Furry Fallout

Story by Fizzy_Lizzy on SoFurry

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The lion character belongs to me and is subject to copyright if used without my permission.

Furry Fallout



There he was standing on a small hill overlooking the battlefield. His eyes cast down on the wounded, dead, or dying furs. "War.... Is an ugly thing..." that's all he said as he turned his back on the cities and towns behind him and retreated out of the area, and soon a mushroom cloud was visible on the horizon. And in that instant of a split atom, horror, radiation, death, fire, mutation, and disintegration occurred. Ending the lives of hundreds, of thousands of innocent Furs.

War.... War never changes..... Since the dawn of Anthropomorphic animals.... Since our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock... And bone.... Blood has been spilt in the name of everything... From god.... To justice.... To simple psychotic rage.... In the year 2015.... After millennia of armed conflict.... the destructive nature of Furries could sustain itself.... No longer.... The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire... and radiation.... But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world.... Instead the apocalypse was simply another prologue... to another bloody chapter of Anthro history.... In the early days... thousands were spared the horrors of the holocaust.... each in enormous underground shelters... known as vaults... but when they emerged they had only the hell of the wastes... to greet them...

April 13, 2012

The world is in a crisis today. China attacked the U.S. They attacked Alaska and are currently occupying Anchorage, the state capital. The World is in a panic as china is threatening to use fucking nukes. It's a terrible situation, not just for the United States, but for the entire planet. I hope it all turns out for the better.





That's all the headlines said this morning. Nukes are on the way. Not just from china but from every nation in the world. Millions of people all over the planet are taking shelter underground. The U.S. and Canada are taking shelter in underground vaults. For the people unable to get in one. I hope you have a quick and painless death. God... help us all.



Deep in the capital of the country of China sits the President Hu Jintao. His Finger hovers over the big shiny button located on a single console labeled ‘Nuclear Launch Panel'. The president enters the pass code, opens a clear plastic lid, and slowly inserts a key into the slot. He hesitates as he holds his hand on the key. He thinks everything over. "If I turn this key.... I could either destroy a nation..... Or destroy the planet."

Hu then closes his eyes and turns the key releasing his held breathe. The future of the world has just been decided. The 2,000 DF-1 nuclear ballistic missiles are screaming through the atmosphere at 12,000 miles an hour. Their destination is the United States.

The United States along with the rest of the world was horrified to see that China had launched their nuclear ballistic missiles. So in retaliation the U.S. launched all their atlas nuclear missiles then Russia, Korea, and Europe. All launched theirs, and they even launched some from satellites up in orbit.

As the world leaders all launch their entire nuclear missile collection. People who had reserved their space inside a shelter quickly got to it and hid underground. Then about 2 hours after the first Vault door slid shut and about 3 seconds after the final vault closed the world we all came to know and love.... Ended.

201 years in the future

Deep in a mountain, inside a dark cold Vault, sits hundreds of stasis pods. And only one cracks open. Fog falls out of the pod to float around on the floor; a hissing noise can be heard as the pod continues to open. A foot paw steps onto the ground and two great big furry wings unfold out into the crisp air. "Ugh 200 years and I finally get out of the fucking stasis pod...." The big figure said to himself as he slowly walked over to the lockers his naked body cast in shadow but his eyes glow red in the light as a big smile plays across his face.

"Guess I'll get everything ready before setting out to do recon," He again said to himself as he slowly pulled his clothes on. He then reached into the locker opened a secret compartment which required his voice authentication to open. The entire back of the locker opened up to reveal a samurai sword sheathed in a wooden case. "Ah there you are ‘Hikori Tora' (shining tiger) been about 200 something years eh? I bet you need to be cleaned," he chuckled as he unsheathed the sword.

It was an original katana fine steel that had a curve in it with the edge folded and hammered to a point that it was nearly unbreakable but yet sharp enough to cut steel. He smiled as he sat down at a table having grabbed a cleaning kit that was packed into a briefcase from under the counter. He pulled out some oil meant to keep the steel from rusting as well as some rice paper.

He sits there as he cleans the sword, wiping the old oil off the blade. After about 2 hours he finally finishes the cleaning so he sheathes his sword and ties it onto his back. Yawning he scratches his head and walks through a door after looking at a map on the wall. He enters a room lined with beds and flips on a switch the lights turning on with a flicker. The lights cast away the shadows on the furry. He was as appeared a Lion with wings. He had a scar over his left eye; he was wearing black leather pants with a black leather jacket, no undershirt, he had long dark blonde hair that looked like a mane. He had a six pack, and just barely visible is what looked like the start of an eight pack.

Yawning once again he laid down on the very comfortable bed after removing his sword and setting it carefully on the desk next to the bed he slowly dozed off. And unbeknownst to him, just outside the Vault, there was a shadowy figure scavenging around looking for food and shelter.

To Be Continued....

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