Always Check the Treasure You Take

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A young elf maiden is given a wedding gift by her betrothed after they dispatch a dragon in the nearby hills, of course there's always a reason you should have your magic users look at such items first before you do...

This was a commission Moonshade

It was remarkably cool for a summer's day in the elven village, after the heat wave that had plagued the citizens for nearly a month it was a well-received and welcome reprieve. For one elf maiden named Naleen however the slight chill in the air was a beacon of hope for her. The reason they believed that it had been so hot was because of a trouble-making dragon in the hills to the north and a group of elven warriors had been sent to the beast's lair in order to dispatch it. One of those warriors had been her betrothed, and although she had protested that he didn't ride out with the rest of them she was forced to wait for them even as their wedding day quickly approached.

As Naleen watched from the balcony of their estate she was suddenly overjoyed to see the banner of the elven warrior come up over the hill and heard the sound of their return call. She rushed down the stone stairs, her light blue, gossamer dress floating in the wind behind her. By the time she had reached the door and gotten outside the army had gotten to the outskirts of the town proper, elves other than herself had begun to line the streets to clap and cheer. It made it hard for her to see who had all returned, but when she got up on one of the old stumps that lined the street she managed to see the soldier she had been looking for.

"Hyramor!" she called out, and a smile formed on her face when she saw him turn towards her and give her a small nod. Though she wished desperately for him to break their ranks and come to her it would be foolish, all that she needed though was to know that he was alive and that he would be home soon. Once the small parade had finished the elven maiden started back to their home, knowing that she had a lot of work to accomplish.

A few hours later the sun began to set and Naleen sat opposite the male elf, whose armor had been stripped off and stored away and was at the table in a simple set of leathers while he ate. "You should have seen this dragon Nal, it was bigger than four of our horses end to end and taller than our home," Hyramor recounted as he continued to eat. "Luckily we had sheer force of numbers and a few anti-flame wards, otherwise half of us would have been carried home in urns. Oh, and the treasure! This dragon had coins and gems and other artifacts, the town coffers will be well-stocked for quite some time once they get out there and move it."

"It sounds very harrowing, my love," Naleen replied as she poured him more wine. "To think that such a creature lived in such proximity to the village for so long, I can't imagine what we would have done if it had decided to attack first."

"Yes, good thing we dispatched it," Hyramor said before he looked around, then scooted closer to her and fished something out of his pocket. "Two others and I managed to deal the killing blow on the beast, and when I had finished cleaning my blade I noticed something that made me think of you. I know I should have let the elders count everything before I made a claim, but considering our upcoming wedding I thought it fate that I would be able to sneak it off before anyone else noticed."

Naleen looked at the male elf curiously as Hyramor stretched out her hand and put something in it. She felt something heavy and cool hit her palm and when he removed his hand she gasped at the item. The metal was black but glittered with blue and silver hues that made it look like the night sky, which constantly shifted in the light of the candle as she examined it. The ring design was several bands of the strange metal that were woven around one another in an intricate design that almost looked like symbols that ran the entire length of the band. There was also a multi-hued stone that was set in the middle of the twisted metal, which glimmered just as brilliantly as the ring itself as she slid it onto her finger and found it a little loose.

"Considering I took that off the dragon's paw it actually fits rather well, as soon as I cleaved it away the band shrug down to a manageable size," Hyramor explained. "The most beautiful ring for the most beautiful maiden in the land."

"Hyramor, you shouldn't have," Naleen replied as she held up the ring to the light. Even though she wanted to show everyone she knew that she would have to hide the ring until the dragon's treasure was divided. The elder's had several rules on the division of wealth gained, especially from magical creatures.

The two continued to talk of the elven warrior's exploits through the dragon's territory, but eventually Naleen felt tired and asked to retire for the night. The male elf nodded and escorted her to her bedroom, then continued on towards his own. Even though she would have liked nothing more than to feel his warm embrace throughout the night it was customary for those about to be wed to remain separate until the night their vows are shared. It didn't mean much to her, but her betrothed was very adamant about their traditions and she didn't mind following them as well to make him happy.

As she sat down on the bed she looked once more at the ring on her hand, mesmerized by how the light flickered off the stone and metal in a way she had never experienced before. Though she lamented it she grabbed the item and began to slide it off her finger, only to find that instead of the loose band she had before it was now snug against her skin. She realized that the ring must have acclimated to her and it made her smile, thinking how wonderful her soon to be husband was to get it for her. With that thought on her mind she blew out the candle and went to sleep, the piece of jewelry still on her finger as the stone and metal gently pulsed with a dim light that went unnoticed by the sleeping elven maiden...


The next few days flew by in a blur for Naleen as she sought to get the last minute preparations done for her wedding. Ever since the first night her soon to be husband came back though she found herself slightly distracted, and though her enthusiasm to be married to the handsome male elf had not ceased she found it harder to get into the spirit of the ritual itself. More and more she found her attention focused on two things; on getting the day over with so she could finally bed her husband and on the wonderful gift that he had given her. It was hard for her not to wear the ring out in public and more than once she had realized that she had forgotten to take it off.

When the night before the ceremony was to take place she had gone about her nightly duties, holding tightly onto Hyramor's hand before they parted ways for their separate bedrooms. Naleen wanted nothing more than to follow him to his bedroom and surprise him with some fun but she knew he would not take kindly to such a thing. She bit her lip as she imagined his naked body, hardened with muscle from all his training as a warrior as it rubbed against her. For a second she had gotten lost in such a sensation, until she snapped out of it and realized with some embarrassment that she had openly begun to rub between her legs in pleasure. The exotic ring on her finger glowed when she removed it from her nether region but all she cared about was getting back to her own bedroom before she did such a thing again.

Naleen quickly walked down to her bedroom and closed the door behind her, breathing heavily as the image of the exquisite male form still lingered in her thoughts. She tried to push them out of her mind as she got into her nightgown but they persisted until she had gotten into bed. It was then they finally seemed to flee, only to be replaced with the sensation of an itching sensation against her skin. For the next few minutes she tossed and turned before finally she sat up and in a fury pulled the silken garment off of her otherwise naked form. Almost immediately the feeling stopped, and though she found it strange she was far too exhausted from the day's preparation to do more than note it before she drifted off to sleep.

When Naleen opened her eyes again she found herself no longer in her bed but in what appeared to be a large cave. Despite the darkness of her surroundings she could see everything clearly, including the heap of gold and gems that surrounded her. She was in awe at the treasure that she found, though her marvel at such wealth was quickly interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps that came towards her. At first she wanted to move, but found her body completely unresponsive as her head seemed to be fixated on the entrance to the cavern.

After a few moments she was shocked to see a dragon come into her field of vision, one with solid golden scales that were counted as rare in their lands. He seemed to notice her immediately and had something like a rucksack in his maw that he brought over to her. When he was just a few feet away Naleen couldn't help but admire how handsome the dragon was, though she had never thought of such a thing before it was admittedly the first time she had seen one up close. His body seemed to be made of all muscles and his scaly form seemed to thrum with very strong magics as he dropped the sack and more treasure spilt out onto the floor. There was a bemused grin on his face as she seemed to look down and regard the treasure, his body coming close to hers.

As Naleen felt thick scales rub against her body she realized for the first time that she wasn't in her own elven form anymore. When her perspective shifted to follow the male she saw the crimson scales and majestic wings of a dragon body. It all quickly began to click, her perspective had been strange since she entered such a place and now she knew why. But the question of how she suddenly got into the body of a dragon was pushed aside as the larger golden dragon took his forepaws and pushed the red scaly tail out of his way as best he could as she saw his large, throbbing maleness get guided underneath.

While the elven maiden was not experienced in the ways of carnal pleasures as she felt the head of the dragon's shaft begin to prod against her she quickly realized two things; that the hole being pushed into and the area of her own arousal were not from a feminine slit. Though she couldn't seem to control where she looked when her vision did finally swing to underneath the body she inhabited her suspicions were confirmed by the fleshy spire that was nestled between her legs. She was not only somehow inhabiting the body of a dragon, but a male one that enjoyed the pleasure of other males. The situation was so surreal she had a hard time processing, particularly the sensation of scales on scales as the gold dragon continued to crawl up her body's back.

Suddenly a deep push caused her vision to blur as the gold dragon's maleness slid inside the other dragon's tailhole several inches. Had she been in control she would have screamed, though not from any pain as it seemed the anal muscles of the male she possessed easily took the girth, but from the sheer rush of pleasure she felt. The dragon she inhabited did have a similar reaction, feeling a growl in the dragon's throat as claws scrapped against the stone floor of the cavern. She tried to tune everything out but the sheer feeling of the pleasure that she experienced made her unable to do anything but focus on it.

The coupling went on for what felt like ages before Naleen felt the dragon behind her tense up, sending a rush of hot seed into the bowels of the dragon beneath it. An intense heat had filled the air by then, the treasure piles shimmering from it as the two creatures fell to the floor. Her vision was suddenly filled with gold dragon muzzle as the male leaned in for a kiss. She could feel the thick tongue in her mouth, and after a short while making out the gold dragon pulled back and held up her dragon's hand to his face. If she could she would have gasped as she watched the gold dragon slide a ring onto the other dragon's finger, which looked exactly like the ring she now wore...

A sudden knock caused the elf maiden to bolt upright, looking around frantically at her surroundings. She found herself back in her bedroom in her old body, which he realized with some embarrassment was quite naked and covered with a sheen of sweat. She shouted for her handmaidens for the wedding to hold for a minute and quickly toweled herself off and got dressed in her undergarments. She wanted desperately to bathe, especially since her skin felt drier than usual, but knew she had already slept well past the time she needed to get ready.

A few hours later she stood in one of the rooms that led to the courtyard garden where the ceremony was to take place, though the future bride looked anything but happy. The second the expensive cloth of her dress touched her skin she wanted it off, and even as she waited for all the pomp and circumstance to finish before she walked down the aisle all she could do was scratch herself occasionally. She could feel her heart race in anxiety for her turn and as adrenaline coursed through her veins the ring she had concealed under her gloves began to pulse with power. As the elf walked over to the nearby decanter to get a drink to calm herself she suddenly felt a powerful throbbing sensation course through her body, followed by the sound of her gloves tearing.

For a second Naleen was scared to look down, and when she finally did she saw that sharp, black claws had pierced through the delicate fabric. No sooner had she seen that then the seams of the gloves ripped and exposed twisted hands and swelling muscle. Her ivory skin had darkened to an angry red color, like she had been sunburned except that it was hard as rock. When she tried to flex her wrists her skin cracked and formed a scale-like pattern as it continued up past her elbows.

The elf maiden was paralyzed with fear as she saw her fingers crack and twist around until they were the forepaws of the dragon she had seen in her dream. Whatever magic that caused it alluded her, she had never heard of such transmutation magic and hoped that the elder had. It would mean that she would have to reveal that her husband took the ring, but at this point it was better than the fate she would suffer otherwise.

As soon as Naleen took a step though she stumbled to the ground, her ankle collapsing on itself as her knees twisted into an entirely new configuration. She tried to right herself to get moving again, but all she did was fall onto her back as the shoes she wore burst into shreds from the thick talons that now adorned her semi-merged feet. Her claws scraped against the ground as she tried to roll onto her side but it proved next to impossible as her legs continued to reshape themselves into the hind-legs of a dragon.

Naleen tried to use her new legs to push her hips up to roll over, and as she did she saw something that caused her eyes to widen. It didn't take much for her to determine what that was, she could feel it throb against her hips as the rest of her dress started to strain. Not only did the ring seem to want to turn her into a dragon, she thought as she felt her long, golden hair begin to fall out, but also into a male as well. Her squirming seemed to only intensify the foreign feeling of male pleasure as she gave one last mighty heave and managed to get herself onto all fours.

The elven maiden shakily began to move on all fours towards the door, shouting out for help but being drowned out by the band that continued to play for the ceremony. She felt the back of her dress split as she hit another growth spurt, the normally diminutive female now was bigger than any elven male in the village and she could feel something begin to push out of her shoulder blades. The bizarre feeling forced her to stop dead as a pair of wings began to unfurl from her back, drool dripping down her enlarged, sharper teeth as she was forced to pant and wait for the changes to subside. Just when she thought they did her back arched once more, the entire bottom of her dress ripped wide open as a thick, reptilian tail unfurled and waved in the air.

By this time all that was left of Naleen's dress was a bit of the chest, the entire bottom section completely torn away by what was now the red-scaled rump of a male dragon. Scaly flesh began to knit around her new cock as she continued to move forward, though as her breasts shrank into hardened muscle of a dragon's chest the reason why she was moving changed. The way her tail wagged in the air, the way her new cock throbbed madly, it brought back the images of the gold dragon and the way he plowed into her... into the other dragon's backside and she remembered the wonderful bliss that came from it. Her tailhole started to ache with the sensation, her clouded thoughts focused on her groin rather than her transforming body as her neck stretched out and her face began to swell into a proper dragon muzzle.

A sudden noise from the doorway caused Naleen's head to whip towards it, the blue of her irises fading away into a solid red color as the reptilian slits looked down. By this time she had grown to the size of a large horse, which had shocked the handmaiden that had come to get what she thought would be a female elf in the room. Naleen could feel horns slide out from behind her finned ears as she arched her head down towards the terrified elf and stared straight at her, feeling a rush of new instincts and wants flood her mind to the point she lost all conscious thought. The handmaiden responded with a loud scream as she ran down the hallway, which prompted Naleen to give chase though with her new size navigating the hallways became rather difficult.

Inside the courtyard garden Hyramor waited in the marble gazebo for his betrothed to come down the aisle to stand next to him. When that didn't happen he shot a glance beside him to his best man, another warrior elf named Lian that he had fought alongside and became close friends with. The band stopped playing and suddenly everyone heard the scream of female elf before they saw her run in and nearly collapse in the middle of the aisle.

"Dragon!" she screamed out, which prompted everyone to stand up and look at each other. As though to confirm the handmaiden's proclamation everyone heard a loud roar that caused people to panic and scatter towards the exits. The sound of stone crunching and snarls pushed the frantic crowd towards the rear exits, all save Hyramor and Lian that drew the swords they had worn for the ceremony.

"Elder, get the rest of the warriors in armor and back here immediately," Hyramor instructed to the older elf that was set to perform the ceremony. "Lian and I will try to give you as much time as possible."

"Hyramor, you have to come back with us!" the elder exclaimed. "You two have no armor and you can help us get the people to safety by coming along!"

"I can't, Naleen's in there," Hyramor admitted through gritted teeth. "I have to try and save her."

"And I'll be right beside you," Lian said as he pointed his blade towards the archway where the sounds of the dragon grew louder.

The two elven warriors stood there, clad in their formal outfits, swords ready as the last of the people ran past them and out of the courtyard. "What do you think," Hyramor said as they waited, "our dragon had a mate that's looking for a little revenge?"

"I don't think we're going to have a chance to ask it," Lian replied, looking back to see the forlorn look on the other male's face. "Don't worry Hyramor, I know Naleen as well as you and she's smart enough to hide from a dragon on the prowl. We're the ones dumb enough to stand in front of it."

The joke seemed to cheer Hyramor up a little, but any hint of amusement dropped from their faces as they suddenly saw the flash of bright red scales underneath the archway. The dragon charged outwards, barreling straight towards the two elves as it let out a loud roar. As they jumped to either side of the huge creature Hyramor caught sight of a piece of glimmering silk, a piece of his wife-to-be's dress that hung from the forelimb of the fearsome creature. "Naleen, no!"

Naleen stopped dead and turned to look at the elf who said it, recognition coming over her masculine draconic features. Her cock throbbed as she looked him over, which seemed to give the elf pause. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the other elf charge with his sword raised, but with a quick flick of her tail she slammed Lian in the stomach and sent him several feet away as his sword clattered to the ground. This put the other elf on alert and rose his sword, but as he got ready to strike she quickly turned around and put up her tail, exposing her tailhole to him as she wiggled her still expanding rump in the air. She tried to make it desperately clear that she wanted his dick in her ass as soon as possible.

"What... the hells..." the elf muttered as he looked at the dragon offering itself to him. At first he wondered if this was some sort of ruse, but a quick look underneath showed that the creature was extremely aroused as its erect, ridged cock had already started to drip fluids onto the marble floor. His gaze shifted from the growing puddle back to the dragon and noticed the ring on the dragon's forepaw, which caused him to gasp. "Lian... I think this is Naleen!"

The other elf groaned as he stood up, holding his tender ribs as his jaw dropped slightly at the surreal scene before him. "No way..." Lian said as he slowly walked over, watching as those ruby red eyes seemed to follow him. "Although it would explain how a dragon managed to bypass our parameter security, though not so much why she had become a male dragon that seems to be in some sort of heat. Could it be the ring?"

Hyramor shrugged and slowly approached the dragon as well, trying to get to the side of the large male. More than once he had to stop as Naleen shifted her position and kept her tailhole right in front of him. He even had to back up as she scooted insistently towards him with her tail blocking his progress. Finally though he managed to get towards the ring the same time Lian made his way towards the front of her, though all he could do was stare at those sharp teeth. When they were in position Hyramor silently counted down from three and once he reached one they both made a dive for the ring to try and pull it off the dragon's finger.

Both males felt an electric shock course through their systems as they staggered back and Naleen let out a roar before she scooted back and almost sat on Hyramor. As the male elf tried to wiggle away he found himself somewhat pinned, the thick tail keeping him in place as she rubbed against him. The dragon's musk was heavy in the air by this time and Hyramor found himself growing dizzy as his pants began to tent. Despite the fact it was a male dragon he knew more than ever it was Naleen, and to see her... well, him beg for it was incredibly erotic. He could see the need on Naleen's muzzle as well as the throbbing cock between his legs and he found his own hand had started to rub his groin throughout the process.

Lian meanwhile watched the whole spectacle from afar and couldn't believe what he saw. The dragon had backed away slightly, rump still in the air, as his best friend slowly stood up and began to undo the tie on his pants. The elf was unsure what to say, especially when he saw them drop to reveal Hyramor's raging erection. "Am... am I really going to watch my best friend fuck a male dragon that used to be his fiancee?" He asked no one in particular, unaware that he had stuck his own hand down his pants and begun to masturbate to the site.

Naleen could hardly hold back his anticipation as he felt his husband... no, his mate press their maleness against his tailhole. The thought of being filled had consumed him by now, his powerful draconic form quivered from the mere touch of the elf's rod against her tight ring of muscle. In the time that they had spent fighting Naleen had grown even larger, to the point where she had to almost lay down just for the elf to get access to underneath his tail. But as the lust-dazed elf began to push into his needy it had all been worth it, his eyes rolling back into his head as the diving pleasure of being filled washed over him.

Hyramor suddenly gained a moment of clarity once his tanned thighs brushed up against hardened scale, his eyes wide as he looked down to see his cock buried deep inside this dragon's anus. Whether it was Naleen or not he should be helping, not having sex with a dragon... even though the feel of those silky walls around his member was the best thing he ever felt. He tried to call over to his friend, only to find that he had a lustful glaze over his eyes and both his hands were in his pants trying to stroke.

"Why are you using your hands when there's a perfectly good maw you can use here?" Hyramor said, though in the next second he was shocked that the words had even left his mouth. As Lian just nodded and began to walk towards them the other elf looked down to see that though the dragon had continued to grow during the coupling so had he, his bare thighs and groin were covered in black scales as his legs began to shift. The change in configuration caused him to fall forward, deeper into Naleen who just let out a growl of approval before he looked down at Lian who had laid in front of him with his pants down and erection jutted out into the air.

Lian let out a loud moan as Naleen lowered his scaly lips and wrapped his thick but dexterous tongue around it and drew it into his hot maw. "Oh Gods it feels so good," Lian moaned out as he pressed his fingers against the cool marble he laid against, only to feel them dig furrows into the stone as he looked to his sides and saw dark claws grow from his fingers that caused him to gasp. "Hyramor... the magic... whatever changed her is changing us..." his last word ended in a low hiss as a particularly powerful suck from Naleen caused his hips to push up into the air, which allowed enough clearance for a tail to begin to grow as his nose and mouth began to merge into a muzzle.

Hyramor heard his friend's warnings but by now all he could concentrate on was the sweet sensation of his maleness sliding in and out of the dragon's tailhole, each time he seemed to penetrate deeper as his own tail tore slid out from under the dress shirt that had grown tight around his expanding frame. When he pulled out further than usual he realized why, his somewhat average cock had grown past a foot with small draconic ridges along the length that only seemed to simulate him further. As hands gripped Naleen's scaly hips hard as his fingers grew claws and pushed into their new configuration while a snarl on the elf's lust stricken face revealed growing teeth.

By now Naleen had grown to the size of a proper dragon, her muscles and bones popping until she had rivaled most houses. Behind him Hyramor seemed to race to catch up, though with a loud crack he was finally forced to abandon his bipedal posture and fell onto his back as he thrust into him even more frantically. His tailhole felt blissfully full as he continued to suckle on the expanding cock of the growing elf beneath him, watching him squirm as his clothes were ripped to shreds by the emerald green scales that now adorned his body. In the back of his mind Naleen realized that it was a fitting punishment that the two that killed him would be turned to dragons themselves, though the alien thought was pushed aside as he felt the bigger black dragon begin to frantically increase his pace as his new wings flapped out behind him while the green dragon beneath him also began to writhe wildly under his ministrations.

Naleen slid off of Lian's cock with a loud slurp as he felt Hyramor explode inside him, flooding his insides with rich dragon cum which caused his own cock to erupt as well. The marble was suddenly awash in white fluids as the two huge male dragons frantically clung to one another while they came, Naleen squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the force from the former elf's cum dabble off while a copious amount of cum began to dribble down his thighs. Just as he opened his eyes the red dragon was suddenly hit in the face with another jet of hot seed, followed by several more before he was able to shake himself off and look down at the green-scaled dragon that grinned sheepishly.

The three dragons suddenly heard the clamor of armor and weapons as well as the shouting of battle formations, which meant that the warriors had started to gather around the courtyards. Naleen let out a snarl as he felt Hyramor slide out of him with a wet pop, more cum draining out onto the ground as they looked at each other before they spread their wings. Just as the doors were broken open the three winged it into the air, leaving behind a dripping mess of dragon cum as they began their journey into the mountains. Naleen led the way, feeling a thrum of energy in the ring that he knew would lead back to the golden dragon that gave him such a wonderful gift in the first place...