Gray And Valkyrie - Chapter Three - Light Type

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Transcender: Gray

As usual, it's not proof read, as usual, I'm not happy with it. I wrote the majority of this while in a complete daze, so I can't really say much... I'm not feeling too good. Right. I need to go and pass out. Hope you enjoy it.

Gray and Valkyrie â€" Chapter Three â€" Light Type

Erin: I refuse to follow the path which I have been set upon.

Gray sighed as Erin concluded his report, leaning back against the wall of the corridor and staring down towards the entranceway. The complex was indeed immense, from the private chambers of the guardians to the dormitories of the apprentices; the building carved itself into the mountainside. He could see a group of youngsters around the entrance, perhaps not much lesser of age than he was when he first pacted with Valkyrie. The man turned as they disappeared into the light of day, facing an unimpressed Yuri, "You could at least try to look interested. This is serious."

He glanced her up and down, eyes trailing idly over jeans and a pink tank top, noting the brown of her hair as roots grew out beneath the dye. His stupor remained as he settled upon staring into her dark gaze, "I get it, already. It's an important mission, right?"

Erin stepped between them as Yuri fumed, "We're conducting this search and rescue mission within known Remnant territory... It's our best chance of finding our missing comrades." He set his jaw, remembering the body of a certain lightning user on the rocks, "Karin is only the latest to disappear... We've been losing units in those mountains for a long time."

Yuri turned away, "I have some research to do..." She began to walk, white scarf bobbing behind her, "You said that you wanted to speak to Master Erin in private, right Gray? Go ahead." The girl disappeared around a corner, leaving Erin to lean forwards expectantly.

"Master..." He began.

"No." His teacher removed his glasses, cleaning them idly with his scarf, "You heard the commander earlier, from today on, the three of us are one unit and of equal rank." He smiled, shaking dark hair from his eyes before sliding his glasses back on, "Erin will be just fine."

"Erin." Gray spoke on even grounds awkwardly, "I was wondering... Do fire types have any healing techniques?" He looked away, "I don't mean the wound transferring skill... I mean actual restoring."

He looked Gray in the eyes, "No." He raised an eyebrow at Gray's confusion, "Actually... I guess you could use..." He seemed pensive for a few moments, "No, there's nothing that I can think of. Sorry." He bowed his head slightly.

"Hey, don't apologise Mas- uh, Erin." Gray bowed in turn, "I just wanted to ask you since you're a fire type like me." He smiled.

"I'm not a fire type." Erin stroked the pink of his scarf, a few shades off his comrades red, "I'm a lake type." He grinned at the lost look of his former student, "We removed the study of lake techniques from the syllabus, since the only two around at the moment are myself and the commander."

"What can you do?" He asked, "Lake... Is it like the water Gua or something?"

"You've never watched me fight, have you? I guess you'll see soon enough." He chuckled, "Was there anything else?"

Gray rummaged in the pockets of his jeans for a few moments, retrieving a small slip of paper, "That cave I was holding up in with Val... These names were on the roof: Gin Kyanar, Lucile Vreas."

"Ah..." Erin placed an arm about him, steering Gray down the corridor before releasing and walking beside him, "I can help you with that one. I know both of them."

"Who are they?" He took a seat in the entranceway, following Erin's lead of simply flopping down, "I mean... The scorch marks looked like the ones I make as a dragon."

Erin cleared his throat, "Quite some time ago, there was a genius fire type, Lucile... She was extraordinary, passing beyond the limits of an apprentice before she was even partnered." He leaned back in his chair, "We had more contact with the dragons back then... One of them donated an egg, the result becoming her partner. She named him Gin, and his bloodline was Kyanar."

"What happened to them?" His interest was maintained for a change.

"It was almost twenty years back, I had only just pacted with Sakura..." He sighed, "They're the reason that I know the punishment for mating with your partner." Erin fixed him with a serious look, "She was using the change ability in the same manner that you were... Like mass didn't matter at all... And I saw where it got her."

Gray gulped audibly. "They killed Gin?"

"Wrong." Erin shook his head, "They couldn't defeat him... So they bled Lucile out instead." His gaze fixated upon the floor, "Even though they did so much for the institute, because of ‘tradition' they were cut down... You can still see some of the marks that dragon made on the east mountain facing as he fought for his mate. And the crater where he fell from the sky as she died."

"That's terrible."

"It must be fate that you found one of their hideaways..." The older man caught his eyes, staring into the crimson, "Gin... You used that name as an alias once, didn't you? It's a strange coincidence since your dragon looks so much like he did." Erin leaned close, whispering into the silver-white of his hair, "Indeed, you are the spitting image of your father."


Gray pushed the oak of the door, his sigh lost in the drawn out squeak of its hinges. The room wasn't a bad size for shared quarters, easily fitting two beds and an array of furniture. Typically, the side of the room which he occupied was a mess. The bed unmade, clothes spread about its foot, it looked very much the home of a young male. The other side was a remarkable contrast, a tidy and pristine polar opposite, all additional space occupied by an array of books and artistry equipment. Yuri glanced up as he entered, sat at a small wooden desk, her face buried in a picture book, her ‘research'. She pointed down at the mess, "You are the worst roommate in the history of ever."

Gray rolled his eyes, beginning to gather his things and toss them haphazardly into a chest, "Why they regarded us as good partners, I've no idea. Our personalities clash completely." He continued to work silently as she flicked a few pages in her book.

"You're untidy, noisy... You wake me up at ridiculous hours." She swiveled on her chair, "What on earth are you doing visiting your wyvern at four in the morning?" Yuri dropped the book onto her bed, working on aligning a few misshaped pieces of wood before balancing her sketchpad on them. She looked over, noting his expression before changing tone completely, "Gray, are you alright?" Genuine concern laced her voice.

The man didn't look up, "I'm fine." Having finished with his clothes, he fished a small white crystal sphere from the ground, observing it slowly turn crimson before placing it onto his bedside table. Valkyrie had presented him with the odd stone as a gift on that same fateful Christmas that she'd managed to set him alight. He chuckled in memory, her voice was so full of pride as she called it ‘Dracite', his mood broke somewhat.

"You still have to fill in your side of that deal." Yuri pulled her chair up to the board, smiling broadly.

"Deal?" He finally seemed to register the pad, "Helping you with your work, so that I can see? Show me then."

"After you do this for me." She said sweetly.

Gray walked over, his area finally passable by her standards, "Show me first, or no deal." He held out his hand.

The girl was silent for a long time, seeming to be milling something over in her mind, reassuring herself before giving in. She sighed, opening the desk and pulling out an old sketchbook. It looked almost full, "Okay..." She passed it to him. "Gray..." Yuri closed her eyes, "Just, don't hold what's in there against me."

The man opened it, taking stock of the first page and beginning to slowly pass through. "A lone wolf... A pack of wolves hunting... A lycan with a bow..." Each image was titled, from "First kill" to "Weapon" until he finally reached the end. A pack of Lycans, gathered around a single cub, wolves seeming almost as if they were smiling. Gray read the caption aloud, "My family...?"

Yuri retrieved the pad, staring into the image. "I never knew my family... This is always what I imagined that they would look like though." She flipped it shut, "The guardians found me on a battlefield when I was a child; they took me in. I've never even met one of my own kind." She dropped it back into the desk.

"But you look-" Gray started.

Yuri reached into the waistband of her jeans, pulling slightly to display a symbol on her hip, "The commander used a seal. It let me pass as a human... Even become a guardian."

"Why are you telling me?" Gray sat on the edge of his bed, "Wolves are looked down on as an inferior race by most guardians. It's rare that any are even capable of using a Gua â€" the majority see you as savages."

"And you?" She was direct.

"I've never met a wolf, so I can't judge..." He tried to catch her eyes, "Well, I do know one now." He chuckled, "And by the look of her, I can see they're a pretty damn awesome race." Gray chuckled as he managed to coax a smile. "You didn't say: Why are you telling me?"

Yuri shrugged, "You've never smelt completely like a human... And you've always been good to me." She sighed, "Something just felt right about this time. I can't really explain it." The girl looked to the side, muttering, "You have an attractive scent."

He leaned back, "You're right about me." The man glanced away, "Erin told me today that I'm half dragon... That I'm a hybrid." He set his jaw, "I've always been ridiculed for being different. Now I know why I am."

"Well... We've been designated as partners now." She chuckled ironically, "We can both me outcasts together."

Gray smiled. Somehow cheered up knowing that he wasn't completely alone in his turmoil, he looked to the equipment, "So, how am I going to help you?"

Yuri blinked, picking up the book and displaying the center pages of ‘Dragon species of the world.' She grinned, "You're going to put that change technique of yours to use, and I'm going to draw you."


"I can't help it. Big and grey just feels more natural." She had flipped through several pages of her sketchpad, forcing her hybrid friend to pass through over a dozen species. They had commenced at almost midday, and soon enough, it would be sunset.

"Hmmm..." She sighed, "Go back to your usual dragon form for a moment." Yuri glanced at the designation as he complied, "Kyanar bloodline... Right." She stood up, moving closer, "Thinner."

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Just do it." She circled him, "Right... Longer tail, bigger wings... Shorter build." The girl poked his side, "And more anthro-y." She commanded.

Almost an hour later, Gray jumped from the bed, landing deftly on his smaller more balanced body. He grinned into the mirror. Now rearing at eight foot, this form lacked the size and bulk of his usual shape. His chest was toned and muscled, his arms longer with dexterous hands and fingers, legs thick and powerful. The hybrids coloring remained, silver-grey, his eyes still unchangingly crimson, yet with Yuri's help, he had become a masterpiece. "Not bad..."

"How does it feel?"

"Strangely natural." He span a three-sixty, "More hybrid-y. I might use this every once in a while." He grinned, flopping back onto the bed, noting the damage that his prior weight had caused the mattress.

"Excellent." Yuri stretched, returning to her board and flipping yet another page. "One more picture." She lifted her pencil, glancing up every few moments to regard his form. The girl took her time, chuckling to herself as the large creature gave a yawn, "Finished."

"Let me see." She tossed him her work, watching the dragon flip the first page.

Grays breath caught in his throat. Every form that he had taken, every species through which he had flickered were drawn gloriously. And all of them were mating with another of their kind. He blushed, flipping through an array of positions before arriving at his usual dragon form. And beneath it was Valkyrie. He didn't look up, "I could smell her on you this whole time." Gray swallowed; hand quivering slightly as he reached the second to last page, the new form that she had him take. A wolf was...

He dropped the pad as a furry weight impacted his chest, looking down into the eyes of a dark brown wolf. Her words were so similar to Valkyrie's, "We're so different, you and I... But if I had to choose anyone... Anyone at all... You're the only one." The dragon could just perceive crimson beneath the fur, Yuri's usual white scarf still about her neck. And that was all. "It's natural for people to seek a mate... Wyverns at only eight years... But we guardians, we're eighteen." Her lips connected to his, an unexpected kiss becoming deep and passionate. "By our partner's standards: We have a decade of making up to do."

Gray pushed her back slightly, feeling her claws dig into his scales in order for the wolf to retain balance, "We shouldn't be doing this." He looked her in the eyes, "Val will kill me." The memory of being on fire had failed to wear in time.

"She's your wyvern, not your mate." She noted a shadow pass over his face, "I asked San to speak to Valkyrie about my intentions... Your partner has enabled me." She licked his cheek, "No worries, Gray." Yuri had spoken to the wyvern only the day before, never imagining that such an opportunity would present itself so soon. She grinned, mischievously. "I'm in heat... I need this."

The dragon let out a long slow exhalation in defeat, relaxing and lying back as she drew close enough to kiss once more. His claws traced against the fur of her back, drawing random patterns as he simply enjoyed the sensation of the sleek against his scales. He could feel her with his entire body, noting that the wolf was only two feet shorter than he was, her head rising slightly as an ample pair of fur covered breasts came into his view. His will flickered, Gray instantly seizing one, kneading gently as his thumb traced the nub. Her body shivered; his draconic senses delighting in the reaction as her breathing became shallow. "Sensitive, Yuri?" He wrapped his arms about her middle, sliding down the wolf and closing his mouth about one. The dragon suckled gently, tongue dragging through the fur as he divided his attention between the twin orbs.

He worked slowly, feeling her body temperature rise over time, hearing a rasping pant of want from above, the scent of what he was causing between her legs drifting up. "Gray..." She moved lower, disengaging him as something hard pressed against her rump, "I've never done this before..." She glanced away for an instant, "I've never even used toys." She bowed her head slightly, her prior forwardness fading away as her nervous state was revealed, "Please be gentle."

Gray smiled, gaining leverage on the mattress with his claws before twisting to reverse their positions, lying her down on her back as he nipped her ear lightly, "Don't worry." He moved down her body, tongue trailing a course as he shifted to the beds foot. Yuri spread her legs expectantly as his long draconic tongue brushed damp fur. "I'll get you ready." The dragon wasted no time, placing his hands against her thighs, drawing closer as his tongue trailed the line of pink hidden within the lighter fur of her front. Yuri moaned loudly as the thick probe flicked within her, the small slits of his nose drawing cold air over her clit with each inhalation. She was already so wet, rivaling Valkyrie simply from being so turned on by events.

The wolf reveled in his scent, the rustic musk of a male, breathing fast and shallow as a tongue skilled from long nights with his wyvern delved deep into her virgin slit. She placed her hands about the back of his head, pulling him closer, forcing his mouth to part around her sopping cunt as the larger creature continued to eat her out. The sensation was dull at first, yet it approached rapidly, welling over her whole body as her climax drew closer. She cried out, inhibitions lost as she thrashed about in his grasp, fluids dousing the scaled face, the wolf falling back and shivering, cumming harder than she had ever managed alone. "Gray... Oh god, Gray..." The wolf moaned his name as he fingered her throughout the orgasm.

The dragon withdrew for a few moments, letting her recover before drawing in, holding her legs as he pressed his tip against the slick opening. "Are you ready?" Yuri looked down, regarding the ribbed purple phallus softly nudging her clit with a combination of fear and lust.

She gulped, and nodded slowly, letting out a guttural moan as he positioned it lower, the first inch gliding into the wetness. The dragon moved with an agonizing slowness, the fur of her thighs damp and matted from the stimulation of the ribs alone. Gray finally hit an inevitable limit, only half of his member parting Yuri, he looked into her eyes, "This is going to hurt." The wolf grabbed a pillow in response, biting down hard.

Gray pushed forward in a single brutal thrust, moaning audibly as he buried himself to the hilt in a cunt even tighter than Valkyrie's. Her scream was muffled by the pillow, teeth grinding into it as tears ran down her face. The pain was indescribable, coupled with a warm unpleasant feel of blood running from her slit, Yuri's body convulsed as the sensation overtook her. They remained still for some time, Gray muttering sweet words of praise into her ear as she hugged him, spitting out feathers to instead bite his shoulder.

The pain began to fade, the wolf releasing the grasp of her jaws as the overwhelming feeling of being full took its place. "Gray..." She ground her hips against his crotch experimentally, whispering in the dragons ear, "Fuck me."

He smiled, licking the tears from her cheeks before pulling out; leaving only the head within, setting a smooth motion as he slowly penetrated the wolf once again. Yuri moaned, an intense pleasure coming from her loins, the ribs of the draconic member stimulating all of the right places with every thrust. His motions were slow, yet as she began to buck her hips in unison to his own, he sped up, a mild pain arising as she was stretched to her limits. She grit her teeth, another fierce orgasm relieving her of rational thought as her claws cut bloody furrows into his back, "Harder..." His hands pinned her thighs for balance, the dragon hilting with every thrust, "Faster..." The dragon could feel each of her orgasms wash over the wolf; lost in the throes of passion as the stamina of a dragon kept his own climax at bay.

Gray moaned, his cries matching hers as he finally found himself drawing closer to the edge. "Cum in me... Please..." Her voice was weak, body jerking to his brutal pounding, "Fill me up." Instinct kicked in, the dragon pulling her close, jack hammering her cunt as his body ground against fur slick with their combined fluids.

"Yuri!" He called her name, hilting as thick creamy jets of dragon cum sprayed her insides. The pair holding each other in mutual orgasm as Gray continued to seed her. Time passed, the dragon moving to pull out, her legs pinning him to prevent the motion as she drew close to kiss him once more.

The wolf finally rolled away as he became soft, examining her stretched cunt as blood and cum leaked from it. "I am soooo sore..." She whined.

Gray just smiled, getting to his feet and pushing the two beds together. He pointed at an annexed doorway, "Shower, Yuri?" He scooped her up in his arms as she chuckled.


The group parted silently as they reached the central nexus of the mountain paths. Valkyrie peeling off as Gray spared Erin a nod and Yuri a grin. He turned back; watching the dozen other members of the team set their courses down various routes before settling upon his wyverns back. They flew in silence, the mountains pressing in on either side as the light of the moon lit their trail. "Val...?" She hadn't spoken to him much for the majority of the day, snapping at him several times as they traveled. "What's wrong?"

The wyvern remained fixated upon the path ahead, "Did you enjoy her?" Gray stiffened, "Was she better than me?" Her head lowered, the wyvern beating her wings furiously as their speed increased with a prevailing wind.

"That's what this is about?" He failed at being tactile, "Are you... Jealous?"

"We're Guardian and Wyvern... That's just how things are." She never turned around, "I let that happen because I thought..." She sighed, "Forget it, Gray... Just forget it."

"Val... Oh shit!" The man looked up, "Li!" Fire blasted over the wyverns shoulder, impacting the nearest of a group of remnants. The pair had barely noticed them, each so lost in their thoughts that they almost flew directly into them. Gray pulled back his arm once again, yet had no opportunity to fire as Valkyrie lurched fiercely, tearing into the grey angels with tooth and claw, relieving her frustration by rapidly reducing them to bloody ribbons. He chose not to speak as she returned to her course.

The moon was almost at its peak, the time having passed in silence broken only by a few encounters with small groups of Remnants. Gray concentrated on his mission, looking from side to side as he searched the rocks for any sign of a wyvern's presence. Valkyrie finally seemed to deflate, "Gray... There are some things that I have to say." Her head moved to the side, the wyvern part way through turning before she froze, gaze fixated on a shadow over a small ledge, "Rose!"

She altered her course, flipping in the air as they made for the wyvern, Gray jumping from her back before they even landed, rushing over to the blood soaked creature. Something moved to her side, Karin pulling herself to her feet and staggering over. "Karin!" She collapsed into his arms, blood covering her entire body, Gray's arms closing about her smaller form, "Thank god you're alive... What happened out there?"

"Gray... Is that you?" Her eyes were slightly glazed, his friend not seeming to recognize him for a few moments before she finally met his eyes. He smiled in reassurance, happiness replaced by pain and confusion as her arm made a sudden movement, slamming into his chest. He staggered back, a knife protruding from him as Rose moved in a single unpredictable bound, tackling Valkyrie off the ledge. "Oh, none of this is mine." She licked blood from her arm, grinning in triumph. "You're far too easy..."

"Why?" The man gasped, coughing blood as crimson began to spread across his shirt. "We were friends..." He fell to his knees, his wyvern rising up behind him, making a frantic lunge for him before Rose slammed into her back, claws tearing into flesh. The wyvern cried out in pain, still desperately trying to reach her partner.

"Why?" Karin laughed, watching the azure wyvern struggle as her own pinned it, mercilessly beating the smaller creature, "Because my orders dictate." She said simply.

Gray fell to the ground, "Stop..." His wyvern screamed, the man barely able to interpret her words as she pleaded with Karin's partner. "Val..." He reached out, a cold sensation beginning to spread through him as more blood leaked from his wound. The man gave a final shudder and lost consciousness.

Karin nodded to Rose, the wyvern striking Valkyrie one final time before stepping back, the girl mounting her and turning away, "You're going to die here..." They dropped from the ledge, "I've done my job... The rest of my team are waiting." It began to rain.


"Val!" Gray fell to his knees, more of the wyverns blood covering him as he pressed on the deep stab wound of her chest, "Jia Ren!" The damage transfer technique failed to work, his wyvern blocking it with her own sheer force of will. "No! Let me do this!" He had awoken the moment that she had taken his injuries onto herself, the wyvern lying in a bloody puddle as her battered body heaved with her labored breathing. It was clear that she was dying.

Valkyrie smiled up at him, "Sorry... If you take these wounds... You'll die instead... I can't let you." She coughed blood, the sensation of pain in her body dulling slightly as ice cold water rained down upon them. "Gray... You have to break our pact... Let me die... Don't have... Much time."

"No..." He placed his hands over the stab wound, "I won't do it! We're together, no matter what!" His body shuddered as he began to break down, "I can't lose you."

"I wasn't asking... I was telling..." Her tail slapped the side of his head weakly, "You're mine, remember?" It fell to the ground, "My dragon... Didn't feel like..." Blood dribbled down her chin, "Wyvern and Guardian... Wanted you to be..." She fell back, "My mate."

"Val..." He remained before her in the rain and the black of the night.

She smiled, "This is the second time... Been like this... But now it really is the end." She coughed, body convulsing, "Do it now!"

Gray blinked, all of their life together flashing by in the brief moment of darkness: Memories of the pair growing up together, proving that even though she was a runt, she could still keep up. He remembered his Christmas in the burns ward, and their elaborate ways of toying with each other. He remembered her defending him against those calling him ‘demon', their pride when their skills were finally acknowledged. And he remembered the time when he was bloody and battered from protecting her from remnants... And she had healed him amazingly in a single night. His eyes widened, mind straining as he tried to envision the words that she had used as he collapsed. His jaw set, and he got to his feet, placing one hand over the back of the other as their combined blood covered his palm.

Valkyrie glanced to the side, eyes widening as she guessed what he was about to do, flames surrounding her partner, smoldering and spitting in the rain, "Gray! No!" She gasped.

"Tong Ren!"

And nothing was ever the same again.

~ Arc ~

I really struggled to articulate what I wanted done for the last half of this. Ah well, I set myself a target posting date and even though I feel like this, I was gonna make it. Thanks for reading. Please rate and review! *Collapses*