
Story by Shakarri on SoFurry

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#3 of Ashanti's Advantage

Hello and welcome to the latest instalment of Ashanti's Advantage! As usual, the characters, situation, and story belong to me, the story isn't for minors or those who don't like herm on girl sex (or just sex in general), and be sure to tell me what I need to do to make my stories even more enjoyable. Want to give a quick shout out to Roke who was nice enough to point out a few of my flaws. Hopefully, I fixed them this time around.

If you haven't been keeping up with the series, you need to. But, incase you haven't, Ashanti was caught in the girl's shower room by Keisha who now holds the hyena's secret for ransom. In the present, Keisha tries teach Ashanti a lesson by using some dirty tactics.


The world seemed to stand still in utter awe of what had just happened; The only one who dared make a sound was Ashanti as she writhed upon the court, groaning in pain, tears knotting up her eyes after having the tennis ball painfully introduced to her male-parts. The line of female furs stood up slowly, peering over at their fallen teammate, wondering what had just happened, each whispering amongst themselves.

The she-wolf from the earlier game was the first one to take action as she rushed to the hyena's side, dropping down to one knee.

"Hey, 'Ti," she whispered in a soothing tone, "Are you alright? Did she get you in the gut or something? Lemme see."

The wolf reached out to help Ashanti, but her paw was quickly slapped away by with a small snarl. "Don't!" Ashanti snapped, her voice laced with the whimpers of pain, "I got it." Taken back by the sudden act of aggression, the wolf allowed Ashanti her own space by joining the girls along the fence once again.

"Do you need to go see the nurse, Ashanti?" Mrs. Robertson called out from her seat. Ashanti looked towards Keisha who seemed more bored than concerned with the hyena's well being, then at the otter who had, for once, stopped his note taking and watching her expectantly.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Ashanti climbed back up to her paws and walked back to the baseline, a slight limp to her step. She wanted nothing more than to take it easy after such an attack to her hidden male anatomy, but that would mean that Keisha would have won. The pain would go away sooner or later, but the thought of Keisha getting the last laugh would haunt her for eternity.

Crippled with pain, Ashanti rose her racket and got ready for the serve. She wouldn't let the lioness better her again.


What had happened at the school's shower made Ashanti sick to her stomach. The very thought that Keisha now knew her darkest secret and had complete control over her through it brought about a storm of emotions in Ashanti: Anger at herself, hatred for Keisha, shame, the feeling of being completely helpless and vulnerable.

Following Keisha's instructions, the hermaphrodite hyena made her way towards the lioness' house once she was dried off and dressed in a sports top and sweat pants. It wasn't a terribly long walk, it was just past Ashanti's, a block or two at most, but the feeling of dread that consumed Ashanti with each step she took made the journey seem like an eternity.

The red house, five houses down from the street corner. It looked pretty normal from the outside, everything you'd expect to see from a middle-class owned, four-bedroom, two-bathroom suburb house. Hard to believe that the devil in lion's flesh lived here, Ashanti thought to herself as she walked up to the door and rang the bell.

There was a yell from inside the house and, a moment later, the sound of racing paws approached from the other side soon followed by a pair of golden eyes peeking out from the covered windows. With a small wave, Ashanti flashed as bright of a smile as she could muster before the eyes disappeared again and, moments later, the door was opened a crack.

"Yes?" a small lion cub stood behind the crack of the door, his head fur in a tussled mess as if he had never even heard of the concept of a brush.

"Hi. Is Keisha home?" Ashanti asked the cub. From his size and the sound of his voice, he couldn't have been any older than eight.

"No," the cub said bluntly, watching the hyena with more than a hint of caution.

"....Would it be ok if I waited in her room for her?"

The cub studied Ashanti for a moment, she could tell that he was trying to get a hold of her intentions. He then looked off to the side inside the house before turning his attention back to the hyena and pushing the door open fully.

"This way," he muttered.

Ashanti followed the boy's lead though the house, glancing about at the interior along the way. The house was a bit spartan with lots of open spaces. The windows where all heavily covered with thick curtains, giving the house a dark, mole-like feel to it.

The duo passed by a room where the television was playing loudly, the channel set to some sort of talk show about furs with shocking sexual fetishes. Along the wall was a couch with a rather large lion seated in it. From this angle, Ashanti couldn't see the man's face, but his mane was even more of a mess than the cub's and his tank top was rolled up and over his beer gut as several empty beer cans sat at his paws.

"Shee't," he muttered in a low groan at the television, apparently unaware of Ashanti's presence, "God damned freaks of nature...."

The cub waved his paw at Ashanti, ushering her upstairs and into a room. Pink walls, lacy trimmings, stuffed toys, and posters of fairies. This couldn't have been Keisha's room. She looked down at the lion cub, waiting for him to lead her to the right room, the one with all the torture devices, but he simply looked back at her.

"Better make yourself comfortable," he finally spoke, "She aint going to be getting home for a bit."

Ashanti walked over towards the bed and sat down on the corner. That is, she tried to sit down on the corner, but the bed was like a cloud and she sank into it with but the lightest touch. Finding some form of even ground, she gave a small sigh as the boy crossed his arms and watched her.

"Are you going to stand there the whole time?" Ashanti asked, "I'm not going to be doing anything."

"I'm just making sure of that," he said, "Why do you want to see Keisha so bad?" It was obvious that, even though the kid let her in, he didn't trust Ashanti at all.

"She asked me to come over," she replied, "We have to work on a science project together." The cub simply gave her a look, not buying a word of it.

They both sat in silence for a bit before Ashanti spoke once more, "So, what's your name, big man?"


"Well, Keith, I'm Ashanti," she held her paw out to him with a small smile, "Nice to meet you. I guess you're Keisha's brother."

The cub took the paw and shook it with a small nod. "Yeah, I am."

"You seem like a really good brother, making sure that I'm not going through your sister's stuff and all. Is Keisha a good sister?"

"No," he stated with the same tone he's had since they met, "She likes to bring guys home a lot and yells at me and my dad, but I think she has the right."

"Why's that?"

The cub didn't answer, simply shaking his head in the 'Don't-ask-me-that' fashion.

"Well, were's your mom?" Ashanti attempted to change the subject.

"Gone. To New York with another guy," Keith sighed out from boredom.

It would seem that Ashanti simply couldn't do anything right today. So, instead of asking another uncomfortable question, she sat in silence until they heard the door downstairs open and close with a slam.

"Hey!" the male lion downstairs roared, "Don't slam that fucking door!"

Seconds later, there was a flurry of steps racing up the stairs and Keisha appeared in the room, her eyes focused on Keith.

"Get the fuck out of my room, runt!" she snarled, grabbing the cub by his ear and tossing him into the hallway.

"Ow! Hey! I was just watching that girl!" he whined, pointing towards Ashanti, "She said that you wanted her to come over."

Keisha peered back in the room at Ashanti, the look of anger drawn on her face as she stared at the hyena, but it quickly turned to a smile as she remembered why Ashanti was there in the first place.

"Yeah," Keisha snapped back at the cub, "I asked for her to. Now get lost."

After re-entering the room, Keisha dropped what appeared to be a violin case at the foot of the bed before turning around and closing the door.

"I hope my dad and brother didn't bother you too much," Keisha started as she sat at the other end of the bed.

"No," Ashanti replied, that sick feeling returning to her, "Your brother was alright and your dad didn't even notice me."

"Heh," the lioness chuckled, "Lucky you. I'm happy to see that you were smart enough to do as I said. That's good, really good. I would have hated to tell the entire school about your problem."

"Look, Keisha," Ashanti muttered, "Could you just cut the crap and tell me what the fuck you want from me? I'll do whatever you want."

"That's good," Keisha said, a small purr to her voice a she spoke, " 'Cause I'm gonna ask a lot from you and you'd better give me what I want."

"What is it, then?"

Keisha rose out of the bed and made her way towards the door, placing her paw upon the knob as she locked it with a small click. Turning from the door, she made her way towards the dresser and looked at herself in the mirror, spraying herself down with body spray.

"Here's the deal," she said, tilting her head to the side to get at her neck, "Two months ago, my dad caught me up here in bed with a boy. Ever since then, he has forbidden me from having another boy in the house, that's why Keith was watching you. My dad told him to keep an eye on all of my guests."

"Yeah, and what does that have to do with me?"

"Honestly? Nothing, yet," Keisha mused, leaning in closer towards the mirror as she picked at her teeth, "But, now I have a problem. Since I can't have any guys here anymore, I've had my sex life cut down by more than half. Where I once got it every other day, now....two, three weeks of nothing. It's driving me insane."

"....And?" That sick feeling as growing worse in Ashanti's stomach.

"Isn't it obvious? My problem now becomes your problem." Keisha said with a small chuckle.

"I can't do that!" Ashanti said, jumping up and glaring at Keisha who simply rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"You can and you will," the lioness stated, turning and facing the hyena, "Either that, or I can go and share with all my friends what I know," Keisha reached behind her and grabbed a cell phone from the face of the dresser, "I have twenty of my friend's names saved on this thing. Each of them have twenty saved on theirs and so on. All I have to do is push two buttons and the entire school will know that you are a freak before my dad cracks open another beer."

Ashanti shot a look at the cell phone, moving to hop over the bed towards Keisha. However, in the same amount of time, the lion had already flipped open the phone and held her claw on the call button, a small grin upon her face as she taunted the hyena by snickering, "Wanna test me?"

There was nothing that she could do. Keisha had the upper paw and now had Ashanti completely under her control. This must be what Hell was.

".....But, I'm straight," Ashanti snarled, her paws formed into a fist and her eyes watched her captor as she fought back tears.

"A straight what?" Keisha said with a small snort, slinking away from Ashanti towards the bed again, "Only normal, actual males and females can use terms like straight or gay. You're not any of those. You are a thing to me, an object," Keisha pulled open the drawer of her night stand and pulled out a lavender colored dildo, showing it to Ashanti, "There is nothing different between this and you except I can take you anywhere without my father getting on my ass."

Those words bit deep into Ashanti. All this time, all she ever wanted was to be a normal female. To be thought of as a normal female. Keisha's words only brought Ashanti's own dark thoughts from the recesses of her mind into the light. At last, the tears wouldn't be denied anymore and, with silent sobs, Ashanti held her face in her paw as she slowly slid down into a seat upon the bed.

"C'mon, now," the lioness cooed, slipping around in front of Ashanti, taking the hyena's head into her arms and holding her gently, "It doesn't have to be that bad. All I'm asking of you is to see to it that I get screwed. I'm not asking you to kill anyone," Keisha took hold of Ashanti's chin, tilting it up to look into her eyes, "You could learn to love it. I know that part of you wants to...." As she spoke, Keisha's free paw settled against the hyena's lap, finding the fleshy mass that was hidden underneath, feeling the heft and weight of it against her palm.

With the touch of another, Ashanti's cock sprang to life with anticipation, even with her silently telling it not to, pleading with her own body to not fall victim to the lion's seduction. Her body wasn't having any of it as her sheath started to bloat and her cock began to rise.

"I saw how you went at it in the showers," Keisha purred lightly, softly petting Ashanti's head as she continued to tease her male parts, "I know how much you need it. I bet you haven't even been with another fur, have you?"

Ashanti shook her head in reply, "But I don't want it to be like this," she whispered between tears.

"You don't have a choice. You should be happy that someone is willing to be with you," Keisha said in a sadistic motherly tone before pulling away with a small sway to her hips.

Reaching and grabbing the hem of her shirt, the lioness pulled it up and over her head, letting it fall to the floor before reaching behind her shoulder blades and unfastening her bra. Full and round breasts fell free from their cloth prison, a soft cream color of fur washing over them that were contrasted by the dark, black nipples that poked through.

"So," Keisha started, licking her lips in lusty hunger, "Are ya just going to sit and watch the whole time?"

Sliding off the bed, Ashanti slunk over towards the lioness, falling onto her knees so that the feline tits heaved just in front of her face. It felt awkward....wrong doing this to another female. No, Ashanti corrected herself mentally, not another female. Keisha was the only real female in this room.

The lion gave a small snick as she felt the rough hyena paws upon her chest, awkwardly kneading and massaging them between her fingers. A small chill ran down Keisha's spine as the herm's tongue lapped against one of her exposed nubs, rolling the nipple around as it was coated with cold saliva, causing it to edge out from the fur even more.

"Ok," Keisha said with a bit of heat to her breath, pulling the hyena's head back with a pawful of her hair, "Now you need to work on the lower section."

Keisha quickly unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down her hips with a small shimmy, leaving them where they landed upon the ground. Apparently choosing not to wear underpants today, Keisha was now completely exposed to her herm toy who was reeling from the sudden scent of female arousal.

The lioness purred softly as she pranced over towards the bed, sitting upon it's edge before spreading her legs open as to flash her pink lips at Ashanti. With a small wiggle of a finger, she urged the hyena over and was pleased when Ashanti did just that, leaning back in anticipation.

Placing her paws on Keisha's thighs, Ashanti felt her stomach churn in an odd mixture of disgust and need. The female part, as well as her brain, was telling her that this was all wrong, that this was absolutely repulsive. Her male parts, as well as the rest of her body, said differently as she felt her mouth salivating at the sight of the lioness' sex, her heart raced as she bathed in Keisha's scent.

"I don't have all day," the lion hissed as she pushed the back of Ashanti's head towards her cunt.

At the invitation, Ashanti let down her inhibitions as she rolled Keisha's hips up, giving herself a better view, spreading the lioness' lips open with two of her fingers, watching the moist, pink cunt. Leaning forward, Ashanti lapped at the vent, from bottom to the top. Keisha gave a small shudder at the sudden burst of pleasure, a small giggle escaping her as she thought about how absolutely horrible this all was. Uncertian as to what to do, Ashanti lapped at the sex again, tasting the salty essence that leaked from the lioness.

"Up here," Keisha rasped, snaking her paw down between her legs and softly rolling her own clit with the pad of her finger, "Right here. Nice and gently."

Following the instructions given to her, Ashanti directed her attention towards the white-pink nub of flesh, rolling her tongue over it lightly, earning a rolling moan from Keisha.

"Yesssss," Keisha chuckled through her clenched teeth, groping her own tit in the process, "You got it now."

Ashanti's cock was now painfully erect, her sweat pants keeping it from rasing to it's fullest. Already, she could feel the cool, slick pre-cum leak onto her leg. The hyena moved in closer to her target, darting her tongue over the clit repeatedly before giving it long, soothing laps only to return to the darting once Keisha had started to settle down.

The lion was in absolute heaven. "Oh, God," she mewled, holding the hyena's head against her cunt, grinding her hips up against that wonderful tongue, "Your fingers. Stick'm...stick'm in."

Without the need to be told again, Ashanti took a single finger and traced Keisha's vent, finding the opening to her sex before plunging her pointer and middle fingers in, wriggling them around inside of the warm pocket, seeking out all the spots that Ashanti knew felt good to her in hopes that the lion would feel the same.

Keisha was swimming in complete bliss. Her breath was labored and panting as her sight blurred and hearing muted. She had been with plenty of males in her short time on this earth, but never had she been driven this mad with extasy as now. It took a fur with a cunt to know how to work a cunt. If Ashanti was this good with her muzzle and fingers, her cock had to be amazing.

"Fuck! Oh, fuck!" Keisha wailed, her free paw now tightly gripping her kiddie bed sheets, ripping it off the mattress, "Oh, God....I need you to fuck me now!"

Driven completely by lust and need, Ashanti shot up, quickly untiing her pants and kicking them off as her cock bounced freely in the air, pre spilling from its tip. The hyena didn't even bother with taking her sports top off. Keisha fumbled about on her back and fished out a condom from the night stand, tossing it to the hyena.

"Put it on," she commanded, "I aint try'n to have any kittens."

Ashanti knew that, being a hermaphrodite, she was completely sterile, but she didn't feel the urge to argue right now as the need to cum took higher priority. Ripping open the pack and slipping the rubber over herself, Ashanti scooted up the bed on her knees to meet the lioness, her thick cock in her paw.

Folding her legs up and back, Keisha held out her hand towards the hyena cock, feeling its warmth and thickness, even though the condom, before guiding it into her sex with a wet squelching sound as the head popped past the barrier.

Keisha tilted her head back in a silent moan, feeling herself being invaded as Ashanti slowly slid into her, feeding the cock bit by bit until their hips met.

Ashanti could hardly believe how amazing she was feeling right now. All thoughts of depression and worry were driven aside by this warm, tight lion-cunt and were replaced with euphoria.

The lioness slowly rolled her hips, adjusting herself to the large girth as well as rubbing her inner walls with the length. Placing her arms on either side of Keisha's head, the hyena loomed over her lion lover as she started to pull her hips back, drawing the cock back out from its new found home, only to shove it back in.

"That's it," Keisha urged, placing her paws upon the hyena's hips, one paw taking a hold of that short, stumpy tail, pulling the hyena towards her, "Just like that."

Starting her mating session, Ashanti plowed herself into the warmth of the lioness' cunt over and over, tilting her head back and closing her eyes as she reveled in the pleasure that she both gave and received. The two of them panted and moaned in time of the hyena's motions, their own duet accompanied by the sounds of wet fur slapping against wet fur and a wet sucking noise each time Ashanti pulled out.

"Ooooooh" Ashanti wailed, her head slumping forward as she felt her need grow and her own sack beat against Keisha's cunt as well as her own.

"N-no," Keisha snarled, knowing the signs of near orgasm well, "Not yet!"

With that, Keisha grabbed onto the hyena's arms and wrapped her legs around Ashanti's then rolled over, pinning the hyena underneath. With the new posistion, Keisha found herself in control as she hopped up onto her toes, her paws holding onto Ashanti's shoulders for balance, before pumping her hips up and down over the glorious cock.

"Oh, shit," the lioness mewled, a trail of saliva trickling from the corner of her muzzle, "your so fucking great- Ooooh- Y-you're the best!"

Ashanti found herself unable to do anything but simply take the lion's assault as she stared up at her, watching those tits bounce with each movement that Keisha made, before her back arched and her toes curled.

"I-I'm gonna cum," the hyena muttered through her teeth.

Keisha either didn't hear her or didn't care as she continued to spear herself upon the cock, giggling in pleasure to how good it felt.

Ashanti shut her eyes tight and bit her lip as she felt herself hit the point of no return. Her cock twitched and her cunt shuddered as they both reacted to the on coming orgasm. With a small groan of relief, Ashanti spurted a powerful jet of cum, making the condom even tighter as it quickly filled up with several jets of hyena seed.

But Keisha continued on. She felt Ashanti reach her orgasm, but refused to stop, her body wouldn't let her stop. It was just too good. She had to have her own orgasm first, no matter what.

Still finding herself beneath the lioness, Ashanti looked expectantly at Keisha, waiting for her to stop. But, as she waited, the euphoria that the rutting generated quickly left, making Keisha's fucking more and more uncomfortable. The constant assault of sexual attention kept Ashanti's cock erect, but she could feel herself being rubbed raw, the once intimate touches now painful to her now sensitive cock.

"Kiesha," Ashanti gasped out sa she tried to catch her breath, "I, I need to take a break. It's starting to hur-"

The hyena was cut short as she received a sharp jab to the nuzzle, causing her to yelp loudly. She held her nose, tasting blood trickle into the back of her throat, as she watched Keisha continue on, still riding her waves of bliss, as it nothing had happened.

"It'll teach you to come before me," the lioness panted, her tongue hanging out of her muzzle as she dipped her head down, glaring at the hyena who had tears forming in her eyes. With a small snicker at how pathetic Ashanti looked, the lion hilt the cock in herself and gyrated her hips around it as she reached between her legs and massaged her clit, determined to still have her orgasm.

Visibly wincing in pain, Ashanti could only wait for Keisha to finish. Before, she had gotten caught up in the moment and had thought that, perhaps, Keisha might of had feelings for her. But, watching the lioness use her now, it was obvious that she was right when she said that Ashanti was nothing more than a toy to her.

After a few moments, Keisha's breath grew spontaneous and her back arched before she shuddered violently from a silent orgasm, her cunt rippling around the still erect, if battered, cock. As her own juices mixed with the escaped hyena cum between their two groins, Keisha purred loudly, slowly settling herself down to lay against Ashanti, panting and short of breath.

"If it's any constellation," Keisha finally managed to say, "You were fun."

"Can I go now?" Ashanti pleaded, still holding her bruised snout.

"Yeah, sure," Keisha huffed, sitting back up and raising off the quickly deflating cock, letting it drop out of her with a slurp before grabbing her cell phone, "But, while you're here, what's your cell phone number?"

"What? Why?" Ashnti asked, sitting up on the bed, feeling sticky between her legs.

"So that I can call you whenever I feel like I need you to do that again for me," she said very matter-of-fact-ly, "So, what it is it?"

"What!?" Ashanti shouted, muffled by her own paw holding her bloody nose.

"Oh, come on! You didn't think that I wanted to fuck you just that one time, did you? When ever I need a cock in me and I can't get to one of my boys, I'll call you up and you'll set me right," She grinned, "Sorta like a cock-on-call. And, after today, I know that you'll be a good hold over. So, its either the number or the other option."

Ashanti dipped her head as she thought it over, but eventually muttered out the digits to her phone, feeling cheated the whole time.

"Excellent," Keisha said after saving it in the phone. Glancing over at Ashanti, she grabbed a waste bin and held it out towards Ashanti, "Might wanna take that rubber off and toss it in here."

With a snort, the hyena tore the condom off of herself, a few droplets of cum splattering on the floor before she tossed it into the trash can.

"And use this," the lioness suggested as she tossed a body spray towards the hyena, "Don't want my dad smelling cock and pussy as you leave."

Giving it a few sprays, Ashanti made short work of it, not really caring if her father knew or not.

"Ok," Keisha mused, giving the hyena a small dismissive wave of her paw, "You can leave now."

After putting her pants back on, Ashanti unlocked the door and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind herself. She glanced down the hallway, spying Keith who stared right back at her. He probably had heard what they did and figured out why Keisha wanted her over. He didn't say anything about it though, he simply watched as the hyena made her walk of shame down the stairs.

By now, the old man was passed out, a completely different show on now. He snored loudly, loud enough to block out any noises the two might have made upstairs. With a small shake of her head, Ashanti walked out the front door, making her way back home. She needed to take a shower....if only to try and wash away the hate she now had for herself.


"Set point, Keisha."

The last two points were easily taken by the lioness. Having maimed Ashanti, she was no where as quick as she should have been. It was like shooting a goldfish with a shotgun.

"Maybe you should just stop now, freak," Keisha called out as the two of them walked past the other, exchanging court sides.

"Maybe you should choke on my dick," Ashanti muttered.

"Oh, how appropriate!"

Honestly, Ashanti was thankful that they were changing courts, it allowed her a chance to deal with the pain from Keisha's attack. Already, her groin felt better, but there was still a bit of a dull pressure when she stepped too far out. She'd have to work twice as hard just to keep up now.


This story and it's character's are the property of Maya Phillips (me me me). The situations that take place in this story are purely from my imagination. In otherwords, if you don't like it, don't bitch at Yiffstar, bitch at me. I would also like to...

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Gene Splice-Water Works

(Note: f/f, Hyena, Bat, character development, oral, 69, public sex) \*Disclaimer\* This is a fictional story. The character of "Shade" belongs to her owner and the setting, situation and the character of "Shakarri" belong to the author, AKA Maya...

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