Chapter 5:Sunshine village
As Howl was giving me a dirty look when I finished packing all of our packs, the three of us went down the stairs and through the tarp like door. We go around the tent and find where the broken trail is, and we travel down the path. I reach into my...
Chapter 4: The Appearence
It was night time, and me and Howl where roasting meat flavored bones. Well, I was. Howl was roasting a hotdog. You might be wondering "Where did they get meat in a vegetarian like island?" Well, we have a special shipment that we get in once in a...
09 - Tumble Weeds
The heat of the volcanic craters lessened as they plodded wearily through the night, and the darkness was too thick for any of the dragons to find them. No ponies spoke as they cantered uneasily through the dusty oblivion of the Badlands. The stone...
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 5
> The conversation with Celestia finished soon after. Dusk and I obviously agreed, so we ended up getting ferried off to where we would sleep that night, since apparently our contact with the outside world will be severely limited for the duration of...
Chapter 3: The Trip And Set Up
With Zecora knowing the everfree forest more than me actually, we followed her to the place we took up camp.But as the three of us where walking I developed a bit of a spine chilling paranoia. But I tried the best I could to keep Howl and Zecora from...
Breaking the Barrier: Further Experimentation
"No, absolutely not. That's a terrible idea and you know it!" Twilight shouts her disagreement at me. "Come on Twilight, This could be exactly what I need!" I plead. "I said _no_!" She shoos me from the library in an instant. I sigh and turn to...
Breaking the Barrier: Chapter the first
I give a hearty yawn as I float atop the surface of my favorite lake. It's been a long day of cloud busting, and the water soothes my aching body. I spend a little time splashing around, letting the buoyancy of the water keep me afloat. After I...
It was an ordinary morning, there where clouds in the sky and a warm gentle breathe. The perfect day to go camping. Tricky and howl where packing up in their house. It was a simple 2 story house that they built a while back, but it was not the first...
Ups and Downs (Rarity version)
I wrote this version first before moving on to the version that focuses on Fluttershy. The differences are minimal, but will be mostly different in the following chapter I awoke to the sound of a cat purring. When I opened my eyes, I found...
Home to Stay
I awoke to the feel of Fluttershy's silky smooth mane in my face. I was up earlier than usual, which was certainly odd for me since I tend to be a late riser. I was considering going back to sleep, but soon noticed Fluttershy beginning to move in...
Princess Luna - Chapter 3
Upon our arrival there, her body shaking from the effect of adrenaline, the Mare of the Cold and Silent Night tucked me into her bed and then hopped in beside me, wrapping her forelegs, hind legs, and a wing about my body, pulling me into her warmth....
The real life video game Chapter 1
Good luck, my little pony." as it said this, the eye began to fade. "no, please tell me!" twilight shouted, trying to magic herself back into place, but the invisible force pulling her downward was far too strong.