The Primitive Planet Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#129 of Exploration

I walked purposefully, in the lead, calm and alien to all those around me. My face was blank with expression, with a touch of irritation. Simba walked behind me, calm but restrained. He fiddled with his C.E.O blaster, just in case. Javid's rifle was fully loaded, and the wolf's movements were wary and alert. His head darted back and forth towards possible exits. The guards behind us walked like guards, spears levelled at us, not angry at us, but knowing it was necessary for their well being.

The chief stood in front of us, and he spoke.

"Creatures, you are about to die for the noble cause. You can't understand me, but you have our gratitude. Now let your blood appease the wrath of the gods, and bring rain upon our drought stricken land." he didn't know we could understand him, otherwise he wouldn't have said it. It was so funny, I could have smirked.

"Make this one jump." he stepped aside, leaving a road of straw heading towards the exit, and four guards at strategic points along it to stop escapes. The two of our escort lowered their spears at me, and I took the hint.

"Dans ve danye, Simba." I said, my only words of Russian, and turned towards the drop. I hunkered down, and sprang forwards at full sprint.

They weren't expecting that, but I ran wild and free. I felt a giddy exhilaration, and I shouted for joy as I leapt high off the edge of the cliff. I rose, hung in air, and then dived, changing into my model Raptor. I fell for about three seconds and then fired up both engines, kicking horizontal with a burst of the ion drives, and skimming left and underneath the outcrop. By the time the guards looked over, I was already behind the outcrop, and I landed on the stony path leading back up.

I ran up the path as Simba was prodded to move. All of them were looking confused, their first sacrifice had vanished, there was no sign of him below, and there had been this deafening noise. Simba nodded at Javid, who dropped the scanner, and then the lion ran down the straw and leapt off, changing into his Apache. He dropped down past Draco, and then began hovering back up. As he did, I got to the top of the hill, and all chaos broke loose.

Winslo arrived. There was a sonorous explosion of cold air and wind, and ice rippled from the scanner in every compass direction. Lightning stabbed the ground emanating from the scanner, and the clouds went dark within three seconds. Lightning stabbed from them, and then the bunny appeared in the visible spectrum. His head had been adorned by a crown of gold, his armlet count was two, to balance the look out, and his robes flashed with their silver lettering glowing. His cloak whipped in the wind, and as his lightning bolts stabbed the ground like an inefficient assassin, he raised his staff in both hands.

As he brought it down, aiming it at the straw path, about a dozen white lights, like meteors, came whizzing down, blowing the path to pieces and severely singeing the guards standing around it. With a rapidity that drew gasps, he turned, and aimed his staff at the leader. I noticed then that his speed was unnatural, he had cast a haste spell on himself, making all but speech twice as quick.

The leader grabbed his own staff and placed in front of him for protection. Winslo chanted a spell, and the stick splintered in the man's hands.He gave a cry, and flung himself down in front of Winslo, kowtowing deeply at the bunny's feet.

"Please do not harm me lord! We know you are angry at us, but we don't know why. Tell us our error, we shall repent!"

Winslo stopped the lightning, although the wind was still heavy, and he raised his staff, looking coldly around him.

"You were trying to sacrifice my servants. I have let the weather do what it will for several months, and when I heard your pleas I sent them to help you. Yet you tried to kill them."

"I thought they were to be sacrificed in your Holy name, lord!" the man replied, howling and prostrating further.

"As it is, I am not happy with the weather either, it's punishment will happen later.But right now, Meterio Alterius!"

It began raining. It literally began hosing it down, as though the sea was trying to reclaim the land by parachute drop. The wind dropped completely, and as Simba and Draco landed on the wrecked sacrifice spot, everyone began cheering. I stepped forwards, and the cheering stopped, having recognised one of the servants they had just pushed over the edge. I walked over to Winslo, and sank into a half bow.

"Rise, my well obedient servant." I rose, and stepped back. Simba and Draco walked over, and Winslo nodded to them.

"Rise." he said to the tribal leader,"Rise and breathe the wet air.I am not appeased by blood sacrifice, this you now know. I forgive you."

The man got up, still keeping his eyes fixed on the ground in front of Winslo.

"Excellently well done, Winslo." I said in Centralite.

"I recorded all that." Javid added.

"How many spells did you cast there?" Simba asked.

"Sixteen." Winslo replied, and then switched back to the local lingo.

"Now, myself and my servants require shelter."

"Yes my lord." the man replied quickly, and led the lot of us towards the largest house. Salbar arrived at the top of the path.

"Why didn't anyone have anything for me to do?" he asked, looking amused.

"Perfect timing, Salbar." I smiled," What have you been up to?"

"My rituals of prayer and cleansing, all in the name of the Great God."

"Right now, that's him." I nodded at Winslo, who smiled. Salbar was even more amused, but walked over to us.

"Ah, Salbar, devoted and brave. You have done the task I sent you to?" Winslo said in local, and Salbar got down on one knee.

"I did it with the utmost speed you commanded, my lord. It is finished."

"Rise, and join with me." The six of us were led into the large hall.

It was dry in here, the thatched roof bound with with large timbers and stone walls.It was empty, and dark, the natural light having been removed by the weather spell.

"Let there be light." Winslo raised his staff, and several torches and the candelabra of torches burst into light. The man led us to the high table, and Draco got the two fires going. They were at either side of the room, the chimneys made out of solid stone work.His flame burst scared those of the locals that were coming in to wait on us,and there was a noticeable radius around him where none would go.

The godlike bunny sat at the head of the table, I noticed rather enviously that Winslo's clothes were all perfectly dry, he had cast them to be impervious to water. Being in bionic form, I removed my top and hung it next to the fire. My now naked upper half glistened in the room, the light bouncing off my steel muscles. I have to admit I did have a good muscular body, for a human, and those around me looked in awe. Winslo kept all his gear on, as did everyone but Draco, who shifted all his equipment off. His sword was placed next to the fire, and it glowed with an almost magical quality in the fire.

We all sat down, and the assumed leader began issuing orders for food. Then he turned back to Winslo, standing at a respective distance behind and to the side of his seat.

"We apologise for the lack of richness in the fare in advance, my lord."

"I know, the weather now disrespects me at the table. But that is of no consequence." Winslo lifted both hands, and five huge plates appeared on the table. Three were fruits and vegetables, the other two were pastries and other such things. I grabbed an orange, and then grabbed an apple.

"What's your name, leader?" I asked.

"Er, it's Vintner." he stuttered, turning to me, and I tossed him the apple. He caught it clumsily, and then bit into it, savouring the sweetness.

"Food of the Gods indeed." he muttered.

I caught Winslo's glance, and he rolled his eyes. Created food was in nearly all natures, perfect. The only one drawback was that they were magical, they did not nourish as much as the original fruit. A man could have double a portion of something that would make him full with a single portion, and still feel hungry.

I had encountered magical food before, and knew all this, so I tucked in ravenously. I could make up the difference at the food store when I got back to Central.

"So what's the news from Central, Winslo?" Draco asked.

"Well, I spent last night there practising, Alecto and Marksman's party have come across a worthy candidate for Central, they'll be back in about six hours. Silverine promises to be in the food store to meet him..."

As will I, I thought, thinking about my plane trick on someone else.

"..and the glowers have said that next week there is to be a Hunted trip, and they want Alduin, Draco and Silverine to lead it."

"Why those three in general?" asked one of the three listed, and Winslo stared at me.

"You're the best, of course."

I burst out laughing, and Draco laughed with me.

"Silverine, yes. Draco, possibly, me, certainly not! I am far too much of a wild card to possibly lead an entire Hunted trip. Remember what happened when I led to that planet with Coyotka? She ended up duelling me because she thought I was a monster of the night!"

"Sometimes a wild card gets through, that's the point of a wild card." Javid replied roguishly, cleaning his sniper rifle with a cloth, with a banana in his free hand.

"This wild card is a joker, that's not a good thing."I retaliated, and then asked Draco to pass me a savoury. Draco did so, and then ruffled my hair.

"I like your style, Alduin. It may be flamboyant, and unpredictable, but it works."

"Not all of them do."

"O.K., I'll make a correction. For someone who works on completely impossible and bizarre plans, your successful ventures are exceptionally well represented in numbers. I have the same amount of success, but not half your improvisation."

"He just doesn't like the idea of leading. He likes doing what he will, and being an officer makes it that much harder, because you're directing all the others in the party." Simba said dryly.

"Thank you, someone understands me!" I nodded at Simba. The lion merely smiled.

Vintner was listening to all this with a look of bemusement. We were all speaking in fast and fluent Centralite, I was learning to do it without a translator, and he just smiled and waited until he was called on.

We ate ravenously for about ten minutes, before it was Javid who sat back first, content and full.

"Ugh, I think I ate too much too fast, I think I need a bigger stomach." the wolf sighed.

"I think you need some self control." Draco sniped.

I turned and laughed."And just how many savouries have you had, exactly?"

"Two, three, twelve..." he swallowed the last mouthful, and grinned," I lost count."

I laughed.

Vintner walked away out a side door, and came back five minutes later with a lady of their race. She was reasonably good looking, and dressed in a long dark dress. Her hair was long but neatly combed, and she was looking at all of us with a noticeably shy glance. Her gaze fell from one to the other, and finally settled on Winslo. I had a premonition of what was about to happen.

"Someone's about to get some quality time with one of the natives." I said in Centralite. Winslo turned, and saw the woman, who blushed and looked away.

Draco chuckled."Winslo, it appears that your godly powers have proven a hit with the ladies."

Winslo nodded, looking at the two." Either that or Vintner has a custom. He wanted to please us by giving us food and housing, so I imagine that he wanted to fulfil our more, sexual desires to make sure we are truly happy."

I nodded, familiar with the custom, as I had been the recipient on several other planets. Vintner stepped back to Winslo's side, and I casually tuned out my headset so I didn't have to listen.

"Silverine, how's it going?" I asked.

After a few seconds, the Lupogriff spoke." Very good, our new candidate has just arrived on Central, Alecto's showing him around."

"What's his name?"

"Delnom Aleron.He's a pretty good blend of things."

I turned to Winslo." Do you mind if I go back to Central?"

Winslo smiled, and spoke in the native language.

"Alduin, I can sense you want to leave and continue your work, is that not so?"

I rose and bowed to him, speaking in the same language." That is correct, master."

"Very well.Enjoy yourself."

"You too." I vanished with a bang.

My arrival on Central was unhindered, and I changed into my Tripod form just as a glower came up.

"Your trip went well, Alduin?"

"It did rather. I take it you want to question me about it?"

"I would, except we already heard most of it from Javid and Simba. We are impressed as usual, Alduin."

"Don't worry, that's the highest honour for me, to impress you. Where is Delnom at the moment?"

"Alecto is currently showing him around the food store.You are intending to test his courage?"

"Something like that. You do it better though." I set off, my legs clunking against the metal floors. The glower hovered alongside me.

"I don't know where you get these ideas, Alduin." the glower commented," I mean it's not as if we get angry that easily."

"Glower, I don't know how to put this to you..." I began, and the glower laughed.

"Yes, I understand."

I chuckled, and we went a little further before splitting off. I headed directly to the food store, and as I arrived I could hear conversation taking place. Alecto was talking to the assembled.

"Yes, he's already been to Arachno for his ABM, he was an excellent patient, even if he woke kind of early."

Early? Arachno's potions normally didn't wear off before the operation finished. How did that happen?

There was some more conversation, and then the door was opened, and Alecto and Delnom passed straight past me and along the corridor.

Delnom was a wolf, about five foot nine in height, he was thin but not wiry, with more of a runner's build about him. His fur was black, although his chest fur was white, and he had long white shoulder length hair fur. He was holding Alecto's hand, and in his other hand he was walking with a staff. It was about six foot in height, and on the top had a glittering steel wolf's head, arched upwards.

He was unaware of me, as was Alecto, and I stepped forwards and grabbed him with my tentacles. Soon I had him around the chest, underneath the shoulders, and by the legs.He hadn't turned around yet, and he shouted as he realised he had been caught. He dropped his staff as I picked him up and turned him to face me, my last tentacle hovering in front of him. Alecto turned in surprise, and to my surprise began pulling at one of the tentacles.

"Hey, put him down, Alduin."

The wolf stared in fear, and put both hands together, pointing them at me in a spell casting pose. Before I could react, clear, multi coloured light erupted from his hands and washed over me. It was hot, but not painful, and after three seconds this spell stopped, and I could see the wolf again. He was stunned, I had shown no reaction to his spell whatsoever. I spoke in my metallic voice.

"I wouldn't try that again." I said coldly, holding him three feet off the ground. He looked down and whimpered, and then started shouting for help, writhing in my grasp. I held him without over exerting myself, and my eyes turned blue as I activated my scanners on my glasses.

Delnom flinched as he was covered in a matrix of blue lines, and stopped struggling. He was looking at Alecto, who was backing away from me. Clearly unwilling to leave Delnom in my grasp, he looked ready to charge again. Then I spoke.

"Name: Delnom Aleron. Species: Wolf. A reasonably high level magician, casting spells almost as good as Winslo. Body is cobalt based, compared to iron based creatures, and consequently lives longer and heals faster than most iron blood type creatures."

Delnom was looking quite worried at this, I was reciting his physiology back at him, without having seen him before. He didn't know these glasses' capability.

"Disadvantages of cobalt base is more susceptible to virus and diseases, and it is lighter than iron base, subject only weighs 79.5 kilograms. Noticeable features of subject, left leg has been broken in the past, along with minor injuries."

Now both Alecto and Delnom were looking scared.

"Subject's heart rate is increased, pumping faster than 140 beats per minute. Subject has a faster natural blood rate than iron based creatures. Increased moisture on the skin, suggesting perspiration, and subject is feeling increased emotions of anxiety and tension.I also detect...passion?"

"Alduin, don't go any further, please." Alecto asked me, the fox placing a hand on my tentacles. Delnom was shaking, and I lowered him a bit until his feet were touching the ground.

"Alecto," I said, in the same cold tone," How did you come across him?"

"We found him on a deserted planet, he is the last of his race. His race were wiped out by a rogue virus and not even knows how he survived."

"That would fit, given their weakness to such diseases. Theory that because he was a magic user he had resistance."

"Alecto," Delnom asked, quietly,"Please tell him to let me go."

My tentacles whipped away from his body and retracted into my hemisphere. Before Delnom could recover his balance I had changed back into my bionic form, and suddenly I was leaning against the wall, smiling at Delnom and Alecto.

Delnom was stunned, but curious.

"You can change between this and being that, tall three legged thing?"

"I can, and a few things more."I replied with a smile, looking at a huge cinder mark on the roof, the spell had blackened the ceiling.

"What was that spell called?" I asked, and Delnom looked down.

"Aurora Beam."

"Decent spell, but I am resistant against most physical attacks in that form.Now Alecto, what did you mean by he woke up early during Arachno's operation?"

"Apparently cobalt based life gets over the potion faster, and Arachno didn't realise at the time. The wolf woke up with the spider still sowing his neck together."

"Scariest moment of my life." the wolf rubbed his neck thoughtfully.

"Right up until I picked you up, correct?" I looked amused, and Delnom blushed and nodded. I turned to Alecto.

"You attacked me."

The fox went deeply red, and looked down and to anywhere not looking at me. "I didn't want you to hurt him, Alduin. You did look scary, and I thought you might."

I looked at him, then at Delnom, my pointed finger going back and forth between them.

Alecto didn't see this, but Delnom did, and he went a shade deeper red.I stopped, to spare them the blushes, although inwardly I thought it was a good pairing. Admittedly |'d only seen Delnom for a few minutes, but he was pretty cool so far.

We walked together towards Abigail's room, Alecto was going to show the wolf the tech planet. We got to her door, and Alecto passed all the lioness' work benches, and went through the door at the back. Delnom and myself followed him.

And suddenly we were walking out of the corridor into the huge garage where Abigail did all her work. Currently, as we entered, she had a freeze shot of Death Race on her big screen, and the reason was clear, she herself was half in a new car I hadn't seen here, sitting with Orion in said car.

"Hmmm, it won't turn over, just give me a second, I'll have a look in the starter motor." she got out of the car and spotted us as we approached.

"Hey Alduin, Alecto, err, good afternoon..." Abigail removed her gloves and made to shake hands with Delnom. Delnom shook hands, well, paws gently.

"Delnom, Delnom Aleron." the wolf replied,"You are Abigail, is that so?"

"Yes, Delnom, I am the technical person around here. I build the cars, the tanks and the aircraft, and I keep them all running."

"Wow." Delnom was amazed, looking around. I became interested in Orion's car.

"Abigail, let me guess." I began, looking at the car.

"Here we go." the lioness sighed into her hand.

"Ford GT90 concept car, five speed manual box, 6 litre V12. Seven hundred and twenty horsepower, claimed."

"Indeed, but because of the ion changes, that's 1,100 horsepower, All wheel drive, and most cars don't spit fire out of the back every time they take off."

I looked amused. "So it looks jet propelled."

"The ion modifications kick out a trail of blue flame out of the exhausts, this thing really runs hot."

"They complained about that before too...."

"Woah, that thing looks cool." Delnom interrupted us, he was looking at the freeze frame. It was a shot of the Dodge Ram 1500, covered in it's various gun modifications. Abigail turned, smiling, at the wolf, and now I put my hand across my eyes, realising that now only locking her up would stop her building it.

Alecto went over to Delnom and Abigail, while I went over to Orion and his apprently broken Ford. Pulling myself into the passenger's seat, I nodded to the fox.

"How's it going?"

"It isn't. That's the problem."

I pressed the ignition, and got a couple of clicks and a whirr. I got out of the car, lifted the bonnet, and found the battery. Drawing my phaser, I set it at level 2, and fired. The battery absorbed the phaser blast, while everyone turned around to see who fired their weapon.

"Orion! Try it now."

The car erupted into life, and I slammed the bonnet, down, stepping aside as the majestic car drove out of the garage. As he came onto the pit land he put his foot down, and I saw a streak of blue fire erupt from his exhaust as he took off.

"I'm impressed already." I commented drily, as Abigail looked confused.

"How did you know the battery was flat?"

"There was sound, so it wasn't the ignition, and it wasn't turning over, so I guessed it was low on power. One quick burst with the phaser recharged some of the battery." I shrugged, and Alecto stopped looking at me with his mouth open. Abigail shrugged, and went back to designing the Dodge Ram for Delnom. I nodded to Alecto.

"You coming?"

"I'd rather stay here, if you don't mind."

I smiled."Make sure they design a passenger seat for you." and I jumped into my DeLorean to catch up with the flying albino fox.

I managed three laps before Draco turned up on the pit wall.

"O.K., it's all finished on that planet. Winslo teleported us all away, and then came back himself."


"That worked really well, Alduin."

"Thank you, I thought it went well too."

"Again." the dragon emphasised the word, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes, I know." I sighed deeply, looking at the grinning dragon.

"Honestly, you could make a fortune just constantly selling ideas to people." he smiled, teasing me, but I was not rising to the bait.

"I'll take that on board, Draco."

"Still, we made them happy. What was the thing you magpied?"

"I took a couple of feathers from the headman's crown."

"That is the oddest tendency I have seen from any scout." the dragon replied, and I smiled politely.The dragon waited for my retaliation, and then realised I was in too good a mood to argue.

Draco followed me back to our quarters, and because Draco had spent the last two days without being serviced, I reckoned he wanted to fuck me a couple of times.As the dragon shut the door behind us and went into his quarters, I got myself my handcuffs out of my bag, and followed into his room. The dragon was stripping down, but not for the reason I expected.

"Yes, Alduin? I'm going to have a shower now."

"Care to have that shower with me?"

"What are the rules?"

"You have to have your hands cuffed behind your back, and I have to clean you down and service you.How many times is up to you, but don't make it ridiculous."

The dragon thought on this."Three, and no one else can join in, not with my hands cuffed."

"Agreed. And no tricks with the tentacle monster either." I promised. This would be just clean, fun sex.