Insta-Fur (Anthro TFs)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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This was a story I did for SparkBolt3020 who is in turning doing a piece for me. I guess it's kind of a trade, but was intended for a commission? It's kind of complicated but either way, I had a lot of fun writing it! Hopefully it was enjoyable!

There was a new product that had just entered a very limited closed testing phase. One would have to sign up for it to even be considered for it. It was called "Insta-Fur." The details were very vague, which added onto the oddity of it and was perhaps the reason not too many people signed up to test it. The general gist of it was that it was come sort of drink, and that it was related to furries somehow. The little pictures the site showed had some sort of can, like a soda or energy drink with an anthropomorphic animal on it. Of course, the mystery added onto some excitement as to what people would receive and maybe, just maybe it would become the latest fad and the testers would be there since the beginning.

Friends Dan and Libby were hanging around at Dan's house, browsing the internet, looking at various articles that would prove interesting or humorous. One of the most notable things about certain websites were the ads that popped up around various parts of the webpage. One in particular caught Libby's interest, and had Dan stop scrolling to look at it, as it was an animated one.

"Want to be the start of something new and exciting?" it read it quite explosive text.

"What do you think this could be?" Libby asked over to Dan, the ad seemingly working on her.

"I'm not sure, probably some scam or something." he retorted. Shortly afterwards the text changed.

"Sign up to test Insta-Fur! The brand new beverage that'll get you in touch with your wild side!"

"Click it!" Libby instructed Dan to do happily.

"What, why? Are you sure this isn't just going to try and install adware on the computer?"

"Then we go back." she replies. "Go on, click it!"

Libby didn't seem like she would back down, so Dan gave in a clicked on the ad, going to the Insta-Fur website. There was not much backstory, other than the drink had been in development for years and is only now ready to be sold. There was another oddity that had shown up while browsing their website, a few pictures of happy clients. That wasn't the odd part, it was the fact they were anthropomorphic animals! Sure it could just be a photo manipulation done well, but it looked almost too real.

"So they became anthros?" he questioned the picture curiously.

"That's what it looks like they're going for." Libby chimed in. There was a bit of silence for a bit. "Well...what are you waiting for? Get two!" Libby told Dan.

"You want me to buy the stuff?" he questioned, not quite against the idea at this point.

"Yeah, it could be cool!" Libby replied excitedly.

"Alright...let's do it!" Dan answered, now on board. They read the small disclaimer they had, which basically said that if they could send a picture of themselves to the company once they've drunken the beverage which they both found a bit odd. However they were ordered and a few days later, a package arrived. Dan called Libby to inform her the package came and to hurry over. Once there, the two unboxed it together. Inside were two cans, one blue and one pink.

"Guess it might be gender oriented somehow." Dan commented picking up both of them, handing the pink one to Libby while keeping the blue for himself. Libby cracks her can open while Dan shortly follows.

"Bottoms up!" Libby says as they bang their cans together and take a sip, and both start chugging it down until no more was left.

"Woah! That was really good!" Dan said nodding his head, quite impressed.

"No kidding! And it was free!" Libby added with a giggle.

"Although...are you feeling a bit itchy...?" Dan asked starting to scratch at his arm.

"Now that you mention it...a bit..." Libby replied. Then in almost an instant their whole bodies altered.

Dan's body quickly grew sky blue fur while white fur grew over his center, hands, and feet. The palms of his hands became padded while his nails lengthened outward and became a bit sharper, turning into claws. His feet followed shortly after, digits merging together until there were only three as they became paws. Dan's face pushed outward into a muzzle as his nose became small and wet at the tip of it. His teeth became a bit sharper and more candid. Dan's ears became triangular and moved to the top of his head while his curly ginger hair became a dark blue color. A large, bushy tail come out from behind him with a white tip. Lastly his clothing altered into a pair of jeans along with a grey jacket. Finally a red bandanna with a yellow lighting bolt formed around his neck.

Meanwhile Libby's body grew white fur all over, rainbow stripes forming from her neck down. Her fingers grew black fur as they became harder and sharper, turning into claws and her toes followed shortly. A thin tail came out from behind her as the changes made their way to her face. Libby's faced pushed outward into a mighty muzzle as her teeth became sharper on the inside of it. Her nose became a bit larger and black as red fur formed underneath her eyes and on her cheeks. Her eyes became red as her ears became much larger and triangular, moving to the top of her head. Her clothing altered greatly. Her pants and shirt altered greatly, melding with the underwear, of which became black as a pink paw print formed on it, ending the transformation.

"What the!?" Libby squealed out taken aback by how instant the transformation was for them. "Spark is that you?" she then gave a puzzled look as to why she called Dan by that name.

"Spark? What are you talking about Felicity? I'm Spark..." Dan spoke back, confused why he called Libby Felicity and himself Spark. "I'm Spark....Spark...Spark?" he said, attempting to say "Dan" each time.

"Felicity. My name is and always was Felicity." Libby followed, trying to say "Libby" each time.

"We can't we say our old names?" Dan, now Spark asked over to his feline friend.

"I'm not sure. Is that the name of the animals we became?" Libby, now Felicity answered to her canine companion.

"Maybe, I guess they want it for some kind of ad campaign?" Spark suggested.

"I have to admit, even though we can only call each other Felicity and Spark, this is pretty darn cool!" she giggled a bit, playing with her tail.

"Yeah, I suppose it is!" Spark chuckle, feeling at some of his fur.

"I think it's safe to say we're satisfied with the results then! Let's take the picture and send it to them!" Felicity suggested excitably. Spark agreed and the two shot a picture of them with a big smile. It was quite an unexpected, but pleasant surprise in the long run!

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