Loosening Up - Finding yourself

Story by wolfaith on SoFurry

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#1 of Loosening Up

Faith and Jared©wolfaith(me!) Soren©Serov Warning: If you are not 18 years and above, read this story at your own risk. This story contains M/M/M sex. We don't want to face your lawsuit-happy parents, because we don't have time to do so.

  • * * The Wolf-Malamute wandered through the tranquil streets of Rainsborough to find anything good to do before going to school. Faith is an average teen-ager standing 5'7" and weighing 170 lbs. His well toned body covered in thick silver-gray fur, inherited by his father and it matched his shiny Lavender eyes from his mother. It was the month of March, only weeks to go til' his summer vacation he thought. The Canine wore blue jeans and a gray t-shirt that matched his silver-gray fur. Seen on the front of the t-shirt was black imprinted letters that said, "I'm not useless, because I'm used as a bad example". He sighed as he walked through the streets, he looked above and saw the warm sun, floating above all the living, spreading it's warmth. He always took a walk outside every morning, it was his favorite thing to do everyday, feeling the fresh air brushing through his fur that makes it feel so good. Being a Half-breed in 17 years of his life is tough for the young fur, frequently being made fun of and always the target of bullies. ~~~ Soren whistled happily as he was walking by the bush path from his apartment. The panther appeared moderately tall, he was built like a football player, well he is a football player. His arms rippled with strong muscles, flexing when he moved them. He was wore his usually loose clothes, wool, colored, and hand woven. It was a gift he got from last year's Christmas party, it then immediately became his favorite. Being at school at the age of 18 was cool. He was almost graduating. He was almost done with the schooling. Soon enough, he'd be taking his chances with university scholarships. "One more year to go.." he thought to himself. ~~~ Faith sighed, as he gave up finding something fun to do for now and headed for a coffee shop to buy something to drink. 'I've got to get to a decent college before summer break, must plan early so there will be no rush.' he thought himself. Bumped accidentally by a old lion, he found out that he's was standing at the entrance of the Starbucks cafe. ~~~ Sighing to himself, the panther reminded himself to grab a cup of coffee before going to school. Starbucks wasn't that far from school anyway. And neither will his teachers mind, as there was still time to take a leisured stroll. "I might as well grab a mocha frappe whipped." he told himself suggestively. After all, he deserved every second and every joy of it. Sitting on a couch, a waitress approached him. "One Mocha frappe with whip please." He smiling as he said. "The name's Soren, by the way." flashing large white canines to the waitress, she just flashed him with a smile and continued to work on his order. Grinning, he picked up a random magazine on the rack, neatly placing it on the table and read while he waited. ~~~ Faith entered inside the cafe and walked to a vacant table. A tigress approached him, with a menu on her other paw, and a notepad on the other. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks, my name's Tiffany. What will it be for today sir?" asked the tigress. "Yes, uhhm.. One Iced Coffee please?" he said. "Dine-in or Take-out?" "Take-out" "Your name please?" "Call me Faith" He said, grinning to the feline. Looking around, Faith noticed an attractive panther sitting on a couch and instead, he got up and sat beside the panther. "Hi!" an unknown voice said. Soren looked up to the voice that greeted him, returning part of himself to attend to the hybrid. He wasn't bad. He was warm, in fact. "Oh. Hey." the Senior acted like he was in a surprised manner that moment. "Well, pleased to meet you. Same school?" "Likewise, Yeah, I've seen you in school before. Never got a chance to talk to you because of never-ending homework." Almost forgot, "I'm Faith by the way." smiling at the panther, reaching a paw to shake. Soren's tail twitched as he let the younger fur continue on. And then he extended his paw, nodded. "Soren. Soren Andrews." He exclaimed, pressing his paw unto the other's, squeezing it. "Do you reckon perhaps we could walk to school, eh? It'd be nice to have someone along." "Sure, why not." he said and after he brings up another topic he's been cut off by the tigress in the cashier calling him and Soren that their beverages is done. They picked up their drinks and paid but before paying Faith noticed that he forgot his wallet back at home. The canine started to panic and said, "Shit! I forgot to bring my wallet with me!" sighing. "It's surprising that you left it, all of a sudden." Soren chuckled. "Now kid, let me take care of your coffee." The panther ruffled the canine's head fur and then flicked his ear rather playfully. One moment later, Soren slipped out a ten dollar bill and paid the clerk, it wasn't a big deal. Just a small deed really. Once they were outside, the panther took a sip of his beverage, looking at the other fur curiously and asked. "Well, the time you said hi to me, was that because you were hitting on me, or maybe you were looking for someone to pay for your coffee?" the panther said. The wolf-malamute blushed under his fur. "I-It's not like that, I forgot my wallet with me... and I-I'm not hitting on you either!! I-I'm not gay!" he stammered and noticed that his voice is too loud that could be heard by the furs that passed by. Blushing more, He stared unto his drink and feeling a bit awkward at what he said. "You're not?" Soren decided to push further his luck by placing a finger on Faith's chin to make him even more uncomfortable. "Then what would happen if I kiss you right here, right now, eh?" With one paw on his drink, he closed in, not minding the passing furs around them, gawking and offended by the display the two boys had in store. After a soft kiss, he licked his lips, then the other's and then chuckled. He wanted to see if what he was saying was true. Faith was shocked, eyes wide open because of the deed done without him even preparing for it. His mouth fell shut, unable to say no more and all the while, his hands were paralyzed in surprise. It was then he realized, that he dropped his beverage, the sweet bitter taste of coffee spilled on the street. After regaining consciousness, he pulled away, with only his pink ears to show that he was blushing within the covers of his fur. "Wha-what did you do that for?" "A little payment. For the iced coffee." Soren grinned as he took his own drink to his lips and took a sip of his own delicious mixture of coffee. "Well, I suppose we're even now, as you've dropped your coffee." "Aren't you coming to school?" The canine stared, thinking of the past few moments. 'Why... Why did I let him kiss me?' stared at the thought in the past few moments. Was he...? Was he gay? No. Of course not. He was pulled back to reality by Sorens words. "Uhh... yeah, sure" 'He's gay.' Soren thought happily contemplating on his new found joy. He could take pleasure in torturing the little guy. Another gulp of cold coffee. They were nearing Abellana High School. "You could've stopped me, you know." Soren started. as they were passing the gates of the school. This rowdy panther, presumably found Soren an interesting piece of meat. "But we will play later on, once the time is right." "Right... Wh-what?" before he had gotten his books at his locker, the bell rang and that sets all furs on the corridor running through their respective classes. "Fuck, I'm late!!" Faith said and slipped into the passing waves of students... Leaving the panther alone in the corridor. "Andrews!" The panther froze as he heard his physics professor from behind. He twitched, from tail tip to whisker and then turned. It was the physics professor indeed. "Sir?" "Report to the third year math class, room on the end of the hall. YOU shall teach math, specifically for the lower years, as Miss Lorella called in sick." "But sir... I've got to present the report you said I should be passing now." "Consider yourself passed." was the dutiful reply of the ferocious crocodile teacher. "I expect you to follow specific rules." ~~~ Faith couldn't stop thinking of Soren in Math. He was interrupted by his ferret friend Matthew. "Yo dude, you ok?" asked. "Uhh... yeah." answered back. "Hey, I heard that Miss Lorella was called sick and we have a sub." the ferret grinned. "Oh really? and who is this unlucky sub to be in her place?" he said. There were few who laughed and cheered until the second bell rang. To his surprise... "All right class..." Soren walked lazily into the classroom with a class record in his hand a stick of chalk on the other. Just in caed. "I am Soren Andrews, a graduating Senior tasked in teaching you math." He sighed and looked around the room. He saw Faith staring at him, sitting on his chair and silently thanked Miss Lorella in being so strict. "And I, would be handling your said subject in 6 minutes or less." Could it be? Was he just seeing an illusion? A visage? A shroud of falsification? It was Soren, the same attractive panther he saw from the coffee shop. 'Great.' he thought, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, feeling his heart throb a bit faster by the minute. He was interrupted by Matthew who was throwing some crampled paper that snapped Faith out of his day dream. "Hey, cut-it out man!" Faith said and threw back the paper at him. Soren glanced at Faith and spoke to the class. "I will not tolerate any misbehavior at all." he began, emphasizing the word misbehavior again. "Seeing that I have the power over this class, I can have everything I want, and no matter how you protest, you will prove no success." He stood and walked through the room passing by few furs sitting in rapt attention and then stopped by Faith's desk. Slyly, he took a pencil, scribbled a note on a page of his book, and returned it to its owner. "Page Seventeen, Faith. I'll see you after class to discuss your options." After the panther walked back to the front desk, Faith quickly opened his book onto page seventeen and browsed his book until he found the note. "Take you on a date, doll." The canine twitched nervously after reading those words and his heart throbbed faster like a drum-roll. 'He asked me out!!.. What will I do.. Should I accept or decline?...' he thought. During class, the thought kept on asking him this, 'Accept or Decline?'. Unable to concentrate on the lesson, 'maybe... maybe not, but guess I'll try, might be fun' he thought. Three hours of lecture was tiring, for the whole class and even for Soren. As of yet, he was only expecting one thing in the end. The canine that sat near the back of the class. No one mattered to him, and nothing, nothing would make him change what he thinks about the kid. "Those who would like to go early may pass. The rest, please stay and continue answering." Some students rised to pass their work. Soren's eyes feasted on the busy Faith. He wondered what might his answer be. Truely, he wanted him to come and stay. As time passed, students began to leave the room after passing their papers to Soren. Faith however, caught up with those thoughts and had almost consumed the time they had. He was the last one left to submit his work at the panther. He scanned the room, glancing at Soren leaning on the classroom door looking at his direction. Waiting for him. Soren watched Faith as he strode to his desk, patiently counting the minutes as they passed. What was taking so long? Growling quietly, he sat on the student's desk, tapping it occassionally. "Taking too long, Faith?" he said. "Uhh.. I reviewed my work in case I get a wrong answer, but I'm finished though." the canine replied. He stood and walked to the teacher's desk, he held the paper on his left paw and his book on the right. Placing his work on the desk, he turned around facing the panther, nervous of what he was going to say. "I-uhh... I've made a decision." he showed him his book, flipping the page to page seventeen and points to where the panther wrote and he continues "and I would love to go on a date with you." Faith blushed and looked down. The panther smiled at him. "Well," Soren began. "My dorm mate is cool with me having the whole place to myself, so... do you mind us setting it at my place?" "No, I don't mind. Uhm, problem is that I don't know where you live but if you don't mind, can you pick me up at my house?" the canine said. "Sure, why not. Hell, I might even greet your parents." the panther grinned at the canine. "That is, if I see them at all." the panther said. "Would you mind if you scribble the address on a sheet of paper?" he followed. "Oh, ok." Faith reached through his pocket to find a small piece of paper, a pen and began scribbling his location on the paper. "Here you go." the canine grinned and gave the paper to the panther. "Here's my cellphone number if you need on contact me." "I'll pick you up by six then. We'll rent some movies if you want to and have some dinner." 'Or get laid.' he thought mischieviously to himself. ~~~ Soren, by five forty, lying in wait on Faith's front porch, twiddling his thumbs in his jacket's pockets. He was bored, completely. Now, he only had to wait for Faith to come out. Dinner was already served at home (pot roast, some apple pie, and turkey). Though he ordered all of them from a nearby shop. Except for the pie, which he baked himself. "Well, I gotta take on the bride." he smiled, and rung the door bell. 'What to wear, what to wear...' Faith thought before diving in his closet for clothes. 'I'm going out with Soren tonight, hmm... what dress does he like...?' and something came unto the canine's mind. 'I like Leather and I think he might like leather too..' he thought, closing his closet and moved to his father's. He found some leather clothes his dad wore on special occations. He directly undressed inside of the closet. He picked up the loose leather pants and it slipped through his slim thighs easily and following the lock on his pants. Then came the leather shirt. It was uncomfortable at first but after a moment or so, it perfectly fit the canine. Walking out of the closet, he strode through his bedroom and sat at the corner of his bed. Staring at the mirror, "Not bad for a half-breed to be this sexy!" Faith said to himself. Seeing himself with the whole leather attire makes his sheath swell, it made a bulge appear on the leather pants. 'Well gotta have to fix this problem.' he thought. He unzipping his pants, he began to rub on his growing cock. A low moan escaped from his muzzle. He imagined the panther rubbing on his crotch, thinking at the thought made him more aroused. His musk filled the room as he continued to stroke faster and harder. His other paw massaged his furry sac, moments passed as he closed his eyes feeling his climax is building up. Pre-cum soaked his paw and his hard cock throbbed, nearing release. "Mmmmm...ohhhh Soren..." he said moaning. Almost at the peak of his climax when suddenly, he heard the door bell ring. The canine stopped his masturbation and whined at the fact that he wasn't able to cum. Washing his hands, he thought 'He's early!'. Wiping his paws dry, he ran to the door with lightning speed, forgotten that his cock stood out hard and erect. After reaching the door, he catched his breath for a quick second and slowly opened the door and greeted the panther. "Hey there." the canine grinned. "Oh, hey." Soren shrugged as Faith came to open the door clad in tight leather. He was somewhat doubtful whether he arrived in a very bad time or not. "Hope I'm not interrupting your time with yourself, jacking off and forgetting to zip your pants and all that." The canine laughed nervously at the comment as he blocked further view of the other male's on his frontal. "Well, aren't you going to zip that up and finish dressing up, or would you rather me do you the favor of finishing it up for you?" "Oh! I, uhm... wait here for a sec." Faith hid his body behind the door. After hearing a grunt and a sound of a zipper, the canine came out to view with full clothing and was ready to leave. "Shall we go?" "Sure, why not?" the panther grinned as he led the canine outside. It was a quick walk, a few minutes passed and they finally reached a small video shop, where Soren's dragon roommate Jared worked part time. The panther opened the door for Faith. Closing it, silence welcomed them aside from the yawns of Jared himself from behind the counter. He was a huge guy, standing about 7'9 excluding the tail itself, all covered in shiny black scales, polished and well cared for. His eyes were of color green, a usual color of a reptilian breed. All reptiles do have the same eye color. The dragon was wearing the usual uniform of an orange and red vest which showed most of his well toned and extremely hard muscles. "Hey Jared, This's the guy I'm talking about, bro. Faith." The neck of the furre turned and revealed a much younger yet fierce version of the a used to be known actor, Lito Lapid. "Pleased to meet such a great looking canine such as yourself, Faith. Or is it Lupine? I can't really tell." "Oh shush you big lug." Soren said rather uninterested. "Got any new ones I could borrow?" "Hrm... My Sassy Girl is an intersting story." Jared smiled. "It sort of suits the two of you. A dollar and a half, bro. And leave some meat for me, I'll be home in an hour and a half, okay?" The panther paid him, and nodded. ~~~ "Well, now that you've met my room mate Jared, This," he opened the door for the lupine hybrid. "Is our home." The apartment was simple, spacious, and grand. Its zen design brought. It has a living room at the center, a table, an entertainment center, a couch and other features that resembles a living room. The floor was polished, each corner of the room had a light that luminates the suroundings. The sliding door to the left that divides the living room is where bedrooms are. With two Queen sized beds and a bathroom. On the other side of the room was the kitchen. Lastly another door that led to a beautiful garden. "Wow..." Faith said. Admiring the view of the house. "You sure know how to live life." he smiled. "So, whats for dinner?" he followed. "Dinner?" Soren asked as he was closing the door shut and locking it. Jared had a key to the main door, so he wouldn't need to unlock it when he comes. "I've got pasta boiling right now and some lamb chops already brewing." "But at the moment," the panther paused, snatched the remote from the couch and tossed it to Faith. "Enjoy yourself." the panther returned to the nearby kitchen. Faith caught the remote and stared at it, tried to figure out how this thing worked. He finally found how to operate it, he pressed the big button that said 'Power'. After a browsing a few channels, he found a channel that got his interest and sat on the couch, watching while he waited. Breaking the silence, "So... How did you two meet? you know, with Jared?" asked the canine. His eyes still at the T.V. and not looking at the panther. "You've got th'hots for Jared?" Soren said, grinning a little bit as he removed the pasta from the boiling water. He was just about to reheat the remaining sauce from last night's preparation after the lamb became tender. Now he wished he brought along with him the pressure cooker his mother asked him to bring... "Well, he's had a hard time, the dragon. And he came to me, with his bags asking for a room to stay. I can't say I didn't accept him at first because he's fucking huge. I rejected his offer until he cried." Soren chuckled. "Broke my heart, the big lug." "And oh, if you happen to want to try him to bed, I'd warn you. He's a rough lizard." The canine blushed after the last comment. "Really?" he shifted a little, feeling a bit uncomfortable in his pants. Visualizing the thought about the huge dragon pounding his meat in the canine's virgin tail-hole. "So... How big is he?" He said blushing profusely, feeling awkward because of the personal question. Again, another chuckle from the panther in the kitchen. "Well, I think you should ask him yourself. I only heard his girlfriend scream about it one night when I arrived. Besides, estimating how big he is, I could say he's huge." after a slight pause of hesitation, he said "About twelve inches, give or take." The smell of pasta rose to the air, bringing a freshly cooked smell of parsley and a few selected herbs. Home made pasta sure did smell great. "Pasta's cooked." 'Finally!' Faith thought. Letting out a soft sigh of relief, 'Something to do besides on tenting my pants' and walked to the source of the delicious aroma, leaving the T.V. open. "Mmmmmm.... Smells good...." he padded inside the kitchen and was greeted by the fresh smell of pasta and lamb chops, leaving him drooling and wanting more. The panther with feline instincts, noticed the presence of the canine in the kitchen. "Eager little pup, are we?" Soren smiled, as he set a plate with a small serving of pasta with choice of white sauce or red in two separate bowls. "Here's a plate of appetizer to keep you from biting the remote. There's some juice on the fridge, if you like." Soren, it seems, had removed his jacket and his shirt, his dark fur covered his body and his chest rippled with strong muscles. At least the place wasn't cold. "Well, enjoying our date so far? We even barely begun, you know." the panther said. Faith, awestruck at the sight of the half naked panther placing the plate down to the table at his right. The canine stared at the food, then back again to Soren and sat at the table with the pasta in his sight. He began to munch the food, savoring the flavor of that delicate aroma and taste. 'It seemed that the smell made me feel full' he thought and ate it greedily. Licking the plate clean, the canine was a mess with pasta sauce on his mouth and some on the bridge of his muzzle. Soren watched him as the young canine gobbled up the food laid up to him. It would take fifteen minutes more to fully soften up the meat, otherwise, Jared and Faith will have to complain to him, which would not be so good. As he finished, the Senior tapped Faith's shoulder and made him rise from his seat. Being taller than the canine gave him a bit of an advantage. He kissed the canine, Faith jumped at sudden shock, but then relaxed. The panther licking his muzzle every once and then, while his hands moved to Faith's hips. They caressed them thoroughly, and settled themselves on his leather clad butt cheeks, slapping it hard for a bit that made him grin widely. "I suppose you want me to pay for the kiss I gave you on the street, Faith?" the panther whispered, as his eyes remained close. "Now's your chance. Tell me what you like, and I'll give it to you. Now hurry up before I change my mind." Without warning, the canine wrapped his arms around the tall panther. Eyes closed, locking their muzzles in a passionate kiss that seemed an eternity, both thought only the two of them existed in the vast world and nothing else mattered. Slowly, Faith ended the kiss, panting and opened his eyes, still hugging him. "Does that answer your question?" the canine grinned, his eyes wanted more than a kiss. "I could say you're going to have a little bit of trouble with me, boy. I rarely share my girlfriends with anyone. Not even to my best friend." He smiled as he tugged at Faith's leather shirt. He must've been heating up by now, too excited by his advance. "I suppose, if my girlfriend wants me to share with my housemate, I could." ~~~ Jared was walked towards the house now, wondering what Soren had in mind for dinner. He unlocked the door, barely hearing the rest of Soren's words. He was lost in thought, as he sought to think what were they doing. True, Faith looked acted a bit gay at the video rental shop, though it was only for a mere second. People couldn't see through that much preparation. "I suppose, if my girlfriend wants me to share with my housemate, I could..." the feline's words rang in his head. What the fuck? "Share what with whom, Soren?" the black scaled dragon asked innocently as he peeked in the kitchen. Faith suddenly pushed Soren away from him, burning adrenaline ran through his veins. The canine stammered, "I-I-we.. I-It's not what you think it i-". "Save it honey, I know that you two are an item. I can see it through your eyes." the dragon cut the words of the canine. Faith blushed and stared at the ground. "And I suppose that I am involved in this?" he said, staring at the panther. "Well," Soren sighed. "Kiddo here wants a piece of you too, hot stuff." "So... you mean like..." "An orgy, if you don't mind." "Well, I don't. Do you?" "No." Two pairs of eyes watched Faith now, awaiting his answer. It was his decision whether they should do it or not. "I-I... I don't mind too." he blushed. Soren nodded and turned off the stove. The lamb will take at least an hour or more to cook. Leaving it to low won't do much. So maybe they'll have to settle for pasta again once they've had sex if the meat wasn't cooked yet. Jared, on the other hand, approached Faith and began nibbling upon his neck fur, while his hands began to work thoroughly through the leather suit. "My my. Leather. A great brand too. Suitable for the occasion." the dragon said. He removed his upper clothing and threw it on a chair, while his other paw expertly attended to his working uniform that he had failed to remove. Gods, Soren had a nice taste, afterall when it comes to picking someone to have sex with. "Alright, let's take the wolf to your room, Jared." the panther said. "Sure thing." the dragon replied. Jared strode out of the kitchen, with the canine and panther following him to his room. ~~~ Faith sat on the corner of Jared's bed, watching the black dragon walking to the other side of the bed, busily searching the drawer with a nightstand and pulled out some lube. He heard a loud purr came from the door and he saw the panther at the entrance of the room, grinning at him. Slowly, Soren slowly stripped his pants, tossing them aside with wearing only his breifs. Soren began to tease Faith by making some sexy poses that made the canine aroused. While he enjoyed teasing the canine, he gave Faith his reward by removing his breifs and exposed his semi-hard, barbed feline cock. Faith was very aroused at the sight and his cock throbbed in pain because it was trapped by the leather confines. He wanted to cum right now, right here. The canine undid the button of his pants and pulled them down, revealing a wet spot on the top of the tented boxers, he slowly removed boxers, leaving him butt naked and exposed to the world. His eight inches, fully hard wolfhood sprang out proudly to the air, feeling the air brushing his cock that made it throb and leak pre-cum on the tip. "Ease up babe." Jared said, as he masaged the canid's shoulders from behind. He was slowly removing his jeans, unbuckling his belt, and removing his underwear completely. It revealed a very much aroused cock, around twelve and a half inches long and about two inches thick, pulsing with pre cum at the tip. Soren's own dick, measured about nine inches and one and a half inches thick. Knowing the big senior football jocks their reputation to be among of the largest pricks in school, judging by their size. The canine saw Jared applying grease to his own erection now, fumbling his balls every now and then. "True, true." Soren grinned as he massaged Faith's rod with anticipation. "You might be as well as comfy with the two big boys of the house, love. We'll take care of you." Faith nodded in submission and moaned to the panthers touch. He thrusted his hips upwards, in time with the panthers paw stroked downwards. It throbbed, dripping more pre and lubing his own endowment. Soren licked his lips, leaning forward smelling his musk and tasting the wolf-malamute. Kissing the tip, then opened his mouth and began to suck him. The canine moaned out loud at the hot prison surrounding his dick, spurting more pre inside the mouth, that the panther greedily drank. Jared stared at the two and began to stroke his member. Leaning forward to the canid's right ear, still stroking. "Let me help you get ready for what is coming to your tail-hole." he whispered, moving his paws to yank out the canine's tail and began rubbing the pink hole with his scaly lubed paw. The canine's cock flaring, it's color turning into dark red as blood was pumped to it. Soren felt the canine's knot forming at the base of his cock and registered to his mind that he's close. He slowly leaned up, letting the cock slid out of his mouth and kissed the canine passionately. Jared slid one finger slowly into the wolf's ass, the wolf yelped loudly in suprising pain as the finger invaded his virgin tail-hole. Then another, and finally until all four fingers slipped into the tight ass, the canine whimpered in pain. Judging by his thickness, he had better loosen the canine up before taking him, as always, roughly. He wriggled his fingers inside the wolf's tail-hole and began to slide them slowly, back and forth, to produce a very much wanted reaction. The feeling was new for the wolf, it was suprisingly painful, yet it felt good as he wriggled his fingers in him. "Moan for me, Faith. Beg for this big dragon to take you. I want to hear you screaming my name before I cum into you." Meanwhile Soren had the pleasure of kissing Faith, then positioned himself so that the wolf could suck on his rock hard cock in return. Now, he had better teach the canine how to suck properly. Soren dragged him on the bed, his ass portruding at the foot, so that Jared, could work his ass up. "Spread your legs Faith, spread your legs and suck my dick. Go on." he urged. "Don't be shy now. You need to take something so that you won't feel much pain from Jared." The canine obeyed and spread his legs wide to gain more access to the dragon. He stared hungrily at the big cock in his sight and started to kiss the tip, trying to imitate what the panther did earlier. Faith suckled on his cock and started bob up and down to the cock and sometimes, the feline thrusting into his maw, he choked on the action due to its size and less practice. He heard a purr coming from Soren, it seems that he's doing a good job by the reaction of the feline. The feline rested a paw on the back of his, guiding him to suck more of his, hot throbbing meat. The black dragon was busy loosening his tail-hole. Slowly, he pulled his paw digits out of Faith, the canine whined and squeezed his ass on Jared's fingers, trying to keep in inside him. Failing, the digits slipped out of his pink pucker with a wet 'pop'. "I think you're ready." Jared grinned at him. Grinning, he pressed his cock tip just right outside the small preserved hole. Tonight, tonight would be the night this horny canine would lose his virginity. Faith, busy suckling on the panther's cock knew what was going to happen, this was it. Jared getting ready, licked his lips once more and placed his paws on each side of faith's hips, and then, with one great thrust, he pushed forward inside the wolf's ass and pulled the boy's body closer to him. He gasped, the hole resisting his invading meat, but finally allowed him passage. As he felt tightness and warmth of the virgin ass holding his cock, extreme pleasure rushed thoroughly in him. He realized, that he managed to hilt his ruler length and stayed still. "Gods, I think you're going to have a nice time taking this pup later, Soren. He's tight as a bug. Damn." "Well, I'm having a fine time here myself, with him sucking me." the panther said, panting. Faith tried to scream, but his muzzle was engulfed by the huge, feline cock and the hand holding him didn't help one bit. It was extremely painful and pleasurable at the same time, it was like something was stabbing your insides with a hot stick. He moaned loudly, but the cock in his maw only made him produce a small whimper and tried to get used at the big, fat dragon cock inside him. The dragon pulled out his cock slowly, but not entirely, only his big cock head remained inside. Grunting, he then slammed it back down hard. He likes it rough. The canine screamed loudly as he could, but the cock in his mouth again prevented him. He could not concentrate on servicing Soren, but still tried hard to focus on sucking hard on the cock. Warm pre-cum spurted out of the dragons cock, coating it, making it easier to slid in and out of the canine. "Yes, gods. He's pretty good with his tongue, nevertheless." Soren gasped and moaned, thrusting the rest of him into Faith's throat. "I've never been blown like thi-" The feline roared as he released his load unto the canine. He was pretty helpless, unable to control his spurting of semen. Not that he hated fucking his mouth. Jared, thrusting at the mercilessly wolf's ass with such ferocity. His thrusts were so powerful, the bed rumbled everytime he did. With every thrust, his balls slapped with the canine's, he grunted as he started to thrust harder and faster unto the tail-hole. The wolf was shedding into tears, not knowing if it was the extreme pain from Jared's brutal thrusting, or the fact that he was with them. A few moments passed, the dragon growled loudly. With one powerful thrust, his cock throbbed hard and released his own load, his cock spurting hot cum inside the wolf's hole. After few minutes of brutal rapid and tearing humping of the dragon. With a satisfied hiss, he sighed, and waited at least until he finished releasing his load before unmounting. "That was a great show, kid. I wish you'd live with us sometime." The lizard grinned at him as he fell on the bed, his body collapsing beside Soren. Soren, on the other hand, had other plans. He then pulled out of the wolf's maw and told him. "Faith. We better move to my own room. It's about time for Jared to rest. Besides, you need some attention yourself." the panther pointed to the wolf's cock. The canine nodded and licked the last drop of panther seed that leaked out of his muzzle, his cock still rock hard really needed some attention. He tried to stand, but he howled in pain because he's too sore to get up. He whimpered as he tried the second time and falls to the ground. "I'm too sore to stand. Can you carry me there?" he asked. "Fine, honey. After all, you deserve everything, right?" he closed his eyes and scooped Faith off the bed, carrying him towards his own room. He reeked of sex, all of them. But that did not bug him. He was still hard, ready to have another round of the canine. And he was sure the canine too would like it. "Drop on all fours, Faith. I'll do the rest for the two of us." the panther said. "And don't worry, I'll go slowly." he followed. Faith, obliged and then immediately dropped on all fours with his tail-hole exposed again. Soren walked up and positioned himself at the rear end of the canine. He positioned his cock at the tail-hole, pressed the head to the anal ring. The tight not-virgin-anymore tail-hole was leaking with dragon cum, the panther, licking his lips and pushed his hips forward, penetrating the wolf inside again. The canine moaned rather loudly and spurted pre on the bed sheet, felt something that surged through his soul, Him and Soren. He never felt so different, so secured, so complete in his life.. The panther thrusted himself within the canine, though, one of his paws held his rigid dick and went with the rhythm. The thrusting backward made his hand move up and reverse if he did the latter. He'd make Faith his own, even at least for the night. The thought of Faith's parents finding out that he's had sex with someone completely erased, and was now filled with pleasure, joy, and satisfaction. "So he was right. Sloppy seconds aren't good, especially when you're a bit short on meat below. Compared to Jared, I am. But..." he grunted and thrusted a bit harder and a bit deeper. "Fucking you would make my day. Such a great piece of ass." Faith moaned and pushed back in time in rhythm with Soren's thrusting. The canine felt the panther's cock rubbed at something deep inside of him. Feeling immense pleasure, that part was rubbed again and again, every thrust and every minute he loved it. His cock throbbed at the electrifying waves of pleasure he was recieving. He wanted to cum with the panther so badly. The panther, being at the edge of his climax, he growled with one last thrust and unleashed a mighty ROAR that echoed in his room. "I'm gonna cum!!" Faith shouted and he let out a ear-piercing howl, his wolfhood spurting jets after jets of hot wolf cum at the bed sheets and smeared the paws of the panther. His body immediately tensed and weakened. Collapsing in each other's arms unto the bed. "I love you..." Faith murmured and closed his eyes. The panther ruffling the wolf's head fur, happier as he could be. ~~~ The morning sun's rays reflected over the panther eyes. Scratching off the sleep from his eyes, he noticed Faith snoozing silently beneath him. A smile crept from his muzzle, he nuzzled the wolf lightly and sat out of the bed. The wolf yawned out loud, stretching his body as he wiped his eyes clean of sleep. Sniffing the air, it heavily reeked of sex. The panther noticing that the wolf was awake and said. "Hey love." Soren nuzzled Faith and rested a paw on his thigh. "I'm going to get some food, okay? I want you to join me for breakfast." Soren smiled and then padded to the kitchen to grab a plate of food enough for two. He could use something before breakfast. Most preferably something to nibble on, aside from the canine's nipples while the canine slept. Scooping a heapful serving of pasta with Carbonara sauce, a few slabs of garlic bread, made his way towards the room, his tail swaying back and forth with such enthusiasm, obviously eager to see the canine again. "Hey, I'm back." To be continued... * * *

Uhh, yeah. This is my First story ever made, so don't expect that this is the best story. I could not have done this without help from the darling Serov, giving part of the story and Kradu for editing some errors. Comments would be nice. :3