Kool Kat Chronicles, Chapter Five: New Faces In New Places

Story by Proffesor Kool Kat on SoFurry

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#6 of Kool Kat Chronicles

Disclaimer: This story contains scenes of a sexual nature, and should not be read by minors.

Matthew Calluci is © myself and should not be used without permission

Lauren Calluci is © myself and should not be used without permission

James and Christie Kat are © myself and should not be used without permission

Mahtan Ellenzar is © his player and was used with permission

Simon and Sylvia Swiftpaw are © myself and should not be used without permission

Kool Kat Chronicles, Chapter Five: New Faces In New Places

It was interesting, how so much could change in so little time, and it was safe to say that James and Christie Kat had both seen their fair share of this interesting fact.

In the last few years, Christie had been moved to her mother's house, to live with her and James, because her father died. Then they had been moved to their Uncles house, after their mother had been shot by Sylvia's father.

Finally, when it seemed like they would have nowhere else to go, Bob was arrested shortly after James caught him raping his sister.

Now, the cubs faced another new place, with many, many new faces, and wondered if any of it was any better than the last place they were at.

They had been sent to live in an orphanage. The orphanage had many children and teens. Both cubs made friends quickly and settled in well, but then someone new arrived to the orphanage...

It was a Saturday, and James was laying out on the ground of the courtyard, basking in the sun's soft midday glow as a voice called out to him. "Jimmy! Hey Jim!" The figure that matched the voice was a short red furred weasel, he wore blue shorts and a plain white T-shirt with small half-moon glasses perked atop his short muzzle.

"What, Mahtan?" James called out to the friend he had made while at the orphanage. The weasel's full name was Mahtan Ellenzar, an odd name, James thought.

Mahtan paused; he had never had the best attention span. James always found this funny. "Uh... I dunno..." Mahtan's gaze turned and he stared into a tree where a bird sat perched peacefully.

James laughed "You're a trip Mahtan, you know that?"

Mahtan turned his head, looking at James as if to see him for the first time all day "Oh! I remember now, Matt wanted to see you." the weasel smiled and did his trademark "Happy Dance" which was mostly a bunch of hoping around.

James shook his head and laughed again, getting up to his feet and stretching. "Alright Mahtan, where's he at?"

Mahtan blinked. "Where's who at?"


"Oh! He's hanging out in the cafeteria with his sister."

James sighed softly and began to walk into the building, his long blue hair bounced softly as he walked, he had finally let it grow out all the way to his back He thought it looked rather nice next to his dark blue fur and black stripes. It looked... Pretty...

James had taken an interest to boys these days, not to say he wasn't into girls, he simply like both genders equally. It wasn't anything James was ashamed of, for him it was just a thing. He just happened to like boys, so what?

"Mahtan, don't go that way, follow me." He grinned as he saw Mahtan begin to turn a separate corner, then whisper 'Oh yeah!' and follow back behind James.

James turned a corner then turned again to walk through a large set of double doors, into the orphanage cafeteria. It was all but empty as two figures stared at the two furs entering through the doors.

Their names were Matthew and Lauren Calluci, and what made these two different from all the other children in the orphanage, was the fact that these two were humans. It still seemed weird for such an odd creature to stand on two legs, fleshy with so little hair aside from that which hung down from their heads.

Lauren looked at Mahtan with a soft smile; the two shared a secret romance that only the four in the room knew about, as many furs looked down on a relationship between a human and a fur.

She had black hair that hung down just past her shoulders, was ivory of skin and all in all a very pretty girl. She very well pulled off the "Goth" look as she wore black high top, tight black jeans and had her fingernails covered with dark black polish.

Matt gave a soft nod to James and smiled, James smiled back. These two also had a small relationship going, a relationship that, due to much secrecy and discretion, had progressed very little. As much as people looked down on a human and fur relationship, both the male lovers knew that they would look even further down on a gay relationship between a human and fur.

Matt smirked and gave James a playful up and down look "Where's your sister?" He teased.

James rolled his eyes "Oh shut up, ass." At that he gave his boyfriend an affectionate kiss on the cheek. "Well, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Mmm... Besides the fact that you've got the sexiest ass in the orphanage?"

Lauren groaned. Mahtan sat aside her looking around absently. "Get a room you two."

They both laughed, and Matt wrapped an arm around his sister. "Awww, what's the matter sis? Jealous?"

She scoffed "Not in the least."

James laughed "Gee, that hurt."

Matt shook his head "Okay but seriously, do you remember Sylvia?"

James blinked.

"Come on, you've only told me the story a thousand times since you've been here, I know you know her."

James nodded "Yeah, of course I do, why?"

Matt smiled "Did she have a brother?"


Matt continued. "Well, there's a new guy in this place, he has the same last name as her."

James tilted his head, "Well... What's his name?"

Matt tapped his chin in thought. "Umm... Simon Swiftpaw? Something like that."

James shook his head "Man... I don't know, but I'll meet this guy. Anything else I should know?"

Matt nodded. "There's a rumor about that he was here before, his foster parent's put him up for adoption again, they couldn't handle him. He's supposedly diagnosed bi-polar and some kind of freaky." He finished with a shrug.

"How'd he get put in here in the first place?" James asked.

Once again, Matt shrugged.

James sighed and sat in his lovers lap with a soft giggle, nuzzling into his neck. Matt shivered, he was still getting used to the feeling of having his neck nuzzled, simply because it was not a human practice.

Meanwhile, afew chairs over Mahtan and Lauren had been making out for a while, their tongues glided around in one another's mouths, slowly, not erotically but simply lovingly. Lauren broke the kiss and whispered out "I love you Mahtan..." Mahtan gave her a smile and rubbed his nose against hers. "I love you more." He grinned.

Matt looked over to them and smiled, turning back to whisper into James's ear, "Y'know, as bad as that guy's attention span is, he sure doesn't have a hard time focusing on my sister..."

James smiled, "They make a cute couple"

Yeah..." Matt agreed, "They really do..." He sighed softly and turned away from his lover. "Get out of my lap babe, I've gotta get out of here."

James tilted his head "Where you gotta go?"

Matt shrugged "I just gotta be out of here..." He sounded depressed, James hated it when Matt was depressed, but reluctantly got out of Matt's lap.

Matt got up and began to walk off. James whimpered softly and watched him walk through the doors.

He turned his head to Mahtan and Lauren, they were so affectionate and loving, why couldn't he and Matt be like that?

Matt loved James, they both knew that, but at times it was like Matt didn't say what he wanted to say, like he was afraid to get too attached to James...

"Lauren?" James called out, waking the couple from their dreamlike state of basking in each other's love.

"Mmm... Yeah?"

"What's up with Matt? You're his sis, you outta know what's up."

Lauren sighed softly and stood up with a stretch. "Look, he doesn't want you guys to know what he thinks so don't tell him I told you."

Both Mahtan and James nodded.

Lauren continued "Well, he thinks that since we're in an orphanage that means that we're all going to be adopted some day, we'll all be separated. He thinks we shouldn't get too attached to eachother because when we're finally separated it'll just be heartbreak."

Lauren rolled her eyes and patted Mahtan on the head "I'll go talk to him, James. See you later baby." She winked at Mahtan and strolled out the door to find her brother.

James looked out the Cafeteria windows and yawned as he saw that out in the distance, dark black clouds were beginning to roll in. He looked at his little wristwatch, it was only 5:30, but he figured a good nap wouldn't kill him; it was, after all, a Saturday.

Lightning clashed outside as the rain poured upon Matt Calluci. He stood in the courtyard with his eyes closed as the rain poured down hard from the heavens to the earth, soaking him in the process.

He didn't care, he welcomed the rain He liked the way it felt. It seemed almost cleansing, rolling down his body, and dripping on his face; like a nature given bath to cleanse him of his troubles and fears.

Matt sighed softly and shivered. He wore no raincoat, as he didn't own one. He was somewhat bare as he only wore a white tank top "wife beater" type shirt, with slightly baggy blue jeans.

A bright blue dew rag tightly covered his brown hair. He stared out into the rain, not particularly looking at anything, just staring out into the depths of his own self-conscious, in deep, deep thought.

Matt was sixteen, two years older than his lover. He was worried, he loved James. Was the love meant to last? He could ignore the fact that they would inevitably be split up, and continue on his relationship blindly. Could it work? What about when they did split up? He was very confused...


Matt gave a slight jump at the calling of his name, turning around to see his sister under the roof of the courtyard porch. "What?"

"What the hell are you doing out there in the rain? You're gonna get sick."

Matt coughed softly "I am not."

"Matt! Get your ass in this building right now; it's bad enough I had to come look for you."

"Yeah? And who forced you to do that?"


Matt blinked, and walked into the building as if to admit defeat. "Well?" he asked.

"James wants to know why you've been acting the way that you have."

Aside from a sneeze, Matt stayed silent.

"Matt..." Lauren sighed.

"I don't know what you're talking about; I haven't been acting any different than I normally do."

Lauren sighed. "Whatever. Look... you need to get to bed before you really get sick."

"Alright, what're you gonna do?"

"Shit...," Lauren shrugged. "Go to bed I guess."

"Yeah, I saw Mahtan walking to the girl's dorm, I wonder what for..." Matt smirked at his sister.

"Oh fuck you Matt."

"No thanks sis, I'm heading off to bed." And with that Matt walked off.

Mahtan Ellenzar waited outside the door to the girls' dormitory, looking around anxiously. He knew what being caught meant. He was more than willing to take the risks.

Footsteps, someone was approaching. He shook nervously. He urged himself to stay calm; it had to be Lauren...

It was! "Psst! Lauren!" Mahtan whispered as his girlfriend turned the corner.

Lauren grinned and walked up to Mahtan, kissing him on the cheek lovingly. "What're you doing here?"

Mahtan blushed softly and smiled. "I just felt like being with you..."

"You could've been caught..." Lauren grinned.

"Well, I wasn't, was I?" Mahtan grinned right back.

Lauren laughed and took Mahtan by the paw, pulling him down the hall.

Mahtan didn't make any move to keep from following her, but did have to ask. "Where are we going?"

Lauren grinned back at him. "You'll see."

Mahtan gazed vacantly around the halls, unaware as to where his loved one was leading him. "Ow!" Mahtan whimpered as his nose hit a wall, due to Lauren turning a corner.

"Well, pay attention, you goofy weasel." Lauren giggled, before stopping. She had stopped in front of the girls' bathroom.

Mahtan blinked and tilted his head, reading the sign by the door. "What're we doing here...?"

Lauren rolled her eyes, "Mahtan, I swear... Sometimes you're just plain stupid." She teased. "Come on in." She walked into the girls' bathroom, the door quietly closing behind her.

Mahtan stood his ground and stared hard at the door. "...But I'm not allowed in there, Lauren!"

A bought of laughter came from beyond the door. "Mahtan, I, as a girl, give you permission to enter the girls' bathroom."

Mahtan bit his lower lip, as if going into the girls' bathroom was a death sentence. "Are you sure, I me-," He was cut off as Lauren called out through the door in frustration.

"Mahtan, get your ass in here!"

Mahtan closed his eyes and shuffled quickly through the door.

Mahtan opened his eyes, and kept them open. In fact, his eyes went ridiculously wide at the site before him.

In plain view, just... standing there with her legs spread slightly, Lauren Calluci posed for Mahtan, wearing nothing but panties, panties that had an increasingly large wet spot on the front of them.

She had nicely sized breasts that she pressed together with her hands, looking down at them with a soft grin, her nipples were hard. "Do you like what you see, Mahtan?"

Mahtan did not answer, but merely stood there, and blinked. Then blinked again. Slowly, he nodded in response, as if not sure what to say or do.

Lauren giggled and watched as her poor boyfriend stared at her, dumbfounded. "You're a virgin, aren't you Mahtan?"

He nodded.

Lauren smiled and spoke softly, "That's okay hun, just... lay back; I'll do all the work."

As if obeying command, Mahtan laid back on the floor, knowing that it was clean enough to do so. Lauren could see his erection was jutting into his pants, he was of average size.

Lauren got down on her knees and pulled Mahtan's shorts down and took a hold of his throbbing shaft through the boxers. As if talking to a toddler she simply whispered out, "Do you like it when I touch you there?"

Mahtan nodded weakly, melting at the touch of his human lover. He was wise to take off his glasses and lay them aside.

Lauren pulled down his boxers and re-wrapped her hand around his shaft. She took a moment to stare at the sheath and sac, she had never exactly seen a furries' nether regions before, but she assumed that it was all relative.

Slowly, making sure Mahtan was watching her, she took the head of his weasel shaft into her mouth; making Mahtan moan out in the process. Lauren knew what she was doing, she wasn't exactly a virgin.

As one of her hands pumped Mahtan's shaft and the other fumbled with his sac, Lauren began to suckle on the weasels head, letting her tongue run over that sensitive slit at the very tip. She pushed her head forward, slowly as not to make herself gag. She gave his shaft a soft squeeze with her hand and began to stroke it slowly, from where her lips were to the base. Her other hand continued to stimulate Mahtan's sac with rubs and squeezes.

"Oh...God, Lauren... I think I might..." Cursed as it was that Mahtan would reach an early orgasm, Lauren was not mad. All she had anticipated on doing tonight was pleasing her lover, showing him that she would be there... forever.

Mahtan began to thrust into his human girlfriend's mouth; Lauren savored the moment as she squeezed her hand tighter around Mahtan's pulsing shaft. With a soft moan from Mahtan's lips, a hot spray of his weasel seed erupted into Lauren's mouth.

Lauren swallowed every drop happily, smiling up to Mahtan as he panted, laying back on the floor. "Thank... You..."


Christie Kat lay purring naked next to her latest fling, her back against his chest as he nuzzled into her neck. It was really too dark to have seen anything, but she felt it. God she felt it! He wasn't exactly the biggest she'd ever encountered, but he defiantly knew a trick or two.

In the midst of the silence he whispered into her ear, "Mmm... Did you enjoy that, Christie?" he murred.

Christie giggled and flicked her tail playfully against his leg. "You bet..," She paused... What the hell was his name? Seymour... Shakespeare... Simon... Simon! That was it! "You bet, Simon."

Not noticing her pause, or ignoring it if he did, Simon merely continued to nuzzle into Christie.

Christie yawned softly; they had been daring enough to sleep together in Simon's bed. She wasn't exactly sure as to why he had a room to himself, but she didn't pay it much mind.

She looked at the small digital clock next to his bed. "Shit..."

"What's up?" Simon tilted his head, setting himself up on his elbows and staring at Christie.

"I have to get back to the girl's dorm, it'll be morning soon." She said getting up from the bed, her feet meeting the cold wooden floor.

Christie had grown from her once disproportioned young self into a fine looking young lady, she was beginning to lose her child fat and even get taller. Her breasts didn't seem as big as they once were, in fact... They almost seemed as if they needed to grow just a bit. The only thing that had remained frequent and unchanging with the ten year old cub, she was still a nymphomaniac.

"Will I get to see you tomorrow?" Simon asked out through the silence, as Christie finished putting on her nightgown.

"I don't see why not, it's not like I've got much to do here." She giggled and reached her paw for the door. "See you tomorrow, and hopefully... Tomorrow night." She blew him a kiss and walked out into the darkness of the hallway, closing the door behind her.

He watched her as she walked out, staying silent until the door closed. The second it slammed shut Simon began to laugh. He laughed loud, and he buried his muzzle into his pillow to make sure no one would hear it. He laughed hard until his sides hurt and tears of joy fell from his eyes.

It had happened; fate had brought them both back into his life. Christie and James were both here and now he could take the revenge he'd long waited for!

Soon everything would fall into place, and he fell fast asleep with this knowledge. All that he needed to do was be patient. Everything would happen soon.

Very soon....


Proffesor Kool Kat