Chapter 6: Bathtime

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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#6 of The Gilded Suburb

Preface: You all know the deal. Under 18 are not admitted here. Look out for sexual content, swearing, and gay stuff. Please leave helpful comments and if you think its plot, it probably is (I'm a writer I don't write stuff just for the fun of it, I write because of an insane urge tyvm). Standby for furs and fucking.

Chapter 6: Bath time!

Raymond slept upstairs, the depressant effects of alcohol clouding his memory and dreams. Below Blake stood in front of a mirror shaking and sweating. His intestines squirmed uncomfortably as he relived the past half hour. The feel of Ray's ass caused a fresh spike of pain in Blake's midsection, the warmth and the tightness, drawing out every drop of wolf seed. Blake shuddered and clutched the sink for support. (Don't think about it) When Norma got back he would fuck her, fuck her hard and reassert himself. The twitching wolf curled up in the master bed, dozing into a fitful sleep.


The storm wore itself out and by 3 the last showers were sprinkling. Mort stared at the sky, the clouds receding and letting pure sunlight through. His thoughts moved back to Justin, the lab's smooth coat, his rough grasp, his musk clouding Mort's senses, dark, primal, masculine-

"Uh, Mort?" (Wha? Oh, Tobias. Forgot you were there man) The tiger turned from his position on the couch over to the wolf. "Thanks, thanks for coming over."

"Anytime man." The tiger smiled and Tobias had to grab the table to keep his knees from failing him. Tobias slipped the dishes into the dishwasher and Mort picked up his coat from the hooks. "Thanks for lunch man, call me dude. I'm usually at the gym over the summer. You should come with; we can talk about the books and work out." Images of Mort, lifting weights and grunting as he sweated, creeped into T's mind. Mort left with a soft click of the door and Tobias stood there, trying to ignore his hardening wolf cock.

Mortecai drove back to his house, parents weren't home (Where the hell are they. Mom got a patient?) so he changed into his gym shorts and T-shirt and left for the gym. Mort pulled out his membership card and swiped it at the door, with an electronic beep it opened for him and padded to the left for the weights. Pausing on one of the mats Mort stretched, his broad back and shoulders twisting and flexing, his legs straining and pulling the muscles and tendons tight. When he was suitably loose Mort looked over the dumbbells. A familiar scent caught him.

Justin walked up behind him and casually picked up one of the metal weights, he winked at Justin before sitting down on a bench to work his biceps. Mort tried not to look at the Labrador; this was going to be an enjoyable workout.


Tobias looked at the calendar on the wall, it was early June now and senior year didn't start till late August. The hell else was he gonna do? (Might as well workout with Mort, damn, might even get to shower with him!) Tobias sat down in the same couch as Mort; it was still was and smelled like Mort and his fur. The wolf put his nose against the fabric and took a deep heady whiff, savoring the sweet scent of tiger. He pulled a book (Only 2 more books on the list) from his jacket and began reading, the warmth of his coat and the pleasing aroma of Mort soothed him and the soporific effect of Hemingway lulled him off to dreams.

Sweating heavily and panting, Mort unlocked his locker and pulled out his towel. Justin licked the furry orange ear and Mort's muscles locked up, "See you in the shower, tiger."

Justin sauntered off and Mort started sweating again (Damnit, in public?) but not from the workout. Grabbing some shorts the tiger stepped passed the other row of lockers and into the shower room. Despite the time it was empty and near silent. The gentle splash of the water echoed around the tiled room like whispers in a mausoleum. Nervously Mort padded up next Justin, the Lab pulled his lover in a kiss. While the tiger was distracted Justin slid his foot behind Mort's and jerked, tripping the fur.

Mort's reflexes kicked in and he caught himself before he hit the floor and Justin kneeled, forcing his stiffening meat into Mort's mouth. Gagging slightly out of surprise Mort tried to suck as rhythmically as possible but it became difficult as Justin moved his hips faster and fucked his face. "Mmmm, easy with the teeth babe. Swallow that dick." Justin crooned softly as Mort ran his tongue up the canine's blood swollen organ. Justin swung a thick leg over the tiger's head and forced his meat down Mortecai's jaws again. Leaning forward into a 69 position with the dog on top Justin ran a warm tongue over Mort's sheath, coaxing the shaft out.

He caressed the large orange balls and slowly deep throated the barbed cock, savoring the sweet salty taste of pre as it leaked out. Without realizing it Mort began purring again and the soft vibrations of his chest made Justin's stomach tremble in pleasure. The Lab's knot swelled up and it got progressively harder for Mort to fit him into his mouth until he could only run his papillae covered tongue over the knot and surrounding flesh. Mort shuddered as his waist muscles clenched.

Justin forced Mort's stiff member into his greedy maw as the tiger came. Hot sticky streams coated the Lab's mouth as he tried to swallow but choked as the juicy goodness dripped out of his muzzle. As Justin stood up he grunted and orgasmed, the slick white cream splattered across Mort's face and ran down his cheeks and chin in thick waves. Panting the Labrador hoisted his lover to his knees and kissed him. "Damn you're a good fuck," Justin ran his tongue across Mort's muzzle, licking up his own cum. Mort felt like his arms were full of lead as he knelt there in the shower, the steam twisting around him like phantasmal cloth and Justin left, his ass moving fluidly and his tail wagging happily. (T-thanks Justin!)

Tobias felt his limbs melting, licks of frost bit at his face and his bones seemed to twist and crack. The scene dissolved into blackness and the harsh laugh echoed in his skull, it scraped across his brain, leaving marks that burned and bled. He shivered and wept but he felt naked and weightless in the darkness. Then it began squeezing him, choking and gagging him. The emptiness pushed against his body and forced him into awkward shapers. His ribs buckled under the strain and teeth drew across his thighs. Tobias tried to yelp but needles and metal wire were stitching his mouth closed, he could taste the coppery bitterness of blood. Mirrors danced around him and reflections of his body leered back at him. The glasses drew closer and the false Tobias's reached out from their surfaces. They wrapped their arms around his throat. He struggled but their limbs shifted into snakes. The twisting and writing serpents pulled tighter. T grew dizzy, red and yellow spots flashed in his vision. Mort stood there. Staring into the absent horizon. (Help Mort, please!) The tiger shifted his weight onto the other foot, Justin took Mort's hand and they disappeared. Tobias's head came off in a wet, sickening rip. Fire consumed everything in blast of golden fury.

Damnit, my hair keeps getting the way and I can't see. >.> Chapter 6 is down Chapter 7 is in production. Serious twist in the next chapter that will alter several characters. Yiff yiff! Let's roll!