[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-006]

Story by Shane on SoFurry

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#7 of Old Story2

My story about Humans fight against Lupains< Back- First - Next >

Fiction (c)

Translation correction ©


Thumbnail ©


Special thanks to arkoninu for correction and translation


Critic under each fiction part, (positive and negative) would help me much.Request

All fan arts are welcome ^^


If you like the story, i would be happy when you share it with your friendsCharactere

Akira2020 A.D - Akira Reference 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [1/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Shane and Akira City watching2020 A.D. - Akira sitting2020 A.D. - Akira in Armor 2020 A.D - Akira and Shane [Adult]2020 A.D. - Akira and Ari 2020 A.D. - Akira in fight 2020 A.D. - Akira Lupain Slayer

Shane2020 A.D. - Shane and Akira City watching2020 A.D. - Shane Reference 2020 A.D. - Shane in Human Clother 2020 A.D. - Shane in Human Clother - Hide 2020 A.D. - Akira and Shane [Adult]

Ari2020 A.D. - Ari in Armor New Version 2020 A.D. - Ari Rerference 2020 A.D. - Ari in Armor 2020 A.D. - Akira and Ari

Kayla2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [1/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Kayla 2020 A.D. - Kayla in Armor2020 A.D. -Kayla in Armor 2020 A.D. - Kayla Ref

Youtube 2020 A.D. ~ Circle of Lupain 2020 A.D. Circle of Lupain Crowdfunding for a Comic Book

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A twitch woke up Akira, it was Shane, he dreamed of anything.

Carefully, he got up from the couch, so that he didn't wake up Shane.

He walked to the corpse and took all the money out of his wallet.

Then he put the flashlight from the dead person and some batteries, which he found in the wooden drawers, in the backpack.

"Hey get up, Shane," he called, but Shane kept on sleeping.

Akira ran into the kitchen and opened a yellowed refrigerator.

The creak of the cabinet doors was so loud that Shane covered his ears with a pillow.

"Sorry, I didn't want that. I'll see what he got."

"Isn't that wrong? Now we steal from him? Wasn't it enough to kill him?" Yawned Shane,

"He's dead Shane, he can no longer use it," Akira said as he rummaged in the refrigerator.

"And is something edible in there?"

"Well, it isn't very fresh, but it should be good enough."

Akira looked around the kitchen, everywhere were dirty dishes.

He opened some cupboards and looked for clean dishes.

After he had opened several doors, he could find a plate.

"This man was a pig, piles of dirty dishes, litter everywhere."

"Chester," called Shane.


"His name was Chester."

"How do you know?" Asked Akira.

"Yesterday while you slept I looked in his wallet. An identity card was in it," Shane said.


"I wanted to know at least his name."

"Ah okay, I hope this Chester did not lie, we will go now."

"What about him? Will we let him lie here?"

"For now, first we liberate the Lupains, then we can bury him afterwards if you wish."

"Yes, I still feel bad. I wonder if I could had solved it differently? He's dead now."

"Shane, he would have killed both of us in cold blood. He doesn't even deserve to get buried," Akira said, patting Shane on the shoulder.

"Good, then let go the Lupains free."

"I just fetch the map."

They left the junkyard and went farther and farther to the north.

The shops and houses got fewer and fewer, until they finally left the city completely.

"Look Akira," Shane said, pointing to the city left behind.

"Yes, a city of people, we must press on. Somewhere this diesel factory must be" groused Akira.

"Yes, it's true."

Both Lupains followed a secluded country road, it led uphill.

"Up here should be the bunker?"

"I can't stand people though, but they've found a good place to hide their experiments."

They followed the country road until Akira suddenly stopped.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes I smell diesel, maybe it comes from the factory."

"What about the road?" Asked Shane.

"We do not know where it ends, also we don't want to take the main entrance," Akira said.

"Yes, that's right."

Akira stuck his head up and lowered his ears, he took up a scent and ran off.

Then he stopped after a while, he was the middle of a huge forest.

Nowhere was a clue whether people had entered the forest in recent years.

"Look Akira, it's beautiful here."

Shane pointed to a patch of flowers. It got illuminated by a light beam which appeared between the treetops.

He knelt down and plucked a flower.

"What are you doing?" Asked Akira.

"I pluck a flower for Chester," Shane said, and took one of the flowers, it had white petals.

Akira shook his head and went on. "Come on now."

After a while they reached an old rusty fence.

"Behind this must be the old diesel factory and somewhere must be an entrance," said Akira.

"Look there's even a hole, we might be able to crawl through," Shane said, pointing to a hole in the fence.

"I have a better idea," Akira said and drew his sword.

He grabbed it with both hands and cut with his sharp sword a passage in the fence.

"Come now, I want to be there before night."

Shane followed him on the factory grounds.

It was totally rotten, some windows were shattered, some hall roofs had collapsed and metal residues were corroded by rust.

The two walked through a large building, it had in the ground large square holes, which contained some traces of diesel.

"How long do you think no one was here?" Asked Shane.

"I don't know, I just got other things on my mind. I'm here now, but where to go next? I smell only this stinking diesel."

"Continue northbound perhaps?"

"The problem is, the system is mostly underground and I know no way in."

"Do we stand on it right now?"

"Maybe, but we don't come in."

A loud rustling moved through the treetops, many leaves fell off.

Akira stood motionless as the wind came against him. His nose smelled something, his eyes widened.

'Can it be?' Akira thought.

"Is everything okay Akira?"

"I smell everything. Lupains, people, the laboratory and still more," Akira said.

"Where does it come from?"

"I do not know, the smell is very weak."

Akira raised his head upwards, and took on the track.

The more he could smell, the faster he ran.

Shane ran after him as well as he could.

"Akira, not so fast," he snorted.

'I hear motors, something must be here' thought Akira.

Suddenly Akira paused, silent and completely out of breath toddled Shane after him.

"Akira ... is ... it here?" He snorted.

"Yes we did it," Akira said.

In front of them were three huge and dirty vents, one appeared to be defective. The rotor stopped.

"Do you smell it Shane? There in front of the stationary ventilation is the smell. It has to be just below us."

"Yes, I can smell people, Lupains and uniforms."

"I smell something else."

"Something else?" Asked Shane.

"Yes, it smells funny, I do not know what it is," Akira said.

"Some sort of animal?"

"I'm not sure. But I smell something."


"I smell the reason why I'm here."

"The driver?"

"Yes. Look, I'm going down there. You wait here. If I'm not back in four hours, you're running back to the junkyard and from there back to the apartment," said Akira.

"No, I come with you?", Demanded Shane.

"It's too dangerous for you," said Akira.

"I don't care, we do it together. I don't want to wait here alone."

"I promise you, I'll be out there again and I'll either come back here or go to the scrapyard."

"Promise it!"

"I promise, with or without the driver and the other Lupains I come back."

Shane untied his scarf and held it out. "Here take it, so you won't forget your promise"

"But you love this scarf. You wear it anytime, anywhere," said Akira.

"It will bring you luck and you have one more reason to come back."

Akira took the scarf and put it around his neck.

"I go now," Akira said.

"Wait," Shane said, his ears drooped and his eyes glazed over.

He hugged Akira and pressed his head against the armor. He clutched Akira solid.

"You just have to come back, please Akira," he said.

A few tears ran down his cheeks.

"You must not cry, I won't let you alone, I promise. These humans don't know with whom they got themselves in trouble with. I'm not some Lupain, I am their worst nightmare. I will vigorously kick the ass of every human who stands in my way."

He wiped the tears from Shane's cheek and licked Shane's forehead.

"I'll go now, hide yourself near the vents and keep your gun ready. Maybe I need backup, so stay ready. Go away immediately when you hear humans coming at you."

"But ..."

"No but! You disappear immediately. I'll find you anywhere."

"All right, already understood," whimpered Shane.

Akira took his sword and stuck it between a rotor blade.

"Just to be sure, I don't know why the ventilation is switched off. Now it definitely can't start. See you soon, Shane," he said. His last glance fell on Shane's scar on the neck.

'I will take revenge for you, Shane,' thought Akira.

Akira got into the ventilation shaft, but he couldn't go further, he hung on something.

It was Shane, who held Akira's hand.

"Get your friend out there and kick the humans properly in the ass," Shane said.

"Will do," Akira said, descended into the ventilation shaft.

"Be careful," Shane called after him.

'I hope he comes back, I don't want to be alone again' thought Shane.

[WIP]2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-005]

The next morning Akira was woken up by sun rays, he licked Shane over the snout. "Hey Shane, get up. We have to go." However, Shane continued to sleep. "Hey, get up," Akira said, shaking Shane. "Well, I slept well, I haven't slept that well since...

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-004]

Late in the evening Akira woke up as something whimpered in front of him. It was Shane, who was sleeping on the chair next to Akira. Akira grabbed Shane's shoulder and woke him up, Shane's eyes opened slowly. "Shane? What are you doing here? Why are...

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-005]

Am nächsten Morgen wurde Akira durch Sonnenstrahlen geweckt, er leckte Shane über die Schnauze. "Hey Shane, aufstehen. Wir müssen los." Shane hingegen schlief einfach weiter. "Hey, aufstehen", sagte Akira und rüttelte an Shane. "Na gut, ich hab so...

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