Cursory Change

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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It's something.

"So, what will it be?" she asks.

"Dragon," you answer automatically. It's not the first time you've been here, after all.

She nods and smiles, revealing all those sharp teeth. She motions to the implements in front of her.

"How do you want to take it?" she said, grin widening. "Syringe, potion, pill, or..." She ducks behind the counter and places a vaguely draconic half mask on the table. "That."

You consider your options. The pill is the simplest, the potion stereotypical, the syringe visceral, and the mask novel. Instinctively you reach for the mask. She pulls it back.

"Wait," she says. "Anything specific?"

You shake your head. The reason you've always chosen dragon is that within the category there is so much variety in the first place. Thus far you've let fate decide what sort of draconic creature you'll end up as and you've never had the same color of scales yet not to mention all the other characteristics. Hell, one time you had wing arms and fluff instead of scales. In any case, it has led to the anonymity you desire in your off duty activities.

"Okay then," she says with a shrug, handing over the mask. You take it and look over as she gestures to a trio of closed doors down the hall. "Payment after change."

You nod, used to the procedure. It's a strange policy especially since they don't offer refunds on unhappiness with an alteration anyways, but you don't question it. You suppose someone might be willing to tip more when they're happy or spring for some other enhancements and accessories.

You walk away from the desk and head into the first door. You close it and place the mask on the rooms rack. Afterwards you promptly strip. The first time you did this you weren't so smart. Luckily the establishment did have some spare clothes to replace the ones you ripped, but they weren't stylish or cheap. You've learned since then.

Now naked, you reach for the mask and hold it up with its snout facing you. You stare at it and wonder how it will feel. Will it hurt as much as the syringe? Be as numb and fast as the pill? Or will it be like the potion, not flavorful, mind you, but characterized by intermittent alterations? There's only one way to find out.

You flip the mask around and place it atop your head, pulling it down until it fits snugly on your cranium, the portion of the snout resting on the bridge of your nose. With the mask set in place you...wait.

It doesn't take long for the mask's magic to get to work, though it's not in a way you expect. Rather than a flash or an ache, you feel something warm oozed down your face from beneath the mask's eyeholes. Instinctively you reach up to your face and touch the stuff, pulling your hand back when you feel the substance stick. You glance down at your hand and see a black smear at the tips of your ring and middle finger. It slides down, somehow proliferating so that it quickly covers your hand in a smooth layer of shiny black stuff that gives no indication of the hairs or blemishes underneath. You can't even see your fingernails.

As substance spreads past your wrist, your mouth opens when you see your fingers start to change, curling and lengthening, the tips elongating into cruel points. You nearly gag when the substance sliding down your head reaches your lips and dips into your open mouth, filling the crevice with goopy warmness. You fear you might not be able to breath, but the goo merely adheres to what it touches, including your tongue. It's quite tasteless though it still feels strange when a portion of the substance trickles down your throat. You gulp and it's at this point that the black stuff reaches your neck, coating it before tricking down to your collarbone.

You curl your newfound claws and then jab one of your points at your other hand, smiling when a drop of ooze lands on the yet unchanged surface and begins to likewise spread. A sudden ache in your cranium causes you to clutch your head and bend over slightly, grimacing in dull pain as you feel the substance on your completely covered head begin to shift around, altering your head along with it. You close your eyes as the mask presses down on your face, melding with it while your jaws push out, your nose totally subsumed by the formation of your reptilian snout, the substance setting to work on your tongue and teeth. You try to open your eyes but the ooze keeps them closed, your optics undergoing changes of your own. Your mouth is likewise pasted tightly shut, your thinning and lengthening tongue pressing pointlessly against the end of your muzzle while it forks out at the end. Your teeth press against each other, sharper and jagged, only fit for the consumption of meat now. You snort suddenly as your nostrils flare into existence while simultaneously to backwards facing horns push out of your altered skull. A set of frills form at either side of the lower corner of your mouth, flapping slightly as a crests sprouts from atop your sloping skull, gently unfurling all the way down your neck.

Finally your eyes snap open. You stumble towards the mirror that each of these rooms contains, wincing slightly as the hot, oozing substance reaches both of your shoulders at once. You glance into the mirror and see yourself. Your eyes are a lime green and slit like a reptile's. Your visage is suitably draconic, though there's not much in the way of scales thanks to the substance's surface. This soon changes as the substance begins to section off in hexagonal patterns save around your horns that hardened and your crest and frills, which thin out. You open your mouth and admire your white, sharp teeth, noticing that the substance has trailed off them and your red tongue, allowing them to do what they must. Your gaze lowers to your neck and this is where you notice something is off, yet you're not sure what. You squint, looking for what could be missing when you feel pressure at your shoulder blades. You groan and double over, placing your hands on your thighs for support, spreading the black stuff there too.

While the substance warmly oozes down your back, the pressure in your shoulder blades only increases. You can kind of guess what will happen next given past experiences even if this is not exactly the same. So, it's not much of a surprise and yet a relief when the beginnings of wings burst from your back, rapidly unfurling and forming so that a few seconds later you are able to flap them lightly, their sudden shaping feeling strangely natural. Their formation is sort of a problem in that you won't be able to put on your shirt, but what sort of dragon doesn't have wings? You spread your newfound appendages apart and smile. Perhaps this time you'll actually fly with them.

You look back to your neck and notice that the scales from the bottom of your snout down have time on the same green hue as your eyes and this color spreads down your torso. Your investigation of your neck is once again interrupted as you feel something push out from the base of your spine. You look over a narrow shoulder and hiss softly as pathetically short tail slips out of the offending region. It remains that size only for a moment and then it wriggles and writhes, the end twisting into a shade shape and being pushed away while your forming tail lengthens. The tip of your tail is lime green too as is the underside, a color that contrasts nicely with your otherwise mostly black body. You grimace momentarily as the tail pushes out, the feeling as uncomfortable as it is relieving.

When your tail is fully formed, you stumble back, a bit unbalanced with your current standing configuration. You mean to look down at your legs, but your gaze never gets past your hips.

You blink. Your hips are shapely, surely wider than your shoulders. Tilting your head, you place a clawed hand upon a thing and notice that not only are thighs thicker than normal but your hands, while bestial, are somehow slender. Your rear seemed to have filled out while your tail grew so that plump and firm. You gulp and reach up to your throat and feel around. You can't find it but perhaps a dragon, even a humanoid one, wouldn't have it anyways?

You receive an answer to your question when the ooze suddenly tightens around your crotch. Fearfully you glance down, squirming a bit as your substance covered member goes erect from the pressure. Your manhood throbs stiffly, the black stuff squeezing against it in a not-so-gentle way. You always sort of knew that the alterations offered could change your sex as well, but you never thought it would for some stupid reason. You did let fate choose your form and so it would seem this time you would become not so much a dragon as a dragoness.

You moan in a higher pitched tone than normal as your member throbs again. It aches horribly, begging for release. You hope it doesn't, mostly because you don't want to pay a cleanup fee. That, and it would be embarrassing though it wouldn't be the first time it would happen, only the second.

Luckily for you, you just can't find release no matter how much the stuff oozes sensually against your member. Instead, your shaft begins to pull back, dwindling with each passing moment. You're quite not sure what to think of the sight. Being a dragoness would be a new experience, but it's not quite sure one you want for your time off. It'll be strange but it'll Yeah, it'll be new. Plus, whether you like this or not, you chose this, so perhaps it would be better to be happy about it. Hey, you'll have your anonymity at least.

Still, you can't help but feel a bit somber as you watch your manhood continue to shrink. You've never been without it and now you'll have to get by a few days without it. Well, that's not true. You could rush out of the changing room now, naked and mostly changed and demand that she do something about it, that she give you something that will allow you to be male.

That opportunity passes as your tiny member and testicles gives one last shudder and then is totally subsumed, devoured by an encroaching pair of scaled, feminine lips. Your lime green female nethers pulse gently as if devouring what remains of your masculinity and this time _you_shudder as you feel a warm wetness slide down your thighs coupled with a intense burst of pleasure. Your hands fall on your knees and your claws clack against the ground--

Claws? You look down at your feet and see that they have changed, your five toes reduced into three thick talons. In addition, you stand on your sharp digits, not your heels that slope sharply upward so you walk in a digitigrade stance. You pant, forked tongue sliding out of your mouth as you lift a foot, wincing slightly as your pussy pulses. Any thoughts of avoiding your usually activities in draconic form are thrust out of your mind when you think about how good this all feels and this isn't even the best it could be. No, you can already begin to imagine how--

You push away your lusty thoughts and stand up straight. You turn to your clothes. True, you won't be able to wear your shirt, but your pants should fit if you tighten your belt enough and it's not like you'll need your shoes.

With this in mind, you reach for your clothes when you feel your chest ripple. You look down and sigh. It seems you will be growing those after all even though you've seen plenty of dragonesses and humanoid female reptiles that lack them.

Your previously flat chest begins to gain some substance as the black stuff pools beneath where your nipples once were into soft, teardrop shaped mounds. Curious, you place your hands upon them and feel as your burgeoning breasts push out. They swell larger and larger until you now possess a ripe bosom of larger than average size. Your nipples reemerge slightly afterwards, thick and a darker hue than your green breasts. You tweak one experimentally and gasp, feeling a slightly shock course to your crotch. Taking a breast in each clawed hand, you heft them and wonder how it will feel to have hands other than yours upon them, fondling and caressing the sensitive flesh. You can't imagine it feels anything other than good. Forget flying, however, you'll have to save that for another time when you're not so top heavy.

You let go of your breasts and look at yourself in the mirror. You're a dragon as you asked, but you're a dragoness, unmistakably female thanks to the presence of still slightly moist feminine lips, your generous bust, expansive hips, a plump rear and curvy shape to your form overall. You're a little taller than before and the substance has given way to hexagonal scales all over your body. Your draconic head doesn't have the same range of expressions as your old visage, but twisting and turning your snout here and there does show a little bit of the old you even in the sharp surface of a reptilian smile. Your claws should just be as useful as your fingers although potentially more damaging. Finally, your tail is prehensile, but it feels strange to move, its slithering shape not quite as simple as your wings.

Your examination of your form finished, you bend over to pick up your clothes, wincing as your mammaries move along with you. The new weight on your chest is strange, but you think you might get used to it just as soon as you get over the emptiness between your legs.

You try to put on your boxers first. It doesn't quite work out as planned thanks to your wide hips and the presence of your tail. You try to move it out of the way but there's no way to make it fit quite comfortably. Sighing, you discard your underwear and pull on your pants. At least here you have your belt to tighten it all up, though your only able to get your pants up just slightly below your hips. It'll have to do. Your shirt, however...

Your shirt just isn't going to fit thanks to your tail and wings, not to mention you're not sure how you're going to get it upon you without tearing it on your horns. You huff, accidentally puffing out a bit of smoke. What can you do? It's immodest to go out there with your breasts just hanging out. Damn it, why couldn't you be a breastless dragoness? You're sure they'll be fun later, but for now they're more of a liability. What can you do?

You end up covering your bosom with your shirt and shoes, holding it into place while you struggle to open the door with your other clawed hand. It takes some finagling but eventually you succeed. With a triumphant hiss, you force the door open and step outside of the changing room. Immediately your elation fades away from embarrassment as you notice her eyes upon you. Even worse, there's another customer who stares at you with his eyebrows raised. You smile and shrink away, your wings folding together. You silently close the door and wait as she hands him a syringe. The other customer walks past you, not saying anything although you do catch him peeking at your barely covered breasts.

Once that's over with, you step in front of the counter. She looks up at you and smiles.

"How much--" You pause, gulping as you hear just how soft your voice has become. You smile sweetly at her and try again: "How much will it be?"

She names the price and so you reach into your pockets, almost pushing your pants down in the process. You take out what you have and blink. You don't have enough. You look back up at her, tail twitching nervously.

"Don't worry," she smiles. "I'll give a discount to the new girl."

You blush beneath your scales and hand over what you have.

"Thanks," you say, still astounded by the lightness of your voice.

"No problem," she says, winking. "I suggest you wear a bra. Laws not so keen on nudity even for the recently changed. Have fun, girl."

You nod humbly, face flushing even hotter. With that you walk away, wondering how you're going to walk all the way home like this, though you're not sure that's where you go first; after all, you're certain you could convince someone to buy you a drink...and a bra.