Covet, Part 2 - Lust

Story by Spear on SoFurry

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#2 of Covet

Alax comes up with a plan, but something goes wrong...

"I'm going to get some water downstairs," Kyb whispered to Mea as he pet her ears.

With a tired nod, she waved him off.

When the nude border collie stepped out of the doorway, something was immediately off. A wet substance seemed to not be clinging to his foot, and he could smell a familiar scent, and the faint scent of a familiar wolf seemed to linger. Of course, Alax lived here, but the scent shouldn't seem fresh like it did.

He lifted his food, and saw a modest wet splash. Once he looked behind him to make sure Mea wasn't watching, and after he peered over the stairs to make sure the first floor was empty, he bent down and sniffed it. Instantly, he knew what it was. He didn't even need to taste it to find out, but he did anyways. A maniacal grin spread over his muzzle.

By the time he returned to the bedroom, Mea was fast asleep, and saw it as a good time to get dressed and leave.

When Alax returned home a few hours later, during the normal time he'd usually come home, he checked everything. No footprints were in the front yard, and the snowfall had covered up any signs there might have been of someone being there. Everything was cleaned properly in the house, no empty dishes or crumbs of any kind were left out. In fact, true to her prior word, Mea had set a plate of food on the table of his favorite meal. Only one thing seemed slightly off: the red wine bottle in the cabinet. As Alax approached it for inspection, his wife silently walked up from behind.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized. Her face flushed with embarrassment. "I had a little of the wine when you left, guess you notice.."

It looked like a tiny bit more than a 'little,' but the wolf merely nodded in response. "It's no big deal, dear. I think I'll have a little myself with the food."

As he placed a wine glass onto the counter and began pouring the wine in, he calmly asked, "So, how was your day?"

She watched him pour more into the glass than usual, but she said nothing of it. "Uneventful, really." Nothing in her voice even hinted of a lie. Knowing that he couldn't tell that hurt him. There was no way to know how long it had been going on, or if anyone else had been with her.

Well, not yet, anyways.

"Sounds nice," he said, voice clearly tainted with mental distraction. Once he sat down, he began to dig into the plate of rice, corn, and fish. He always had simple tastes.

"You always eat like that," she laughed. Mea sat down, and leaned on the table, muzzle resting in a palm. "How was work?"

A hunk of fish washed down with a mouthful of wine. Although the food blunted some of the impact, his small frame let him feel the effects more quickly. "Of course I do, I'm a wolf. And, nothing really of note, it was a normal day. But I like it when nothing dramatic happens."

"I know you do." Mea gave an understanding nod, stood up, and pat him on his head. "I'm going to relax on the couch and read a book."

Once she left, Alax had already nearly finished his meal. After cramming the last few spoonfuls in and washing it down with the red drink, he sat back and sighed in content. All things considered, it was still pretty good food. He stood up, and placed the dishes into the sink. After rinsing, he walked to the living room, leaning down to his sitting spouse.

"I'm going to lay down, sweetie." Then, he kissed her.

Even if his mouth had a layer of alcohol in it to dilute his senses, his sharp senses still caught it. He tasted it. A thick tongue lapped at Mea's lips, surprising her with the wolf's sudden intimacy. She opened her muzzle, and Alax dived in, tasting the faint leftover flavor of sex clinging inside. It was better than the wine.

"Honey..." Mea whispered, breaking the kiss. "I'm sorry. Not quite in the mood."

He only gave the warmest smile in response, and turned to go up the stairs. Once at the doorway, he turned his head to make sure of his privacy, and closed the door.

Wasting no time, Alax reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen, twisted the end off to pull out a USB wire, and plugged it into his cell phone. A load screen came on, and a moment later, he was looking at himself on his camera screen. The pen and program had several nifty features, pretty nifty for its price - including recording to his phone, and a low-quality microphone to pick up audio.

Alax set the pen down onto the nightstand next to the bed, between the phone and lamp, and pointed the camera at the bed. While watching the screen, he rotated the camera to get the most ideal view, and rested the pen on its clip.

Later that evening, when Mea came to bed, the wolf kissed her ear and held her tightly from behind as he spooned her. "I love you."

In her tired voice, she moaned softly, rubbing herself against him. "Love you, too, wolfboy."

For the next few days, Alax checked the camera about every hour whenever he wasn't in the house, but there was nothing he ever saw. It wasn't impossible the sex might happen elsewhere, but the audio never picked up anything, either. Part of him was worried, and the other part was a very, very confused sense of anticipation that he couldn't explain. Did he want this to happen, or was this to just catch them? He could have walked in before, though the dog was rather intimidating, to say the least, and he wouldn't want to confront someone with Kyb's physique.

Yes, that's it. He was being safe, and this was the way to go.

A voice. Thankfully, the phone's volume was set to low anyways, so no one else heard the initial noises from his phone. To be safe, he set it to silent, and watched to be sure.

Sure enough, he saw the two he had waited for so long come into view. He felt his heart skip a beat, his skin tingle, and his mind race into a blur of emotions and questions. Quickly, he shoved the phone back into his pocket, and stood up. Alax leaned over to a husky in the cubicle next to him.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." Though he tried to sound as calm as possible, his voice still shook.

The husky didn't seem to take that seriously, thinking it was just a case of really needing to go. He shrugged and said nothing, getting back to work.

Alax practically ran to the bathroom. Thankfully, it was empty. He went into a stall, and locked the door.

A scream filled the room, shaking the photos of Mea and Alex hanging on the bedroom walls. The two "lovebirds" hadn't wasted much time ripping one another's clothes off and throwing themselves onto the bed. It turned out Mea loved being rimmed. Kyb muzzle was wide open, saliva dribbling down over her while his tongue dove in as far as it could, several inches. He shoved it deep and flicked it wildly, fucking her with only the wet sponge. Liquid lust dripped down her thighs, and she pushed her hips back into his face, smothering him with her ass for a moment.

The collie pulled his face back, chuckling. "God damn, woman."

"I'm so sorry," she apologized insincerely, and pushed herself back into his face to get another deep lick. "Stop wasting time, it's not like we have a lot of it!"

After another minute of licking her inside, Kyb's muzzle was aching, and he pulled back once more, this time pushing the bitch to lay down. "Wasting time? You couldn't pull my pants down fast enough. Doesn't your husband ever fuck you?"

As he watched through the camera, Alax masturbated furiously. If he wanted, he could speed up and cum now, but he edged himself, clenching his fangs tightly as he forced himself to hold back. Each time the tongue had thrust into his wife's ass, he mimicked the same movement into his paw, not even able to hold back a soft moan. The dog's last comment made the wolf whimper, and he folded his ears back while squeezing his cock tightly.

"I saved up for you," she admitted, her voice breaking for once with a hint of embarrassment. Kyb laughed. "There's a condom on the nightstand."

With a sigh, the dog grabbed it and ripped the plastic open. "Oh, alright," he said, and slipped the rubber over his cock. "I'll fuck your cunt this time."

"Language, sir!" She rubbed herself with anticipation, moaning at the thought of finally getting what she really wanted. But Kyb had a different plan. An evil, toothy smile covered his muzzle, and he placed a claw against the tip of the condom.

"That's what it is it. Now, ready?" The eagerness in his voice was easily apparent, and Mea replied with an equally needy feral bark.

The claw tore the condom, and Kyb plunged himself in. Even the dog couldn't hold back his hot gasp. Even if only at his tip, he could feel the moistness of the hot and wet confines. He was pounding her so hard that a picture fell from the wall, and every thrust made the cheating wife groan. She had already came all over the doggy dick, only encouraging him to go further.

A slight bulb began to form, and Mea felt it. She begged for it, she demanded that knot. Kyb smirked, and couldn't help himself. "You want me to tie you... Do you want my pup?"

On his phone, Alax was already tugging his knot, cumming into the toilet. He couldn't believe how big his load was, uselessly mixing in with someone else's unflushed piss, while his wife was being bred by another dog.

"Mm, yes! Tie me and give me a beautiful mixed puppy!" To her, it was dirty talk. But inside, the dog was felt like he won, that he owned her. She had no idea.

Both howled in unison, and the thick knot plunged one more time, filling her. Each flex of his cock shot a string of cum deep into Mea's womb, and Kyb kept thrusting in his locked state, wanting her to have every damn drop. He'd be damned if this woman didn't get knocked up.

But Alax, calmed down finally and sitting on the toilet, stared at his phone for a few minutes, watching them cuddle. The show was basically over, and he had to get back to work, but he'd leave the recording on for now so he could watch it later. With the post-orgasm daze fading, however, his emotions turned briefly to to anger. But then he began to laugh. "I have the upper-hand here. I'm the one using you two, not the other way around." He pocketed the phone, and left the restroom.

Once Kyb's knot deflated enough to pull out, he quickly pulled the condom off at the same time so that Mea wouldn't notice it was torn. Then, he dove his face into her crotch, lapping at her to catch any dripping cum, lest she might notice it. She moaned, unaware, only thinking the dog wanted to taste her a bit more before their session ended.

Sunday arrived.

On the surface, it all seemed the same, other than the snowfall had ceased, though it remained on the ground for now. Inside the church, it was empty save for Kyb yawning behind the podium. The dog looked up and saw Alax alone, smiling at him in a polite manner. Beyond waving to him, Alax said nothing at first.

"Alone this time?" the dog asked curiously. He had a pretty good idea why.

"Yeah, Mea's not feeling too well, and decided to stay home," he nodded. "It happens sometimes, but it's a shame it had to be today."

A deep sense of pride came over the dog. Though his smile on the outside was warm and forgiving, it was truly a smile of domination. "Oh, not to worry. As you said, it happens sometimes. Tell her I wish her well."

During the performance, something was slightly different. It took awhile for Alax to figure it out, but then for a moment, the dog seemed to simply stare at him. The wolf could guess why, but it was just such a primal stare, more than just a smug look.

After everything was over and most had left, before Alax could part his, he decided to stop. Why did he even keep coming here, knowing the minister-

"Alax?" Kyb called from behind, and placed a hand on the wolf's shoulder. "You okay? I noticed you looked off today."

'So did you!' he thought. Due to the hold-up, everyone but them had left. Being alone with this powerful dog made him feel uneasy. He could feel the fellow male's strength weighing down on him, and his spine shivered in response. After a sigh, he turned to him, relying on his anger to give his voice strength. "Y-yeah. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh, about what?" the border collie asked, tilting his head. Now, he didn't bother hiding it. His fanged, crooked smile that he had kept inside. "Perhaps about me fucking your wife?"

Alax froze. How did the dog know?!

Slowly, the beast leaned in, and whispered into the tiny animal's ear. "I know you know. I smelled your cum in front of the bedroom before." After a single lick over the wolf's face, Kyb leaned back equally as slowly, the same cruel look on his face. The whole time, he kept his hand on the wolf's shoulder, and he could sense that the dog wasn't about to let go.

Covet, Part 3 - Wrath

All Alax could do for the moment was stand there, shivering in fear. Being this close really emphasized the fact that the border collie had a good foot over the wolf. It was hard to not outright piss his pants as the dog squeezing his shoulder so...

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Snow drifted from the gray morning sky, and even breathing the air made the wolf's throat feel as if he had just swallowed a glass of cold water. Fog came out of his maw, and the bitter weather sucked the warmth from his bones. Yet, when the pair of...

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A red light switched to green, and the tabby cat wearing an old pair of khakis and grey shirt opened the glass door and walked through. Depressingly weak lights made the peach hallway appear much closer to brown, which the feline always associated with...

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