The Most Boring Group of People (TF/TG) [TRADE]

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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My side of a trade with ratchetfox84 (DA), who requested a group turning into anthro pokemon. Features both MTF and FTM!

I wrote this one in a bit of a different style than I usually do. I was kind of in a super odd mindset writing it but hey, it's done! Look at that!

You have all been chosen today to take a small test to determine what your "spirit pokemon" is. You have been chosen specifically for your interest in the subject. Be it long time fans, those who hate it, and those who are completely indifferent. After we have determined who the spirit pokemon is, the next process will begin. For some of you it'll be as you might say, "a doozy." For the others it'll be a dream come true. It's up to you to determine how you'll feel about that.

There are 6 of you here today; Tammy, Jose, Terry, Chris, Jennifer, and Craig. You could see what they have to say, but why bother? They aren't talkative at all. Seriously. I've never met a more boring group of participants. They either give nods, one word responses, or way too long of responses. It's ludacris.

I didn't even bother to tell them no talking, they wouldn't do it anyways. Guess what? I was right. They sat in silence filling in bubbles like it was the SATs. There aren't really any wrong answers either, so they didn't even try cheating. They were model test takers, and it became the most boring session of my life.

Anyhow after a few hours had passed they had all finished filling out their papers. Between you and me though this tests literally do nothing. We just randomly pick the Pokemon they'll turn into. What? They'll turn into Pokemon? That's crazy! Did you really expect it to be something else though? Did you really? If you thought you weren't going to transform come on.

The group of 6 were brought into the back room, which was filled with rather large tubes. 6 exactly, one for each of the participants. They were all instructed to step inside the the last part of their participation could initiate. They didn't even question it! Go into a strange tube that'll definitely do something to you. Sure, why not? They all got in and the switch was lazily pulled, releasing a cloud of transformative gas into the room.

Tammy's body took on a purple tone as her skin hardened and turned into scales. Her breasts flattened as her hips and rear followed, Tammy's body losing its curvy figure. Dark white scales adorned her front while her body became much more muscular, her slender arms and narrow shoulders becoming big and broad. Her feet took on the same white color while they became as bulky as the other parts. Tammy felt a new foreign organ form between her legs, the term "her" not fitting anymore. A large tail formed behind him shortly afterwards, dull spikes coming from them. Tammy's face pushed out a bit, forming into a snout while a horn formed on his forehead, teeth becoming sharper. His ears became much larger, turning an emerald color on the inside as he was now a Nidoking anthro.

Jose's face pushed out into a snout as her nose became mere slits as dulled horns replaced his ears. His teeth, like Tammy became sharper as orange scales formed all over, yellow on his belly and going down to a new trail that formed behind him, a flame igniting on the tip. His arms became thin and slender while two breasts found their way to Jose's chest. Manhood left him, leaving Jose much more of a her. Jose's hips and rear both swelled outward to childhood proportions while her legs became shapely. Her nails turned into white claws while her hands and feet became small and dainty. Two large wings formed behind her, now a Charizard anthro.

Terry felt his spine elongate as a thin forked tail came out from his behind, of which pushed outward along with his hips. His manhood sucked back into him while his chest pushed out into two breasts. Terry's arms and legs both became thin and slender while his hands and feet became quite small and dainty. Her figure took on a nice hourglass shape as her back arched. Terry's face pushed out into a very small muzzle as her nose became small and black. Her ears became much longer and triangular as a red gem formed on her forehead, two protrusions forming on the side of her head, now an Espeon anthro.

Chris' nose and mouth both fused together and turned yellow, pushing out in a beak. Blue and white fur grew all over his body, his head becoming an almost perfect circle. His feet hardened as they turned yellow again, becoming webbed. His legs turned shapely as his hips and rear elongated. A small tail formed behind him and manhood left him. Two small buds formed on his, or rather her chest while her arms became more slender. Chris' shoulders lost their broadness, becoming a Piplup anthro.

Jennifer's body grew red protrusions going down her body starting at the top of her head. Her jaw became much larger as cream colored scales formed over them, more cream scales near the bottom of her body. Light blue scales formed everywhere else. Her arms became much larger and shoulders turned very broad, legs following in suite. Jennifer's hourglass figure left her, becoming flat with her body. Jennifer's breasts seemed to deflate while something new formed between her legs, marking Jennifer's new gender. Lastly a large tail came out from behind him, marking him as Feraligatr anthro.

Craig's hand and feet grew dark blue fur over them as a diamond spot on their back formed with light blue all over the rest of his body. His hips pushed out to childbearing proportions while his rear pushed outward. A thin tail found it's way behind him as his rear-end become more pronounced. Craig's manhood left him while two breasts found him, or rather her; now sitting on her chest. Her shoulders lost their broadness while her legs and arms became slender and shapely. Her face pushed out into a slight muzzle while her ears became long and diamond shaped. Two pretty protrusions came out from the sides of her head, turning her into a Glaceon anthro.

They all exited their pods after their transformations were done and they...did nothing. Yup. Absolutely nothing. They weren't even phased! There's nothing different in their minds or anything! No kind of magic or anything! Who doesn't react to their whole body changing! You know what they did? They just collected their $20 and walked off like it was nothing! I want reactions! What kind of people were these? I don't get it!

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