Fall From Grace Chapter One

Story by Taye J Cablos on SoFurry

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"You know, you should have known this would happen." A black wolf stood by the doorway to a small, upscale apartment, a suitcase in one paw, the other grasped around the handle of the door.

The only other occupant of the apartment, a German Shepard, sat on a small couch feet away from the wolf. His eyes stared down at the carpet, a morose look upon his face. Slowly, he looked up at the wolf, holding back tears as he said, "I'm sorry...You know you mean the world to me, it's just...I didn't mean to do it! Why won't you understand? I'm not as strong as you most of the time...do you even have any idea how awful I feel?"

"Yes, I do, Gordon. I do know how awful you feel. I feel it every time I think about the two years I've wasted with you. I feel it when I think about how you tossed me aside for some floozy of a guy. It's time I started living for me, and living for someone who actually gives a damn about me. Goodbye." The wolf began opening the door, but Gordon, a panicked look in his eyes, jumped up, ran over, and slammed it shut. "Jason, please, listen to me..." he choked out before the wolf cut him off.

"Gordon, shut your fucking mouth! Do you have any idea how stupid I feel and how much I'm hurting right now? Let me answer that for you. You don't. You can't because you're not the one who's been made a fool! Now please, let me leave or I'm going to get the police involved."

Gordon stepped aside, letting Jason open the door of the tiny apartment. Unable to control his emotions anymore, Gordon cried silently while his boyfriend padded out into the clear, bright day, and on to a life without the German Shepard.

"Quit fidgeting hun, I'm trying to fix your shirt. It looks ridiculous on you unless you wear it just right...there we go!" Black paws worked quickly around the low cut shirt Gordon wore, making a few adjustments and puffing out various patches of fur until the right blend of fabric and physique showed through. Gordon looked in the mirror and chuckled. You have to hand it to him, he thought, he really knows what he's doing. Jason's arms wrapped around Gordon, tracing his fingers along the exposed bellyfur, and whispered, "So, whaddya think? Aren't I brilliant?" into Gordon's ear.

"Heh, not even Milan can hold a candle to you, Jason." Gordon replied, turning around to face him. He looked over the black wolf, taking in all the hard work Jason put into his own outfit. The wolf always knew how to accent himself, depending on what he wanted. Tonight he obviously wanted to make an impression, hopefully without upstaging the guests of honor. A royal blue tank top, slightly too small, clung to his chest, ruffling the fur around his neck and shoulders. A violet bandanna tied loosely around his neck covered most of his neckfluff. Below, black raver pants adorned with straps of the same blue shade of his tank top hung loosely from his hips.

Jason grabbed onto Gordon's black and brown furred arm, tugging him towards the door. "Come on, then, we're gonna be late for the party if we stand around much longer." He urged.

"You're the one who refused to leave until we looked perfect! Don't even try to pin this on me!" Gordon retorted.

The wolf giggled. "You can argue the fault all you want, but we're still running late, and I promised Brad and Vince we'd be like the first ones there."

"Then start moving your sorry tail and let's go!"

The two of them padded out of their apartment and walked in the cool night air, a soft breeze caressing the exposed fur of their bodies. Gordon noted that quite some time passed since he and Jason went out as a couple like this, even if it was for a friend's anniversary party. Not that he had any complaints with it, it just seemed a bit odd to him. He glanced over at Jason and reached out to hold onto his boyfriend's paw, continuing to ponder about their recent lack of formal dates.

"You know, I can't believe they've actually made it a year. They just seem too...hmm...well... I wouldn't have pictured the two of them getting along terribly well, to be honest. But who knows? Cupid works in mysterious ways." Jason said, looking up at the clear night sky.

"True, true..." Gordon replied, a disinterested tone in his voice brought on by his state of deep thought. He realized his mistake instantly.

"Is something wrong, Gordon?"

"Oh, nothings wrong, I'm just kinda thinking about stuff at the moment, is all."

"Like what?" Jason looked puzzled and concerned, which worried Gordon immensely.

He wasn't exactly sure how to put his thoughts into words, and didn't know how Jason would react to them if he did speak. If his time with the wolf taught him anything, it was Jason's tendency to overreact over things Gordon thought were quite trivial. "Just about life and stuff..." He answered, picking the response he thought would be least likely to set Jason off. To Gordon's surprise, Jason looked at him and smiled. "Really? I've kinda been thinking about that as well...You know, where we'll be in the future...what life might hold for us...things like that. Where do you see us in five years, Gordon?"

Gordon put a paw to his muzzle, rubbing his chin. Should he say he didn't know? He didn't want this line of questioning to end badly for him, and knew it could take little to send the conversation in a very bad direction, so he responded, "Hard to say, really. I mean, we haven't been together a huge amount of time. Not even two years yet. Who's to say where we might go?"

Jason eyed Gordon, traces of concern still etched in his face. "Well, maybe you're right...I just felt a bit curious, is all. And for the record, two years is nothing to scoff at. Most relationships don't even last six months. Anyways, will you think about it and give me a more defined answer soon?"

Gordon sighed in relief, having dodged what he thought might be a particularly painful argument. "Okay hun, I promise you I'll let ya know after some time to think." Gordon and Jason both looked ahead after that, still holding paws, but didn't speak for the rest of the short walk. They soon found themselves on the doorstep of the large suburban house where Brad and Vince lived.

Loud music and several boisterous voices echoed from behind the front door as they rapped their paws against it. A few seconds passed, then the door opened, revealing a raccoon adorned with a violet dress outfit made from what looked to be silk. "Hey, you guys finally made it! Come in, come in, we're just starting to get warmed up in here."

"Thanks Vince, and congrats on your anniversary! Here, I thought you both might like this.." Jason said over the loud music and conversation emitting from the nearby basement door, pulling out a sealed envelope from his pocket. Gordon stared at the envelope, a bit surprised.

Vince opened up the envelope and pulled out a card, which held gift certificates for a couple's massage down at a local spa. Blushing, he reached over and pulled both Gordon and Jason into a hug. "Aww, thanks guys, you really didn't have to!"

Jason beamed at the raccoon. "I know we didn't, but I thought you two deserved a nice relaxing weekend with each other. 'Sides, I know a guy down there, and he can make sure you two get top notch treatment."

"I'm gonna go find Brad and tell him...wait right here." Vince padded off into the basement to search for his boyfriend.

"Umm...Jason...I thought you told me we weren't going to get them anything. You know I would've pitched in to help ya pay for it...and besides, is that really the best present for an anniversary? I would've picked something a little more...concrete and, well, useful."

"Like what?"

"I dunno...like, clothes or a smoothie machine or something. Beats me."

"See? That's why I didn't tell you. You overthink things. This is an anniversary, hun. The best gift you could possibly get involves romance and intimacy. Don't you remember ours?" Jason smiled at Gordon, kissing him gently on the cheek.

"Well, yeah...you got me that double sleeping bag. How's that prove your point?"

Jason sighed heavily. "Yeah, I did, but what did we do that very same weekend?"

"Umm...didn't we go up to the mountains?"

"Exactly! Now, tell me, do you remember exactly how close we felt to each other every morning up there as the sun rose over those peaks?"

"Yeah...that was a pretty good weekend...reminded me of why I fell head over heels for ya to begin with."

"You see where I'm coming from now?" Jason reached out, grabbing onto Gordon's paws. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, ok? I'll make it up to you later, if you're not too upset with me."

Gordon smiled, looking up into Jason's bright yellow eyes. "I don't think I am. I'll be sure to make ya remember you owe me one, though." Gordon chuckled and leaned forward, giving Jason a warm, gentle kiss on his muzzle. Jason pressed back into the kiss, the soft caress of his breath tickling the fur on Gordon's muzzle. They broke apart from the kiss as they saw shapes emerge from the basement door. Vince returned, a short otter following closely behind him.

"Hey Brad, how's it going?" Jason said as they approached. Brad wore an outfit similar to Vince's, although a bit smaller and skinnier to suit his tiny frame.

"Heh, it's a bit noisy, but I think I'll live. Thanks for the gift certificates, by the way, I can't wait to use em." He grinned widely at both Gordon and Jason. "So, how've you guys been doing?"

"Quite well, I think. Nothing too big happening right now, though, just sort of living our day to day. Congratulations on your year, though! I don't know many couples who can make the same boast." Jason said.

Both Brad and Vince blushed at this comment. "You really are quite the sweetheart, aren't you, Jason?" Vince replied, a light chuckle in his voice. "Come on, why don't you guys go have some fun downstairs? We set Brad's computer up to DJ for us tonight, and so far, it seems to be doing a bang up job."

"If you insist." Jason giggled, grabbing onto Gordon's paw. "Come on, hun, let's go!" He tugged at Gordon, pulling him along. "It was really nice talking to ya! We'll see you two lovebirds downstairs in a bit!"

Jason rushed down the steps, dragging Gordon behind him. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw a menagerie of people sprawled along the basement. Canines, felines, mustelids, and all sorts of other species filled the large room with a melting pot of scents. Gaudy decorations Gordon thought he might find at a dollar store plastered the walls of the basement. He snickered under his breath. "You know," he said, leaning close to Jason, "They might try to act 'fabulous', but their penny pinching is pretty obvious."

"Oh hush, you. I think they did a very nice job with the place." Jason retorted. "And don't you even think about saying anything to the contrary to them."

They both padded over to where a large group of people had amassed, dancing with the trance beats blasting from the giant speakers Brad apparently hooked up to his desktop. "Come on! " Jason urged, looking at Gordon. "Let's go dance, I love this song!"

Gordon looked around and sighed theatrically. "Only because you said so." He grinned and followed Jason into the crowd. Gordon didn't dance much himself, but it never stopped him from appreciating the intricate delicacies shown by those who perfected the art, such as Jason. His wolf twisted and turned to the tricky beats of the music, his dark form blending in and out with the surrounding dancers. Gordon attempted to dance, trying to keep up with Jason, but his two left paws kept him off beat and off kilter. Before too long, he bumped into enough people and stepped on enough toes to justify excusing himself from the dance area. His desk job didn't help matters, the small amount of dancing showing himself just how out of shape he really was. He looked around for a refreshment area or some place to grab a drink from and catch his breath.

His eyes caught a small table off in the corner with a punch bowl and a few dozen plastic cups. He padded over to the area, exhausted from the meager amount of exercise the dancing brought him. Sighing in relief, he grabbed a cup and the ladle in the punch bowl, filling his cup to the brim. Taking a sip, the sweet lemony tang of the punch tickling his mouth and nostrils while he scanned the basement for anyone he might know.

"Hey, mind if you move a little? You're blocking the punch." Gordon spun around, not realizing he obstructed the bowl. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know..." His gazed landed on a white and brown furred ferret dressed in fairly plain clothes. Small gold earrings stuck out of each one of his small, rounded ears. His beady steel blue eyes looked back at him, a twinkle passing through them as he cut Gordon off with a hearty laugh and said, "Please, please, don't even worry about it! It's pretty loud, and there's people everywhere. It's a wonder if anyone can even make out their own scent in this place."

Gordon smiled back at the ferret, his embarrassment subsiding in the lower regions of his stomach. "Yeah, that's true...even worse with this thing." Gordon tapped at his nose. "Can't even taste this punch properly cause there's so much damn musk trapped in the room."

The ferret replied with a small chuckle in his voice. "Oh, I can only imagine...some say you canines have all the luck, but I don't think they think about what the negatives might be."

"Eh, some of us make do. So, what do ya think of this shindig so far?"

"Eh, not really much of a party, to be honest, but I'm a bit spoiled with get-togethers. Lived out on the East Coast for a few years. Those guys really know how to live it up, if you know what I mean. Even the less extravagant events blow anything this little town's seen out of the water."

"Really? I find that hard to believe. I've seen some pretty awesome things go down here."

"Sweetie, you haven't lived then. You'll have to make a trip out there some time and check it out."

"I'll keep that in mind." said Gordon. "Where will this journey take me, if I can ask?"

The ferret smiled at Gordon and said, "Only place out there worth visiting, of course. You ever been to the Big Apple?"

"Can't say I've had the pleasure, actually. Been to Boston and Pittsburgh on business, though."

"Bah, those places are weak compared to New York. There's just something about it that grabs at your soul and doesn't let go...at least in my experience. You'll know what I mean if you ever make it out there."

"Might happen soon. I'm not high enough on the corporate ladder at my job to handle any business in New York, but I've got a feeling I'm gonna be getting promoted soon. My bosses and their bosses keep hounding me in little meetings they've been pulling me aside for, questioning about where I see myself in five years, how I think I've done so far...you know, that whole thing. Plus my record at the place is pretty decent."

Gordon couldn't help but flash a tiny smile as he said this. He'd been busting his tail around that building for years, closing deals and winning over more clients that he could count. The pay was decent at his current position, but until recently, there had been no discernible end in sight to the monotony. Not for long, though, he thought.

"Oh, nice!" Said the ferret. "So, can I ask you what you do?"

"Sorry, I guess I did kinda space that. I work for an accounting firm. Most of their stuff is done on Wall Street, but I'm at a remote office they set up downtown."

The ferret's eyes lit up, his tail swaying behind him excitedly. "Really? That's brilliant! I have a friend who actually does tech support for Reinberg and Stevensons. He tells me all the time about the stuff some of the employees try to get away with. Stuff like browsing porn at work or sending love letters to their mistresses from their business emails. It's quite a riot to know what some people try to get away with sometimes." He reached out for the ladle in the bowl, finally filling up his cup with some punch. Gordon realized he drained the last of his own punch during the course of the conversation, tapping a claw against the now empty plastic.

"Want some more?" Inquired the ferret, still clasping his small paw around the ladle.

"I guess I am still a bit thirsty...sure." Gordon replied. The ferret tipped the dipper over and filled Gordon's cup to the brim before setting it back in the bowl.

Gordon chuckled. "I'm sure your friend can appreciate some of the insanity that can ensue around an accounting office." He checked his watch, noting that 15 minutes passed since he left Jason on the impromptu dance floor. "Ah geez, I should probably get back to the party. It was really nice chatting with ya...umm..."

"The name's Chet. I don't think I caught your name either..."

"Ah, my apologies." He reached out a paw to shake Chet's hand. "I'm Gordon."

Chet grasped the extended paw and shook. "It was really nice to meet you too. You have an IM or something? I'd like to get to chat with ya a bit more sometime."

"Sure. Let me just..." Gordon grabbed a nearby napkin and pulled a pen out from a nearby desk, scribbling down both his instant messenger ID and his email address. "There!" he said as he scribbled the last word down, handing it to the small ferret.

"Thanks a ton, Gordon. I'll be sure to get in contact with you soon!" he squeaked. Gordon waved back at him while he padded back to the dance area. Jason sat on a nearby couch, looking a bit worn but quite happy. "There you are! Where've ya been at, hun?"

"Just grabbing some punch. You need some?" he asked, offering the refilled cup to Jason.

"Absolutely..." Gordon handed the cup to Jason, who guzzled it quickly. Jason sagged down into the couch and sighed. "Thanks hun. I think I might be a bit out of shape, I got tired way too quickly out there."

"You and me both, it seems. Still, you lasted longer than me." Gordon replied.

"Not as long as I would've liked, though. I might start doing some running or something so I don't make a fool of myself next time I'm out on the dance floor."

Gordon sighed and shook his head. "Jason, you'd have to try to look like an idiot when you dance. Have you ever seen yourself go at it? You're a lunatic."

A smile flickered across Jason's muzzle and he chuckled almost silently. "You know, hun, you don't have to lavish me with compliments if you wanna play later. I'm already in a good enough mood for that."

Gordon stiffened up, caught off guard at this remark. He never really liked talking about things like sex in public, and the thought of sex later never even crossed his mind. He figured Jason would be completely wiped after the shindig ended and they went home, and even then, he hadn't really been showing any signs that he might be interested in sex that night. "Wait, you mean...do you want to?"

"Don't be silly, hun, of course I want to. We haven't really done anything in a while, work always seems to be taking its toll on you, and I just wanted to give ya a little morale boost, if you'd like one. Plus, I really haven't gotten to play around with that cute little rump of yours lately, and I miss playing with it when we fuck around," he said with a wink.

Gordon blushed, thankful that the music was so loud. "Jason! We're surrounded by people! Can we at least wait until a bit later if you're gonna talk about this stuff?"

Jason rolled his eyes and tilted his muzzle away from Gordon. "Sweetie, you really need to loosen up. Come on, we're in a house almost filled with gay men, or at the least, people Vince and Brad trust. No one's gonna care if we throw a few dirty comments around."

Gordon felt embarrassment from earlier rise up, this time mixed with a nice helping of shame. "I guess you're right...Maybe I'm just a bit more...I don't know...guarded, I guess."

"It's what happens when you work with a bunch of stuck up homophobes, Gordon. Don't worry, I won't hold it against you." Another sly grin spread across Jason's muzzle. "At least not until I need some money for shopping."

Chuckling, Gordon, grabbed onto Jason's black paw and pulled him to his feet. Jason cupped his other paw around Gordon's cheek and gave his boyfriend a soft, warm lick on his nose. The act sent shivers of excitement throughout Gordon's whole body. Gordon nosed Jason in return, and they both returned to mingle with the rest of the party.

Gordon stood near the doorway leading back upstairs a few hours later. Jason and him, both exerting themselves socially and mentally over the course of the night, were saying their goodbyes to Brad and Vince. The otter and raccoon looked quite worn themselves, but in a good way. "Thanks for having us over, guys. We really had a blast. Hope to see ya outdo yourselves next year." Jason said to the hosts, a note of weariness mixed in with his usual cheer.

Brad bowed theatrically, his thick, muscular tail drifting back and forth behind him. "Our pleasure, gentlemen. We're probably gonna end it soon, though. We've got a pretty big day ahead of us tomorrow. Have a safe walk home, okay?"

"Oh we will, don't worry," Gordon said. "We'll be sure to catch you sometime soon, guys."

Gordon and Jason waved goodbye as they walked up the step to the main floor and out of the front door. The walk home teemed with conversation about people they'd met, things they'd done, and how the party turned out overall. Gordon mentioned his brief encounter with Chet while they padded closer to their apartment. "Hmm...sounds like a nice enough guy. Wonder why I didn't see him..." Jason said.

"I dunno," Gordon responded. "Maybe he left early or something. He sounded like a really interesting guy, though. Thought I might get in contact with him, get to know him a bit better."

He looked over at Jason. He thought he saw a frown across his muzzle, but when he looked, he saw only the bright smile of his wolf staring back at him. "Awesome! Maybe I can meet him sometime myself and give my own opinion of this guy." He chuckled, grasping onto Gordon's paw and squeezing tightly.

They walked up to the door of their building a few minutes later and headed up to their apartment. Opening the door to their place sent a stream of pleasant scents up their sensitive noses. Gordon always enjoyed the various scents Jason accented the apartment with. A warm mixture of vanilla and chamomile drifted around the apartment tonight. He remembered Jason saying something about the combination being calming, or comforting...he couldn't quite remember which one, but didn't really see much of a difference between the two anyways.

Jason stretched and took his shirt off, flinging it to the side of the couch. "I had such a good time tonight, Gordon. We really should go out more often." Gordon dropped back into the couch, kicking his paws up onto the nearby coffee table. He looked at Jason and his bare chest, black as midnight, the dim lights in the apartment reflecting off of his fur like tiny stars drifting through the sky.

"I know, I've just been really busy at the office. I'm trying my best to keep up with the others and not get into too much trouble. Sides, I figure if I work hard enough, I might be able to impress the bosses somehow..." Gordon trailed off at the end of the sentence. He wanted to promotion to be a surprise for Jason, and this conversation might spoil the surprise if the subject continued much longer.

"A good impression with the higher ups definitely couldn't hurt you. Still, I hate seeing you work so much. It always puts you in a foul mood, then I have to put up with it all night," Jason said.

Gordon frowned a little, a bit hurt at this comment. "I haven't been grumpy, angry, or anything for a while. I'm sorry, I really try to keep it a the office, it's just been so hectic lately with all the people pulling out of accounts and such."

Jason padded over, sat on Gordon's lap, and wrapped his arms around the German Shepard. "I know you haven't been unpleasant. I've just been concerned about you. Feels like you're kind of distant with me lately. I just want you to know that I love you, ok?"

Gordon nodded, then leaned forward, pressing his lips against Jason's in a warm, passionate kiss. Jason's paws rubbed along Gordon's back, playing with the fabric of his shirt while Gordon caressed the back of Jason's head. A moment passed before they parted their muzzles, breathing heavily. "I know you love me, hun. I love you too. More than you probably know, as corny as that might sound."

"Believe me, Gordon, it doesn't sound corny at all," Jason said before a grin spread across his muzzle. "Maybe a bit sappy, but definitely not corny." He shifted around a bit in Gordon's lap and leaned in, touching his nose to the German Shepard's nose. "Say, I was wondering...do you happen to know anyone who might like to take a nice little wolf home with him tonight?"

Chuckling, Gordon replied, "I dunno, what's he like?"

"Oh, he's really nice, especially around cuties like you."

"Sounds like a pretty good deal. I don't know though...I don't even have a place for him to sleep in my little apartment."

"Oh, that's simple. He can stay in your bed. He loves snuggling up to warm cuties while he sleeps." Jason looked at Gordon with a twinkle in his eyes that let Gordon know what would come next. He grinned and said to Jason, "I guess you have a deal there. Shall we get him comfortable?" Gordon wrapped his paws around Jason's body and picked him up, padding to their bedroom with an exaggerated effort. He set his boyfriend down on the bed gently when they finally reached the bedroom. Jason gazed up at Gordon, sitting up and reaching out to grab a hold of the bottom of Gordon's shirt. He pulled it up and over Gordon's head then tossed it to a small pile of clothes in the corner of the room.

Gordon knew what to expect from here on out. He played this game with Jason several times before, modifying his course of attack each and every time. However, it always ended with the same results. Jason placed his paws on Gordon's sides right below his armpits, wrapping his fingers around the German Shepard's torso. The wolf leaned forward and brushed his nose along Gordon's neck. The nuzzle along the sensitive fur on his neck generated waves of excitement throughout Gordon's body, most notably in his sheath. In playful retaliation, Gordon inched his muzzle forward until he met with Jason's left ear, which he promptly took into his mouth to nibble on.

A low, soft moan of pleasure drifted out of the black muzzle below Gordon's head. "Mmm... is that the way you wanna play tonight, hun? Or do you have something else in mind for little old me?" The second Jason stopped speaking, Gordon felt the warm, moist tongue of his boyfriend sliding across his neckfur. He followed up the action by opening his muzzle a little and nibbling gently along the side of Gordon's neck. Gordon gasped, the increasing stirring in his sheath becoming harder and harder to ignore.

"I dunno, I guess you'll just have to wait and see." Gordon replied. He reached down and played with the button on Jason's pants. The baggy pants slid down the black wolf's legs quite easily, revealing a hard, pink shaft that contrasted heavily with the surrounding fur. "I didn't realize you were so worked up tonight. Mind if I help ya with that?" The German Shepard said with a grin. He knew Jason usually didn't get this excited so quickly, which sent him thinking about what made tonight so different.

Jason began playing with Gordon's own pants, making sure to stroke the brown and black tail jutting out from behind the Shepard. The pants didn't come off of him quite as elegantly as Jason's due to their smaller size, but soon both canines rested on the bed, their nude forms pressed together in eager anticipation. They pressed their slender muzzles together, locked in a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing along each others lips and teeth. Gordon inhaled, taking in the inviting scent of Jason, a masculine aroma mixed with a subtle hint of cherry blossoms, one of the scents Jason loved to accent himself with. Gordon's shaft now stood fully erect and ready for play, burying itself into the soft fur of Jason's stomach. He could tell Jason was just as excited. The wolf pressed his groin longingly into Gordon's torso, leaving a small trail of precum along the Shepard's tan belly.

The wolf pulled away from the kiss and whispered "Oh god...my god It's been too long. I...snag a condom and lube...from the drawer, hun," into Gordon's ear with the eagerness of an excited cub. The Shepard, more than happy to oblige, rose from the bed and fished around in the drawer of the bedside desk until he found a small foil packet and an unmarked bottle. He tossed them to Jason, who tore open the packet and beckoned Gordon to sit in front of him. Gordon hurled himself onto the bed, causing the mattress and his boyfriend to bounce slightly when he landed. Jason placed the small piece of latex on Gordon's shaft, rolling it down to it's base. Gordon was thankful he hadn't yet begun to knot, or he may as well have blown his first chance at sex in a long time.

The next thing Jason did was squirt out some of the contents of the bottle into his paw. He rubbed up and down the condom for added lubrication, then reached under his tail to apply the slick liquid to his tailhole. His free paw reached up and cupped around Gordon's neck. "You ready, hun?" Jason said in an almost inaudible voice. The Shepard looked into his boyfriend's eyes and smiled. "Do you really need to ask?" He replied, chuckling under his breath. The wolf pushed Gordon back into a sitting position while flicking his tail away from his own body, positioning himself just above the long, slender maleness of the Shepard. Gordon saw Jason grit his teeth before he pushed slowly down on the waiting erection, throwing Gordon into a spasm of ecstasy.

The warmth that crept down his shaft was much tighter than Gordon recalled. He wondered in the back of his mind if Jason might have to stop midway for a break, but the wolf only showed a somewhat pained look on his face as he kept sliding down. Gordon felt himself getting more and more worked up until the wolf finally stopped. The Shepard's hormones raged inside of him, all seeming to converge at the point that currently resided inside of the obsidian wolf in front of him. He buried his head into the soft fluff of Jason's chest and began pushing himself into his boyfriend, who wrapped his arms around Gordon and worked himself down into Gordon's lap.

Starting off at a relatively slow pace, Gordon felt like a little more play before things picked up to a more vigorous speed. He nosed at Jason's chest and licked his nipple, tracing a finger up the wolf's erection. The response he got from Jason was immediate. The wolf tightened up and shivered in Gordon's lap before starting to push down harder into Gordon's shaft. All thoughts the Shepard might have had for extending the foreplay went flying out of his mind.

The intensity of their play increased. Gordon started to feel all of his lust and eagerness build up at the base of his erection. He wrapped his paw around Jason's own shaft and worked it in tandem with the thrusts below. Jason's own erection felt like it was swelling underneath Gordon's paw. Soon, the Shepard felt the tightness around his shaft increase. He knew he'd release very soon, and Jason wouldn't be too far behind him. Sure enough, an overwhelming rush of pleasure filled his groin, spreading quickly to the rest of his body as he felt himself come into the wolf in front of him. He still continued to work his paw over Jason's shaft, and within the minute, he too released. Panting and spent, both canines rolled onto their sides, facing each other.

"God, that was absolutely fantastic..." Jason whispered. "I don't know why we've waited so long to do this again."

Gordon frowned a little,his ears flattening. "Well, I don't know...I mean, I have been kinda busy at the office and stuff... I mean, it's not like we need to have sex to love each other, right? I know how much you mean to me, and I know how much I mean to you. Isn't that what matters most?"

"Well, yeah, I suppose," said Jason, "But it is quite nice to play with ya every once in a while." Jason turned over to his other side. "Come on hun, we can clean up tomorrow. Let's get some sleep." Gordon didn't know if he'd just upset Jason or not, but he didn't argue. He rolled onto his back and said, "Okay, Jason. Sleep well, hun."

Jason half heartedly said "You too," back, and they both drifted off to sleep.

A few uneventful days passed for Gordon. His superiors continued to inspect him on a regular basis, which he felt was a good sign that he was still in the running for a promotion. Despite the incredible sex he'd had with Jason, he felt Jason was a bit off, like he might be avoiding something. Gordon knew he got in moods like this, and the best thing to do was simply let it run its course. The weekend was merely hours away, and Jason usually tended to liven up once it hit.

He looked out of the window next to his cubicle and took in Denver's afternoon skyline. The skyscrapers of downtown blocked most of the view, but patches of the city beyond showed through in the cracks between buildings. A moment passed before he turned back to his computer screen. Having finished all of his projects for the day and with time to kill, he was simply browsing around the internet for flash games. Unfortunately, most of what he'd found couldn't manage to hold his attention for more than a few minutes. Finally giving up on his search, he opened up his email to see if he'd been given more projects to work on.

No new work sat in his inbox, but one email caught his eye. The subject read 'Hope this isn't a fake address' with a sender Gordon didn't immediately recognize. Praying he wasn't falling into a viral trap, Gordon opened up the email and read.

Hey stranger,

I'm really hoping you gave me a real email address. I had a great, if somewhat brief, time with you over at the party a few nights ago. Providing this reaches you, I was hoping we might get a bit more time to get to know each other. Let me know soon, because I'm flying out to Seattle on Sunday and won't be back in the area for a couple weeks, and I think it'd be a damn shame if we had to wait that long for a proper get together.

Chet Wilson

Gordon's jaw dropped slightly. He wasn't sure the ferret would actually get in contact with him. His tail wagged quickly behind him. It'd been quite some time since he'd met someone who actually seemed interested in a friendship. The only problem he saw was that he'd have to cut some time away from Jason this weekend if he wanted to meet up with the ferret. I'd better at least run it by Jason, he thought. With the prospect of meeting up with Chet again running through his head, he went searching for more projects to work on before the weekend officially came.