Emerald Maiden Chapter 4: Apex Predator

You can expect scenes of giant alien-on-person sex, said giant alien harming people, and acts of depravity such as torturous murder.


Emerald Maiden Chapter 2: Beast

You can expect scenes of giant alien-on-person sex, said giant alien harming people, and acts of depravity such as torturous murder.


A New World

I am what you call an alien my name would mean nothing to you my friend. i call you friend for my kind has mostly out grown hate. if you need a name call me noah. ahhh you are confused i see no worries my friend i shall explain.


Something I will never finish!!

The bird-human said something, or at least andrew thought that he was speaking, as it opened its' mouth and some sort of alien noises came out. "i don't understand you. do. you. speak?" he asked louder, as if volume would help his situation.


Be Kind To Those Less Fortunate 3

Disclaimer: The Warcraft universe is a creation of Blizzard Entertainment, not me. I intend not to, nor am I making, any money from this work. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Summary: A...


A Corrupted Odyssey - Prologue

The alien species were deleted, erased, built, corrupted, scattered, and mutated constantly and without resistance.


My Teacher's An Alien Porn Star Chapter 3

They both walked wobbly into another room were their human cloths & bodysuits were hanging on a set of alien triangle hangers.

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Xenos part 3 FIN

The shepherd rolled his eyes and moaned with a full mouth as the alien placed a hand on his head filling his mouth with the same warm alien cream. it filled his throat as he drank it down.

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Zack slumped unconcious in the restraints as a green and grey furred alien wolf glanced at him just from behind a one-way panel in the wall. "subject 69 has delivered 2.297 gallons of useable genetic material. shall i schedule for termination?"

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Pleasureful Freedom.

Pleasureful Freedom This Story is For Adult Audiences It Contains - Sexual Content Nudity Some Violence Blood and a Dismemberment. -- At the moment, Yerneley was on a break from both of the places he worked for which was a great coincidence for...

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2020 A.D. Part 2 [unfinished]

Akira received many missions to ensure that he was really the best. He should kill all Lupain he could find and take as many weapons as possible. To ensure that the Lupain were really dead, he beheaded them. (The human soldiers could hardly compete...

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Shaankah On The River

"You saw a Void Walker? Up close?" Shaankah looked down at the hatchling trailing along at his tail. Ayango couldn't be more then seven rotations and still had soft down along their back. Still young enough that they couldn't fully control the pigment...

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