Chapter 3: Closets and Bikers

Story by hyenapurple on SoFurry

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#3 of Zebrouse Chronicles

Chapter 3 of Zebrouse Chronicles. I'm sorry for everyone who is expecting there to be a lot of hot sex in this chapter because there isn't. I've decided to start forming a story and thus the sexy stuff kind of took a back seat. Don't worry it will come back soon just not in this chapter.

I pouted and tried to give the biggest puppy dog eyes I could but they were having no affect on Becky as she stood resolute. The large crocodile kept her arms crossed over her chest as she silently told me no.

"Please?" I begged.


"But why not?"

Becky sighed. "I've let it slide enough. You can't go out with Jay till he gets out of the closet and commits to being himself."

"Come on Becky. It's just a date. You didn't have any problem with letting us go out for the past few weeks. If I remember correctly you gave us a very sincere wave off on Valentine's Day." Jay said from the hallway as Becky blocked his entrance into the apartment.

Becky ignored Jays comment and kept staring down at me. Her face was serious and resolute.

"Yeah, what about Valentine's Day?" I asked finding a bit of my confidence.

Becky gave me a look. "And you came back so bloated with spunk you stank like a cheap whore for two weeks. I've let this slide enough. I'm putting my foot down. Your boyfriend upholds his promise or breaks up with you and that's final."

"That's not fair. I love him!" I blushed as I realized what I had shouted and I turned away from Becky. She did have a point from a logical perspective but emotionally I couldn't let him go even if we had to hide our relationship for all of time. I was so confused and in love.

"Fine. I'll tell the gang today. My parents tonight."

Becky rounded on Jay. "I've heard you say that before. How do I know you aren't telling lies again?"

Jay raised his chin to my terrifying and much larger roommate. "Because that's going to be our date. I'm going to take Chris to meet my friends and family and tell everyone that I'm a fucking fag."

My roommate didn't move for a moment as she inspected my boyfriend. I had to pull on her tail to get her to make a decision. "That's acceptable. But if I don't hear anything through the grape vine I'll lock Chris in his room till he's over you."

"Hey! You can't do that." I kicked at Becky's reptilian legs but my foot only bounced off like it was a wet pool noddle. Despite the failed assault I still had my courage. "I love Jay and you can't make me stop loving him."

The croc rounded on me with a grin. "I set you up. I can tear you apart as well. It will be a hard few weeks but I can make you move past him and set you up with someone else. Go on and try me."

I gave Becky a defiant look and stood my ground. She sighed and shrugged her arms before slinking off to sit at a stool at the kitchen bar. "Fine but make sure he come out of his fucking closet. It will be better for both of you in the long run. And be safe around his friends. Some of them can be ... dangerous."

I turned to Jay and pushed Becky's warning to the back of my mind. Jay stood in the door in his usually biker leather and white under shirt. His blue fur worked really well with the outfit and he looked even more stunning since I convinced him to start grooming his facial fur with more care. The way he stood hinted at his huge masculine canine package just under the leather. And I loved the way his blue and white husky tail curled up behind him.

"Why don't you go get dressed beautiful and I'll take you for a motorcycle ride?"

Jay's masculine voice shocked me from my trance and I blushed as I was only wearing a black thong. But this was normal and I resisted the urge to cover myself and instead reached forward to take Jay's hand. "Why don't you come in while I do that?"

My husky boyfriend hesitated with a glance at my croc roommate before stepping in and letting the door close behind him. I pulled at his wrist and guided him to the bedroom I shared with Becky. I ignored the urge to not let him in but he'd already seen the mess of the bedroom enough to have expected it.

My corner of the room was neat and tidy if a bit full while the rest was a mess of Becky's stuff. We stepped over her clothing, discarded makeup and tons of questionable sex toys. Jay nearly fell when he stepped on an orca whale dong and it rolled.

I sat Jay down on the bed and smiled at him. "You're really going to tell everyone about us? You know you don't have to. I can survive through Becky's torture."

Jay cupped my cheek. "You don't have to do that. I should have told everyone a long time ago."

"Thank you." I hugged my boyfriend with a tight embrace. I could feel him getting excited as I sat on his lap during our embrace. I broke the embrace and stood before him. "Someone deserves a treat."

I blush as I slowly lowered my thong to the ground and stepped out of it. Jay was transfixed by my body and I love that look in his eyes. One of lust and love mixed together. His eyes followed my waist and hips and settled on my unusual member. My equine shaft twitched visibly.

Jay reached out and cupped my hip. He ran his hand over my stripped grey fur and marveled at the soft feel of mouse in his paws. I couldn't help but giggle as he ran his hand up to under my arm. I'm surprised when he cupped my flat boy chest and squeezed where a women would have had a voluptuous breast.

"You are so sexy my zebrouse."

I giggled again at the term for my rare and as far as I knew unique hybridization. Mom was a zebra and I never knew dead beat mouse dad. "I'm not that sexy."

"Oh you have no idea how sexy you are. My friends are going to be so jealous."

I leaned in and kissed Jay before stepping out his reach and walking over the huge walk in closest I shared with my roommate. I was sure half her outfits were on the floor but mine were all neatly hung up. I kept the door open so Jay could watch as I got dressed.

When I returned Jay was frowning at me. "Can't you wear anything more ... oh I don't know ... girly?"

I shook my head as I twirled showing off my tight blue jeans, pink tee shirt, black boots and plain black leather jacket. "Your friends are in your biker gang so I want to look the part. Good impressions and all."

Jay sighed agreeing silently.

"Hey don't get your hopes down. Look here." I undid the jeans and showed my boyfriend the tight pink panties I had on under them. When he stared I close the jeans which still left a visible bulge showing my extra ordinary size. "I'm ready to go lover boy."

Jay stood and had to lean over a bit to kiss me. "Let's go lover girl."

I giggled and Jay lifted me. My strong husky carried me carefully down to his motorcycle parked in the alley next to my building and he sat me right in front of himself. The motorcycle always scared the pants off me. On our first ride I had been sitting behind him and before we even hit forty I had almost fallen off twice. Since then I sat on the bike like I was riding a bomb that could go off at any moment. Jay would hold me from behind and make sure I didn't fall off.

I felt Jay drop the pink helmet he got me on my head and I quickly buckled it before returning to battling my fears. Jay rubbed himself against my back which helped and within a few motions the bike roared to life.

Paralyzed by fear I tried my hardest to not be a burden as Jay started moving us. I paid attention to every turn and motion as he slowly drove us out of the city. I knew he was just itching to rev the engine and race off but was just holding back for me and that meant a lot.

Soon the city skyline was behind us and the roads became wider as more and more nature was allowed to grow. The cars changed from mostly black or yellow to every color and Jay navigated the roads from memory. He was avoiding the major highways for me but we still made good time on the winding routes. When I had all but given up on figuring out where we where Jay steered us off the road and into a parking lot.

The parking lot served only two establishments. The first a shabby looking bar and pool hall which looked like it had seen nicer days but was still loved and cared for. The other was a mechanics shop off in the far corner of the lot. It looked like the garage got more use then the bar till Jay drove around to the back of the stout drinking establishment. Three neat and evenly spaced rows of bikes of all shapes and sizes were precisely parked.

Jay drove up to just next to a back door and into a space that seemed like it had been waiting for his bike. Then again based on the tidbits I'd heard about his life in the recreational motor gang he was one of the leaders so the reserved real estate was to be expected. The roar of the engine died and Jay caught me as the bike tilted onto its stand.

"Watch out there. Don't go falling off just as we get here."

I smiled and happily hopped off the metal death trap. The ground wobbled under me and it took my legs a moment to adjust to the solid ground. I stretched my back. "Good solid land."

Jay chuckled as he got off the bike. "You might want to learn to like riding. It's a part of me and I'm not giving it up."

With as much speed as I could I turned on my boyfriend. "Who do you think I am? I'd never think of making you give it up. That would just be mean."

"Thanks cutie."

"You better be. Anything I got to know before you introduce me to your big bad gang?"

"Not really." Jay scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well I build this gang myself. Even bought the bar and shop over there. It's kind of my domain. The guys are kind of old fashioned so I don't know how they will take the news but hopefully all will be good."

I nodded impressed. "Don't worry I'm here for you. So ready to go in?"

Jay's face visibly paled. Then again I would have been scared as well if I was about to tell my friends I was gay for the first time. That's excluding the fact that they were a road toughened biker gang. In addition based on the bikes, at a minimum of one per a person I guessed there were probably like 50 people inside.

I stepped up to Jay and took his hand and smiled up to him. He returned a shaky smile and started to lean in. I started to move to meet the kiss when the door slammed open and Jay dropped my hand.

I was thrown back by a flash of grey fur pushing past and attacking Jay. A bike stopped me from falling to the ground and I quickly stood back up. What I saw had me stunned in place.

A wolf almost as big as Jay was totally entangled with him in a weird carry embrace. She wore all leather and was rubbing herself against my boyfriend. "You're late. I was starting to get worried that you'd skipped out with some floozy again and decide to ditch us."

I coughed and Jay looked at me. He gave me a sorry expression as he held both himself and the she wolf upright. "We were taking the scenic route, Hannah. Took a bit longer then I expected to get here."

At the mention of 'we' the she wolf got off Jay and looked around till she found me. I stood straight and unmoving as she looked me up and down with a snarl in her throat. On her second look she took a long look at my crotch and then lost the snarl and her features soften. I could now see the very traditionally beautiful but still powerful features. Those added to her near perfect body and she could easily have been a model.

She smiled at me and then tapped me on my shoulder. "So this is your friend that you wanted to introduce to us. He's cute I guess but not really Canine Road material. Where did you find this guy anyways? Looks like he's still getting dressed by his mother?"

I pushed her hand away as she made to grab my pink shirt. Jay was of no help as he just stood there totally not knowing what to do. "No. I dressed myself."

Hannah laughed at that and gave me a bit of a shove backward. "You picked that out for yourself. What are you a fag?"

Jay cringed but Hannah didn't see the expression as she stared me down. I looked her back in the eye feeling not at all comfortable and more like I was cornered pray. I opened my mouth to tell her that I was into all genders when the door flew open again.

A second wolf stepped out nonchalantly and looked us over. He had an air of power that told everyone he was an alpha. But his aura was more of one of experience and subtle strength which was very different from Becky's alpha aura of cold calculating will and domination by birthright. This alpha had earned his aura, he had not been born to it.

"Hannah here you are. You're tables aren't going to wait themselves now are they?"

The female wolf dropped her head a bit and submitted. Before walking slowly back inside with a sigh she gave Jay a peck on the cheek which he didn't seem to notice. We watched her go all except Jay who was looking at the sky with interest. I knew he could feel my questioning glare.

I wasn't mad. Ok. I was a bit mad. But not because he let Hannah do that. More that he didn't warn me. And I was a bit jealous of her for being so open with her feelings in public. Something that came hard to me. I tapped my foot as I waited for Jay not going to let him ignore what just happened.

"You don't have to worry about her. She's the only 'jumpy' one in this bunch. She's really a good girl once you get to know her." The alpha wolf said as he miss read Jay's and my relationship but at the same time did pick up I was perturbed by Hannah's actions and not being warned. The powerful wolf stepped up to me and held out a hand, "The name's Martin but people round here call me Boss."

That had me a bit confused. "Boss? I thought this was all Jay's?"

Martin chuckled. "Yeah it's a bit complicated. I run the gang day to day and rule with an iron claw while Jay's more everyone's big brother best friend. He's also my second in command and the only one I tolerate insubordination from."

"Oh." So if Martin was the father figure then Jay was kind of like the mother of this gang of grown men. The thought made me grin. I bet I could tease Jay into wearing just an apron and match him to the image in my imagination. I took Martin's hand and we shook. His grip was firm and he quickly backed off on the strength when I didn't squeeze at all.

My dainty handshake had Martin a little off balance and I gave him a reassuring smile. He looked at his hand as if inspecting it for a defect. "It's nice to meet you 'Martin'. I'm Chris. Jay's ... uh ... friend."

At the mention of his name Jay seemed to return to earth. He walked up to Martin and they gave each other a manly hug with many hard slaps on the back. "Where have you been Blue Jay?"

The nickname was definitely a good fit for my blue husky but I suppressed a giggle. I waited for the two bikers to break their manly embrace.

"How about we take this inside?" Martin suggested. Jay looked at me and I shrugged not really caring what he did. This was his big moment not mine; I was just here for the support. I stepped up beside him and took his hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze.

Martin looked at us quizzically. Jay squeezed my hand and then let it go and I could see Martin hide his curiosity. The wolf turned and walked inside throwing the door open as he went. Jay followed and waved me to enter as well. I followed behind the husky and entered the establishment.

I was immediately greeted by the smell of fried food, stale beer and old smoke. I coughed as my nose adjusted to the smells and I could breathe calmly. Jay and Martin walked forward and as I tried to catch up I took in my surroundings. We were walking a narrow hallway past two restrooms on one side and a door marked office on the other. The walls were covered in unframed pictures just hung haphazardly. A large number had my boyfriend with a girl an arm. I couldn't see any pattern as each picture had a different women but they were all at least an eight and he wasn't holding any part of her that made them look all too intimate. Then again I knew he used to pick up chicks for a weekend just to establish the image of his fake heterosexuality.

Past the small dark hallways we emerged into a large main room. To one side was a long bar and double doors into a kitchen. The center of the room was dominated by three pool tables with worn felt and balls still in play. Stools and thin but tall tables ringed the empty space around the pool tables. Finally there was a small section of deep booths against two walls and light fell in from huge windows right behind the booths. The ceiling was the bare rafters and raw wood seemed to be the style of choice as wood panel walls could be seen all around with pin ups of scantily or absently clad women nailed to them.

The room was packed with leather clad bikers. Mostly male. Mostly wolves and other canines but I made out a few other species including a frog, an eagle and two lizards. After a second look around I realized they weren't all men but there was the odd biker female as well. But still everyone had that tough aura that said don't mess with me and suddenly I was even more uncomfortable.

When heads turned out way I could have sworn they could smell the fear on me. My heart beat faster and I felt a cold chill up my spine as my fur stood on end. I stayed close behind Jay as he and Martin walked up to the end of the bar where two seats seemed to be reserved just for them. All the others were occupied.

Instead of sitting Martin slipped around the bar and offered the second to last seat to me with a gesture and I pulled myself up. Jay slid onto the end seat and put his hands on the bar.

I was keenly aware of my jeans bending down in the back and I made as if adjusting my jacket to make sure my girly apparel was covered. Nothing to be done about the pink shirt but now I was regretting not wearing something more bland instead. I felt I was wearing a big sign which read 'Sissy here!'

"Regular for Blue Jay and what can I get you boy?"

It took me a second to realize Martin was offering me a drink. I gulped and gripped the edge of the wooden bar with my claws. "Just water."

"Still got that bottle of Bourbon we won off Ted?" Jay asked Martin before the wolf could question my choice. Martin nodded and squinted at Jay inspecting the husky. After a second he reached back and pulled down an unopened bottle that was alone on the top shelf as if in a place of honor and placed it before Jay. The wolf produced two glasses and another glass of tap water for me.

I could see the white particles swirling in the water and decided to only hold it as a way to stop my hands from fidgeting instead of daring to drink the questionable contents.

Martin leaned on the bar across from Jay and looked at his friend intently. Jay couldn't meet the alpha's gaze and instead focused on opening the bottle of alcohol. Things seemed intense and the weird aura our party was giving off was drawing attention.

People looked at us. Most pretended to not show interest but given how the room of clicking pool balls, loud conversations and hardy laughter had died down to a whispered hush in which each strike on the pool table was easily discernable.

"What's up Blue Jay? You seem off."

Jay ignored the question and worked on un-stoppering the bottle. The bottle opened with a pop and Jay quickly poured a large slosh into both glasses and quickly downed his in a single swig. Martin on the other hand only took a small slow sip as Jay refilled his glass.


Jay sighed and looked the Alpha in the eyes. The liquid courage seemed to have worked as Jay's confident aura returned. "I've got something to tell you."

Martin leaned on the bar and took another sip waiting.

Jay took a deep breath and I knew he knew everyone was straining to here our conversation. He took another sip of courage. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey'ya again!"

Jay was pushed forward against the bar as out of nowhere Hannah jumped on his back. Martin snatched the bottle of whisky and his glass to safety but the glass in Jay's hand spilled what was left of its measly contents on the bar.

Hannah was hanging on my boyfriend again and rubbed her cheek against the back of his head. Now I was pissed. Jay had been so close and this bimbo had interrupted resetting him back to his unsure self. Martin saw this as well and he growled. "Sister dear why don't you be a good bitch and do your job. Jay and I have to talk."

Hannah frowned but got off Jay and headed though the kitchen door that was still swinging from her previous passage. She gave me another look over as if sizing me up and trying to figure out my deal as she went. Her gaze gave me a very uneasy feeling in my gut like she was dangerously close to popping the lid on Jay's secret but had yet to make the last few connections. Jay didn't have long to control the situation. She'd figure out we were an item and I had the feeling her brain was directly wired to her mouth.

With her gone I reached over and placed a hand on Jay's arm. "There's only one way to do this. Tear the Band-Aid off quickly. Or don't do it at all. I can survive Becky's wrath."

"Whoa there! You're Becky's friend?" Martin asked.

I nodded to the wolf and resumed holding my water glass with both hands. "Actually she's my roommate."

"Damn boy. You must have a pair the size of grapefruits. She's one hell of a monster. I'd never want to get on her bad side." Martin held up his glass to me and I quickly took my glass and clinked it against his. But when he sipped the rest of his bourbon I just put my glass down.

"Actually they are a bit bigger." Jay said nonchalantly while he poured himself another few fingers of courage.

I stared at him slack jawed. Martin just laughed before quickly stopping when he picked up on the serious air Jay was giving off. I closed my mouth and blushed as I turned my attention back to my glass.

"Wait you don't mean." Martin pointed at Jay then slid his finger to me and then back to Jay. The pieces in his head were sliding into place.

"Yeah." Jay reached over and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him. "Chris here is my boyfriend."

"But that would mean you're ..."

"Gay. Yes I am." Jay downed another glass of courage and stared at the surprised alpha wolf.

The room was silent and I knew everyone had heard Jay's confession. Everything seemed frozen in place as people processed Jay's words. My ears stood at attention as I listened for the slightest hint of sound in the still room. I didn't dare turn to look behind me. As I strained the only thought I had was the one of how the misunderstood ranger companion in fantasy novels always sat in the dark corner so he could see everything but everyone couldn't necessary see him.

Wood hit wood and glass shattered. "Fucking Fag!"

I turned quickly to see one of the tables had been knocked over and a beefy dalmatian with a gut was stomping over. I looked at Jay but he hadn't moved and was pouring another drink. It was Martin who stopped the dalmatian when out of nowhere he casually walked in front of him and stood there with his arms behind his back.

"Move Martin and let me take out these pieces of trash and teach them a lesson." The dalmatian cracked his knuckles and slipped on a pair of brass knuckles. My heart pounded in my chest and I felt like grabbing Jay's hand and running for the door.

Martin let out a low growl as he looked at the dalmatian. "There will be none of that. We're all brothers here."

"I'm no brother to a fucking homo!"

Martin growled louder. "John!"

The dalmatian looked at Martin with malice in his eyes. "Get out of the way Boss. Someone needs to keep the scum out of here. I don't want to hurt you."

John's argument seemed to have picked up some supporters as a few of the other gang members backed him up. The group now stood six strong right in front of Martin and they were all itching and stretching for a fight.

"Stand down John. Jay is one of us and you will treat him with the same respect you always have."

Martin's words were greeted with a chuckle from the growing eight strong group. John pushed Martin with a hand to the shoulder which the alpha wolf shrugged off. "There is no way I'm being buddy-buddy with a dirty fag who just want into my pants."

I actually chuckled at that and all attention in the room snapped to me. I blushed. After a moment of awkward silence I knew I now had to answer for my outburst. "Trust me no one wants in your pants. I'm surprised they even want to hang out with you given your clear disregard for basic hygiene and lack of any attention to maintaining your body."

A blood vessel bulged on John's face at my exaggerated insult. The dalmatian took a step toward me but Martin again placed himself in the dog's path.

"Go sit down John." John didn't move so Martin continued, "Your fear of anything different from you is noted, you blubbering redneck. Now take your inbreed ass and sit down or leave."

John swung at Martin but before his armed fist could hit the alpha wolf there was a shattering of glass. John reached up to his head and grabbed at the shards that had embedded themselves in his forehead. Blood ran in rivulets down his cheek and he screamed.

I tried to squeeze the glass of water in my hands only to find it wasn't there anymore. Instead it was in pieces some of which were a quarter of an inch into a dog's skull. I hopped off the stool and out of the corner of my eye I could see Jay track me as he turned around finally.

Martin was the first to recover from the shock and he slammed a fist into John's jay. The dalmatian slumped onto a knee and Martin stood over him. "We are not hateful pricks here. We're a family of brothers who found each other. Family accepts one another and if you can't do that then you are no longer welcome."

Martin addressed the room. "No one's saying you need to agree with Jay's choices but you have to respect them. If any of you can't then there's the door. Leave and don't come back around these parts again."

Martin ended his speech by kicking John in the face which toppled the dalmatian onto his back. When Martin glared at John's back up most of them returned to sitting down but one stayed up right and stared down the alpha wolf. He was a small fat pig and he spat at Martin's feet before helping John up and stomping out of the back door with his buddy. Everyone watch them go and all was still and quite for a few moments after they left till we heard a pair of bikes roar to life and sputter away.

Martin looked at everyone in the room till they all bowed there head in submission before he turned to Jay and I. He gave us a broad smile. "Jay, Jay, Jay. This explains a lot. Like why you couldn't keep a girl more than a week before growing bored with them." The air quotes around 'bored' along with the stressed emphasis brought a few chuckles back to the dismal atmosphere.

Martin walked up to me. "You've got good arm there boy. Let me be the first to formally welcome you to Canine Road. We'll skip the initiation for now."

I smiled and could see some of the life return to my boyfriend as he gave a small smile. "Thanks but I'm not much of a biker."

"Don't worry. We'll get you riding like a hell hound soon enough."

"God no!" I said. "You couldn't get me to drive one of those death traps if my life depended on it! I'll stick to my Prius."

The atmosphere picked up and there was a roar of laughter at my comment.

"You know we are a biker gang right?" Martin asked me.

"Yeah he knows." Jay said finally returning to the conversation. "He's just here for me. You should see him when he's on my bike. Stiff as a board and scared to the point that I'm sure if I went above 50 he'd have a heart attack."

Martin walked around to behind the bar thus removing the alpha barrier between Jay and I and the rest of the gang. This was taken as a sign that others could now approach. They was a lot of hesitation until one of the biker girls approached from a corner. She was also a wolf with all white fur and deep blue eyes.

"Marsha. Welcome to the gang." She grabbed my pink shirt before I could do anything. "You hurt Jay and I'll skin you. Got it."

I gulped. "Don't worry. I don't plan on it."

Marsha smiled and let go of me then turned to Jay and slapped him. "Don't fuck this one up."

When Marsha returned to her place and a throng of the rest of the gang started to come up to us. I lost track of the names and faces in the barrage and was barely able to keep up with just shaking hands. Most of them seemed curious and hesitant. There were also a few apologies thrown into the pile of introductions from those I recognized from John's support.

I smiled and shook hands and Jay was falling into what I guessed was his normal self with these guys as they made verbal and physical playful jabs at each other. "So now guess we won't be taking bets on how long you'll be keeping those women for anymore." "Who would have guessed that the playboy raced for the other team?" "Can you give us the number for that vixen, you know the one with the really long hair?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Martin. "Sorry about earlier. I'm glad Jay found you."

I nodded and Martin gave my shoulder a pat.

"Again welcome to the club boy."

"Actually Chris is my girlfriend." The room was silent as it processed Jay's words. Then it roared again with laughter.

I gave Martin a blushing smile. It was easier to explain it to one person then the group. "Boy parts. Inside I'm a bit boy and a bit girl."

"Ahhhh." Martin patted me on the shoulder before walking off to talk and get more drinks for everyone. I'm sure my comment went over most people's head but they shrugged it off to process later. The half a dozen biker girls seemed more interested in me now as they watched me. I had a feeling they were assessing me given my nebulous gender revelation.

My head snapped to the side as a chill ran up my spine and I looked for the danger. I couldn't see anything past the throng of people milling around. All seemed right till a wolf stood before me. There was anger in her eyes and before I could do anything I felt a pinching at my stomach.

I staggered back and she growled at me. I felt a warm wetness on my front and looked at Hannah shocked. Her hand reached up and I could see her claws. In a flash she was knocked away and Martin pinned her to the wall as I grabbed for the stool behind me.

I couldn't find the stool and without support fell to the ground. I reached toward the wet part on my stomach and found something solid sticking out of me. It was at this point that I noticed the shouting that was filling the room.

Hannah was cursing and struggling as she called me a whore and much worse names. Martin was screaming for her to shut up as he pinned her against the wall. Jay was standing wide eyed over me with a slack jaw not knowing what to do. Marsha was alternating between yelling into a cell phone and ordering the chaotic group of bikers to back up.

I grabbed the knife sticking into my waist. I just held it as I wondered where the pain was. I smiled up at Jay. "Why doesn't it hurt?"

Jay's face faded as I felt his hands start to hold me and I giggled. "Everything's turning a greyish purple."

Birthday Bowling

"Time to get up babe." Quincy felt a hand rub against his shoulder and rock him to and fro. He moaned as he started to wake. With one squinting eye he checked the clock next to his bed. 2:11 too early. Quincy began to snuggle back onto his pillow when...

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Chapter 2: A New Year

I was shaken from my thoughts as someone pushed on me roughly. I sat up throwing the covers off and snapped at the intruder, "What?!" Marcy stepped back shocked by my sudden outburst. She was one of Becky's party crew. Which meant she was another one...

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Chapter 1: Christmas Lovers

"No!" I squeaked as I tried to struggle away. "I won't do it." Becky growled at me as she pinned me to the floor with her strong arms. Her massive crocodile build way outmatched my smaller mouse body. "Chris, if you don't keep still you're going to...

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