Broken 3: A New Land and a New Guard

Story by jizzerman3 on SoFurry

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#3 of Broken

Elvis is told a story he thought he knew

My eyes nearly jumped out of my skull as I recognized the dark blue uniform with it's various emblems and a large golden badge on the wearer's chest. The wearer on display stood after thanking me and gave me a full view of his form. He was a rather short husky with white and black fur. He stood with a soldier's upright stance giving him a dangerous alpha appearance, but one look at the shy expression on his face, and his dropping ears gave away the fact that he was just a puppy beta. He wouldn't even meet my gaze as he waited for me to respond..

Of course he might have been acting shy, because of the two mouse shaped mounds that were bobbing up and down alternately on my cock and balls. The two mounds were were my master, Pied, and his brother, Rodney. Loud smacks could be heard from them as they enjoyed themselves.They each failed to notice the sheepish husky so I decided to say something. "Master... oooh... and Rodney...someones here.... and their... thanking me." Moaning as they kept licking my cock slathering it in warm saliva."You should probably... come out... and say hi."

The sucking stopped as the mound that was my master seemed to look at the mound that Rodney. A whisper conversation that I couldn't hear happened under the covers, and shortly after the brown head of Rodney popped out of the covers to look at me. "Pied says 'We're not stopping until you cum so either handle it yourself or wait till we get finished." Then he gave me a sexy look and said," It's your fault your in this situation for having a such a tasty cock."Then he went back under covers and the licking and sucking resumed.

I tried to move my cock away from their insistent mouths, but that earned me a two hard bites on my cock that didn't end until I stopped moving. Then I received nice warm licks for being a good boy, but while I was sure they left marks I couldn't worry about them, as I began to purr under the attention they were giving the sore places from the bites. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed their little mouths knowing my cock wouldn't last long.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that the husky was blushing and was rubbing his arm up and down cutely. "I can come back if you want me to." he said and started to turn around.

"Wait" I said as he started to reach the door. I had an Idea that would kill to bird with one stone, "Would you mind joining... ohh. so that we can get to talking... Please?" straining to say the word do to the mice under the covers picking up speed.

His ears shot to the skies as he smiled widely revealing sharp white teeth and wagged his short tail, "Really!"he yelled. Then he must of realized he was because he sheepishly said, "Really" with his ears down.

I just spread my legs and leaned back purring as cock entered a hot mouth, which gave it a long slow suck, before passing it with a loud Pop to the other mouth for the same treatment. I continued purring until I gasped as the covers were lifted and a very cold nose was pressed up against my balls. I heard a loud sniff and when I looked down I saw that the husky had taken me up on my offer. He had stuck only his head under the covers leaving his firm looking hindquarter to sway back and forth giddily.

He seemed to kiss them while he just enjoyed my scent. His warm lips were a sharp contrast to his cold nose that seem to stab my balls like an icy spear every time it moved. Then the husky sucked on the loose skin around the edges of my sack lightly lashing it with his tongue every now and then almost like he was sucking on a nipple.

While the husky was suckling on my he mice were making a game of trying to see whose mouth I was going to cum into by using different methods. My master would give my cock several bites on its shaft as it would enter his mouth with his buck teeth. Then he would scrape the bottom while taking my cock out of his mouth, giving it a possessive chomp on the head, before passing my poor cock to Rodney.

Rodney would lick my cock from bottom to top before downing it in on gulp. With my meager five inches I could only get my head into his throat, but the feeling of his flexing throat muscles was fantastic to say the least. I would hiss as he would take my cock out of his mouth, because he would force his tongue into my urethra, so that he could swirl around collect my pre straight from the source. As his tongue exited my cock my cum slit would be left winking as it tried to regain its shape, while being passed to my master for another round.

"Meooow!" I yelled as one of my balls slipped into the husky's mouth to be whipped by an enthusiastic canine tongue. My balls started to lurch as I felt the cum rise into my cock,and it looked like Rodney was going to win this silly competition, but like any good pet I knew I had to hold out for my master. But as soon as my cock left Rodney's mouth. I blasted my load right into his face, but I only let one shot hit him as I shifted my hips so that I could give the rest to my master.

I shot three more hot streams into my master's face, before I began to slowly dribble the rest onto my balls. I could only take deep breaths as my cock was cleaned by three very attentive tongues. The licking stopped only when all three were sure that my cock was stripped bare of my creamy fluid. Then my master's head popped out of the covers on my right side to lay his cum covered head on my shoulder, just below my bandages, followed by Rodney of my left side whose head was in the same situation. The husky was the last to leave the covers licking his face while he went back to standing. "Mmm" he said " Nice and salty" then he started blushing when he noticed I was watching him.

My master lightly cupped my face, moved my head closer to his, and said,"That was a nice load my pet, but now you need to clean up after the " then he waited for me to start. I started with his chin giving him a little nips while lick making him rub the back of my head. Then I moved on to his cheeks, which I found were very elastic. To the point that I could pull his cheeks an inch from his faces, sucking out all my creamy goodness, then letting his cheeks snap back onto his face with a loud smack. I finished my master off by giving his for head a long lick, collecting all the cum that resided there in my mouth, then giving a satisfied gulp for my master to hear. "All done" I said opening my mouth wide to show him.

Master gave my belly a light rub while he spoke praises, " That's my voracious cum cat such a good boy" I started to purr like a kitten due to his praise. It felt great and weird at the same time because I hadn't had a nice belly rub in years. They were my favorite thing to have, before I was.....

I burst into tears as it all came rushing back in a cold-hearted wave that swept my happiness away. I held my master close to my chest with all my might ignoring the brisk pain in my shoulder. Master put his arms around me, making the hug even tighter, while I shook in his warm embrace weeping out my years of torment.


When I finished my eyes were red and my fur was streaked from the tears, I loosened my hold on my master, but he kept holding me for a little longer. I took it as his way of saying that even if I let go he wouldn't. I nuzzled his head and said, "Thank's master" My master didn't say anything as he lifted my body so that he could lay my head on his stomach, with his legs on either side of my body. He started to massage my ears and ruffle my head fur as he finally said, "Your welcome my pet"

"Mmmh...It's so yummy!" a voice said. We turned our heads to see the spectacle that was happening on the couch. Rodney had gotten out of the bed to sit on the couch, and the husky had joined him. Now the mouse was having his hips straddled by the husky, and Rodney's face was being licked into submission by the giddy puppy. Master let this go on for a while before he whistled for them to stop. They righted themselves with Rodney wiping his face to clear away some of he drool. "Sorry sir" the husky said.with puppy eyes.

"No need for those eyes Lupe. We all know about your love of licking faces Now what are you here for your supposed to be suspended and why are you dressed in that uniform." master said sternly. Lupe straightened up and said, "Yes sir, I know that I am not allowed to be here or in uniform but sir I had to thank the person that saved my life by risking his own."

It took me a minute to realize that this Lupe was in fact the officer that had rescued me, but that still left something unanswered , "Why are you thanking me I just got shot. I should be thanking you." Lupe's face suddenly went from shy beta to a hardened alpha. His voice was strained as he and his eyes piercing as he said, "No I shouldn't thank you. You saved my life a nearly died because I wanted glory, and had I died none of the other slaves in that hell hole would have been saved" he fell to his knees near my bed side, "I'm sorry" he screamed.

I was highly confused so I looked to my master for answers. He took a deep breath and told me the story of how my rescue actually happened. " The slaver outfit that called themselves Rous's Harem were completely hidden in the bowels of the under city. We had no way of finding them. Our best spies either came back empty handed or not at all.. This was the case until a cop by the name Lupe stumbled onto the entrance of their hide-out by accident. You see my pet Lupe was very clumsy he often times screwed up his assignments. So much so that the entire police force started to call him a fiasco waiting to happen. Never to his face mind you because although he was clumsy he was son of the best cop who ever worked on the force. His fathers name was Harry Dirt and under his watch not one crime too place. But under his son, Lupe Dirt crime festered and became almost natural.

He paused to lightly kiss the top of my head, because the strange icy calm in his my hair on end, "But I digress, back to Lupe. You see Lupe was walking his beat and it was a slow day, so he let his guard down. Pet this is the first mistake that Lupe mad that day, and unfortunately there were more to come. As he began to walk he unknowingly walked into wall, but strangely he not only walked into, he also walked through it. The wall was fake, and he had walked right into the base of operations _Rous's Harem _

One look at the banner's with Rous's symbol, and the cadges filled with every type of fur that resides here in my kingdom was enough to confirm it. He was in the belly of the beast kitten and that my dear kitten is when he made his next mistake for instead of calling for back up all he saw was a chance to rise up in the ranks." Master voice changed to one of complete disgust, "He saw the pain and suffering of my subjects, and decided to not call for help. but take the glory of a single handed rescue. What a foolish thing to do"

Lupe's head sunk lower as the story continued, "The foolish pup made his way silently through the base looking for Rous himself. Intent on cutting the head off the snake before worrying about the rest of it's body. But as he was creeping through the base he happened up a room near the center of the facility." My master whispered in my ear," Inside the room a very one sided fight was happening between a mut and a very weak looking tiger. Lupe watched as the tiger punched the muts face, but to no reward the brute threw the tiger onto the floor and was about to kill him when Lupe pulled out his blaster and killed the mut. Lupe then hurried to the cats side and reassured hi that everything would be okay. But Lupe hadn't checked for other guards and his foolishness almost cost him his life, had it not been for the exact same tiger jumping in front of him in time."As the tiger was shot Lupe killed the shooter in one movement. The tiger blacked out and Lupe believed him to be dead. That's when finally he called in and reported his positon, but with an added message that you just have to hear Rodney would you be a dear and replay that message on your phone."

Rodney nodded yes and Lupe positively sank into the couch. Rodeny pressed a few buttons and Lupe's voice was played for all to hear. His voice was calm, but it carried a deadly undertone that sent a shiver down my spine, "This is Lupe Dirt aka Lupe Fiasco and I am inside the base of operations for Rous's Harem. I am sending you my location and the way to get inside the base. This is not a joke a tiger slave has been shot and I have performed first aid, but he needs medical asap. I am leaving my phone with him so trace its location." The voice then changed to a feral rage," Ooh and.... send Body Bags." The message ended, and Rodney placed his phone in his pocket.

My master continued his story," The police force only sent over eight cops and one medical team due to Lupe's poor standing in the force. When they arrived there what they found out there was shocking to say the least. " Master gripped my head tenderly, "I won't tell you the details now, but just know that every member of that organization is dead by the hands of Lupe."

I might have laughed had my master not been so serious. Imagining the energetic ball of fluff before me killing a whole compound was something that my mind just could fathom, "But how?" escaped my lips before I could restrain the question .

Master's hand rose and I involuntarily flinched as a result. But no strike came as his small paw lightly stroked my chin, making me purr softly and snuggle deeper into his crotch. "They really did a number on you didn't they" he said, "I would never strike you for being curious you are after all a feline." His paw moved up to my muzzle and he stuck his finger into my mouth and I sucked on it instinctively, "Unfortunately I am not going to answer your question. The reason being that I don't think it would help your mental state to go over the gory details right now. Just know that you have nothing to fear from that organization any more."

Master smiled as he said, "Lupe...." and said dogs ears shot open to catch whatever words my master spoke," you don't know how badly I want to reward you for that", his voice broke and a deep sadness stabbed at my heart." .... but I can't set this standard for such a blatant disregard for the rules. Do you want to end up like your father? Would you die and break my heart like he did?"

"No I..." Lupe started but he fell silent as my master raised his paw. "Lupe you are like a son to me, because of that I will have to be harsher on you than I would anyone else in your situation. That is why you shall be expelled form the force until I deem it suitable for you to return"

The shock of the statement left to whole room silent until a single tear rolled off of Lupe's muzzle, "Well if that's your decision I accept it, and I must be going... before I fuck something else up"

The footfalls of his shoes pounded my heart until it broke and I had to do something, "Wait!!!!", I shouted as I tried to rise only to reminded with blinding pain why that was a bad idea by my shoulder. My eye clenched shut as I laid back on my master tiny thigh panting as the pain subsided. As my eyes opened I saw both masters head and Lupe's staring at me. "Um ... well... Master I know its not my place but is there any way to not have him expelled." I asked.

"Sorry my pet, but my decision is final" he answered.

"Then could you give him another job?" I ventured.

"Hum.... I could give him one, but why would I my dear cum-cat" He said.

I turned my head to face to him luckily I could do it without hurting my shoulder, "Because he saved your subjects, because he saved me, and because he took down the monsters that broke me and all my brothers and sisters.

"Brothers and sisters?" he asked, "You had family in that hell hole?"

"Not in the normal sense, biologically speaking we were as different as possible. The slavers tried to keep us as varied as possible for clients, possibly so that they could charge more. Truth be told master I don't remember any of their names, that is if they ever told me them, but strangely their was a little camaraderie among us, Like if someone was crying, because they just couldn't handle the strain, the anthro next to them would lean their shoulder against the bars so they could cry against them. Once I cried against this one shaggy dog whose fur was really good at muffling the sound."

Master grabbed my head and leaned down to kiss my lips as I finished. As he pulled back he said, " I'm sorry I didn't realize that you cared for each other like that, and your right I shouldn't just expel Lupe without a sure shot at redemption." He raised his hand and pointed at Lupe, "Okay Lupe I am going to give one more chance.

Lupe began to jump for joy as he smiled from ear to ear, "But your still off the force until I deem you worthy to return", He immediately sunk onto the couch with Rodney. "Come on now a least you'll have a new job to keep you occupied." Master then stroked my head and said " and it will be guarding my little kitten with your life."

The Sorrowful Peacock: Collared Birdie

In the year 3015, The lush planet of Panos had finally absolved themselves of slavery, by introducing a intricate and fair legal system know as Pet **. ** Under this legal system fur, scale, and feathered races were all made equal in the eyes of the...

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Broken Chapter 2: The Cum-Cat in the Festering Lands

I am a person that believes the only way to get better at something is to practice. So using this logic, If I want _Broken _to be a better story, then I have to write more chapters for it. As always I love critiques so please feel free to comment...

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Broken Chapter 1: Pet Republished and Edited

Finally ,with a lot of critiquing and tons of advice from the community here, I am finally able to republish this story and feel proud of it. i got it edited by a nice honest "Gnollish Storm Paladin in Mimic-hide armor", his words not mine. He helped...

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