An Understanding, Chapter 1

Story by habook2 on SoFurry

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#1 of An Understanding

An Understanding

   Will awoke on his seventeenth birthday with a lump in his throat. He knew that it was almost over, but the pain was still unbearable. There was no denying the hold she had had over him. Taking the immense effort to drag himself out of his outdated bunk beds, Will came to the conclusion that if he was going to do what he was planning to do, he'd best have a full stomach. Climbing down the stairs slowly after dressing himself, Will was greeted warmly by his younger brother.

   "Aren't you over that girl yet?" he asked. "It's been three months!"

   "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. She was stupid." The lump grew. "I'm totally over her."

      "Good. I'm sick of you moping around the house like the world is coming to an end or something."

      The world can't come to an end. It's already ended, thought Will to himself as he continued on his way to the refrigerator. He was hungry, yes, but as he examined its contents, he realized that everything in the refrigerator required chewing, and he was in no mood to chew. Deciding, therefore, on a glass of milk, Will plopped down in front of the TV to see what was going on in the world. No matter what the news was, it couldn't possibly make him feel any worse. He flipped on the set.

      ". . . and the child was returned home safely. In other news, an area man was arrested today for having sex with a horse. We'll have the detailsâ€"" Will flipped off the set. This subject really struck a nerve. It was just the mention of a horse that did it. She . . . had loved horses.

      Will sighed as he drifted to memories of times spent at her stable, watching her trot on her beautiful Appaloosa named Pablo. The stallion would prance about and she would appear to be truly, truly happy. And seeing his first love truly happy was the best feeling in the world for Will.

      The memory shifted. Will was suddenly back in the hotel room by the water park. He had been invited to spend the weekend there with his girlfriend and her family. He remembered the comment she made. It had angered him so badly, and for no real reason. He . . . lost control. Will stood, walked to her, and hit her, hard, on the right side of her face. Oh, sure, they tried to work through it, she even said that she'd forgiven him, but from that night on, their relationship had never been the same, up until she finally broke it off with him at the end of the previous school year. Now school was getting ready to resume, and he had no desire at all to see her. Not just because of the fact that the relationship had ended, but due to the shame and self-loathing that Will now felt. As far as he was concerned, his life ended that night along with his relationship, and it was now just a matter of time before he finally got his things together in order to perform the inevitable.


      Will had it all planned out. For symbolism, he was going to perform the task he had set himself at the stable where he once saw her happy and carefree. His life would end where hers found its meaning. Will smiled to himself, a luxury he rarely afforded himself. He was ready.

      The drive to the stable was uneventful. He made the 40-minute trip with no problems whatsoever, and he took this as a sign that the universe approved of what he was planning. Pulling into the stable, he took a long whiff of the smell of the horses around him. This was it.

      Will got out of the car. He took the knife that he had stolen from his mother from his back pocket. He didn't hesitate a moment. There was a sudden burning, searing pain on the left side of his chest. Will fell to his knees in agony. And the last memory he formed was of Pablo, her horse, rushing over to him, nuzzling his neck, and . . . impossibly . . . forming a tear for him.

*Â *Â *

   Where was Will? He certainly wasn't in his bunk bed. The surface on which he found himself was much too hard for that.

   And the memory of what he had done came flooding back to him. Will smiled. It had been a success. But this wasn't heaven, and it certainly wasn't hell. So where was he?


   No. There was no one around. He must have just missed his target, that's all. Will looked down at his torn shirt, looked at the hole where the knife pierced him. The shirt was covered in dried blood, but there was no wound to be found underneath it. What had happened?

   "William! I know you can hear me!"

   "Whoa, who's there?" demanded Will in shock. There was no one for miles, he was sure of that. He made sure that no one was around â€" he didn't want to perform his suicide in front of an audience. He stood up, and was greeted by the long face of a horse.

   "I am Pablo."

   "Pablo's a horse. Who's playing a trick on me?" He knew it was her, trying to get back at him for what he had done for her.

   "I am equine in nature, yes."

   "Okay, I'll play along. If you're speaking, why aren't your lips moving?"

   "I am communing directly with the subconscious part of your brain."

   "Fuck this. I'm out of here." Will turned to where his car was still parked, and resigned himself to try to end his own life another day.

   "YOU CANNOT LEAVE!" The humongous horse galloped in between Will and his car and looked him straight in the eye. "Forgive me, but now that I have communicated with you, you cannot leave until you understand the implications of both of our actions."

   "Wait . . . you're really talking to me?" The horse acting on his words was very convincing, indeed.

   "Yes. We are one now. I healed you, both physically and mentally. We are now bonded."

   "Wait. Bonded?"

   "Yes. We are forever inseparable. A part of my soul now resides within you."

   "I'm like . . . a horcrux?"

   "You've read Harry Potter as well, I see," chuckled Pablo. "No, not in that crude sense. We are merely one in the same now."

   "'Merely?' That sounds a bit more than ‘merely' to me!" said Will with a chuckle, even though the thoughts going through him at the moment were far from humorous.

   "Well, if you don't want to be bonded, I could just let you die. I believe that was your intention anyway."

   "It was. But . . . " Will trailed off. He had wanted to kill himself, it was true, but now . . . now he wasn't so sure. This horse had saved his life.

   "Why did you bond with me?" asked Will, now having given up on getting to his car and sitting on a nearby log.

   "I couldn't let you die. Not with your history withâ€""

   "Okay! Okay!" Will couldn't hear her name. "But she hates me now. Wouldn't you want me to die?"

   "Not necessarily. Though she is my master, our opinions aren't always one in the same. And I've always felt kind of . . . close to you since that night in the barn."

   Will remembered that night. It was cold, wet, and storming. She hated storms, and Will was cuddling with her, the two leaning against Pablo who was lying in his stall. He thought he'd felt something from Pablo then, but was too involved in keeping her safe to notice.

   "Why wouldn't you let me ride you?" Pablo had never let Will mount him, even after the months they had been acquainted.

   "I was afraid you'd like it too much and get a horse of your own," Pablo replied simply. Will felt something else coming from Pablo now.

   "Pablo . . . I've never been able to tell you this in front of her, but I think I love you more than she does. I've craved seeing you. I . . . really do love you." Will finished lamely.

   Pablo walked slowly up to Will and nuzzled him. "I love you too, Will. But . . . if she ever finds out . . ." Will understood what he meant. She would kill the both of them if she found out Will was seeing him.

   "That's an obstacle, yes. Do you commune with her?"

   "No. You're the only human to whom I've ever spoken," said Pablo sheepishly. Will was flattered, but also puzzled.

   "Really? I love you, man!"

   And they hugged. Will's arms wrapped around Pablo's neck, Pablo wrapping himself around Will's back. Will never wanted to kill himself less than at that very moment. And there was a stirring in Pablo, a familiar feeling, not unwelcome, but interesting nonetheless.

   "Pablo? Are you . . . dropping?" asked Will, spotting the huge penis beginning to fall from its sheath.

   "I told you I love you, didn't I? I admit that I have had fantasies . . . involving the two of us . . ."

   "Me, too!" exclaimed Will. "Only I never thought it would actually happen."

   "Would you like it to happen?" Pablo asked.

   "Fuck yeah!"

   "Okay, then. Follow me."

   Pablo led Will into the barn, where he immediately stripped down to his underwear. He opened the gate to Pablo's stall, letting him enter, and couldn't help but stare at the huge horsedick now swinging between his legs.

   "Pablo? How are we going to . . ."

   "Shh. That's not for some time. For now, I just want us to pleasure each other."

   "Umm, okay!" said Will. Will approached Pablo's face, brought himself down to the big mouth, and kissed it fully, running his tongue over the horse's lips until they parted, allowing his tongue access to the caverns within. His own erection now throbbing, Will broke the kiss after what seemed an eternity and removed his boxers.

   "You're not unimpressive yourself, kiddo," said Pablo, glancing downwards.

   "Very funny, Pablo." Will's dick had never been impressive at a measly five and a half inches, but it got the job done well enough. As if to apologize, Pablo pushed Will against the wall of the stall and brought his face down to sniff Will's cock. He shuddered.

   "A nice musk you have. I like that," said Pablo, a little shakily. And Pablo took the human's penis deep into his mouth so that Will could feel his hot breath on his pubis, and Pablo started sucking. Nothing in Will's wildest dreams could have prepared him for how it felt to get a blowjob from a horse. Within seconds, Will's balls began to tighten. He said, "Pablo . . . I'm getting ready to . . ."

   "Shh. Let it happen," said Pablo without removing his mouth (one of the benefits of telepathic communication). Bobbing his head, Pablo ran his tongue up and down the shaft in his mouth as fast as he could, and he could hear Will's breath speed and eventually stop completely as a torrent of human cum came gushing out of the penis in his mouth. Spurt after spurt hit Pablo's tongue until Will was empty, gasping, and sweating.

   Without a word, Will brought up the big horse's head to his own and kissed him, hard. Their tongues meeting, Pablo deposited a hefty load of Will's own cum into his mouth, and the two spit it back and forth until there was no flavor left at all. Spotting Pablo's now-throbbing erection, Will said, "Your turn now, stallion." He dropped down between the horse's legs and took the huge meat in his hands.

   "Are you sure, Will?" asked Pablo. "You understand that when I flare . . ."

   "I know all about horse cocks, Pablo. Now let me work." Will kissed the tip of the head gently, running his fingers all the way along the shaft until he came to the enormous balls at the end, and back up again. Pablo shuddered. Without warning, Will took as much of the cock into his mouth as he could, while plunging downwards with his hands to simulate a mare's vagina as well as he could. Pablo grunted audibly. He repeated the motion several more times until Pablo told him, "Watch out! I'm flaring!" The huge head of the horse's cock expanded in Will's throat, but he didn't mind, as he saw the stallion's balls retract up into his body and knew that his prize was within sight. Will pulled his mouth off of the penis until only the humongous head remained in his mouth, and pushed his tongue hard against the very tip, sending Pablo over the edge. Blast after blast of sweet horsecum splattered Will's throat and tongue, and Pablo tried his best to thrust into Will, but Will knew what to expect and kept him under control as his orgasm finally abated. Will backed off the cock with a huge slurp and got up to kiss Pablo again, again sharing the cum between the two of them.

   "We need to do this again," gasped Pablo.

   "Only if you want, love," said Will coyly. He finally swallowed what cum he could and scritched Pablo behind the ears.

   Will now knew what he had to live for. And it was recovering from an orgasm right in front of him.