Lurking in the Mud - Community Service

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#12 of Lurking in the Mud

Nox has signed up to help out his community with some works around the countryside! He gets paired up with Garn for some very muddy but unexpectedly enjoyable work.

Summer was really here, the fields of wheat to either side of the road were golden, the acres of golden stalks rippling in a breeze that was light yet felt as if it had just come out of an oven. It didn't bother Nox however as he eased up on the pedals of his bicycle and let it coast gently down the sloping hill into the valley. The breeze picked up as his speed increased, riffling through his short, thick, oily platypus fur, cooling him down pleasantly. He felt like he'd been baking as he made his way up the hill, the trouble with oily water-proof fur was the feeling that you were gonna deep fry au naturale in weather like this. He slicked back his head fur and let his eyes skip over the countryside as he rode down the hill. The fields were golden and beyond them lay the breathtaking wall of green that was the forest that covered this part of the Uxibarae estate. As he coasted around a bend he caught a momentary glimpse of the river in the distance, a ribbon of bright blue winding past the wheat field on his right. It arched around and vanished into the woodlands several miles away across the centre of the valley.

He wouldn't be going that far however, at least not right away, the platypus changed gear on his bike and slipped his sandalled feet back onto the pedals as he coasted onto the flat at the bottom of the hill. The road wove back and forth, hemmed in by ancient flint walls, the tarmac shimmered under the summer sun and shadows criss-crossed the road as he cycled on. Half a mile on he finally reached his destination, an old wooden gate that gave access to a dusty track that traversed the grass verge between two of the wheat fields. Like a responsible chap Nox dismounted, wheeled his bike through and paused to make sure the gate was properly latched again. He also took a long swig from his bottle of water, swishing it about his grey bill before undoing the top three buttons on his bright hawaiian shirt.

A mile later and he finally caught sight of what he was looking for, the dirt track crossed a plank bridge. Under the bridge was a steep sided culvert clogged with bright green weeds and waiting for him was a huge, eight foot tall figure with waist length dreadlocks. Garn Uxibarae raised a hand and smiled, whiskery otter muzzle splitting wide to show off small white fangs. He was dressed in a knee length brown kilt held up by a heavy belt from which a large canteen dangled on a strap. His torso was bare and well Nox had to try hard not to stare, this otter was fit, his physique that of someone who spent a lot of time swimming. His fur was a mixture of rich chocolate and lighter creamier brown down his chest and stomach and his dreadlocks were amazing. They varied in size and thickness, each one expertly braided and held together by a series of small metal and stone rings, the longest reached all the way to his waist.

"Nox, nice to see you again," Garn held out a webbed paw and the platypus grasped it in his own grey paw, the webbing between Nox's fingers stretching as even Garn's paws were huge, "So ready to do our assigned part in the old Community Summer clean up?"

Smiling back at the cheerful water-beast Nox nodded and clambered off his bike, "Sure am, but how did we end up with flood culvert maintenance?"

"Well Mrs Practore decided us aquatic types should do the water work," he snorted and shook his head, "You'd think the fact I own most of the land would give me some say on the committee, but nope," he grinned, "Mrs Practore will be sitting in the village hall reigning supreme with minions to bring her cake and tea whilst her "team" cleans the hall. The badger twins Braxt and Dreon are on public footpath clearing duty and my sons Alrendo, Thompson and Jacob are off clearing the village pond."

Nox shook his head and peered over the bridge at the choked, clogged and water filled culvert, "So we get to clear that out?"

The culvert started under the bridge, emerging from underground through a large grill. It then wandered off between the the fields toward the river in the distance. The banks were steep sided and fell down six feet before they reached the water line. The banks were mostly thick slimy looking brownish mud and the odd dwarf tree or stand of tough heather or seer grass. The channel itself was clogged with the bright green water weeds that formed a sort of matt that wandered off into the distance.

"Yup, alligator weed, nasty stuff, grows like anything in the spring," Garn joined the platypus and gestured, "This flood channel is practically clogged, if it rains the water won't drain through this into the river, it'll spill out or get stuck in the tunnel and flood the road."

Peering off into the distance Nox turned to the big otter, "How long is this channel?"

"Three miles, but I scouted it this morning, the alligator weed gives up for the last mile," the otter grinned at Nox's dismayed look, "Don't worry we don't need to clear it all, just make a clear channel through the middle. It'll take us a few hours sure but it's a good workout."

"You've done this before then?" Nox asked as he slung his backpack off his shoulders and opened it, "Any advice on how to do this? I take it it'll be easier if we both just wade into the water, that'll be why Mrs Practore said I should come prepared to get wet?"

"Ayup," Garn brushed back his dreadlocks and climbed up onto the railing of the bridge, "She disapproves of us slimy water types, let's go make her really disapprove by getting wet." He then let go and dropped, throwing his body backwards, curved into an arching point and vanished through the weeds with a splash. He quickly popped back to the surface and waved, weeds draped all over his shoulders and head, "It's about four feet deep, you know how to dive into that sort of depth right?"

"Of course!" Nox shouted back as he hurriedly stripped off his shirt and light canvas shorts leaving just his short, neon-green swim trunks in place, "Otters," he muttered, "Show offs," he rested a paw on the slight dome of his stomach and idly scratched his fur with his tiny claws. He wasn't in the best of shapes for a platypus but hey maybe today could help him reduce the gut a bit. He chained his bike and backpack to the bridge, stuffed his water bottle in the pocket of his shorts and dived over the railing after the otter.

He might not be in perfect shape but he still knew how to dive and cut into the water with barely a splash though he did shudder at the slimy embrace of the reeds. Nox found the channel was only about four feet deep like Garn predicted and his dive had been aimed to carry his body in a shallow arc across the river bed. Sticking his hands and feet into it he found it was soft, squishy muck that would be nearly impossible to push off from. So he had to use his webbed hands to pull himself through the water and to the surface. He emerged through the layer of weeds next to where Garn was standing and opened his eyes again, platypus' didn't really use their eyes under the water, just sensors in their bills.

Nox looked the otter up and down, like himself he was clearly wet but in that sleek, smooth way of otters, platypus, beavers and voles. His fur was smooth, oiled yet darkened with water much like his own. The otter swayed his rudder like tail from side to side and grinned at Nox slapping him on the shoulder, "Good dive, very impressive quacks, so shall we get started?"

Nox quacked at the nickname and grinned warmly at the otter then cast his gaze up and down the length of the culvert, "Sure, lead on what's the best way to get rid of this stuff?" picking weeds off his shoulders he threw them onto the bank where they went splat.

"It's pretty simple really," Garn looked around then waded over to the blocked grill and plunged his hands underwater, wrapping strands of the knotted weeds around his arms, "You gotta pull this stuff up low down, yank as much of it out of the mud as you can," the otter pulled out an armful, working his way along between the bars of the grill, "Just sort of rest it against your stomach and chest until you've got a good armful."

Nox watched as Garn spent several minutes doing just as he'd described. He'd yanked up great big handfuls of the slimy weeds and sort of bundle them in against his stomach, holding it in place with elbows and arms whilst his hands pulled up more. After about five minutes he had a big sodden mass of green vegetation held in his arms and the three bars he'd cleared were running with mostly clear water into the clogged channel.

"What do we do with it then? Throw it on the bank?"

"Not quite, now this is the tricky bit that really gives us a work out," the otter licked his lips, shifted his load and took three lumbering steps toward the bank, he then pushed off and jumped. It wasn't an easy jump, not with his feet sinking through the mud but he force his body up and threw his arms up above his head. This sent his armful of weeds tumbling up onto the grass at the top of the bank with a wet splat but left the otter with no chance to recover before he hit the bank stomach first with a muddy squelch. He slipped back down into the water, a fine layer of thick grey/brown clay clinging to his body and grinned at Nox as he sat up next to the startled platypus.

"That's the way to do it, gotta get the weeds out of the culvert or they just put roots down into the bank and it gets worse."

"We're going to get filthy," Nox objected, squirming his webbed toes in the mud, "I don't think I've played in the mud since I was a puggle.."

Grinning widely, stripping mud from his whiskers with his paws Garn clambered back to his feet and prodded Nox in the gut, "I can see, you should, we've got fourteen of these channels to clear, two a week over the next seven weeks. I'll get you in shape and enjoying the mud in no time, come on, it'll be fun."

Nox squirmed for a moment then opened his bill wide in a grin and waded over to start pulling out weeds, "Ah what the hell, I need to lose the pudge and mud does feel great against my fur," Garn laughed and joined in weed gathering from the other end of the grill cheering Nox on with an enthusiastic ottery bark. The platypus soon got the hang of pulling out the weeds and cleared four of the spaces in the grill before his arms were full. He then carefully waded across to the edge of the water and eyed the steep bank doubtfully.

"Back off, do a run up and just hurl yourself up, don't worry about coming back down, you need to get the weeds on the top," Garn advised, "Otherwise you gotta climb up and do it by hand and that's just a big pain."

Nox nodded, backed up about two feet back into the water then charged forward. His feet sank into the slimy clay of the river bed, his top speed was an undignified waddle but it was enough that he could push off, leap and hurl... the bundle of slimy dark green plant stuff arched up over the top of the bank and went splat! A second later Nox also went splat, beak and hands, stomach hips and legs driving into the slick muddy bank only to slither back down. The mud bunched up all around him, oozed through his slick, wet fur and left him coated in a layer of thick oozing muck. Sitting up at the bottom he wiped it off his grey bill and emitted a half quack, half laugh and clambered back to his feet.

"Ok that was, a hell of a lot more fun than I thought it'd be," wiping his hands free he waded over to Garn and started to pull up more weeds, "Let's do this!"

After that time passed pretty quickly, after they cleared the grill the pair of water mammals started to clear the centre of the channel, pulling up armfuls of weeds and hurling them up onto the bank. Every armful was accompanied by a wet, slithering descent back down through the mud before they did it again not bothering to really clean off the muck. Nox found he could do three, maybe four leaps every two or three minutes. He didn't have to be precise about gathering the weeds, just pull them out of the water, take a short waddle and leap! It left him breathless, aching and panting somewhat but the culvert was mostly shaded from the sun, wet, muddy and cool and he managed to keep going for a good hour before he had to stop and rest.

In that time they'd maybe travelled a quarter of a mile from the start of the culvert and after a short break they resumed. It was wet, messy, slimy work but strangely satisfying, as they worked their way along the channel became clearer, water started flowing down the middle and Nox was left panting and struggling a bit as the hard manual labour caught up with him. After the second hour Garn called a halt and the platypus flopped backwards against the bank and just lay there, drinking slowly from his water before sighing with relief and looking over at the otter.

"You... do this... every... year?" He wheezed, sitting up and rolling his shoulders, stretching his legs out before him, "This... is punishing... I'm gonna.... Be aching tomorrow..."

The otter slithered skillfully over next to the platypus and grinned, sprawled in the mud on his side, his body was a slick mess from muzzle to ankles giving him a very streamlined appearance. Nox blushed a bit as Garn started to roll back and forth, coating his body in a thick, slick layer of clay. He then ducked his head under and brushed his paws back through his dreads, slicking them down under a thick layer of creamy, gooey mud so they clung to his neck and shoulders like long wriggly worms of goop.

"Ah, you seem to enjoy the mud a lot I see," Nox ventured after the otter seemed to be done with his impromptu bath.

"Sure do, especially as the morning's getting on, give it another twenty minutes and the sun'll be practically overhead, baking us dry," he slid close and pressed a gooey paw to Nox's mud smeared chest, running his webbed paws down to gently jiggle the platypus' gut, "I suggest you do the same, that way what gets baked is your mud not your brain."

Blushing deeply as the otter rubbed his muddy stomach Nox nodded and sat up, then gasped as Garn scooted behind him and upended a massive armful of thick clay right over his head. Practiced otter paws smoothed it through the thick fur of his back, after the initial jump at the suddenness of mud and otterpaws Nox let himself relax. The hard kneading of webbed fingers and firm knuckles were doing wonders for his muscles and the mud was cool. Then without warning Garn's paws were over his paddle and dipping down beyond the waistband of his swim shorts to pack his shorts with clay too. Nox yelped and squirmed then gasped as the otters' thick paw suddenly curved around his hips and found his half-hard dick.

"I couldn't help but notice," Garn purred in Nox's ear. "That you've been sporting a semi for the past half an hour, all this mud bringing back happy memories?"

Nox blushed and turned his head and nuzzled the otter's smooth, slick face, "Ah... I was hoping the layer of mud meant you couldn't see... uhm oooh... " he squished his paws into the muck as Garn squeezed his plump nuts and left him wriggling, "I... sort of have lots of fantasies about mud and uhm... gods why am I telling you this..."

"Because you know what's hiding under my kilt," Garn winked, "And I'm a friendly otter," he slithered around in front of the platypus, dug his paws into the muck and nuzzled the much more prominent bulge he'd left in the bill faced mammals' shorts, "So what do you say to... stripping these off once we're done with the reads and joining me in the mud for some fun?"

Licking his bill Nox squirmed under the otter's administrations and blushed, quacking softly before nodding, "Sure, but ah.. I still get lunch right? For volunteering to help clear this channel?"

"Of course, once we reach the river we can swim downstream to my cabin... once we're finished out here."

"Sounds Nice," Nox murmured as he stroked the otter's ears as Garn lay in his lap for a moment longer then the platypus wriggled free, took a deep breath and plunged into the muddy walls of the bank. He sank his arms in and wriggled his hips back and forth to drive his knees deeper. His beak cut through the muck as well and he waggled his head from side to side to dig in deeper until with a splatter and slippery sliding gloop the bank above collapsed down over his back and legs. It felt good to just let go and slide into the muck, to let it ooze down over his body, sliding and creeping through his thick oily fur to reduce him to an identifiable mud critter like Garn. He stayed under for several minutes, letting his store of oxygen tick on down and rocked his hips against the mud, sliding one hand down to stuff his shorts full of the slimy muck and fondle himself. It felt so good, not just because he knew the otter was watching but anyone could walk past in theory and see him and down here, in the dark and the muck. With his body sliding and inching through the thick mud he could pretend he was sinking like in all those fantasies of his.

He only pushed free back out into the sunshine and the fresh air once his lungs were burning and he splashed back against Garn who was wallowing in his own patch of churned up muck. The otter well he didn't look much like an otter now, he was just a sleek shape covered in a liquid layer of greyish brown muck. His head was a bullet shape with no whiskers or colour except the mud, his torso was clearly musteline of some kind or another but other then that he could be any species, especially with his tail hidden from sight.

"Feels liberating doesn't it?" Garn asked as he slithered close and pressed his snout to Nox's bill, "You should see yourself, I can't tell if you're a duck or a platypus or some other kind of bird with a flat beak," Nox nodded shyly, shifting his shorts as his dick twitched at those words, "Our lives out there don't matter, right now we are brothers in mud... so..." the otter slide a paw down Nox's chest and kissed his bill. It was an odd sensation, kissing someone with his flat beak and as Garn drew back from the impromptu snog he stood up, "Shall we get this job finished so we can play?"

Scrambling back to his feet Nox nodded and joined in gathering up weeds again as he waded out into the water. It was just as grueling and strenuous as before but now Nox had incentive to work hard. It was also nice that each time he splattered belly first into the bank he got the chance to grind his half-hard dick into the sludge and renew his thick, sticky coating. Clambering back into the stream after one weed leap the platypus found himself face to face with Garn who had just picked himself back up as well.

"I was meaning to ask," the otter opened, "I noticed you stayed under for an awful long time and..." he sidled closer and whispered, "You got extra squirmy toward the end, I take it you like the old... you know..."

Nox nodded and wiggled his toes, "Yeah I like it when people you know, limit my breathing," he blushed, cursing the otter for making him say it outloud when it was obvious he already knew, "It's fun, I love dreaming about sinking into mud or quicksand and you know..."

"Yeah I know what you mean," Garn teased a paw down Nox's stomach and turned to start gathering up more weeds with a splash and a squish, "Let's get going, sooner we're done the sooner we can play and I can indulge your fantasies."

After that there wasn't much time for talking, one of them was either squished into the bank after flinging weeds up onto the grass or was busy pulling vegetation out of the water. Nox needed all his breath to keep working, he was panting something madly and had to take frequent stops to guzzle from his bottle of water. As Garn had predicted the sun moved up across the sky, the heat rained down on their normally shady culvert and the platypus was really glad for the layer of mud protecting his neck and back. Sure he had fur but he could still over heat and wind up with heatstroke and Garn had promised way too many delicious things for him to want that to happen.

In the end it took them another three hours of solid work with a few stops to fool around and catch their breaths. Then they reached the end of the culvert, at least the part that was choked with weeds. There was a sort of concrete bar that was a mass of slimy, slick, filthy weeds and then after that was the mile long stretch that was controlled by the rise and fall of the tide in the river. Sprawled with his arms propped up on the concrete bar Nox looked out toward the river. The tide was out, the culvert beyond the concrete flood-barrier was mostly mud, water was flowing now they had cleared the drain but it wasn't doing much to fill the bottom of the culvert yet.

Garn sprawled out next to Nox and ran a mucky paw up the platy's back and nodded forward, "That's it, a mile long ribbon of the slickest, wettest clay between here and my cabin, shall we go a wading and see what we see?"

Nox smiled and in answer crawled over the flood barrier and drove his arms, then his head then his whole upper body into the thick, stody clay lining the bottom of the culvert on the other side. He let out a muffled quack as Garn grabbed his webbed feet and helped to shove him deeper! It felt brilliant, the muck oozed and slid across his body. Rolling onto his back Nox pulled his feet out of Garn's grip, found the buried concrete wall and shoved off. He moved so slowly through the mud, webbed hands groping and tugging at the slimy morass until he pushed himself up. The crusty, dried out layer of dirt on his back and neck was gone, replaced by the slick feeling of fresh, mud. Blinking his eyes clear he was just in time to see Garn dive off and slide effortlessly into the clay, it rippled with his passage and as Nox leant backwards, half ready to tackle the otter when he surfaced he was treated instead to a pair of paws tugging his shorts down and an otter muzzle engulfing his dick.

It felt so strange and slick, the otter's muzzle was warm and tight yet squishy as the mud filling it and surrounding his dick was smooshed and smoothed across his long length by the big guys teasing. Nox quacked loudly, eyes fluttering closed as he pushed his hands back and forth through the muck, bill opening and closing in delight as the otter toyed and teased with his balls. Webbed fingers covered in slick clay felt amazing against his plump nuts as Garn continued to stay down there. A minute had passed and the otter showed no sign of coming back up, the devil had filled his lungs and seemed intent on staying under the surface and keeping Nox squirming. The more he wriggled the gloopier the mud under his body became. The thick clay was mixing with the water leaking into the divot he had created with his body as he churned it up into a creamy mess that slipped and oozed across his body with ease.

Gasping and squirming Nox pressed his shoulders and head back into the mud, hands reaching down through the muck to grip Garn's ears and tease them. He flicked his rudder back and forth, rearing it up out of the mud and splashing the clay from side to side as he started to bob and shift his head faster. Nox quacked and squirmed, he was trying to hold back, to last longer, to not give in but it was growing harder with every passing moment. Panting heavily Nox could feel himself sinking, the longer he lay and squirmed in one place the more accepting the muck got. It was already starting to ooze over the sides of the indent he had squidged out of the mud. It felt so good to sink, to feel the mud oozing in over his his slick, coated fur. It was starting to build up and bury him properly, his head was in danger of sinking beneath the surface as he squirmed and rocked his hips back and forth at the otter's teasing sucking, and slurping. Garn didn't seem to mind the taste of the mud and Nox groaned heavily and bucked his hips in need as the mud started to ooze up over the top of his head and cover his eyes.

His whole body was beneath the mud now and continuing to sink, Garn's weighty body was pushing down on his legs, forcing them deeper and dragging the rest of his body down with it. With only his beak above the surface Nox opened it wide, filling his lungs with air and then snapped it shut as it sank beneath the surface. It felt so good, Garn was an expert at what he was doing and that coupled with his slow, sinking was way too much. Nox squirmed back and forth helplessly and started to empty his load into the otter's maw, firing jet after thick, creamy, sticky jet into the muddy mess! Garn swallowed, gulping down whole mouthfuls of his seed mixed with the creamy muck, the sensation of otter throat rippling over his shaft was sublime! Arching his back, digging his shoulders deeper into the mud the platypus squirmed, firing an extra long shot from his shaft at the teasing gulps of the otter. Sadly like with all good things his orgasm tailed off and the platypus felt the otter slide free of his body and pull himself up through the mud to cuddle him.

For a moment the otter just lay atop him, their muddy bodies sliding back and forth against one another as they cuddled. Then Garn nuzzled along the length of Nox's beak before strong arms gripped his shoulders and rolled him over. Nox let out a muffled quack as the otter pushed him deeper and slipped his shaft up under his paddle of a tail and into his rump. The slick clay made entry so easy, one moment there was pressure under his tail and then he was being spread by thick otter dick easing into him up to the hilt. Clawing at the mud Nox moaned, getting a beak full of muck as Garn pulled them both back up to the surface as his hips started to thrust and buck and drive his warm, thick shaft in and out of his tight platy rear.

Gasping down a lungful of air as they surfaced Nox scrambled at the mud, trying to find something to hold onto as the otter growled in his ears and pounded his arse. All Nox found to hold onto was more mud, it squished around his webbed fingers as he quacked long and loud as he was ridden across the surface of the muddy channel. Their bodies squelched and squished against one another as mud oozed and slicked back and forth against them until with a loud series of excited barks Garn's body tensed and he gripped the platypus harder. With a squelch of his hips thrusting home and his arms squeezing Nox's chest the otter unloaded himself into the otter with wild abandon.

When Garn finally came back down he sprawled out atop Nox's back, gently cuddling the platypus as he quacked and squirmed in the mud. Eventually Nox felt calm enough to turn his head and nuzzle the otter's slick, muddy face and smile at him.

"That felt... amazing... hell it still does," he stretched, squishing his arms through the mud and smiling quietly, "I've never I mean... the mud feels awesome and ugh the way you made me sink... rrrfff."

Chuckling quietly the otter nuzzled the platypus and grinned, "Well shall we wriggle our way through the mud to the river? Maybe once we reach my cabin I can show you some of the other things you can do in the mud?"

Nox nodded and sighed with regret as the otter slipped out of his butt, he'd been a warm, comforting weight lodged between his cheeks. Now he felt somewhat emptier but slicker and followed Garn's example of sliding across the mud on his belly toward the river. The thick clay oozed up on either side of his body as he wriggled forward, sliding his way toward the sparkling blue river and beyond that more mischief with the big otter!

Tower of Troubles: Fire and Heroes

It took them over an hour to get going again, Garn and Azimuth had to burn down a wall of illusionary stonework to break out of the clockwork room. Nido had to spend nearly as long getting Tileki back on his feet, they may have been big, strong,...

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Tower of Troubles: Fire and Heroes

It took them over an hour to get going again, Garn and Azimuth had to burn down a wall of illusionary stonework to break out of the clockwork room. Nido had to spend nearly as long getting Tileki back on his feet, they may have been big, strong,...

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Tower of Troubles: Fire and Heroes

It took them over an hour to get going again, Garn and Azimuth had to burn down a wall of illusionary stonework to break out of the clockwork room. Nido had to spend nearly as long getting Tileki back on his feet, they may have been big, strong,...

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