Zippy Schmidt: Master Assassin (Contract Kill)

Story by Zippy Schmidt on SoFurry

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The sun was setting and Zippy was climbing up the ladder that was leaning on the guards HQ. He had pondered why it had been left there, but he just assumed it had been some sort of laziness by someone. He gently pushed open a window at the top of the ladder and climbed in. He looked around to make sure the coast was clear and snuck upstairs. He heard pawsteps and hid in a cupboard so he didn't get spotted. Unfortunately, they belonged to his target: a 6' tall Arctic Wolf. He was flanked by two guards, a Golden Retriever and Doberman. Zippy sighed quietly and adjusted his hood. He'd have to take out the guards just to be able to get to his target.

When the guards were in front of his hiding place he leapt from it, drawing his sword and stabbing the Doberman through the neck. He ripped his blade out just in time to block a strike from the Retriever. A quick spin around the canine and the Assassin stabbed him in the side. He sliced forward to ensure the kill and ripped it from the furs abdomen. He looked at his main target and grinned under his hood. This was gonna be fun.

The wolf growled and jumped at the fox, drawing his sword and slashing all in one movement. The fox jumped back and growled quietly when the wolfs' sword cut him through his robe. It wasn't very deep, but it did bleed. He slashed at his target, which blocked his strike with his own sword. This was harder than he had anticipated. But not impossible. He had taken down harder targets back in the city after all.

"You are an excellent swordsman," the wolf growled quietly, "why do you waste your talents like this?" Zippy shrugged and swung again.

"Being a swordsman means working for your corrupt government. And I'd die before that happens." The wolf swung and Zippy dogged, making him stumble. The assassin slashed at his back and then his legs, making the Huard Leader howl and fall to the ground. Zippy kicked him onto his back and lowered his hood. "You have committed crimes that the Brotherhood has taken notice of. You cannot be allowed to live because of these crimes. If you wish, you may make peace with the gods. Maybe they will take pity on you. But I shall not." The guard laughed. "I don't want your pity. I bet you don't even know my fucking name! You follow your orders blindly. You are no different from my soldiers." That really pissed the assassin off. He kicked the guard in the stomach.

"I am nothing like you or your guards. I have watched you for weeks. Your name is Andrew Thomas. You buy underage prostitutes every third day. I know every step of your schedule. I've seen you commit the crimes you've been accused of." He knelt next to the bleeding guard. "My face is the last thing you will see. I hope you have made peace with the gods. An chuid eile i síocháin (Rest in peace)." He slit the guards' throat and stood up, sprinkling some black powder onto the body. That was tradition when taking out a target for the Brotherhood. He turned to leave but stopped. He quickly snagged one of the guards' clockwork rifles and ran out of the room. He quickly climbed back down the ladder and sprinted for his hideout, the full moon lighting up his path.