Story by Toilet paper on SoFurry

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************* SCENTS AND SPILLAGE PART 2 Big Mac Celestia Luna Duke Omelliah

Mac awoke on his back, staring at the white chest of princess Celestia, who was occupied in licking all around his huge erect cocktip. She slurped and slopped drool and pre all over the red pony's stomach. Her jaw strained as she popped the flared cock of the mutant earth pony in and out of her mouth. "Ooooh...g-good morning to-ooh you to" Mac stammered out. "Why, the big stallion is finally awake" Celestia said, backing off licking the monstrosity of a dick pointing from Mac's crotch. As Big Mac stood up and got off the hay pile, quickly awakening fully, he saw Celestia walking over to a group of other ponies...or, full-sized horses was more accurate. Luna and Celestia were there, but so were two large Clydesdales, one completely jet black and even taller than the other one, who was speckled grey. The speckled mare was quite plump, and had a very long flowing mane, whereas the other Clyde's was cropped tight. The black one was even taller than Mac, and just as broad and muscular as well. He had a large scar across his nose, Mac noted, and his body was covered in pockmarks and other small scars, plus Mac saw the headdress lying in the corner of the barn. This stallion must be some sort of warrior, he thought, but Mac was distracted from this train of thought.   This was because all three females stared at Mac lustfully as he stood in front of them, the stallion's magical scent causing them all to positively pour from their pussies and "wink" in readiness. The black male was out of his sheath and throbbing along with Mac, equally as horny as the red pony due to the needy mares and scent around him. This other stallion's erection was 3/4 as thick as Mac's was, but easily a foot and a half shorter with a much smaller flare. Mac noted too with some concern that the other male's nuts, while quite large and hefty, were misshapen, and scarred as well. "You know you were not easy to wake up." Celestia said. "Had an active day yesterday" Mac countered. Celestia nodded and smiled, but said nothing. There was a short period of awkward silence as Mac looked at each of the group individually. Finally, the black stallion broke the silence. "I'll keep this quick because I can see we're all a bit eager. I am Duke of the Dales, ruler of Clydeston. This is my wife and queen, Ohmelliah. Long story short, I am unable to produce an heir to the throne because of past injuries, and magical fertilization is not allowed by our royal bylaws. Conveniently, your predicament sprung up and was related to us, and we extended our stay in Equestria to potentially solve our kingdom-ending crisis. So you, my large earth pony, will need to fertilize my wife with a child, in my stead. Can you do this?"   Ohmellia interrupted at this point. "I would think he can. Look at the set of balls on him!" Mac glanced back under himself to see that his testicles had filled again in the night, swelling larger than they were even yesterday. The skin was stretched taut over the swollen sperm sacks, begging for release, as his cock continued to drip precum steadily and throb up and down. His flare had filled out since Celestia finished up, its width nearly as much as the length of many pony's cocks. "Enough chit chat" continued the Clydesdale queen. "I'm going crazy doing all this not-fucking while we're standing in a musk of pure mating smells." "C'mere stud" the queen quipped. She walked up to Mac and nuzzled his cheek with hers, giving a little teasing lick. "Where do you want me, you beautiful freak accident" asked Ohmelliah, jovially. Snickering at the phrase, Mac said "Right in front of this here board". He gestured to the beam he had nailed down yesterday. Not missing a beat, the needy speckled mare walked up in front of the board, Luna and Celestia backing out of her way, the Clyde planting her tufted hooves and displaying herself. Her bobbed and braided tail hiked up out of the way, showing off her inviting pussy to Mac, its moist folds spread and waiting to be bred. Mac leaned in close, sticking his snout under her tail, giving the mare's beautiful needy folds a long sniff. The intoxicating scent made him lose most of his control almost immediately, falling to the drug-induced hormones pumping through him and his own powerful musk.   Mac reared onto Ohmelliah, planting his rear legs on the board and his torso on her rump. She backed towards him as he pulled with his front legs, his cock sliding up across her tailhole and ass. The other three currently unoccupied ponies looked at Mac and Ohmelliah, as they lined each other up. "Ready?" Mac asked, feeling his self control wane as the hormones took over. "Very, stud. Fill me" replied the clyde curtly. Mac needed no further encouragement. He tensed, his shaft throbbing, then slammed forward as he had done with Spike, his cock sliding in between her folds and roughly slamming forward, his flare forcing its way quickly inwards. Mac's hard thrust caused him to hilt quickly within the larger mare, his crotch meeting hers with a loud smack noise. She slid forward a bit with the force of it. The queen yelled out as he penetrated deep into her, the cock coming closer to bottoming out inside her as any male had ever come, his insanely large nuts swinging beneath her underbelly and the sac hitting her taint. Mac, for his part, was suprised at the relative ease at which he crammed himself inside the regal female, his cock not squeezed like a vise but nicely and mostly snugly fitted inside the kneading, wet walls of the mare's breeding tunnel.   "Fuck...that's, you're...big..." Ohmelliah said, as Mac held himself inside her for a moment, not moving. "Eyup" was his only reply. Mac slid back, pulling halfway out. He slapped back in with nearly as much force as his first thrust, causing the Clydesdale queen to loudly vocalize how that felt. He kept pushing off the board on the floor, Mac's humping speeding up and getting more powerful as the others watched. "Fuck yeah" yelled Ohmelliah, her limbs stiffening as her pleasure grew. Celestia, for her part, sauntered over towards the Duke and slid under his underbelly, licking his sizeable cocktip. She occupied herself with this, the duke lifting his leg for better access, while Luna stayed watching the show in front of her. Mac at this point was completely lost to the world outside the clyde's pussy, thrusting incredibly fast for such a large animal, his powerful legs tensing as he slid forward every time, his dick between his medial ring and his underbelly sliding all the way in and out, his balls swinging underneath. Pre and Ohmelliah's juices slopped out of her vagina, dripping on the floor in a steady stream. She had her front legs bent and spread wide, her mouth panting and her eyes closed.   Luna looked on, not even rubbing herself, but wet nonetheless. Her sister was occupied suckling gently on the duke's rod, Duke himself looking at his wife being reamed by another male. Ohmelliah suddenly bent her front legs, her torso sliding all the way to the ground, as she opened her eyes wide and yelled- "OOOOHHHH STUD! FUCK YEAH! AAAAH!" Her orgasm came swift and sudden, her body tensing, her groans quivering and her legs shaking as Mac continued his onslaught. He increased the lengths his thrusts while she orgasmed and squirmed, her pussy squeezing around his length tightly and her cum spilling on the floor, all over Mac's shaft and balls. He pulled out nearly his entire length now, only his thick flare keeping him in, then went up and in hard, lifting Ohmelliah's rear end off the ground as he drove her front into it. She was moaning constantly now, her pitch kicking up with every slam inward. Mac snorted now, you could swear smoke was coming out of his nostrils. He was clearly nearing his peak as well, Luna in particular watched as his nuts tightened and their huge mass pulled upward, ready to blow their legendary load, juices slopping off the outside. Ohmelliah felt his cock throb and bulge, his flare pressing hard against her inner walls, ready to lock in sperm. Just as Ohmelliah's orgasm slowed up, he slid to the base one more time, Mac holding himself deep inside, the clyde's rear legs off the ground due to his cock and his forelegs clutching her tightly. Mac grunted and gritted his teeth as the first blast rocketed down his length, rivalling a fire hose as sperm blasted straight through to the clyde's womb, the thick spunk filling all the space inside her behind Mac's flare after the second massive spurt.   Ohmelliah gasped, amazed at all the sperm Mac was putting out. The jizz filled her womb to the brim, pressure building as her belly bulged just slightly and soon sperm sprayed back up around Mac's flare at high pressure and past his shaft to drip all over his huge nuts and the floor. There was simply no room in the big clyde's womb, her walls filling and straining, the space around Mac's throbbing shaft filling with creamy spunk as there was no room in her womb. Luna took the opportunity to dash under the larger equines, and sidle up by Mac's balls, licking around them and lapping up all the sperm spilling out. Grunting and straining, Big Mac continued his orgasm, his jizz overfilling the mare, who was squirming with her chest on the floor. As he finally emptied out, he gave small thrusts to coax out the last of his creamy cum, more splooge spurting out backwards and getting lapped up by the now spunk-coated Luna. Celestia stopped her teasing fellations of the stoic duke for a moment to watch Mac finish up. With one last grunt, he relaxed, and stayed resting on Ohmelliah's back his eyes still wild. He backed out of the panting female, his still hard erection dragging out yet more sperm, which Luna gladly coated herself in and lapped it up. Mac trotted backwards farther as his flare came out with a pop and yet more jizz, Ohmelliah sinking all the way to the floor. She slid to the hay in the afterglow of a fantastic lay, Mac's seed filing her womb to the absolute limit and then some, her hindquarters covered in juices and seed. Luna stuck her snout in Ohmelliah's rump and did the task of cleaning up all that cum.   Mac, his cock throbbing and balls refilling fast, admired his handiwork before the hormones made him too lustful to be coherent again. Sperm coated Luna and the barn floor where she stood, the white mess everywhere. Mac noted how the stronger, larger, looser female had not bloated as much as Dash when he blew his load, it had simply spilled out of her, her ab muscles not giving. Still he knew there was far more than enough in her to show he did his job. "Well, think her pregnant?" he quipped between each heavy breath to Duke and the smirking Celestia. "There's a good chance you did, son" said the black Clydesdale, chuckling. "You did well." Saying nothing else, he moved toward his well fucked wife on the floor. He walked over to the queen and kissed her on the snout, she returning the favor and rolling over on her back. Luna had to pull free of her snatch as she did so, her snout even creamier than ever. The duke lovingly nuzzled the tired queen as she rolled, the black stallion moving into position for sloppy seconds, his cock throbbing more than ever. Luna and Mac moved a bit more out of the way as the duke rubbed himself sensually all over his beautiful wife, her very recently impregnated body looking beautiful and radiant to the old ruler. Mac, Celestia and Luna watched as the regal black stallion slowly slid his length into Ohmelliah's stretched pussy, not minding the temporary looseness or the semen of another male inside. He was too proud to admit it to most, but Duke loved having "cleanup duties" after his woman had been with another man. The fact he was getting an heir out of this one was a bonus. He slipped easily to the base of his own impressive length, kissing his wife and both holding each other in a loving embrace as the duke hilted inside his wife's used pussy, his own dick finishing off what little was left of his wife's libido. Both kissed and writhed, belly to belly, as the alicorns and the earth pony watched.   The other three were not to stay unoccupied for long, however. Luna uttered a spell using her powerful magical talent, and all the cum coating her body disappeared. The also-currently-magical Mac, his cock starting to harden up fully again, chuckled as Luna appeared clean over to his right. The spillage on the floor dried up too. "That's pretty convenient" he said, smirking. "Where'd it go?" "Well, I did think about sending it into Duke over there, almost as a gift for his sad lack of proper seed... the poor thing" Duke broke from his wife momentarily and shot Luna a quick look at this, and it wasn't really a happy one. She blew it off. "But their bylaws, again, don't allow direct magical meddling where breeding is concerned, even for fun. Leads to health problems too sometimes. No, I dispersed your excess sperm evenly out to th-" "LUNA, SHUSH" barked Celestia. "Mac here is still just as horny as he was, and so am I. Now help me flip this bastard over." Both alicorn's horns glowed and Mac rose in the air, unexpectedly. He was giggling as the magic forces lifting him and turning him on his back tickled a bit. Their magic set him down gently, Mac's cock laying along his chest, still hard as ever. He could control himself for now, though.   "I coulda just rolled over for you, ladies" he said. "But that more fun" said Celestia, as she walked up and straddled Mac's broad chest, looking him in the face. His dick ran up under Celestia's belly, and rubbed up against her white fur. He looked up at her, then at Luna, who was catching glances at the two Clydesdales still intertwined on the floor. "You aren't even tired from last time, are you big fella?" Celestia said, clearly getting excited herself. "Nope. It resets fast." "Any idea what I'm gonna do to you?" "...nope." Celestia just smiled, and turned around. She stepped away, horn aglow, and stretched, preparing herself. She spoke to Mac again. "You ever been... deepthroated? All the way to the base?" "Eyup". "Really? That's impressive..." she said seductively. "I know your rep for being a big boy, even before your incident. By whom?" "Uh...Spike and Cheerilee". Celestia raised her eyebrows. "Well! I know Spike knows some magic, but Cheerilee just must have a talent." Celestia stepped over Mac's face, walking to the tip of his cock. She licked her lips as the giant flair bobbed in front of her snout, precum just starting to dribble out. Mac fell silent...this sort of thing was stuff he had previously only dreamed of. He brought his forelegs up to grasp Celestia's sides, holding her facing his bouncing cock tip.   "Anyway, my big stud, don't worry about me. I have magic on my side...I won't even have to worry about air." Celestia then opened her jaw incredibly wide, and stretched it around Mac's flare, trying to squeeze it in her mouth. Mac gasped as the royal alicorn started to suckle on his tip, just as she had earlier that morning to wake him up. But this time, he could fully savor the experience. Plus, he knew she wasn't going to stop at the tip this time. Celestia pushed forward against the monstrous stallion meat, Mac guiding her with his forehooves. Her throat bulged and stretched as she forced herself down. Mac bucked his hips almost involuntarily. She gagged at this, but the spells she had just cast on herself meant there was no worry of choking. Celestia bobbed her head on the first 1/3rd of Mac's cock, already into the back of her jaws. His flare filled her throat, his pre dribbling in an ever increasing stream down her royal gullet. Big Mac went starry eyed as she used her tongue and an expert twist of her head to give him that extra jolt of pleasure to the big pony. It only went from good to great for Mac as Luna had snuck over and was now licking his full nuts, sticking her snout underneath his sack, smelling his swarthy musk.   The clydesdales, meanwhile, were affected by Mac's musk as well. They were now rutting like they hadn't in years, the duke pounding away at Ohmelliah, her orgasm imminent. His belly slapped hers as he continued to tongue wrestle with his wife. The old stallion felt like he hadn't in years, pistoning in and out of his mate like they were newlyweds. For her part Ohmelliah moaned into Duke's lips, spreading her legs for her lover as she rocked in her own orgasm. The Duke came as she did, both clutching each other as they were driven wild by Mac's musk, besides their own hormones. Ohmelliah didn't complain about Duke's piddling spurts of cum, she barely noticed as is as she spasmed in her own throes of passion, her juices coating the duke's rod. The duke collapsed on top of his queen as his small load sprayed into her already full womb. He rolled off her, his erection softening and slipping out. His old bones were finally warning him his actions were maybe too strenuous, but Duke didn't care. Both clydes stared at each other longingly in afterglow for a few moments, lying on the hay and wood of the floor. They fell asleep, exhausted. But not before Celestia, not 20 feet away, passed the medial ring of the father of Ohmelliah's brand new child.   And Celestia was having a tough time of it, even with her assisting spells. The stallion's dick was just so wide as she crammed it further down her throat. His flare kept sticking in there as she gulped down. Her neck strained and bulged, veins popping out of it. Her jaw creaked and locked open, sore already. But Celestia had a fetish for sucking cock, and was always up for a challenge. (Her sister had also bet she couldn't do it, so there was extra motivation there.) Mac pulsed in her neck and moaned as the two alicorns serviced him- Luna's efforts on his testes only redoubling as her sister struggled. Mac twitched his powerful hips into the alicorn princess' maw, slipping further down his dick. His forehooves guided Celestia in her efforts, keeping her stood in place and gently "encouraging" her down his cock. Mac licked at her pussy as Celestia stood over him, causing her to yelp around the stallion's meat jammed down her gullet. Celestia could feel Mac's huge flare start to lodge itself in her throat and was again glad for her magic. Mac felt Celestia's esophagus start to milk him as the alicorn ruler of Equestria slipped his oversized meat to nigh unsafe levels down toward her stomach.   Luna watched mischeviously as Mac bucked and more stallion meat slid through her jaws. Saliva dripped out of the princess' mouth copiously and her eyes teared up from the strain. Breaking off slurping her pussy, Big Mac looked at Celestia, concerned somewhat. "You doin' alright?" Mac asked. "She's fine" Luna answered quickly, breaking off her ministrations around Mac's balls and taint. "In fact" Luna continued, "she's almost to your base. Need help, sis?" Celestia just looked at her and gave as much of a grin and nod as was possible under the circumstances. Luna got the affirmative. She stood between Mac's hind legs and grabbed her sister around the forelegs and shoulders. Once she held her secure, Luna counted down. "Ready? Three...two...ONE!" She pulled on her sister and yanked her down to the base of Mac's meat with a loud slurp and choking noise. The stallion moaned as his giant dick was hilted in Celestia's throat. She expertly flexed her throat muscles as Luna backed away, his cock nearly in the alicorn's stomach, his flare locked in place as it swelled fully.   Luna laughed, walking around the two horses. "Wow sis, I didn't think you could do it." Celestia mmmmm'd and gurgled in gloating. Mac groaned as well as Celestia flexed her throat more and bobbed her head, small movements all that was needed (and all that was possible) to drive Mac crazy. His cock was being kneaded and milked by her movements, and pre started to pour down into Celestia's belly. He threw his head back as she gulped around his cock, air supply a non-issue for Celestia due to her spell. Luna dove back into her task, shoving her muzzle under Mac's musky nuts. She shuddered and breathed deep as she smelled him. His strong hormonal scent had disippated somewhat since Mac was first sprayed, but it was still strong enough to the alicorns' noses and drove them crazy. Firmly locked onto Mac's huge tool, Celestia hummed around his cock, the vibrations further pleasuring the stallion. "Ah...ah ain't gonna last..." Mac panted. Celestia only responded by bobbing her head, planting her feet as she rocked her entire body, using herself as a cocksleeve to finish him off. Luna went for the gusto and slipped a few licks on Mac's butthole in between her nibbles at his giant sac, then slipped her tongue all the way in his ass. That did it.   With a yell and a big spasm, his back arching off the floor, Big Mac's load blew down Celestia's gullet like a runaway train. The first few ropes immediately filled her belly, the fertile spunk not so much spurting as it was gushing out of Mac's cock. Luna and Celestia both glowed, their horns sparkling as their secret plan went into effect. Mac felt a sucking sensation over his entire body, his balls gurgling as he came and moaned and squirmed. Luna watched their handiwork as Mac just kept coming, and kept filling Celestia, her stomach visibly and quickly expanding to handle all the seed. Celestia's legs fattened too, some blubber slowly filling out around her hocks and hips. Mac felt strange but wasn't in a right enough mind to ask questions. Luna though, knew exactly what was going on as her sister ballooned up, and Mac started to shrink back down to his normal size. It took five straight minutes of Mac cumming, but soon he had been cured of his ills. The woozy earth pony lolled on the floor as the now chubby Celestia slipped off his dick, now back to its normal size. The spell they cast was a complicated one, and Celestia cast another complex one to get rid of her excess chub and sloshing cum-filled belly. Mac was cured of the ails the fertilizer had caused him, but was already asleep from what he just recieved. Therefore, Luna couldn't explain it to him, and left with the Clydesdales after rousing them. The alicorn's magical abilities would be discussed later, but for now, their earth pony super stud was just a normal stud stallion once again."We'll have to tell Twilight that worked" said Luna on the way out. Celestia nodded. They'd send a letter explaining the magic behind it later. Frankly though, they knew their population problems had been solved, and Mac as a huge horned-up stallion had been somewhat of a threat to their mare population.