The lost pride..

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#5 of tears

One of the icons to position the stanzas isn't working on my phone so mistakes are made :/

Is changing for the better or just another reason to be caged forever...

_She asked that i take two steps forward and say a pledge, _

I did as told and she wasn't sober she took her time to push me over the edge

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_I tried leaving, walking, running, pleading never seeing a way to stop the bleeding... _

_I'm bruised hurt and alert with fear, every day I see empty beer bottles near... _

_Her fists are covered in red blood stains mostimes my body will feel num from pain... _

_Slowly I'm losing my sanity... I ask if she has any amount of humanity. _

She striped me down and took my pride I've tried taking a stand....

_In the end she finally died... _

The edge

_The Sides form the faces that we see They make shapes in 2D Edges are where two sides meet To walk on them would hurt your feet Vertices, three plus edges joint Come together as a point To count them in exam's quite a trick Even with a 3D pic...

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I love her.

When I say I love you, please believe it's true. When I say forever, know I'll never leave you. When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry, Because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die.

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Sickness and in health.

How am I you ask? Well I must say I'll be fine as soon as this pain goes away I'll be fine when I lose a few twenty-one pounds and my cough isn't really as bad as it sounds The sight in my eye will return they say as soon as this pain in my head...

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