Amicable Appeal

Story by GerShark on SoFurry

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#5 of Deep Ties

Deep Ties â€" Chapter 4 - Amicable Appeal

This is a continuation of the deep ties series. I'd recommend reading through the first three if you haven't already or even if you just need a refresher as to what the heck's going on after so long.

This is somewhat of a refresher and time-transition on the story. It's also something new for me as I've never done a M/Solo scene before. I'd ask that you leave a comment and good vote if you enjoy it.

Cealan awoke with a start as he felt his owner and friend, Gerik, climbing out of bed earlier than usual. Glancing at the clock at his bedside showed it was only 8:00, and the sun hadn't even risen fully on the relatively chilly spring morning. Ever since the shark had started sleeping in his bed every once in a while, Cealan had never been able to get out of the house before at least 9:30 if the shark just wanted a quickie in his beak or tail. Usually it was much later than that so something was definitely up today.

The dark green orca just didn't feel right watching the shark leave without being tended to. It had been engrained into his very being that he should be servicing the shark, and it was just plain habit to wake up to find his beak being guided down to the shark's groin to get things started. Cealan felt uneasy and gripped the blankets before stirring and glancing over towards the shark. Gerik's claspers were definitely hard so his horniness wasn't the issue. Did the shark have another lover to go see? Where was he going to deposit the seed the orca felt belonged in him? He narrowed his eyes a bit but remembered how forward the sharks were with him. Rather than trying to answer any questions himself or get suspicious he finally spoke up and brushed his tail along Gerik's leg.

"Master..." The term the orca had been ordered to use in bed. "Is something wrong? I... was hoping to service you." Cealan said to the shark standing beside the bed in a concerned and quiet tone.

It wasn't more than a few months ago when those words would have been unheard of to him. He had been taken in, fed, stuffed, taken as a fuckslave, and given a true dream-job with Gerik and his tribal brothers selling the only source of their fish known in existence in a somewhat shady manner. It was his most practiced skill to pleasure one or more sharks at once.

Since the first few batches of fish had sold, money had been pouring in and the sharks were quite well off. Cealan lived in his same apartment but was only there with the sharks when Gerik dragged him back there to fuck in private at night. The orca was not wanting by any means though, as everything he needed was provided by the sharks in one form or the other. His money was piling up in excess at the bank, but he found he didn't want or need it with friends like Gerik and his buddies around. It was there for emergencies and gave him a feeling of financial security, but in the end it wasn't near as exciting as he figured it would have been when he was actually working for a living.

The shark turned back towards Cealan with a strained look on his snout. One hand was down on his claspers and holding both tightly. Gerik's eyes glanced over the orca still lying in bed naked and still covered in last night's evidence in the form of white, dried streaks.

"No, nothing's wrong. It's... hard to explain. I'll fill you in later." The shark said in a quick, quiet tone while squeezing his claspers and eyes in unison. Gerik tugged up his skin-tight suit and tried to guide the obvious bulges down to be relatively unnoticed. It was impossible though, and the shark's desires were obvious with every awkward step out Cealan's bedroom door.

"Just boat out to the usual place tomorrow and you'll see. Don't worry though, you'll get your fucking and more later." Gerik said on his way out of the apartment hurriedly.

The orca leaned up and rested his arms on his knees. He felt strange and cold for the first time in his own bed. Without a shark there pressed to him possessively it just wasn't the same; the spot beside him just wasn't meant to be empty now. There was no way he'd be getting back to sleep. Without his master there his mind became a flurry of uneasiness. His master hadn't told him what to do so he was aimless for once without the guidance of Gerik or one of his tribe members. He'd have to go to the kelp field to see if there were any straggling sharks around looking for poor creatures to take advantage of.

Cealan started laughing quietly to himself at the thought. Had he really become that dependent on the sharks in just a short period of time?

Gerik had taken him in and given him everything he wanted even when he couldn't admit to wanting it. Being a fucktoy, servicing sharks day in and day out, feeling the want and desire in the males around him for his body and flesh... it was what he needed. He loved the attention and felt pleasure when pleasuring others. Gerik especially was his greatest pleasure. He'd grown quite attached beyond even being that of a fucktoy, and the passionate love-making between the two was different than with the others. The shark treated him like a slave most of the time, but he was also his best friend and closer than anyone had been in the past. Gerik knew all of Cealan's dirty secrets, all of his shortcomings, all of his body inside and out. Still the shark stayed close at night, talked with him, and showed him the unique culture and characteristics of the shark tribe he belonged to while being attentive and interested in the orca's own background and feelings.

The orca calmed his thoughts and finally slid out of bed with a muffled grunt. It was unusual to have so much dried seed on him since it was usually mixed with fresh cum in the morning. The feeling was definitely different as he stiffly made his way to the shower to clean out his slits and beak.

Without morning release with the shark, the orca naturally turned on the shower and got his hand soaked in warm water with mischievous intent. Cealan's fingers brushed along his fore-slit to tease himself and to wet the dried, musky seed forming a slimy mess over his crotch. It felt almost as good as it did when fresh, and the orca stepped into the shower fully a few moments later with his belly beginning to show a hint of pink in arousal.

With his back pressed up against the wall, the water ran down his front and begin washing away the previous night's multiple releases from the shark. His entire front was even more slippery than usual, and the rubbery flesh of the orca took on a glistening, shiny appearance while his hand stroked from chest to belly and back in smooth motions. Cealan's beak parted as he looked up towards the ceiling. His sensitive belly turned more pink by the moment as he began to dream about his shark masters using him in his favorite ways.

Today his most favorite was how he was originally taken by the sharks. One of his arms slid behind his back and was kept there as if it were tied in kelp while his free paw leisurely stroked along his bulging fore-slit. The pink flesh of his member began poking free and started pushing out the mess of seed left in his fore-slit by the shark the night before when it was fucked roughly. The orca quickly turned to face away from the shower-head while using the gushing and used shark-cum as lubricant for himself. He imagined the weight of the water on his back as Gerik mounting him and stealing his tail-slit's virginity.

"No.. No..." He moaned to himself while speaking what he was unable to that day when he was forced to take Gerik's claspers in the rear. Lurk had been there watching, cockslapping him like a piece of meat the entire time. Cealan's beak remained open, and his hand gripped at his cock as it slowly spread his foreslit to help tug it out. He was a needy bitch of an orca this morning and wanted an orgasm before doing anything else with the day.

The orca began to grind against the shower wall; his rubbery skin squeaked and slid against it easily while the scent of shark cum filled the humid room. His hand began to stroke lewdly over his tapered dick, and his prehensile organ curled into his grasp while his hand squeezed right before the tip on the upward strokes.

"Not in my ass... Please, no..." He shuddered. His tail lifted out of the way as if preparing to be claimed by Gerik that day.

His beak then closed to imitate his beak being tied shut by kelp. He clicked in arousal while he began to stroke himself firmly and slowly. The orca still remembered the exact feeling of his ass being spread open by both of the shark's fat claspers at once. His knees were growing weak at the painfully slow pace, and he felt used cum dripping down over his feet with each stroke. The orca kept himself up though. His tail stayed raised high and balanced him some while warm water poured down his exposed cleft.

The stroking pace grew steadily over his arousal, and the whale panted through his blowhole deep enough to make him lightheaded at times. Slick prefluid from the orca mixed with seed from the shark on his shaft made a lewd lubricant, and the aquatic mammal squeezed harder around his pulsing shaft to make up for the loss of friction. His dick felt like oiled rubber, and his pace grew faster with his building fantasy easily.

The orca's mind skipped ahead a few minutes in his fantasy to match his arousal and need for quick release. His fantasy paused for a moment though as he remembered the shark grabbing his tail in its jaws to hold him there while plowing beneath his tail powerfully back and forth. Cealan loved the visual and kept that mental picture for a few long moments before grinding into the wall again as if he were being fucked from behind against it. His hand was a blur over his fully extended dick and his prefluid dripped and flung over the wall heavily while stroking.

The orca couldn't hold out much longer and he arched his beak upwards to moan out in pleasure. His cock lurched and filled with seed, and Cealan suddenly thought of the one thing that always got him to blow: Gerik's hot seed gushing out of his ass when he was overfilled. He grabbed an ass-cheek in one paw and tugged outwards, his tail hoisting up as far as possible so the water directly mashed against his tail-slit from the shower-head. He turned the water to full hot with his fin and cried out as it heated up his tight tail-slit instantly.

Cealan's shaft suddenly exploded with ropes of his seed. Loud slaps of thick fluid hitting the wall of the shower echoed around the whale as his entire body quivered up against the wall. The hot water made him cringe all over since it was too warm for comfort but not so much to burn his rubbery skin. It sent shudders through him that only made his climax harder, and his mind was spinning while he shot lines of orca-fluid all over his shower wall. It began to drool heavily to the floor to leave long streaks of white, and the orca soon just dropped both arms to his sides while leaning chest-first to the cummy wall.

"Oh Gerik.. I love you so much.." The orca said with a dreamy smile before his eyes shot open in a surprised manner at what he'd just said. He looked around and made sure no-one was there before looking down towards his mess on the ground almost ashamed while contemplating the words he'd just blurted out.

Cealan let out a heavy sigh and turned the water back to normal temperature so he could wash up any remnants of cum leftover on him. His paw aimed the shower-head towards the wall to help get his mess down towards the drain, and he watched the white fluid steadily disappear.

He'd never tell master those feelings. His place was at Gerik's feet, not in Gerik's heart.

Gerik stepped out of Cealan's apartment building and looked about for his ride. It was pretty hard to miss when it finally arrived as Lurk's head was just about to the top of the windshield of a convertible, Audi TT roadster. The car seemed impossibly small for a shark of his stature, but Lurk wore a pair of sunglasses tinted midnight blue to the color of the car to make it look a little less awkward.

The rather classy car came to a stop just in front of the entryway, and Gerik hopped in without bothering to open the door.

"You ready for the most painful and excruciatingly awful time of your life, Gerik?" Lurk said with a menacing grin over to his brother.

The larger shark was even more horny than Gerik, but it showed a little differently. Lurk tied down his claspers with rope since they'd probably rip his shorts right open, and his body seemed much more alive than usual. The large shark tended to be quiet and in the corners while observing from afar, but being as pent up as he was now had him outgoing and flirtatious to just about anything that moved.

"Yeah, let's go. Just wish I didn't have to leave the slut behind empty." Gerik said with a quiet laugh. "It was hard to just let him lie there naked with that look of confusion on his beak."

"Don't worry, he'll get his. Without our culture we're no better than these land-dwellers, remember? When tomorrow comes around, it'll all be worth it.. It always is." Lurk replied as he turned back towards the road and began driving off towards the wharf.

"Besides, you have to dress to impress... Even though you're a practical shoe-in this year." Lurk said with a raised eye-ridge towards his brother.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about it. I didn't tie down my claspers like you did, so I need to keep my mind off it to keep this suit intact." Gerik replied with a laugh as they drove along the coastline.

"We picking up Kliph or are we going with Darktide instead?" Gerik asked while watching the palm trees pass by one by one along the side of the car.

The cool breeze of the ocean air felt nice against the shark's skin and Gerik lidded his eyes when bursts of air poured over his snout.

"Kliph's coming along. I figured one of us might as well have some real fun. I doubt he'll mind getting out of work a bit early either." Lurk said with a laugh. The large shark turned the TT into the parking lot of the Blue Savannah and looked over to Gerik.

"I drove so you get to walk in and get him." Lurk said while looking just above his sunglasses.

Gerik just rolled his eyes and opened the door to get out and make his way to the fish-wreaking warehouse.

Kliph still worked at the Blue Savannah and had been moved around from job to job ever since the day the sharks started selling their special brand of fish. Some days he'd be cutting fish, others he'd be servicing Rox under his desk, and others he'd just be servicing whoever wanted him while bound on the work floor. He got passed around like a whore and loved every moment of it. Except when he actually had to work and cut fish. Gerik figured the rhino-slut would need a good day off with the sharks considering it'd been almost a week since the creamy-colored rhino had even seen them.

"He'll be sitting in my lap too, then." Gerik replied while closing the door with his tail and heading towards the doorway. He figured Lurk drove the TT on purpose just so he could watch three large guys fit into the front two seats.

As Gerik approached he saw Clomp was standing at his usual post at the front of the warehouse. His natural reaction to seeing the shark was to grunt and glare. The rhino and his ass both remembered what happened the last time he messed with the sharks so he let him pass with nothing more than an imposing stance.

"Good morning to you, boy." Gerik said with a playful smirk over to the gray rhino standing watch at the door. "Just here for your buddy, don't have to worry about your little tail getting lifted today." The tattooed shark winked before opening the door to get blasted by a wave of fish-stink air.

"Just gets better and better as the temperature rises." Gerik commented with a subtle cough. Sharks like him still weren't used to the smell of fish above water.

Clomp simply grunted once again and looked over towards Lurk in the car, trying his best to ignore Gerik. He was still stuck on guard duty after all these months and his father still used him as a fucktoy here and there from that embarrassing night. It was supposedly for punishment, but by now it was obvious Rox just enjoyed it and took any chance he could get to play out his fantasy. The easiest way to keep under the radar and out of trouble was to keep his big mouth shut it seemed. Especially when the shark next to him was sporting two painfully obvious erections in that skin-tight, lycra suit.

"Just go, he was working the floor earlier this morning. Should still be there." Clomp said with his body turned away from the shark.

"Thanks, big guy. You know you're always welcome to come along on our little escapades too." Gerik replied with a tailwave before slipping on inside.

Clomp tensed at the thought of accompanying the sharks in whatever they did. It couldn't be good, clean, or fun to him... he wasn't the type. He didn't know what they did, but a big, straight rhino like himself wasn't going to enjoy it no matter what. That thought had worked for the first few times at least, but it was hard to keep thinking that when his friend would come back grinning and buzzed from a great day out with the sharks. His willpower was slowly fading and his curiosity was rising.

Maybe next time he'd give some stupid excuse to his father and head out with them. For now, he had to keep up his big-man facade for a while longer. There was no way a rhino like him could fit in that tiny car anyways, much less with three others.

Meanwhile, Gerik was taking the stroll through the halls leading to the main workfloor. He'd heard from Kliph what he usually did when 'working the main floor' but had never seen it for himself. He was eager to see just how much cock he could take at once with more than three males in the room.

The shark's paw grabbed a door handle and opened it suddenly. His eyes glanced about quickly to try and catch a glimpse of the action before they had time to notice him. He was painfully disappointed to see Kliph cutting fish, and Gerik stepped over towards Kliph's work space while dragging his tail.

"Clomp said you were working the floor! I don't see you working anyone on this floor!" He said with a goodnatured grin towards the light colored rhino.

Kliph's eyes shot up from the fish he was working on to get a glimpse of the shark. He laughed in response with his deep, throaty voice and dropped what he was doing. The rhino had grown some muscle since the sharks had taken him under their wings. He was secretly trying to beat Lurk in an arm-wrestling match, but also liked looking his best for his outings with the sharks. His stature was imposing and intimidating to all but the largest of furs, and he loved it that way.

"It's awful, Gerik... I've got to get out of here. I don't know if I have any bad excuses left to give Rox though. Boss is somewhat upset that I don't actually do work here... I tend to just service the workers." Kliph responded with a smirk. "Although you'd be surprised how many of these people love sucking and getting fucked by rhino dick when they have a choice." He said with another booming laugh.

"I'm not surprised at all... With a package like that, I doubt you'll go needy for long anywhere." Gerik said with a nudge of his snout towards Kliph's groin. "Do you always work naked, by the way?"

The rhino looked down and grabbed his heavy sheath and sac in a hand.

"Not usually. Best way to get out of work is to entice some horny guy into the back room though, and that's easiest if they see my ass." Kliph responded. "It's been a slow day all around though. Like I said, I need to get out of here."

Gerik just chuckled and shook his head playfully before thinking.

"Well I would help you out but I can't today. Think your snout could give Rox a better excuse if you were on your knees? I know I'd be a bit more sympathetic to your cause..." Gerik winked.

"I already gave that excuse twice last week so that won't work... I can still taste him. Mm..." Kliph responded as he started thinking a bit himself, although his mind danced about between what he'd done and what he might do.

"Well how about this... Me and Lurk were planning on making some 'extra' money today. How about you offer him 40% of the earnings in exchange for your help in the matter? That'll make up for any lost wages and then some most likely." Gerik responded.

"Money making? But you sharks don't use your money for anything. What could you possibly need money for?" Kliph said with a chuckle.

"You'll see... plus, making money's more fun than having money. Give it a shot, we guarantee it'll be fun." Gerik said with an enigmatic and mischievous grin.

Kliph knew that grin all too well. It usually ended up with a lot of fun, and it was about all it took to convince him to try.

"Fine, but you stay here. I'll convince him alone.." Kliph said before he cleaned off his work table and headed upstairs to talk with Rox.

The rhino knew what it would take to get out of work. The prospect of money wouldn't get Rox to agree all on its own, and he smirked at the thought of what would probably happen when he walked into his boss' office. He licked his lips and wet his mouth in anticipation as he opened the door and stepped into his boss' office unannounced.

Kliph's eyes went wide as he saw his boss's feet up on the desk and his fat dick resting over his belly. The rhino's hands were both on the sides of his chair just resting as he eyed up the cream-colored rhino at the door.

"Looking to get out of work again, boy? Clomp told me those sharks were here so I figured you'd try to make up some stupid excuse and end up going down on me." Rox said with a grin as one hand reached down and gripped his own uncut cock right below the tip.

The bulky rhino's foreskin slowly dragged up and down over the flared tip; the size of a normal fur's clenched fist. Probably just as heavy and hard too.

"Um.. Yes.. sir.." Kliph said with a broad smile. His boss' cock always had that effect on him. "Although this time we have a.. uh... we'll.. um... We're going to make some money.. we're offering you 40% if you let me go." Kliph said to his boss with eyes staring at that enticing crotch the entire time.

"40% and that throat of yours... the wife's upset about something again, so maybe that throat and ass." Rox responded while prefluid drooled from his foreskin and smeared along his tip to make it glisten. "And I get to treat you however I want, got it boy?" Rox said with a grunt as he sat back in his chair and swung it to the side so there was plenty of room for Kliph to kneel in front of him.

"As you wish, sir.." Kliph said as he stepped around and got to his knees before his boss.

The rich scent of the larger rhino made the smaller pachyderm's head spin as he leaned in. He eagerly nosed his muzzle right into Rox's heavy sac and inhaled. His nostrils flared and sucked while pulling the excess sac-skin partially into his nose with a deep breath. Rox was definitely pent up by the size and firmness of those orbs pressed against his face, and Kliph would be getting more than his share today.

"Mm.. You dirty girl... Going down on your husband at work... You know I could get in trouble for this.." Rox said with closed eyes while playing out his own fantasy using his son's friend.

Kliph looked up silently to his boss and smirked. Ever since Rox had been having troubles at home his work-load had been getting less and less. The opportunity to get out of work was always around the corner with the boss' wife going through PMS. He could only use his son so much without risking the marriage, but Kliph was the work-slut and could be used as often as he wanted. Kliph tried to negotiate his use though, selling himself like a cheap whore. In reality, getting off work just long enough to suck someone's dick was far more than enough payment for him. Getting out of work was just a bonus.

The creamy rhino's snout opened up and engulfed the heavy sac of the larger male. His tongue swiped up the scent and flavor ever-present on Rox's groin, one he knew very well, and exhaled lustily through his lips to bathe the older mammal's crotch with hot, humid air.

"Oh.. dear... You sure do love my sac.. Mm. Suck those nuts, slut.. Taste your virile mate..." Rox said under his breath, a heavy paw grabbing at Kliph's head and shoving it roughly into his crotch.

That fat rhino dick standing proudly over Kliph's largest horn batted against his forehead and cheek. It left smears and heavy globs of precum, and Rox's free paw pulled back the foreskin so the accumulated mess of fluid could splash down heavily over the slutty rhino's face like a wave crashing against the beach. With his face mashed right up against Rox's crotch and his mouth stuffed full of sac-flesh, Kliph gladly sucked and swiped his tongue between the thick orbs of the dominant male.

The smaller rhino's tongue batted along the cleft in Rox's sac to pry the large orbs apart. Kliph's cheeks each got filled with a large nut and he began to bob in his boss' lap simply to tug and slurp lewdly along the soft, sensitive flesh filling his maw.

"Rrng.. You slutty bitch. You've been sucking our son too haven't you? Practicing for me? How thoughtful of you... I'll have to fuck his ass the next time you go down on him. Make it a family affair..." Rox said gruffly while using his sac to lewdly fuck Kliph's maw.

The large rhino needed more though and roughly tugged his balls right out of Kliph's suckling lips. A lewd, squelching pop escaped as each orb escaped to rest heavily on the elder rhino's thick thighs.

"Cocksucking time, dear... Show me how good you've got after practicing on our son.." He said while keeping his eyes closed.

To Rox, Kliph was his slutty wife and nothing more than a cockwhore made for pleasuring. It was half true... but Kliph wasn't going to argue as his head was forcefully guided to the monstrous cocktip of his boss. The fist-like glans covered itself with foreskin as Rox's hand stroked upwards to encompass that bulb of sensitive dick before it was roughly shoved into his lips. Precum squirted from the puckered foreskin at the tip before Kliph opened up his tight lips just enough to fit the fat shaft inside.

The tight grip of the smaller rhino's mouth pulled the foreskin back, and a lewd gush of prefluid drenched his tongue. The slimy mess got smeared about both mouth and cock with a liberal, loose tongue that aimlessly swiped and tasted everything it could. The creamy colored rhino kneeling in front of his boss was in heaven, and it showed as his hands both grabbed for his 'husbands' balls and began rolling them about in his grasp.

Kliph could feel his boss' seed pent up and trying to burst free. The orbs were hot to the touch and even larger than usual. It'd been at least a few days since the poor rhino had release. For a moment, the light-skinned rhino was afraid he might be drowning eventually. That thought quickly got forced from his mind though as his boss grabbed the horn at the tip of his snout and used it to tug Kliph's lips right down to his crotch with a solid thrust of his hips meeting him half-way.

"Ung.. Fuck yeah.. Learned to take me all so quickly? Must have been sucking a lot of dick, you dirty whore.." Rox said through clenched jaws.

Kliph had experienced a good bit of cocksucking, but he couldn't help but gag and cringe all over as he was overstuffed with that massive piece of rhino-flesh so quickly. He could feel the tip pulsing and spitting prefluid right into his neck and stomach. It was the most arousing and shiver-inducing feeling he'd ever had being taken so roughly as a piece of fuckmeat.

"Looks like you need to practice a bit more, bitch... Gagging when I haven't even started throat-fucking you yet?" Rox said gruffly as he kept his grip tight on both the back of Kliph's head and on his horn.

The light-skinned rhino was forced to bob right over his boss' crotch with the male's strong arms guiding his head. He shuddered and gagged uncontrollably while the fat dick was forced in and out of his unprepared throat. His paws gripped and squeezed Rox's nuts tightly while trying to at least calm the big brute using his throat. It only seemed to lustfully enrage the rhino more though, and the pace of throat-fucking grew faster with time as Kliph's lips mashed time and time again right up to his boss' fat cockbase.

"What's that dear? Can't handle all your big rhino mate has to offer? That's what I like to hear..." Rox said gruffly with his snout angled down towards Kliph.

The larger rhino was using Kliph for quite a kinky fantasy, but it only aroused the smaller rhino further. He didn't dare touch his own fully grown shaft hanging between his thighs. The lighter rhino wanted to see just how intense his usually-controlled boss could be.

Rox didn't bother moving his hips; he sat perfectly still in his seat while ramming Kliph over his groin. Precum slickened the way with saliva eventually, but it couldn't cover all of that monstrous organ all the time. The smaller rhino's cringing and gagging grew less noticeable but was always present as he was throat-fucked deeper and harder than usual. He hadn't even been given a chance to slobber that entire shaft before it was down in his neck.

"Ooh.. You got me fast, dear... Gonna blow soon... Keep bobbing that snout of yours." Rox said gruffly down to his son's friend.

The pace was growing frantic with time as that cocktip hammered into his neck repeatedly. The rhino suddenly pulled out of Kliph's throat and stood his cock up right in front of his face.

"See that, whore? That's the cock your mate's going to use in your ass after he's done in your neck." Rox said quietly. He shuddered and held back his climax with his dick in one gripping hand.

Holding the smaller rhino's head, he started batting his slimy flesh right against Kliph's face. Each impact was heavy and echoed through the room as prefluid and saliva rained down over the cockwhore of a rhino kneeling before his boss. The cock grew harder and thicker against the cumslut's face with each cockslap, and Kliph's body quivered as a girly moan escaped his lips. It seemed to please Rox, and soon he could see the foreskin being rapidly stroked over the glans using the paw at the base.

The smaller rhino pushed his snout forwards right into the nuts of the better male and inhaled deeply once again. The scent was stronger and thicker than before. Both males shuddered from head to tale as the last cockslap finally resounded before Rox's climax.

Hot cum filled the entire rod of flesh towering over Kliph, and just the shots of seed could be heard exiting the puckered foreskin. The seed shot almost straight up to launch a few feet in the air. It felt like hot, musky rain drenching over Kliph's head as his lips opened and tugged his boss' sac into his mouth. He could feel the orbs tugging up and bouncing in his lips as virile seed shot from the dick pressed against his face.

With seed raining down on him, Kliph was drenched in thick ropes of male essence in no time. The thick fluid stuck to him and eventually began to drool down when excess started to pool over his rough hide.

"Yesss... Fuck..." Rox hissed out over his 'wife'. "That's how a mate should look every day. Fuck make-up, you need a good facial every morning to look beautiful to me." Rox said through clenched jaws while looking down to see Kliph's face coated in seed. With his impressive release still going, most of the younger rhino's face was covered in cum or hidden by his large dick. Rox didn't have to imagine it as being his wife; there was no way to tell it wasn't a female from his angle above the kneeling slut.

Rox's eyes soon narrowed as he grinned to himself. The first climax worked him up nicely as his paw atop Kliph's head guided the younger male to his feet and pushed him over his desk belly-down.

"I've always wanted to fuck you over this desk again... Remember when we conceived Clomp over it when we were dating. My dad almost caught us..." The large rhino said lustily into Kliph's ear while mounting over him. "He smelled my cum when I pulled out and hit the chandelier.."

Rox's cock was still dripping and spitting the last bits of seed as it lined up to Kliph's ass. The bulbous head pushed the smaller male's tail aside, and a heavy paw pushed firmly on the cumdump's spine to keep him pinned in place.

"You dirty girl, just begging me to take your ass. I bet you've been loosening up for this massive piece of meat using our son, too." he said lustily into the back of Kliph's head.

The smaller male couldn't help but cringe, and his hands grabbed for the other side of the desk to hold on for a wild ride. He stayed silent so Rox's fantasy wouldn't be broken, but he wanted to beg for it. Kliph wanted it all shoved balls deep like it always was. His ass was in need of a hard fuck, and it seems Rox was reading his mind.

"I won't take it easy then. I can still feel his cum all over that asshole of yours." Rox said with a grind of his foreskin up against the cummy hole of the younger male. "You're all warmed up for me already."

In reality it was Rox's own cum making a mess of Kliph's cleft, but it was plenty enough to make the bulky rhino suddenly thrust inwards and grunt dominantly into his bitch's ear. Hot seed smeared about the smaller rhino's inner walls, and the foreskin at the tip pulled back along the way in to leave plenty of lubricating fluid spitting over Kliph's most private depths.

Rox went silent as he shoved forwards hard, and the friction built as his shaft thickened towards the base and stretched open the smaller rhino's ass painfully wide. Kliph's eyes widened with his puckered entrance, and he couldn't hold back a needy grunt as the dominant male showed him his place in one solid thrust. That entire mass of flesh slid into his ass right to the hilt and mashed the heavy balls that were in his mouth moments ago right up to his own smaller set.

"Ooh.. You're still tight, dear.. Seems our son has some growing to do until he can properly prepare you for my fat cock." Rox said down to Kliph while mounted over fully from behind.

Hips were mashed together to grind and worm the lengthy cock flesh around inside the submissive rhino. Rox stood proudly over his 'mate' with his shaft hilted in that tight ass, and he savored each pulse of his dick that pushed against the tight walls surrounding him. The need and lust in the large rhino built up nicely, and he soon pulled back swiftly to pop his glans right out of the stretched and gaping asshole of his fucktoy.

With little more than a grunt, the large rhino shoved his hips forwards and watched his tip pop into the pucker displayed for him. Rox's back arched and he looked towards the ceiling with a throaty moan as he hammered in to the hilt again. His balls swung and slapped against Kliph's like they were a female's labia, and the smaller rhino sure felt like nothing more than a female bent over in front of the towering rhino.

The creamy rhino taking it in the ass cringed and clenched his throat to force any noises that inadvertently escaped to come out as high-pitched squeals and moans. He did his best to be Rox's bitch and sound like one getting bred from behind, and it proved to pay off as the male behind him began roughly ass-fucking him.

Rox was too horny to even make coherent words as both hands grabbed at Kliph's sides, and the 'female' was held down perfectly still while the dominant rhino took his pleasure by force. Loud hammering echoed through the room as Rox's hips collided with Kliph's, and a second noise soon started escaping as the desk grinded forwards along the ground from the smaller rhino's body getting bashed against it.

Kliph's ass was stretched wide open with each thrust, and precum spat into his guts with each powerful motion. The cream-colored pachyderm cried out in whimpering moans and gasps, although the air was forced from him so quickly that he'd grunt whenever his mouth was held open during an inward thrust. Kliph was in heaven. This was where a slut rhino like him belonged at work; bent over his boss' desk taking it up the ass with a face drenched in cum.

The excess seed from the previous release dripped down from the smaller rhino's snout and onto the desk. He could taste some of it while it traveled over his lips, although it tended to fling from his horn and away from him from the hard pounding he was getting. The rest just drooled over his back, and it made Rox's grasp a bit slippery. The large rhino accommodated for it though and held on tighter, practically squeezing the life from his poor female while grunting and ramming his dick beneath 'her' tail.

The thrusting grew faster and the repeated slapping sounds echoing through the room grew louder. A constant beat pounded into Kliph's ass time and time again, and he held onto the desk as hard as he could as it began to shift forwards far enough that Rox couldn't hilt. The large rhino had to step forwards at times just to keep up with the desk moving, and he did so without skipping a beat.

Kliph could feel Rox's sac beginning to rise up, and the tone emitted when those large orbs swung against his own roughly changed with it. The creamy rhino was going to get claimed again, and the climax was coming on fast. Like a selfish and lustfilled lover, Rox didn't care or even think to warn his bitch of his impending release. The dominant male simply used Kliph as he wanted and thrust at a pace that pleasured him the most.

That pace was bringing his climax on quickly, and the large pachyderm simply swung his hips repeatedly with an unceremonious grunt to mark his release. Kliph knew exactly when that climax hit though, and he clenched his eyes as a hot rush of seed flushed through his backside. The lewd, slick cum got plunged deeper into his body, making his guts feel pressurized from within as Rox just kept thrusting away. The smaller male opened his mouth almost as if he was expecting seed to gush out of his lips, but none came as the male behind him shot more and more fluid beneath his tail.

Rox's fat glans flared up and the foreskin surrounding his shaft helped keep a tight seal around his flesh. Kliph was going to be keeping every last drop, and Rox was making sure it didn't even think to come out and soak his groin by plunging and hammering it all deeper. Kliph shuddered and moaned out with a high pitch squeal as his belly began to bulge lightly. The thick fluid inside even lifted up his ass just a bit more. Being a rhino, there was always room for more it seemed, and Kliph's ass took it all with only a bit of pleasant discomfort.

The dominant male grunted once more to mark the end of his release, and his little tail flagged behind him with the few last shots. One heavy paw came swinging down and smacked Kliph's ass possessively to leave a red hand-print.

With a confident grin, the larger rhino pulled his hips back and shoved three of his large fingers beneath Kliph's tail to keep his bitch plugged up.

"Close up, whore... I don't want you leaking cum on our carpet." He said to Kliph while still imagining the smaller male as his wife.

The smaller rhino whined lightly and tried clenching his stretched muscles. He could only feel how abused and distended they were after being so thoroughly fucked and seeded. The muscles of his ring and inner walls finally began to tighten up again after a few moments, and Kliph's body relaxed some while he rolled over onto his back. The fingers in his ass stayed in place and added a slightly lewd sensation as the pressure of the seed inside him lessened some when the force on his belly was relieved.

"Good girl..." Rox said with a broad grin, although soon he opened his eyes to look down at Kliph.

The large male looked almost startled to see his son's friend lying there beneath him, and a hot blush shot across his snout as he sat back in his chair and rubbed the back of his head. He looked a little lost for words as he looked Kliph over, seeing the mess he'd made and remembering some of the words he'd said. He then remembered to pull his fingers out of the well-fucked ass of the smaller male only to wipe them off on Kliph's thigh.

"Well, Kliph... You can have the rest of the day off.. Um.. What I said in here stays between us, Okay? I love my wife.. She just.. you know.. Isn't a cockwhore like you..." Rox said gruffly.

Kliph just laughed and leaned forwards while kneeling in front of his boss. He reached out to hold the cock that was in his ass moment ago in his hands just in front of his slutty snout.

"I understand boss.. But before I go, let me help clean you up." Kliph responded to show that he knew how the game was to be played.

His cum-covered snout twisted and turned as he took the larger male's dick into his mouth just to swipe the cum off of it and clean the flesh of the dominant male. After his lips and tongue were done sweeping up the large, softening dick, the smaller rhino hoisted it up and began tonguing over the drenched balls just below. It took only a few moments for the entire cock to be cleaned, and Kliph grabbed for a towel to clean off Rox and then himself of the rest of the fluid.

The smell was still easily picked up on both males, but it'd no doubt be easier to go unnoticed without it dripping from Kliph's face or ass. It was impossible to keep Kliph's ass from leaking at least a little, but the slut-rhino had enough experience to know how to keep it under control.

Rox simply grinned at the submissive and willing whore of rhino he had working for him, and he got his loincloth out of his desk so he could at least be somewhat dressed after his fun.

"Any time you want a day off, you know how you can get it now. Alright?" Rox said with a glance over to the creamy rhino now standing and turning for the door.

Kliph simply nodded with a knowing grin before licking the inside of his mouth and heading out the door naked and a slight bit sticky.

The rhino closed the door behind him and found Gerik standing beside it leaned against the wall. It didn't take words for the two to greet each other or to explain what had gone on. Both simply exchanged glances and grins before they started heading out to where Lurk was waiting.

The silence was broken only when Clomp noticed the two coming out of the warehouse together.

"Off for more adventures, eh?" Clomp said with a roll of his eyes, although his nares flared as he caught the all-too-familiar scent soaking one of the two. He figured which one it was fairly quickly and glared at his friend almost in a jealous way. "I see father gave you the day off for good reason." Clomp offhandedly said to Kliph with a playful but indignant tone.

Kliph laughed quietly and opened his mouth to show some leftover cum on his tongue. He then angled his head back and let the other rhino watch him swallow it.

"Mmhm.. Seems I'm a sick pervert and need some time off for your dad to recover for next time." Kliph replied with a grin.

Clomp rolled his eyes and tried to look offended. It was hard though when the thoughts of such things were making him as aroused as they were lately. He gave a grunt though to signal the conversation was over for now.

Kliph and Gerik took that as their cue and headed for the TT where Lurk was waiting. The tall shark looked over and turned down the stereo with a knowing smirk on his snout.

"Took a little convincing, huh? You're just lucky I look so good in this car, or I might have gotten bored waiting for you guys." Lurk responded with his flirtatious, rumbling tone.

It was so out of character for the big guy, and Kliph just gave an awkward glance to Gerik before finally noticing the car only had two seats.

"You asshole, you knew there were three of us coming today, didn't you?" Kliph said with a laugh to Lurk.

The large shark in the driver's seat just smirked and shrugged offhandedly. Looking between the three they tried to imagine how they were going to fit. Being a pachyderm, Kliph was a heavy guy... especially with the muscle he'd been putting on. Gerik couldn't keep that in his lap for long, and it soon became clear that Gerik would be sitting in Kliph's lap for once.

With a sigh, Gerik opened the door for Kliph and let the rhino get into the passengers seat first. The shark noticed the hand-print left from Rox on the rhino's ass and smirked to himself before hopping in and settling into the creamy rhino's lap. Gerik cringed a bit at the stickiness still left from Rox's cum, but quickly remembered it was fresh from the sounds he'd heard coming from the room before. It was more comfortable than it looked, although there was an awkward piece of flesh bulging up right against Gerik's backside.

"Don't get too frisky boy, you're going to need all that energy saved up for when we arrive." Gerik said back to Kliph.

The rhino had a pretty good idea what that meant, but still had no idea where they were going. It didn't seem to matter that he was naked and smelled like another guy's cum though...

The End