Morning of Love

Story by BrokenShard on SoFurry

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In the warm embrace of his blankets a young man known as Shard stirred. Irritably the demonic fox shot out his paw, silenceing the morning alarm. Slowly he stretched out with a yawn letting his cramped muscles get some blood flowing in them instead of hitting the snooze as usual. A second yawn followed his first when he cracked his eyes, only to see twin emeralds peering back at him.

"Good morning Hun." A seductive voice purred at him. Smiling he wrapped his arms around the white tigress next to him, pulling her close.

"Good morning to you too." He replied running his fingers through her long hair. "Where you watching me sleep again?" He asked. Blushing she nodded before nuzzling under his chin. "I can't be that interesting when I'm asleep." But she chose to ignore his statement. She had worked the night shift yet again for that old croc that was her boss. Against his better judgement he questioned her on her night. "And how was work?"

"It was fine." Was all she said. They had called each other three times that night. Her boss didn't come in until she was just about to leave, so he didn't know what she was hiding, but he was going to find out. Ten minutes passed before he could get her to talk about it, and when she did it was like a damn burst. When she had finished ranting, the two of them were sitting up, his mismatched wings spread out behind him. He always felt better after a good rant, and hoped that she would to. She then smiled, the one she only let him see... "Thank you.... for listening."

Nodding he hugged her close, happy to have helped in his small way. "Any time Hun." They sat like that holding each other a while talking about work and what they had done while apart. At least until his second alarm clock, the one across the room went off. Groaning he got out of bed and crossed the carpeted floor silencing this alarm like the first. Turning around he saw his kittens eyes where roaming, so he decided to tease her a little. "Naughty girl, looking at me like that... what would your mother think?" He chuckled, covering himself up with his paws.

She grinned at him slyly, voice thick with sarcasm. "If your going to walk around nude, how can you expect me not to look?" She asked purring at him.

Removing his paws he walked back to the bed, watching her.. watch him. Sitting on the well worn comforter he kissed her tenderly, savoring those soft, sweet lips against his. Reluctantly he broke thier kiss whispering in her ear, "Thank you for a wonderful start to my morning."

Her cheeks colored as she looked away droping her voice below his. "I... I'm nothing special..."

Surpressing a growl he cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him again. "You are to me.... more then anything..." He wasn't sure, but as she leaned forward to kiss him, he thought he saw her eyes watering.

As the pulled away she trailed her nail down his chest. He smiled nipping at her fingers lightly not noticing her tail snake out from under the sheets. Turning just a little, she ran it under his nose. "Your going to be late." She teased.

Nostrals flaring, he shivered taking in her scent. Pulling her closer once more, he nipped at her neck, dragging his fangs. "You know what that does to me."

She gave him a look of total innocence scooting away slightly. Had he not known her as well as he did... or seen her eyes lower to his lap for just an instance to see his 'reaction' he might have believed it to. He stood up, getting out of bed only to hear her wolf whistle at him. He stuck out his tounge and blew her a kiss before bending over to put on his pants. He nearly yelped in surprise when she pinched his butt almost falling over. They laughed as he got ready, kissing once more as he departed for work.

Once he was gone she sighed curling up in the bed, growing lonely already. With a sigh she pulled his pillow against her chest, breathing in his lingering scent. For a while she stared at her arm, looking from one stripe to another trying to sleep. it wasn't until she felt hot air on the back of her neck she realized she wasn't alone. Letting go of the pillow, she spun around to see her silvery fox grinning at with eyes full of mischief. He had already removed his shirt and shoe's, so he pulled back the sheets and got back into bed with her. Almost reflexively she attached to him, clinging in spite of herself her voice breaking a little, " Arn't you... supposed to be... at work?" She asked hesitently.

He nodded slowly running a paw along her cheek. "I called in sick."

For a second her heart skipped a beat. "You know you shouldn't do that." She said, but she couldn't fully surpress her squeel. He nodded again as she nuzzles into him, pawing at his chest lightly. They both knew he didn't care about things like 'should', he did what he wanted, and only what he wanted. So even if she had chastened him, she smiled in the knowledge he wanted to be with her more then anything else. Holding her close his paw ran along her back, scratching and rubbing her gently. Purring deeply, she pawed at his chest, kneeding it softly. Then she noticed something else... being this close she realized how well he had been controling himself, but pressed against him, she couldn't but help notice how... awake... he was. She blushed deeply deciding to make the morning... interesting.

Fully relaxed he didn't notice her soft kneeding was getting lower until she closed her paw around his manhood. Shivering he looked down at her trying not to pant. "you.. don't have to."

She smiles sweetly and kissed his cheek and looked back at him. "I know."

Groaning slightly as she squeezed him, he lay back on the pillows. He knew better then to argue with her about this, not that he really wanted to. Rubbing his shaft gently, she kissed at his chest inching lower. By the time she came to his throbbing member, it was already leaking for her. Eyes on him, her tounge flicked out and as he shuddered, she cleaned him off. Then with an agonizing slowness she took him into her mouth, sucking at him, milking his cock. His throaty groans made her wet with longing.

Hardly able to speak... hell think, he pulled back the blankets so he could at least see all of her. His mind tried to form some kind of thought but before he could put it to words, she swallowed him. All thinking vanished as she took him into her throat, gaging slightly as he head bobbed, paws rubbing his balls.

It was a few minutes later he realized she was next to him licking his cum from her lips. Before he could say anything he heard her swallow loudly, a 'mmmmm' sound escaping her parted lips. Dtill dazed he held her as she curled into his arms. Closing her eyes she rested her head on his chest purring contently. For a while he rubbed her back again, but only until he noticed his paws had found thier way to her rear. Cupping her smooth behind he squeezed her close. His kitten blushed as she felt his length against her belly. "You.... dont have...", But he cut her off, sliencing her with a kiss. His tounge then pushed into her mouth and they tasted each other. Reaching over the side of the bed he made her eyes go wide. As he clipped his leash on her collar, she realized just how much he had been holding back.

Slipping his paw between her legs he began to rub her moist slit. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he touched her. Instinctively she took ahold of his cock once more, but a tug at her neck stopped her. His tounge circled around her ear as he whispered. "No my sweet Sati..... its my turn to play with you."

Whimpering loudly she released him giving herself over to his total and absolute control. He took his time then rubbing her clit. Rolling her over he began to kiss at her breasts. using his free paw he cupped one of those beautiful breasts, kneeding and squeezing it as his teeth closed on a nipple. She cried out squirming under his attentions as he drank some of her delicious milk.

Taking his time he enjoyed every inch of his love, kissing and licking, sucking and gently biting until she was left breathless and covered in a thin layer of sweat. Lowering himself he pushed her legs open wide and pressed his muzzle to her heat. Rolling out his long tounge he licked her, and with out warning her body spasmed drenching his face in her love juices.

Without pause he continued to lick at her, tasting her sweet nectar. Then directing her to hold herself open he slid his tounge inside. She sreamed out as his tounge snaked inside of her, wiggling as deep as it could. Bucking she rode his face squeezing her breasts as she came again for him.

Once she regained her sences she pleaded with him, voice filled with a desperate need. "Please... take me..." She whimpers loudly when he didn't move. Rolling over she stuck her rear in the air lifting her tail. "Please... I want... I... need you inside me..." Still he did not move. Crying out she tried to rub her ass against him beging for him. Finally she droped her voice so low, he had to strain to hear her. "Please.... please my love.... my Master... please make me yours all over again..."

He grined widely as he tugged lightly on her leash moving into position behind her. Taking ahold of himself he rubbed his tip against her dripping petals. Pressing himself against her he gave her just a moments notice as he slamed himself deep inside her."OH GOD YES!" She cried out, pushing back against him hard. Squeeling loudly her pussy tightened around him as he began to ram into her.

In shear extasy they made sweet, fierce love. Barely able to speak as she squeeled he was able to make out two words that escaped her lips. "All...... please...." He was going to give it all to her anyway, but he loved to hear her beg for it. Taking ahold of her bucking hips, her pulled her back hard. And with a savage thrust forward, he forced his swollen knot inside her spasming pussy. Almost unable to breath she cried out, shuddering at having his full length inside of her once more. Riding her hard, he pressed himself onto her back draging his fangs across her soft neck.

Time slowed to a stop around them then. And for one beautiful moment their two souls touched, becoming one. She screams shook the walls as he bit down on her neck, spraying his hot seed deep inside her. Convulsing she rocked against him, caoting his cock and balls with her honey, locked together in a shared orgasm. Wave after wave of blissful pleasure washed over them as the collapsed together onto the bed as he held her tight.

Shard reached for her collar but she put her paw around his still breathless and panting heavily. "Please... leave it on... just for a... little longer... Sir..."

He nodded proud to have one such as her.... someone he could both own and love without reserve. Someone he knew loved him back. He knew he didn't need to say it.... but he did anyway as he began to rub her belly. "I love you Hun."

She turned her head to look at him. With a smile she purred in that same seductive voice from when he just woke up. "I love you to... daddy."

He blushed as his paw ran across her belly, and for a moment... he thought he felt it kick.