Savage City: Day Four; As you fade away.

Story by xansteel on SoFurry

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#3 of Savage City

Nick races to his mother after he gets a text from her, only to have her ask him to do something he doesn't want to do.

Savage City

Day Four: As you fade away...

by Xan Steel

Four days had passed since the town had been covered in the Night Howler gas. Unfortunately, due to the current weather pattern there had been no natural wind blowing to clear the gas out. On the bright side, there hadn't been any incidents in the city where a predator attacked prey. The engineering team that had been called in to repair the environmental systems for the city reported that it would only take another two days to complete repairs, and be able to remove the gas once they got the wind turbines up and running again.

Nick had managed to keep Marian with filters for her mask over the course of those days while making sure she was coping well with the current situation. She said nothing had really changed since she rarely got visitors anyway, so for her, it was like a normal day just with more blue in it. Feeling relieved that she was doing ok, he took the squad car back to the precinct. On the way there Judy got a call from her parents as they gave an update on how things were out on the farm. So far things were calm with nothing unusual to mention. Bonnie managed to get their littles ones all together in a shot on muzzletime so they could say hi to them. It made Nick and Judy feel good to know things were ok with them and her family.

As Nick turned the same corner he had before to get to the precinct he came to a sudden stop as there was now a barricade in front of them. He grabbed the radio to call it in. "Dispatch, this is Officer Wilde, are we authorizing the use of barricades?"

There was a brief pause before Bogo answered, "This is Chief Bogo, and no I have not authorized the use of barricades. What cross roads are you at?"

Nick had Judy look around to get the street names for the intersection, and this is when she noticed that the street they had been on before was now barricaded. The only open street was now behind them. When Nicked reported this, Bogo told him to follow it, but to use extreme caution as it sounded like a trap was being laid, and to keep the radio open at all times. As they continued to follow the streets that were open it seemed like they were being led to the docks which would take two hours to get to at their current speed.

Meanwhile back at the precinct, the TV's came on suddenly with a startled female Snow Leopard and male Moose. "Um, why are we broadcasting?" Moosebridge asked, as his question was answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry I managed to find someone that could force you to broadcast live for me."

Moosebridge interrupted, "Can we get a trace on this?"

"No Moosebridge you can't, as I will not allow it. You see I'm going to be live streaming some news for you that you are not reporting on. Such as the one I'm about to show you." The screen then turned away from them to an image showing a street from a building a few floors up, and a group of six prey citizens that appeared to be holding weapons of some kind. "You see that little house that they are staring at. Well, there's a predator currently hiding in there that the ZPD didn't bring in. So I'm now going to show you what happens when predators don't listen and refuse to leave."

At the house in question, we see the six prey animals approach the door of the little red home. The same home where Marian Wilde lived. They knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She called out to them.

"ZPD Ma'am we're here to clear out the area of predators due to recent reports of a gang causing harm to citizens," they answered.

To her, this did sound somewhat fishy, because Nick told her that he would make sure that whoever came from the ZPD would call her first, and she hadn't received a call from anyone. She sent him a quick text message on her little phone she had. "Just a minute please, I'm old and slow." She said back to them, as she got a message back telling her to hide, and that he was on his way there.

Nick called Dispatch back and explained what he just received. Bogo told him to go back to her and that he and McHorn would meet up with them soon. Nick then turned the car around and began to head back as fast as he could, with Judy trying her best to keep him relaxed as they drove around the barricades.

Meanwhile one of the larger prey animals decided to break down her door, as the rest began to search for her in the home. It didn't take them long to find her, and drag her out by her tail, as she cried out in pain. Once outside they tossed her into the street as she struggled painfully to move.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked through her tears.

"You're a predator. You eat our kind to fill your stomach." The smaller prey animal said.

She shook her head visibly, "I've never thought of eating anyone."

He walked up to her, "It's only a matter of time before you do, this is why we prey animals want you out of our city. I mean look at you, you're wearing a fancy muzzle right now," at this point, he showed his anger, "because you know you want to eat us!" He finished with a yell as he swung and hit her right shoulder.

She screamed in pain as she tried to move away, but the others that had surrounded her came in and began their assault on her. Each hit caused her to scream out in pain and agony, as she begged and pleaded with them to stop as she curled into a ball on the street. They stopped briefly as the larger prey leaned in, "That muzzle pisses me off so take it off predator, so I can bash in your teeth!" He yelled as she shook her head no. Another prey walked up while taking out a knife and leaned in cutting the straps holding it on her head. He tried to yank it off her while she held on to it for dear life.

Back in the newsroom, Moosebridge turned to the Snow Leopard, "I'm sorry Sienna I can't watch this anymore." He said wiping his eyes and getting up to leave.

Sienna wasn't without her own tears as she watched him leave. She then turned back to the camera, "I feel I must apologize to our viewers for this as we have no control over this feed. Please, if anyone can help her I beg you too. She doesn't deserve this treatment."

At this point, Bellwether spoke up again. "Doesn't deserve it? All predators deserve this and more. I'm tired of playing second class citizen to meat eaters."

"Funny you say that because a lot of the time we are second class. Yet you rarely hear us complain." Sienna replied.

It was at this point the live feed showed one of the other prey in this group walk up to her with a bat and swung it hard on the side of her chest. The scream of pain she let loose sounded unnatural, as her arms went to her sides while her mask was thrown to the side. Sienna just broke down on camera, shaking her head, as she heard the pain filled voice of the female say 'I'm sorry' over and over.

Meanwhile off camera Moosebridge's excited voice is heard, "What!?! This is confirmed!?!"

Sienna turned to look at him as he returned to the desk, "What? What is it."

He forced himself to talk through his own tears that even he was choking on. "It has been, confirmed by the department of immigration and the ZPD, the female fox, who is being beaten. Is Maid Marian wife to the late Robin Hood, and mother too, Officer Nicholas P. Wilde. I only have one thing to say to you ex-mayor Bellwether. You're a monster." He finished angrily. The only thing they heard was her laughing hysterically.

Back on the street, Marian is still saying how sorry she was while holding on to the side of her chest. She didn't care about the mask anymore and was hoping the poisonous air would finish her off soon. Unfortunately, that wasn't about to happen as she suddenly felt enraged, and needing to devour those around her. "You know what?" The larger prey started, "I'm bored with this, so I'm going to finish you off." He stepped up next to her head, and then lifted his weapon high over his head.

What happened next surprised everyone as it happened incredibly fast. Marian rolled on all fours and then leaped up and sank her teeth into the throat of the large prey, and then planted all four paws on him and pushed herself back. Ripping his throat to shreds as he fell over while grabbing at his now blood squirting neck. She spat out the chunk of his throat to the ground, as her ears swiveled around hearing the others coming in closer. She turned and quickly did the same to them. All six now lay dead on the ground as she stares over her work. She makes no sound even though tears roll down her cheeks as she picks one and begins to feast for the first time in her life.

Back in the newsroom, everyone was dead quiet as they continued to watch her feast at the end. Sienna just stared at the screen with a blank expression, while in her mind she was cheering for her. "So this is what happens went you drug a predator with this Night Howler stuff. Let me make this clear. She was drugged which forced her to revert back to being a savage, this is not normal behavior for predators living in our city." Moosebridge spoke as Bellwether started to reply before her voice was cut off. However, the audio was still coming through from the street area as they heard two cars pull up.

Nick pulled the unit up as close as he could only to see his mother in the street feasting on the remains of a prey animal. "No no no no what the heck happened?" He questioned as got out of the car while Judy followed him.

As they got close Marian sensed them both and started to growl at them. Nick put his hand out to stop Judy, "Carrots, Stay back!" He said in earnest as she stopped. She was worried they would have to tranq her and get her to a hospital for treatment. Nick continued to walk slowly towards her while calling out to her hoping that his voice would reach her.

As he got closer she began to sniff the air and caught his familiar scent causing her tail to wag rapidly as she then bounded towards him happily. He grabbed her and pulled her into an embrace as she had a sudden moment of clarity. "Nicholas."

"Mom!" He said tearfully, however her next words would tear his heart out.

"Kill me, please." She said softly.

"W.. What?"

"I can't live with what I've done."

"But, but it wasn't your fault mom, and we can cure you."

She shook her head at his comment, "I can't live with these memories for the rest of my life sweetie they're too horrible." She said in a meek and tearful tone.

His own tears filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as he held her tighter. Judy was overhearing them as she herself began to cry for her and not wanting her to die. "Nick, bring her."

He interrupted her yelling, "STAY BACK!" His head turned to look at her as she saw the pain in his face and muzzle. He reached into the red bag and pulled out an E-dart, as he desperately tried to change her mind, but she wouldn't let him.

"Mommy, I love you." He said as he gently stuck her in the thigh with the dart. She kissed his cheek knowing how hard this was on him while leaning back to look him in the eyes and began to sing his favorite childhood lullaby.

You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

You make me happy,

When skies are gray,

You'll Never know Just,

How much... I love... You.......

Her voice faded as she gently collapsed in his arms. Through a high pitched meek tone, he said the last line quickly, "Please don't take my sunshine away."

He trembled in pain as his tears flowed unhindered holding on to her so tightly. He began to feel a pain in his chest that began to spread through him and jerked suddenly as he felt a pair of arms gently hug him from behind. The scent told him it was Judy, and that she was crying with him.

"Sweetie let it out." She pleaded as he shook his head violently. She tightened her hug on him, "Baby please don't bottle this up." She pleaded again as he began to whine.

Meanwhile, McHorn slams his large meaty fist into the squad car, denting it some, "Hey careful, those are not cheap to repair." Bogo said to him.

"I don't care, take it out of my pay if you must."

Bogo went and turned McHorn around to face him. "I know this is painful right now, for all of us, but we need to be their pillars of strength." He finished as McHorn spoke while a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Who's going to be mine?" He replied, "I can't be that strong all the time you know, especially since she didn't deserve this." He finished as Bogo pulled him into a loving hug.

"Just do you best Hun, and will figure out what to do with Bellwether when we find her." He whispered.

"I'd impale her on my horn if it was legal." McHorn finished. It was at the point the still quiet night air was torn asunder as they both heard Nick let loose with the loudest cry they ever heard. It was so loud it could be heard through the entire city block.

"I'm glad Judy was able to get him to let go of his pain like that," Bogo said as he turned towards the car and opened the trunk while reaching in and pulling out a large black bag and began to head towards Nick and Judy.

Once he got there he placed his hand gently on Nick's shoulder as he spoke softly to him. "Let's take her with us." Nick nodded softly as he got up, but Judy pulled him away and had him walk with her as Bogo and McHorn carefully put her in the body bag they had. The sound of the zipper on the bag sounded deafening to him causing him broke down completely knowing he would never see her again, as Judy held on to him. Marian with filters for her mask over the course of those days, while making sure she was cooping well with the current situation. She said nothing had really changed since she rarely got visitors anyway, so for her it was like a normal day just with more blue in it. Feeling relieved that she was doing ok, he took the squad car back to the precinct. On the way there Judy got a call from her parents as they gave an update on how things were out on the farm. So far things were calm with nothing unusual to mention. Bonnie managed to get their littles ones all together in a shot on muzzletime so they could say hi to them. It made Nick and Judy feel good to know things were ok with them and her family.

As Nick turned the same corner he had before to get to the precinct he came to a sudden stop as there was now a barricade in front of them. He grabbed the radio to call it in. "Dispatch, this is Officer Wilde, are we authorizing the use of barricades?" There was a brief pause before Bogo answered, "This is Chief Bogo, and no I have not authorized the use of barricades. What cross roads are you at?" Nick had Judy look around to get the street names for the intersection, and this is when she noticed that the street they had been on before was now barricaded. The only open street was now behind them. When Nicked reported this, Bogo told him to follow it, but to use extreme caution as it sounded like a trap was being laid, and to keep the radio open at all times. As they continued to follow the streets that were open it seemed like they were being lead to the docks which would take two hours to get to at their current speed.

Meanwhile back at the precinct, the TV's came on suddenly with a startled female Snow Leopard and male Moose. "Um why are we broadcasting?" Moosebridge asked, as his question was answered. "Oh, I'm sorry I managed to find someone that could force you to broadcast live for me." Moosebridge interrupted, "Can we get a trace on this?" "No Moosebridge you can't, as I will not allow it. You see I'm going to be live streaming some news for you that you are not reporting on. Such as the one I'm about to show you." The screen then turn away from them to an image showing a street from a building a few floors up, and a group of six prey citizens that appeared to be holding weapons of some kind. "You see that little house that they are staring at. Well there's a predator currently hiding in there that the ZPD didn't bring in. So I'm now going to show you what happens when predators don't listen and refuse to leave."

At the house in question we see the six prey animals approach the door of the little red home. The same home where Marian Wilde lived. They knock on the door. "Who is it?" She called out to them. "ZPD Ma'am we're here to clear out the area of predators due to recent reports of a gang causing harm to citizens." To her this did sound somewhat fishy, because Nick told her that he would make sure that who ever came from the ZPD would call her first, and she hadn't received a call from anyone. She sent him a quick text message on her little phone she had. "Just a minute please, I'm old and slow." She said back to them, as she got a message back telling her to hide, and that he was on his way there.

Nick called Dispatch back, and explained what he just received. Bogo told him to go back to her and that him and McHorn would meet up with them soon. Nick then turned the car around and began to head back as fast as he could, with Judy trying her best to keep him relaxed as they drove around the barricades.

Meanwhile one of the larger prey animals decided to break down her door, as the rest began to search for her in the home. It didn't take them long to find her, and drag her out by her tail, as she cried out in pain. Once outside they tossed her into the street as she struggled painfully to move. "Why are you doing this to me?" She asked through her tears. "You're a predator. You eat our kind to fill your stomach." The smaller prey animal said. She shook her head visibly, "I've never thought of eating anyone." He walked up to her, "It's only a matter of time before you do, this is why we prey animals want you out of our city. I mean look at you, you're wearing a fancy muzzle right now," at this point he showed his anger, "because you know you want to eat us!" He finished with a yell as he swung and hit her right shoulder. She screamed in pain as she tried to move away, but the others that had surrounded her came in and began their assault on her. Each hit caused her to scream out in pain and agony, as she begged and pleaded with them to stop as she curled into a ball on the street. They stopped briefly as the larger prey leaned in, "That muzzle pisses me off so take it off predator, so I can bash in your teeth!" He yelled as she shook her head no. Another prey walked up while taking out a knife, and leaned in cutting the straps holding it on her head. He tried to yank it off her while she held on to it for dear life.

Back in the news room Moosebridge turned to the Snow Leopard, "I'm sorry Sienna I can't watch this anymore." He said wiping his eyes and getting up to leave. Sienna wasn't without her own tears as she watched him leave. She then turned back to the camera, "I feel I must apologize to our viewers for this as we have no control over this feed. Please, if anyone can help her I beg you too. She doesn't deserve this treatment." At this point Bellwether spoke up again. "Doesn't deserve it? All predators deserve this and more. I'm tired of playing second class citizen to meat eaters." "Funny you say that, because a lot of the time we are second class. Yet you rarely hear us complain." Sienna replied. It was at this point the live feed showed one of the other prey in this group walk up to her with a bat, and swung it hard on the side of her chest. The scream of pain she let loose sounded unnatural, as her arms went to her sides while her mask was thrown to the side. Sienna just broke down on camera, shaking her head, as she heard the pain filled voice of the female say 'I'm sorry' over and over. Meanwhile off camera Moosebridge's excited voice is heard, "What!?! This is confirmed!?!" Sienna turned to look at him as he returned to the desk, "What? What is it." He forced himself to talk through his own tears that even he was choking on. "It has been, confirmed by the department of immigration and the ZPD, the female fox, who is being beaten. Is Maid Marian wife to the late Robin Hood, and mother to, Officer Nicholas P. Wilde. I only have one thing to say to you ex-mayor Bellwether. You're a monster." He finished angrily. The only thing they heard was her laughing hysterically.

Back on the street, Marian is still saying how sorry she was while holding on to the side of her chest. She didn't care about the mask anymore, and was hoping the poisonous air would finish her off soon. Unfortunately that wasn't about to happen as she suddenly felt enraged, and needing to devour those around her. "You know what?" The larger prey started, "I'm bored with this, so I'm going to finish you off." He stepped up next to her head, and then lifted his weapon high over his head. What happened next surprised everyone as it happened incredibly fast. Marian rolled on all fours and then leapt up and sank her teeth into the large preys throat, and then planted all four paws on him and pushed herself back. Ripping his throat to shreds as he fell over while grabbing at his now blood squirting neck. She spat out the chunk of his throat to the ground, as her ears swiveled around hearing the others coming in closer. She turned and quickly did the same to them. All six now lay dead on the ground as she stares over her work. She makes no sound even though tears roll down her cheeks as she picks one and begins to feast for the first time in her life.

Back in the news room everyone was dead quiet as they continued to watch her feast at the end. Sienna just stared at the screen with a blank expression, while in her mind she was cheering for her. "So this is what happens went you drug a predator with this Night Howler stuff. Let me make this clear. She was drugged which forced her to revert back to being a savage, this is not normal behavior for predators living in our city." Moosebridge spoke as Bellwether started to reply before her voice was cut off. However the audio was still coming through from the street area as they heard two cars pull up.

Nick pulled the unit up as close as he could only to see his mother in the street feasting on the remains of a prey animal. "No nonono what the heck happened?" He questioned as got out of the car while Judy followed him. As they got close Marian sensed them both and started to growl at them. Nick put his hand out to stop Judy, "Carrots, Stay back!" He said in ernest as she stopped. She was worried they would have to tranq her and get her to a hospital for treatment. Nick continued to walk slowly towards her while calling out to her hoping that his voice would reach her. As he got closer she began to sniff the air and caught his familiar scent causing her tail to wag rapidly as she then bounded towards him happily. He grabbed her and pulled her into an embrace as she had a sudden moment of clarity. "Nicholas." "Mom!" He said tearfully, however her next words would tear his heart out. "Kill me, please." She said softly. "W.. What?" "I can't live with what I've done." "But, but it wasn't your fault mom, and we can cure you." She shook her head at his comment, "I can't live with these memories for the rest of my life sweetie they're to horrible." She said in a meek and tearful tone. His own tears filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as he held her tighter. Judy was over hearing them as she herself began to cry for her and not wanting her to die. "Nick, bring her." He interrupted her yelling, "STAY BACK!" His head turned to look at her as she saw the pain in his face and muzzle. He reached into the red bag and pulled out an E-dart, as he desperately tried to change her mind, but she wouldn't let him. "Mommy, I love you." He said as he gently stuck her in the thigh with the dart. She kissed his cheek knowing how hard this was on him, while leaning back to look him in the eyes, and began to sing his favorite childhood lullaby.

You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

You make me happy,

When sky's are grey,

You'll never know just,

How much... I love... You.......

Her voice faded as she gently collapsed in his arms. Through a high pitched meek tone he said the last line quickly, "Please don't take my sunshine away." He trembled in pain as his tears flowed unhindered holding on to her so tightly. He began to feel a pain in his chest that began to spread through him, and jerked suddenly as he felt a pair of arms gently hug him from behind. The scent told him it was Judy, and that she was crying with him. "Sweetie let it out." She pleaded, as he shook his head violently. She tightened her hug on him, "Baby please don't bottle this up." She pleaded again as he began to whine.

Meanwhile McHorn slams his large meaty fist into the squad car, denting it some, "Hey careful, those are not cheap to repair." Bogo said to him. "I don't care, take it out of my pay if you must." Bogo went and turned McHorn around to face him. "I know this is painful right now, for all of us, but we need to be their pillars of strength." He finished as McHorn spoke while a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Who's going to be mine?" He replied, "I can't be that strong all the time you know, especially since she didn't deserve this." He finished as Bogo pulled him into a loving hug, "Just do you best Hun, and will figure out what to do with Bellwether when we find her." He whispered. "I'd impale her on my horn if it was legal." McHorn finished. It was at the point the still quiet night air was torn asunder as they both heard Nick let loose with the loudest cry they ever heard. It was so loud it could be heard through the entire city block. "I'm glad Judy was able to get him to let go of his pain like that." Bogo said as he turned towards the car and opened the trunk, while reaching in and pulling out a large black bag and began to head towards Nick and Judy.

Once he got there he placed his hand on Nick's shoulder as he spoke softly to him. "Let's take her with us." Nick nodded softly as he got up, but Judy pulled him away and had him walk with her as Bogo and McHorn carefully put her in the body bag they had. The sound of the zipper on the bag sounded deafening to him causing him broke down completely knowing he would never see her again, as Judy held on to him.

Savage City: Day Two: Incoming.

Savage City Day Two: Incoming By Xan Steel (Legal Stuff: The Zootopia world and characters belong to Disney and Disney Animation Studios. The story and it's setting belong to me, so please enjoy this work of fan fiction. Also a word of warning, this...

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Savage City; Day One: Happy Tuesday

Savage City Day One: Happy Tuesday By Xan Steel (Legal Stuff: The Zootopia world and characters belong to Disney and Disney Animation Studios. The story and it's setting belong to me, so please enjoy this work of fan fiction. Also a word of...

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Kidnapped; A Zootopia Noir

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