Chapter 5 - The Lovers

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Date: 18th Septembera

Location: Eastvale Village

Freya wondered into the house carrying a few basics of bread and milk into the house. Outside it was raining heavily in the middle of EastVale. She smiled at Elcypse who was sat down watching the local television who immediately got up to help her with the shopping.

"Did you have a good trip?" said Elcypse smiling at her. Freya just turned her muzzle into a deep frown. "Shall I take that as a "No" then?"

Freya put the shopping on the kitchen counter and then proceeded to the living room in order to sit down. She sat there, breathing heavily for a few seconds before turning to look at Elcypse who brought her a hot cup of tea.

"Thanks" she said smiling and taking the cup of tea into her small and delicate hands.

"Well... it would have been nicer if there had not been a torrential downpour when I was walking along the main street. I had to run all the way back here. I am soaked."

She gently lifted her arms and took off her tops, revealing her bra which instantly made

Elcypse blush and look away from her. "Oh come on, Elcypse... it's not like you've never seen breasts before?"

Elcypse gulped and put his large, worm-like tail onto his lap and stroked it gently. "Um... no... I just... get nervous around woman... especially beautiful ones."

Freya looked slightly shocked that Elcypse had come out and said that, she had known for some time that Elcypse had feelings for her ever since she had found him and nursed him back to health. "Oh Elcypse" said Freya sounding delighted. "That is the sweetest..."

Freya was interrupted from a special report newscast on the television which she immediately turned her attention to as two medium built male foxes sat at a desk filled the screen.

"Good Morning" said the presenter on the left and smiled into the camera. "This is an ELNS (Eastvale Local News Service) special report. There was panic today as what could only be described as an earthquake hit New Chentrilla City Island and the nearby Everonth Mountains. Chentrilla City was barely affected by the tremors and nobody was injured however the nearby Everonth Mountain Dig Site was completely destroyed with the death of nearly 20 people including Phoenix Grace's longest serving operative Agent Milstafo Giles. Survivors of the incident claimed that the site was attack by a giant worm however psychologists believe that it is more likely that these people have been traumatised."

Freya stared, transfixed at the screen, she suddenly felt cold and began to see terrifying visions of destruction through the television set that seemed to shatter in front of her, causing the room around her to shatter leaving her in a pitch black room, surrounded by nothingness.

"Come back..." she heard a female voice call to her.

"Who are you?" she said absolutely terrified and a woman appeared in front of her. She was human but wore a fantastically lovely red and white dress that complimented her slim figure. The woman had marking on her face which appeared like jagged lines down both side of her face, her hair was a beautiful shade of silver and her wings that extended out from her back were pitch black.

"I am you..." said the woman cryptically, her voice ripping straight through Freya into her soul. "And you are me... Goddess Freyja."

"Goddess?" said Freya confused however the woman did not answer, instead she pushed her hands together creating a ball of glowing black light between them and pushed it into Freya. "You are too much... You are a threat" said the woman. "So you will be mine now before you awaken."

Freya felt all the life drain out of her into the cold abyss as she collapsed in front of the woman.

"FREYA!" shouted a familiar voice as she woke from her vision and got up quickly to see Elcypse's long face peering down at her, trying to wake her. Freya sat up and looked around, everything felt different somehow and she tried to remember the woman that she had just seen but she could not.

"We need to go the Everonth Mountains Elcypse and find Kestra" she said looking up at Elcypse. Elcypse looked down at her, completely confused and inside Freya's mind Freya thought. "WHAT AM I SAYING? I HAVE NO CONTROL!" Freya felt her body and felt all the sensations but she could not control what her body was doing, she felt powerless. Trapped within herself.

"Why? And who is Kestra? And what is going on?" said Elcypse who was hopelessly confused. The real Freya, trapped inside her own mind watched helpless as somebody controlled her arm to put it her hand Elcypse's hand. She smiled and spoke.

"Trust me... I will explain on the way."

Location: Viridian Forest â€" 10 Miles West of Everonth Mountain Range

Diamond sat down at the campfire which was burning light and glowing gently across his wings. He took off his jacket because of the two puncture marks in it that were made when he extended his wings to escape from the Valkyrie. He had just made a vegetable broth which he cooked on the campfire and had just finished eating when he contemplated his impossible mission. He was supposed to save Terra? How? He was just a simple cryptologist.

Lance sat directly opposite him on the grass, he looked down at the ground sadly. Diamond stared over at him and watched his sad face trying to contemplate all that he had seen. They had flown for only a little while because Diamond could not support all their combined weight and had landed in the beautiful Viridian Alpine Forest that surrounded the mountain range, neither of them wanted to return because of the trauma that they had experience and all that the holographic Kestra had revealed to them.

Diamond had tried to fly them both up to Excavation Site but when they arrived they saw twenty or more dead and decapitated bodies, plus the Valkyrie had been pretty much completely destroyed. Seeing this had taken a hard toll on both Diamond and Lance who were both feeling emotionally fragile at the moment seeing people, that they had seen only hours beforehand lying in pools of their own blood had unsettled them completely.

Especially Agent Giles who had all his flesh and fur seared off of him and holding a locket with a picture of his beautiful wife and child had really taken its toll on both of them. They had both realised that staying at the site could have implicated them in the massacre when people came to investigate especially if the authorities did not believe their story. So they had left and decided to walk to the nearby village of Adamanta but were still a few days travel away.

Diamond let out a long and pained sigh, they had not spoke much since they returned from the excavation site. "Poor guy" he thought looking over at Lance. "He was not ready to see that? And frankly... neither was I".

Diamond decided that he was going to do something to help him, anything but he was not sure what. He went and sat down beside Lance who was a white as a sheet and his lovely eyes were large and full of fear.

"Hey" said Diamond whispering into his ear. "We will get through this. I know that we have seen some terrible things but we will get through this." Diamond slowly put his arm around

Lance who looked up at him and cuddled into him. Lance let out an enormous sob and started crying into Diamond's chest, placing his muzzle next to it and sobbing uncontrollably, letting all the emotion out. Diamond slowly found himself changing his opinion of Lance, at first he believe that he was stuck-up kid but now he was beginning to see he was deeply emotional person and for some reason he felt comfortable.

"I'm...I'm..." said Lance in-between crying in which Diamond put his other arm around him.

"...Scared" sobbed Lance loudly. Diamond felt like crying as well but he put his icy exterior mask on and sat there, keeping the pain inside him all bottled up.

"I know" whispered Diamond who felt a little emotionally venerable himself. Diamond pulled Lance closer to him, looked up with his large weepy eyes straight into Diamond's which made Diamond look away quickly.

"I'm glad you're with me Diamond."

Diamond let out another short smile before returning to his usual neutral look. He looked back down at Lance, his eyes were so beautiful... he was beautiful... sat there topless on the grass with his eyes sobbing and only Diamond to comfort him.

"No" thought Diamond. "What is this strange feeling... why does my heart beat like this...?

Why do I feel so very nervous?"

He stared back as if his life depended on it, part of him wanted to break the communicating between his eyes and Lance's and break the hug as well.

What is this...Why do I feel some comfortable with him... I just met him yesterday and already I feel strange... I don't like this... make it stop!

Diamond could not resist, his muzzle was drawn to Lances like there was a powerful magnet attracting them. He moved closer and his heart flutter causing his to blush.

What am I doing...? I do not blush!?

Lance moved his head up closer to Diamonds, looking it his beautiful cerulean blue eyes, his weeping clearing from his eyes and his arms wrapped around Diamond.

What am I doing...? Why do I feel this way!?

Diamonds hands felt through Lance's soft fur as he smiled at him, both of them were frightened but wanted to go further. Then it came... finally. The two muzzles touched each other become a passionate kiss between them both, a comforting notion but also incredibly sensual. After a few seconds of passion Diamond stood up...

"I should not have done that...?" he said, almost in tears, his icy heart was melting. "I am sorry..."

Lance felt the cool woodland breeze of his chest and looked up at the standing Pegasus in front of him, he then looked down at the floor.

There was no way that Diamond was going to love him...

Location: Everonth Mountain Excavation Site

Elcypse watched Freya closely while they walked up the long and dusty path to the Excavation Site at a clearing on the mountainside. She had been showing some pretty different behaviour ever since she had collapsed during that news report. She used to be amazingly chatty and bubbly person but now she was quiet and when she did say anything and she had certain sadism in her voice which scared Elcypse.

Elcypse had agreed to go with her across the continents and travel by plane to the continent in the west, partly because he had always wanted to see Chentrilla City which made a welcome changed from the polluted landscape of Gia. They had landed at Chentrilla Airport which made Elcypse gasp and marvel at the wonder of this colossal city, he tried to make Freya excited too, knowing that she would love it but she did not seem herself.

Freya had explained to him that during her vision, she saw a imprisoned child being beaten and put into slavery by slave traders which still existed on Terra to serve the more third world palaces of kings in the East. She then had said to him that she really felt for this child and it was her duty to save him.

That was why Elcypse loved her so much, she was so selfless. Elcypse trundled up the hill in close pursuit of Freya who was walking ahead. Freya stopped to turned around and look at Elcypse, her blank face staring at the rat.

"We are almost there" she said smiling before turning to walk further up the mountain path. Elcypse sighed as he trundled up the hill to see the destroyed Excavation Site that came into view with the utterly destroyed Valkyrie impacted into the wall of the mountain.

"What is that?"

Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 6 - Darkness Rising (Revised Edition)

Chapter 6 - Darkness Rising Location: Everonth Excavation Site The ship jolted again, it felt as if a herd of elephants were pounding the side of the vessel and that the ground beneath them was caving in. Forget that, it felt like the WHOLE mountain...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 4 - Past Prologue (Revised Edition)

Chapter 4 - Past Prologue Location: Eastvale Village - Gia Continent - Terra Freya woke up with a start, she peered into the darkness of her room, she had been sleeping peacefully until she had a terrible nightmare, the wind swept into her room while...

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