Seductae Daemonica

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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Well this is a raunchy change of pace. I wrote this story as a gift for Terribadger because he has been an immense help in punching up my writing.

It contains a lot more kinky content than usual so consider this, and the tags your warning. In any case, I hope you freaky furries like it!

"Anam an domhain, saol deontais," Shaw said as he wiggled his fingers at the runic circle on the ground before him.

Life energy leapt from the badger's fingertips to caress the mound of earth in the center of the circle. The seed buried there sprouted almost instantly as the warm, green magic flowed into it, the soil splitting as thin green tendrils emerged to drink in the sun. The pudgy badger shaman stuck his hand into a brown satchel at his waist and sprinkled a fistful of bone dust over the swiftly growing sapling before him. A flash of light briefly filled the small forest clearing and the newborn tree quickly spiraled upward until it stood nearly fifteen feet tall. Shaw smiled with pride and satisfaction at his work, hands on hips as he admired the new tree.

"What do you think of that, Master Darius?" Shaw said, grinning in triumph.

An older shaman, a black ram, was standing on the opposite end of the clearing with muscular arms folded over his barrel chest. He sported a bit of a belly as well, and his long horns curved more than once, a sign of his age, as they spiraled backward from his head. Darius stood five inches taller than Shaw, which was an impressive height considering the badger was almost six feet himself. Both of them were dressed in the kilt and sash of a rune shaman, though the ram's had far more age and decoration than the badger's.

Darius watched the tree for several moments with his piercing green eyes and then approached, running his fingers over the bark before placing his ear up to it. He glanced down at the runic circle and nodded gently as the tree shrank back down to its sapling form.

"Adequate," Darius said.

"Really? Just 'adequate'?" Shaw said in an annoyed tone.

"It should not have taken you five tries," Darius responded matter-of-factly.

Shaw scowled. He wished Darius would allow him to perform more powerful rituals. He wanted to summon rain and wind! He wanted to command fire and thunder! Making plants grow was just so boring, dammit!

"That is all for today," Darius said. "The sun hangs low and we should be rested for the solstice tomorrow."

Shaw begrudgingly followed his master back to the small hut that sat on the outskirts of their village. While Darius was the village shaman, the rituals he performed were too dangerous for him to live within the village limits. Spells that banished evil spirits and demons often left ugly scars in the earth when completed. Shaw watched his master's rear as they walked, absentmindedly licking his lips at the sight. In truth he had become Darius's apprentice to learn magic, but lately he was finding his attraction to his master more and more difficult to ignore. He only hoped that Darius hadn't noticed. But he would have given almost anything to feel Darius's powerful arms embracing him, or the ram's supple cheeks massaging his length.

Shaw shook himself from the fantasy, and his mind immediately returned to the frustration of boring life magic. Maybe he could convince Darius that he was ready for flashier spells by taking matters into his own hands. If he did something that was outside the scope of his master's teachings, then Darius would have to acknowledge his ability! It would have to be something simple, though, like binding a minor fiend. Shaw had seen it done many times as the shaman's apprentice. The fiends were seldom fierce and often timid in the face of the shaman who summoned them. Being lesser demons, they lacked the power and strength of their elder brethren and it was easy to subdue them even if the runic circle used to summon one was disturbed. Shaw was convinced that he had enough knowledge under his belt to maintain a binding circle long enough to prove to Darius that he was worthy of more serious training.

The hut was a small, one room abode, but there was enough space inside for two beds, a fire pit in the center of the room, and a cleared area of dirt floor for a runic circle. Jars of ingredients filled the shelves on the walls, and various herbs hung about the place, drying for later use in spells or merely to season food.

As the two shamans prepared for bed, the younger badger stole furtive glances at his disrobing master. The sight made his heart flutter in his chest and fill his mind with lewd fantasies as the two lay in the darkness and Shaw listened intently for Darius to begin snoring.


Nearly an hour passed before Shaw was positive that the older ram was fast asleep. He slipped out of bed and began carefully drawing the summoning circle in the dirt floor. Some wolfsbane, a lilly flower, and the crushed bones of a trout were placed at the appropriate spots around the circle and Shaw took a deep breath as he lined the outside of it with salt.

His preparations were complete. All that remained was to speak the words and summon the fiend. The portly badger readied his staff and began drawing counterclockwise circles in the air as he softly spoke.

"Thabhairt amach olc!"

For a moment, nothing happened. Shaw felt the fur on the back of his neck rise in apprehension. Had he done something wrong? As if to answer his thought, a dim red light filled the room seeming to emanate from the circle. Shaw readied his staff as a shape began to materialize before him, though an abrupt mental image of Master Darius sitting naked and fully erect on his bed made the badger turn away briefly to check on the older Shaman. Thankfully, the ram was still fast asleep and covered.

When he turned back to the circle, however, the spitting image of Darius was looking back at him. Only... this Darius had straight, goat-like horns which nearly brushed the roof of the cottage, his sheer height making him much more imposing than the sleeping shaman behind the badger. His eyes glowed like red coals, and he gave the badger a sneering grin as he rubbed a thick hand over his broad, powerfully built chest and slight gut. Shaw gulped and felt his dick twitch as his eyes dropped to the creature's groin where a thick, flaccid penis nearly the size of the badger's forearm hung low. It was more bestial than most, with a flat tip and medial ring halfway down the shaft. Behind it, he could make out a set of apple-sized testicles that swung tantalizingly in a stretched sack as the demon clone shifted from foot to foot. Something had definitely gone wrong. Shaw had never seen a fiend that could copy someone else's appearance before and both fear and arousal were fighting for dominance inside of his mind. The badger shook himself and brandished his staff as threateningly as he could in spite of his swirling emotions as a heavy atmosphere filled the room.

"Hold, demon," Shaw said with less conviction than he had hoped. "You will do as I say."

The demonic clone of his master nodded in amusement, the monster grinning slowly as it gripped the flaccid cock between its legs and began massaging the entire length in slow, deliberate strokes.

"Uh..." Shaw faltered as his own penis throbbed at the sight of the demon's flat head flaring thicker with each pulse of profane blood through its veins. The badger's thick six inches jutted out from his groin eagerly in spite of his mind's wishes. "Y-you hold no power here! The circle... the circle prevents it!" He whimpered.

"Oh?" The demon spoke for the first time, sending shivers down Shaw's spine at the deep, seductive, sensual tone underlying his master's voice. "And what if I leave your little circle?" The demon effortlessly stepped toward the pudgy badger, stiffening erection just inches from his muzzle.

It shouldn't have been possible! Shaw was certain he had drawn the circle correctly! Shaw managed to move backward to avoid the dripping shaft, but not before the powerful, masculine, intoxicating scent struck him full in the face, interrupting his train of thought with a whirlwind of lewd images and phantom sensations. It made him salivate and dribble precum onto the dirt below, but in spite of it all, his will attempted to reassert itself.

This was all wrong! He had to banish the demon before it could do any lasting harm! He glanced toward the shelves on the wall, but that proved to be a mistake as something soft and wet wrapped around his waist, pulling him toward the nearly two feet of demonic shaft. Shaw struggled and opened his mouth to scream, but another slimy, black tendril quickly stuffed itself down his throat, pulling his head back as the demon's strong arms embraced him and turned him around to face the somehow still sleeping shaman across the room. Shaw's eyes were wide with fear, but his cock still twitched and dripped in anticipation. He could somehow still breathe in spite of the black tentacle pushing further into his esophagus, and he shivered as the demon whispered into his ear.

"This is what you wanted, is it not? Why else would you summon a Lord of Lust?"

A demon lord!? Shaw whimpered as the tendril around his waist loosened and the fat head of the demon's mammoth erection prodded at his entrance. There was no way it would fit, but in spite of everything, the badger's cock throbbed for more. The wet tip of the tendril poked under the badger's tail instead and Shaw let out a muffled gasp as it pried him open, quickly surging deep inside of him.

"Oh yes, I love how tight you are, my new pet," the demon whispered as he carried his victim closer to the sleeping ram.

They stood above Darius as the tendrils began thrusting alternately, filling the small hut with lewd squelching noises. Both of them seemed to be growing thicker by the second, and Shaw could only gurgle in pleasure as his asshole was stretched wide open and his belly was stuffed from both ends. All thoughts of escape had vanished from the badger's mind, replaced now by desire and need. Shaw had never felt something as exquisite as the depth of the thrusting tentacles, and he watched wide-eyed as they expanded his gut and wriggled under his stretched skin. The intensity of the perverse fucking made his twitching cock spasm and launch spurts of precum onto Darius's bedcovers, but still the ram slept. The demon's cock throbbed and dripped eagerly against the underside of Shaw's grey, stubby tail as the tendril in his mouth withdrew at an agonizingly slow pace. The tip finally left his lips and Shaw coughed involuntarily and moaned aloud when the tendril in his ass bunched up against his prostate. The pleasure was too much.

"F-fuck me...!" The words came unbidden from Shaw's lips. It was as if he had no control over his own body the way it responded with electrifying pleasure at the demon's every touch.

"If you insist," The demon said in a mocking tone, moving his hands to Shaw's waist, confident that the badger was too far gone from lust to try to escape.

The long, black tentacle slid gently out of him, leaving his belly wanting as the other pushed back into his mouth and the badger sucked on it as if it were Darius's throbbing erection. The demon's long tongue snaked out and licked gently at the badger's neck and shoulders. It slithered lower over his fur to tease his left nipple with the swirling tip, and Shaw moaned and convulsed in response, his gaping asshole winking eagerly in anticipation of the two foot long monster that was about to invade it. The demon was being surprisingly tender as he kissed the badger's cheek and chin, pressing the immensely thick head of his cock into Shaw's hole. The stretched entrance accepted the length with minimal effort and Shaw arched his back in bliss as the demon's dripping penis sank inch after incredibly thick inch into him. Shaw felt his inner sphincter give and then a bump against his hole as the demon's medial ring forced it's way inside moments later. The tentacle in his mouth plunged into his throat as the demon hissed in pleasure into his ear and demanded more depth. The wide tip of the demonic erection bludgeoned its way into his small intestine and forced his insides to straighten out as it went deeper and deeper and deeper still! Shaw could feel it pushing out his stomach and clutched the bulge in both hands, feeling it pulse and throb as the demon finally sighed, his heavy sack pushing up against the badger's own.

Shaw was amazed that he hadn't felt any pain, but that last rational thought was obliterated when the demon began to thrust. The bulge in his belly vanished as half of the meaty shaft left him, sending electrifying shivers up his spine and making him whine around the tendril in his throat. Seconds later, the demon hilted with such speed that the badger's eyes bulge as the air was fucked from his lungs. The creature's black lips curled as he huffed and groaned from the tight warmth squeezing his unholy girth, the continued powerful thrusts causing his cockhead to flare and ooze lewdly each time it pushed into Shaw's stomach.

The badger gripped his growing belly as it was steadily filled by the demon's hot precum and whatever substance the tentacle was spurting down his throat. His mind had long since snapped and all that he could think about was the intense pleasure of being made into this demon's whore. His ass massaged the incredible girth thrusting into him, trying to milk the greasy, sinful demon spunk from those heavy balls that crashed into his own quivering nuts.

"Oh, I like you..." The demon hissed as the badger's asshole spasmed around him. "Such an... eager... little bitch."

Below, Darius rolled onto his back in his sleep, and Shaw could almost hear the demon grinning as he angled the badger's body to face where his master was resting his head. Shaw was too far gone to care, though, and pushed his hips back to meet the base of the demon's gargantuan thrusting meat. The second black tentacle pushed against his ass and pried its way in alongside the demon's shaft, and Shaw clamped down hard against the unexpected second intruder. The demon responded by pushing as deep as he could, the wide base of his shaft throbbing and pulsing rhythmically as the tentacle deliberately jabbed Shaw's prostate. It sent the badger flying over the edge, and his twitching cock fired long, thick ropes of semen over Darius's sleeping face. But the demon wasn't quite finished yet, speeding up his thrusts so that more than four inches of his enormous length were never outside of Shaw's ass at a time. With thrusts so deep and the tendril putting constant pressure on his pleasure button, the badger's body convulsed into a second orgasm immediately on the heels of the first, and his anus clenched as hard as it could on the demonic cock. The demon huffed, hilted, and bit Shaw's shoulder with alarmingly sharp teeth as his cockhead flared larger than ever and erupted deep inside the badger's already bloated belly. The tentacle in the badger's throat pulsed and twitched along with the demon's cock, and Shaw's gut expanded even further as nearly a gallon of hot, sticky profane jizz filled him to the brim.

The tendril in his throat pulled back, slipping from his lips and making him cough, which splattered a glob of demon spunk onto his tongue from his overfilled stomach. Fuck, it was delicious! He clutched his belly, which now looked as if he were pregnant with the demon's spawn. The thought of that made his own cock throb with perverse desire, and as the demon released his bloody shoulder, he turned his head and abruptly planted his lips against the demon's mouth. The monster rumbled, a pleased sound as his tongue slithered into Shaw's muzzle and danced over the badger's. They turned away from Darius and the demon brought him back into the summoning circle.

"Just speak the words and you can be mine forever," the ravishing demon whispered in Shaw's mind as their tongues writhed together.

Shaw pulled away from the kiss, panting as his head swam with lust and pleasure. With the monster's cock still throbbing expectantly inside of him and slimy cum leaking out around it from his abused asshole, the badger hesitated. Did he really want to spend the rest of his life- the rest of eternity with this Lord of Lust? No. As pleasurable as becoming the demon's plaything no doubt would be, he wanted the real Darius, not this demonic facsimile. The demon snarled as they both heard the older shaman stirring from across the room.

"Saoire olc duine," Shaw said in between panting breaths.

He felt the demon inside of him tense up before a bellowing roar filled the small hut and the creature shook violently. The runic circle glowed as the demon began to disintegrate into ashes. Shaw fell to the ground onto his bloated belly, the demon's cum spilling from him like water through a broken dam. He lay there, unable to close his stretched hole, whimpering as Master Darius approached while wiping off his semen-covered face.

"You poor fool," Darius sighed as he frowned down at the badger. The wound on Shaw's shoulder had closed already, a reminder of its otherworldly cause. Darius placed a palm at the small of his apprentice's back in an attempt to soothe his swirling emotions.

"Master, I'm sorry, I-"

"Silence, Shaw. You are no longer fit to serve as my apprentice," Darius's expression softened when he saw the badger's look of dismay. "However, I would not be a competent spirit healer if I left you in this state. Why did you not simply tell me your feelings?"

"I-I didn't know how to appropriately tell you..."

"No matter," Darius sighed. "If you're lucky, the demon will not have left any lasting injuries or curses in you."

Shaw gulped. "And if I'm unlucky?"

"I will be prepared to do what is necessary if the time comes," Darius replied in a tone that reminded Shaw of the demon's voice and sent shivers down his spine.