Brother's Quest - Chapter One: The Hidden Truth

Story by Foxx DawnKit on SoFurry

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#1 of Brother's Quest

Disclaimer Thingy:

Yeah, so... this is a story that includes two males, who happen to be brothers, and that happen to love each other, which will lead to - you got it - yiff. So, if you don't like gay sex, otters, foxes or incest relations, just click that nice lil' button with an arrow near the top of your screen, it'll take you back and away from here ;3

If you don't like yiff or furries... what the hell are you doing on YS? x3

Oh, yeah, also, since this has sexual content, kids have to leave, sorry ^w^;;

Foxx DawnKit belongs to me.

Aleath belongs to me.

Now, onwards!! *over exaggerated movement*

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"Hey... big brother...? Maybe we should stay here..." a young fox said, looking at the inn they were passing in front of. It wasn't exactly big, but, to spend just a night, it'd be fine. The slightly taller otter looked at the door, then at the small sign hanging over it. It was a small piece of wood with a shield and a sword on a bed, with some worn out words above them.

"The Travelers' Den, huh...?" he asked softly then smiled down at the vulpine. "Yeah, it seems good. And we've been walking for quite the long time now." he said, walking to the door, pushing it open and stepping inside. It wasn't anything special; a few furs sitting on some small tables, talking or just having a drink. Some looked at them when they walked in, but soon turned away again. The owner, a dingo, kept his gaze on the two newcomers.

The otter walked near the counter, with his younger brother near.

"Excuse me, we were wondering if you had a free room for two...?" he asked politely.

The dingo thought for a bit, looking at the two furs with a look that suggested that he was thinking if they were going to make a mess or not. Apparently deciding that they wouldn't do anything wrong, he gave a short nod.

"Yes, I have, but it's a small one." he explained, getting a key and putting it on the counter.

"That's ok, we don't mind it much." the otter replied with a small smile, reaching for a small pouch. He opened it and got some gold coins, placed them on the table and took the key.

"If you need anything, I'll be here." the dingo said.

"Ok, thank you. Come on, Foxx." the otter said, patting his brother's shoulder, and walked upstairs.

"How small do you think it'll be, Aleath?" Foxx asked, looking up at his brother as the two walked down the hall.

"Heh, I think it'll be good enough so we can sleep well." was Aleath's answer. They reached a wooden door, and, after unlocking and opening it, the two furs walked into the room. It was a small room, with a single bed, a table with some flowers in a jar and a window. A forest and the moon could be seen through the window.

"Wow, it is small... you think we'll be able to sleep in that bed?" Foxx asked, with a soft blush appearing under his pure white muzzle fur. Aleath smiled and ruffled his younger brother's long black and white hair.

"It's fine, we're brothers, right? It's not that freaky if we sleep together now and then." he explained with a happy smile.

"Yeah... guess so." Foxx replied, smiling softly. "But now I just want to take this off of me." he added, taking his sword from his back, a dagger from his waist and putting them on the table, with a somewhat relieved sigh and a quick yawn. Soon, Aleath put his own sword on the table, along with his dagger and bag then looked at Foxx.

"We better go to sleep. We have another long walk tomorrow." he said. He started taking his clothes, leaving only his underwear to cover his privates. He was a well toned otter, with his light brown fur covering his defined muscles, and a slightly lighter brown fur on the palm of his hand and feetpaws, neck, chest, muzzle and underside of his long and thick tail, belly, and apparently groin. His red hair was caught in a small ponytail, and his eyes had a soft blue color.

Foxx took his clothes too, also standing only with his underwear on. He blushed lightly at the sight of Aleath's body. The fox was less toned, and if someone just glanced at him, they would think he was a female. He had pure white fur on his muzzle, tip of ears and tail, down his neck, chest and belly, and continued into his underwear. On his arms and legs, it looked like he was wearing long, pure white, socks and gloves, while the rest of his body had a somewhat bright orange color. His long black and white hair was past the middle of his back, and his tail was longer and fluffier than usual.

The young vulpine tried not to look at his brother's body much, so he decided to get in the bed. For some time, he felt he liked Aleath more than normal, but he was nervous to tell that to the otter.

Aleath smiled softly and got in the bed, by Foxx's side, then chuckled lightly when his arm pressed against Foxx's.

"This is smaller than it looks..." he said, turning his head to look at his brother. "But no one will see, so it's ok."

Foxx gave a shy nod, thinking he wasn't that close to his brother in a long time. After some moments of silence, he looked at Aleath and blushed.

"Something wrong, Foxx...?" Aleath asked, looking at him slightly surprised. Foxx shook his head and moved so he was lying on the otter's body.

"Uhh... Foxx...?" Aleath asked, blushing a bit and looking into the vulpine's greenish brown eyes.

"Well... if it's small horizontally... go vertically..." he explained in a soft voice.

"Yeah, but... how are we supposed to sleep...?"

"I can sleep..." Foxx said with a small smile and giggle. Aleath let out a small 'heh' and put his paw on Foxx's back.

"You know... you used to fall asleep like this..." he said softly, putting his other arm behind his head.

Foxx rested his head on Aleath's chest, breathing in his scent softly. 'Aleath's scent... I almost forgot about it... it seems so different like this...' he thought to himself.

Aleath smiled softly, moving his paw up and down on Foxx's back, feeling the younger male's heartbeat, as well as his warmth, against his body.

Foxx blushed, thinking that now he could tell Aleath how he felt. He lifted his head a little, and looked into the otter's eyes, with his ears folded lightly against his head.

"Aleath....? Can... I tell you something...?" he asked shyly, his white muzzle fur getting a soft tone of pink. Aleath blinked a couple of times, and looked at Foxx.

"Sure, Foxx. What is it?" he asked softly, his paw stopping its movements. Foxx swallowed lightly and looked down a little; it was already hard enough to say it without having to look Aleath in the eye.

"W-well... for some time now... I... I've been feeling something different... when I'm near you..." he started in a low voice, almost a whisper.

"Really...?" he asked softly, looking at Foxx with a slightly worried look. He never acted like this before.

"Y-yeah... Aleath... I think..." he swallowed again, hoping his older brother wouldn't think he was some kind of freak. "I think I... love you..." the last two words were nothing but a low whisper. He closed his eyes and his ears folded more against his head. Any moment now, Aleath would probably start shouting at him, asking how he could say that.

Aleath's jaw dropped a bit and his eyes got wide with the shock. The otter looked at the smaller vulpine, that was now shivering lightly in fear, still unable to believe.

"F-Foxx... did you... just say you... love me...?" he asked in a low and somewhat curious voice. He wanted to make sure he heard it right.

Foxx's ears twitched a little, and he looked up at his brother again. He was expecting anger, disgust, and even thought that Aleath was going to slap him, or something like that. What he didn't really expect was that kind of surprise and curiosity. After a few seconds of hesitation, he nodded shyly.

"Y-yeah... s-sorry... I'll just..." he said, trying to move from his brother onto the bed again, but he couldn't. Aleath's arm was keeping him in place. Foxx looked at Aleath again, both nervous and curious.

"The truth is..." the otter started, blushing and moving the arm that was behind his head, so it also rested on Foxx's back. "... I love you too, little brother..." he finished, blushing more and holding Foxx closer to his body.

"W-what...? R-really...?" Foxx asked, completely surprised. He couldn't believe that Aleath felt the same way he did. It felt like a dream.

Aleath nodded and pulled Foxx a bit closer, looking into the young fox's eyes.

"Really, Foxx..." and with that, he kissed him gently in the lips. Foxx blushed deeply and returned the kiss, his white paws resting near the sides of Aleath's chest. Aleath smiled softly and slowly moved his tongue, tapping lightly against Foxx's lips, wanting to go inside. Foxx lowered his ears shyly and slowly opened his muzzle. Aleath's tongue slowly slipped into the inviting muzzle, gently licking and tasting its insides, and gently intertwining with Foxx's tongue.

After a few seconds, Aleath slowly broke the kiss, swallowing his and his brother's mixed saliva. Foxx did the same, letting out a small and shy murr. Aleath smiled and gently moved his left paw down Foxx's back, and started rubbing the base of his big tail, while his right paw moved up, to gently caress the vulpine's slim muzzle, making him murr and shiver softly.

"Is my little brother starting to get aroused...?" Aleath asked in a soft and teasing voice, the paw on Foxx's tail base moving down the soft curve of his body, reaching his white belly. Foxx shivered more and blushed, but gave a small nod.

The otter smiled and gave him another soft kiss, moving his paw into the vulpine's underwear, feeling the tip of his brother's hard member. He smiled and rubbed his thumb on Foxx's chin.

"Hmm... you're already hard..." he said softly, moving two fingers into Foxx's muzzle and moving a finger of his other paw along his brother's shaft. Foxx moaned softly, and started suckling on Aleath's fingers, occasionally licking them with his soft tongue.

"That's it, little brother... get them nice and wet..." Aleath said softly, gently moving his fingers back and forth in Foxx's muzzle. The paw on his brother's member started moving out of his underwear, only to slowly pull them down, revealing Foxx's firm rear.

Aleath smiled and slowly pulled his fingers out of Foxx's muzzle, driving them to the smaller male's pink pucker, rubbing it gently and getting it a bit wet with saliva.

"Ooh... Aleath..." Foxx moaned softly, shivering and folding his ears against his head submissively. Aleath nuzzled his muzzle softly, talking in a low voice.

"Relax, Foxx... this is going to hurt a little..." he whispered, gently starting to push a finger against Foxx's hole, slowly starting to slip it into his warm and tight insides.

Foxx whimpered and lowered his head, his inner walls tightening in an attempt to stop the intrusion. At the same time, a few tears filled his eyes because of the pain.

"Shh... its ok, Foxx... just relax, it'll hurt less..." Aleath whispered gently, rubbing Foxx's back in an attempt to make him relax. Foxx nodded softly and tried to do as his older brother told him, and after a few minutes, it started getting a little less painful.

"Good boy..." Aleath said softly, and a small smile appeared on Foxx's muzzle. The otter slowly started moving his finger in and out of Foxx, making him shiver, moan and whimper softly.

"Oohh... A-Aleath... t-that feels... ahh... g-good..." he said between moans and whimpers. Aleath kissed Foxx again, and gently started pushing the other finger into him. Foxx gasped lightly into the kiss and whimpered softly. His muzzle was slightly wet from the tears, but there was no denial that he liked what his brother was doing.

A few minutes passed, and Foxx wasn't whimpering as much. Aleath gently pulled his fingers out, and moved a paw under Foxx, to touch his still hard member.

"You really liked this, didn't you, little brother?" he asked softly and smiling. Foxx nodded.

"Y-yes... are you... going to stop...?" he asked shyly. Aleath chuckled softly and rubbed his member again, feeling his brother shivering and letting out a small moan.

"No... I was just getting you ready..." he said, moving his little brother so he was kneeling between his legs. For the first time, he saw Foxx's member, and smiled softly. "Mm... nice, Foxx..."

Foxx blushed lightly and looked down at his seven inch member. Unlike a lot of foxes, it didn't have the usual pink color; it was jet black instead, which made quite a contrast with his pure white fur.

"You look so cute, all hard and shy like that..." Aleath murred, with a bit of lust in his eyes. Foxx blushed more and noticed that his brother's boxers were quite tented. He hesitated for a second then shyly reached for them, slowly pulling them down. The fox gulped lightly and looked at his older brother.

"Y-yours is... so big..." he said in a shy voice, then looked back at Aleath's eight and a half inch member, blushing deep.

"Heh... yeah... well... I am older than you, right...?" he asked, blushing too. Foxx nodded lightly and felt Aleath pulling him close again. "Foxx... do you want me... to yiff you...?" he asked softly, looking into the vulpine's eyes. Foxx gulped softly but gave a soft nod.

"Y-yes, big brother..." he muttered timidly. He felt good when Aleath just used his fingers, even if it did hurt. How would it feel if he was actually yiffed by his older brother?

Aleath smiled softly and gently gripped Foxx's rear, moving his hard member until it was against his tight foxhole. He nuzzled Foxx softly and looked into his eyes.

"Now I really need you to relax, this is going to hurt a lot more than my fingers..." he warned in a gentle voice. Foxx swallowed nervously and nodded, trying to calm himself and relax. "Good. I'll be as gentle as I can, ok?" he asked, and started to very gently and slowly to lower Foxx on his member, letting out a small moan as the fox's tight and warm insides squeezed the tip of it. After a few seconds, he had about two inches in his brother.

"Mmm... Foxx... you're so tight..." he moaned out, nuzzling his brother to calm his down. Foxx was shivering and whimpering, feeling the tears running down his muzzle. He hugged Aleath for comfort, letting his head rest against the otter's chest.

"B-big brother... it's hurting..." he said in a low voice, with his ears completely folded against his head. Aleath held him close and petted his head.

"I know, Foxx... you still aren't used to it... once you get, it'll be easier." he whispered gently into Foxx's ear, and gently pushed a couple more inches into him slowly, nuzzling and kissing Foxx when he whimpered.

"A-Aleath... w-wait... it's hurting..." he said in a whimpering voice. Aleath petted Foxx softly and stopped pushing into him.

"When you're ready, just tell me ok?"

Foxx nodded and tried to calm down, slowly getting used to the feeling of having Aleath's member in him, but the pain didn't disappear completely. A few minutes later, Foxx looked up at his brother, his muzzle wet with tears.

"Can I push more...?" Aleath asked softly, licking Foxx's muzzle gently. The young vulpine nodded.


The otter kept licking Foxx's muzzle gently, starting to push more of his member slowly into him, moaning softly. A few minutes later, his member was completely in Foxx.

"There... it's all in there..." he said softly, rubbing Foxx's back and murring at the feeling of his younger brother's inner walls tensing from time to time on his whole member.

"R-really...? All of it...?" he asked, slightly surprised that he could take Aleath's big member in his tailhole. His brother smiled and nodded.

"Mhmm, all of it. And you're doing really good." he replied, starting to move his paw on Foxx's back. Foxx murred softly and waited until the pain subsided a little, then gazed into Aleath's eyes.

"Y-you can start now..." he said shyly. A warm smile appeared on Aleath's muzzle and he slowly started pulling his member out of Foxx, until only the tip was in him then started pushing in again, starting to thrust in and out of him and letting out some moans. Foxx panted softly, letting out some occasional moans or whimpers.

Aleath murred softly and kissed Foxx deeply, pushing his tongue into his brother's open muzzle and licking in it lovingly. A few moments later, he started thrusting a little faster, making Foxx gasp and break the kiss suddenly, with his whole body shivering and tensing, then he let out a louder moan and pressed his body against Aleath's.

The otter smiled, feeling Foxx's warm seed covering part of his belly. He gently lifted Foxx's muzzle, and slowed down a bit.

"You're really excited, aren't you...? For you to cum this quickly..." he said with a warm smile. Foxx blushed deeply and turned his look away from Aleath.

"S-sorry..." he said shyly, but a soft kiss to his lips made him look at Aleath again.

"It's ok, Foxx..." he said, gently lifting Foxx's body so he was riding his older brother. Aleath put his paws on Foxx's sides, and started moving him up and down on his member. Foxx leaned back slightly, moaning a little louder and letting out a small whimper each time his brother's member went a little deeper.

"Ahh... A-Aleath... ohm..." he moaned, his tongue hanging by the side of his muzzle.

"Ohh... Foxx... mm... ah...!" he moaned out and looked at Foxx, seeing that his member slipped out of his brother. "It... slipped out..." he said, panting and sitting up to kiss Foxx passionately. Foxx murred and kissed him back as passionately.

Aleath broke the kiss and looked around. Foxx tilted his head, a little confused.

"What is it, big brother...?" he asked. Aleath smiled and kissed Foxx again.

"I was seeing if we have a bathroom here..." he said softly, laying Foxx on the bed and lifting his legs a bit, then put his member against his tailhole again, making Foxx murr submissively.

"Why...?" he asked shyly. Aleath chuckled softly and pushed his member into Foxx again, smiling when he saw him squirm and moan under him.

"Because this might get a bit dirty..." he moaned out, starting to thrust in and out of his brother fast. Foxx moaned and whimpered, his paws gripping Aleath's sides in pleasure.

"Haa... Aleath... nn..." he moaned out, with his eyes closed and his body starting to tense again. Aleath grinned lightly and gave a slightly harder thrust. Foxx's body shook rather hard. "I'm cumming...!" he whimpered out as a few jets of his warm fox seed burst from the tip of his member and onto his belly.

"Ahh... messy little fox..." Aleath said with a small grin. A few moments later, he gasped and hugged Foxx as close as he could, thrusting hard and deep into his tailhole, filling him with his seed with a loud moan. Foxx whimpered a little louder and hugged Aleath tight, feeling his warm seed painting the walls of his no longer virgin tailhole. The two hugged each other for some minutes, their orgasms slowly fading as they panted and murred. Aleath looked at Foxx

and kissed him deeply, for about a minute, hugging the fox's smaller body lovingly. When he broke the kiss, he slowly pulled out of him, making him moan softly. After that, he lay by Foxx's side, his brown arms wrapped around him.

"Foxx... I love you..." he said, looking into Foxx's eyes. Foxx smiled softly and moved near Aleath, so their bodies were pressed together, lying on their sides.

"I love you too, Aleath..."

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Ok, I hope you liked it. I'm thinking about doing more chapters ('Duhhrr, it's a series because of something, right?' Oh, shut up you! x3), but that'll depend on my unstable mood and creativity. And even if I do more chapters, there'll be a lot of them that will be yiff free (heh...), but I hope you still enjoy it ! ^w^

Anywhooz, see you next time, I might post the second chapter soon, I'm feeling.... *sighs deeply and grins*... Inspired xD

~ Foxx DawnKit