Worse Nights

Story by Cinnamon on SoFurry

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This story was Ethan's introduction.

I've had worse nights.It's two, maybe three in the morning and I got my dick out, draining it into what passes for a flower garden at the edge of the Thompson's back porch. Truth be told it's a dump back here, a little square of lawn and garden behind a house in one of those neighborhoods that was probably a brand-new development back in the fifties. Over the years the whole area just got old and all the houses show it by now. The remnants of what once was some pretty nice-looking landscaping is all that's left around the sad-looking yard, but then, only so much you can ask for from grass down here in SoCal, even near the coast. Ain't enough water in the air, and no matter how much they been dumping on it from the sprinkler at the head of a faded hose snaking across the lawn it's just never gonna look right. I'm just doing my part to try and help it out, I figure. I give lil' Ethan a few shakes, zip up without bothering to button it, and plant my ass on a half-busted picnic table on the porch.It's hot as fuck, which ain't that unusual for this time of around here. Which is why I'm sitting outside on this shitty bench in the middle of the night in just boots and a pair of crumpled jeans, lighting up a stogie while my cock's still sticky from Mary-Anne's pussy - That'd be Mrs. Thompson. Which ain't too unusual neither, at least when Mr. Thompson's shipped out on whatever bullshit they got him doing. I think she was saying southeast Asia this time, or something like that. I don't listen much, 'cuz truth be told I don't give a much of a shit. The way I see it, we both got our jobs to do: Him, following orders and swabbing decks or whatever they do on boats in the Navy. Me, keeping things happy back on the home front by helping Mrs. Thompson pass the time while her darling hubby's out bein' a torpedo magnet. All's I gotta know is when he's going to be back home so I know when to make myself scarce.Yeah, I'm fucking a soldier's wife. So what? He ain't a real soldier anyway, 'least not like any one I ever seen. Little slip of a thing, looking like he'd shit himself if he actually had to get in a scrap with someone, let alone get shot at. And it ain't like he'd be fucking her if I wasn't, seeing as how he ain't even here. She just supposed to go without or something? So like I see it, it works out just fine: I keep the bitch stuffed and happy while he's gone, and I got brains enough to stay away when he's home in between tours. Trust me, it ain't like Mary-Anne's the only piece ass I got around, though being a siberian husky, she's one of the best. Something about those pretty curled-up tails just does it for me.That's the other reason it's hard to get a good head of guilt going; this bitch is a fuck. I got no idea how she ended up with the little drummer boy, or how how he survives her when he's in town. I got a few years and a few pounds on him (alright, maybe more than a few of both) but I still know how to work a

bitch over, and this one's enough to leave me passed out on the floor if I don't pace myself. And drink plenty of water first. And eat lots the day before. Shit, I got here at maybe eight o'clock tonight, had her muzzle wrapped around my dick by eight-thirty, and we just finished up 'bout half an hour ago. That's a long time to be pounding away at pussy, and I tell you, I think I took it outta her maybe for five minutes in there. Swear to god, she growls at me if I try to, like I'm taking away her dinner or something. Full-on snarl. There've been nights when I've had to practically muzzle that bitch just to keep her from chewing me up, and that's after a few hours of rearranging her insides around my dick.This is what I'm thinking about while I take a drag on the cigar, letting it waft out through my nose in a slow, leisurely exhale. Mary-Anne's fast asleep inside, came enough to finally knock herself out, and I stuck around long enough to make sure she stayed like that - I'd be in some trouble if she wasn't done yet and I tried to sneak outta bed. Besides, I'm pretty sure she don't like me wandering the house all by my lonesome. She's got a family to take care of, I'm here to do a job, and that job don't need me to be anywhere but balls-deep in her cunt until we're both good and soaked. Problem with that is by the time we're done I'm every bit as beat as I am wired, and I couldn't fall asleep right now if I tried. I could use a beer, but I already checked and they ain't got any. So the plan right now is to finish up my smoke, figure out where the rest of my clothes ended up and drag my sorry ass home for the night. Shit, and I'm supposed to be at work at eight, too, I thought as I shook my head to myself. That definitely ain't gonna happen.The sound of the back gate snicking open had my lupine ears up, swiveling towards the sound. I knew it pretty well, since I usually snuck in through it when I came around during daylight so as to keep the neighbors from seeing some big brick shithouse of a wolf showing up at the Thompson' household when Mister Thompson wasn't around. There was a walkway that ran alongside the garage from the gate to the back porch, so I couldn't see who was coming from where I sat, but I wasn't too worried about who it might be. Probably some punk kid trying to steal junk from the neighbor's back yards was about five seconds from leaving a load in the back of his pants when he saw me sitting there. I grinned to myself, and thought of what I was going to say to the little shit.What came around the corner, though, proved me to be only half-right. See, one; well, two of the things that makes my and Mary-Anne's little arrangement complicated are little Megan and littler Matthew, the two youngest members of the Thompson perfect little household. Matthew's only five, or six, or something like that -- I ain't never asked specific, and only seen him a few times. Megan's in high school, and I don't think I have to

do much explaining as to why Mary-Anne's made sure she and I don't cross paths much. I been an add-on to the family long enough to remember when she was still losing her baby teeth, something I guess wasn't that long ago come to think of it. It's been a few months since I was over before she was in bed, but from what I seen, she's growing up to be just like her mother. Which is to say a hot little piece of tail that I guy my age ain't supposed to be even thinking about, let alone talking to. I know which side my bread's buttered on, so if tapping Mary-Anne's ass means I have give little Megan a wide berth I figure that's a fair deal.Kind of tough to do, though, when you're sitting all by yourself in the back yard and Megan comes stumbling in, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw me sitting on her back porch. For a second I was sure she was gonna turn tail and run right the fuck outta there, probably because the porch floodlights were behind me which meant that at first she couldn't see who it was. She just stood there, muzzle agape and paw up half-covering it."Hey, Megan," I growled lazily. She looked cute standing there like she's gonna piss herself, but I didn't have the heart to keep fucking with her."E-Ethan?" Her voice sounded funny somehow, with a little too much breath behind it. "Ethan? Is that you?"I chuckled. I couldn't help it, she still looked like a scared puppy. "Yeah, sorry honey, didn't mean to give ya a fright." I took a drag on the cigar, figuring my nonchalance would calm her down. "Ain't it a little bit late for you to be out and around?"Her expression went instantly from surprise to anxiety as it occurred to her, only now, that she'd just been caught sneaking out. In. Whatever. She wasn't shaking, but her voice was a stutter."I... I was just, coming... In... From... Stuff." I could see the wheels in her head turning, trying to come up with some sort of excuse for why she was wandering back into her backyard at crazy o'clock in the morning.I grinned disarmingly, putting a boot up on an old plastic chair and keeping my words a low growl. "Settle down there sweetheart, I ain't bustin' you. Might wanna keep your voice down though; your momma wakes up and finds us out here we're both in a heap a'trouble."Relief flooded her face, and she took a few halting steps onto the cement porch, clutching her purse between her paws. Now that she was in the light I could see she was dressed for partying, or at least what I figure girls wore for partying nowadays. Skirt with some crazy design on it, shirt that barely covered her navel with some weird vest thing over the top. Cute. She looked around, then back at me, unsure of herself."What... Are you..."She stopped there. See, like I said, I've been kinda like a distant uncle in the family for awhile now, no matter how much her mommy tries to keep me a secret. Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if her dad knew something was

up, too, not that I ever met him. Anyway, Mattie and Megan, I'd run into them enough times, and whatever it was Mary-Anne told 'em about me, I had to figure at some point they'd know what's what, too. Only so many times you need a handyman or whatever, right? Especially in the middle of the night. But I've never talked to any of 'em, about this or much of anything else, and Mary-Anne made it plenty clear I wasn't supposed to. I could see now, as Megan caught herself, that my hunch had been right. Secrets don't stay secret forever, and from her expression, this one ain't been a legit one in a long time. She didn't look upset, mind you. Just like she realized she was asking a question she wasn't supposed to. And that she already knew the answer to anyway.I shrugged, letting her off the hook. "Just havin' a smoke. About to head on home." I glanced down at myself, half-naked, wishing I'd buttoned up the top button on my jeans beneath my gut. Or at least taken a shower. This looked a little more incriminating than I wanted."Oh," she said, then smiled hesitantly. Hopefully. "Oh. Do you mind if I sit out here with you, until you do?"Now that surprised me. Whatever Megan thought of me, when we talked she'd never had much to say, and even when she was a pup we'd never done more than exchange a few words. I'd expected her to count her blessings that it wasn't her papa out here waiting for her and scamper on inside. Instead, before I could answer she was stumbling over, pitching onto the bench next to me. Close. A little too close."Yeah, uh, sure," I growled belatedly, my voice even lower now. The bedroom may be on the far side of the house with a noisy air conditioner in the window, but I was plenty aware of the fact that right now if Mary-Anne poked her head out their back door to see who was out here, that marathon session earlier tonight was the last time I was gonna have a go at that pussy. Hell, she'd probably come at me with a kitchen knife."Thanks, Ethan," Megan said in that same breathy voice, planting her paws on the bench underneath her and letting her feet play at the cement porch. She'd taken her shoes off, I realized; probably put them near the gate thinking she'd come back and get them after the coast was clear. I'd snuck out enough times when I was her age to know the drill. Pretty feet.I didn't say anything for a few seconds, filling the time by taking drags on the cigar and letting the smoke waft upwards. The air was still as could be; when I blew a ring it hung there, trickling upwards slowly while retaining its shape. It was that kind of night."Why doesn't my dad mind that you have sex with Mom?"I nearly choked; hell, I did choke. I had to conceal the cough that welled up in my throat with a hitch in my breath, not even looking at her until thumping myself on my chest with a fist. I had no goddamn idea what to say to that, not at first, and not after using the excuse of that cough

to think about it for a second. Lying was just going to insult her, and the truth ain't the kind of thing you say to someone's daughter. Or anyone for that matter."I..." I grunted. "What kinda question is that?"She shrugged, kicking her feet and looking down at them. "I dunno. It's just you do it a lot, and I think he knows, but he doesn't seem mad about it."I opened my mouth to suggest something along the lines of her asking him herself, before it occurred to me she might do just that. "Dunno. Ain't never met him, so ain't ever asked him."She nodded, fidgeting where she sat. In fact, she hadn't really stopped moving since that initial statue-like moment when she'd seen me sitting there, and she kept licking her lips. It's tough for us canids to do that silently anyway. "I think maybe he's just glad mom's happy while he's gone. Since he can't have sex with her while he's not here, so someone is."This was the last conversation I wanted to be having, and I was getting more uncomfortable all the time. "Maybe." I tried to sound non-committal. "Shouldn't you be gettin' into bed, before you mom catches you?" Hint fucking hint.She giggled a little, awkwardly. "If you're over she's not going to wake up. I'm going to have to make breakfast tomorrow, I bet. She'll sleep in. If I'd known you were coming tonight I would have just come in the front door."That was flattering. And, you know, a little freaky. I figured she'd figure out what me and her mom were doing eventually, but she was more clued in than even I suspected. I wondered something."Your mom know you know about, uh, us?" I regretted asking it as soon as I did, because it meant she was going to keep talking.She shook her head. "No. We've never talked about it and I wouldn't tell her even if we did. I don't think she'd want me to know. I can hear her howling, though, when you two do it." He looked at me now, and her eyes looked odd. They were in shadow, but they seemed even darker than that, and slightly glassy. "She doesn't do that with my dad.""For fuck's sake, Megan, no offense or nothin', but you shouldn't be tellin' me that kinda thing." What I was really thinking was she shouldn't be noticing that kind of thing. When the hell did she get so grown up, anyway? I sucked on the cigar, using it as an excuse to not have to look at her."Why not?" She smiled up at me, really wide. "It's true. I think she likes it better with you." It was spoken with the preternatural authority of youth, like saying it made it come to pass. "I mean, she doesn't say she does, but I bet she does. She's louder with you, and she's always tireder the next day when you come over. It's not like that with dad at all, at least, I don't hear them, and she doesn't sleep in."Goddamn this girl was a motormouth tonight, and for talking to a guy probably thirty years her senior she didn't seem the slightest bit nervous. It struck me, all at once, that

there may be a reason for that, and I kicked myself for not realizing it sooner. The glassy eyes, the fidgeting, the weird-sounding voice... She was drunk. Or high, or something. In the dark it was hard to tell. But one way or another, she wasn't even a little bit sober. That ain't good."Megan, honest to god, I don't wanna hear 'bout what your momma and daddy do when I ain't around. I don't think they want you tellin' me none, either." This was the last thing I needed, a drunk teenager on my hands. Coming off a marathon fuck or not, I could feel my dick stirring in my jeans, and shifted in my seat to try and take the pressure off of it without making it obvious.Still smiling, Megan scooted her butt closer on the bench to me and leaned against my side. "Ok," she said quietly, more quietly than she'd been speaking before. "What do you wanna talk about?""I ain't sure we should be talkin' at all," I growled meaningfully, but she didn't seem to notice. The way my arm was back on the table it was no trouble for her to snuggle up against me before I'd even had a chance to stop her, close enough for her to slide her arm around my lower back. Her head went against my chest, cheek against it and muzzle tilted up so she could still look at me, pupils dilated, jaw looking tense. Her ears were swiveling constantly too; what I had first mistaken for nervous listening was apparently just more of the same squirming I was seeing before. This wasn't alcohol. I don't know what the hell it was, but she was plenty high on it."Megan," I started again. "I ain't so sure you should be doin' that, either." Actually, I was sure she shouldn't be doing that."Why not?" She wasn't trying to play dumb, at least, rubbing her muzzle along the fur on my bare chest. I could smell her; a rich, feminine scent more delicate than her mother's. Her paw went to my gut, just resting there. "I want to.""Why not? Jeezus, Megan." I replaced the cigar between my teeth and used that paw to take her wrist, as politely as I could taking it off my belly and back on her thigh. Her skirt's ridden up. "Because I'm old enough to be yer dad. And ain't you got a boyfriend?" Actually, I wasn't sure about that last part, but I was silently hoping what I half-remembered was true and it'd be guilty enough to make her think twice.She giggled a little instead, unswayed. "Tony couldn't get it up tonight," she said plainly, and while I was trying to take the cigar out of my muzzle, the little bitch took the moment to put her paw back. Not where it was before, no, 'course not. Instead she puts it right on my crotch, thumbclaw ticking against the metal button on my open fly. "I wanted him to fuck me, but he couldn't get hard. That's why I came home, I told mom I was sleeping over at Jennifer's but I was going to stay at Tony's. All he wants to do is listen to music though. And he doesn't smoke." As she talked, she began to nuzzle at my chest, kissing it every once

in awhile.This was crazy. My dick wasn't just stirring in my pants anymore, a thick lump marked its outline down one leg where it had begun to swell slowly. Even after hours with Mary Anne, lil' Ethan knew the score, and no amount of silent prayer was gonna make him go back to sleep. What I should've been doing was peeling Megan off of me and getting right the fuck outta there, but even as I was thinking it she'd rolled towards me, riding one thigh up on mine as she began to climb into my lap. My chance to stop this bus was disappearing right quick, but so help me god, I did try."Whoa, there, honey, hold on, hold it." She didn't, slipping her leg all the way across my lap and starting to slide up along my chest. Her smooth belly was resting against my gut, and her shirt had pulled up to expose her midriff. She was smiling slyly, eyes narrowed so all I could see was a sliver of black pupil. "Goddamn girl, what're you doin'. I need a shower-" A cold one, now. "-and I'm workin' on a stogie here, this ain't a good idea right now." I put the cigar back in my muzzle, using both paws to try half-heartedly to pry her off and shifting to get myself more upright on the bench."Shhh, it's ok," she said softly, reassuringly. I realized, holy shit, that she was putting the moves on me. Not just drunkenly or whateverly following her urges, but honest-to-goodness using those feminine wiles or whatever they're called. Her muzzle was just underneath mine, pushing up on the underside of it as she talked. I was busy trying to pluck the stogie from the corner of my muzzle so she wouldn't get burned when I felt it. A small nip at my throat, right at the side. I almost fuckin' lost it right there, growling roughly by way of response.She did it again, that little nip, higher up now along my jaw. "I kinda like the taste," she murmured as I dipped my muzzle down to look at her. I was still caught between coming up with something to say to put an end to this that moment and... Not. Before I could answer, hell, before I could come up with what I was going to, the little bitch grabbed both sides of my head and crushed her muzzle against mine in a kiss hot enough to scorch me. A second later, and she's got her tongue in my mouth.Now, hold on a second here, because I wanna make sure it's plenty clear exactly what's goin' on. This little teenaged husky's planted in my lap, crotch against mine and grinding like a fuckin' hooker trying to sell herself. I don't got a paw on her, but she's got a hold on me like she's tryin' to pull my goddamned ears off and making sure my head stays put. And it's her tongue in my mouth, alright? I ain't doing shit. The hardon I got down there ain't nothing I got any control over.It's about ten seconds or so into the kiss before I run out of what little resolve I had and she starts getting a response out of me. Now if there's one thing I'm proud of it's that all it takes is one kiss, just one, on a girl to

make her leak like a busted pipe and forget about what an asshole I am, so I'm expecting that when I start giving her some of what I've been getting she's gonna be coming apart at the seams. Instead, she lets out this little squeak like I pinched her tit, and then it's like she wasn't even trying before, her muzzle hard enough on mine to make my lips hurt and her tongue pushing so deep I'm about ready to gag on it. Her momma won't even be in the same room with me after I have a cigar, and this girl's like she's trying to eat the flavor out of my mouth. Putty in my paws? Yeah right, I'm suffocating here!I have no goddamned idea how long this little bitch is chowing down on my muzzle, but it had to be at least forever. My teeth hurt. Remember, I'd already been at it most of the night with Mary-Anne who likes plenty of tongue-wrestling on her own, so I wasn't exactly running balls-out. It felt like my fucking jaw was gonna fall off by the time she pulled back, panting with that open-mouth smile that only a husky can pull off, looking like she's just getting started and leaving me gasping for air. Her scent was much stronger now, filling my nose, hell, my throat.She let go of my head then, giving me a last squeeze around the ears, still smiling widely and licking her lips. I stared her down, jaw slack, unsure of exactly what just happened, let alone what to do next."Do you want to finish that?" She nodded towards my right paw.I looked over at it, brow furrowing in confusion. My cigar was there between my fingers, half-smoked, a thin line curling from the tip upwards in the still air. I cleared my throat as quietly as I could with a quiet harumph before answering. "I... Probably should." Lil' Ethan was down there cursing up a storm at me for even considering trying to put a stop to this, but even with that make-out session I didn't forget how old she was. Or who she was. "It ain't that I don't-""Ok!" she cut me off with a smile, shifting herself in my lap and putting her paws on my shoulders. "Can I suck on you while you do?""What?" It came out a little louder than I'd intended; I couldn't believe I'd heard her right. But she was already sliding backwards off my lap, her footpads landing silently on the concrete. There was a quiet, wet sound as she did, and the denim on my thigh was stained dark where she'd been perched. Guess I still had it."Don't you like blowjobs? I thought all guys did. Tony does," she was saying as she sank down. Her knees hit the cement, and her fingers began tugging at my fly. Between the pressure inside and the already undone button it wasn't going to take much to get it open. Lil' Ethan wasn't cursing anymore, he was cheering. I groaned."Megan, honey, hold on just a sec' here. We can't be doin' this. Your mom-" I shot a furtive glance back towards the still-dark house, air conditioned humming muffledly. What I wanted to say was something along the lines of my dick still

being all sloppy from her momma's juices, and I needed a shower or least I should've shook better after I pissed. That it wasn't something she should be putting in her mouth."-Doesn't do this as good as me, I bet. C'mon, Ethan, please? You don't have to stop smoking, just, like, you can just sit there." That brought me up short, with her giggling quietly up at me over the rise of my gut from where she knelt. She was already reaching inside, wrapping her delicate paw around my dick and hauling it out of my fly. It was still sticky with juices; glossy black in the dull light from the porch and as hard as could be. She handled it like a pro, no nervousness, no hesitation. Even made sure to get my balls out, too, hooking a finger into my fly to get it low enough."Goddamnit," I growled frustratedly, sagging back against the picnic table. What was I supposed to do? Kick her away? Scold her? Fuck it. I knew when I was beat. Replacing the cigar between my teeth, I gestured with one paw down towards her pretty face next to my dick. "Go ahead."Her smile was sweet. Not innocent, but sweet. "Thank you," she murmured, and with that, she dipped her muzzle down, opened it up, and closed it around my cock. Just like that, the teenaged daughter of the woman I was just banging was sucking my dick. Not only that, the little bitch was smiling up at me around the fat black pole spearing her lips, letting me watch as she let it pop back out again, swirl her tongue around it, and engulf it again.I thought I was going to pass out for the third... No, fourth time that night. It's a good thing I was sitting down, because no way was this the first dick she'd sucked and hoe-lee-shit did she know her way around one. Hell, I've had full grown whores who weren't as eager as she was, let alone as talented. She worked her way down my sloppy dick in hungry, wet slurps that only once or twice brushed teeth, which you'd know how impressive it was if you saw that I'm packin' down there. Now I ain't usually the type to let a girl do as she pleases when she's giving me a hummer - they get a little too full of themselves if you don't at least put a paw on their head and push 'em down every once in awhile - but she was already almost choking herself on it before I even thought to. I was left just taking slow drags on my stogie, watching through the haze of gray smoke as this cute little puppydog gorged herself on my cock. That's the only way to describe it as she finally did get it deep enough to gag a little and kept on going anyway: gorging. She wasn't looking up at me anymore, eyes closed and expression like she's getting communion, only with a lot more than a cracker on her tongue.If I hadn't already left a good couple of loads in her mother a few hours ago, I'd have already had to tell her to slow down. With one paw wrapped around the base of my pole she held it tugged downwards, aimed at her face, while her head bobbed quick as you please. She

was almost throwing it into my lap with each downward stroke, jamming my glans against the soft palate at the back of her muzzle every damn time (didn't that have to hurt?). It didn't seem like she was trying to swallow it, but maybe she was and all I got was that tight pressure of her mouth spasming around my cockhead when it met the too-tight entrance to her gullet. For all her frantic motions all she was doing was keeping me hard, which lemme tell you, that was just fine with me. I propped my elbow up on the table, leaned my head back a little, and just enjoyed the smoke and the mouth.Like I say. I've had worse nights.Every once in awhile I could hear soft little moans come from her nose, muffled by my dick but leaving no question as to whether she was loving it or not. I'd glance down and see that youthful, sweet little husky muzzle distended around the meat stuffed in it and a twitch would go through me, forcing a drooling dollop of precum over her tongue. Maybe that's why she was moaning, from the taste or something. I didn't think girls like that sort of thing, at least, they claimed not to. It was a nice thought, at least.I'd gotten more relaxed than I realized despite Megan's enthusiasm, because when she popped her muzzle off of it I was a little startled, lowering my snout to look at her over my chest. She was still kneeling and still clasped my cock tightly in one paw, holding the thick bore of it straight up, but now she worked her muzzle over it in exultant rubs up one side and down the other, matting down the downy fur on her cheeks in a few sloppy streaks. Some of it spit, some of it pre, but she didn't give a shit it looked like. Like she was a feral rolling around in a carcass she was getting the scent of it all over her face, eyes closed. Truth be told, I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but it felt damn good so I didn't see any reason to tell her to stop. Besides, I wasn't finished with my cigar yet.I had looked away, checking the back door for the hundredth time to make sure no angry Mary-Anne was standing there with a sharp object, so I only felt it when Megan started to get up. Even slathered in spit and precum and those too-big eyes she had going on her face was just as pretty as could be, especially with that mile-wide smile plastered across it. She was climbing up off dusty knees while she began to lick her way up over my crotch, grooming the fur the wrong direction with each lick and still clutching my cock all the way like she's using it for a handle. She had a look like she was on a mission, staring up at me all the way past the bulge of my gut, up to my chest before she put her knee up over my thigh."I want you to fuck me, Ethan," she growled quietly, and swear to god for a second there she sounded just like her mother.Shit. A blowjob's one thing, but dipping my wick down south in a girl her age was another. "Megan-" Lil' Ethan was howling at me again."You're going

to," she interrupted me, slipping her other knee up over my thigh, straddling me as before. She had her muzzle underneath mine, too, pushing up on the underside and nipping at my throat again. A slip of white in shadow on the ground caught me eye; she'd already slipped her panties off, the wet pile of cotton sitting on the cement.I tried to put a paw on her thigh, keeping her aloft, but I could feel her paw around the base of my cock shift, flipping around and guiding it towards her. It brushed her thigh: damp fur, almost as warm as her mouth had been. I growled, threateningly, low in my throat."The hell I am," I tried to sound as intimidating as I could, which given how much I was panting wasn't much. "This just ain't a good idea, and I ain't even finished my stogie yet. It's late as fuck, so how about you hop on off ol' Ethan and we'll call this a night.""So finish it," she breathed, softly, and her knees spread just enough for my dick to find smooth, soft flesh. The little bitch was teasing me, rubbing my cockhead over the wet snatch, dipping it just inside her folds. My paw on her thigh clenched, bunching up her skirt and the fur beneath in a fist without enough leverage to actually stop her. She was hot; searing hot down there. "You don't have to stop. I'll just... Ahh..."My heart stopped when I felt her lower down, and what had been just the promise of her soft folds engulfed my prick more thoroughly than her mouth ever could've. Goddamn."Aw, fuck, Megan," I growled through nearly-clenched teeth in the same rumbling, hoarse voice I'd been threatening her with.All she let out this quiet little 'nnnghhh' noise and her teeth clenched when she impaled herself - I'm thinking she didn't quite realize just how tight a fit it was in there for not-so-lil' Ethan - and she held up for a moment, shaking, whimpering. The first few inches may have been all that she had managed to get inside, but that was more than enough for me to quit fighting. The way I saw it, now there ain't no way I could say I didn't fuck her."God, Ethan" she gasped, voice as tight as her cunt, her muzzle coming up to nose absently at mine again. "Keep smoking..." she whimpered plaintively, biting back another squeal when she lowered herself again, embedding more fat inches of dick inside her. No way could that be comfortable.What was I supposed to do? Stand up, throw her off my lap and get the hell out of there? She weighed practically nothing (she had her father's build) but by this point I was past trying to figure out how to make her stop. I had no idea what fucked-up fantasy she was getting satisfied, but I didn't care much either. She wanted to ride it while I finished up my smoke, who was I to tell her not to?So I went with it. It was easy enough to sling one arm around her lower back, hugging her to my chest, while I brought the cigar back to my muzzle and took a long drag on it, careful to keep it tipped up so

as not to burn her. She was back to squirming now, writhing against my chest, rubbing her wet cheek against my neck while with rolling motions of her hips she worked her cunt down around my prick. Hell, she even felt like her mother, kinda, like maybe how she felt those first few times I fucked her. So goddamn tight I could feel myself throbbing and her shudder a little every time I did, and juice dripping down my shaft to soak my balls, enough to make it feel like she was pissing on my crotch. It sure as hell didn't smell like piss, though. It smelled good. Real good.It wasn't until Megan managed to take that whole thick pole up her pussy just as deep as it would go that she started to really ride it, and lemme tell you, she knew what she was doing down there, too. I had a second or two of my nuts nestling up against her dripping folds before she rolled her hips back, sliding a few inches out, and forward again to land on my thighs with a satisfying thump. She was clutching at my shoulders from underneath, holding on for dear life while I was left just sitting and sucking on the last half of my stogie, trying to split my attention between it and the sweet little husky bitch riding my cock. It wasn't easy.For her, it seemed like I wasn't even participating in this. With me leaned back she had all the space she needed to grind and pump in my lap, her eyes closed just like they were when she was going down on me, mouth open and head back. With her skirt resting in my lap I couldn't see my dick sliding into her, but I could imagine it, and goddamn if that wasn't a nice mental picture. Her tits were bouncing up and down every time she moved, something I could see just fine with that tight shirt of hers, nipples poking out through the stretched cotton. Her nose flared every once in awhile, and I realized it was when the smoke was wafting past. She wasn't lying, she really did like the smell of it. Fuckin' weird.While all this was nice, ol' Ethan ain't the type to play dildo for anyone, even some fucked-up little teenaged cock-addict. I sat up, keeping my muzzle aloft, and scooted my ass further up onto the bench. "Awright, honey, hold up a sec. Playtime's over."Megan opened her eyes for the first time in a long time, looking at me from where she was still perched across my thighs. She had an expression that mingled ecstasy with confusion, and before she could say a word I started to stand up, prompting her to sling her arms around my neck in a panic to keep from sliding off. She didn't have to worry, one paw underneath her backside was all it took to hold her aloft, and while she made muffled sounds of confusion I lumbered to my feet."Nooooo, Ethan!" she whined plaintively, actually going so far as to lock her legs around my hips like a kid playing horsey ride. "I want you to finish, please finish, please? I promise-""Shut the fuck up, bitch," I grunted shortly, turning around and leaning over the picnic

table. She held on tighter, whimpering, until her back landed on the wood - But she did shut up, jaw working as she sucked on her lower lip and looked up at me, pleadingly. My cock hadn't slipped more than an inch or two out of her during the entire change in position. Only now did she unclench her legs from around me, leaving them bent and wide straddling my stocky hips, her curled tail dangling upside-down over the edge of the picnic table. Now I could see it, the slick black spike of my dick plunged balls-deep in a cunt that looked way too small for it, way too cute. Her shirt had ridden up almost to her tits, her soft little belly lifting and falling with hurried, panting breaths, and her eyes just kept pleading for more.Crouching over her, with the cigar wedged in the corner of my muzzle, a took a long drag on it. I could see the glow of the cherry on her face, staring up at me wide-eyed, before I exhaled hotly over her and at the same time drew my hips back back, just halfway. And just once, and buried myself back into her with one rough thrust.ÂIt's a good thing her jaw was already clenched, because otherwise the squeal she let out would have been a whole lot louder. Her hips bucked like she'd been shocked and I felt her pussy clamp down in a spasm around me, tight enough to hurt. Her eyes rolled back in her head a moment before they squeezed shut and her back arched, lifting up off the table and thunking back down again while she gasped a series of rapid-fire whines, stuttered by her spasming. She'd just cum, and just from that one thrust. Cute.But I don't worry too much when a bitch don't cum, and so long as it feels good and she don't throw me off I don't much care when she do, so I did it again. And again. Hitched her body down further on the table so she was hanging off the edge a bit more, and did it again. Every thrust had her squirming, fucking thrashing on the table, her paws grabbing onto my wrists and holding on for dear life. Now she wouldn't shut up, probably climaxing a few more times and biting back high-pitched whines and barks that had me wanting to clamp her mouth shut just in case mommy was up and around. I did the next best thing, bending her nearly in half and taking the cigar from my muzzle so I could mash my muzzle against hers in a rough kiss. I didn't even bother to exhale. For a moment it was closed-lipped, but once she realized what I was doing she threw her arms around my neck, held on, and buried her tongue back in my mouth. I could feel her shudder again, another orgasm I figured from the way her pussy clamped down around me.I began to hammer into her, pistoning my dick harder than I probably should have into that sweet little cunt and fucking her for all she was worth. The whole table shook underneath us from my body bashing into hers; she didn't even weigh enough for her thrashing to make much of a difference. Now those cries were muffled by my tongue in her mouth, which did a

pretty good job keeping her quiet, and let me taste that sweet flavor of youth, devouring it while my thrusting sped up into a fast rhythm that jolted her every time, balls slapping with wet squelches against the folds of her sex.Sweat soaked my chest, slicked down her fur, dripped off my forehead. It was maybe an hour or two before sunup but still like a sauna out there, and with the effort of wrecking this little bitch I was starting to show my age. My own stench was strong enough that it wasn't until I felt my first twinge of my orgasm making my balls twitch that it occurred to me again just how fucking good she smelled; a rich scent I wasn't used to with her mother. Heady. Fertile.Aw shit, not again.I slowed in my thrusting, pulling my muzzle off of hers. Ostensibly, it was so I could tap the ashes off my stogie and clamp it back between my teeth again, but I used the respite to smirk toothily down at her. She was gone, looking up at me without seeing a thing. Her own muzzle was still hanging open, slack, tongue hanging out one side of it, nose flaring with breath."Tony a wolf?" I growled. I was counting on the whatever she was fucked up on keeping her from thinking it was a weird question."Uh... Uh-huh," she moaned. She was rolling her hips, reaching across her chest and massaging her own tits, still barely paying attention to me."He fuck you like this?""Uh-huh," she moaned, shuddering a little. "But not... Enough..."My grin widened. She didn't have to know why. I leaned over her once again, gripped her shoulder, and starting fucking her again, as fast as before but a whole lot rougher. She clamped her muzzle shut, whimpering desperately and struggling like I was beating on her, begging for what she knew was coming. Slowing down had staved off my cumming a little bit longer, but now that I was back to pumping her I could feel that warm feeling in the back of my balls again, snuffing out what little bit of guilt I may have been feeling for throwing poor Tony under the bus. But no way was I gonna miss out on this. I crouched over Megan, head above hers and huffing like I was blowing up a balloon, giving her a last few, final pumps right up in her before hilting myself to the balls.My eyes rolled back in my head, and with a guttural sound in my throat I felt my shaft surge, letting loose with the first thick jet of too-virile spunk up into her pussy. The urge to breed is about the most instinctual us wolves got, and as soon as I felt that first shot of seed splatter her insides I was snarling like a feral in a fight, returning to fucking her with redoubled energy while my dick kept firing off like a cannon inside her. She squealed, shaking violently underneath me while I drenched her fertile cunt my load, jet after jet of it filling her until it began to leak out around my pistoning dick. Third orgasm of the night and it felt like I was dumping more into her than the first one in

her mom, egged on by pheromones that had my balls trying to spit up enough seed inside her to make good and sure she wouldn't smell like she did tonight for awhile. Months, actually.My own 'high' didn't last long enough for my liking, but after nearly a minute of what was at first fast, then slower pounding I stopped, straightening up over her. She wasn't done, it seemed like, rolling her hips and moaning like when I'd just gotten started, only now with my dick wedged inside her juiced-up cunt, letting me get a nice, rude view of it with spunk dribbling from around the veined spike. I kept looking while I drew back, spilling thick inches of it out her until my cock popped (literally with a pop) out of her. She had her fingers down there as soon as I was gone, sweet little fingertips dipping into her pussy and squishing around the load I dumped in there, I figured drawing out longer whatever it was she was feeling right now. Seeing as how it was the first time she'd been bred, it was prolly both whatever she was on and her body responding to what it was getting.I tossed the butt of the cigar away, bouncing with a small shower of sparks on the cement, and sat heavily back down on the bench with my jeans still bunched up around my boots. The wood felt good against my sweat-slick pelt. Megan was getting unsteadily to her feet a few minutes later, sliding with a creak of wood off the picnic table, a trickle of white marring the grey fur that ran up the inside of her leg. I could smell her now, in season plain as day, so strongly that I couldn't believe I didn't notice it before. Maybe I did. Too late now. I thought about telling her.Her skirt draped back down again to hide the evidence of our fucking, most of it anyway. Even after that she was still all smiles, just a little more exhausted and bashful now, wiping off her muzzle daintily with the back of her paw. All it did was wipe more cum there, but I didn't laugh. I didn't bother trying to get dressed, either, since all I'd be doing right now is soaking about four different kinds of juices through my jeans if I did. I felt steamy and sticky.With the cutest little grin, Megan leaned over to plant a kiss, lightly, on my cheek. Like I really was her uncle or something. "Thanks, Ethan," she whispered in my ear, reaching down and giving my cock a squeeze. "I'm gonna... Go, um, clean up..." Before I could answer, she'd straightened up and weaved her way towards the back door. I didn't even watch, just looked contemplatively out across the ugly yard.You know what's funny? Tony handed out cigars when the pups were born.


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My Father's Footsteps, Complete

My Father's FootstepsI guess, if I had to point to a particular time when it began, I'd have to say three years ago, during summer of my fourteenth year. Although, events leading up to it started much sooner.That summer was when I got my first real...

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Action Documentary

Liam couldn't stop staring at the stick, his eyes watering until he remembered to blink. Shorter than all the rest. He wanted to compare it again, just to make sure, but three times already was twice more than necessary."But I'm supposed to be the...

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