The Dragons 5: Deuling and Dealing

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#5 of Red Moon

Sorry this one took so long! As always, check the tags before reading. I know the list isn't as exhaustive as it has been in the past, so if I missed something please feel free to tag it!

When supper had arrived, Vaelin did indeed go looking for the pup. He'd asked his mother and several of the servants and went on quite the wild goose chase. Finally he flitted up to the roof of one of the towers and found Amaris sitting there. Stifling his amusement at the story he'd been told, Vaelin settled beside Amaris and tilted his red scaled head at him. "It's time for supper now," he said simply.


"I'm not hungry." He mutters, shuffling so he was looking in a different direction. It had been hours, but with Vaelin coming the embarrassment came back as well. His ears went flat and he hid in his wings.


He quirked his brow at that and tilted his head. "That's a lie. You've been away since before lunch." He eyed the pup for several moments then grinned. "Come on! All of that delicious, steaming hot food isn't going to eat itself! I can even smell it from here!" Indeed, the smoke from the kitchens carried the scents of baking bread and roasting meat up past them and into the heavens!


"Everyone's going to be laughing at me!" He exclaims, unfurling his wings so he can look at his father. "They all know by now how dumb I was! I'm.. I'm not going back down there until the forget..."


He blinked at that and tilted his head. "For what?" he asked, feigning ignorance. "No one told me anything that you did. What did I miss when I was asleep?" he asked, trying to force as much genuine curiosity into his voice as he could.


"If you didn't talk to anyone how do you know i didn't eat?" He counters, not falling for the act. He knew Vaelin could be.. tricky. It was just really hard to catch him at it.


"I didn't say I didn't talk to anyone, did I?" He leaned over and nudged the boy. "Come on, what happened that no one knows about that has you so embarrassed?" he asked and tilted his head to the side.


"I don't wanna say..." He mutters, sighing. "Please don't make me tell you. It makes me feel stupid." He explains.


*He quirked a brow at that and shrugged his wings lightly. "You're the only one who feels that way. No one else has said anything about what happened to make you feel like that."


The hybrid pup grumbled for a moment before he gave up. Vaelin probably wouldn't let this go any time soon anyway. "I thought I hurt you, okay? You stopped moving and didn't saying anything and I thought I hurt you. There, now you know why I feel stupid!" Having explained, Amaris hid in his wings again as his face burned.


Vaelin blinked then gave a little chuckle. Whether Amaris wanted it or not, Vaelin pulled the pup into his lap and cocooned him in his leathery wings. "Is that all? That's nothing to be ashamed of. Not even close!" He kissed the top of the boy's furred wings and shook his head. "And you are still the only one worried about it."


"People are gonna laugh. Mother still laughs about a frog jumping at my face and making me fall in the lake." He mutters. Still, it made him feel better to be wrapped up like this. "You're not mad I made you pass out?"


*He laughed again and shook his head. "Of course not. It felt wonderful!" he said and smirked. "You have a choice to make, don't you? You can either worry about this your entire life, can be embarrassed and miserable from now on, or you can laugh at yourself, be happy, and move on." He shrugged his wings. "If you cant laugh, what can you do?"


"This is one of those adults things where I don't really get to choose, isn't it? You always make one thing sound better when's it's one of those things." He points, sighing again. " fine, fine, I'll come down to eat..."


He nodded slowly. "Yes, it's an adult thing. You have to decide yourself though. Will you mature and learn to let things go, or will you stay a child and skitter about the halls, worried so much what other people may or may not say?" He watched the boy for a moment and sighed. "It's up to you. I cant make you not be miserable."


"I already said I'd go, didn't i?" Amaris asks. "And I worry when I look like I don't know anything. It's normal. What's for dinner, sir?" He was hungry, but the change of subject was a nice but to hope for.


*He shook his head. It wasn't about going to dinner. But he wasn't going to fight the boy on it. Let him worry and run and hide every time he did a thing. He took a calming breath and shrugged his wings. "I don't know," he said truthfully and refolded his wings along his back. "Why don't we go find out?"


"I'd like that. I.. Well, I am hungry." He admits, ears flicking. "At least I'm not getting cold anymore though." With that Amaris stands up and stretches, groaning from staying curled up for so long.


Vaelin rolled his eyes at yet another reminder, another unnecessary mention of the collar Amaris seemed to want made abundantly clear he didn't like tenfold over. He took another breath and smiled. "Why don't we go eat, then? I'm starving!"


Amaris thought for a quick moment and then gave his father a playful shove before running and jumping off the roof, wings snapping open to catch the air. "Last one there's a rotten feral egg!"


Vaelin smirked at the challenge and shook his head. He stood up and stretched his wings to more leisurely drift down on the wind. He could be pretty rotten sometimes, he'd grant that! Smirking mirthfully, he landed gently upon the grand steps and strode into the great hall and the dining hall beyond with a hum rumbling in his throat.


Amaris had taken his seat already, and had somehow managed to keep from eating. Probably out of pride over his tiny victory in the 'race' they had just had. Part of him new Vaelin could have easily won though, so he kept his victory to a smile.


Vaelin smiled as he settled in the seat at the head of the table then held up a finger to Amaris. "I thought we were going back to my bedroom!" He eyed the pup in mock suspicion and shook his head. "Next time, I'm going to eat everything before you even get down here!" And just for good measure, he poked his forked tongue out at the boy.


"You're already getting fat, so it wouldn't surprise me." He says, pointing at the belly Vaelin had accused him is stuffing full of food. "I bet you didn't win because it weighed you down." He sticks his own tongue out in retaliation. "Besides, I minded my manners and waited for you before eating, you could at least do that too, right?"


Vaelin glanced at the bit of a gut he had put on and snorted. Were that the boy knew! He nodded thoughtfully and tapped his chin. "You're right, of course. That would be the polite thing to do." He smiled then immediately said "But I'm still gonna do it!" He poked his tongue out at the boy and snatched up his fork with one hand. The other reached for the prince's covered platter. "I think I'll start now, since you're making fun of me." He hadn't been quite so silly and juvenile in a very long time. It was... well it was a pleasant change from the norm.


"Nooo!" He mock-wailed, lurching forward and wrapping his arms around the lid, keeping it down. "I'm already here and this is mine now!"


Vaelin snatched his hand back and eyed Amaris's quick defense. "Well fine," he said, then turned and lifted the lid from his own tray. Beneath the silver domes lay a couple ornately placed roast pheasants lined with various greens and thinly sliced potatoes. A smaller plate beside the main course held finely cubed bits of various fruits, all waiting to be devoured. The dragon king growled pleasantly and took a bit of the potatoes onto his fork. "Oh, delicious!" When Amaris lifted his own tray off, Vaelin's fork shot out and snatched one of the slices of potato. He devoured it and poked his tongue out at Amaris once more before returning his focus to his own plate.


"Hey!" He shouts indignantly, frowning. He'd have to get back at Vaelin somehow. Frowning and thinking, he moves his plate further away and started to eat, keeping an eye on the dragon just in case.


*Vaelin smirked at the pup's reaction and shook his head lightly. Such childish games, but if it made the boy smile and forget his little embarrassment, then Vaelin would keep at it! He cleaned his platter off quickly enough and leaned back. He groaned and set his hand upon the faint swell of his belly. "No wonder I'm getting fat. That was delicious!"


"And thieving my food!" Amaris shoots back, still trying to savor the meal he had. What to do to Vaelin? He didn't want to short sheet the bed, because the dragon would probably rip them. He probably wouldn't notice if his paw was in a bowl of warm water either. Then he had an idea and smiled. Yes, that could work...


Vaelin smirked lightly at the reaction and shook his head. "Well, it's good, you know. I think I got the best piece off your plate." He winked and licked his lips as he tore into the quail. He shook his head lightly in amusement and moaned at the succulent quail juice washed over his tongue. Such wonders came out of his kitchen.


Amaris stuck his tongue out before going quiet as he ate. He was eating slower now, thinking about how he'd go about bringing his idea to life. "When are we going on one of the days we talked about?" He asks with a quiet, curious tone to his voice.


He tilted his head lightly and quirked a scaled brow ridge "What? Oh. That depends," he said simple and sucked a bit more of the quail meat into his muzzle. He groaned lightly and nodded to no one in particular. That was some good food!!!


"On what?" He presses, tail wagging. Maybe it would be soon! That would be great! Of course, he had no idea what they would do on those days, but he had several (clean) fantasies in his head. Father/son stuff.


He shook his head and winked. "On how much of your delicious food you let me steal," he said and eased his fork toward the quail on the pup's plate. Of course, he didn't think the boy was going to let him, but it was nice to tease anyway!


Surprise, surprise, Amaris moved his plate... closer to Vaelin! Whether naive or playing along, he smiled and kept on wagging his tail as he all but handed his plate over to the king dragon.


He blinked at that then eyed the boy. He smirked lightly and leaned over to kiss the boy between the ears. "How about tomorrow before lunch?" he asked and tilted his head to the side. He pressed his fork against the pup's plate and pushed it back to it's original place.


"If we go tomorrow can we go camping?" He asks, surprised that he was getting his plate back but thankful. He was still hungry after all, and the meal really was delicious! "I've never been..."


He licked his lips for a moment and, for completely different reasons than Amaris had thought, began to get a little excited at the idea. "Of course. We'll pack a tent and food for supper, How about that then, hm?"


"And clothes." He says, thinking ahead. "In case we need them." He adds, flicking his ears as he began to eat faster, as if speeding up the meal would bring tomorrow around any faster.


He chuckled at that and tilted his head. "Of course. Clothes too." He smiled a little and watched Amaris eat. "Slow down though. If you get sick, we wont be going anywhere tomorrow, will we?" he asked and breathed a small sigh.


"Huh? Oh." He says, realizing he'd been half-wolfing down his food. "I'm sorry. It really is really tasty today, isn't it? What kind of bird is this?"


"Quail," he said with a smile. "Very fast little things that take a great deal of skill to shoot down or snare." He smirked and tilted his head. "A delicacy, to say the least. And o' so delicious!" he moaned pleasantly and sucked the rest of the meat away from a drumstick.


"I know what I'm hunting then." He laughs, breaking a bone open to suck the marrow out. He finished his plate and wiped his paws and face quickly. He checked his clothes for any fallen food bits and felt a tiny bit of pride when he didn't find any. "Are you still coming to my weapon's training? I'm supposed to spar today, but I know I'm gonna get beaten." He sighs.


"Of course, I'll be there." He smirked and tilted his head at the boy curiously. "I wouldn't miss it. You're going to get better and I want to see that happen bit by bit!" He gave a little wink and said "Why don't you go fetch some clothes you wont mind getting dirty and go down to the barracks, hm? I'll be along shortly."


"None of the clothes I have now are ones I wouldn't mind getting dirty." He replies, tilting his head to the side in confusion. "You had a lot of really nice sets made for me."


He shrugged his wings again and smiled. "Well, then by all means! Go down to the barracks and get started! I'll be down shortly." He smiled again and leaned back i his chair. He smiled as he watched the boy and absently folded his hands over the gentle swell of his belly.


Nodding, Amaris went down to the barracks and picked out a saber to use, swinging a few times to try and get used to it again. He couldn't believe he was already sparring when he didn't know much of anything about it.


He watched his son go and smiled. He finished his breakfast and went to go get his own armor and sword. Before he could dress in the metal wardrobe, he battled with a bout of morning sickness. But within only a little while, he ventured down to watch the boy and the quartermaster sparring in the dusty ring once again.


Little Amaris looked so.. puny and worried as he watched the bear pick a sword to use. Was this really the same boy who had slashed through Vaelin's scales with just his claws and some yelling? Still, the stance he adopted was pretty good for just one day, and he held the saber at the ready.


When Vaelin came to the side of the ring, the bear was smiling at the boy, using slow, deliberate motions to strike at Amaris. He was of course still going fast enough to make it a challenge, but slow enough to give Amaris time to develop the muscle memory needed.


Amaris seems almost tentative as he blocks and pushes the attacks away, sometimes even moving out of the way instead. This wasn't like the dummy at all, where he could just stand still.


Every time Amaris would utilize his fancy footwork, the bear would cheer and urge him on! But his body never stopped, the ax never stilled. Vaelin smiled at the pup and leaned against one of the fences to watch. He looked frustrated, didn't he? But more often than not, Vaelin could see his eyes brimming with pride at each parry and block. He would make a fine swordsman yet.


When the pup finally noticed his father he nearly lost concentration and almost got hit for the mistake. He immediately turned his attention back and attacked for the first time out of sheer instinct,


When Amaris attacked, the big bear grinned and gave a happy little laugh. "There you go, you're getting it! You have to make windows for yourself. You cant just keep waiting for the next attack." Vaelin smirked and nodded. Wise words. Waiting for things to react to isn't at all the right way to do a great many things. He hoped Amaris would be getting as much out of the little lessons.


Looking surprised at the praise as much as at the fact he attacked, Amaris does what he had all his life as a servant: what he's told. He steps aside on one ax swing and swung his saber again, a little harder this time. Maybe he could do this after all!


The bear again laughed and nodded! He showered Amaris in praise every time the boy danced away, parried, or blocked his own swings and pressed the advantage. "Good, good! The real trick is not giving me the opportunity to strike at all. Make me be on my toes, on the defense all the time and you're golden!"


Well, that was something he hadn't thought of. But how could he press the attack if he had to keep blocking? He only had one sword!

But he had more weapons, didn't he? Just not metal. Concentrating hard, the next time Amaris parried he turned with the blades and swiped at the bear's face with his tail.


The big quartermaster actually gave a startled yelp as the tail swished at his face. But it was enough of a distraction to give Amaris plenty of opportunity! Vaelin grinned at the revelation and balled his fists excitedly.


Amaris grinned wolfishly as he kept the spin up until he had his saber pointed at the bear's face too, wondering if he'd somehow, miraculously, won his first match. He had the nagging feeling he hadn't, but hey, he could hoped.


Amaris grinned wolfishly as he kept the spin up until he had his saber pointed at the bear's face too, wondering if he'd somehow, miraculously, won his first match. He had the nagging feeling he hadn't, but hey, he could hoped.


Pointed or not, the bear grinned and swatted the saber away. "Why are you stopping? You haven't scored a touch yet, pup!" And already the bear's big ax was coming toward Amaris. Vaelin smirked and gave his wings a little shrug. You have to burn yourself to know fire is hot, after all.


He wished he'd known that before he stopped. Yelping, the pup jumps away and flaps his wings for extra distance. He panted and tried to think of what to do next, because he really doubted he'd be able to get the tail trick off again.


Vaelin grinned as the quartermaster pressed his own advantage. "Come on, pup! You did it once, you can do it again!" Probably. Maybe. Amaris was a smart pup, he'd figure it out soon enough. Or he'd earn a brand new bruise.


For someone who had never sparred before, he hadn't expected to get this much praise! He got a little boost from it, mentally, and darted in after an ax swinging, ancient wolf tactics having him bring his saber against the bear's left hip. Gotta hamstring your prey before you go in for the kill!


Vaelin grinned as the quartermaster danced back and swatted the saber away. That's it, thatta boy! The bear smirked and nodded approvingly "That's better, keep it up!"


Unfortunately Amaris was running out of ideas to use that he was allowed to, and he was tiring too. He didn't want to get hit, but he was clearly outmatched and losing pace with each party, block, or dodge.


The bear quartermaster would keep pressing if Amaris didn't, ultimately finally pushing a paw against his chest and shoving him into the dirt. Vaelin smiled and started forward. "Well, that was better than yesterday!" The a quartermaster nodded his agreement and added "You're learning very quickly, that's for sure. You do need to work on your stamina, though."


"It's only been two days!" He pants, growling softly for an moment as he got up. "It's not like I'm you or him!" He tells the bear, pointing at Vaelin as he walked up.


The quartermaster quirked a brow at that, genuinely confused. Vaelin rolled his eyes and waved apologetically at the bear. "Ignore him. He has this nasty habit of turning compliments into insults." Vaelin leveled a stern look on Amaris for a moment then said "One more thing he needs to work on."


"I'm talking about my stamina! I don't have years of training so of course I need to work on it." He replies, rolling his eyes briefly. "You know that's what I was saying."


"It's not what you say," Vaelin said, "It's how you say it." He sighed then offered a smile. "Why don't you go get cleaned up and packed?" he asked then smiled at the quartermaster and drew his sword. "I need to get some practice in, too."


"But we're going tomorrow, so I can pack tonight and I wanna watch so I can learn more." He replies, trying to dust his clothes off as he spoke. "If I watch I'll get better."


He shrugged his wings then nodded. "Fair enough. Don't forget this evening, though!" he said firmly. He then smiled and inclined his head to the bear as he held his sword and shield at the ready. "Have at thee!" he said then lunged forward! Their movements were fluid and swift. There was no stilted motion or really any opportunity to think. Their scuffle was quick and, frankly, breathtaking.


If Amaris had caught his breath, it surely would've been gone again by now. He couldn't imagine ever being able to move like that! Well, not on his feet anyway, but he didn't want to fly with an ax being swung at him! The door had hurt when it broke his wings, he didn't want to think about them being cut apart!


The clang and bang of metal on metal filled the air around them for several long minutes, but it was finally broken by a deep yelp and s heavy -oomph- as Vaelin landed on his back. The quartermaster quickly stepped up and pressed a strong leg down on the king's chest. Vaelin blinked, as if taking a moment to realize what happened then laughed and nodded. "Well fought!" The bear grinned proudly and helped the king to his feet. "The same to you, Majesty."


"Should have used your tail." Amaris says helpfully from his vantage point a few yards away. "Yours is longer and stronger, so you could've grabbed his arm!"


Vaelin smirked and shook his head slowly. "I should have, yes. But he wasn't giving me any opportunity to. No way to create one either." he grinned and tilted his head at Amaris. "He knows his stuff!"


"Yeah, and I got the dusty rear to prove it." He agrees, nodding. He had watched closely and couldn't see any opening himself for a tail to slip in and tip the scales of the sparring match. "How did you beat him last time but not this time though?"


He chuckled and shrugged his wings lightly. "Well, not every fight goes exactly the same way and all it takes is one mistake to very possibly lose any advantage you may have had." He quirked a brow at that and tilted his head at the pup curiously.


"Or getting worn out, like if you've been fighting already and someone who hasn't steps up, right?" He asks, walking over after putting his saber away. "Like in a war fight."


Vaelin nodded and began to lead the wee pup back toward the castle. "Just like that." He shook his head slowly and gave an exhausted breath. "Any number of things can dictate whether or not you come out on top in a fight."


"Are you okay? You look more tired than last time." He looks up at the dragon and tilts his just like his father does. "Is it because you were asleep for so long?"


He smiled at that and nodded slowly. "Yes, that is probably it. People are not meant to sleep for as much time as I did and it certainly takes it's toll." He gave a nervous chuckle and looked around lightly. Such a beautiful day though! It was quite nice to be up and out in it.


"Well... I guess the extra sleep i caused didn't help..." He says quietly, his face heating up in embarrassment. "But that was a good sleep, right? So it's okay?"


He smiled at that and nodded enthusiastically. "A very good sleep! Not a nightmare or bad dream one to interrupt it!" he said with another little laugh. "I feel rested, certainly! Though, one cannot change the world. If someone is not moving, they tend to continue not moving."


"Sounds like a bad dream I had." He says offhandedly "Well, we've had dinner and sparred. Did.. other stuff. Guess I should get packed for tomorrow and go to bed then, Huh?" The thought of tomorrow had the pup's tail wagging happily.


He smiled suggestively at that as they ascended the steps toward the grand citadel. "Perhaps you should. Unless you'd like to do other stuff some more. Or again. Or..." he wings shrugged and he spread his armored arms to either side. "whatever."


"Well..." He starts thinking, the shakes his head. "No, I think I'd rather just pack and sleep. I'm getting kinda tired too."


He shrugged at that and smiled. "You're just going to leave me high-and-dry then?" he gave a dramatic, exasperated sigh and shrugged his wings again. "Very well... suppose I'll find my jollies some other way then!"


"I made you pass out, how is that leaving you?" He asks, confused now. "Well, except for the bit where I went to the roof. I left you then." He adds as an afterthought.


He smirked at that and shook his head. "Of course. You just left me there," he winked slyly and breathed a soft sigh. "You can pack, I''ll let you," he teased.


"Last time I messed with you when you were asleep you bit me. I wasn't gonna try again that time." He replies, a funny look in his eyes. He starts hurrying towards his room. "I'll pack and maybe fly over the lake a little."


He smirked and rolled his eyes. Such a silly little pup at times! "Very well, be careful!" he told Amaris as he rushed ahead. "Tell your mother to wait for me in my chambers. Be a good lad!" he called as the pup rounded a corner. Things were turning out better than he'd thought they would!


A bit of pep left the pup's step at the last part because he knew what Vaelin was going to do with his mother, but this time Amaris didn't know why it made him... less peppy. Still, he told his mother and packed up, carefully picking out items and arranging them. Then hiding a few more things in there when his mother was gone. When all of that was finally done, he went to his balcony and jumped off, eager to stretch his wings and forget everything but the wind in his fur and the darkness of the night.


Natasha had obediently gone across the hall to her king's chamber and, as was no doubt expected, removed her simple servant's garments and waited upon the bed. When Vaelin entered the room and spied the naked wolf on his bed, he grinned and hastily replaced his armor and weapons in their appropriate racks and pounced on her! When Amaris returned, her howls and Vaelin's growls were still audible and still energetic! How long were they going to go at it!?


The pup growled softly and a plan jumped into his head without forethought or reason. He stepped out of his room and looked up at the dolphin guard with the cutest mix of determination and shyness on his face. "Miss, may I have your name?"


The dolphin lady turned her smooth head to look down at the pup and smiled. "Of course, Highness. It's Cetacea," She bowed her head politely as she spoke. "Is there anything I may do for you, Highness?" She wanted to just sit there at her post instead of actually babysit the pup, but she was required by said post to ask.


"I was.. wondering if you'd join me, Cetacea? In m-my room?" He asks, losing a bit of his resolve. "You can say no and I'll understand you don't have to come in. You're my guard, and I wouldn't want you in trouble for leaving your post!"


She quirked a leathery brow. Great. Babysitting! Were they going to play tic-tact-toe for a few hours? "Of course, highness. It is no problem. Better to guard you with you in my sight than outside, anyway" Again she offered a little smile and inclined her head.


The pup nods nervously and goes back into his room. He couldn't believe he was thinking about this! He took a deep breath to calm himself before his heart broke a rib and looked at his guard. "C-Close the door, please?"


She stepped into his room and closed the door behind herself when directed. What was he on about? Why the stuttering? "Is something wrong, your highness?" she asked and quirked a brow curiously. "You seem... worried."


"I'm sorry, I've.. I've never had anyone in my room before besides the king and my mother. And.. and not to ask them if they'd like to... To, uh..." He thanks the heavens for his red scales and black fur. "If they'd like to join me in my bed. I'll understand and r-respect your decision if you decline."


She blinked at that but quickly forced down the annoyance she felt at such a request. "Oh. I see," And that his mother and the king had not had to do it confused her! She really didn't want to help the pup get to sleep! "Of course, highness." She smiled again and moved toward the bed to draw back the sheet for him politely, though inside she was seething. She was an honor guard, not a babysitter!


Amaris nodded his thanks and got in after stripping his clothes off. It was hard not hiding that he had no sheath from her, but he managed it. Cetacea was now one of a handful of furs to know about his slit and he found he didn't mind that as much as he feared.


When the pup started to undress, she rolled her eyes when he wasn't looking and stared almost longingly toward the door. When he climbed in, she smiled and tucked him in so she could go about dimming the candles throughout the room. Once that was done, she returned to the bed and laid at his side, albeit atop the sheets. "Good night, little Highness." She offered a smile, totally oblivious to his desire and the lack of... well, fun stuff between his legs.


"Oh." He murmurs, realizing he'd been misunderstood. He couldn't even ask right, could he? That was a bit of a wet blanket for Amaris, and he looked away as his ears went flat.


When her prince looked away, his ears flattened in displeasure, coupled of course with his comment, the dolphin woman lifted her leathery head from the pillow and asked "Is something wrong, your highness?" she asked. Perhaps the phrase 'little highness' had struck a cord! Whoops!


"I, um.. I didn't want to go to sleep. You can go, s-sorry i bothered you." He really, really hoped she didn't ask someone what this was about, because if anyone found out he'd be mortified over his failed attempt at a night of messed up bedsheets!


She sat up and stared down at him. His odd behavior was... well confusing! "What's wrong, your highness?" she asked. The last thing she needed was for the pup to complain to his father about what had happened!


"Nothing's wrong except how I asked I guess. I.. didn't wanna sleep when I asked you in my bed." He admits, sitting up and feeling disheartened. "I wanted to know if you would want to do.. other stuff. With me."


Her bottlenose snout opened slowly and she licked her lips nervously. Well, that was... he was a child, wasn't he!? But... if he was as endowed as his father... it would still be weird! but the last thing she wanted was to displease the prince! Slowly she stood up and unlaced her scaled hauberk and spread it wide to reveal her buxom, bare breast to the prince. She stared at him all the while she dropped it to the floor and unlaced her trousers. Once she dropped them to the floor as well and revealed her wide hips and hairless slit, she offered a small smile and reached down to draw the blankets away from his body.


Amaris found himself staring and quickly moved his eyes away. Looking at Cetacea certainly got a different reaction than seeing Vaelin naked! He couldn't explain it though. It was just.. different. He sat there nervously as his nude body was revealed. "Um.. surprise?" He whispers.


She stared down at where his... manhood was supposed to be and tilted her head. "You don't have...?" She carefully crawled onto the bed on all fours. Her bust hung beneath herself heavily, but still retained it's shape rather well! She carefully nosed between the prince's legs and used her gently, smooth fingers to part his lips. Nope, it wasn't at all a vent like the king had! She looked up at him curiously and again tilted her head. "Are you sure you would rather not have a male to assist you?" she asked then stared thoughtfully at his slit once again. He was certainly a bit moist, though, wasn't he? But... if he was a she...?


Amaris had tensed a bit at her exploration, but only to shiver right after. Her beak had felt nice. Smooth. "There's one, but I know it's not likely to happen. Besides, i.. I think my guard should be shown what a g-good job she's doing protecting the prince, right?" He smiled a little. "If you'll let me, anyway."


She stared at him as he gave her his explanation then gave a soft smile. "You're right, of course." She then leaned down and gently dragged her slender tongue up along his slit to his budding little clit. While she did that, a finger carefully delved into his body, pressing in fully before a leathery brow quirked. "You are no stranger to this? At your age?" she asked, then tilted her head to the side. His father, probably. The king was known for his... desires.


He shivered again from the sensations and nodded. "It wasn't my choice, but that's not important n-now." He replies as he brings his tail up to brush along her slit in return. Funny how he knew what to do because of his father. How many boys could claim such a thing? "If we turn I can use more than my tail."


She lifted her snout away from his nethers to stare at him curiously. "More than your tail?" she asked as she withdrew her finger and began thrusting a second into him. She gently delved his depths with her two digits as she awaited what he meant.


"For pleasuring-" He's cut of by his own soft moan as the second finger is added in. "For pleasuring y-you too. I'm.. told I'm not b-bad with my tongue, Miss." His ears were flat again, but it was clear he was simply nervous now.


She licked her lips nervously and smiled. "Soon," she said simply and lowered her lips back to his clit to lick, nibble, and suckle upon the little nub gently while her fingers pulsed into his slit. All the while, her ocean-blue eyes stared up over his furry chest at his face. Perhaps this wouldn't be as bad as she had been afraid it would-... told he was good with his tongue!? She paused for but a moment as it finally sank in. He'd ate pussy before? And had a dick in him? The wee prince got around didn't he? She grinned against his clit and added a third finger to his depths.


It didn't take long for the somewhat inexperienced pup to begin breathing heavily as he stared back into those cool, azure eyes. Three fingers were pretty easy for him, but the newness of the act was really exciting! He couldn't think about anything else but the growing pleasure Cetacea was nurturing inside of his body.


When his breathing deepened and his body began to writhe, Cetacea grinned and closed her lips around his clit to suckle with more vigor. Her fingers even quickened, pulsing into his body a little faster with every moment. Her other hand slid down between her body and the bedding to grope and squeeze at her own smooth breast while she shamelessly writhed and humped against the sheets. Still, as much as she wanted to be pleased, she wanted her little prince to climax before anything else happened, and she would see to it he did!


Amaris soon closed his eyes and gripped the sheets tightly, little body writhing on its own under Cetacea's ministrations. Why did it feel so much better with her? The thought flitted through his mind before his entire body seized up in orgasmic bliss and he let out a soft howl.


She grinned and started suckling and nibbling in a pleasant frenzy! She had to prolong it as long as she could! When finally Amaris did come down from his orgasmic high, she grinned at him and lifted herself up. Rather than simple crawling around over him, she grabbed his body with a little more force than her slender body suggested and spun him about on the bed so her head was between his legs and her bust brushed against his tummy and chest. She carefully straddled his head and stuck her snout back down. This time, she snapped her lips shut and pressed the full length and girth of her bottlenose past his folds! She hadn't done it to anyone else, but as a teenager, she'd learned that bobbing her head hard and fast, as she quickly did with Amaris, felt wonderful to herself!


The pup thought he'd been breathless before, but when Cetacea's beak plunged into him just as he'd started to lick over her slit he found new meaning to the words. Boyish curiosity and lust mixed as his juices leaked out, and he reached out to touch her bust carefully, giving it a little squeeze as he moans softly.


Cetacea hummed pleasantly at the feeling of the pup's tongue and squeezing muscles. The vibrating rumble would pulse through her snout and into the boy easily. Unbeknownst to either of them, the door opened and a pair of blue eyes stared at them intently. Moments later, the red-scaled dragon crawled onto the bed and knelt behind Cetacea's Before the dolphin lady knew what was happening, the dragon plunged into her. She squealed loudly against and into Amaris. Vaelin growled pleasantly and grabbed her hips to start plowing into her tight dolphin body right above Amaris' no doubt surprised face!


Amaris was surprised alright, but that didn't stop him from trying to wriggle free of Cetacea's beak even as the sensation spiked. When he finally freed himself he rolled/fell off the bed and grabbed his trousers to start putting them on. Stupid dragon, messing even this little bit up! He wasn't supposed to come in and take over like that!


When Amaris tried to wiggle away and scramble from the bed, the dolphin girl reached out and grabbed at him. "No, no, wait! Come baaaaaack!" she squealed and Vaelin quirked a brow lightly and slowed to a stop as the two of them looked at Amaris. Vaelin tilted his head and quirked a brow. "What is it?"


"Nothing!" He mutters, not looking at either of them. His body was tense. His paws were fists, his wings were tight against his back, and his tail was barely being kept from lashing out at the floor and side of the bed. "Please let me go, Cetacea.."


Vaelin quirked a brow again and licked his lips thoughtfully. Likewise, the Dolphin watched the pup then snapped her fingers. "I get it! You are feeling upset because you were pleasing me, and doing a great job by the way, and your father came in and started!" She tugged the pup closer and took one of his hands. "I know just how to make this better!"


That was part of it certainly. He looked at her suspiciously, wondering what she was going to do, but didn't pull away. "What is it?"


She moved to fetch him, but finding her hips still very stuck, she glanced over her shoulder. The Dragon king finally seemed to get it and pulled away. "Sorry," he said meekly. Cetacea smiled and pulled Amaris forward and away from his trousers. She carefully laid upon her back and pulled him atop herself. She kissed him deeply upon the muzzle for a moment and plunged her fingers into his slit for several moments. Finally, she glanced up at Vaelin, then turned the pup around so he was crouched over her bottlenose with his head hovering over her groin. "There you go, your highness!"


He really didn't want to continue now, but Cetacea seemed to really want to do this! Plus, he'd never seen anyone make the king back away and apologize like that. He'd have to ask how she'd done that later. He looked down and kept his eyes on here. "This is what we were doing before.. before."


She nodded, though he didn't see it. She licked lightly at his slit and smiled. "Yes, but this time you're on top, highness..." And right on cue, Vaelin reached out and gently gripped the pup's hips. As lustful and hungry as he was, he was more than eager to press his tip against the boy's soaked slit.


Amaris growled at his father and knocked his hands away before sinking down onto the dolphin's beak. He lowered his tail firmly to further dissuade the dragon. With a shudder he took the beak all the way inside, at which point he stopped for a moment to enjoy it, even if the whole thing was lack luster now...


When her snout was suddenly thrust up into the boy's slit, Cetacea's eyes widened in surprise. What was he doing!? She glanced up at him almost worriedly, then reached up to grip his hips. She almost pushed him off of her face, but... well, the hole atop her head still allowed her to breathe... and it wasn't to terribly uncomfortable. Just... different. Vaelin quirked a brow at the action, then shrugged his wings and laid himself gently down upon the dolphin woman's naked body. He pressed his ridged cock into her leathery folds. She moaned loudly, squealing up into her prince as her body stretched around her king's length. Vaelin smiled at the muffled sound then leaned forward to start flicking his slender tongue across Amaris's damp clit.


Amaris trembled as the squeal filled his body and he bit his lip to keep from falling. He might have done this suddenly, but he'd just wanted something about this he could call his own since his initial idea was done away with none. No thanks to his over sexed father...

Who made Amaris draw blood from his lip when he licked over the boy's sensitive nub. Sometimes pathetic prince cursed his body's sensitivity, but now.. well, he hoped he wasn't going to hurt Cetacea when his climax hit.


Cetacea's hands on Amaris's hips began to guide him up and down until her snout was just barely pressed against his folds, then down to stretch as much around her face as he could, albeit there was really no way anything else than her snout would fit inside of him. She bobbed her head in time with her hands guiding his hips. Slowly at first, them more vigorously she began to fuck him with her own face! All the while, she squealed in high pitched dolphin moans. Vaelin was fucking her like the bitch in heat she felt like! Every ridge gliding over her sensitive body sent electricity shooting through her body! It didn't take long for her to climax around her king's cock. Above her, Vaelin continued flicking his tongue over the boy's clit, licking and lapping eagerly at the stretched hole as the smooth bottlenose pushed into him again and again. What an odd triangle they made, and Vaelin didn't mind in the slightest.


Amaris groaned and rocked his hips in time with his guard's beak, focusing on that the most and how it felt to have something that fit inside of him so well for once. The smooth skin plunging into him felt amazing! She just barely bumped his cervix at the farthest she could go and that set him off, little body tightening up as his orgasm rocked his body for several long moments before it was over. Even after it was over it was nearly a minute before he pulled himself free if Cetacea and laid on the bed. Panting hard.


By the time Amaris had regained his senses and laid himself beside the naked dolphin, he would find her middle quite well round and hot. She pulled the boy against her sweaty bust and rounded tummy, murring and panting gently in sweet afterglow. Behind her, Vaelin laid with an arm draped around her to rest his palm against her tummy full of his molten seed. He kissed and nuzzled over her smooth cranium and neck while gently grinding his hips against her own. After several minutes, Cetacea's whispered "Is my little prince sated?"


"Yes.." He whispers back, licking her beak clean of his juices slowly. He'd do more later if his father left. "I'm sorry.. I didn't want this to happen like this." He tells her, truly feeling like he'd failed. It was starting to seem like nothing sexual could be done without Vaelin. Or, rather, that the dragon simply didn't let anything keep him from imposing himself on a couple.


Behind her, Vaelin rolled his eyes. The dolphin merely smiled though and kissed the prince deeply upon the lips. "There is no need to apologize! I feel truly honored to have plundered your depths..." she reached down and traced a finger into his slit for emphasis then took one of his hands to press it against the hot globe of her belly, "...and had my own plundered by my king." The dragon growled approvingly and nibbled gently at her fin. She moaned at that then kissed Amaris again. "And I thought I was going to have to pretend to read you a bed time story!"


"I'm not a yearling pup." He protests softly, nuzzling her. He was glad he had a nice guard this time, not some monster like the horse or.. best no to think about those things, he realized. "It's too bad you've got to get back to your post soon... I think I'd like waking up in your arms, Miss Cetacea"


She sighed heavily and opened her slick bottle nose to answer when Vaelin said "No, she can guard you better at your side than at your door." The dragon sat up to consider the pair for several moments then smiled. He leaned around the dolphin and gave Amaris a deep, lustful kiss upon the lips. "You're a prince, certainly, but it occurs to me that you're also a princess, in part." He winked slyly. "Perhaps it would be appropriate for you to have a handmaiden. And besides," he said as he stood from the bed, "I think I hear Natasha calling. Her heat is starting up. I had begun to smell it earlier this evening." He turned and made his way to the door. "Goodnight. Don't stay up all night, Amaris. We are going camping tomorrow." Once the dragon had left, the dolphin smiled and kissed her prince gently upon the snout again. "Your father is very kind, isn't he? I will enjoy waking up in your arms as well, your highness."


Amaris thought to say something and decided to keep his mouth shut. His mother was his handmaiden and he had no illusions that Cetacea had her job changed purely from Vaelin's kindness. But, thinking tactically, it wouldn't be good to say that to a guard. He had to keep her thinking the king was good, unless he wanted to lose his father again.

"And loud. We're going to hear him all night. With my mother." There was no hiding the jealousy and bitterness in that statement. "He'll be too loud and I won't sleep a wink because of it..."


The dolphin smiled at his tone of voice. She had many years under her belt and hadn't been a stranger to that tone for some time. "It sounds to me like you would rather be the one whose heat he was tending to." She finally released his hand. Her own glided between his legs, gently petting the wet fur on his thighs before letting her smooth fingers trace about his slit. "Why don't you let him? It looked like he was more than willing to give you a nice little ride earlier. You don't have to be shy." She gave a cute little laugh and kissed his nose. "He doesn't often discriminate who he mates. It might even serve to bring the two of you closer together," she offered and pressed a digit up into him. As if right on cue, there was a loud howl echoing through the hall and into the prince's room. Cetacea blinked at that and gave another singsong laugh. "Well, you called it."


His response cut off by the howl, Amaris's face turned to a scowl and he pushed Cetacea's hand away from his slit gently. "He just.. takes. And then he doesn't even care about what'll happen. He didn't even know I existed until he.. he r-ra.." He couldn't say it. "I've got to be the good little prince though, or I probably won't get the one, precious night I was promised..."

"I wasn't being shy, Miss. I was angry. The first time I tried to be with someone all on my own and he just walks in and messes it all up! I can't do anything right..."


She smirked at that and shook her head. "He's a dragon, highness. Of course he takes. It's never going to change. Instead of fighting it, perhaps you should learn to accept it and take joy in the things you share, instead of the things you see as him taking away." She shrugged her shoulders and lifted her digits to her bottlenose to suckle clean. "Besides," she mused aloud, "we're alone now. And will be for the rest of the night. Wont we?" she asked with a smirk. He really was an adorable boy. He didn't have much to offer other than his tongue, but he made good company.


"He doesn't share." The boy mutters. His mood had been broken by that howl and now he was just stewing and, to a point, lying. He didn't want a sibling anymore than he wanted a child of his own, but knew there wasn't any choice in the matter. He flinched as another howl reached his ears. "Can.. Can we go somewhere else? Please?"


She chuckled at that and nodded slowly. "That seems like a good idea, doesn't it?" she asked and hummed thoughtfully. "Where can we go to kill some time while they finish?" she asked, then grinned. "Let's go to the royal baths! I've never been inside there! I hear they're wonderful!" She seemed absolutely giddy.


He smiled softly, then frowned. "Uh.. I don't know where those are. Just the servant's bath. It's all I got to use. Can you show me?" He asks softly. "Then maybe I can take you up to the roof and we can sleep there! We can bring blankets and pillows and hold each other all night."


She shook her head slowly and clutched at him tightly. "No!" she blinked then loosened her grip. She cleared her throat and started to climb from the bed slowly. "I mean, no thank you. I'm... well... I don't enjoy high places." She smiled then began tugging on her uniform... that didn't really fit the same at that moment! She frowned at the bulge of her sloshing belly sticking out beneath her tabard and sighed.


"Hey, it's okay." Amaris said quietly, pulling her back to hug her. "I used to be afraid of the dark. I needed a candle just to fall asleep. Plus, if you need too, I can get you to the lake. If you want to at least try. We don't even have to leave the balcony...,


She shook her head. "No! I don't think I want to leave the balcony!" she said, then offered an apologetic smile. "Come on, highness. Let's go find the baths, hm?" She grinned and curled her fingers beckoningly. "Maybe we can even have a little more fun while we're there."


"I don't know if I wanna have more fun." He says quietly, taking her hand. "I don't wanna miss tomorrow at all! I've never been camping." His tail wagged briefly at the idea. He took her hand and allowed her to lead him to the baths. After he'd dressed, of course.


She smiled at that and nodded. "That's your choice," she said as she led him along quietly through the halls. One hand held his while the other cradled her sloshing middle. It was so strange having to compensate for the new weight! "Just because we have a little fun doesn't mean we have to do it all night. One more little orgasm wouldn't take until morning." She winked again then leaned down to say "I rather enjoyed how you taste. Even if it was a little surprising!"


"You mean you weren't going to, uh.. do it that way?" He asks, looking embarrassed. "I thought.. I mean, the way you'd been talking.." He felt so silly now, thinking she's meant to put her beak inside of him like that! Cetacea had only meant to lick.


She gave another musical giggle and shook her head. "I didn't! But I'm glad you misunderstood. It felt like you really enjoyed it." she leaned down to kiss his lips gently then lifted the hand she held up to her belly again. "And your pleasure coupled with this? It was the best sex I've ever had! Thank you, highness."


"You're not in season, are you?" He asks as he looks at the belly with worry. "It sounds like you like having a belly like that, but you d-didn't agree to it and I'd h-hate to be the reason you had a child you don't want..." He'd thought he wasn't wanted for a long time, and it left an ache in his heart that he'd endure a lot to fill. Already had endured a lot...


She smiled at him and shook her head. "No, not in season. And if I do find I'm carrying his majesty's child, well..." She gave a wink, "I know I'll be able to care for him or her better than most of the people in the city, don't I? I don't imagine I will be paid in pennies for being one of your handmaidens!" she grinned and tilted her head at him. "It's not a bad thing, bringing a child into the world. It may not be what I want right now, but I am not going to stay bitter about it if it happens." She gave her shoulders a shrug then creased her brow. "I could do without the pressure on my back, though!"


"Let's get to the baths. It'll help, um.. float the belly." He said awkwardly, fidgeting as they walked. "You're probably more comfortable in the water anyway, huh? I bet I can get all the stuff he put in you to come out too, so you can walk right again!"


She laughed at his comment about floating then shook her head. "I am pretty comfy in water, yes." She stopped and pointed at an ornate door with a tiled mosaic of a squid with a crown on it. "Here it is." she smiled at him and tilted her head. "I'm not usually allowed inside, but since I am accompanying you..." She shrugged her shoulders and moved to push the door open politely for her prince.


"What's the pink thing in the crown?" He asks curiously, staring at it. "It looks like a demon! Who puts a demon in a crown on a bath door?"


She giggled again and pressed a finger to the mosaic. "This? That's a squid! They live deep in the ocean!" she said then closed the door behind them. The baths here were much like the servant's bath, except there were more golds and jewels in the mosaics. There was one large pool mosaiced out to look like the ocean floor and another smaller basin large enough for one to three people off to the side. Both tubs steamed, perpetually hot by some magic or another. Cetacea gasped and covered her bottle nose with her free hand. "Oh my! It's beautiful!" She stripped herself off quickly and, with a happy squeal, dove into the large tub. Her front made naught but a few ripples, but when her belly broke the surface, she caused quite a splash!


Amaris looked around with a sense of awe filling him. This.. this grandiose place had been in the castle all this time and he'd never known! It was beautiful. He nearly forgot why they were even here when water from Cetacea's dive lapped at his paws. He took his clothes off and slipped into the waters with a soft sigh. "Oooh I love warm water! It's so.. inviting!"


Even with her enormous bulging cum-filled belly, she was zipping around, swimming circles around him as though she were a sparrow in a breeze-less sky! Finally she surfaced before him and grinned. "So do I! I've always loved to swim!" She took both of his hands in her own and drew him gently against herself. "And the company makes it even better!"


Amaris holds her tightly in a watery hug and smiles. "You swim just like I fly! It's amazing! Your body is perfect for it, huh? It's amazing..."


When the pup hung on to her, she pulled him as tightly against herself as her bulging belly would allow. She gave a little moan and pressed her thigh between his legs both to rub against his slit and to grind her own against his leg. She leaned down to kiss him deeply then nodded. "I love the water. I don't get to swim very much, so I enjoy it as much as I can when I do get to." She grinned at that and let her head roll back on her shoulders. "It's a real shame you don't have a cock," she mused aloud. "I'll bet you fuck like every woman's best dream!" She lifted her head to stare down at him then once again leaned down to press her lips to his own.


He kisses back, but it's with much less enthusiasm than before. His good mood was considerably muted by her musing, and he felt bad even if it wasn't his fault he wasn't like other boys or his own father in the crotch. Amaris looked down into the water after the kiss and resisted the urge to swim away and mope, knowing she hadn't meant anything by it.


She smiled, running her hand through his fur over his head and down his back. Her other hand grazed over his chest and down his belly, slowly making it's way between his legs to his furry little slit. She moaned in anticipation as her digits explored his odd sexuality. Her hips gently rocked out of instinct more than anything as a digit disappeared up inside of the little pup. "Unlike all the other males in the world, you know where a woman likes to be touched... because you know where it feels good to be touched..."


Amaris tensed up tightly around the intruding finger, and he shuddered against Cetacea "L-Let me.. make this easier for us. So the belly isn't in the way. I know you'll like it too." He adds, blushing under his fur and scales. He knew what would happen if she agreed.


She grinned at that and nuzzled her bottlenose into his neck. "It's not in the way. And I like this just fine, thank you" She gave another little moan and pressed a second digit into the pup to explore his depths slowly, gently. Like she had mentioned of him, her fingers sought out only the most pleasurably of points, spots deep inside that would make him tense, gasp and with a little luck, squeal.


The pup squirmed in the dolphin's arms as he let out little gasps. Periodically he would tighten even more around the fingers. "C-Cetacea.. Your fingers are.. really good!" Amaris' arousal was, as much as it surprised him, rising steadily. Steadily and very, very quickly.


She grinned at his comment and leaned down to gently nibble upon one of his pointed wolf ears. She said nothing, just kept grinding herself against his hip, and her belly against his own. Her thumb rose, rubbing mercilessly at his clit as she pulsed her fingers into and out of him. In the back of her mind, she very much wished he had a dick of his own as well. Her pussy ached for what he could not give.


While it was true that Amaris wasn't 'fully equipped', the boy was clever. Even in his aroused state of mind he still knew he wanted to return the favor. So, while his body was hers for the moment, his tail was not, and it snaked it's way between her legs and into her slit quite swiftly. Not bad for a pup that wasn't even aiming.


When his tail pushed past her nether lips, she gasped and arched against him. She pressed her belly and tits against his fury little form and hugged him tightly against herself. The fur was an odd texture, rubbing her in strange and unique ways! She gave a shrill squeal and redoubled her efforts to drag him over the edge!


Amaris didn't let up though, not even as the smooth fingers finally did their job and his climax hit. If anything, his tail seemed to spasm as much as his inner walls did.


As interesting as the scene was, it past with many orgasms shared between the two until together they fell asleep in the prince's bed. The following afternoon, Vaelin had packed his things, packed foodstuffs and a tent and such as it were, and had a carriage loaded up. It was camping day! The king insisted that no guard be tasked to them and, though he knew they were going to anyway, he was pleased with the knowledge they would make themselves as visible as possible. With that in mind, Vaelin started through the castle, humming to himself. He hoped Amaris was ready to go. He wanted to leave! He walked up to the princling's room and rasped his knuckles on the door. "Come on! I'm going to go camping without you if you don't hurry!" he called, though such was a lie.