Stage Fright [F / Pig]

Story by Lycandope on SoFurry

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A young woman and her friend are unwitting entertainment in a new club.

Note: I made this one specifically for a reader. I needed another quick little story and figured why not give one to someone that has taken the time to write detailed reviews of my stories over time. I don't normally do full animal TFs but hopefully the story hasn't suffered for that lack of practice!

Bright neon lights reflected in small puddles at the side of grimy roads, the light vibrating in miniature waves before being broken by a car swerving too close to the curb. Chelsea and Hazel walked near the seemingly endless rows of shops, away from the road and passing traffic. The rain had stopped sometime earlier but the humidity seemed to pull the water from everywhere and nowhere. Chelsea felt dampness in her armpits despite the antiperspirant she'd covered herself in earlier.

"I hate being out in this," Chelsea complained. The young woman wiped sweat from her brow, flicking it to the side with a well manicured nail. The heat was oppressive and, with the rain from earlier, the entire downtown was a sauna. All she wanted to do was go home, turn up the air conditioning and soak in cool water. Her thighs were starting to rub together painfully.

"Come on, come on!" Hazel said, pulling her friend along. "Aaron is waiting for us. You have no idea how long I've wanted to see this club!"

"You could've waited longer," Chelsea told her friend. "And why couldn't we have gotten a ride? This is killing me. You haven't even mentioned this guy before."

Hazel rolled her eyes at her friend. "I only just met him last week. Trish and I were at Tindal's for shots and he came over with his friend. They bought half of them. Both of them were so handsome and funny, Chelsea, you have no idea."

"You sure that wasn't the Fireball talking?" Chelsea asked her friend. She pulled at her hair to tuck a few frazzled strands back under her hairband. The air felt electric, pulsing with heat and moisture. She felt it pulling at the small hairs along the back of her neck as a single drop of sweat formed and then fell. The young woman shivered as the sweat slid along her spine.

"No, no. He sent pictures later. Absolutely hot," Hazel blushed next to her friend at the memory. The pictures were of the two of them in bed. She hadn't remembered much of what they'd done when they went back to her apartment but the photos helped remind her. "Anyway, no ride because the GPS couldn't find the club. It's too new or something. Doesn't show up on the map."

"Should be close, at least," Chelsea grumbled. "His friend's not there, right? The one Trish met?"

"No, I asked," Hazel told her friend, laying a hand on the other girl's arm lightly. "Just Aaron. I'm not passing my friends around to all these guys. I just didn't want to go alone. Look! We're here!"

The two girls stopped in front of a simple black door with a large, twisted chrome door handle. 'REFLECTIONS' was written in silver block letters above the door.

Chelsea frowned. "I don't hear anything. And there's no bouncer. You sure it's even open?"

"One way to find out!" Hazel chirped. The young woman pulled at the door and it opened quietly. The thick air seemed to swirl around them, cool currents mixing with the oppressive heat. Chelsea shivered as it washed over her and then she followed her friend inside.

"Hazel," Chelsea whispered, clutching at her friend. "Wait."

The inside of the club was empty and completely silent. A single, gigantic man stood by another door set in the far wall. Pale red lights lined the edge of the ceiling, barely casting any light at all. The man was dressed in a pure black suit,complete with a black tie. He was clean shaven and his scalp was bare. He watched the two women impassively, hands clasped together behind his back.

Hazel shrugged free of her friend, digging her small hand into her purse. She pulled out a deep black card and walked toward the bouncer. He took the card from her with a hand the size of Chelsea's head. Thick, callused fingers turned the card over once and then twice. The word 'REFLECTIONS' was the only thing on the card and it, like the writing above the door outside, was silver. Only here it seemed to drink in the ambient red lighting.

Without a word, the man opened the inner door to let the two girls through. Electronic music assailed them, bass thumping while nearly inaudible singing clashed with the computer generated sounds.

Stairs led immediately down and Chelsea could not see the bottom from where she stood.

"No," Chelsea said, again grabbing for her friend. "This feels wrong. I don't want to go down there."

Hazel smiled at the man but glanced at her friend. "I'm going. Look, I'll be there the whole time and we'll keep each other safe. Come on, don't make me go alone."

The young woman pulled at the simple gold hoop at her right earlobe. She shivered again at the cool air in the empty room, her sweat cold beneath her loose top and skirt. Silence fell suddenly and she heard voices below, laughing and yelling and swearing. They were overwhelmed as the music started again. Hazel stepped through the doorway, walking carefully down the steps in her heels. Chelsea groaned and followed.

The music shook her to her core. It wasn't painful but it seemed to resonate through her skull, deep in her bones. Flickering purple, red, white and green colors swirled at the base of the stairs. Light smoke swirled along the floor as people passed in front of the stairway.

"I don't like this," Chelsea whispered to herself. She couldn't even hear her own voice. Stepping out into the basement, the young woman stopped to look around. It was far larger than she expected. Booths lined the walls with small round tables dotting the floor. The bar was to her left with two women and a man covering it, walking back and forth and mixing drinks for people.

A low stage dominated the room. Directly in front of the stairs, the semicircular stage was empty and dark, save for a few brief touches from the overhead laser lights. Four metal poles were arrayed along the stage, gleaming in the ambient light. Behind the stage, the entire wall was a mirror and she saw herself staring, wide eyed at everything around her.

"I don't see Aaron yet," Hazel yelled into Chelsea's ear. "Let's grab a table and get some drinks going while we wait!"

Chelsea nodded and followed her friend. Her shoulders itched. Every time she glanced at the huge mirrored wall, she was sure she caught people staring at her. The two girls stopped at a tall table. Chelsea clutched her small purse to her side before sitting.

Hazel tapped her friend and then pointed at the bar and Chelsea nodded. It wasn't long before Hazel returned with two large drinks. Chelsea grabbed the drink and sipped nervously, surprised at the sweetness of it.

"I asked the bartender," Hazel told her, the girl's lips practically brushing Chelsea's ear. "There's no show tonight. I guess we came in on off night or something. Kinda shitty but the drinks are really cheap so I don't care. And the music is good!"

Hazel shifted in her seat, swaying her body to the beat while she drank from her glass. Her bracelets clattered together and she mouthed along with the few lyrics, eyes closed as she lost herself in the atmosphere of the club.

Still eyeing everyone around her nervously, Chelsea drank deeply, tasting the faint pineapple flavor mixed with... rum? She wondered. Halfway through her drink, she suddenly realized what else was bothering her: nobody was coming up to their table. She saw plenty of single men but, aside from the occasional glance, none of them bothered her or Hazel. A large part of her was relieved at the lack of attention but another part felt insulted. She knew she was pretty and usually had plenty of men hitting on her everywhere else she went.

Chelsea tossed back her drink and then frowned at the empty glass. She hadn't realized she'd finished it. She could feel the alcohol in her cheeks, warming her and relaxing her incrementally.

"Good, right," Hazel yelled in her ear again. Chelsea could smell the alcohol on her friend's breath. "And they're only two dollars! I'm going to get more so hold down the fort!"

Hazel danced away from the table, smiling at the men and women that crossed her path. Chelsea watched her go, jealous at her friend's ability to be so easy going. She had no idea how she did it but the other woman was always like that. The girl chatted with a couple at the bar while toying with her ponytail. All three laughed at some joke and then Hazel grabbed the large drinks the bartender (one of the girls) set before her.

The music changed again and Chelsea found herself tapping her nails along with the beat. The cool air flowing through the club caressed her bare legs and she uncrossed them to let her thighs breathe. When Hazel set a glass down in front of her, she immediately took another sip. This one tasted of berries and cinnamon and cloves.

"It's Aaron!" Hazel yelled, tugging at Chelsea's arm.

Chelsea turned and stared. Aaron was gorgeous. The man sported a light beard covering a strong jaw with eyes that seemed to stare deep into your soul. His hair was slicked forward into a short peak and held in place with something that glistened in the shifting light. His grin was fast and easy and he spotted Hazel immediately.

Introductions were made and Chelsea blushed when the man turned to her. He was incredibly handsome and his warm, firm handshake sent shivers down the young woman's arm. Hazel and Aaron spoke closely and intimately, stealing kisses while their hands explored each other. Chelsea blushed again, focusing down at her drink until she finished it. She made to stand to get another one when a young man, dressed all in white, took her empty glass from her, replacing it with a full one.

"With compliments," the server told her before walking away. Chelsea looked up at her friend and then quickly away when she noticed Hazel's shirt undone and Aaron's hand inside her friend's wire bra.

Chelsea looked around again. The room spun slightly but she didn't feel drunk. Just. Relaxed. Calm. And yet, excited as well. Her face and chest were flushed red from the drink and the energy pouring through the club. The music worked through her now - no longer rattling her skull but, instead, pulling at her. Calling to her. She saw a few men look back at her with interest but none made a move to her table. She toyed with her hair and loosened a button on her blouse in encouragement.

"Going to the bathroom," Hazel slurred into Chelsea's ear. Chelsea jumped, unaware that her friend was standing so close to her. She swayed back, focusing on her friend's glazed eyes and fixed grin. "With Aaron."

Pulling at the man's arm, Hazel led the way to a doorway covered by a black curtain. Chelsea hadn't noticed the bathroom until now. She frowned at her drink. It was half gone but had she had any of it? Was-

"Miss," a voice called from her side. Chelsea turned to see the man in white again. He was oddly plain. Forgettable, even. Not ugly but just not remarkable. Despite the pounding music, Chelsea heard him quite clearly. She readied herself to turn him down, glancing at a much more handsome man sitting near the empty stage.

"Miss, if you'd follow me?" The man gestured towards her.

Chelsea frowned. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Oh, yes," the man answered. "I just need you to follow me for a moment, please."

"I-" Chelsea found herself standing without being aware of it.

"Your purse will be looked after, miss," the man assured her. "Have no fear."

Still frowning, Chelsea followed after the man. He led her through the crowd to stand beside the stage. The young woman was unaware that every conversation had stopped. She glanced at the stage and then back to the man.

"We thought," the man told her. "That perhaps you would do us the honor of dancing for us."

"Oh," Chelsea said, backing away slightly. "No, absolutely not. I can't- I don't dance. Not like this. I'm not a-"

"Oh, of course not," the man replied quickly. "We simply noticed you alone and thought that, surely, a woman as beautiful as you are should be admired. We'd be honored if you would perform for us tonight."

A loud cheer rang out from everyone. Some clapped while others stood and called out for her to go on stage. Chelsea blinked slowly, blushing at the attention. She had no problems dancing in clubs but only with a partner among other people. She'd never danced for others and the idea of it was alarming. Yet, she felt the beat pulling to her again. Warmth spread through her, down to her core, buzzing through her head.

Why not? She wondered. She was pretty. She knew she was. Maybe then they'd all see and she wouldn't be left alone at her table. She glanced again at the man in front of the stage and then looked down, blushing as he cupped his hands to his mouth, calling for her to dance for them.

Before she lost her nerve, she pushed herself forward onto the small stairs leading up to the stage. The crowd roared in front of her and she nearly stumbled before catching herself. She saw herself in the mirrored wall but quickly looked away. She felt too self conscious to watch herself.

The young woman glanced at the crowd. She felt a thrill standing in front of them. A blast of emotions and energy rushed through her - something she'd never felt before. The excitement pulsed through her, pooling in her lower belly and she gasped, biting her lip at the sudden arousal she felt. She wondered, briefly, if she'd always been a bit of an exhibitionist but had just never realized it until that moment.

She'd seen women pole dance before and her friend Jessica even took lessons - for fitness. But, she'd never done it herself. Chelsea reached out, gripping the center pole. It was warm in her hands. Smooth. She stared at it for a moment before her body found the rhythm of the song. She started simply, leaning forward slightly to shake her hips, twisting back and forth. Someone whistled loudly, their voice swallowed by the music and she smiled, shoving her ass out suddenly for them before standing up again.

Small white hairs pushed through the skin at the back of her neck. The wispy hairs grew long, crossing over each other until more joined them in a short line that tapered down to stop at her shoulders. Her long, curly black hair brushed against the light growth of fur to send shivers down her spine.

Chelsea twisted, dropping quickly into a squat before rising up with her ass out to the crowd. They roared for her and she wriggled her hips back and forth, unaware that she was flashing her panties at them. She spread her thighs and leaned forward, moving back and forth, arching her back before slowly pulling herself back up to stand.

The young woman put her hands on her hips, massaging the light ache she felt there. It was a good ache. A pleasurable one that throbbed in time with her heartbeat, deep within her body. She just felt so good. Her hands explored lightly, grabbing her ass before reaching up. Her fingers brushed the light fur along her neck and then into her hair. She grabbed her hairband and pulled, freeing her hair before tossing the band aside.

Bones clicked beneath her hips. Chelsea turned, grabbing the pole above her head as she pushed her ass against the metal. She rocked back and forth, the motion soothing the light pain she suddenly felt while also pressing against the heat building between her thighs.

The young woman wrinkled her nose and grunted as the thick metal pole pressed against her sex. Skin bulged over the band of her skirt as her hips swelled. Fat deposits growing deep within. Her ass slowly grew to fill the skirt and her thighs thickened, enveloping the pole. Chelsea thrust herself against the metal, grunting loudly again. Her skirt strained to contain her new girth, lifting to expose her ass cheeks.

Still holding the pole, the young woman lowered herself into a crouch, head back. She spread her thick thighs and the bottom of her skirt slid up her legs to completely expose her green panties. The fabric was darkened now, with her sweat and her excitement. She thrust herself at the crowd, opening her legs as they swelled. The panties pulled tight and the young woman licked her lips at the sensation.

Cheers rang out from the crowd and she eyed them through a haze, smiling at all of them. The cool air felt so good to her swollen sex.

Chelsea went to her knees, her heels clacking to the ground. The straps of her shoes strained as her feet shifted. Fine white hairs sprouted from the top of her feet and along her toes while her feet began to swell. The young woman went to her hands and knees, laughing as she exposed her cleavage. The buttons of her shirt strained against her breasts. She massaged them, heedless of the overt sexuality of the gesture. Slowly, she ran her hands down her stomach, fingers tracing along ten sore points forming in two lines on her stomach.

Licking her lips, Chelsea's fingers dipped down between her legs and she shivered at her touch. Further, she gripped her thighs, fingers digging into her now large, soft skin. She turned, arching her back just as her panties snapped from the strain of her growing bulk. Her pussy, glistening in the lights lay exposed to the cheering, clapping crowd. Chelsea nosed at the pole, grunting as she spread herself open to all of them. Her lips swelled at her touch, pushing slowly from her body.

Gripping the pole, Chelsea pulled herself up. She saw herself in the mirror and a cold spike of panic stabbed through her belly. Her skirt was pulled up tight against her hips, skin bulging around the fabric. Her thighs were thick and smooth and her sex was completely exposed. She could see her pussy between her thighs - the lips were dark and swollen and slick. Her belly bulged beneath her blouse and two dark spots were visible above the band of her skirt. She watched as those two spots twisted to form two large nipples that puckered in the cool air. She could feel them tighten on her body. Pain pinched deep beneath them as new milk ducts formed.

Chelsea glanced toward the side of the stage, looking for the man that brought her up. Instead, she saw Aaron walking with Hazel. Her friend, who prided herself on fitness and her looks, waddled happily after him on fat legs. Hazel's shirt was gone and both of her breasts were free of her bra. The girl's face was swollen and her nose was nearly flat, the nostrils pointing forward. Large, floppy ears hung at the side of her face.

"S- something's wrong!" Chelsea cried out. She looked out at the crowd, expecting panic but, instead, saw all of them cheering and calling out for more. She tried to cover herself but, instead, found her fingers working at the remaining buttons of her blouse. "N-no!"

"Chelsea," Hazel called as she came up on stage. "Look at you up here. I hope you don't mind if I join you. I just feel sooo good and hot and I just wanna move." A thick line of cum had leaked from Hazel's pussy and it shined in the flashing lights. The young woman seemed unaware or unconcerned about it.

Tears leaked from Chelsea's eyes but she could stop herself from pulling at her shirt, snapping it free to expose her bulging belly. A long row of large, dark nipples stood out on her stomach. She stared at them. Shame burned at her ears but the heat changed slowly into lust and she found herself slowly twisting her hips again. Her fingers pressed against the soft flesh on her belly and she moaned and pulled at her teats. It was wrong and she knew it was but the music and the alcohol and the crowd and the heat seemed to be pulling her apart. She milked herself for the jeering crowd, taking pleasure in their catcalls.

The fur along her neck continued to sprout down her spine and she turned, shrugging her shoulders to free herself from her shirt. It fell below her and she grunted in pain, arching her bare back as the bones in her spine stood out, rippling down her body in a wave until a bulge stood at the the base of her spine. Sweat slid along her back and down her side to drip to the stage beneath her. She gasped, panting and grunting. Her waist and stomach expanded again and the skirt gave way suddenly, pulling her ripped panties to the ground as it fell.

"Rrreeeee!" Chelsea cried out. Her face seemed to swell and her jaw cracked. Bones shifted beneath burning, swollen cheeks and her nose was pulled backwards. She lapped at her large nostrils with a thick tongue, panting from the sudden pain of it all.

Small white hairs grew along the edge of her ears and she scratched at them, sighing with pleasure. Her hips wriggled and she spread her legs again. The hood around her clit pushed out, pulling her engorged lips down into a tapered point. The crowd cheered again as her sex finished changing.

Fabric strained on Chelsea's chest. Her bra sunk into her fat belly as her breasts swelled. Within seconds, they slipped free to hang full and heavy beneath her. Her small, pink nipples darkened and the skin of her areola twisted, pulling and changing the skin until the nipple lengthened. Chelsea pulled at the bra and it snapped easily in her grap. The young woman grunted at the release she felt.

She stood in front of them, completely nude. Her thick body was pink and glistening with sweat and excitement. Her smile trembled. Something... something was wrong. But, she felt so incredibly good. So sexy. Wanted. Needed. Lust roared through her, burning away all rationality. She slid her hands along her belly, twisting at the fat and her teats, running her fingers down to her thighs and between her meaty, engorged pussy lips. She pressed back against the pole and rubbed her spine on it, relieving the itch she felt from the light fur spreading along her back.

"Show us your tail!" the man at the front of the stage called out. She grunted at him, smiling, cupping her huge breasts towards him. "Get on your knees, you filthy sow and show us your tail!"

Chelsea's smile cracked at the insult and she shook her head. Long strands of her hair came away with the motion. She tried to fight it. To fight the way she felt. To fight the urges coursing through her but it was too much and she found herself going to her knees, her belly hanging down slightly. She turned, grunting, head down. The silky fur along the edge of her ears shifted. Her ears moved, flaring out as they grew. More of her hair fell to the stage but she hardly noticed.

The young woman lifted her pink, wide hips. Bones cracked and she grunted, falling to her heavy belly with her legs splayed. The two toes in the middle of her foot began to merge. On either side, her big toe and pinky toe cracked, floating temporarily free of her foot. They moved, twisting as her foot grew short and rounded. Her toenails thickened as the bones in her thighs moved, pulling closer to her body. More cracks and flaring pain followed and her hips narrowed.

Sudden clarity dawned again. Chelsea looked up at the mirror. Her face was unrecognizable. Her ears were long and wide and her nose was flat and wide on a long snout. Only a few strands of her curly hair were left on her head. Bones popped in her spine and she clenched her eyes shut as her head was pulled forcefully back by her changing body. She clawed at the ground with fingers fusing together. Her arms seemed somehow pitifully short.

In the mirror beside her, Hazel lay on her side. The woman's stomach bulged with long teats and she was panting, her heavy, large stomach heaving with each breath. Her bracelets, bra and panties lay around her, forgotten now.

Chelsea tried to call out. "Plllllreeeeeeee!" She reached for the pole with her now stubby arms, staring in panic at the two dewclaws and lengthening nails that now covered her hooves. Her long, soft ears twitched at the sounds of the crowd. In a panic, she realized she couldn't understand what they were saying. It was all just noise to her now. She pushed, kicking to try to get away and then grunted as the bones in her legs popped. She felt them changing. Shortening.

Falling heavily to her side, Chelsea rolled again and then stood awkwardly. So much noise. Shapes around her. Her heart was hammering. Something was wrong. Something... something... something was.... A large, warm hand touched her back and she startled, grunting loudly. A voice called to her and she looked up as the figure beside her stroked the fine fur along her back. It calmed her.

Along the base of her spine, flesh twitched. The figured ran his fingertips along her body and she nosed at him happily, grunting and sniffing at his crotch. There was a pleasant smell there.

Chelsea's stomach gurgled suddenly. Hungry. She was hungry. And, despite the figure's touch, she felt... wrong (anxious, something at the very far back of her mind told her) but, still... Skin moved as her tail grew, curling and twisting.

Noise! So much noise again! Chelsea cried out and moved to hide behind the figure. _So much noise! Wrong! _ she told herself, panicking slightly while the figured stoked her back.

The crowd cheered as Chelsea's tail finished growing. The presenter, a figure in white, smiled at the crowd, gesturing at the two pigs on stage.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes our entertainment for the evening!" The man bowed left and right. "You are all welcome to stay late into the morning and, if any of you desire any further entertainment, well, there's no need to be shy. The two ladies will be held in the back privately until they're transported in the morning."

A few more bawdy cheers rose up and a few men and women eyed Hazel and Chelsea speculatively. Chelsea grunted and sniffed at the hair littering the stage until a large collar was fitted around her neck. A piece of her mind tried desperately to call out, to climb out of the vast cavern it found itself in. The human part of her trying and failing to take control. Barely hanging on with fingertips in her now small mind as she was led away.

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