Obsidian Curse

"Name?" A gruff voice rumbled from behind the wooden door. "Obsidian." The dark blue feline replied. He waited impatiently for a few minutes as the doorman check his list. Just as his tail began to twitch, the rasp of metal scraping metal told him...

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Morning of Love

In the warm embrace of his blankets a young man known as Shard stirred. Irritably the demonic fox shot out his paw, silenceing the morning alarm. Slowly he stretched out with a yawn letting his cramped muscles get some blood flowing in them instead of...

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Play with fire

Lyshira laughed as the squirrel walked off. Tamzen had actually worked up the courage to ask her out after seven years, now that they were in college together. But of course, he was rejected. She looked over her soft, velvety fur still laughing. 'There...

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