Treasure Seeker: Night Approaches

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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Treasure Seeker: Part 6

Night Approaches

Hello everybody. Well, after months of procrastination I have finally gotten this stroy finished. I hope that the story continues to surprise and plea all of my readers. This installment is a little... well... maybe a lot darker than some of the other ones. Once again (souding like a broken record) I ask that you please, please please COMMENT! Anyways, please enjoy this installment of "Treasure Seeker"

P.S.: I wrote this story very quickly so i am sure that there are a few errors. Please forgive me.

Zenn stood at the window of the apartment that she and Rassa shared, gazing out at the city around her. The sky was cloudy and dark, threatening a thunderstorm as low rumblings rolled across the land. The air felt heavy, partially from the moisture in the air and partially from the fear felt throughout the city. The late summers heat was stifling, drenching the city.

In the streets below, the people of Isaiah were preparing for war. Hundreds of newly recruited soldiers in hastily thrown together units marched all around the city. The Desert Fox's old commanders were working hard to turn the volunteers from Isaiah into soldiers, soldiers who might survive the coming battle. Weapons for these recruits were in short supply, many of them armed with nothing but a javelin or small spear and armoured with nothing but padded leather.

Outside of the city, Rayle of Avalon's army was steadily crossing the desert, making its way towards Isaiah. Every trade path and escape route had been closed off, save for the sea. Rayle had made it clear; Isaiah was to be completely obliterated. Every attack that Rayle launched resulted in the complete annihilation of the army's target. Cratus's forces had put up significant resistance, but every temporary port, fortress and stronghold around Isaiah now belonged to the Avalon army.

Zenn sighed and massaged the bump in her belly. Her thoughts wandered to the first time she had seen Rayle, two weeks ago in a meeting with the Desert Fox. Rayle had accused her of being a fake and Cratus a liar. Before long, what had supposed to have been a calm and peaceful meeting of those who wanted to end an impending war, turned into a disaster. That conflict had lead to Cratus's unfortunate death.

"Everybody is lying to me..." Zenn muttered softly, 'That is what you said Rayle, but what did you mean. Why do I get the feeling that there is something else going on here. There are more layers here than I had considered before." She looked up at the sky, "Your father, the king of Avalon... why do I get the feeling that he is pulling your strings."

Zenn's thoughts were interrupted as the door to the apartment opened and Rassa walked in. His face was etched with lines of exhaustion and his steps were slow and draggy. He took two steps into the room before falling flat on his face with a thump.

"Rassa!" Zenn hopped off the balcony and ran towards Rassa "Are you alright?"

Rassa grinned tiredly "Yeah, just been working like crazy." He held out his paw and a few gold pieces clattered to the floor, "There, the most I have ever earned by working a legitimate job."

"I never found that running our stand was so tiring." Zenn said, helping Rassa up and half helping half dragging him to the bedroom.

Rassa shook his head, "There isn't any market for pretty shells these days. I had to get a job at the docks, loading people's stuff onto the ship. Some of the nobles are bringing along their entire fortunes with them as they pack it off for Gardalis."

"You are insane you know that." Zenn said with a smile, "You'll work yourself down to nothing. I'll help next time."

"No." Rassa shook his head, "Some of the soldiers still think that you are responsible for all this, not just for the attack, but for Cratus's death as well. There is a lot of hostility towards you right now." He saw the look of pain that crossed Zenn's face at the remark and he mentally cursed himself. He sighed, "Besides, you have another life to consider."

Zenn sighed as they reached the bed. Rassa managed to heave himself up onto his back. Zenn hopped up and sat beside him. She put a serious look on her face, "I am pretty sure I can take care of myself."

"Listen." Rassa said, raising his arms and stroking Zenn's cheeks gently, "It is dangerous for you out there. Everything is inside out and upside down right now. The economy is messed up, there are soldiers everywhere and... well... General Drayder just doesn't have Cratus's skill. From what I have heard, Avalon's army is smashing everything in its way. This Rayle character has lost it... and things are pretty nasty."

Zenn flopped down on the bed beside Rassa and looked over, " I know all of that. It's just... I need to do something. I feel responsible... I am responsible... that's why I want to help, help with anything that might save a few lives."

Rassa rolled over and wrapped his arms around Zenn, pulling her close, "Just keep yourself safe. This will all be over soon."

With a sigh, Zenn relaxed in Rassa's grip. She knew that he meant well, but the stress of doing nothing was wearing at her. The last thing she wanted was to rely completely on Rassa, particularly so when the whole war was centered around her. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she almost didn't notice Rassa kiss her.

Rassa pulled away from the kiss and he could see Zenn's frustration. He shook his head, "You have been a pain ever since I met you, you know that right." he said in a joking tone, "And it started with me having to carry your heavy butt across the desert."

"As I recall." Zenn said, scrunching up her nose in mock distain, "You threatened two hyenas into doing that for you."

Rassa pretended to be frustrated and rolled over on top of Zenn, his arms pinning her shoulders down. "Hey, that hardly matters. What about all bandages I had to waste on you, those cost money you know. And those pretty dresses I got you. Don't forget lady, you owe me big time."

"Oh dear." Zenn said in a sarcastic terrified tone, leaning up to kiss Rassa on the nose, "Whatever shall I do to repay you kind sir."

With a grin, Rassa lowered his paw to the bottom of Zenn's shirt and began to push it up, his fingers dancing across her belly, "I don't know... hmmm... what could..." his paw suddenly grasped Zenn's left breast and started to massage it gently. Zenn murred softly in pleasure as Rassa whispered in her ear "what could... we do?"

As Rassa kissed her deeply, Zenn's paws urgently reached down and pulled Rassa's shirt up over his head. Rassa broke of the kiss as the shirt passed over his head before lunging back onto Zenn like a predator on prey. Zenn's paws rubbed up and down Rassa's back as he reached down and pulled off his own pants before he began pulling her dress up over her head.

As soon as they were both naked, Rassa and Zenn began rolling around the bed, each laying on top of the other for only a few seconds before they were wrestled back under. Their paws ran up and down each other's bodies, touching and exploring. Rassa's paws massaged Zenn's breasts and thighs while hers stroked his back and shoulders.

Rassa could feel his manhood squished between his belly and Zenn's, it hard length just begging for its turn. Every sniff he took filled his nose with Zenn's excited scent as they rolled around on the bed playing. Rassa could barely contain his excitement as he began kissing every part of Zenn's body. Zenn began to squirm in ecstatic pleasure as his kisses began at her neck and continued to her shoulders and breasts.

His mouth stayed at her breasts for a few moments, kissing and suckling on them. His tongue rolled over her nipples, gently caressing them with heat and warmth. His mouth moved over Zenn's small breasts again and again before moving to her belly. His mouth danced over Zenn's soft belly fur, his lips eventually settling on her belly button, making a ticklish Zenn laugh and squirm little.

Moments later Zenn's breathing became labored and intense as Rassa's lips moved downwards and he kissed her nether regions. Zenn groaned a little as she felt Rassa's tongue playing gently with her most private folds. Rassa moved slowly and deliberately, his tongue slipping inside of her slit, causing Zenn to close her eyes and arch upwards, her body straining with pleasure. She rocked her head back and forth, starbursts of pleasure echoing in her mind behind her closed eyelids.

Rassa smiled to himself as he saw how much pleasure he was bringing Zenn. His tongue moved up and down her slit, massaging Zenn's most private flesh. Rassa pushed his fatigue aside completely as he continued to satisfy his mate. The fur on her lower regions was all matted from a combination of Rassa's saliva and Zenn's juices.

Zenn could feel pleasure building up inside of her, a cresting wave growing deep within her. Zenn's paws gripped the sheets tightly as her orgasm built up within her, her senses teetering on the edge of release. Then, once more, Rassa slipped his tongue deep inside of Zenn's slit. With a loud groan, Zenn's senses exploded, all of the muscles in her lower body clenched tightly as she rode out her glorious cumming.

Rassa heard Zenn groan loudly in pleasure and she began to arch again and again as waves of delicious pleasure rolled over her. Taking advantage, Rassa pulled his body up and lay down on top of Zenn, his lips clamping over hers. Zenn responded with unexpected passion, Her arms wrapping around Rassa and pulling him close, so hard that his breath was cut a little short. They lay like that for a while, Zenn fiercely kissing Rassa as she rode out the remnants of her orgasm and Rassa holding down Zenn's squirming body with his weigth.

After several minutes, Rassa broke off the kiss and raised himself up a little. Zenn's hair was splayed out behind her head. Her fur was matted with sweat and no longer as sleek as before, small tufts sticking up here and there. Her eyes were closed as she savoured the feelings.

Rassa smiled and leaned down to whisper tenderly in Zenn's ear, "I hope you're not done, cause I'm just getting warmed up."

Zenn opened her eyes slowly. She was still breathing hard, but the promise of more pleasure was irresistible. She grinned and raised her arms, putting her paws on Rassa's cheeks, "I sure hope you're not done." She gasped slightly as she felt Rassa move himself into position. She could feel the very tip of his member pushing at the lips off her hot, damp vagina.

Rassa leaned down and kissed Zenn as he slid forward, parting Zenn's nether lips as he pushed deep inside. He could feel her heat and moisture as he slid himself deep inside all the way up to his hilt. He groaned quietly as he pushed in a far as he could go, feeling Zenn's heartbeat, the warmth of her body, wrapped tightly around his stiff penis. He listened to her soft moaning, he felt her fingers digging into his back, he felt her legs wrapped around his body.

Rassa allowed himself to enjoy the moment for only a few moments before he began thrusting, moving his hips in a well timed rhythm. His grip tightened on Zenn's shoulders as the feelings of ecstasy flooded through him, originating from the place where they were joined all the way through his body. Waves of pleasurable feeling washed through him as he was enveloped by Zenn, warmed by her, moistened by her and massaged by the motions. Her vagina was tight, despite all of the workout it had been getting, intensifying the pleasure for both of them.

Zenn's breath caught and released periodically, her toes curling and uncurling as she felt Rassa moving. He was strong, yet gentle, methodical, yet passionate. She burned with pleasure, a feeling a heat that spread through her every pore, a heat that Rassa was generating, a heat which was sealing them together. She could already feel the build up deep within her, her second orgasm beginning to form. Once again, she was brought before the precipice, her body just waiting.

Outside, the thunderstorm that had been brewing on the horizon broke over the city. Thunder rumbled across the sky and rain began to pour down on the city. Great streaks of lightning split the sky as the wind picked up, blowing bits of refuse around the streets as the citizen began running for their homes. All of this was ignored however, by those who were gripped in tight embraces of love.

The look on her face and the tightening of her muscles told Rassa that Zenn was nearly at her peak. He also felt the buildup within him, his finish was approaching. He felt his knot swelling, preparing to lock them together. He stopped kissing Zenn's breast for a moment and raised his head. He gazed lovingly at her lovely face, her beautiful eyes and her soft but rumpled hair.

"How is it possible for me to love this woman so much." He thought, his thrusts becoming more and more urgent as his body approached completion. He forced himself to slow down, savoring every single movement and the soft pleasure that it created for both of them. "How is it that I would gladly die to keep her safe."

Zenn felt Rassa's gaze and opened her eyes, her gaze going deep into his. She saw his love or her etched into every line of his face, every whisker, every movement of his eyes. It was then, while the two of them were locked in that moment of love, that they released together.

Zenn cried out as her second orgasm rolled through her like a irresistible wave. The muscles in her vagina clenched hard around Rassa, intensifying her pleasure ten-fold. Her vaginal muscles tightened again around Rassa's manhood, trying hard to make Rassa release. Her grip around Rassa's body tightened as he stiffened and Zenn felt his knot pop into her. She cried out and moaned, her paws scrabbling against Rassa's shoulders and back.

Rassa groaned loudly as his body stiffened and his knot slipped inside of Zenn's body. He felt a rush as he released his seed deep inside of Zenn. There was that strange tickling sensation at first, and then a rush as he released. His cock twitched repeatedly, sending jets of his cum splashing against the back of her uterus. Again and again his cock twitched, filling Zenn up completely and emptying Rassa right out. He felt a pleasant heat spread through him as his sperm mixed with Zenn's internal fluids, coating his still twitching cock and kept inside of Zenn by his knot.

The two of them relaxed together, their tight grips around the other relaxing as the afterglow set in. They lay quietly, simply touching each other, their breathing returning slowly to normal and their thumping hearts slowly returning to a slow and steady beat. It was to hot for covers, so the two of them simply lay with each other, their finger intertwined and the look on their faces tender and gentle. Their embrace bound them together, but more binding was the love that they felt at that moment, the absolute devotion to each other.

Eventually, the fatigue that Rassa had pushed aside began to catch up with him. Pulling Zenn on top of him, he rolled on his back and rested his head against the pillows. He muttered softly in Zenn's ear, "I will be going off to fight in the next day or two, but you stay here."

"You signed up?" Zenn said, her voice tired but suddenly full of concern.

Rassa nodded, "It is the only way that I can protect you and this city. Don't worry, I'll be fine." He put a finger under Zenn's chin and lifted her face to look directly into his, "I will come back safe, I promise." Bit by bit, with Zenn curled up against his chest, Rassa drifted off to sleep, the warmth in his loins coupled with the warmth of his love.

In the room down the hall, Kassari exhaled deeply and flopped down on the heavily thumping chest of Zagain. Her thin body shook from the exertion only a few moments ago. A warm heat spread through her body as she felt Zagain's cum mix with her internal fluids deep within her lower regions, a heat that went from her very core to every part of her body. As always, a little twinge in the back of her mind reminded her that there was no way for them to have a child, but as always that thought was buried. She sighed in contentment and nuzzled Zagain's chest fur.

Zagain raised his big arms that had been helping Kassari move up and down as she rode his manhood and wrapped them around her small form. He was still buried deep inside of Kassari, his erection fading slightly in the afterglow. Kassari noticed Zagain's big arms around her with a smile and she kissed his chest before squirming up to look at his face.

Kassari knew that she and Zagain were considered a bad match. First of all, interspecies relationships were considered immoral and unproductive, the rare offspring from such unions usually not accepted by either species. Sometimes the resulting offspring were deformed or died shortly after birth due to malfunctions in the colliding genetic codes. Zagain was also much older than Kassari, almost three times her age. The age difference and the species difference aside, Kassari had met Zagain on the battlefield, and battlefield romances had a habit of not working out. There had been many people who knew both Zagain and Kassari who had tried to dissuade them from choosing each other.

However, despite all of that, Kassari loved her husband with all of her might. His strength and passion made Kassari feel completely warm and safe, feelings that were hard to achieve when one had been an elite bodyguard. She did not give a single second worth of thought to anyone who had discouraged her from choosing Zagain. In time, even the most vocal critics had come to realize and accept that Zagain loved and protected Kassari, and Kassari loved and protected Zagain.

With a loud sigh of contentment, Kassari propped her self up on her elbows and grinned at Zagain, "You know... rather than arguing over whether we should leave or not... we should be doing this more often."

Zagain sighed through his nose, "I just want you to be safe. I will stay behind and fight, but you should leave the city."

"Not a chance." Kassari said, shaking her head slowly, "I have command experience and I've already been asked by Drayder to stay." She sighed and lowered herself back down onto Zagain's chest "I came from Brittea, way up North. This land of sand and constant heat took some getting used to, as did the idea that this was my true home all along."

"But you have retired from the military." Zagain said, his paws going up to cup Kassari's face and forcing her to look at his face, "They betrayed you, they crippled you. How can you just give up your safety to try and protect them."

Kassari rubbed her cheeks against Zagain's strong paws and sighed, "This city is important, in all the ways that matter. Besides, if it was a commander I knew that was attacking this city, then at least the civilians would be safe. However... this Rayle of Avalon means to destroy everything here."

Zagain lowered his paws and sighed, "I can't dissuade you then?"

Instead of answering, Kassari leaned forwards and kissed Zagain before moving to get off the bed. As she stood up the sheet slid off of her naked form. Her body was beginning to regain much of its original fullness. Her ribs were no longer visible and her waist was no longer unhealthily thin. Her pert little breasts were almost hidden by her hair, which had also begun to grow normally again.

Kassari noticed the expectant look on Zagains face and answered, "No, you can't convince me to leave. But you have convinced me of something important all over again."

"What's that?"

With a smile, Kassari turned back to the bed and sat down. Leaning over, she whispered in Zagains ear, "That you love me."

"Of course I do." Zagain said, his strong paws pulling Kassair down onto the bed. As Kassari lay back down on the bed Zagain rolled over and propped himself up on his arms so that his weight wouldn't crush Kassari. Zagain maneuvered his waist so that his steadily hardening cock was pushing against Kassari's moistening folds and he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Let me show you again, just how much."

The cries and moanings of pleasure were drowned out by the crash of the storm above the city. All over Isaiah couples were making love, both the weather and the promise of battle driving them to passion. Although no one said it, the denizens knew that, before the sunset of the next day, the army of Avalon would be upon the city. Although no one spoke it allowed, many knew that they would never again return to the arms of their lovers.

The next day, Isaiah was in full preparation for war. The walls around the city were lined with huge pots of boiling oil and rocks to be dropped on the enemies below. Helpers ran along the walls, filling large buckets with water and dropping off bags full of medical supplies. Temporary black smiths stations were worked into overdrive sharpening and creating weapons. The four gates that led into the city were shored up with brick, stone and wood, all except the one through which thousands of Imperial troops were retreating from the desert.

In the streets, every able-bodied fur was being taught basic war techniques. Anyone, male or female, or any species, who was over the age of fifteen was given a weapon, basic armour and quickly taught how to fight. The citizens of Isaiah were divided into huge regiments and dispersed throughout the city. Everyone in the city pitched in, preparing their homes for an extended siege.

Buildings near the walls and the barracks were cleared of their original tenants and transformed into hospitals, armories and command centers. Young thieves learned to carry messages, making use of their lightning speed and reflexes. Within its walls, Isaiah turned into a war machine, its intent and purpose made clear by the actions of its people, a people who would stop at nothing to destroy the approaching enemies.

Drayder, now in command of the Imperial forces, moved like a mad beast from place to place all around the city. He inspected everything, from the walls to the recruits to the siege weapons. His orders were carried out swiftly and efficiently, keeping the military a well oiled machine. Despite the Desert Fox's absence, Isaiah was beginning to look like it stood a good chance of winning the war.

All of this action was watched over by Avalon spies and scouts. All day they relayed messages from the city, to runners in the desert to the old fortress of the Desert Fox, the new command center of the Avalon army.

Rayle stroked his chin as he looked down at a model of the city laid out on the floor in front of him. He knew that his task was a hard one, the annihilation of a city that was itching for a fight. The reports from the scouts meant that he knew where most of the important targets within the city were located, but reaching them was another matter entirely.

"It won't be easy sir." One of the generals spoke up, "Our troops may be well trained and well organized, but they outnumbered two or three to one."

"Outnumbered by mere rabble." Another general said harshly. She smiled, "Our troops are a thousand times stronger, we are facing nothing but a handful of trained soldiers and an army of civilians, women and children."

Rayle shook his head and frowned, "You're wrong. They may be poorly trained, but they have determination. Taking this city will mean fighting its every citizen." He gestured over the model, "We need to find a way to crush their fighting spirit, to make them let their guard down and make their spirit falter."

"That's going to be difficult sir." The first general said in a skeptical voice. He walked around the model and pointed at the city gates, "The gates have been sealed, all four of them, with a great deal of strength. Our original plan of going around through the sea won't work."

"We'll use the catapults." Rayle said, leaning forward to point at the gates, "We'll concentrate our fire on the gates and smash them down. Once that's done, rush the city. We'll tell our troops to take absolutely no prisoners, accept no surrender. We'll smash them and demoralize them block by block." He turned to his generals, "Your job will be to draw fire away from our catapults by moving the lighter artillery such as the ballista to the other side of the city."

The assembled officers and generals all saluted, "Yes Sir."

"We attack at dawn, seven days from now." Ralye said confidently, "That should be enough time for Isaiah to stew in its own fear and weaken. That should also give our spies enough time to finish up their work and give us enough intelligence to make this a swift and easy battle." He nodded at the officers, "Now go, and do your duties."

As the officers filed out of the room, Sallis walked up to Rayle, "A good plan, if not simple sir."

Rayle nodded and looked around the room before speaking to Sallis in a low voice, ‘Have you sent off the spies?"

"Yes sir." Sallis responded, his voice quiet, "They should return within a week or so."

Rayle sighed, "I find it hard to believe that I have a secret twin, but I can't afford to take any chances. If my father has turned against me... then the next target of this army will be the throne of Avalon."

Sallis nodded slowly, "Yes sir... if you are sure that your soldiers will fight."

"They will." Rayles tone was confident, "After this victory, there will be no question that I am ready to rule Avalon. If my father is as rotten and twisted as you say he is Sallis, then a change in the throne is what is needed to get the Rebellion back on track. Once we have crippled Isaiah, the Imperial capital of Gardalis will be left wide open for us to attack." He sighed, "Imagine, a prince of Avalon, betrayed by his own father, conqueror of the Imperial capital. After Gardalis, the rest of the Imperial territories will fall like dominoes before me."

"Your vision is great your highness." Sallis said, "But you must be sure of one thing."

"What is that?"

"Never sacrifice the here and now for what the future may hold."

Ralye smiled nad rolled up the map, "Don't worry Sallis. In one week, we launch our attack

Deep within the dungeon of Castle Avalon, Greyhame strode back and forth. Greyhames wolf fur was a dark grey with rare white stripes. His eyes were golden and bright, sparkling with menace. His body was lean and powerful, his muscles well toned and strong. His hair was long but mostly tamed, giving him a wild yet dignified look. His gaze was as cold as ice as he walked back and forth behind the bars of his large cell.

A female rabbit bearing a wooden tray walked around a corner towards Greyhame's cell. She had long blonde hair and pretty green eyes. Greyhames face immediately lit up and he smiled as she reached his cell door. He padded up to the bars of his cell slowly, a warm look on his face.

"Hello again Wren." He said pleasantly, taking the wooden tray that she pushed through an opening in the cell door.

Wren smiled and blushed, "Hey there Greyhame, how are you today?"

He shrugged, "Oh... not badly." He bent down and set the tray on the ground and then stood back up. He slipped his arms through the bars of the cell and wrapped them around Wren, "But much better now that I see you."

"Oh stop." Wren said, her face turning red, "You know that I shouldn't even be here. You just look so thin that..."

"How sweet of you." Greyhame said, one paw softly stroking Wren's hair, the other sliding lower to her rump.

Wren's breath caught as Greyhame slipped his paw under her skirt and began touching her nether regions. She moaned a little as his finger played softly with her lips, sometimes ever so slightly slipping into her vagina. Her voice faltering and her breath jerky she said, "Listen.. I..ooohh, I really... don't think that this is, aaaaah, a good, uuhh, idea Greyhame."

"What's wrong with it." Greyhame said softly, pressing his face against that bars so that his lips were nearly touching Wren's. He smiled, "I love you Wren, you know that."

"But you're-"

"I may be down here, but I am still a prince," Greyhame whispered, "and princes should get what they want. And what I want right now is you Wren, I want you."

"I don't have any keys though." Wren said, her voice still shaky as Greyhame played with her private parts. She groaned and gasped, thoroughly enjoying the attention.

"Then get some, and come back tonight." Greyhame said, withdrawing his paw slowly from her folds. He heard Wren wimper a little as he did and he put a finger up to his lips, "Shhh shhh shh, I promise that you won't be disappointed."

Wren stepped back from the bars, her steps a little wobbly. She took a moment to straighten her skirt and ask, "What about my father. If he finds out... it'll be-"

"It will be fine." Greyhame said softly, his voice crooning, "Your father won't know, not until we are ready to tell him." He stepped back and spread out his arms, "I want you Wren, I want to make love to you, no matter what."

For a few seconds Wren looked unsure, but after a few moments she nodded, "Al...alright. I'll come back later on."

"Good girl." Greyhame said as Wren scampered off, "Good girl."

Later that night, Greyhame was just finishing his dinner when he heard footsteps approaching his cell. His looked up to see Wren, a ring of keys in her paw, making her way toward his cell door. He smiled warmly as she inserted a key into the lock and, with a "CLANK", pushed the door of Greyhames cell open. She nervously stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

Greyhame stepped forward quickly and swooped Wren up into a hug. He beamed at her and then kissed her deeply. He could feel her respond, hungering for more. He could begin to smell her musky scent, the scent of her excitement eminatig from her sex. He broke off the kiss for a few moments to say, "I'm so glad you came."

Wren nodded and stroked Greyhame's hair, "Oh Greyhame... I've wanted you too." She kissed him again before pulling back and giggling.

Greyhame carefully carried Wren over to the small bed off to one side of his cell. With great care, he laid her down. Wren giggled a little and wiggled her hips a little bit. Her arms were stretched above her head and her legs were spread slightly. Greyhame hovered over her for a few moments before using his strong paws to start pulling Wrens clothing off.

Wren frowned a little as Greyhame stripped her, his grip tearing the fabric a little. "Hey!" she said, her voice a little angry, "those are my clothes." As soon as they were off, Wren frowned, "Geez, I know that you wanna do this, but you could be a little easier on a girls clothing."

"You won't need them." Greyhame said, moving now to remove his own clothing.

"What do you mean?" Wren asked absentmindedly, one paw fondling her breasts and the other drifting down to play with herself as she watched Greyhame strip.

Greyhame finished pulling off his clothing and turned to look at Wren. Her soft brown fur nicely cupped her larger than average breasts. Her fir was sleek and smooth, light brown in colour. Her body was slim until it reached her wide, muscular hips and thighs. Her scent was heavy in the air, oozing from her damp sex. The fur all around her sex was already wet, her body just waiting for Greyhame to take her.

Greyhame leaned over Wren, enjoying the way that her gaze was drawn to his large cock. He smiled, "Its nothing love, clothes just aren't needed for this next part."

Wren considered this for a few seconds and then, with a smile, she wriggled her body, "Shall we get started then?"

Greyhame sighed and smiled warmly, "Yes, I guess we should." He leaned in over Wren and with a single powerful thrust, sinking deep inside of her. Wren's breath caught and she whimpered a little bit from the pain of Greyhames rough entry. She had played with herself many times, but this was the first time that anyone had stuck their manhood inside of her. She was surprised at the filled sensation that it gave her and by the pain that Greyhames invasion had caused her.

Greyhame, having never felt the warmth of a woman before, took a few moments to simply savor the sensations. His big paws moved up to her breasts, cupping them and massaging them hungrily. He took a moment to enjoy the heat and pleasure before, his mind clicked in and he growled at himself for his stupid weakness.

His next thrust was just as rough, his cock slamming deep inside of Wren body and causing her to wimper a little from the pain. She looked up at Greyhame with frightened eyes, "Greyhame...your not doing it right! You're hurting me a lot!"

Greyhame stopped for a moment and looked into Wrens eyes. With one of his paws he brushed a few strands of hair that had fallen over her face. His smile was sad as he spoke, "You know Wren, I have been down here my entire life. I have never felt a the sun, never felt a woman and never felt anyone's love."

Wren stopped whimpering and sighed. "I guess he hasn't ever done this before." She thought to herself, "Maybe he just needs some guidance." She wrapped her arms and her legs around Greyhames body tenderly and spoke in a soft voice. "Its okay Greyhame, I'm alright, it doesn't hurt all that much., just don't thrust so hard." She leaned up and kissed Greyhame quickly, "Besides, I love you Greyhame, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"Your saying that..." Greyhame said softly, running his paws up and down shoulders, "Just makes this so much sadder." With a sudden motion, his paws went from Wren's shoulders to her throat. Before Wren could make a noise, he wrapped both paws around her neck and squeezed, cutting off her breath. She got a small squeak out before her airways were closed off. At the same time Greyhame began thrusting again, ramming his wolf cock in and out of Wren's pussy.

Wren's eye widened in fear as Greyhames paws went to her throat and cut off her air. Her mouth opened and closed and her nose flared and her chest strained again and again, her lungs trying to get a little breath. Her legs began kicking against the bed, flailing uselessly against Greyhames strength. No matter how she tried, she couldn't get any purchase with her legs. With her arms she tried to push Greyhame away, but his grip was like unbending steel, cold and merciless. Her mind buzzed with fear, the panic, the heat coming from her loins, all of it making it impossible for her to concentrate on anything.

Greyhame paid no attention to Wren's useless struggles and continued thrusting into her. He felt the burning, the heat, the moisture of Wren's panicked body. He could feel her frantic heartbeat through her vaginal walls, the fluids that were soaking his lower body and hers. He felt the heat and sweat of her struggling body, a body trying desperately to survive without air.

Wrens kicks became more and more frantic as she realized that this was not a game and that if she didn't fight, she was going to die. Her eyes stared into Greyhames, his gaze full of malice, not a touch of sadness or pity. Her arms were desperately trying to pull Greyhame's paws off her throat. Her chest arched up and down as she fought for air, desperately trying to stay alive but her lungs got not a hint of fresh air. She was fighting for survival and yet the pleasure coming from her lower regions was undeniable, almost soothing against the pain.

Greyhame smiled as he watched his victim grow weaker. Her arms no longer had any strength in them and her kicks were weak as well. Her body was thrashing around, but held down by Greyhames weight. The springs of the bed creaked from the movement. He shuddered in pleasure as he felt her body shutting down, the feeling of strength that her death gave him exhilarated Greyhame. Through his grip he could feel her heartbeat beginning to flutter.

Wren felt herself slipping away as her body lost the fight to survive. Her arms slumped down to her sides, too exhausted to move anymore. Her once powerful legs were still weakly kicking, but they seemed as useless as limp noodles now. Still, there was that ever present pleasure that was stemming from her pussy and getting stronger. She tried to gasp and her body went tight for a few moments as she felt an orgasm explode, a wave of white-hot pleasure passing through her.

Greyhame felt Wren orgasm around his cock and he growled in pleasure. Her vaginal walls pulsed, coaxing him into release. Greyhame gasped loudly at the blaze of pleasure and threw his head backwards as he released his seed into the rabbit. He sent ribbon after ribbon of sticky white wolf cum into her, jets of it splashing against the back of her womb. He groaned as he emptied himself into Wren, so much of his sperm inside of her that it actually left a bump in her lower belly.

Greyhame sighed in contentment and looked back at Wren's face. Her gaze was both terrified and confused, her eyes desperately asking Greyhame why. With a sigh, Greyhame leaned close and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, you'll be helping me escape. Everything is alright, just go to sleep now." He kept his grip on her throat tight as Wren's body jerked one last time before she lapsed into unconsciousness, her eyes sliding closed for the last time.

Greyhame let go of Wrens throat and stepped back, admiring his handiwork. He looked down at her body, her arms hanging limp over the sides of the bed, her head turned to one side, the fur on her neck rumbled, a little bit of his wolf cum dribbling out of her folds. As Greyhame looked down on his first kill, a grin spread across his face. For two long years had had worked hard to seduce that female, now she was his key to escaping his prison.

Quickly, Greyhame pulled his clothes back on and grabbed the keys from the floor where Wren had dropped them. He picked them up tenderly, almost reverently; these were his tools of freedom. Turning back to his cot, he reached under the mattress and pulled out a crude looking knife made out of a part of the shackles on the wall. He padded quietly over to the door of his cell and unlocked it. As the door swung open, he turned back to the bed and picked up Wren's body. With another cold grin, Greyhame stepped out into the hall and turned towards the exit.

A guard was patrolling the dungeon when he saw a form lying a short distance down the hallway. He raised his spear and stepped forward cautiously. When he saw Wren's body lying halfway around the corner, the guard rushed forward. As he turned the corner, the last thing he saw was a flash of steel and a dark grey arm slashing at his throat.

Greyhame pulled the makeshift knife out of the guard's throat, watching as the soldier died with little more than a gurgle. Bending down, Greyhame pulled off the guards armour and strapped it onto himself. He also grabbed the guards spear, weapon belt, and strapped them around his waist. As soon as that was done, he picked up Wren's body and continued down the hallway.

After rounding a few more corners and dispatching with several more guards with barely a sound, Greyhame found himself at the stairway leading up into the rest of the castle. At the base of the stairs were two guards standing at attention and another one fiddling with his sword. With a grin, Greyhame hefted Wren's body over one shoulder and turned around the corner, faking panic.

"A prisoner has escaped!" He cried, running towards the other guards, "He wounded this girl, stole the keys and escaped!"

The guards dropped their heavy spears and ran up to Greyhame as he knelt down and lowered Wren to the floor. The Gaurds were to busy to notice that Greyhame wasn't one of their own, their focus instead on Wren's body. The guards all knelt down to look at Wren, one feeling for a pulse while the others whispered in shock. Greyhame stepped backwards away from the guards and drew his sword quietly.

In a lightning fast attack, the first guard was killed by a sword stab in the back of his neck from behind. The fist guard's friend barely had time to look over before Greyhame slashed the back of his neck as well, decapitating the guard in a single swipe. The last one jumped back from Wren and tried to pull out his sword but he was not fast enough to stop Greyhame from tackling him and sliding a dagger under his armour and up under his rib cage. The soldiers blinked in surprise and pain once before Greyhame, a wild grin on his face, slashed the guard's throat. There was a spray of blood and the guard pitched forwards.

"Sorry boys." Greyhame said, casually brushing a few flecks of blood off his armour. He turned and began walking up the stairs into the rest of the castle. The first corner he rounded, he ran into Wren's father, the captain of the prison guard, coming down the stairs. The rabbit had no time to react before Greyhame ran him through with his sword. The captain slumped forward against Greyhame, his paws holding his gut where Greyhame's sword had pierced.

"Go see you daughter." Greyhame growled, pulling his sword out and pitching the soldier down the stairs. He watched as the captains limp body crashed down the stone stair before landing awkwardly, his neck broken by the fall, on the dungeon floor below.

Greyhame continued his walk up the stairs before coming to a wide hallway. On the wall opposite of Greyhame there were a series of large windows and a row of large pillars in front of them. Outside of the windows, the sun was beginning to set and the light was a soft orange glow that filled the hallway. The floor, ceiling and walls of the hallway was white marble with a dark red carpet that stretched the length of the room. At the entrance to the staircase leading down to the prison, two guards stood at attention, unaware of the silent danger creeping up on them.

Two guards on either side of the doorway died before they even had a chance to draw their weapons. Two thurst were all it took to end their lives, one in the back of the soldiers neck, the other under his armor and up into his heart. As the guards collapsed, Greyhame walked up to the top of the stairs and looked down at his most recent kills. The large windows along the length of the hall let in bright light that hurt Greyhames eyes and the temperature was much hotter than the cool, damp dungeon, but Greyhame couldn't care less. A smile curled itself around his jaw and Greyhame bean to chuckle. His chuckling soon became a laugh, a laugh deep and filled with menace, the laugh of a caged animal finally unleashed upon the world. He was finally free, his laugh ringing with animalistic pleasure, celebrating his voctory.

A voice ran out in the hallway, interrupting Greyhame's laugh. "You have become a formidable Wolf, Greyhame, but let's see how strong you really are."

Greyhame swung around, his ears pricked up and trying to track the owner of the voice. From behind several of the pillars, soldiers dressed in shining silver armour and dark red cloaks appeared. There were twelve of them and they all drew their long swords at once. Their faces were cold and emotionless as they gazed at the scruffy and blood covered wolf before them, blood dripping from the point of his sword onto the marble floor.

One of the knights walked forward, a she-cougar cougar with steely grey eyes and golden/brown fur. Her armour and her cloak both had gold gilding on the edges. Her sword was serrated on one side and was made of black steel, light reflecting off of its deadly point. She walked forwards a little and raised the point of her sword to Greyhame, a challenge burning in her eyes.

Greyhame grinned and raised his sword, "Okay them, let's go bitch. I'll carve you up and make you resent the day you had ever been born." With a cry he ran forward, aiming his sword at her face.

The soldier responded swiftly. As Greyhame approached, she whirled her cloak around in front of her, temporarily blinding Greyhame. With a deft thrust of her sword, she sent Greyhames blade skittering away on the marble. As Greyhame went for his dagger, the cougar lashed out with a kick to Greyhames stomach and struck him hard across the jaw with her armoured fist. Before Greyhame fell backwards, the she-cougar lashed out with her feet, kicks connecting with his chest, shoulders, knees and groin. He staggered backwards and the cougar jumped up into the air, delivering a final kick that dug her heel directly in between Greyhames eyes. The blow sent him flying backwards, landing hard on his back.

"You are lucky." The she-cougar said, walking forwards, "Lucky that you have not come up against any real warriors. Your prey has been weak up until now, making you blood drunk. You are not a fighter yet, prince Greyhame, just a murderer.

"That's enough." The king said, also stepping out from behind a pillar. His regal dark grey robe swishing as he turned to face his son. He smiled and said, "Welcome back to the land of the living my son."

"YOU!" Greyhame spat. All of a sudden, all of his pain was forgotten and he madly got to his feet and dashed at the King. The first two knights that grabbed him, Greyhame simply dragged them with him. It took a total of five knights to hold him back as Greyhame desperately struggled to get towards his father. HIs eyes burned with nothing but stone cold menace.

"I like that look on you, Greyhame." The king said lightly, holding a paw up and examining his claws in a show of boredom. "It fits you, fits your purpose very nicely."

"SHUT UP!" Greyhame screamed, "I live in that miserable hellhole my entire life! My only friends when I was younger were the vermin that shared my bed with me! I was so bored I could do nothing but strengthen myself, and every single pushup and pull up that I have done has been for one purpose, to escape and kill you."

The king raised an eyebrow "Even if you died in the process?"

Greyhames eye narrowed and he answered in a voice that dripped with evil and menace, "Yes, even if it means my death I am going to kill you!"

"You poor, poor fool." The king said, walking forward. "You do not yet realize your purpose, nor how much I have done for you. You are a twin of my son, and twins have a nasty habit of fighting bitterly over their inheritance of the throne, weakening and sometimes destroying a kingdom. So I sealed you away, and in so doing, I gave you a series of very great gifts."

"What?" Greyhame resumed his struggle, each of his words punctuated by a thrashing of his body, "You abandoned me and left me to rot!"

"No I didn't." The king snapped. His arm shot forward and he grabbed Greyhames jaw, pulling his face close to Greyhame's, "I could have killed you at any time, but I didn't. I didn't because I knew, the instant that you came out of your mother, that you were a fighter. You took my wife from me, she died brining you into the world, a weak being like you killing a strong fighter like her, it struck a chord in me. I put you down in that dungeon to learn lessons that your brother never could, how to be strong and pitiless, how to kill for your own gain and never look back. How to use every facet of your body, even sex, to give yourself an opening. Now, you are ready to begin your real training."

"I don't want to learn anything from you." Greyhame growled.

"Then you will go back to the dungeon." The king waved his paws to the soldiers, "Put him back in his cell."

"No wait!" Greyhame shouted as the soldiers began to drag him towards the dungeon, "NO!"

The she-cougar stepped forward in front of the knights and held up a paw. As they stopped, she walked around them to the king, "Your highness, please wait."

"What is it Kallen." The king asked as she knelt down in front of him.

"Sir, he is nothing more than an animal, but animals can be trained." She turned her head back towards Greyhame, "I think that if we put him down in the dungeon now... we will never get him back." She bowed her head, "Your highness, I humbly ask that you let me train him."

The king stroked his chin thoughtfully, "Perhaps you are right Kallen... Yes, who could be better for this task then you, the one who has trained my royal guard." He nodded his head, "Alright, he is your responsibility, do what you will with him." The king turned and walked away, the remaining knights flanking him and following behind him.

Kallen turned towards the other nights, "Turn him towards me." As the Guards turned Greyhame around, Kallen walked forward, "Greyhame, prince of Avalon, as of now I am your teacher. I will teach you what you need to know to rule and how to fight properly. You may try to fight me if you wish, but you will not succeed. If you ever show me less than you are capable of, you will go back to the dungeon forever." She tunred to the guards, "Take him to locked quarters. Remove his clothing and put him in there with all of the food he requires as well as fresh clothing appropriate of his rank."

As Greyhame was dragged off, Kallen put her paws on her hips and smiled, "This should be most interesting."

Hello again everybody. I hope that this installment of the series meets your approval. Just a quick not, the death of Wren was simply a method by which i hoped to show just how desperate Greyhame was, and not some kinky fetish thing. If i have offended anyone, please forgive me *Bow*. Once again, i hope you enjoyed to story and I aks that you PLEASE COMMENT!