Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 7

Story by Moshge on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon Unevolved

Kelly is asked by Professor Juniper to go on an Pokémon Journey through Unova with the restriction that she cannot evolve her Pokémon. It all seemed rather innocent, and probably would've been so, if it wasn't for her Starters special 'trait'...

Aaaand chapter 7! Another shorter one, but juicer than the previous!

By the by, feel free to Fave my stuff and/or Watch me. I'm not going to force you, obviously, but it does encourage me to continue to write these stories!

Chapter 7 ** Seas the Day!**

A boat ride, eh?

Kelly was in the middle of boarding the ferry that would take her over to Castelia City. She never was on a boat before, so this ought to be a new experience! Let's just hope it would be a good one, vehicles that weren't traveling on solid ground usually made her rather nervous.

As promised, the girl had visited the Pokémon Center prior, giving Vellon a thorough checkup. The nurse reassured Kelly that the poison of Pokémon wasn't as dangerous as it sounded, if it was treated sufficiently early, that is. One could survive while exposed for up to a day without any lasting effects, potentially longer than that. However, it should always be treated as soon as possible. It is poison, after all. The nurse even gave her an antidote for future encounters regarding poison. That was awfully nice of her. Although she explained this all to her while blushing furiously and stuttering abashed. Guess Joy was still flustered from their... encounter. Meh, whatever.

Thinking forward again, Kelly stepped over the little bridge connecting the boat with the pier. A middle-aged man was waiting there for her, dressed up in a Captains-outfit. Looks like this was the owner of this fine vessel. She had to suppress the urge greet him with a silly pirate voice, which would've been stupid and really embarrassing. Yeah, better not do it.

"Tickets, please!", the black-haired captain asked of the little girl.

"Sure, one sec...", the trainer grabbed out the piece of paper and handed it the captain, "Here ya go!"

"Thank you, welcome aboard- hold on!" the man double-checked the ticket suspiciously. Kelly froze mid-step, body heating up in fear. Oh no, whenever somebody gets stopped while boarding anything there's always a grief problem!, "This is not a-!"

The man stopped himself while he was reading over the paper he was given more thoroughly, mumbling some of the words out loud.

"Ugh, darn it, Roxie..."

"Erm, is there a problem?", don't say the ticket was fake! Bloody hell, Roxie, you stupid, dumb-! Gah, if she just gave her a useless scrap of paper just to get into a really awkward situation Kelly would go on and tell her dirty secret to the whole world, just you see!

"No, no. My daughter just gave you a free ride, that's all. Just go on ahead."

O-oh... Nevermind...

So this was Roxie's father. Huh, she couldn't really tell their genetic relatedness, though this was most likely because Roxie obviously colored her hair. And was a girl. And was short, like her. If Kelly had to guess the rock stars natural color it was probably black, just like that of the man in front of her. Or maybe not, who knows with that girl.

Although, what could've been written on the ticket that convinced the captain of letting her on board? He looked upset upon reading it, so evidently something on that peace of paper didn't sit right with him. Maybe she should've taken her time to actually read what the ticket said instead of just blindly trusting the Gym Leader. But whatever, it didn't really matter, anyways. She got a free ride and that was all that counted!

The Ferry she was going to take wasn't the biggest around, but it had a humble charm to it. There wasn't a lot of deck room, though instead it was vested with a decently sized cabin, providing more than enough space for a couple of living quarters. Too bad, she wanted to bath in the sun and enjoy the fresh air a while traveling over to Castelia.

"And we're off!"

"Wait, already?!", Kelly blinked at the captain dumbfounded who was currently reel in the little bridge. She didn't even went inside and they were already off?!, "But there's nobody else on board!"

"Yep. My daughter wrote to get you as fast as possible over to Castelia City, said it was seriously serious.", Roxie's father stared at her from underneath his hat with steely eyes, "And I take my daughters requests serious if she says it's seriously serious!"

"R-Really?", seriously serious? Why, because she was on a Pokémon Journey on behalf of the Professor? You know, that wasn't serious enough to just keep everybody else who wants to take the ferry over to Castelia left standing on the harbor...

"Your room is 102, the door is open. Make yourself comfy, the ride over to Castelia will take a couple of hours.", and off he was to the captains cabin to start the boats engine, leaving her standing confused.

"S-sure, thanks?..."

Why the hell did Roxie give her this special favor? Kelly drew a blank when she attempted to find any reasoning for this. Guess she's just lucky? Hrm...

Well, suppose the girl should enjoy this extra treatment. She headed off to her quarters for the next couple hours. Kelly didn't had to look for long, it was right around the corner once inside. Seeing no reason to hold back, she opened the steel door and stepped inside.

The room was not too shabby, although it could benefit from a little bit more decoration. A small bed plus a chair with table were the only furniture up for use. At least there was a window, so she might admire the wonders of... an endless mass of water...

A TV would've been fancy. Kelly couldn't remember the last time she was able to watch some. Almost felt like she was suffering from withdrawal. Looks like she had to distract herself by playing with her Pokémon. Again.

The trainer send out her three companions and sat down on the bed, waiting for things to evolve from here. Kelly should be thankful though that she didn't had to walk the distance. Yep, she could just lean back and relax this whole ride...

This sucked, sucked, sucked, sucked, SUCKED!

Kelly laid on her rooms floor, clenching her arms around a metal bucket already halfway filled with whatever the hell her stomach squeezed out the past hour. As soon as the ship went off a wave of nausea overcame the trainer, so intensely that her face was almost visibly green. The girl groaned as something nasty turned inside her guts, working its way out of her oral inlet. Her stomach didn't feel this messed up since that Farfetch'd Cordon Bleu. If the girl knew that she got seasick so easily she'd never agreed to take this forsaken ferry!

Another jet of vomit gushed out of her bowels before any more complain flashed through her head. The worst part was that they weren't even halfway there and already she was one the verge of passing out from dehydration! How was she supposed to survive the rest of this ride?!

A soft paw rubbed her back, achieving nothing except maybe tickling her a little. Kelly turned her head and noticed her little Eevee. Looks like Vellon tried his best to comfort he sick girl, whining worried and brushing up against her. The trainer smiled at the tiny fluff-ball and petted his ears, quickly interrupted by another barf attack.

"Sorry, buddy, but I don't think you can help me through this," she explained while spitting out disgusting leftovers that clung between her teeth, "go ahead and play with the others, I'm just gonna, I dunno, hope I don't die over here..."

That certainly didn't reassure the Pokémon, but it looked like he got the vibe that Kelly wanted to be left alone for now. It was probably best for both, otherwise Kelly might accidentally throw up on him. Ugh, what a disgusting thought...

The Eevee walked out the room, disappearing somewhere and leaving her completely alone. Wait, where did he go, and where were Filou and Torden? How didn't she notice that they all left the room? Maybe she should go look for them and make sure they wouldn't make any trou-

Her gut cramped up painfully when she attempted to stand up, paralyzing her in an instant. You know what? Nevermind.

"Hm, looks private enough."

Filou surveyed the room they were in. Heavy machinery was back currently working at its maximum in the back, probably powering this boat and being plenty loud. This should prevent anyone from hearing them. Of course, somebody could still coincidentally enter, but the chances for that seemed low.

"So, what are we doing here again?", Torden looked around himself, baffled by the big hunk of moving parts, though shooting the cat suspicious glances every now and then, "This looks like a room we shouldn't be in."

"And that is exactly why nobody would expect us here!", she exclaimed confident. The boys weren't looking as sure as she was, though.

"I-I dunno, this place doesn't look safe...", Vellon laid back his ears, trying to muffle the sounds of the banging machinery.

"Oh, don't worry, cutie!", the Purrloin pinched one of the normal types cheeks. The Eevee was unsure on how to react, so he simply endured her pinching with a confused stare, "nothing here is going to get you hurt!"

"That's... That's not what I meant...", the small Pokémon whispered to himself, frowning into the floor a bit irritated.

"The reason I lead us here was, well...", the cat sat down and raised her head, eyes closed and stroking her chin with a single paw. Then she opened one of her eyes and shot each of them a wicked grin, "I figured that Vellon maybe should help out with your training, Torden."

"W-What," the young horse stiffened up as if a Beedril just stung him, "you serious?!"

"Training?", Vellon blinked his eyes puzzled before erroneously getting it, smiling brightly like the little innocent fluff-ball he was, "Oh, to make Torden feel better again? Sure, I help!"

The Blitzle frowned down at the oblivious Pokémon, lips curled in disapproval. Oh, his face was so golden right now!

Y-You can't be serious!", the horse locked with her again, glaring like a mankey on edge, "I won't-!"

"Don't worry, it's easy to figure that you don't like boys.", Filou flicked her paw at him dismissively, "His help simply will comprise of him pleasing me."

"I- w-wait, huh?! Y-you don't mean, you wanna...", the Eevee flustered up and shuffled backwards once realization dawned on him. Filou stalked up to the bashful Pokémon faster then he could escape and leaned into his ears

"You didn't forget about your promise, right? I know what Kelly and you did in that shower!", the cat whispered so close that it ran shudders down Vellon's spine.

His face lit up in an instant, his voice trembling even more, "T-t-that wasn't- Kelly w-w-was n-not herself..."

"Oh, stop looking for excuses.", Filou pouted insulted, her eyes though still flashing with malice, "You loved it and you know it!"

The Eevee started to stare holes into the floor, unable to counter the Purrloin. He was so easy to see through! Filou had listened in on their whole encounter, all the juicy sex they had. And that was a good thing, too, because, well... Maybe she'd used just a little bit too much Harshbloom. Kelly had went completely haywire and fucked the small Pokémon and herself till passing out! Getting that Nurse and seeing her almost fall unconscious upon seeing the two wasn't planned, either.

"H-Hey, I never agreed to do this training more than once!", Torden protested, stomping his hooves on the metal floor to reinforce his revolt, "What makes you think I'll let you do this again?"

"Please, don't spout those big words you obviously don't mean.", she raised a brow unimpressed at the outraged thunder-horse, "You would take any sort of training that reassures for you to get back in form."

"I... I...", his face reddened as well and he glanced away huffily towards the ceiling, eyes darting around embarrassed.

They were just so adorable when teased! And plus that, both were extremely hung. A girl couldn't ask more but for two cute boys with giant dicks. It was almost enough to give her a nosebleed! The Purrloin couldn't wait to get fucked silly by the two. She pressed her paws against her cheeks and squealed like a little girl, strikingly childish compared to her usual mannerism. The anticipation was killing her!

"You already now how this goes, big guy. You Vellon, why don't you stand over here?", Filou pointed at a spot vaguely opposite of the Blitzle. The fluffy Pokémon complied and positioned himself there with jittering paws.

"First off, let's get the two of you hard..."

The Purrloin began with the Eevee, walking up to him and reaching with her muzzle underneath his body. The small size of Vellon made this a little awkward, but Filou managed to reach his magnificent balls with her tongue nonetheless. Such a potent taste! Despite yesterdays session with the human girl, his balls already felt like they were fully charged again. A part of her wished every guy would have a huge set of testicles like this little Eevee. Wouldn't that make every intercourse fun, and messy!

She massaged the fuzzy set of nuts with her rough muscle for a while longer before switching over to his sheath and already protruding red prick. Vellon whimpered in arousal from the touch, making a smirk grow on the cat's face. It brought her so much joy to sexually tease the Eevee. He was always so embarrassed, and since he loved that Kelly probably would forever act this way!

His penis grew slowly out of his hiding spot, showing just how thick and long it was. Filou made sure to lick from the tip back to his base while it was still escaping his sheath, getting it nice and sloppy. Once part of his knot stretched out his sheath, the cat gave his tip one final kiss, a string of saliva connecting the two when she let go of his cock for now. Filou flashed Torden a mischievous grin, licking her lips to tell him he was next.

When the Blitzle noticed the purple Pokémon looking his way, he broke eye contact and clenched his teeth, tapping his feet, nervous for what was about to come. The Purrloin approached the taller Pokémon, swaying her tail around seductively. Because Torden had far longer legs than Vellon it was a lot easier to get underneath him and reach for the electric pony's sack. His balls weren't as large as those of Vellon, but their musk demanded power and virility. Once he grows up and evolves the Blitzle would become most likely a handsome stud. Let's just hope that wouldn't happen too soon, and that rock around his leg made sure it won't.

Torden was a little bit more restive, trying his best to resist Filou's stimulation. Nothing a little persistence on her part wouldn't solve. The cat juggled the Blitzle's balls over her face, testing just how ripe these kiwis were. To her pleasure both of Vellon and Torden seemed as if they had a copious amount of baby batter ready to be blown. Oh, she was going to be so full at the end of this!

Getting impatient with the reluctant horse, she rubbed her head over his crotch, tickling his scrotum and sheath with her short hair. His body cringed and he groaned softly through is teeth. Naturally the Blitzle was unable to withstand for long, however he did had put up a good fight up until now. His flat-tipped phallus escaped his sheath, not taking too long for it to reach its full pride.

Filou took a moment to imprint both of their shafts now that she had the two in full view at the same time. Vellon's knotted prick was definitely bigger compared to his body size, just shy of passing his front legs. The Eevee was the perfect example of that bigger Pokémon not always meant a bigger dick.

Torden's balls might be smaller than those of the smaller Pokémon, but his horsecock beat his by about two inches. It looking far less oversized on him wasn't important in this comparison, if anything it would make it easier for the Blitzle to use it.

Just having one of the two would make the Purrloin happy, but the was blessed with both. Looks like this whole karma thing was complete crap, otherwise she would have never obtained two sweet guys like these.

But enough of this, let's get started! Filou nuzzled the electric Pokémon's engorged manhood against her cheek, using one of her paws as help. While doing this, she looked back over her shoulder and shook her backside at Vellon, drawing her tail over her already wet lips to try and entice him.

"Come on, cutie, go and fulfill your promise to me!"

The Eevee gulped nervously when he saw the cats slit slicking her own tail. Vellon still looked unsure about the situation, but he stood up to his promise like a good boy and mounted the Purrloin. His shaking paws tickled the cat's skin, making her giggle. He was like a little scared puppy and just as adorable! Confident that the small guy would have trouble with it, she helped him lining up his dick with her tail. It was already throbbing like crazy around her tail, what would it be like once it was inside her?

Then, carefully, he shoved his shaft forward and eased himself into her moist pussy.

Filou bit her lip as Vellon's doggy-prick parted her folds. She might've been filled by a similar cock just a few days ago, but it this time being a submissive little boy who listened to her every command was so much more titillating. Just the mere thought of her dominance over him made the Purrloin shiver in excitement. Due to her receiving pleasure her body tensed up, accidentally clenching Torden's meat-pole a bit too forceful.

"H-Hey, be careful!", the horse yelped.

"Mh, don't worry, ah, big boy!", Filou moaned into his dick, her hot breath bristling over it, "You'll get yours, ah, in just a moment."

Slowly her innards got stretched more and more from the Eevee's impressive girth, Vellon stopping every now and then to adjust. If he kept this up this might take a while, considering his size. Ngh, he was such a tease! Just ram the whole thing in and be done with it!

Well, if he would take his time she might as well start with Torden's member. Between moans she muzzled his shaft, sometimes drawing her tongue additionally over it. There was plenty to work with, so much so that it'd never fit down her whole throat. Oh well, as long as he would unload into her stomach the Purrloin didn't mind. She gave the cock little pecks here and there, every one causing it to bob in gusto. Mh, the owner might be uptight, but his tool was being perfectly honest.

By now Vellon was halfway there with his voluminous prick when he suddenly stopped for good, panting heavily. Oh please, don't say he thought that she wasn't able to handle all of him?

"Come on, Vellon," Filou pushed her behind back a little, a bit more of his dick sliding into her sopping cunny in the process, "there's still plenty room left!"

"B-But I m-might...", he stuttered. Oh, was he afraid he might hurt her? How indulgent of him.

Before answering, she rolled her hips around, pulling at his pole with her tight twat, Vellon whimpering cutely from the pleasurable sensation, "Don't worry, I can handle it!", she reassured the squealing Eevee.

He looked at her troubled one last time, though closed his eyes and pushed on. Oh, yes, she was right from the beginning, it felt so good getting filled by his cock! The purple cat moaned as Vellon started to bulge out her belly with his oversized manhood. Because he was going so slow it felt like the Eevee was even bigger than he actually was! For only having lost his virginity yesterday the young Pokémon sure knew how to drive a woman crazy!

However, she was neglecting the Blitzle. Filou dropped her paw that was still pressing Torden's distended tool against her cheek and instead swallowed it, solely relying on her mouth from now on. The small horse groaned as she sucked on him and purred around his shaft. The Purrloin toyed around with the slab of meat with her tongue, drawing it over his flat tip and through his cum-slit before moving on further down. The Blitzle started to moan in unison with Vellon, showing just how weak the tough guy could be. He wasn't as gullible as the Eevee, but that didn't stop her from enjoying to play with him either. Inevitably, his flare started to bump against her throat. Damn, there was no way she could force it down by herself. She needed a little help from the small horse. And she knew just how to convince him.

Filou wrapped her tail around Torden's big balls and pulled them towards herself in a jerky manner. The Blitzle grunted annoyed, but after tugging at his nuts a few more times he finally understood and bucked his hips forward. There was a lot of resistance, causing the electric Pokémon to hesitate. The Purrloin dragged on his sack more violent, and he grudgingly complied, forcing his tubular penis into her. Her throat bulged out around his thick cock, eyes fluttering from the sheer mass and restraining her from breathing any longer. Right when Torden got enough of his hot tool into her gullet without seriously injuring her, Vellon's knot finally pressed against her twat, no chance of either to get any deeper now. Fuck, she never was so thoroughly stuffed before! This was a new record.

But this was just the beginning. It was time for the two to start moving. The Eevee had definite problems with this. His best shot was to get upright as far as possible by pushing himself up off the Purrloin's back with his front paws. He was light enough for Filou to endure, though even in this position he was only able to get a few inches out before he had to thrust back inside.

The Blitzle had no such issues. His taller frame allowed him enough freedom to move in and out of the cat's maw. Thankfully he was mindful about pulling his dick out far enough for Filou to take short breath through her nose, otherwise she might've been in danger to suffocate.

They all moaned and grunted like some sort of lewd choir. The Purrloin's sounds of lust were muffled from Torden's shaft, her voice instead accumulating in pleasuring the Blitzle through vibration. The wet sounds of their shafts slamming in and out of from both sets of her lips resonated through the room, though all the sounds they made were mostly drowned out from the heavy machinery. Filou felt absolutely blissful from getting rocked back and forth between two huge cocks. She had to try her best to not just melt from their hot dicks ploughing her innards.

Embarrassingly it wasn't long for her to cum, there was just no holding back. Her eyes rolled back and her cunt clenched around the Eevee's thick rod, her juices splattering around it and drenching his fur. The Purrloins mouth curled into an unsteady smile around the horses dong as she squealed into his cock. Much to her delight the two boys weren't done yet. The young Pokémon kept up their thrust, lust finally having taken over their instincts. They were far from the rutting Arcanine, but her cuties sure tried! Dainty grunts escaped their mouths as they bucked ferociously into her vaginally and orally, pre dripping out their urethra and damping the purple cat even more.

Soon a second orgasm hit the Purrloin, and this one also brought the two males over the edge. They forced themselves almost simultaneously as far as possible into her, balls twitching and pumping out huge loads of cum. Vellon lost his footing and fell on Filou's back as his prick started to erupt pints, if not gallons of semen, inflating her belly, the pressure soon too much and alabaster starting to spurt from around the sides of his dick. The Blitzle's load wasn't half bad either, not able to keep up with the Eevee, but still shooting out enough to overfill her tummy.

Filou twitched around their leaking hoses, the two's combined forces sending the cat into one of the biggest orgasms she ever experienced. Her stomach bloated out with so much cum that it touched the ground, sloshing and churning lewdly.

After what felt like hours, none of the guys was firing any more white down into her, their cocks softening inside. Torden was the first to pull out, globs of semen following suit. The Purrloin coughed up more sticky semen, again able to properly breathe. Fuuuck, she was so full! The cat was left as nothing but a sloppy mess right now, and boy, did she love it!

"F-Filou?", the Eevee asked concerned while still trying to catch bis breath. He pulled his retracting manhood out of her snatch, a stream of spooge leaking out as if a dam just broke.

"I-I'm fine...", the purple cat babbled with a dumb grin on her face. With this belly she couldn't move an inch, and that for a while. Immobilized as she was, the Purrloin instead rested on her bloated gut, putting a bit more pressure on the outflow of her vagina, "gotta... gotta nap..."

Her eyes felt weary, her muscles sore. It wasn't long before she slowly lost consciousness. Must've been the lack of oxygen from getting a cock rammed onto her mouth nonstop. At last, Filou entered the realm of dreams, muttering a single word before finally fully drifting off.


"Land, ho! We're arriving shortly in Castelia City!"

Oh, thank goodness and anything that is holy! She was on this boat for hours now, so many in fact that the sun already had set. Any longer and the girl would've thrown herself off board!

Kelly warily lifted herself off the floor and over to the window to see their goal. Needless to say, it was the biggest city she has ever seen, illuminated by so many lights that it it might as well be daylight inside the town. The huge skyscrapers that dared to, well, scrape the sky's were the most obvious feature, numerous windows light up and looking like square stars in the night sky.

Though the city-line wasn't the only impressive thing. There was a harbor stretching out around the whole city coast, holding ships that put the one she was on to shame and a massive bridge reaching over a wide cove, noisy with plenty traffic. Speaking of noise, the city itself seemed alive even at this hour, countless sounds constantly trumping each other in their volume. Kelly's mouth would hang agape right now when she wouldn't be afraid that a gush of vomit would follow if she did. Instead, silent admiration was all Castelia got from her for today.

The best thing however was that she could finally get off of this wretched machinery! Guh, if every boat ride was like this one she much rather take the far longer route around the bay to get back home. And if that wasn't an option, well, her mom surely wouldn't feel too lonely without her ever being around again.

Tapping hooves on the wooden floor caught her attention. She turned and saw that her Pokémon returned, at the perfect time, too! Though, Filou seemed to be missing.

"Jeez, where have you been? I was getting worried-!"

Before finishing her sentence, the girl noticed that Torden had a Pokéball in his mouth. Wait, was that...? She reached for her bag, digging through it for her Pokéballs and only finding those of Vellon and Torden. When did they...?

"Is Filou in there?", she asked the pair perplexed.

The two nodded nervously, sweat starting to form on their faces. Looks like they snuck away the Purrloin's ball while she was out from being ill. Could've happened anytime, really. It wasn't like she was able to keep much attention of her belongings while she was distracted with puking her guts out.

"Erm, why?", her Pokémon took it, sure, but what was the reasoning behind it? Seemed kinda odd to her.

They shuffled around nervously, looking at each other uncertain, faces flushing up for some reason. Why were they so jumpy? Wasn't like she asked something embarrassing. Or did Pokéballs just made Pokémon really unconformable?

"Did sheeee... get tired and you grabbed her Pokéball for her to rest in?", Kelly guessed since she obviously wouldn't get an answer from her Pokémon.

Their faces locked with hers in astonishment. Then they nodded frantically in unison, visibly relieved. Okay, weird. Kelly had the faint hunch that the two were hiding something, but she felt far too sick to care right now.

"Well, we're about to arrive, time to get back into your balls.", the girl grabbed their Pokéball's and recalled them without much dilly-dally, storing the devices back into her bag afterward.

She stood up and stretched her arms over her head, careful to not hurl on the floor. The first thing she was going to do in this city of endless opportunities was to find a Pokémon Center and take a long, curating rest. Not the most exciting thing to do, but jeez louise, she needed it!

Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 6

Finally, new chapter! This one got delayed due to sickness and a new found interested in Persona 3. Bloody time waster! Random Name Trivia of the Day: Torden means Thunder in Danish * * * Chapter 6 vs. Roxie. An unforgettable Experience „That...

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