Queen Muz-Ra #13 (innuendo graphics)
#18 of Queen Muz-Ra
Muz-Ra and Balgruuf in flagrante delicto
(innuendo version)
I have a second version I'll post in a day or so with explicit screenshots. For the most part, I kinda prefer these. Imagination > Depiction IMHO.
I don't normally do flat-out sex. But here, I felt it was appropriate. So, go for it you two!
| Author's note: Ok... this is probably beyond lewd and more like porn. This post has the 'innuendo' images, but I'll be posting a duplicate with the 'no innuendo' images in a day or so. But, yeah... it's porn. The images here though aren't too explicit (as opposed to the other) If you find it offensive, here's a nice summary:
"Balgruuf and Muz-Ra engage in sexual activity for an extended period of time then Muz-Ra leaves." That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled porn:
Balgruuf found himself stripped in short order once they'd closed the bedroom door. "Red... huh... I can appreciate your... Oh! Enthusiasm, but..."
Muz-Ra looked up at the Jarl, temporarily unable to speak though.
"It's just. It's been a long time, Red. I'm liable to... finish early!"
Red smiled and resumed her attention with a shrug. | |
| The Jarl was as good as his word, and Muz-Ra tried her best to keep things tidy.
"Damn," she said. "Almost got it all, but this dress has got to go before we make too much of a mess of it!"
Meanwhile the Jarl had fallen back on the bed, happily basking in the glow.
"Sorry Jarly, no sleep for you tonight!"
Balgruuf looked up, smiling. "You know, I'm a bit over my 10-times-a-night phase Red!"
Muz-Ra straddled herself over him, quieting his protests as he had other things to do with his tongue. | |
| "No problem, Jarlmeister. I'll make up for you!"
Some minutes later, the Argonian's tail and back and neck arced in an almost perfect geometric parabola with the force of her release before shuddering back to earth again.
"Impressive!" Balgruuf smiled wetly as she collapsed beside him but 180 degrees out of phase and panted her exhaustion onto his manhood which began to rise again. | |
| When she'd recovered the power of speech, she panted, "Looks... like you're good... for another!"
The Jarl, who till then had been fascinated by the sight in front of him, looked down. "It appears so! Well, I guess I'm not so over-the-hill after all!"
"Let me... get these sandals... off first..."
The Argonian was not unaware of the sight she was displaying as she bent over and unlaced the straps of her sandals, and so it was no surprise when she felt something warm press against her. | |
| "Go for it Jarly! Let's see what strength is left in the old boy!"
"Don't mind if I do!" Balgruuf laughed and entered her.
Muz-Ra's eyes closed as she floated on the tide of physical sensation that rushed up from her pelvis, when she felt his hands enclose her breasts as well. Lacking support to brace against his movements, she lowered herself to the bed as he moved to follow.
The night seemed to last for a lifetime... | |
| Dawn was just visible as Muz-Ra reached her thirteenth climax to coincide with Balgruuf's fifth as they staggered back onto the bed. The room was a mess, and neither cared.
Balgruuf, chest heaving, looked at Muz-Ra sleepily.
"Go ahead, my Lord. You've earned your rest. But before we go to sleep, can you do one thing for me?"
"Anything my scaly mate!"
"Can you go to sleep inside me?"
"That," Balgruuf smiled, "would give me the deepest pleasure!"
"Mine too!" | |
| Muz-Ra turned her back to the Jarl with her rump thrust back as she felt him enter her one last time. His arms enfolded her as she heard his breathing recede to normal, then even out into the measured rhythm of sleep. Within, she felt the now-soft heartbeat of his maleness within her, and she fell to sleep herself still joined to him. |
| It was this beating that woke her later, sometime in mid-morning, as the Jarl had swam back to consciousness and realized he was still within her. Nature took it's course and he reached his sixth, while she managed, with a little manual help, to make her own tally 15. In exhaustion, he collapsed on top of her and they both fell back to sleep as the day turned to early afternoon. |
| When next they woke, more urgent needs forced them apart and to rise.
"Balgruuf, that was... unbelievable."
The Jarl nodded agreement. "You are an inspiration, Red. I didn't know I was still capable of that!"
"Very capable! But I'd best be leaving. I only brought one dress, and I'm afraid it could use a wash."
"Before you go, might we share a bath at least? And, perhaps, breakfast?"
"The bath sounds wonderful, but I'm going to have to pass on the breakfast. I need to get back to the castle."
"Fair enough. I'll wash you, you wash me?"
"Of course!" | |
| After the bath they both got dressed quietly.
"When can we meet again?" the Jarl eventually asked.
"You're the Jarl, I'm but your lowly servant. Call and I'll be here!"
"What are you doing day-after-tomorrow?"
"Absolutely whatever you would like me to do!" Muz-Ra smiled, giving him a big hug before heading out of the chamber. | |