Story by Zippy Schmidt on SoFurry

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#2 of Tests

The sight was gruesome. The road was covered in blood and body bits. But this wasn't a car accident. Of course, that's what the news would call it. An "accident". People wouldn't panic then.

The body, if it could still be called that, was lying in the center of the blood pool. The body had no fur left on it. The fur could be seen draped over a car, stained with blood. Shockingly, it hadn't been torn at all. Every cut was smooth and precise.

The "body" was only bones, muscle, and tissue. The large and small intestines had been removed from the body and lay in a relatively neat pile next to the corpse. The stomach and lungs had been ripped in half and place diagonally from each other. The remaining organs lay scattered randomly around the body, with the exception of the heart and brain. The brain could be seen still contained within what was left of the broken skull. It looked like part of it had been stomped, but it WAS there... Mostly. A closer look and you'd see green eyes staring lifelessly at the sky. The face had been smashed so much there was no way to directly recognize it. The creatures jaw hung at an odd angle, though it was still attached it didn't look like it would take much to tear it off. Blood had stopped flowing in the time that the body was lying there. The heart, however, was nowhere to be found.

The fingers had been removed from the hands, and lay scattered on the road with the tips cut off. There were no teeth anywhere; not in the skull nor on the road. There weren't even remnants of them.

The body, however, was in on piece. Well... Relatively speaking. Limb-wise, the body was whole. The species was mostly unrecognizable; the tail had been brutally cut off, and the ears were gone.

Whoever had killed this fur had taken a lot of precautions to make sure they wouldn't be caught. It was impressive. Super terrifying, but still impressive. No one should be able to do this without puking. And there were no puddles of vomit, or even remnants of it. At least, nothing that wasn't from the police officers/paramedics that had turned up. That was probably one of the weirdest parts. There wasn't any evidence of another fur being there when the crime happened. No foot prints, no bodily fluids, nothing. It was like the victim had done it to themselves.

Zippy Schmidt: Master Assassin (Contract Kill)

The sun was setting and Zippy was climbing up the ladder that was leaning on the guards HQ. He had pondered why it had been left there, but he just assumed it had been some sort of laziness by someone. He gently pushed open a window at the top of the...

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Zippy Schmidt: Master Assassin

As the sun rose over the little farm town of Icewheat a hooded figure jumped from roof-to-roof. It was still early morning, so there were few citizens awake at the moment. He stood on the roof of the chapel watching the sun as it rose above the...

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**ALRIGHT! SO THIS IS JUST A TEST! Basically I wanted to see how well I could write a gruesome scene without any actual dialog. So, tell me what you guys think. Any and all criticism is appreciated. It DOES contain a very detailed crime scene where...

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