First Date Disaster

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#3 of Secrets

These guys really did stick onto me. Sorry for the wait, but I took some extra time on this one. Daniel would never forgive me for sub-par writing, after all

Flowers? Still fresh.

Clothes? I look down and scan over my T-shirt and jeans. Clean.

Gum? Spat out and still minty fresh.

Cologne? Don't need it.

Okay. Tonight's gonna be perfect.


Three knocks. Lucky number of knocks. Something to do with the holy trinity. Focus, Mark! Oh gosh, I'm so excited! My ears twitch as I faintly hear him walking towards the door, his seemingly dainty paws stamping on the floor loudly, each step coming closer and closer to the door.

I straighten up and prepare myself. Ready to be all Casanova and just sweep him off his cute little paws. Mostly because I'm always scared the people he lives below will complain about his stomping around like a lumbering giant. Or maybe I should be Alpha Wolf. He likes that kind of stuff, right? But that's in bed. Does the same thing apply? Focus!

The door opens.

And immediately my jaw drops to the floor.

"U-Ugghh . . ."

"Well hello to you too, Dum Dum. Get hit too hard in the head at practice or something?" he says, flashing me his signature smug grin. "Then again, your head is pretty thick. And if you were a human, then I would have said in more places than one. Haha, good one Danny . . ."

"U-Ugghh . . ."

"Hm, strange. You usually groan at my bad dirty jokes. Do you not get it? Like, you know, humans have the mushroom head that's usually thicker, so thick headed-"

"You . . . Um, y-you really dressed up." I say as I look him over.

"You like it?" he asks, doing a little twirl to show me every angle.

"Y-Yeah." I say.

"Yeah" was an understatement. From the loose fitting pink blouse that played off his dark crimson fur, and the low hanging black skirt that revealed only just enough to make you wonder what was under there, and what looked like padding for fake breasts . . . well let's just say that if there was any lingering doubt of my sexuality in my mind, that I may actually be completely gay . . . it's gone now.

"I-I guess it was just unexpected."

"Well what did you expect, Dum Dum? That I'd go naked?" he asks, closing and locking his door with a strange grace. He even brushes his tail right up against me, right before turning to face me again.

"You . . . you look like a girl." A hot girl.

"Really? Hadn't noticed." He says, giggling, rather than his usual more masculine and crude chuckle. I kind of missed it . . . "Can't have our football star be sees with the fag of the school. People will get the wrong message- oh, nice flowers by the way."

"Y-Yeah, from my mom's shop- why are you dressed like a girl again?" I ask as he starts descending the stairs to the parking lot, me following him.

"Do I really need to spell it out for you?" he asks, grinning mischievously. "If people saw you with me, together, at a date-like venue, I'm pretty sure you'd have to come out at that point. Besides, I'd rather enjoy all the benefits of being on a date without having to pretend you're just my friend or something. That and I know you like it when I dress up."

"Oh . . . and here I was all prepared for you looking like a guy this date."

"So you're ready to come out? And unlock the door, please." He asks.

"N-No . . ." But I'm not prepared for hiding a boner for the rest of this date.

*Beep*Beep* (car unlocking)

"Thought so." He says, climbing into the car, me following soon after.

. . .

We both stay silent for a while. I was honestly waiting for some kind of follow up comment. Something he usually is more than happy to provide.

"I would have come out if it was for you."

I let out a small sigh, pushing in the keys and starting the old thing up, quickly pulling out and starting our presumably long and awkward drive to the restaurant. Great job, Mark. A few minutes into the date, and already you've made things completely awkward. Just great. Fan-fucking-tastic.

"Just make sure you're ready."

"Huh?" I ask as I look over to him. He was softly stroking his tail fur, it looked slightly puffed out. "Ready for what?"

"For coming out, Mark."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look . . . coming out is great. Having pride in who you are, and all of that shit. And in this day and age, I would hope that not many actually give a fuck. And if they do, well they weren't worth your time in the first place."

"So, what do I have to be ready for?"

"Well . . . when you come out . . . people start seeing you differently." He says, tail twitching in his grasp. "I mean, suddenly everything you do seems girlish or gay, or even 'makes sense now'. Suddenly, things that never mattered before matter. Like if you ever had a crush on them, or if it was a revelation or if I knew it since birth, or if you're a top or bottom, or, oddly enough, if you're gay-gay, or gay because you like to be feminine and want to be hipster."

"That last one's fake."

"I wish it was." He says, grimacing. "But, the point is . . . suddenly, who you like, who you can love, who you basically fuck with, becomes such a defining factor for you. And even when you say things like 'just because I'm gay doesn't mean X', they'll probably argue back that they totally knew though, or those trends still exist within the community. Being gay, which I always thought was so insignificant, soon became the very thing that defined me. Because people used it to define me. The thing that I was supposed to take pride in ended up consuming 'me'."

"Mark . . . I never realized the consequences of coming out. I always thought that it never really mattered." He says, looking out the windows, past the street lights that were just turning on. "I went from the smart and reliable kid to that one gay kid who must shove his sexuality in everyone's face. And the responsible little boy that my parents knew . . . well, he disappeared. At least to them."

"Danny . . ." I say, reaching out and placing my paw over his. "I . . . sorry."

"Haha, don't worry about it, Dum Dum." He says, gently squeezing my paw. "I'm just glad, out of all the people I knew . . . you didn't do it."

He looks up, smiling softly. Those grey-blue eyes almost shining. Glimmering with the passing lights.

Oh god, he might as well have shot an arrow through my heart. I hate it when he gets so fucking adorable like this! I just wanna grab him, and kiss him, and fuck him until he can't see str-

"-Red light."


"FUCK!!!" I shout, panting from the adrenaline of almost running a red, as well as forgetting that I was driving. Meanwhile, dufus here was laughing his ass off.


"That wasn't funny!" I say, gripping the wheel hard enough to leave an indent.

"I-I don't know about that!" he says, gripping his stomach as he tries to recreate my shocked and stupid face, eventually breaking down in laughter again.

"I . . . I was seriously worried!"

"And you should be, I guess." Danny says, calming down more. "But that was pretty fucking hilarious. And we're all alright. All in one piece. Besides, it was just a red light."

I let out a sigh, slumping back into the seat. "Sure. Just a red light. You really need to learn to be more serious."

"Never." He says, chuckling. I smile a little at the sound, feeling a bit more at ease with him being himself. "So where are we headed to, anyway?"

"I told you, it's a surprise!" I say, remembering the plan again. My tail thumps against the seat. "I will tell you this. We're headed to eat first, and this place has some of the best damn apple pie you'll ever try."

"Oh, fancy." He says, tail whipping around in anticipation. "I'm excited for this apple pie. I happen to actually know the place who has the best apple pie."

"Oh really?" I ask, smirking toothily, tail wagging mischievously. "You must be quite the connoisseur."

"Yes, I only consume the finest apple pie." He says, chuckling. "But I have to ask. Is the apple pie the only reason you wanted to go here? I'm sensing some kind of ulterior motive."

"Hmm, well if not for the apple pie, then for the familiarity." I say.

"Ah, so you take a lot of girls here then?"

"N-No, not always." I say. I look over and see that he's a bit surprised. "I-It's not like that. I don't take everyone here with me. It's just usually a nice place for first dates. It's a bit loud, and it's always busy, but it's a comfortable place to talk and stuff."

"Mhm. And stuff." He says, giving me a stern stare that could only be translated into him saying "you dirty fucking horn dog".

"L-Look, I like the place so much because . . . w-well, I like the food."

"Mhm. The food." He says, his stare slowly intensifying. "Bet ya eat out there often."

"Fine, Fine, Fine!" I say, giving a small whine and finally conceding. "It's stupid, but I like it because my mom would take me there when I was younger to celebrate. And they'd always give me a slice of pie on the house. It's . . . just a nice place for me. Calms the nerves and all that."

"Oh . . . that's . . . surprisingly sweet."

He expected me to have a douche bag reason?

"I-I guess. Nuthin' too special." I say.


*shocking realization* (accompanied by panicked face)

"Did you just say "nuthin'"?" he asks, giggling a bit. "Like, with the whole southern twang?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about! And hey!! We're actually here!" I say, slightly speeding into the parking lot and screeching into the first available place.

Needless to say, I quickly unbuckle, roll up the windows, pull out the keys, and swing the car door open, slamming it shut and running to his side to open it for him. All the while, ears firmly pressed back and face burning hot.

"M-My, what a gentleman." He says, carefully stepping out and grabbing his purse, straightening up his skirt. "Just so you know, I'm not gonna . . . drop . . ."

"Something wrong, Danny?" I ask. I follow his gaze back to the bright neon sign above the restaurant. "Granny Betty's Family Diner, yeah. The place has been here for years and it's still just as strong as before."

"Oh god, so you meant here." He says, letting out a long sigh.

"What's wrong? Don't like the place?" I ask, slightly nervous now. Should I have gone with something higher end?

"It isn't that I don't like the place. I love it!" he says, gripping his purse straps. Wait, did he always have a purse? "It's just . . . well, I work here."

I mean, he could have just hid i- "Oh dear lord, you work here?" I ask, totally thrown off by this new development.

"Y-Yeah. Don't worry, they're busy this time of day, and they shouldn't recognize me. J-Just remember to call me Daniela. And try to avoid talking to Granny. The old badger can sniff out water in a desert."

"M-Maybe we should just go somewhere else. Especially if you'll feel uncomfortable." I say, inwardly beating myself up for picking the one place that he works at out of all of them.

"N-No! I actually like the food here." He says, tail thumping against his leg apprehensively. "Besides, at least I know they don't put any weird shit in their food, right?"

"Y-Yeah." I say, trying to put back on confident smile. I hold my arm out, and he slowly locks his arm into mine, letting me lead him inside. "This is gonna be a great night."

"Yeah." He says, slightly leaning into me. "Just wipe that derpy smile off your face."

". . . O-Okay." I say, trying to relax my face more.

I open the door for us, and immediately we're thrown into the atmosphere. Loud, crude, bright, strong odors of food and grease, and everything else that made this place so damn fun.

"Heya!" a waitress says, quickly walking, almost running, to us. "Just the two of you? What luck! A two seater just opened up!" she quickly walks off, not missing a beat, and definitely not even letting me respond or react.

Soon enough, we're following her through the crowd of hungry patrons, until we get to our small little table, right next to a window. It was a booth, too. My favorite kind of table, if I was being completely honest.

"Here's your menus. Start you off with a drink?"

"U-Um, we-"

"Water? Okay. Same for you, miss?" He, or "she" nods quickly. "Great. Be back real fast." And just like that she's gone.

"Wow . . . she's-"


"I didn't even want water." I say. We both look at each other, and we laugh, taking our seats. The booth was a bit small, so his legs were always touching mine, even if just a little. Not to mention how his tail just ever so lightly brushed up against mine every now and then.

"Don't mind her. It's busy and she must have a lot on her plate. Speaking of, we better decide what we want to eat fast. If not, she'll probably decide for you."

"G-Good point." I say as we open up our menus. "Man, I can never decide what to get here."

"Yeah, this place has a surprising amount of variety." He says, slightly looking around. "Huh . . . so this is the place."

"The place?"

"Where you go with your bitches for a first date."

"So does that mean you're my bitch, too?" I ask, smiling in a way that I hope was sexy and confident. Though it may have looked deranged.

"Hey. Not any bitch. But THE bitch. And that's Mrs. Bitch to you." He says.

"So sorry, Mrs. Bitch." I say. We both laugh again, him barely holding in his chuckle, and more forcing out a feminine giggle.

This was my favorite thing about this diner. It made everyone loosen up so fast. Suddenly, from not talking at all, people would hold the longest of conversations. Talk to people that they didn't know at all. It was nice. And it still is.

"Guess who's back with your drinks?" we both turn.

Just in time to see her trip over a chair leg, a single plate with two cups of water, all of it sailing towards the ground.

A loud, silencing clatter, following only slightly softer splashing sounds. My jaw drops to the floor again for the second time tonight.

"Ouch ouch ouch." She says, slowly getting up. "Sorry about tha- oh no."

Sitting straight across from me was a soaked fox. And from the looks of it, still stunned.

"Oh my god, I'm so so so sorry!" "Daniela, you okay? N-Napkins, here." "Th-This kind of thing doesn't happen often, I'm so so sorry." "D-Daniela?"

. . .

". . . Pfthahaha!" he laughs, trying to keep the pitch high and giggly. But there was no doubt that it was genuine. "My my, how appropriate of a way to cool me off since I was getting a bit hot and bothered."

"O-Oh." The cheetah waitress blushes, glancing away.

"Though I guess I'm still wet! Here. You dropped these." He says, handing her the cups. "It doesn't look like they cracked or broke, at least."

"D-Daniela, you okay?" I ask.

"No. I'm secretly the wicked witch and I'm melting. What do you think, Mark?" he asks, smiling mischievously. "It'll dry off. And I have these napkins you got for me."


We both order our meals, me still a bit baffled. Danny always seemed to be the one with a hair trigger temper. I guess he was a lot more lax than I thought. Maybe because he worked here? But he seemed to always get so fucking angry at the smallest thing that I would do. Do I just make him angry? How is that fair?

"Uh . . . you seem a bit spacey. You okay, Dum Dum?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.

"Y-Yeah. Just . . . realizing that I'm still only beginning to get to know you." I say, looking at him contemplatively.

"Is that a bad thing?" he asks, tail curling ever so slightly inward.

"No . . . because it feels like every new thing I discover about you just reminds me how long I still need to go. And that with you, it's like a frustrating puzzle or maze. It'll drive you nuts, but you keep going because you secretly love being frustrated and lost. Dizzy and confused. So out of your element that you're completely in the dark."

"Trying to impress me with smart talk?" he asks, batting his eyelashes. "I'll have you know that I like money and muscle more than book smarts."

I snort at the response, grinning. "So sorry, Daniela. Completely forgot who you were."

"It's okay. I'll forgive you tonight." He says, subtly licking his lips. My face starts to burn, and I look away. "Which reminds me, what are we actually going tonight?"

"O-Oh! Glad you asked." I say, glad to switch topics. These pants are pretty tight, and with how long it's been since we last got together, there would definitely be a dark spot in my pants if I didn't get it down fast enough.

"So I was thinking that we could go see a movie."

"On a first date? My, my, hasn't anyone ever told you? Movie first dates are a big no-no." he says, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"C'mon, it's a romance chick flick. It'll be hilarious."

"Oh! Is it that one with the whole cliché love-at-first-sight on the first date, followed by a coma, and then the ghost spends time with the girl and they fall in love while everyone else thinks she's crazy? Ha Ha! Hilarious!" he says, almost breaking out of his girl voice.

"See? Knew you'd love it." I say, smiling widely. It took quite a bit of asking around to get that crucial bit of information. Lots of bribing. Mostly to one person. You'd think a unicorn would be more generous, but then there's Ernst. But it was worth it.

"Dum Dum? You okay? You got that . . . gaming face on."

"Hm?" I ask, confused.

"You look like that every time you pull off a play or win a game. You know, the kind of shit-eating-grin that just shouts out arrogant footballer. Like you planned everything out perfectly and it went exactly as you predicted, kind of thing."

"Wh-Whaaaaaat? I don't know what you're talking about." I say, looking away, face burning up. Damn it, he already knows me so well.

"Well, whatever, I guess. I'm sure it'll be fun, and it'll all work out in the end." He says, smiling.

We continue talking about various topics. Why we chose this school (cause it was close), what we wanted to do (he wanted to be a biochemical researcher), what it was like to live on your own (taxes really stress you out apparently), and others such topics.

"Yeah, so that's why I'm banned from Victorias Secret." He says, letting out a sigh.

"W-Wow. Um . . . is that story . . . you know, true?"

"Mhm." He says, blushing a bit. "What? He was a kinky bastard. And he was fun. But it didn't work out."

"Why not?" I ask.

"We just . . . well, we were too similar." He says, looking off to the side. "When I talked to him, I realized I only wanted someone who was agreeable. I was talking to a mirror for the longest of times. And so was he. So we broke it off."

"Wow, that easy?" I ask.

"Of course." He says, looking at me as if I was crazy. "We had only been together for a few months. And besides, I think we both knew that it wouldn't last. Just a little bit of fun."

"So . . . how do you feel about this?" I ask.

"Hm? I don't know." He says nonchalantly. "It's only been about a month now for us, so . . . I'm not sure what to make of it. But . . . I like it."

He looks at me, eyes glinting, and his mischievous smile. A rare one. But genuine.

"Even if you do infuriate me to no end, you big sexy Neanderthal."

"Gee. Thanks." I say dryly. "Hey, does it usually take this long for food to get out?"

"Oh, well . . . hmm. It's been about 30 minutes since we ordered, so I can't say yes. I mean, even at our busiest, it's only 20. And they would always have the free bread out right now."

"Here she comes now. We'll just ask her." I say, trying to wave the frazzled cheetah over. "E-Excuse me!"

She spots me, quickly walking over. "Okay, are you two ready to order?"

"Um . . . . We already did." I say.

"O-Oh. One second." She says, quickly turning around and basically booking it to the kitchen.

"Gee, wonder what that was about." I say. I turn and see Danny rubbing his temples, a tired look on his face. "Something wrong?"

"Y-Yeah. She's coming right now, you'll see." He says, silently chuckling to himself like a depraved madman.

"H-Hello again you two." She says, nervously, menus clutched in her arms. "So it turns out that I never gave them your order. And lost it. D-Don't worry, though. With the amount of people here, as well as how far your order will be pushed back, you'll get your food in . . . 45 minutes?"

"Oh." I say, wide eyed and quickly checking the time. "Oh gosh, we don't got time."

"Wh-Why not? Oh god, I didn't make you miss a train or something, did I?" she asks, wide eyed and pleading.

"No, no. It's just . . . well, the movie's gonna start soonish, Danny-ela. Daniela." I say, staggering a bit. "We'll be a bit early now, but we absolutely can't miss it."

"Yeah, I guess we should go. Maybe we can pick up something on the way." He says, smiling. He was probably glad I didn't blow up or anything. He stands up. "Shall we go?"

"Let's do it." I say, getting up and locking arms with him as we head out. Our waitress sighed in disappointment and relief. At least, that's all I saw with a quick glance back before we went back out.

I step back into the car, letting out a sigh. Dinner was a bust. But that's okay. The next surprise will be amazing. "Okay, we're off."

"And may I ask what the movie is actually called?" he asks, smiling curiously.

"It's 'My Broken Stopwatch'." I say, snickering.

"Oh, it's the one about the guy who has a stopwatch that can turn back time so he can do all the right things to get with a girl, but fate always gets in the way." He says, pretend swooning, adding a dramatic sigh at the end for emphasis. "A story of star crossed lovers, hated by fate, God, and the angels for being too perfect."

"How much you wanna bet it's about a girl who's a big business entrepreneur who is a workaholic because of lost love?"

"How much you wanna bet it's a regular ol' workin' man." I say, trying my best not to laugh my ass off. "And he's the perfect guy to rein her in."

"Shit." He says, the most serious and disappointed look on him. "Now we don't have to go. We basically know the plot."

We both break out into hysterical laughter at that. Not the best thing to do when driving, but it happens.

"N-No, we can still guess some other things." I say, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Like, pfft, I can almost guarantee that it's gonna start off with a shot of both of them walking towards the same place, they smash into each other, and bam. Love. Instantly."

"Yes! That is so gonna happen." He says, smirking.

This continues on for the rest of the drive. Deciding things like the date where everything goes wrong, and he uses the stopwatch to rewind everything, but is stopped when he realizes everything is perfect for her. That the stopwatch would come from a guy in an old antique shop. Most likely from a panda. They're usually portrayed as wise old men. Oh, and throwing the stopwatch away when it won't help him anymore.

Only to realize he never needed the stopwatch. Because he had her heart, or something like that.

We get out of the car quickly, not realizing how long it had actually taken to get to the movies. Traffic is a real bitch. We head straight inside, me already having purchased the tickets online anyway.

"Should we at least get drinks? The popcorn here is stale as hell, and the candy is overpriced."

"Nah. I got us covered." He says, discreetly opening his purse to reveal two waters and a bottle of soda.

"I love you. You know that, right?" I say, smiling and pulling him closer as he puts his smug smile back on. Barely befitting a lady, but he still wore it with grace and dignity. "All that's left is to get the perfect seats."

And that we do. We hurriedly get into the theatre, moving to the back and getting a nice view of the large screen ahead of us. We get comfortable, quietly whispering to one another just how cheesy this whole thing was gonna be. All the while, only a handful of people had entered the movie theatre, even after all the trailers were starting to close out and the lights were dimming.

"Yeah, look here." Danny says, pointing to his phone screen. "It got pretty bad reviews. Weird since most people like cheese balls like this movie."

"Maybe this one is real bad." I say, and he nods in agreement.

The movie starts. The title appears with the backdrop being an overview of the city, skyscrapers glinting with the morning sun, happy, cheery music to go along with the panoramic view. It quickly fades out, revealing-

"Called it." He whispers into my ear. A shot of a business woman in a professional pan-suit. A female tiger, with overtly large breasts of course. It was even more prominent with her clutching papers right under them, phone in the other paw.

The next scene fades in.

"Knew it." I whisper back to him. A guy in a plaid button up, unbuttoned with a white T-shirt underneath, faded jeans too. He was a lion, looking frantic while carrying his toolbox. Clearly taller than the rest of the extras.

Soon, one scene becomes two, a split screen.

"Yup. This might just be boring." I say, smirking deviously over to him. As quietly as I can, I lift up my right paw to my maw, quickly taking them in and covering them in saliva. Wolf spit. It's basically lube.

I do a quick glance around. No one. Everyone else was in front of us.


I stretch my arms out, right until they draped themselves across his shoulders.

"Really? You're doing that?" he says, challenging me to be more original.

"Hahaha." I chuckle softly. "Brace yourself."

"Huh? Brace myself for wh-" I quickly move my hand behind him, sticking it straight down the backside of his skirt and panties. "You better NGHH!" he groans through grit teeth, barely audible thankfully.

I wiggle around my finger, only about a knuckle deep. He twitches. Drama queen, it was only my index finger. He's taken more. At times with barely even spit!

I smile, feeling smug with my accomplishment. He was always trying to be the lead in our sexual endeavors and all, but this time he was completely off guard. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not like I wanted some weird dom sub relationship, though seeing him submissive did get my motors running pretty damn quick. But sometimes it was nice to switch things up from him always being the manipulative seducer, me just angrily going along. Get him out of his comfort zone.

I pull my finger out of him slowly, watching closely as he lets out a shaky sigh, glaring at me. I smile silently, bringing my hand up and sucking my index finger. He blushes. He was always a bit of a pussy when it came to anal stuff. Probably why we had never gone all the way. Well, that's for another day. For now, I slobber all over my finger.

Still wordlessly, I take the finger out of my muzzle, bringing it down again, back into his skirt, into his panties, and into his little tail star. He bites down, trying not to give any reaction. I growl softly, grinning toothily as I gladly accept his challenge, pushing my finger deeper and wiggling it around.

We both turn back to the movie, me still teasing him relentlessly, just barely scratching at his prostate (figuratively, not literally).

"What are you doing you IDIOT!" the tiger lady shouts. "Now I'm going to be late." She says, fuming.

"Oh, s-so sorry." The lion says.

Unexpectedly, the scene continues on. No long gazing, just the tiger grunting and pushing him aside after snatching the papers from his paw, him just kneeling on the floor. Hmm, strange.

Soon enough, we're both actually engrossed into the movie. My hand out of his backside and just draped over his shoulder.

The lion had gone to a café to work on some weird problem with the table. Termite damage. He soon met a cute little Collie girl. Not gorgeous, but with a certain air around her. Average in every sense, but that added to her desirability.

"Can you believe it?" Danny whispers to me. "This movie actually has the balls to put a canine and feline in romantic positions with one another."

It was true. It was never said, but an implied taboo in the movie industry. After all, speciesism was a pretty big issue not too long ago. Hell, I could still get lynched in some parts for being with a fox. Pure Blood Mania. It was that sort of thing.

The movie continues on, of course. After their first date, ending in probably nothing but disasters, including singeing a lot of the lion's butt fur off (long story), he's terrified of losing her.

"Haha, don't worry about it." The collie girl says. Jean is her name. "And . . . I know it's sappy, but here." She hands him an old looking pocket watch. "Keep this for now. As a promise. That we'll always have more time together." And she kisses him. Softly. Quickly. But it had a sense of beauty in it.

"This movie is actually pretty good." I whisper to him.

"Yeah. They're being pretty risky here, but it's paying off." he says. "The strange angles, the lack of cliché and overused tricks, and really interesting characters. Not tropes but . . . average. More organic. That lion is still hot."

"So is that Collie." I say back. We both smile.

Soon enough, he finds out the watch has the power to reverse time, and he abuses it. But only when he's with Jean. I guess Ron had some integrity after all. Ron is the lion, just letting you know.

Soon enough, coffee spilt all over his fur is coffee just barely caught. Sudden rain and wet fur is met with a hidden umbrella. A black out is a candle lit dinner, already pre-prepared and ready to serve.

"Have you noticed?" Danny whispers. I look at him, shaking my head. "The movie started in spring. Warm colors, smiles all around, crowded streets. But now . . . it's winter. Everything's shaded gray or blue. People are scarce. And the ones present look miserable."

"That's . . ."

"Yeah. It's definitely a tone shift. Look at Jean. She isn't even smiling while working." He says. "Something's going to happen." He says, leaning in, holding my paw.

And he was right.

"Ron . . . . That stop watch . . . . Why didn't you ever give it back?" she asks.

"Oh, wh-what stop watch?"

"Ron . . . everyone else might forget what happened . . . but it belonged to me first. Did you really think it would work like that?" she says, looking at him sadly. "Did you think you could just rewind everything until you got it just right? Said what people wanted to hear, what I wanted to hear? That's no different to manipulating me."


"I gave you that as a promise. That we'd have time together." She says, tearing up. "But also as a test."

"Wh-What are you talking about?"

"Would you have trusted me?" she says, looking away. "That's what I wanted to know. Would you have trusted me to take the good with the bad. Would you have trusted me to accept that this world isn't perfect. Would you have trusted me to stay with you, even when the going got rough."

"Jean . . ."

"You obviously don't." she says. "I really did like you. How you were clumsy and silly. Always such a worry wort. But you tried to change yourself into a distant ideal. A fake. Because you were sure I wouldn't love you. And how can I now?"

Silence. Jean is gone. Ron is kneeling on the ground. Head hung low. The movie ends there.

We both get up quietly as the credits play, slowly making our way out.

"God, that movie was terrible." A random badger says outside. He was probably one of the people near the front.

"Yeah, so weird."

I want to say something, but I'm not sure if I could. After all, it really did leave a strange feeling in my gut.

"I mean, what kind of RomCom was that?" someone says, scoffingly.

"It wasn't." I say, impulsively. "It's probably a lot closer to true romance than anything else I've seen in a movie." I say, before turning and leaving, out of the corner of my eye, Danny giving me a really odd look.

We get back into the car.

"Well . . . that was a lot more depressing than I thought it would be."

"Yeah, but . . . I really liked it." I look over to him, and he was smiling contemplatively.

I turn the ignition key-

But it stalls.

"God damn it, not now." I say, trying to turn it again. No such luck. "Time for triple-"

"A walk in the park." He says, interrupting me. "C'mon, it's nice out, tonight. Besides, my apartment's not too far."

"Yeah, sure. I'll just do something about this tomorrow." I say, stepping out along with him. He was right. The moon was full and bright, and the air was just the right amount of cold. A rare event in southern California.

And so we start walking. Taking a few cross walks and entering a park. It looked like we were alone, at the very least.

"This date . . . has been kind of failing so far." I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Hmmm . . . I wouldn't say that." He says, chuckling. "We got to talk a lot. We got to watch a great movie. I got to dress up." My tail wags a little, and I laugh.

"Haha, yeah you really did." I say. "I still wonder why that movie got such bad ratings.

"Did you like the movie?" he asks, suddenly.

"Yeah . . . and no. Leaves a strange feeling in my gut." I say. "It was . . . graceful. Maybe beautiful. But it isn't something that sits well."

"Haha, yeah. I guess that's the normal reaction to tragedies." He says.

"Tragedy?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says. "Someone once said that a tragedy need not contain bloodshed, gore, or death. Only the graceful sadness we have come to take pleasure in."

"And who was this someone?" I ask, nudging him.

"I don't remember. It was a Criminal Minds quote." He says, shrugging. We both laugh. "Heh, you know, this would actually be a pretty good scene for an episode. At least the introduction."

"What do you mean? Never watched the show."

"Okay, first of all, second date is going to be binge watching that shit." He says aggressively. "And getting back to the topic, each episode starts with an introduction scene. A person or persons who are doing something seemingly innocent, and then either one of them, or both of them are kidnapped or killed, or they discover the body."

"If you can really boil down an episode to that specificity, is it even worth watching anymore?"

"That's the fun part of it." He says, tail wagging. "It seems so formulaic, so easily tiresome and boring, but it isn't! They kind of embrace it . . . their limitations."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, an artist's worst fear has to be overusing something, or becoming predictable. Having a system that can be used to predict what's going to happen. But Criminal Minds has done kind of the opposite."

"It's made itself really formulaic and predictable?"

"In it's structure, yes. The intro of the crime, the scene of the agents interacting, debriefing, case arrival and confusion, personal drama, viewer discovery followed by a breakthrough, search and possibly rescue, and then the happy end, closing it off with a scene of the agents again. Hell, they even usually have an opening and closing quote."

"That seems like it would be boring."

"But eleven seasons later, it isn't!" he almost shouts. "Because of this strict formula, they've concocted some of the most brilliant crimes, the craziest cases, the most dramatic scenarios, and best of all because they have less to worry in the format, they can really show how the characters feel. And it makes it all the more dramatic when they break their system. Suddenly you seem so lost. This isn't Criminal Minds! But it is! It mind fucked you!"

"You seem . . . really into it." I say, smiling at his enthusiasm.

"It's a great show. From a drama standpoint, a scientific standpoint, a philosophical standpoint, a tragic standpoint . . ."

"Maybe obsessive."

"Shut up." He says, punching my side.

"Never." I say, looking over to him, giving him a toothy grin. He looks away, ears twitching and turning red. "Hey, we're almost out of the park."

"Yeah, my apartment is just up the street, too."

"Twenty bucks says we get mugged before we get home." I say.

"If we get mugged, isn't this whole bet kind of a moot point?"

"Don't try to bring logic into gambling." I say, pouting.

"Yeah, we're never going to Vegas together." He says, letting out a sigh.

"Wow, planning a big trip like that? I never even said yes to the third date."

"Mhm, but you said yes to a whole lotta other stuff. Dirty dog."

"Didn't hear much complainin." I say,

"Oh, wipe that smug fucking grin off your face." He says, trying to shove me away.

"What, was I too good?" I say, smugness intensifying.

"Please, you were like a little baby gazelle trying to walk for the first time." He says, skipping ahead of me, tail swishing about. "All clumsy and messy."

"And I still got you moaning like a little bitch." I say, growling.

"Oh really? I got you mewling like a virgin pup." He says, grinning, eyes glinting. "As I recall, it went something like 'Oh please don't stop, oh god!'." He says in a high pitched voice.

"Sh-Shut up!" I say, ears pressing back and face burning. "A-Anyway, we're here."

"Hm?" Danny turns around to the sight of his apartment building. "Oh yeah. Here."

We both get inside, silent. I had made sure to get permission to stay overnight, of course. And it wasn't like we hadn't planned do something like this afterwards, but . . . it was weird. It was our first date, and coming here after hanging out in public for so long seemed a bit blindsiding.

"S-So . . ." I stammer.

He fidgets, ears back and red, looking down at his paws.

"Should . . . uh, should we-"

He interrupts me. Not with a snarky comment, but with a small glance back and gently grabbing my hand. "C'mon." he says. He leads me straight to his room, bed still neatly made, pitcher of water and glasses on the nightstand. He was planning for something like this alright.

"Get on the bed." He says, softly, letting go of my hand as I walk past him.

This wasn't really like him. He liked to take control, yeah, but not so bluntly. He liked to be manipulative. But this was . . . straightforward. Dare I say genuine? It was a bit scary, to be honest.

He looks to the side and starts stripping. I gulp. The room was still dark. Only the small window in the corner letting in pale blue moonlight.

I can see his ears pin back, turning red. He grabs his shirt finally and pulls it up, revealing an actual bra, stuffed with tissue. He quickly unsnaps it, letting it fall to the ground quickly and inelegantly.

Soon his skirt and the lace panties follow suit. Crumpling to the floor in a small little bundle. He steps out, stands there, looking down at nothing.

It was too fast to be a strip tease, but too slow to be said to be eager. But there was an air of new eroticism to it. More likely, for some reason, there was an understanding between us. That this was new territory, for some reason. My heart skips a beat. I gulp.

I reach out and grab his paw firmly, pulling him closer. He complies, without any argument. I take my paws and start to run them over his body. He cringes, eyes closing as if in pain. But I knew it was more from embarrassment.

I run my paws down his chest. Over his nipples, barely protruding from his fur, and over his stomach, rounded and pleasant. His pelt was always soft and warm. It was as if he were some luxurious expense I could never afford. As if he was a rarity to be preserved. I go lower, to his sheath, filled but not enough to be said to be hard.

I gently cup his balls and pull the sheath back, he shivers. I lick my lips, drawn in. To him.

"H-Hey, you should strip to." He says, breathing hard already. I smile.

"Why don't you help me, then?" I say, leaning back.

"Just do it." He says, with a surprising amount of seriousness. My pulse quickens. Tension heavy in the air.

I nod, standing up and stripping off. Like him, I'm not fast or slow. But now I guess I know why he chose this tempo. He, like me, was hesitant.

We both look at each other, standing in front of one another, almost toe to toe. I was taller than him. Almost by a head. But he stood tall, as always, never ready to stand down.

He lets out a shaky breath, putting his paw on my chest, pushing back until I was sitting on the bed again, and he continued until I was lying on my back. He still pushes, until I'm resting on the pillows.

He climbs on. Right until he was above me, moonlight gently falling over him.


"Daniel." I mirror.

"I . . . I want to tell you something." He says, ears standing straight, but red as ever.


"I trust you." He says.


He whimpers quietly. "Mark. I trust you." He says.

"I do too?"

He groans, frustrated, and reaches over, grabs something from under the pillow, and then grabs my hand, lying limp near the side of my head.

"I trust you . . ." he says, gripping my paw, putting whatever he had in it.

I look over to it, seeing a bottle of lube. "Oh. Oh!"

"Yes! "Oh!" you big dummy!" he says, shouting as he slaps me on the chest. "What did you think I meant?!"

"I don't know, something more serious or important?" I ask. He slaps my chest again. "Ow! Hey!"

"What do you mean serious or important?!" he says, mockingly. "This is extremely important! It's, I-It's my first time!"

"Well, yeah, but you were so stoic, it got me nervous. Like you were gonna show me your secret sex dungeon or something." I say, letting out a relieved sigh. "God damn, there was so much tension I could barely breathe!"

"Y-Yeah, well it's still tense for me." He says, sitting up, facing the window, and of course, away from me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"What's wrong is you have a behemoth of a cock and I don't really know if I can take it."

"Then why not wait until later? What we've been doing has worked just fine." I say, sitting up behind him.

He turns around. At least his head, so he's looking at me, but only partially. "I . . . I trust you . . . not to hurt me."

I smile, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you." I say, pulling him against me. "Do you still want to?"

"Yes." He says, more sure of himself this time.

"Okay." I say, rubbing my paws through his fur.

I turn him around in my arms, forcing him to face me. I hold him close, and he puts his arms around me. I reach behind me, grabbing the bottle of lube.

"Now I'm not going to lie. It's gonna hurt. A lot. That being said, I have indeed gotten people to take this "behemoth" as you put it." I say, popping open the bottle and extracting some lube for my fingers. "You should also know I've gotten virgins to take this thing. And take it they did."

"Gross." He says.

"I've also gotten them to do anal."

"Fucking Hell, Mark!" he shouts, slapping me upside the head while I laugh. "I do not want to hear about your perverse sexscapades with slutty, horny cheerleaders!"

"No, no, no. Not cheerleaders. It's the religious ones."

". . . What?" he asks.

"Yeah, they're always the hungriest for it. I mean, wow. That girl who's always preaching that sex is only for marriage?"


"Plowed her in freshman year."

"No, you fucking didn't!" he says, laughing now.

"Yeah, her chastity ring is real ironic. Especially since every now and then she tries to get with me."

"Hahaha! Fucking knew that slut was full of it!" he basically shouts, laughing.

"Hehe, and you know what?"

"What?" he asks, drawing his head back and looking at me.

"You're not nervous anymore."

He looks at me, wide eyed, then just chuckles, nuzzling me. I nuzzle back.

"Look, it isn't that much different from before. Just . . . go with it. Let me take the lead."

". . . Okay." He says, nodding his head.

I take a glob of lube on my already coated fingers. I spread him with one paw, slathering the lube over his tail star with the other.

We don't look at each other. His head was against mine while I nuzzled him. I focus on the sounds he makes.

He lets out a shaky breath when I slide in a finger, a low moan when I slip in another. I slip them all the way to the second knuckle, pushing for the third as he gasps.

I massage his stretched hole, sliding in and out, undulating my fingers and wiggling them, still holding him spread open.

I lower myself for just a little more reach, kissing and nibbling his shoulder and neck now. He moans shakily, underneath a heavy breath. I slide in my fingers all the way now, and he shivers, grabbing my fur in bunches.

Slowly, I wiggle my fingers around and find his little nut, pressing and rubbing against it, eliciting an immediate response of him shaking, gripping my fur harder, and pressing far back down on my hands. I smirk.

There was something infinitely satisfying about being able to control someone like this. To have someone putty in your paws. I lightly bite down on his shoulder as I slip in the third finger, making him moan loudly.

I wait for him to adjust for a little while, then going straight back to my routine. Wiggling, spreading, and now even adding some twisting in there. All the while still pressing against that special button of his, making him grind his cock against my fur, matting it down with his pre.

I was hard too, feeling him clench down, inside those hot depths. I could almost imagine it now, spreading him, feeling that heat wrap around me, clenching down. Bet he'd be tighter than chastity girl.

I slowly slip in the fourth, and he gasps, tightening his grip around me. But he doesn't complain. He probably knows that this isn't gonna be easy.

I pull out my paw, pouring on some more lube and slipping back inside him.

"Whoa there, don't need to fist me now." He says, chuckling nervously.

"Yeah. Save that for the second date."

"As if you'll get one." He says. I keep massaging his insides, making him squirm and moan, gripping tighter and tighter.

"Fisting you while watching Criminal Minds sounds like a perfect date to me.

"Nnngh, I-I think I'm ready." He says, shivering.

"You're horny." I say firmly, taking out my paw and reapplying some more lube. "Like I said, let me take the lead . . . I want this to be special."

"And nothing says special like f-fucking, four fingers up your ass, right?" he says as I reenter him, twisting and wiggling fingers and all.

We continue on like this. Him grinding against me, me just slowly working him open, making sure that he had enough lube back there.

He was panting, leaking pre like a faucet at this point, and I can't remember a time when he was this worked up. But then again I wasn't much better. At this point, there was a small puddle of pre on the bed, running down my cock as it was pressed firmly against the ass that I was working so hard to get into.

"Okay . . . I think you're good." I say to him, leaning back. "Are you ready?"

"Been ready." He says, eyes burning with passion. I'd get them to that glassy, foggy, pleasured look in no time.

I pull my fingers out of him, wiping them off on the side of the bed. I then take the bottle of lube, putting a generous amount on the end half, letting it drip and fall to the rest of it.

I move my hands, spreading him with both as he grips my shoulders.

"Go slow." He whispers.

"I know." I say, kissing his collar bone.

I lower him down, my tip pressing against his currently virgin tail star. He gasps as I enter him, pushing in the thin tip, the girth quickly widening across the first few inches.

I slow down, but I don't stop, letting him fall lower and lower. Two inches.

He bites his lips as I stretch him further. Three inches.

I press into him now, nibbling on his neck, whispering dirty nothings to him. Four inches.

He tightens his grip on me, holding me in a vice as I press much harder and much firmer into his prostate than teasing fingers could. Five inches.

"Mm, god you're tight." I say, moaning from the intense sensation. "Tightest one yet." Six inches.

"Sh-Shut up." He whimpers, his cock still rock solid, leaking out so much pre I would have thought he was cumming. Seven inches.

"Never. Such a hot ass . . . mm, god how can I not tell the other boys about this? Such a good fucking lay." I whisper into his ear, growling. "Then again, I think I'll keep you my little secret forever. Make sure I'm the only one who gets to enjoy this." Eight inches.

Finally, he's in my lap, sitting right on my knot, already formed.

He's probably thinking something along the lines of "Oh god, I got a foot of dick inside me." But to me size didn't really matter.

I run my hands across his body, making him shiver and shake, almost violently.

I smirk. Even if I only had four inches, I could make him cum hands free no problem.

I cup his cheek with one paw, making him look at me. He had a smug look on his face that screamed "See? You're not that big. I took you no problem."

I want to suddenly thrust up into him. To make that face contort in pain and pleasure. To make him scream like that chastity girl. To make him beg for me to stop because he's cum way too much like that girl from chem. To turn that pretty little face into a drooling, cum coated mess, like bitchy Charlotte.

I snort, pulling him towards me and kissing him gently. I can show off my skills later.

I take a lazy pace, just pressing his lips against mine until he opens slowly. I only use my tongue teasingly, letting him go further and add his own.

With my other hand on his hip, I guide him, lifting his hips up. He moans, gripping hard and clenching down on me as he slides out, his tail thrashing about wildly. He falls the same way, slowly, legs shaking, panting against my muzzle as I grind against his nut.

I might not actually last that long. He was tight. And hot. Ridiculously so in both aspects. And he seemed to be trying to draw me further in, which is a nice change of pace. Usually it feels like they're doing nothing but trying to push me out.

I bite the side of his muzzle, slowly pushing up into him to meet him half way there, grinding my hips, changing the angle, making him stagger. He of course tries to outdo me, gyrating his hips and trying to lift up faster, falling just a bit harder back, adding an extra deep grind for extra measure.

I growl, the intense sensation wanting me to go all out, to let loose and just destroy that pretty little ass of his. I thrust up into him, a lot harder than before, and he lets out this cross between a yelp and a moan, his cock shooting out a much larger glob of pre on that one.

I draw him close to me, arms around him as I start to nibble at his ears now, pulling him forward until I was lying on my back, him right above me.

"A-Any particular reason for the sudden change?"

"Yeah." I say, pushing into him a lot more firmly than before. I angle it just right, grinding his prostate hard. He shakes, violently, throwing his head back and moaning. I groan, he's still tight as a vice. "Mmm, cause I can fuck you a lot harder this way."

I don't let up. I thrust back into him, harder and deeper than before, and definitely upping the pace of it. He almost buckles, but he keeps pushing back, as if this wasn't his first time. But like hell if I'm gonna let him one-up me.

I keep nibbling on his ears, every now and then taking more in, licking deeper in. He groans, shivering as he grinds against my knot, his paws gripping fistfuls of the blanket.

Soon the tempo begins to build, at least to the pace where you can call it hard fucking. I pull him closer, making it harder for him to move, but easier to hit all those sweet spots of his. I'm gonna need to. I don't know if I can last much longer. He's so tight, and it's like he's fucking massaging my dick with that amazing ass.

I growl, letting go of his ear as I let my instincts take further hold of me. I grip onto him, changing from long and heavy thrusts to a shorter piston fuck. He doesn't complain. Instead he growls back, barking and pushing back, grinding hard against the knot when he gets the chance.

He's torn the sheets by now, and we had basically gone full feral, barking and snapping at each other, drool dripping down from his snarling maw, my claws raking down his back. We only got more intense from that moment, going faster, harder, deeper, each thrust sinking in my knot just a little more.

He moans, unrestricted, his dick spraying pre like a little fire hose now, making a mess of everything, knot fully engorged and looking ready to burst. I could grab it. I could jerk him off and have him cum all over me. I'll probably lose it once he starts tightening down, and it's not like I can't just knot him later.

I grin evilly. No, I want his first time to be _real_special. Hands free. The best mind blowing fucking orgasm in his life. I snarl, still smirking deviously as I change my thrusts, now pulling out almost all the way before violently thrusting back in, grinding the softball sized knot against him.

I don't let up, and evidently he doesn't either, pushing back to try to meet me half way. This has to be the best fuck yet, but it could be so much better. I want to have him beg and worship my cock. I want him to remember this so much that he cums right when he sees me. I want him to fucking scream out my name, pull out my fur, get so light headed he almost falls unconscious because I fucked him hard to orgasm.

My knot's sunk halfway in now, and I push all that I can to get that fucker in him. He grips hard onto me, shaking as he leans down and bites my shoulder. My toes curl at the sudden sharp pain, making me groan, balls tightening up. Shit, it wouldn't be long now.

I pull out and thrust back in, making him bite down harder, piercing the skin. I moan loudly, pulling out and thrusting again, grabbing paw-fulls of his velvety fur. I pull out, and with all the strength I can muster up, I push back until, slamming down into him until-


He throws his head back, screaming in pure, unadulterated ecstasy as he clenches down on my quickly inflating knot, locking us together.

I pull him back down, returning his love bite with my own as I start piston fucking him, balls drawing up and toes curling as I feel him start to fucking milk my cock.

He screams again, I can feel his dick start throbbing and shooting out his cum all over me, landing all the way up my chest, hitting my chin, coating me and oozing onto him as he rubs his entire body onto me, convulsing violently as he thrusts, rubs, and grinds into me.

And I lose it, the feeling of that already tight ass gripping down so hard it almost hurts, literally feeling like he was trying to draw out the cum out of me.

I give one final push, sinking myself as deep into him as physically possible and letting go, cock throbbing as I unload what has to be a gallon of virile wolf cum into his phenomenal ass.

I grip onto him, growling and biting harder as I keep piston fucking him, unable to stop myself, the intense pleasure overwhelming all of my senses.

He shivers as I fill him up, and we hold each other close, undulating and grinding against each other as our orgasms finally taper off, holding onto one another as we come down from what was no doubt the greatest high we've ever felt thus far.

I let go of his shoulder, panting and licking it softly, light headed from cumming so damn hard. Harder than my first time, and that's saying something.

We both roll to the side so we were both sideways, still holding one another as close as possible. He buries his face into the crook of my neck, still breathless. I put my face against his head and breathe in.

Even sweaty, he still smelled amazing. Probably even better. He had a musky smell. It wasn't at all like any female before, though it had an almost sweet edge to it. But it was one I preferred to any other scent.

I do an assessment of our surroundings. The room itself was hot and oddly humid, the smell of sex and cum pungent in the air. The sheets had deep gouges in them and was soaked in various bodily fluids, but it was probably fine. I glance down between us, and chuckle as I see we're both liberally coated in cum. The fox could shoot with the best of them, that's for sure.

"H-Hey, you okay?" I ask, still breathing heavy.

"Y. . . Yeah." He says, panting just as hard as me.

"Good." I say, closing my eyes and holding him close, just enjoying the afterglow for a few seconds. "Okay . . . g-gonna lift us up now."

"Wh- Eeep!" he yelps as I grab him, roll us over onto my back, and stand up. He groans from me grinding around in him. "H-Hey!" he complains.

"We need to clean up. You came a lot and I don't want us spending all morning to clean it up." I say, licking his face almost apologetically.

Soon enough, I'm gingerly stepping into the shower with already warming water, and he's scrubbing the cum out of our fur while I just hold him up.

"Hey, aren't you gonna get tired?" he asks. Was that concern I just heard?

"Don't worry. I'm an athlete. Endurance is our specialty." I say, grinning smugly.

"Mhm, yeah. Sure." He says, looking away with this kind of shit eating grin.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say flatly.

"Well, you were kind of early."

"You came before me, hands free. And the average time for a normal person is five to ten minutes, and we both lasted _a lot_longer than that." I say, growling at the challenge to my masculinity.

"Yeah, but this was my first time, and you've had plenty of experience, sooooo . . ." he gives this kind of shrug, with the smuggest, shit-eat-iest smirk he can possibly give. You know the troll face? Yeah, almost like that, except less derpy.

". . . Okay." I say, reaching down and turning off the water. I then turn around. And slam the fucker against the shower wall. He yelps. "Hold on you little shit. I'm gonna show you exactly why I could get chastity girl to come to me. Begging."

Danny gulps. But he also smiles excitedly, eyes glinting mischievously.

I dump him unceremoniously on the bed. The fucker doesn't even react. He just keeps on snoring, wolf cum still leaking out of him, but at least his stomach wasn't distended anymore. Not as much, anyway.

I walk to the nightstand with the water and the cups, pouring myself a tall glass.

"Hey, pour me one too." I sigh, pouring a second one and handing it to him. He drinks it all, letting out a sigh before tossing the empty plastic cup to some random part of the room. "And before you ask, yes, I just wanted you to carry me to bed."

I growl, finishing a second cup before getting into bed.

God damn it. I had to do everything from cleaning us off to changing the bed sheets. After the whole shower thing, I really did think cumming another few times would have really tired him out. The fucker was just being lazy of course.

I pull up the blanket, staring up at the blank ceiling. But I don't have time to get lost in my thoughts.

Danny cuddles up next to me, arms around me, tail curled on my leg. I let out a sigh, turning towards him and holding him close.

Love you, Jack ass . . .

The Jock

Oh gosh, this is so awkward. I glance up at him, and he's just lying on my bed, book held in one hand, not a care in the world. Just great, out of every person I could have gotten partnered up with for this project, I get this dumb ass. "So . . ....

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Bad texting

Slaps. Slaps right on the ass. That was the main thing I wasn't expecting today, though I really should have. "Nice job bro!" \*slap\* "Woof Woof!" \*slap\* "Nice work out there!" \*slap\* Fucking hell, why did they ever introduce such a...

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1st Nightmare- Candy

Book of Lies- Nightmare Lies beget other lies. And soon, another story is born. Though I only wish these were lies. That is the point of this story, I suppose. The Book of Lies. Because in a way, every single character in this book, wishes that the...

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