Ryan's Birthday

Story by gabumonkid on SoFurry

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A birthday gift for a friend. well its more belated than anything now since it took me almost a month to write this. i blame life for interrupting me constantly. also had a friend proofread it which also delayed this. either way i think its my best work yet thanks to my friend. it is very lengthy, but hey its a gift dont blame me for overdoing it. i wanted to give the birthday boy a long read and i wanted to post this while im at it.

Dust swirls lazily in the sunlight entering through the window; bathing the resting male form on the couch. Waking up with a snort, he rolls away to avoid the encroaching light. It was soon apparent that his attempts to fall back asleep had failed, huffing noisily before fully getting up. His brown hair sticking up into a cowlick on the side, and some of his light brown fur is also pushed up at an angle. Rubbing his green eyes, the bear gets up and stretches. He walks up to the window and quickly pulls the curtains over it.

"Ugh, it's way too early for sunlight." The bear grumbled.

He goes back to the couch, putting on the green shirt he had off due to the bad heat last night. He checks his khaki pants but couldn't find it. He then digs into the cushions and finds his prize; his cell phone. He unlocks the screen and sees the time, along with a bunch of notifications.

3:30 PM 21/2. 20 New text messages, 16 New mentions on twitter.

The bear groans, rubbing his head. "Right, it's my birthday today, I slept on the couch. Family was busy today so they threw an early party for me. We got home late."

He quickly goes and answers all the messages with thanks and reaction images. He puts his phone away and stretches some more. His phone vibrates.

"Hmm? More birthday wishes?" He looks at the phone and sees a text from an unknown number.

"Open your door."

The bear looks at the text with a skeptical look. He then jumps when he hears a knock on the door at the end of his living room. He walks over to the door and opens it.

Standing at the entrance was a husky with light blue fur and dark blue stripes; his muzzle tinted a light yellow that goes down the front of his neck and stops at a simple dark blue t-shirt and black vest. Nestled in his black, messy but styled hair was a small party hat. The husky grins at the bear.

"Happy Birthday Ryan! You got my text ok? Or did you just open this door by chance?"

Ryan grins widely but then instantly frowns, flicking the husky's nose with a huff of indignation. The husky yelps and grabs his nose.

"The hell you been Jonathan?! When you dropped me off home you promised me that you would take me out to another world! That was 5 months ago!" Ryan folds his arms.

Jonathan chuckles nervously. "S-sorry but I was busy with something else...and it has only been 2 weeks by my count. I told you, time varies between worlds and traveling between them."

Jonathan grabs the bear and hugs him, which Ryan eventually hugs back. The dog lets go and smiles. "Look I'm here now and on your birthday no less, so why not enjoy it huh? You aren't busy right?"

Ryan shakes his head. "Family are out doing their own things, so I'm totally free till late evening when they all come back."

Jonathan grins, showing off his fangs as he grabs Ryan's arm and tugs him outside. "Well? Come on then. Let's go!"

Before the bear has time to protest, Jonathan closes his door and then proceeds to rush the birthday bear boy into the alleyway, where his Keyblade glider was hidden.

"Well? Get on! We have no time to waste, gotta get to the portal to my ship before someone finds it and gets in." Jonathan hops on and steadies himself on it. Ryan gives him a worried look.

"Um...do I have to? I rather not fly..." Ryan steps away slowly. The husky looks down at first then looks at him and nods. He jumps off the flying board and waves his paw over it, dispelling it.

They hurry onwards to the park and towards an area full of trees, obscuring the small green portal shimmering on the ground. The green light gently towering upward as two orbs spins around the glowing core.

"Well it took a bit but we arrived. In ya go!" Jonathan motions Ryan to walk towards it. "Lucky for us no one got in it as far as I can tell."

"Before we go, can I ask what you have planned for me?" Ryan looks over his shoulder towards Jonathan. "Because I'd rather not go somewhere and get in danger again like last time."

The husky makes a concerned face before rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "If you really want to, we don't have to go anywhere. We can stay in my ship and I can invite a few people from other worlds if you like. Then again if I invite strangers, you won't have a good time now won't you?"

Ryan slowly nods and swallows hard. He doesn't like meeting new people at first, especially when things tend to get crowded. It can be slightly overwhelming.

'But...how did he know that?' The bear thought. 'We didn't talk much after we left that one world we went to... yet I feel as if we've known each other for a long time somehow.'

He notices that Jonathan is oddly blinking more frequently and is staring at him. "Um...what are you doing?"

"Waiting on you to get on the ship, and you are staring at me, so... I'm staring back." Jonathan grins as he wags his tail. "That and you got real nice eyes, reminds me of someone close."

Ryan slightly blushes under his fur. "Eh?! S-shut up!" He walks away into the portal as Jonathan snickers behind him.

A bright flash and skip of a heartbeat later, Ryan is in the center of a familiar cockpit of the gummi ship he rode in before, though he notices that there is a map displayed on the big screen in front of him that wasn't there last time. He steps off the pad and soon after his friend appears; the glowing pad turns off with a faint click. Jonathan hops off and runs off to the left side of the ship before he can say anything. Ryan shrugs, leaning over to look closer at the map. It seems like a huge star map marked off with incredibly small text. Most of the stars are colored differently while the rest are either unmarked or not colored at all. He stares at it, lost in the swirling complexity of the cosmos.

"Enjoying the map? That's all the worlds I've discovered. So far at least. Then again it's only for one section of a bigger map. My friends are exploring other regions and soon we will see how big this universe actually is. We're about 30% done." Jonathan says as he walks up near Ryan.

Ryan gasps. "What? That's impossible, not to mention improbable. Besides, I bet it's humongous." He turns around, his eyes fixating on the wrapped present in Jonathan's paws. The husky hands it to him.

Unwrapping the small box reveals a silver pocket watch with engravings on the top. To him, they seem to be nothing more than simple grooves that also wrap around the lid of the watch while others go to the back. He quickly notices that they form his name in cursive. Ryan catches himself smiling softly.

"Thanks for the watch, it's pretty." He puts the watch away. Jonathan only snickers.

"No problem. Just makes sure you don't fiddle with it, it can do other things but I rather you find out later when you go home." The husky grins as the bear regards him with increased curiosity.

Jonathan walks up to the console of his ship and presses a few buttons, a star glows on the map before disappearing in order to chart a linear path to it from the ship's location. Jonathan then presses some more buttons and flips a few levers before the ship bellows with a rumble as it begins to move. Jonathan then sits on his chair in front of the console and spins in it a few times for good measure.

He stops suddenly, smirking at Ryan. "So, I'm going to see to it that you enjoy your time here. I'd like you to at least stay the night. Your room is still here on the ship." Ryan tried to muster out something in response, but the husky kept talking. "Blah blah blah, I know you're worried about getting back on time. Don't worry about it. We could spend weeks out here and I could get you back as if nothing happened. Trust me, alright?" Ryan fidgeted for a moment, trying to decide what he should say as the husky suddenly rushed him off to his room. "Just decide when you get a chance to look at the view, alright? I've made some changes since the last time you were here."

The door was already open as Ryan stepped through, much like his jaw as it nearly fell to the floor. He remembered much of the layout from the first time he had been here, but looking outside of the thick paneled glass took his breath away. The stars, the numerous and nearly unimaginable countless swirling galaxies seemed to steal his breath for several moments. After a few moments, he turned around to confront the husky but he was already gone.

Huffing to no one but himself, the bear grumbled and looked around again. Compared to the room last time, this one was unusually spacious, considered high luxury in spacecraft. Even the bed was huge. Its color palette seems to remind Ryan of the ocean and it was pushed right up to the bottom edge of the huge window. A large desk sat nearby with a glass top, one that twinkled with digital holo-buttons, information, and some sort of intergalactic time standard. A screen built into the wall served as the monitor for what looked like a computer, which kept things nice if he had an itch to start drawing. "Let's see here..." he mumbled as he went to check the drawer, pulling it open to find the husky had stocked it with plain white paper. He smiled, noting the neatly organized drawing pens and pencils resting beside it. He remembered last time that the desk was here, it was empty and made of wood. Maybe he'd get to try it out this time. His eyes wandered along the desk past the lamp towards the private bathroom in his room. He remembered Jonathan had said something about it being aerogel and that's why it looked kind of funny. Something about it being extremely light and made of mostly air. He walked over the smooth ceramic floor to open the door. "WOAH," he gasped as he nearly slammed the door into the wall, forgetting momentarily the part about the material being extraordinarily light. "Forgot about that," he murmured to himself before closing the door, content with his search.

"It really is nice here. He did change this room a lot from last time I was here... I guess I can stay at least one night," he said quietly. He emptied out a few of his things he had in his pocket on the desk before wondering what trouble Jonathan was up to now. The thought made him worried. He rushed out and back to the control room to find Jonathan back in the chair, spinning around.

"Ah, good thing you came back. I was getting dizzy," the husky complained as he stopped himself. Ryan tried his best to not grin at his antics, remembering that there were still surprises left for him. "Yeah, I think I'll stay," the bear replied, shifting his weight to his other foot nervously.

"Good, glad to hear it. Now, since we are inviting people up here, I thought we could go to the first world we went to and bring up Banjo and Kazooie. I bet they remember you. It's only been...let's see..." He thinks for a moment, tail swishing back and forth before answering. "Ah yes, been only a week and a half in their time. More than likely they will surely remember us."

Ryan gulps down hard as he clearly remembers the bear and bird from when he first met them, more so the brown bear. He chuckles nervously. "Y-yea."

"W-wait!" Ryan suddenly starts to blush under his fur. "T-they're going to come up here?! B-but isn't that bad for them or something? O-or maybe they are busy. Or-" The flustered bear gets interrupted by Jonathan clearing his throat.

"Hey, they are pretty chill, plus they know it's your birthday, I bet they would love to celebrate too, especially Kazooie because she gets free food. Now stop being shy. It's not like they are going to be the only ones here." Jonathan spun himself around to the console.

"So while I call some of my friends to see if they are available to come as well, you can go ahead and have a snack in the kitchen. Just don't look under the sheets of some of the tables alright? Those are surprises." Jonathan pulls out a cell phone from his blue jeans back pocket and well as a small book before he begins dialing.

Ryan sighs softly and goes into the kitchen. When he arrives, he sees that the whole area was covered in streamers, balloons, towers of different types of decorations and balloons on a stick, confetti on the floor and party hats on tables, all in different colors. Some of the tables were covered up to hide some things underneath while other tables were decorated and appropriately prepared for a meal. Ryan found himself looking around in awe. "So much effort was put in this," he said to himself. He looks to the side and sees a chocolate fountain, lots of cookies, cheese and crackers, fruit (EW why?), chips of varying varieties, and candy on their respective platters.

'Why all of this just for me? We haven't even known each other for that long. Still...he gives the feeling that I can be myself around him.' Ryan thinks to himself as he walks past the tables to a fridge on the wall.

As he opens it he is greeted with so many types of different beverages that the only shelf that wasn't full of drinks was at the bottom, where a white box filled up the space. Ryan thinks to himself that it must be the cake. He turns his attention to the side fridge door and sees several types of wrapped snacks. He grabs one that had different types of pretzels, a candy bar, and a small juice pouch in it. He looks around one last time before walking back to Jonathan.

The husky turned around to greet him. "Nice setup in the kitchen right? Now for some good news and bad news. Good news? We made it to Banjo's world and I'm setting up the portal to pick him up. Bad news? Seems like most of my friends are busy right now so they can't come. But! Some are coming soon."

The husky gets up and go to the center of the cockpit. "Alright, just stay here and enjoy yourself. I'll be back shortly."

The bear nods with a mouthful of pretzels and gives him a thumbs up.

Jonathan disappears in a flash of green light. So he seats himself on the chair Jonathan was just sitting in and continues to eat his snack. By the time he finishes the whole bag, Jonathan appears panting and wearing his armor clothing from when they first met.

"Sheesh, sorry. Took a while but we're back. Had to fight some monsters and such. The usual." He steps off the pad and behind him was a brown bear. Had a black nose, wearing yellow shorts with a black belt looped around the waist. He had a shark tooth necklace on his neck and was wearing a backpack. Coming out of the backpack was a bird with red feathers and a small mohawk, the wings sticking out the bag had tips that were colored yellow. The pair both waved at Ryan.

Ryan smiles brightly. "Hey Banjo! Kazooie! Long time no see!"

Kazooie dips inside the backpack and pulls out a kazoo a moment later, tooting the tune of 'Happy birthday to you'. Banjo moves his head away from the overly enthusiastic bird but smiles at Ryan. "Happy birthday! Jonathan told us it was your birthday a while ago and we got you something!" He turns to Kazooie and shakes the backpack.

Kazooie jumps out the book bag after dropping her kazoo and runs to the kitchen shouting. The husky laughed and chased after her, leaving the pair alone. Ryan starts to feel nervous and slightly grips the ends of the chair. Banjo kneels on the ground and starts to dig into the bag. His body goes halfway in before coming out with a small, poorly wrapped box.

"Sorry it looks bad, Kazooie barely wrapped it today. She always does things at the last minute." He hands it to the birthday bear, who nods and accepts it with a soft smile.

Ryan unwraps and opens the box, pulling out a shark tooth necklace. He touches the rough edges to admire how sharp it is.

"Ah! Is that real? It feels so sharp." Ryan looks up at Banjo, who gives a surprised look.

"Oh no! I didn't file it down! I'm sorry! If I only brought a filer I would fix it now. Do you think Jonathan has one?" Banjo looks back in the direction of the kitchen, where he can hear Jonathan and Kazooie arguing about pizza rolls.

Ryan chuckles. "More than likely, I mean he's pretty much prepared for anything as far as I can tell."

Ryan gets up and both of the bears walk to the kitchen. They are greeted with Kazooie snarfing down some pizza and Jonathan drinking something out of a plastic cup. Banjo asks Jonathan for a nail filer, which of course he then pulls one out and gives to Banjo.

Jonathan looks at Ryan. "So what'd he give you?"

Before he could answer, there was a metallic bang at the cockpit startling everyone. The husky bolted in that direction, saying it was one of his friends at the door before anyone could react. When he came back, there was a surprising large cat behind him. A lynx from what Ryan could tell.

He seemed to be around 6'3" tall, covered in light brown fur with black spots and a small tuff of white showing on his neck. His clothing, which looked like a leather vest and jeans, had a lot of small metal plates scattered about the fabric. He also had a very long lance on his back. He looked very muscular but somewhat fat, as he had some noticeable padding. His ears were fairly pointy with the tips being black and some fur growing past it. He also had very long whiskers and he seemed like he was annoyed as the cat growled in a deep voice.

"So that small bear is the birthday boy right? You sure know how to pick the weak ones."

"Always trying to pick a fight huh? I swear it's your drug." Jonathan barks at him. "He's just a kid. Leave him be."

"Hey I-I'm not a kid! I'm old enough now." Ryan said, his voice barely audible.

The lynx huffs and says something under his breath, walking over to the fridge. Jonathan sighs.

"Sorry about that, he's just my sparring partner and a friend of mine. Don't worry; he's like this around new people. He's just a big ol' softy at heart." He looks at the cat and shouts. "Right? Aichi?"

Aichi grumbles. "Yea Yea. Just wait till we fight again, I'll win! Now where are the drinks?"

Jonathan rolls his eyes and walks up to Ryan, whispering into his ear. "He hasn't won at all; I always beat him to a pulp." Ryan snickers and nudges Jonathan playfully. "Meanie."

Banjo comes up to the two and hands Ryan the now filed down shark's tooth. Jonathan nods approvingly and Banjo smiles at him. Aichi comes up and pats Ryan on the back hard, making him drop the necklace.

"Happy birthday you very small cub. May you one day grow up to be a real bear!" Aichi laughs and drinks from a bottle of soda.

"Thanks I guess...wait! Hey! I'm not that small!" Ryan protests. "And I am a bear, not a cub!"

"I think you are small; you are at least the shortest of the whole group here." Kazooie says, taking another bite of pizza.

Before Ryan realized it, Jonathan had lined up their male visitors in a line next to the bear and pulled out measuring tape.

"How do you carry all this stuff?" Ryan yells out before he gets picked up by Aichi and is made to stand up.

"Magic. Now hold still, gotta measure you all. Kazooie doesn't count because she's a bird and I know she's big already." The sound of a raspberry is heard from the bird, the husky playfully blows one right back at her. He then proceeds to measure Banjo. He stands at a normal height of 5'6". He measures Aichi which confirmed the height that Ryan thought he was; 6'3". Aichi measures Jonathan who stands at 5'8". He measures Ryan who stands at about 5'5" to 5'6". Aichi immediately bellows loudly with laughter.

"See a cub! Such a small one at that." Aichi rubs Ryan's head fuzz.

Ryan starts to shake slightly. "Shut up! Crazy tall people."

"Relax dude, it's not that bad being short. If anything it helps your cute factor," Jonathan says as he smiles at Ryan.

"Huh?! I'm not cute," Ryan blushes hard. "You be quiet! I'll bash your face in."

Jonathan sticks his tongue out at him. "Make me." He then winks at him and Ryan ends up blushing more.

Banjo comes up to Ryan and pats his back firmly. "I think you are a real bear, ignore the other two."

Ryan nods, still blushing somewhat. Everyone then hears another knock from near the cockpit area. Jonathan once again bolts to answer it, stating it's another person. When he comes back, there's a human next to him, a female one to be exact. She doesn't stand as tall but rather it's because she looks like a kid. The chubby cheekbones give away how young she looks, around 12 or 13. Her long black hair and her complexion is a light brown skin tone. Her clothing looks similar to what Jonathan wore before, but instead was a light pink color. She is holding what looks like a gift basket, shyly waving to everyone.

"Everyone, this is my sister Rosa. She came by to drop off a gift. She can't stay sadly." Jonathan nudges his sister forward and she walks up to Ryan.

"Ah...um, this is from everyone from base waterfront and they all send their regards and birthday wishes." Her voice sounds young and innocent, she hands the basket to Ryan who nods at her. Inside was an assortment of food and snack items, a book, a mini bear plushy, a video game cartridge, a sketchbook, and a small disposable camera with some film crudely taped on it.

Rosa continues to speak as he looks through it. "Everything in that basket was picked out from our friends at base, there should be nine different things in there. Mainly there's food in there because everyone kept arguing on what to pick out for you."

She walks back to Jonathan and hands him a letter. He nods and pats her head. "Tell everyone at waterfront I say hi. Also to tell a certain tiger to get ready for next week's cook off."

"Pffft, you always win, which isn't fair to him ya know. Stop being such a good chef and maybe he would win for once. Teleport us some cake alright?" Rosa pushes Jonathan playfully and waves goodbye to everyone before she makes her departure. Aichi takes the basket from Ryan and puts it on one of the tables.

Ryan looks at Jonathan confused. "Was that your sister? Why doesn't she look like you?" He scratches his head.

"Long story. Anyway let's start eating! I left the door open so if anyone stops by they can. Oh! Almost forgot." Jonathan walks up to the covered table and takes off the sheet. He presses a button on the table and suddenly varying sizes of gift boxes start to slowly materialize on the table.

"Wow people already are sending their gifts from the bases they are stationed in." Jonathan runs to the fridge and starts to take out the white box inside. Ryan couldn't believe that people are just sending gifts here like magic. Even more so since that no one knew him like that to send gifts in the first place.

Suddenly, Ryan hears random voices coming from the cockpit. He turns around to see all types of people arriving, both human and furry alike. Some came up to Ryan and give him a present or a basket. It began to overwhelm him and before he knew it, he was buried in gifts.

A very tall silver wolf comes up to him and lifts him off the floor with ease. Ryan looks into his red and black eyes, his glance moving up to the nubs of horns on his head and quickly felt slightly uneasy with the wolf. The wolf sets him down after a moment and speaks with a voice that almost sounds ethereal.

"You enjoy this party now, happy birthday," The wolf joins the crowd a moment later, his red irises lingering on him for a moment.

Everyone on board starts serving themselves with plates of snacks and food that Jonathan had just uncovered from the other tables. Roast beef, lasagna, pizza, different types of chicken, steak, many types of desserts like pies and cookies, and drinks of many kinds were on many of the tables. Before long all of the food was almost gone and everyone had eaten to their content. Ryan thought all of the food was fantastic and he slowly began to converse with a lot of people, despite his shyness being on overdrive, he even talked to the wolf that helped him out of the massive gift pile. He was surprised to find out he wasn't as scary as he had thought, despite being a demon and all.

Overall Ryan was actually having the time of his life, meeting new people, getting all these gifts, eating good food and hanging out with his newly acquainted friends. Jonathan was mainly making sure the kitchen wasn't being destroyed, but he always had time to talk to Ryan and ask him how he was doing the entire length of the party. When it came time to show off the cake, everyone gathered around a rather big table. As was tradition, in the center sat Ryan with a party hat on, Jonathan was sitting next to him and taking off the cardboard box for the cake. It revealed a very big, thick chocolate frosted cake with white tipped marshmallow fluff scattered about in small dollops. The edges were covered with what looked like gram cracker dust and chocolate chips. The base was nothing but a big gram cracker. When Jonathan started to cut the inside of the cake, he noticed it was a chocolate and yellow marble cake with marshmallow frosting right in the middle. He gave the first slice to Ryan. Starting into the cake, it looked amazing. He couldn't wait and threw the fork he had in his paw and flung the cake into his face, eating it greedily. Everyone laughed and cheered and eventually all got served with a little slice of heaven.

After Banjo helped Ryan clean his face from some of the frosting his tongue missed, Kazooie began to bring the presents to him and he started to open them. The gifts varied from clothes, to armor, and even big weapons that Jonathan quickly took away so no one could get hurt. Other gifts included art supplies, foreign money which Ryan can't use but was assured by Jonathan that he would convert them to his world's currency soon enough, some cool looking mysterious technological items, and even a pet from a different world! Sadly, he couldn't accept it due to already owning a pet dog and it be kind of hard to explain how he obtained an alien pet, let alone its unusual origins.

Everyone sang and danced to some music, time passed by in the blink of an eye and soon enough everyone began to leave. But not before wishing the birthday bear a happy birthday one more time and thanking the husky for the party. Soon enough, only Banjo, Kazooie, and Aichi were left in the kitchen. Aichi goes up to the husky and pats him on the head with his fat paws.

"Nice party there Jonny boy, just next time get a place where we can have an open fight." He chuckled and takes his leave, waving goodbye to Ryan and the others.

Jonathan rolls his eyes with a sigh and walks with him off to the exit. Ryan turns to Banjo, who for some reason is looking away at him. Kazooie quietly came up to Ryan and tugged at his leg.

"Hey birthday boy, you might want to talk to him." She points at the brown bear who seemed to be fiddling with something.

Ryan walks up to him and pats his back. The brown bear jumps and slowly turns around, cupping his paws around something. Ryan tilts his head in confusion for a moment, until Banjo then opens them up to reveal a broken shark tooth and string. It was then that Ryan remembered he dropped the necklace on the ground when Aichi patted his back earlier that night.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! Damn it," the bear face palmed his forehead. "I must have forgotten to pick it up when Jonathan started measuring our heights. Banjo, I'm so sorry..."

Banjo shakes his head. "It's alright, I can always get you a new one. Finding them isn't that hard," he said quietly as he looked down.

Ryan could tell from his face that Banjo is lying about what he just said in order to make him feel better about it breaking. He grabs the broken necklace and sets it on the table before he grabs Banjo's paws.

"It's alright. Really it is. You don't need to get another one for me. Just having you here is good enough. I get to see a nice friend who I missed for a while. So I think that's a good present, don't you think?"

Banjo looked up at him and nods. Ryan noticed that Banjo's face slightly changed color. 'Did.... he just blush,' he thought to himself.

"Are you ok?" Ryan asks. Banjo looks away and nods quietly.

Ryan tugs at Banjo's arms. "Hey, come on now. Tell me. Are you sure you are ok?" Banjo nods again and the brown bear just sighs. "Well, alright then. I'm just going to go put my presents in my room now."

Ryan began to collect all the gifts that he could physically carry and started to walk to his room. Several trips later, he finally ends up having everything sprawled on the ground. He folds his arms together, trying to figure out where exactly to put everything would be a challenge, there was not much to actually store things away in. The bear turns around to go ask Jonathan about getting some storage space in the room when he bumps into Banjo standing in the doorway.

"Ah sorry!" The bear said as takes a step back. "I wanted to see if you needed help. Kazooie fell asleep and I don't know where to go around here."

"Oh, it's ok. I was going to find Jonathan to ask for some boxes or something." Ryan moves to the side and motions Banjo inside. "You can wait while I get him inside my room."

Banjo nods and enters inside while the brown bear rushes off to get the husky. When they return and enter the room, Banjo is on Ryan's bed asleep, snoring loudly. Jonathan giggles and pulls Ryan out the room and to the side of the door. The husky then pushes into the wall and a small panel pops out with dials, buttons small leavers and a small keyboard on it.

"So you need storage?" Jonathan asks. "If anything I can add a few dressers or something like that if you want. Or do you want something else? If you can imagine it, I can probably make it."

"Just add some containers, I can't really use everything in the room." Ryan scratches his chin. "Can you add a mini fridge and microwave in there?"

Jonathan gives him a scowling look before smiling at the bear. He starts typing and then presses a button, which is followed by a quiet thud and a low hum. Jonathan then pats Ryan hard on the back, sending him stumbling into the room. With a wave, Jonathan wishes Ryan a happy birthday again and good night. Before the brown bear had a chance to say anything back, the door closes. He hears the husky whistle and walk away.

"Good night? I guess." Ryan looks to the wall to see three large plastic bins, a mini fridge, and a microwave on top. He then looks back to the stuff he brought into the room on the floor nearby, finding all of his gifts were somehow organized and grouped together in piles. Scratching his head, he turns to the sleeping bear on the bed and just smiles. He put away the art supplies on his desk and everything else away in the bins. When he finished he quickly glanced at monitor which displayed the time.

4_:01 PM [Time zone set to world #35E21]_

Confused, Ryan pulls out his phone and saw that it displayed the same time as the computer. He could only assume it was set to his world's time. "It felt like it's been longer, yet only an hour passed. That's confusing." Shrugging it off, he goes to the desk.

He looks around and sees that the desk has a holo-keyboard displayed on the surface of it, as well as something below the hologram. It looked like a digital tablet used for drawing embedded to the desk. He spotted a small hole nearby, reaching out to touch it with his paw. Startled, he stepped back in surprise as suddenly a digital pen slides up from the hole and stands upward, waiting to be grabbed. He steps forward again and grabs the pen. It feels oddly the perfect weight for his paw. He pulls up the chair and sits down. Looking around the room for inspiration, his eyes land on Banjo still sleeping soundly, not snoring anymore. Ryan smiles and then looks up to the monitor. A drawing program was already open, ready to be used. Setting up brushes, colors and calibrating the pen and tablet; Ryan gets to work, sketching while looking at his subject to get the anatomy right. A couple of minutes later Ryan finishes sketching and starts to refine his art work. Before long, he's coloring it and when he finishes, it shows Banjo sleeping and himself sleeping atop the bigger bear's chest. He blushes at the thought of laying next to him, like the time before when he stayed the night at his house. He blushes more when he remembers what happened during the night. A yawn snaps him out of his thoughts and freezes his entire body.

"Mmm...oh hey Ryan, what's with the nice drawi-" Banjo's sentence is cut short as his mind registers what he is actually seeing. He blushes under his fur. 'Is that...me and you?'

"AHH! UH...N-NO! I-I MEAN Y-YES!" Ryan shouts, voice cracking. His body trembles; a cold sweat sweeps over his body as he tried to come up with an excuse but nothing came to mind. He doesn't have the heart to turn around. He hears the bed creek and footsteps come closer. He feels Banjo's presence near his back, a soft pat on his shoulder.

"It's really good! Cute and very colorful! You really must be good at drawing." Banjo smiles and shakes Ryan by his shoulder. "I think you would make a great artist! Oh, is that a mini fridge?"

Ryan then hears footsteps moving away from his back. He sighs in relief as he quickly saves the drawing and closes the program. He slowly turns around to see Banjo looking through the mini fridge. 'w-what just....is he that oblivious...that's kinda cute.' He snickers to himself, a small blush forming in his cheeks again. He gets up from the chair and goes to lay on the bed, attempting to relax after his close call. He hears Banjo eating something and walking around, the opening and closing of a door. Moments later a flush is heard and as Banjo leaves the bathroom. The bear leans upward to see Banjo yawning and stretching at a very close range from where he laid. Ryan couldn't help but check out the bear's form. He was pudgy, but under that fat was a lot of muscle from what it looked like. Ryan couldn't help but swallow hard, trying his best to move away from the sight.

Banjo stopped stretching a moment later and jumps on the bed. "So you know how to draw? It looks great. How long have you been doing it?" A smile greets the other bear.

"Uh....well..."Ryan scratches the back of his head, thinking up of ways to change the conversation but nothing comes to mind. "I've been doing it for a long while. I'm not that good though."

"Really? I thought it looks real good. I bet if we showed Jonathan." Banjo chuckled, getting off from the bed and tries to leave. Ryan instinctively tells him no and grabs his arm, losing his footing in the process and pulling the bear on top of him atop the bed. When Banjo lands on top of Ryan and attempts to gets up, both of their muzzles touch noses.

Both bears blushing hard, Ryan attempts to get the big bear off but Banjo quickly grabs his arms and holds them down to the sides of Ryan's head. Banjo slowly leans in, touch noses again, and kisses Ryan on the lips.

The kiss on the lips seems to last only a moment, but to Ryan it felt like an eternity. Then they start to kiss deeper and eventually open their maws to let their tongues do some work. Banjo then clasps Ryan's paws tightly with his own. He then instinctively grinds against the now flustered bear. Ryan could feel his cock getting firm as well as Banjo's. His mind filled up with embarrassing thoughts, but also lustful ones. He didn't think something like this would happen, let alone on his birthday; yet he wanted more. Banjo breaks the kiss and lets go of Ryan's paws. Ryan softly whimpers as to why he stopped. Banjo then proceeds to take off his necklace and toss it to the side. He then proceeds to unbuckle his belt. Ryan couldn't help but stare in anticipation, yet he feels like this shouldn't go on.

"W-wait," he muttered, but it was too late as the belt fully came off and Banjo unbuttoned the shorts. Banjo's hard member flopped out, flicking a bit a pre on Ryan's belly. Ryan gulped down hard. He had no experience in this at all besides from the videos he would watch alone. Then again it didn't compare to the real life situation he is in now. Banjo then leans in and takes off the other bear's shirt without warning. Ryan yelps at the sudden breeze it produced and covers his chest. Banjo grabs his wrists rather softly and looks into his eyes. Ryan reluctantly relaxes while he moves back when Banjo signals him to by waving his paw at him. The bear on top begins to fiddle with the smaller bear's shorts, attempting to unbutton and remove them. Ryan felt sweat building up everywhere on his body, feeling very nervous but excited at the same time_. 'this can't be real. Yet it totally is.'_

When Banjo finally succeeds, he takes off the smaller bear's shorts to let his throbbing member spring out, leaking more pre-cum than he surprisingly. The thin clear liquid runs along the bear's below average but girthy cock. Ryan couldn't help but shiver with the sudden heat escaping his lower body. He felt so exposed and wanted nothing more than to be clothed again. Banjo wasted no time and kicks off his shorts and tossing them off to the side; he gropes Ryan's member and the other bear lets out a soft moan. Shivering with ecstasy Ryan attempts to move back some more on the bed to give Banjo more room to do as he pleases.

Banjo begins to stroke the member in his paw slowly, waves of pleasure surges through Ryan's body as he tries his best not to be loud. He begins to pant softly, grabbing the sheets of the bed to keep his paws occupied. Banjo then stops stroking the now precum covered cock and then gives it a long lick from the base to the tip. Ryan couldn't help but compress a yelp of pleasure, feeling the wet tongue on his cock. Tasting the precum for the first time Banjo begins to lick all over the shaft, making sure to fully clean it. The brown bear starts to lick the tip of the cock with his wide tongue, careful with every pass, careful to get every last drop. Ryan couldn't believe the sensations he was feeling. Everything Banjo was doing felt so good, he was worried he wasn't going to last much longer. The licking then stopped and Ryan got confused as to why, before he had time to ask Banjo then started to take Ryan's cock into his maw. The sudden warmth and wet feeling made his hard pecker twitch, causing Ryan to shoot out some precum down Banjo's maw. Ryan couldn't help himself but place a paw on top of other bear's head and push down softly, the bigger bear then starts to bob his up and down slowly. The waves of pleasure shot faster and harder throughout the smaller bear's body, he couldn't help but moan louder and buck his hips forward. Without warning, he moans louder than he should; lifting his upper body up and holding Banjo's head, shooting thick cum into the bear's maw. Banjo was slightly frightened by the action and tried to pull away for a moment, but the other bear's grasp was too strong. However, when he started to taste the cum in his mouth he couldn't help but swallow the thick semi-sweet liquid.

Ryan collapses on the bed panting and his tongue rolled out of his muzzle. He felt his world spin before his eyes. When he looks down, he sees that Banjo is smiling and wiping his lips. Ryan blushes furiously and looks away from the sexy male he was unbelievably sleeping with tonight. He then feels the bed move and when he looks back, Banjo had moved so that his leaking, massive cock was dangling in front of his face. It took a moment but before he knew it, Ryan started to lick off the precum off the tip of Banjo's cock. It tasted so sweet, almost like honey. The small bear started to lick more furiously and eventually took the head into his own mouth. Banjo couldn't help but moan and slowly thrust inward. Ryan tried his best to keep up with the thrusting but before long he gets a rhythm going and starts to blow him without much trouble. Banjo groaned with pleasure and let out soft growls every now and then. The bear looks down to see the smaller bear's bare chest and notices his nipples were slightly perky. He reaches over and pinches one between his padded fingers, rolling it gently side to side occasionally. Ryan couldn't help let out a muffled moan and a whimper. Banjo notices this and started in on the other one as well, sending Ryan on a moaning frenzy. Suddenly Banjo pulls away from Ryan's muzzle and gets on top of him. Banjo then starts to lick and softly nip at Ryan's nipples. Ryan couldn't help but gasp and moan from the immense pleasure he was receiving, to the point of almost pushing Banjo off of him. When the bear wasn't able to play with his lover in peace he grabbed the bed sheet below them and tore into it; tying the ripped pieces together and ended up tying them around Ryan's wrists.

"H-hey!" Ryan wailed as Banjo pulled the smaller bears arms above his head using the makeshift rope. They both stare into each other's eyes. Ryan knew he wasn't in any danger with a soft smile looking back at him. He then slowly nods as Banjo rubs his chest in a loving manor.

"I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to." Banjo gave him a soft kiss on the other nose. He then proceeds to continue licking and nipping on the nipples, setting Ryan off in a slur of soft cursing and sharp breaths. Before long, the smaller bear gets hard again and drools precum all over their furred bodies. Grinning, Banjo then adjusts the makeshift rope to tie his wrists to one of the bed poles. He then goes down, licking the bear's chest and belly along the way to his now throbbing cock and starts to blow him again. Ryan couldn't help but shiver as the same ecstasy inducing feelings shoots up around his body again. This time Banjo stops before Ryan can get off again. Then starts to lick the shaft and goes lower to his ball sack, giving them a few good licks and a small suckle. Then he starts to go lower, sending Ryan to a small panic attack before yelping in surprise as Banjo lifts his lower body somewhat. Banjo uses his free paw to spread apart his butt cheeks in order to nuzzle his tight hole. Licking and spitting into his exposed rump only serves to send Ryan into louder moans and cursing.

"Gah! B-Banjo! Fuck...k-keep going," the bear moans submissively.

Banjo continues to rim his lover while making sure he gets the most out of the moans filling his ears. He stops the fun and lowers the lower body back down, and then positions himself. Ryan whimpers for fear of the unknown. His suspicions were true, as Banjo starts to poke the entrance, looking up to see if he was ok. The smaller bear nods to the bigger one and braces himself. Ryan starts to feel worried, this wasn't his first time but it has been a long while. He whimpered as he felt the engorged head at his entrance. The ripped bed sheets broke apart as he pulled his hands free, clasping them to his mouth as his cock was urged forward, spreading him open. He tried his best to suppress the yelps of both pain and pleasure, but failed as some escaped his lips. Banjo couldn't help but groan in pleasure, leaning in forward, noses barely touching one another. Their faces were close, kissing the smaller bear passionately. He then starts to slowly pull out only to push his hard cock back inside. It started slow at first; then he started to pick up the pace, slowly thrusting harder into the hole. He could hear the moans escaping from his lover, getting more vocal and frequent. Banjo couldn't help but grab onto the makeshift rope for leverage while he was pounding harder into Ryan. It wasn't long before banjo felt close, he knew he wouldn't last much longer but wanted to make sure he had his fill. He started to slow down...or at least tried to. The moment he did he heard Ryan grunt out.

"Ah, don't slow down. Keep going!"

It sent the bear over the edge, thrusting in hard which caused his lover to grunt and moan out in ecstasy, his hard cock shooting out copious amounts of cum on both bellies as his own hole was being filled up with Banjo's own cum. They both are panting hard, looking into each other's eyes blissfully. Banjo manages to pull out after a while and frees Ryan from the bed sheets tied up to his wrists. He then lays next to him and cuddles for a few moments. The big bear nuzzling him softly, quietly and nervously speaking after a moment, "... so... did you like it?"

Ryan chuckled, blushing deeply as he kissed him. "That was amazing," he said back quietly. He laid there quietly in his arms for a few moments, feeling his muscles beneath his soft fur and realized he was getting another rock hard boner.

Banjo's eyes glanced down, a grin forming. "Ready again," he asked as he nipped gently below the smaller bear's ear.

"Actually, I was... uh, wanting to try... you know," Ryan said bashfully. Before he could manage to get out another word, suddenly Banjo was straddling his hips. The bear's cheeks pressed up against his drooling cock as he positioned himself atop his body. "AH, Banjo..." he said breathily, grunting in anticipation as he put his hands on Banjo's thighs, sliding up to his chest. His fingers dug through his fur, tracing his pecs till he found his hard nips to pinch and roll softly between his fingers. Banjo grunted, closing his eyes for a moment as he took a deep breath before lifting his hips up and leaning back onto one hand. With the other, he guided Ryan's throbbing member to his tight pucker and eased himself down slowly.

Ryan cried out as he felt the tight warmth as his dick slid inwards, only slightly aware that Banjo's own cock had flopped onto his belly and flinging precum onto his chest. His fingers clutched his fur tightly, pulling Banjo down into a passionate kiss. Their nostrils flaring with their hot breath that brushed through each other's fur, they held each other close for several moments as their tongues entwined. Groaning, Banjo pulled away from Ryan with a smile as he hovered just above Ryan's hips. "I'm ready," he said as he licked his lips.

Ryan took a deep breath, letting out a shaky sigh as he tried to calm himself down. His hands slid back to his lover's waist, fingers digging in as he thrusted upwards. Slowly at first, he took each movement with increasing confidence that he wouldn't loose his load early. "Banjo was so incredibly sexy," he thought to himself with a blush, "I'm really glad he likes me too." He would arch his entire body with each movement, putting greater force into each thrust until Banjo's throbbing member was slinging precum all over the bed and the two mating bears. The bigger bear started to move as well, timing his movements in sync with Ryan and causing their bed to shake noisily. "Ahhhh, fuck," Ryan growled, "I'm close!"

Banjo just sped up a bit more, grabbing his own cock to stroke himself. Not that he needed to do much, he too was very close. Their bodies shuddered as they both let loose their cum onto one another, but this did not stop them from continuing to make love until the last few waves of pleasure ebbed out.

Exhausted and sweaty, Banjo leaned up and then flopped onto Ryan's chest. He had the biggest smile that Ryan had seen him with since they met. Their bodies wet, sticky, and tired, they nuzzled up against each other till they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Ryan wakes up with a snort and stretches where he lies. He looks around and sees no one around. 'Was it all a dream?' He goes to scratch his belly but feels it quite rough; he also sees some of the ripped bed sheets and his clothes thrown on the ground. Then he remembers what happened last night. Grabbing a pillow off the floor, he curls up into a naked fur ball and speaks flustered gibberish inside it. After half an hour, he finds the courage to slowly make his way to the bathroom and showers off the grime and sweat he accumulated. He comes out to the bed already made and his clothes folded on the end of the bed. He goes to touch it and it feels warm and soft, as if it got cleaned. He sighs to himself as he gets dressed. When he opens his door to his room, he's greeted by shouting and hollering. Thinking it was trouble, he runs to the cockpit. When he gets there, he sees just Jonathan playing something on the monitor. He suddenly stops and pauses whatever was on screen. He spins his chair around to look at Ryan.

"Hey there sleepy head, how did you sleep?" The husky smiles at the bear. "Oh and before you ask I dropped off Banjo and Kazooie just half an hour ago."

Ryan frowns. "Oh...alright." He feels a lump on his throat but forces his voice to speak. "Did...Banjo say anything to you?" Jonathan shakes his head and the bear sighs.

"I mean he didn't say anything, he looked rather flustered. Dunno why." Jonathan says, scratching his chin. "He seemed more excited than usual too. Happy? Upbeat?" He shrugs. "Well, either way he was full of energy." Jonathan then gets up from the chair and walks up to Ryan. He pats him on the shoulder. "How was it? Felt good to release all that pent up lust huh?"

Ryan's jaw drops and he is speechless. Jonathan starts to laugh uncontrollably.

"Really? You that surprised?" The husky takes a deep breath and smiles like nothing is wrong. "Your room is literally next to mine, I heard all the not so quiet moans and the dirty talk. I didn't think you two were that kinky despite your personalities. That and..." He gives a sly smile while tapping his nose.

Ryan just covers his face and blushes really hard. He wobbles and Jonathan catches him before he falls.

"Whoa now, chill. Hey I don't care honestly. Banjo is cute; I just didn't think something would happen between you two so quickly." Jonathan then drags Ryan to his chair and sets him up on it. "You two did have fun and no, I didn't listen too much; I was too busy fixing my room up so I had music playing on my phone."

Ryan just stares at him, Jonathan shrugs. "Don't believe me. I was listening to music. But..." He arches an eyebrow. "I won't say I didn't have something to do with it."

Ryan puffs up his cheeks and glares. 'I swear... did he plan this?!' Ryan thought to himself. He was mad but also...sort of glad it happened. He finally calms down and speaks. "You sure you're fine with it?" Jonathan nods. Ryan just sighs softly. "Kinda wish he would say goodbye."

"Oh no he did say that, told me to tell you happy birthday again and he hopes you have a super safe trip back home."

"I thought you said he didn't say anything," Ryan shouts. Jonathan laughs again and grins. Ryan lunges at him which the husky dodges swiftly. It then turns to a chase around both ends of the ship with Jonathan laughing and teasing while Ryan shouts and grumbles about wanting to strangle him. But Ryan knew he was having fun like his friend was. They both stop at the cockpit and take a breather. A beep rings out from the console, signifying they have made it to their destination. Jonathan springs upward and helps Ryan up.

"Alright, we are home. Sorta drifted away but I got us back. Judging from the time we've been here...which was around 8-10 hours. I want to say..." Jonathan does the math in his head, sticking out his tongue to show he's thinking. "....2 hours passed? I think. Well either way you weren't gone long." He walks up to the console and presses a few buttons.

The platform where Ryan was standing beings to light up. Ryan jumps away and the portal appears in the glowing light, the husky motioning for the bear to step into the portal. He nods and enters it in a flash. When the light fades from his eyes, the bear sees he's back at the park. He looks up to the sky and sees the sun setting. He pulls out his phone and checks the time once more.

5:30 PM 21/2 1 missed call.

Ryan puts his phone away, thinking his mom must have called. Jonathan appears shortly after, wearing his armored clothing.

"How come you're wearing that?" Ryan asked in confusion.

"Well there's some things I have to take care of here, so this is where we part ways." The husky pulls in the bear for a hug. He lets go after a while and smiles softly. "Had a good time? If I had more time, I would have taken you to a real nice place past this star I know of... the world there is literally amazing." He sighs. "But it's alright. I just hope you had a good birthday. Oh don't forget this!" He tosses the pocket watch and chuckles when the bear fumbles with it before getting a grasp at it and puts it away.

Ryan nods. Despite all the embarrassing moments, he really did have a great time. "Trust me, it was a really great party. I appreciate you doing all this for me." The bear smiles back.

Jonathan then jerks his head. "Well off you go, I gotta prepare here. I'll catch you another time alright? Or you can call me if you ever want to see your lover again." He winks at the bear, causing Ryan to blush and clutch his chest a bit.

"Jonathan! Stop! Gosh you're embarrassing," the bear sputters out, blushing even deeper. He then gives Jonathan a playful punch in the arm and a quick hug before saying goodbye as he starts to head home.

Jonathan waits till he gets out of ear shot and speaks to himself.

"Happy birthday Ryan. I hope what I did made you really happy, or at least made your day better. You are a great and very kind guy. I wish nothing but happiness for you. You really deserve it." The husky sighs deeply. He pulls out his phone and presses a button. Soft static sounds and moans can be heard and the husky chuckles deviously.

"Hehehe. I'm going to show this to him every birthday for as long as I can. Lucky bear getting Banjo to do stuff like that with him." He shuts off the video and quickly runs off to do his business, giggling in the process.