
Story by Unicow on SoFurry

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#1 of A Reversal of Roles

Nestled in a small room illuminated by the gentle glow of a computer screen and not much else, Burdette Gordon clicked through web page after web page, clearly in search of something. Looking through a string of profiles, her attention was eventually drawn away by a small but brightly colored notification in the corner of her browser, the message serving to cheerfully tell her of a new message in her inbox. Navigating the mouse over and clicking, Burdette waited anxiously for the page to refresh, pausing only briefly to glance over at the mirror situated on her closet door to regard herself.

The calico feline was a tad on the small side for her age of nineteen years; nonetheless, in her blue eyes she managed to impart a measure of confidence and control that was more usual to people a few decades older.

The page refreshed. Turning her attention back to the monitor, Burdette felt a small burble of excitement well up as she saw the name of a person, WetKitty3, as it happened to be, that she had been teasingly sending messages back and forth, on and off, for some time now. To her further excitement, she read the message stating that sender had sent an attachment, a possible response to the repeated pleas that she had been making for a photograph. Without waiting a second more, she clicked again, opening up the message. The words were, for the moment, ignored -- hurriedly, Burdette scrolled down, anxious to see the picture.

A quiet 'hmm' of satisfaction passed through the female's throat as she looked over the black and white-furred catgirl in the picture. She was, admittedly, a bit older than Burdette herself, but that only made her that much more appealing. Not only had WetKitty3 taken a picture of herself, but she had apparently mustered the courage to do so while engaging in the fetish that both she and Burdette shared. Crouched shyly in front of the camera was a full-grown kitty girl in nothing but a white t-shirt and a disposable diaper -- wet, if the gentle sagging were any indicator --, one arm outstreched to hold the camera while the other teasingly covered up most of her face.

Burdette felt a small shiver of anticipation run up her back as she took in the picture. Already crafting the reply in her head, she reached for her mouse to click the response button when something made her stop. She puzzled curiously over WetKitty3's shape, struck by a sudden and inexplicable sense of familiarity. Realization came hard a few moments later and Burdette was struck dumb by the implications as she realized why the woman felt so familiar. Just as unexpected as the feeling of familiarity were the thoughts that followed it, a warm and pleasurable tingle as various possibilities flitted through her mind.

Basking in these feelings, Burdette clicked the response button and began crafting her response.

"you really are something cute, aren't you? we're going to have to have some fun together.."

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Kerrigan Kischuyo was a teacher. That was simply it. She had known since she was young that what she wanted to do was teach and, pleasantly, had found once she started doing it that she was right. A member of the English department in her school's university, she had no less than ten years of experience in the classroom and had settled into the comfortable groove of a well-to-do young single woman with a respectable job.

One reason Kerrigan was such a good teacher was that she was so adept at keeping her personal life and her career separate. It may surprise some people to find out, but even respectable people like teachers often enjoy sex as much as anybody else. This was especially true for Kerrigan, who not only very greatly enjoyed having sex, but enjoyed having sex in interesting and unusual ways. Any student who happened to stumble upon Kerrigan's computer would find an online presence in many places centered around having sex in completely unusual ways. Of course, this wouldn't ever happen because, as established, Kerrigan was very careful about keeping her unusual sex out of her respectable career.

As it was, unusual sex was hovering in the back of Kerrigan's mind as she finished up her morning literature class, popping up like a teasing succubus as she verbally lectured a fine point in one of the short stories that she had instructed the class to read. The reason it was so prominent in her thoughts was because the night before she had taken a risk that she had never taken before, sending a picture of herself to the woman she had been flirting with online for some months. She eventually forcibly pushed the thought out of her mind -- there would be time for that later, after all, after school ended -- and focused on her lesson. Sure enough, soon the class would over.

Kerrigan moved to gather up her materials as the class filed out, pausing only when she became aware of a presence hovering around in front of the desk. Glancing up, she settled her eyes on her student. Kerrigan had a brief moment of confusion -- the girl very rarely spoke up unless called on, and it took her a moment to properly remember her name.

"Is there anything that I can help you with, Burdette?"

"I think that there is, mmhmm, Ms. Kischuyo," said Burdette, smiling sweetly as she slid something across the table. "Or would you rather that I call you WetKitten3?"

Kerrigan blinked rapidly, her heart skipping a beat as she glanced down to look at the picture, instantly recognizing the picture of herself posing shyly for the camera in nothing but a very soggy disposable diaper.


Kayla glanced down at the scrap of paper in her hand, confirming the house address that she had taken down on the phone matched the one that she had just parked her car in front. Doublechecking confirmed that she had indeed arrived at 17 Whittaker...

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This story begins with a pair of panties. The panties in question were a gentle shade of pink, cut low and imprinted with an admittedly adorable red heart shape on the back, just above the hole cut open for the tail that was to go through it. The...

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