My Roomate

Story by Bearbelly on SoFurry

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Hello this is my first story that i have written and I hope that I can get some positive feedback that could help me out in future stories. please comment and enjoy

It was a humid Sunday morning and Devin a brown bear was woken up by his alarm clock. Devin yawned and stretched when awoken, then got up out of the bed into the bathroom to take a shower. Devin striped down and looked at the mirror.

Devin said to him "I need to lose some weight" while he was playing with his large belly.

Devin walked over to the shower stall with the see through door and turned the water on hot. The water ran out of the shower head instantly filling the room up with steam. As he went into the hot water Devin let out a silent ahhhhhhhh. He grabs the soap and start to lather down his body starting with his breasts, then down to his penis, and last his feet. Making sure that every part of his body was completely lathered in soap. He starts to rinse his body, and then suddenly the door swings open. Devin's first reaction was to cover his exposed body with his hands. It was his roommate James who was a pudgy Lion that came through the door.

James said "Good Morning Devin"

"Hey couldn't you knock first or even better just wait your turn?"

"I needed to brush my teeth. I wouldn't just walk into the bathroom if I didn't need to take care of some business."

"Well can you hurry it up me feel a little uneasy about you seeing my penis ".

"Just because I am gay and you aren't doesn't mean that I was going to look at your penis. You have nothing to worry about"

James finished brushing his teeth and put his toothbrush back into the cabinet. As he walked out the door he shouted "I am making breakfast so hurry up washing that ass of yours" shutting the door as he left.

Devin feeling more secure finished rinsing off his soap coved body and jumped out of the shower stall. He walks up to the cabinet and grabs his dental hygiene equipment and start to work on his teeth. As he is brushing his teeth Devin takes a good look at his reflection in the foggy mirror and lets out a depressing sigh. Upon finishing brushing his teeth Devin grabs a nearby towel and wraps it around his waist walking out of the bathroom into his bedroom. Once Devin gets back to his room he starts to rummage through his dresser looking for something to wear. He pulls out a pair of boxers, some denim shorts and a tee shirt with the logo of his favorite metal band on the front of the tee shirt. He could smell the haunting breakfast aroma that was coming from the kitchen, so he quickly put on his clothes and rushed to the kitchen to see what was made.

Devin walked into the kitchen and saw two plates of scrambled eggs, sausage links, and hash browns on the table. James walked in on Devin eyeing down the food.

James said " Hey Devin, hope there was no hard feelings about what happen in the bathroom this morning, sorry about that "as he sat down in front of his plate of food.

" That is ok James, no hard feelings" replied Devin who also sat down in front of his plate of food.

" So what are you going to do today?" said James

" I have nothing planned today. I was just going to relax and plays some games maybe watch a movie or two"

" Sounds like a lazy day I just might join you"

Devin smiled at James

James smiled back

"The heat this week has been merciless, am I right?" says Devin

"Maybe if you would get trimmed like you should of this heat problem would be less bad for you" Replies James with a smirk on his face

"Well I am going for the natural look" says Devin as he shakes his head left and right moving the fur on his face.

James laughs and gets up from the table to take his empty plate to the kitchen, Devin following shortly after.

"So what game should we play?" said James

"How bout we play some Rock Band?" answered Devin

"That sounds fun, can I be vocals?" replied James

Devin Said " Yea of course I have a bad singing voice any ways. I will stick to an instrument"

Both Devin and James walked over to the television and started to get there equipment ready to play. James picked up a microphone and a controller while Devin plugged in his rock band guitar.

Devin turns on the game and says " what song do you want to play?"

" Something that is not metal. My head is pounding just thinking of the noise" says James

Devin turns to James and sticks his tongue out at James and then chuckles.

Playing through their first set list James asks Devin

"Why do you like to listen to metal, all they do is scream and shout"

Devin Replies "Metal is just like any other type of music. It changes the way you feel when you listen"

"How does something change the way you feel if you can't understand what that person is saying?"

" It is not just about the vocalist you have to listen to each and every instrument that helps make that song. Plus you can never fully understand what the vocalist is saying anyways"

James answers " no matter how that type of music makes you feel I makes my throat feel like is bleeding just listening to the vocalist sing"

After a few more songs Devin turns to James and says

"Want to go out and get some lunch?"

" I am not sure that I will be able to survive that heat and humidity outside. How bout we make something cold instead." replied James

Devin agrees to the idea and puts away the game and follows James into the kitchen. James opens the fridge and asks Devin " What should we have to eat?"

" Do you want to have some cereal?' replied Devin

"Sounds good" James says

James takes out the milk and cereal and places them on the kitchen counter. Devin takes two bowls and prepares their cold lunch. Devin finishes pouring the cereal and gives a spoon and a bowl of cereal to James. They both walk to the table and sit down to eat.

James says " so did you find that special someone yet?"

" No not yet" Devin responds with a disappointed look on his face

"Don't worry I am sure that you will find someone."

"No one is ever going to want to date a big guy like me. I will always be a fat ass that has no one"

" Don't say that! You a handsome man that has a great personality."

"What is so great about being me? Nothing that is what"

Devin stands up and walks out of the room into the kitchen. James follows Devin into the kitchen shortly after.

" Look you have lots of great features, you can't just say that you are nothing great" says James

"I have no features that can attract someone"

"Yea you do"

"Like what?"

"Well you have a cute ass"

Devin looks at James and smirks

"Don't worry about it. I am positive you will find someone to call your special someone. It just takes time."

"Ok... I will give it more time"

James walks up to Devin and hugs him.

"I will be there for you always Devin. You can depend on me. "

Devin wraps his arms around James and says " Thank you James"

James releases Devin from his hug and says "Let's go watch a movie. Maybe you can find a good pick up line"

Devin laughs and agrees to the idea.

Devin and James both walk into the living room and turn on the Television. James grabs the remote and starts flipping through the channels. James stops on a channel that is playing a romantic comedy and says to Devin

"Maybe we can find something for you to use in this move"

Both James and Devin laugh at the idea

A half an hour into the movie James says "Man it is hot in here. Is it fine if I take off my shirt"

Devin replies " I just might join you"

Devin takes off his tee shirt and tosses it over the arm of the couch. He then lets out a sigh of relief and looks at James who was still taking off his shirt. Devin starts to stare at James half naked body looking at his pink nipples and big belly. James catches Devin looking at his body and says "like what you see" then chuckles.

James noticing that Devin didn't hear him tried to get his attention by snapping his fingers in front of his face.

Devin realizing that he has been caught in the act snaps back to reality and says " uh.... do you want some popcorn. I will go make some popcorn"

Devin goes to the kitchen and starts to make a movie snack for both of them. He places a popcorn bag into the microwave and then pours the popcorn into a big bowl. He walks in the living room and notices that James is naked. Devin quickly looks always and says "what are you doing?"

"I seen you looking at me just thought that you would like to see the rest of me"

"You're my friend I can't..."

James interrupts Devin and says "this will be our secret if you want it to be. No one has to know"

"I don't know..."

James walks up to Devin and takes the bowl of popcorn from his hands and places it down on the floor and says "I have always been attracted to you. I thought you were handsome and a unique person. That is why you never seen me with someone else. I have always wanted you to be my special someone"

Devin looks into James eyes and says "I am so confused. I don't know what to do"

James takes Devin's hands and says "What is your heart telling you to do?"

Devin takes a moment to think and sits on the couch. He then says "My heart..... It says I should trust you"

James sits on the couch next to Devin and then says "I Love you"

James the starts to unbutton Devin's pants and slides them off. He then pulls down his boxers exposing Devin's penis. James then takes Devin's penis and starts to play with it causing it to be erect.

James says "Let me show you my affection"

James takes Devin's erect penis and places it in his mouth slowly bobbing his head up and down. Devin is instantly overwhelmed with pleasure and lets out a low moan. The slow bobs become faster and faster bringing Devin close to his climax point. He then feels Devin's penis swell up in his mouth and prepares himself for what was about to happen. Devin Lets out a large amount of cum in James mouth. James tries to swallow as much of the cum as he can but, some starts to pour out the sides of his mouth slowly moving down his cheek. Devin takes James face and starts to lick off the cum that he couldn't swallow down and says

"Let me show you how much I love you"

Devin then get to the floor and gets in position allowing James to mount Devin.

"Are you alright with this?" says James

Devin nods and allows James to continue

James then gets down and spreads Devin's cheeks exposing his anus. He takes his tongue and lubricates Devin's ass hole. Slowly licking around the outside of the anus then penetrating Devin's anus with his tongue. Devin's back starts to quiver from the pleasure. James finishes lubricating Devin's asshole with his saliva and gets in position to mount. James takes his throbbing penis and places it outside of the ass hole teasing Devin for what was soon about to come. Finally he takes Devin's Hips and pulls Devin into the erect penis penetrating Devin with his throbbing cock. Grinding his teeth from the pain of the penetration of James cock he let out a loud moan. James starts to thrust into Devin's ass first slow hen later moving thrusting much more rapidly. Pain turned into pleasure as James pushes his throbbing cock into Devin faster and deeper. Each thrust Devin can feel the Pre build up inside of his ass. James exits Devin's stretched anus and says

"Get up on the couch you dirty bear"

Devin does as he is told and lays on the couch. James places Devin's legs over his shoulder and then pushes his cock back inside. The room that is getting increasingly hotter for the constant motion sweat starts to build up on both Devin and James creating the strong smell of sex in the room. Devin can feel the throbbing cock inside him start to swell up getting ready to explode. James cums inside of Devin's warm ass and let's out a loud roar.

James goes in to kiss Devin and them both lock lips. Devin Breaks the kiss and says "Will you be that special someone?"

James looks into Devin's brown eyes and says "I have always been your special someone"