Furry Fist - Proloque...or The Fist is Rising

Story by Shinji-Lee on SoFurry

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#1 of The Furry Fist

...my first try on an independent story and my biggest idea.

doesn't contain yiff but a romantic relationship between two males. just to let you know.

...also, this is a cry for attention...

He stood at the window, watching the stars in this clear autumn night. His long dark hair danced in the last few warm breezes. Parents were out tonight â€" on a party or something. That stuff was not for him.

Something totally different was on his mind. A wish, pure and strong, disregarding impossible feasibility.


There was nothing else to think about all the days. He firmly closed his eyes and wished for it with everything of faith and power his mind and body contained. As every night.

A single star twinkled above. It did more the harder he wished. The star started to sink and came closer. With unbelievable speed it headed for that open window and rushed past the desperate praying boy, who opened his eyes because of the slight whispering sound the star brought with it. The boy turned around, gasping for breath, staring at the small â€" whatever it was â€" made of light. It laid on the floor in the middle of his room.

"What by all..." - he was cut off speaking. That thing started to grow. It didn't expand in every direction, it just became...taller. And it got a humanoid shape. The light slowly vanished and revealed a fox creature.

Confusing thoughts spun around the human's mind, paralyzing shivers running through his body, disabling him to do anything but stare, whereas the feelings in his heart were so totally clear.

"...Heavens...", the boy whispered, as the furred being opened its eyes and smiled.

"What did just...How did you...Where...?" He was too puzzled to form a straight sentence.

  • "I have no idea"

"Well, at least you understand me..." Finally recovering he still wondered about so many things, he hardly remained sane.

  • "Of course I do. We shared a soul until now. I know everything you know, your heart, your feelings...", the vulpine explained, constantly smiling.

"How is that even possible?"

  • "Don't question something positive. You made a wish and it seems my home world made it come true. I'm here and nothing else is important."

Again the boy was robbed of his ability to speak. Home world? What the hell? But the fox was right. He tried to come up with some words, but again he just stammered.

"You can't hide anything from me. Let it happen."

The boy gave in. As he fell forward, his eyes were closed and beneath them tears of joy wetted his cheeks. He knew this creature for maybe one minute and its story was so absurd, but it felt so good just to be held in its arms.

Long moments of happiness passed before the young human allowed himself to ask:

"Do you have a name?

  • "You want me to have one?" The embrace was still unbroken.

"Renardeau...That's what I'd like to call you..."

  • " A beautiful name..."

Once again pleasant silence fell upon the scene and it stayed for the boy fell asleep and also he fell in love.

His peaceful sleeping form was gently put to bed and watched over by the newly named fox.

The next morning the boy woke up as usual. He climbed off his bed (which was just a mattress) and with his long hair hanging in his face and not even a half eye open he tiredly barged into the bath for combing his hair and throwing some water in his face.

"What a dream. I wished, it would go on", he muttered in front of the mirror.

A little refreshed he returned to his room. Opening the door he saw the bright TV screen.

‘When did I switch that on...?', he wondered a moment, but didn't think any longer about it. Until he looked at his couch. He opened his eyes so wide, they could have fallen out of his head.

On his favourite place sat, smiling at him, the creature in whose arms he fell asleep the night before.

"No dream...?", was all Fauho could whisper.

"...May I...", he said, rising his hand.

The fox softly nodded. The boy touched the furred cheek and went further to caress the ear a little. It felt wonderful â€" for both of them. He stopped and walked over to the window to open it for getting some air.

"This feels too good, to be real"

He leaned on the ledge, watching out.

"But it is", the fox muttered, hugging Fauho from behind, putting his chin on the humans shoulder.

A few moments later his muscles tightened and he stared out, sniffing.

"I smell blood. From nearby. Human blood." He was about to jump out.

"Before you go, put on some clothes", the boy said absently, worrying about the statement.

Renardeau looked down his naked body. „Well...why not. I wonder if this will work here..."

The boy had a puzzled look on, as the fox did a strange hand movement and in the wink of an eye he was dressed in a pair of simple dark pants and a simple white shirt.

"...Not as effective as I hoped. Now jump on my back."

With his human friend pickaback Renardeau jumped out onto the soft grass and headed for the direction he smelled the blood from. He passed some high hedges of the suburban area, then stopped all of a sudden and let Fauho slide off his back.

A wolf rushed into their sight, stopping in surprise, snarling.

"Did you bring a friend with you?" Fascinated Fauho did a few steps towards the wolf but was hold back by the fox beside him. The lupine was covered with blood.

"Please, stay back" he said over his shoulder.

The wolf was obviously confused and terrorized by the place he was in.

"You're one of us, so don't get into my way". He growled to the fox, and addressed to Fauho:"And you die, human!"

Clenching his fists the wolf charged at the human with the obvious intention to kill him.

Renardeau interfered by jumping between them and knocked the angry wolf back.

While that movement, Fauho fell on his back because of the speed, that was too fast for his human eyes and brain.

"Why do you protect that human scum?!"

The wolf howled furiously.

"I love him. No other reason." The fox replied as the lupine attacked him with sharp claws. Just to receive a fast kick against his chin, which made him fall backwards.

The wolf dropped something as he fell. It burst as it hit the ground and reacted by exploding in a blinding white flash and an energy impulse knocking the three of them unconscious.


The voice was far away but steady.

"..........Fauho......You OK?"

He opened an eye seeing a fox's face and yawned. He held his head.

Opening the second eye, he noticed himself lieing near a tree. A tree standing in an unknown country with wide long-grassed meadows and single trees. Obviously not the place he lost consciousness in.

"Where...are we?"

The fox sighed assuaged.

"This is the world, I was born in"

Fauho overlooked the land. He detected some ruins in the distance, hints of civilization. Already forgotten, long time ago.

In that moment he recognized, how far away the ruins really were. He wondered just a little. He stood up, enjoying the breeze touching his body.

"My skin tickles...anything special here?"

  • "This world and everything in it is somehow made of magic", the fox grinned

"But the tickling is caused by something different, I think" he pointed at Fauho's face.

Touching it, the boy felt hairs, where never before had been hairs. No beard â€" it felt like stripes. Scanning his arms, he also saw big lines of hair, there. Speechless he wanted to stroke a strand of his long hair behind his ear, like it was a habit of his. But at the side of his head there was no ear to put something behind. Checking the other side, he didn't find acoustic organ, either. A little terrorized he looked at Renardeau, who gave him the hint, to check the top of his head. Touching it, he felt something pointing upwards from it. He pulled at his own vulpine ears.

"An illusion?" he stared at his companion.

-"No illusion. Seems you start to change. In a very handsome way."

"So, if this is neither a dream nor an illusion", a tear escaped his left eye,"I am the luckiest boy of the universe!"

The moment of delight was a short one, because the wolf from before was back and four of his species were with him. They still were a around mile away, but approaching fast.

Fauho was a little confused by the fact, that he saw them, just as if they stood right in front of him. His senses were improved, somehow, but there was no time to think about it. The running wolves didn't hesitate a second, they immediately started to attack.

Of course, Fauho expected getting sliced into pieces by the sharp claw, the first wolf was reaching for him with. That didn't happen.

He saw the claw approaching and something like an instinct took over his body. With a short, really fast step aside, he easily avoided the attack. In addition he lifted his hand and put his palm under the attacker's chin to lift him up in the air a little. Giving the wolf no chance to react, Fauho did a jump and punched his fist into the chest of the wolf, with everything of strength he was able to put in that punch, knocking the other one down, so hard that he rolled a few feet â€" still alive, but heavily winding.

The second wolf attacked by trying to slice diagonal from lower. The fox-human hybrid countered with a kick against the claw, then tackled the wolf, making him stumble backwards.

Following the stumbling one he jumped and hit the wolf hard with his knee. The hit wolf fell and winded like the first.

Looking over to his vulpine friend, the other two wolves lied down, too.

All the beaten ones headed stumbling for different directions as fast as they could. One wolf remained. Not much holder than a pup. He was stunned in amazement caused by the speed and strength the others were beaten with. In helplessness he firmly closed his eyes and dashed forward, up to the human he intended to kill. He rose his fist for a desperate punch. Of course the movement was stopped by Fauho's hand easily by grabbing the forearm.

Eyes still closed, the young wolfie awaited the human to counter powerful. There WAS a touch of the blocking ones hand, but completely different as expected. Fauho's hand softly caressed the left cheek of his furred opponent, who dared â€" after wincing under the surprising painless touch â€" to open an eye. First he saw the hand, which stopped his attack.

It looked like the one of a human, but with parts of fur on it. Letting his view wander upwards, he saw a face with the same outlook â€" human, but not. Partially covered with fur, eyes without any disgust or hostility against him. But his mind still refused to not regard him as an enemy.

"I am not here to harm you or anyone other", Fauho tried to reassure the obviously scared wolf, who looked barely older than the boy himself. He released the grabbed arm.

"But...but you are...a human...!", the wolf stammered, although trying to shout.

"...and human brought suffer to this world!" he continued, more in disbelief about this encounter, than in anger or fear.

Fauho just wanted to ask why, but kept the question. He knew the answer. In his mind it could have happened like this:

The human somehow found this world and came here to settle. They saw the inhabitants and were scared by their shape, abilities, culture or whatever. So the human started hunting and killing the creatures of this world. No wonder, they are hated.

"I was a human. But I'm not any longer. Seems they really troubled this world. How bad is it?" He asked instead.

-"How bad? They build houses, destroyed the forests and hunt for us since they are here! They don't respect anything and every time we tried a conversation, they killed ALL of ours taking part!", the wolf spoke with more anger, now, and to the fox:"How can you stand next to a human, not willing to punish him?"

Renardeau stepped right next to the half-human "Because he can't be bad. He somehow created me. And I love him."

THAT was really too much for the young wolf. He never heard about one of his kind loving a human. The shock made him gawp in heavy disbelief.

"It really hurts me, what the human did to your home world.", Fauho spoke on, „I will see, what I can do, to expel them from here. You don't need to trust me â€" I would do on my own. But tell your brothers and sisters of me."

He was about to turn and head for a random direction in this unknown world.

"...Please...wait..." the wolf almost whimpered, „You're the only human I know, who spared the life of one of us. And you have the love of a fox. You must be special."

silent the wolf stepped closer and seemed to search for something in Fauho's face.

"And the look and the charism of you eyes are different from what I saw in human ones. Would you...both of you...come with me?" the eyes of the wolf clearly begged for it.

"I am glad to hear this." the fox and the half-fox exchanged a smile „Of course we will."

The wolf gave a thankful bow and then pointed at the horizon.

"Heading for that direction, we will be there around sunset."

He started running, the other two followed.

They were at a good pace, in which Fauho was surprised by how good he stood it. Furthermore he didn't feel any symptoms of fatigue. That increase of physical strength was indeed useful.

"Where actually is 'there'?" Renardeau wondered.

  • "Kind of an observation tower of a human city. We found it vacant and live there."

"And who will await us?" the fox kept on asking.

  • "I really don't know. I wasn't there for some days...everything could have happened. It even is unsure, if the tower still exists." His own words seemed to have an alarming effect on the young wolf. He increased his pace, with some expression of worry in his face.

It seemed, as if the wind itself would chase the three of them, such a high speed they kept.

Despite his increased endurance, it became a little harder for Fauho to follow.

After some hours of running, the landscape had changed. The meadows and trees gave way to kind of a desert with visible clues of fights and destruction. The leading wolf headed staight, even as a cliff rose beside their way. After around an hour of running, the pup stopped, as if it had happened by chance.

Fauho sat down at the wall of stone as his vulpine lover looked around and up the cliff to find a reason for stopping here.

"A rest?", he finally asked the young wolf.

  • "Not really. The tower is right up there", the pup pointed to the edge of the cliff, „but we have to wait at least until twilight for not being seen by the other towers."

Renardeau nodded and sat down close to the half human, lovingly embracing him and holding him, until Fauho drifted into a nap.

"So, why were you out there with the other wolves, attacking us?", the fox asked with his soft voice, showing symapthy for the pup.

-"Well, since the human had heavily diminished our numbers by hunting and catching, there are just two ways for us. Hiding, which is senseless, regarding their increasing number and fighting them desperately with everything you have. Then you can at least die quick and with a little dignity left instead of getting tortured...", the young wolf stopped his explanation, shuddering hard.

"Tortured...probably by the humans. What do they do?", Renardeau wanted to keep that point alive.

The wolf frowned at him.

"Seems you hadn't been here for a time. Almost everyone, who's still free, knows what happens, when they get you", the wolf shuddered again in fear and disgust. „There are spacial buildings, they call LABs. I saw the inside of one of them just once, but that was bad enough. There are our brothers and sisters caged by almost invisible walls. All of them wounded until half dead, starving and sometimes you just hear one of them cry of agony by some experiment they do. One of them up in the tower was lucky to break away, but it had left marks on his body and his soul."

Renardeau sighed, imaginating the pain and looked at the sleeping one beside him, glad that he didn't hear that. But he will have to face it, soon. Silently they watched the sunset until twilight. A human eye wouldn't be able to differ a tree from another, but for the furred beings the landscape had just changed its colour a little. Renardeau softly woke his sleeping lover and the wolf told them to get up the cliff by wall jumping in a certain gab. It was just too high for one single jump. So the three of them wall jumped their way upwards in a gap and leapt over the edge, standing near small building.

The wolf opened its door and was greeted by another who looked just like an older version of him.

"OH, where have you been? Never again run out alone...What's that smell at you?" The greeting one first showed something like a mother's concern, but was then alarmed.

Fauho came into his sight and was once again attacked.

"HUMAN!", he war cried and was about to shred Fauho right where he was standing.

Renardeau blocked and immediately stopped the attack with ease. There he was now, confused just like the younger one before.

"Explanation, brother?"

  • "He is special." That was all the pup gave as an answer. The way he looked at his older brother said more and did much work convincing him. Clearly speechless he stepped aside to let the visitors enter, watching the half-fox all the time.

The building contained, aside from silence, few boxes and barrels, with figures sitting on them.

Right hand next to the door was a wolf, growling at the intruders. His bad temper was surely justified, knowing who's responsible for the numerous scars covering his blue furred body.

At the opposite wall a hare of pure white sat leaning against it and seemed to be sleeping...but wasn't. He opened his eyes slow and wide. Two spheres of shimmering dark laid their focus at Fauho as if they were examining his soul. All attention was given to him and as he nodded and closed his eyes again, even the growl stopped and turned into surprise.

"Wow", was the pup's expression, "Either he likes you or you way too weak to be a threat."

His older brother shook his head.

"Well, granted, but what are you?"

  • "I...absolutely don't know...", the half-fox honestly answered, "What do I look like to you? I mean I once was a human, but since I entered this world, I think I am not any more..."

"Since you entered...? Maybe...this world has some intention...after all you indeed might be special? You have a tail?"

  • "This world? What does that mean â€" this world has some intention?" he looked at Renardeau quite confused.

"Told you about the magic. Due to this we believe, it could influence things to a degree like some kind of individual", the fox replied, still wearing his smile.

  • "...A god?"

"Similar", the lupine took over again, "You have a tail", and went back to his question.

  • "I...What? Why should I...", the thought itself was actually logical and also the boy noticed an incommodiousness on his lower back. He dropped his pants and a bushy vulpine tail unfurled itself. "Uhm...Could you please stop staring at my rump?"

"Hm. Interesting. What else? Fangs? Claws?"

Fauho's hands were still as human as they ever were, aside from the fur. Feeling his teeth with his tongue however, he discovered a slight change of shape of the inside of his mouth...and his eyeteeth seemed longer and pointier than before. He showed them off with a toothy grin. This change, this transformation, was definitely cool and so the boy wished it would proceed.

"What's that chattering down there?" a small body fell through a hole in the ceiling. It turned out to be a young female mouse, maybe even younger than Fauho.

"You smell", she told the boy right into his face. Before he could even think about an answer she had already turned away from him again.

"What is he here for?"

"That is a really good question, brother. Could you please tell us the answer?"

The pup squirmed a bit.

"He...seemed nice? And after all that intention of the world talk â€" don't you think he could help us?"

  • "Help us. What for? We're doing fine!" the older grey wolf was upset, but just for a moment. He knew, he was deceiving himself.

"What are you doing fine?", Fauho wanted him to confess to himself.

  • "Surviving" The answer showed reluctance.

"Surviving just for the sake of surviving? Yeah. I think, all of you have suffered enough to actually consider painless death over painful life. But who am I to judge..."

Silence kicked in. Obviously the boy had hit a nerve.

"Well, keep on doing nothing, if you like. I'm going to show gratefulness towards your world by driving the humans out of it."

Fauho was totally ready to just face them all right away and he was totally aware that his lover would follow him without any hesitation.

With a sudden jerk the hare rose to his feet and crossed the room with a grace and determination like only a tested warrior could show it.

"He's right", the white one said as he stood in front of the half fox looking down at him, since he was at least two feet taller, with nothing but respect. "I want to die fighting."

"You must be special. Lead the way." The older of the lupine brothers spoke for both for the younger one was muted in amazement with gleaming eyes.

"...Sorry for the growl...", showing his actually kind nature the blue wolf was serious as he apologized. "I'm positive"

"You guys would be lost without me", her nose risen high as the murine girl left the building.

Just as he turned to leave, a pile of cloth caught Fauho's eye. Catching wasn't the cloth itself, but the small figure under it.

"What's with that one?"

  • "Dunno. He just sat there one morning. Didn't react to anything so we left him alone. Now let's clean this world", Blue, as all the others, was intoxicated with high spirits and eager for action.

So there was this strange pack, going out to set right again, what went terribly wrong.

...so far.

comments are appreciated, but I beg you to show mercy...

...I'm looking for a correction reader for my further works. please leave a comment regarding this, if you'd like to help me. natives are preferred.

Light my Heart - part 3

This is the third chapter of \>Light my heart\< by Lord Patamon. I have his permission to continue his story and I'll try my very best to make him proud. I suggest, to read the previous parts before this one which are...

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