KOX: Teaser

Story by Damikun on SoFurry

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#1 of ΚΘΧ

Sitting in the Darkness of his room, he could hardly believe another

year had passed already; Already time for Pledging and remembering

all of brothers who were gone. Biting his lip, He walked away from

the computer.

As the Light from his nightstand hit him, the gorgeous bronze and

golden scales shimmered; though they were only bare on his arms, tail,

and face... A Loose button up shirt graced the upper body, showing its

nice size but hinting at nothing of the definition.... Glancing back

to make sure the door was locked, he started to slowly unbutton it;

starting from the bottom to show the curve of abs chiseled through

work, up along to the firm pectorals... before he finally tossed the

shirt aside...

Glancing at the clock, he gave a gentle sight "Already ten at night?

People will start coming home soon..." He slipped into his bed, still

wearing the Khaki pants... Rustling and shifting could be heard; and

thump; the pants and underwear discarded and tossed aside once he was

safely covered up. Two hours to sleep before It was time...

Before it was time to start a brand new day in Kappa Theta Chi....

Up-beat Pop music thrummed at the walls in another room in the house;

standing in front of a mirror was a slim, gorgeous little pony. Curvy

in all the right places, a soft Pastel pink color... And resting just

behind the hip; A Fur-Tattoo, permanently dying the fur there in the

pattern of a Rainbow resting on two clouds.

The Tail was long, meticulously groomed; And dyed in a tie-dye

rainbow, while the pony was shifting and dancing to the song as it

applied the dye to its mane. Over its form stretched a cute little

bellyshirt that might as well not have been on the body, while the

lower half wore a pair of cropped denim shorts, so high they were

practically a skirt...

Filling out the back of them beautifully, anyone watching from the

open door would be in for a surprise as the pony turned around.

Despite the appearance from the back; It was most definitely a

stallion... And he Definitely filled out the front even better than he

filled out the back!

"Oh Crap; Its already quarter past ten!" He said with a slight

knicker, shaking his head... "I gotta finish this up and pick out my

outfit! The Pledges will be here soon!" He gave a giggle, and

flicked the music down; Now was time to focus!

The spotty dog didn't quite know why the pledging class had to get out

there so late; but what the hell; Arriving at Midnight Meant there

might be a party there... And he was allowed to bring a guest. He

already knew just who to bring.

Infact, that person was currently drooling slightly; and the moisture

had dripped onto his face. "Eww, Calheb..." He grumbled softly as he

playfully pushed at the arm that was around him. If he was accepted

into the fraternity, this would be the last night they spent together

in Calheb's dorm room... A Part of him felt a twinge of regret about


But it was already ten thirty; He had to get up, get dressed, and get

ready... Had to make the best impression! Wiggling and squirming,

he'd manage to slide out of Calheb's grip, bringing the blankets with

him in the process. The big wolf just grumbled and rolled onto his

back, a paw resting on his chest... And resting on his abs was his

half hard, large cock.

Biting his lip, he managed to tear his eyes away. Admittedly, that

had been the reason they'd hit it off back when they'd first met,

but... He deeply loved the big silly wolf. reaching to flick on the

Desk light, he made sure it was Aimed away from Calheb and went about

finding his clothes.

They'd come off in a hurry last night, but he managed to find the

thong ; the shorts... And there was his shirt! But as he bent over to

get it, he felt the oh so familiar hands gripping his ample ass...

"Mnn... Leaving already, Spotty?" Calheb would grumble out sleepily

as he stood behind his Spotted Lover, pressing his now rock hard shaft

against the ass...

That was almost always enough to make Krey forget what he was doing;

Calheb was hung like there had been stallion blood in his family, and

that made the spotty dog's toes curl in all the right ways. "Mmm,

Yeah... I Gotta get to that Meeting I told you about" He said, gently

squirming his plump ass to tease his lover back. And much to his

Dismay; Calheb actually took a step back.

Remaining bent over, he just whimpered ever so so softly... That is,

until he felt those hands spread his cheeks; A long tongue running

slowly between the cleft... And the simple words... "Mmm, it can wait

a while..." It wasn't a question; It had that wonderful mix of

dominance and love... And then the tongue slid in, and Krey's thoughts

scattered to the wind...

"Y-Yeah... It can wait a while..." He said softly before pushing back....

Join a Fraternity; It'll do you good!

His father had been downright insistent. Rather than go into the same

boring Fraternity his father had though, He'd managed to find one to

pledge for himself. A lot of powerful people had come from Kappa

Theta Chi, so his father had accepted, despite the Reputation for the

campus house. In truth, part of the younger wolf was curious about


Exploring and curiosity had never been looked down upon in Society;

But Kappa Theta Chi was known for outlandish parties, streaking across

campus, and a variety of other acts that the 'proper' part of society

grimaced upon.

But they never got in trouble. Never once had they been scolded, or

reprimanded, or even fined. It was as though they were immune to the

'unwritten rules' that he'd had trouble with before.

That was the thought that lingered on his mind as his watched the

Clock... It was only eleven, but he'd gotten ready early. Relaxing

in his loose denim jeans and a simple t-shirt, he smiled ever so

slightly. He should start walking; The house was across town from the

friend's house he'd stopped at to rest and get ready. Standing up and

stretching, He walked out of the room, tail swaying...

One more hour, and his life would change forever....

"Dammit Kobe we have to go now!" The femme Pony was banging on the

door, looking nice in a simple vest and too-tight jeans. It was

Quarter till Midnight; and the Pledge Class was already waiting!

Begrudgingly, Kobe opened the door... He'd already gotten dressed,

those gorgeous golden scales once again covered by cloth as he walked

out. A Pair of khaki shorts and a light blue button up; Not a bad

look... "Mickey, We aren't late..." He said with a huff. It didn't

matter; The Pony was already dragging him down... and promptly pushing

him onto the makeshift stage.

Kobe waved to his brothers, all of whom were sitting on the living

room furniture, staring at the curtain Mickey had erected. Kobe

handled them, while Mickey snagged Pledges.

The pony made a mental note, giggling as he counted off the species...

And one by one, they were blindfolded. That was, until a young

spotty dog in a cute mesh shirt ran smack into him, and Mickey huffed.

"Watch it, You could've messed up my hair" He said, and the Spotty


"S-Sorry... I know I'm late, but I got... occupied." The scent of sex

and sweat made Mickey grin, rolling his eyes.

"Sweetie, What you got occupied with is something we'll always

forgive..." He said as he swatted the dog's ass, making him yelp

loudly, before tying the blindfold tight... They were lead behind the

curtain, one by one. No pledge had gotten to see the others, it was

meant to be a surprise to everyone.

To that end; Behind the curtain it was pitch dark, and each one got to

remove their blindfold.. Kobe started the speech; which was mostly

boring, leaving Mickey to sit and lean against the wall with a yawn...

"And I know we all miss our Brothers who graduated; moving on in life

with fond memories of us, and this house... But for every friend that

leaves, another will take its place. I'd like to introduce you all to

the Pledging Class of 2009!" He declared, which was Mickey's cue to

open the curtain.

Red Velvet fabric rustled and spread, Kobe stepping aside to let

everyone see the pledges. This was a time of clamor, noise; when

everyone started talking at once to discuss who wanted who, who was

cute, and who needed to leave. Of the twenty five pledges; only a few

would make it into Pledge Week. That clamor was the fraternity

deciding who did and who didn't.

But this year... there was nothing. Startled, Kobe looked to Mickey,

who just had a devilish grin... So he instead started taking stock of

the pledges.

Three dragons, Five stallions... Nine canines of various kinds, at

least four of whom were wolves. Three unidentifiable felines, A

rhino, an otter, a lion, and a squirrel...

But at the end of the line; standing there looking like a Deer in the

Headlights... was not what Kobe had expected. A Human.