could not survive it, for you claimed her alone, and she had not a Beast of Heart to temper your cruelty and to comfort her in the heat of thy passion. See how I comfort her in my arms, and how she takes my great knot happily even now. Thy pride and arrogance, and thy ravenous forcefulness are beautiful in their own right, but require the taming of thy faithful counterpart, one who is tender and caring in all ways. For together we provide the most perfect of all love, a love which is fearsome and thrilling, yet tender and caring at the same time, even as the heart pounds loudly. Admit now, O Beast of Cunning, that you need me."

The bladed dragon god smiled sadly, nodding his head and submitting to his thorned mate and the gentle father of his daughter. He said, "Ah yes, I need you. It is not just my Sacred Lifegiver which needs you, but also my heart. I am wild, and I must be tamed by your loving digression, or I shall bring thoughtless undoing upon mine own plans." The Beast of Heartspoke in return, "It is fortunate for you, then, that I shall always be here, my Heart of All Hearts belonging to you before it belongs to any other. I am yours, eternally, and you need me. Let this be a small and gentle reminder of it." And together they nuzzled, exchanging sweet yowls and tender kisses, even as Alshaur remained tied to the noble Leona.

Finally, Covielturned his attention upon his daughter. His heart was tamed, and he said, "Ah, how cute she is, fitting so tenderly against your body. She was to be a work of perfection, an impeccable sacrifice to my Sacred Lifegiver as no other, and I would have broken her with no gentleness or remorse. I suppose now I shall hear no more of her hopeless cries, or feel upon me her sweet and childish struggles coaxing my ego and filling me with the thrill of the hunt. They pleased me so deeply, even now filling me with warmth to remember, and I have lost them! Ah, such are the ways of lust."

But the young dragon queen stirred from within the grasp ofAlshaur, and she said to the bladed god, "Ah, why do you speak such nonsense, my ferocious father? It befits not your divine province to spew such falsehoods from thy tongue. Have I lost my capacity to cry hopelessly, or to struggle beneath thy might and vigor? Have I no longer a throat with which to squeal and wail at the mercy of thy vicious force? I say to thee, my holy father, I shall cry however you wish for me to cry, and move my body however you wish for me to move. My tongue shall utter whatever is most pleasing to you. For my mentor, the thorned dragon, has taught me many things, and you underestimate his teaching. Try me, then, when you are ready to mate me once more, and let me show you that I will not disappoint you." And the bladed god smiled at her, his heart filled with curiosity and gladness, and he planted the kiss of a dragon upon her forehead.

* * *

IX - A Perfect Lamentation

With the passing of the season the moonlight waned by half, and the lust of the Great Fathershad returned. Once the red queen Leona had laid a small clutch of nine eggs, the dragon gods prepared to join in perfect union with their daughter and to breed her mutually.

She lay upon her back in the warm waters of the spring, where the gentle current could flow around her and caress her. There, she spread her wings invitingly and offered herself to her needy fathers. She coaxed them, saying, "Do not be gentle with me; force me as hard as you wish, and fulfill the desire you held for me since you first chose me for breeding. Release to me the full extent of your divine ferocity; I am ready for you." They heeded her command and came to her, one father on each side. They moved with their Sacred Lifegivers upon her prone womb, forcing her open very wide and causing her to squeal, for together their girths were very large.

The Great Fathersbegan their primal dance with her, forcing their Sacred Lifegivers deep into her warm and inviting womb. The young dragoness made tides within the water as her body shook with force, and she trembled and wailed at their force. As she did so, the noble queen Leona sang to them a litany of lamentations. Though her words were insincere, invented by her only to coax the dragon gods into greater heights of arousal, theGreat Fathers soon relinquished their sanity into the depths of feral need and could not tell the difference.

Spare me, O fathers, from your forceful might! Spare me from this perverted union Between father and daughter! How unholy and wicked your lust, How crazed and ferocious your need! Spare me from such illegitimate offspring, Such unnatural a clutch of eggs you force into me!

Take pity upon me, my fathers! I beg of thee! Forgive me, and release me from your abuse!

Oh, that my Great Fathers would betray me! That their love for me would corrupt! I trusted you so, I gave to you my heart. But you have taken advantage of me! You have abused my weakness, Destroyed my youthful innocence, Shattering my dignity beneath thy divine claws! Ah, that I would become merely a plaything, A victim to you ravenous hungers!

Why have you chosen me for this dark ritual? Why do you grin with glee upon my deflowering? I am only a child, a pure and innocent daughter. Why have you taken everything away from me?

Ah! The weight of your bodies is crushing, As you force yourselves upon me! Your Sacred Lifegivers overwhelm my womb, Thrusting so relentlessly with pitiless hunger! You move me with such force that I cannot breathe!

Ah, that you would ignore my cries! You only snarl upon me, quickening thy motions! How lost you are to the hunger, How bent on causing me agony! Can you not hear the sound of my voice? O Beast of Heart, thou who hast raised me, Can you not recognize me in the heat of passion? Hast thou no mercy left within thee? O Beast of Cunning, can you not see That I am thy daughter, thy innocent child, And not a rodent you hunt in the forest as prey?

Please, stop! I can take no more! Release your clutches upon my limbs, Untwine your tails from mine! Withdraw from my womb, And let me flee! Please, fill me not with your most holy seed! So potent you are, so swollen your Sacred Lifegivers, That you would give me fifty eggs! My children would be so numerous, I could not control them, As you would stand on the mountainside And gloat over me, Satisfied By the humiliation you have caused!

Oh, help me! Deliver me from his nightmare! Whomever might hear my cries, Save me from my tainted fathers, Who have become only feral dragons! Save me from the dominance Of these two fearsome males! Save me from the force of their Sacred Lifegivers, As they pierce me so deeply, Disregarding the sanctity of my womb! Save me, before my spirit breaks in full, And I become only a lost soul, Neglected and used by those who claimed to love me! O fathers, hear my plea for mercy! Please, do not breed me!

So loud were the cries of Leona that they pierced the heavens, ringing clear upon the skies over the prairie. Queen Eden sat upon a nearby cliff and listened to them, and she was deeply pleased by her lamentations. She hoped that the Great Fathers would reform her red-scaled daughter through their vigorous affection. Upon listening to the shameless howls which escaped the shrine beside the river bend, she was reminded of the Great Fathers and the intimacy she shared with them for a year, and it caused her arousal. However, she flew away before the temptation became too great, for she wished not to break her promise to remain celibate, and forego the great reward the Great Fathers had planned for her.

The red-scaled dragoness masterfully coaxed her suitors with her taunts, and their egos grew swollen, and their lust grew too great to contain. The bladed dragon Covielmoved his body powerfully, breeding Leona with the same force he had used when he put her to sleep, and she took his force willingly. His desperate thrusts and bestial motions brought pleasure to Leona this time, and even greater pleasure to Alshaur, who shared her womb with him and felt as his Sacred Lifegiver was forced alongside his own. Coviellooked down upon his prone daughter and saw as her body moved with his own, and how his Sacred Lifegiverjoined him to her at the womb, and he was very proud of his conquest. His daughter returned to him a bright grin as her heart pounded from the glorious thrill of mating.

At last, the bladed god Covielneeded to finish, and with a broken keen he came wonderfully, forcing his knot very deep into her fertile depths as his most holy seed passed generously into her. He clenched his teeth and groaned as he released himself into his daughter for this second time, his throat producing a sweet and desperate whine that even the thorned god Alshaur had not heard from him before. He used her, his tail thrashing eagerly and his claws pulling her haunches toward himself, until he was emptied of his most holy seed.

Seeing his mate so caught in rapturous bliss, and feeling the bladed one's scales grace his own, the thorned god also lost control of his body and gave into his male need. Queen Leona squealed loudly as a second knot stretched her wide, and she became breathless, bearing the sensations provided by two swollen knots at once. So gratified was the ego of Alshaur at seeing his knot bulging from her womb, and he felt so dominant and so male, that he thought nothing of gentleness and lunged into his daughter very roughly. His most holy seed entered her, filling her womb and conceiving vast quantities of eggs, as he roared loudly and beat his wings against the empty air, creating strong whirlwinds within the tiny shrine.

Once the deed was done, the Great Fathers relaxed with their newly crowned queen. Alshaur lay at her left side and Coviel at her right, bathing in the shallow water as they held her close and stroked her glassy scales tenderly, their Sacred Lifegivers swollen and trapped inside of her. The thorned god smiled upon his bladed mate and said, "See how exhilarating it is, when you let me into your heart and our Sacred Lifegivers move as one! This is the way breeding should be done properly." And Coviel replied, "Yes, indeed it is true. The thrill our dear Leona has brought to you and I has outmatched any pleasure she has given me while I mated her alone. It is also thanks to our precious daughter, who cried such devious things, so as to drive me to the very edge. I see that Alshaur has taught you well," And he licked her forehead and her muzzle.

As they basked in the long and glowing warmth which a release brings, Coviel explained to his daughter his grand plans for the Kingdom of the Fifty Clans. He said onto her, "See, the time now has come for me to bestow upon you a reward for the great pleasure you bring to me within this shrine. I say unto thee, my strong daughter, that from this day forth, you are given the gift of eternal stamina! No longer shall you need to sleep, unless you desire it. For you are spirited and energetic, and I think that your energy should be stopped by nothing. Therefore, keep watch over your eggs, and chase your prey, and you shall never again feel the dark claw of weariness grasp at you." The noble queen heard this, and she was stricken with awe and honor. However, the god Alshaur spoke quickly, saying, "I, too, have a reward to offer to my gorgeous red daughter. For I say, I, too, am a god equal in stature to the bladed one, and my words shall hold equal weight to his. Therefore, here is my gift to you: I grant to you the gift of sun magic, the most potent of all fire magic. For what good is the power to stay awake all night if you cannot see through the darkness? But I say, now you shall stand upon a dark prairie in a storm, or within the deepest of caves, and make your scales radiate such light that the night shall turn into day, and the sky shall turn blue again. I cannot think of a more fitting glory for you, my bright and shining queen!"

Coviel snorted in amusement and laughed, saying, "You give her a second reward, in addition to mine? When have you decided to begin subverting my plans at every turn? Please, use your power with care, my thorned one! We do not wish to spoil her with unnatural abilities! But yes, what you say is true; you are also a god, just as I am, and your word becomes law just as mine does. Very well; Queen Leona, you are now a sleepless goddess of the sun, able to turn the night into day at your very whim. I only ask that you use your newfound power to care for your children and help to build the Kingdom of the Fifty Clans to be healthy and strong." And the young dragoness replied to him, "Ah, I am overwhelmed by your generosity! I suppose I am most relieved, because the thorned one had planned to teach me sun magic, which is laborious and fickle, and now he does not need to, for I control it innately. But it shall be done according to your will; I shall raise my children to delight you, and I shall worship you until the end of my days." And she was filled with glee, and praised her fathers dearly, professing her love to them.

Thus concluded the holy breeding of the second queen of theKingdom of the Fifty Clans. In total, the clutch of Queen Leona numbered forty-six, and so the cunning Coviel delivered upon his promise to fill her with more eggs than even Queen Eden. The Great Fathers were very pleased with her, for she contained enough energy to become a keen and responsible mother, and were very proud.

However, the devious Alshaurfound his mind returning to his son, Belial, and the clever plan he had crafted. He fondly anticipated the day when he would once again subvert the plans of the bladed god and to lay with the dark-scaled drake, a day which would soon dawn. For even his mate Coviel, in his Mind of All Minds, did not yet suspect the true intention of his clever plan.
